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点评越狱: T-Bag(Robert Knepper) 爱是支持他唯一的动力..(超多图多文)

姓名:Theodore Bagwell
所在位置: 普通犯人A区,16号牢房

注释:Theodore Bagwell(他称自己“T-Bag”)是Fox River 监狱中最危险的肉食动物之一。所以他的生活受到高度的限制。他有暴力和虐待动物的倾向,10岁的时候在想要放火烧掉自己四年级老师房子的时候被捕,被送到少年看守所。就是在那Bagwell第一次接触到了“纯净联盟”,一个白人至上的组织。


Bagwell刚来到Fox River的时候,“联盟”几乎已经不复存在了。但两年后,神奇的“T-Bag”又使它变成了监狱里最为强大的组织之一。
附加注释:此犯人和纯净联盟组织有联系。此外,有记录他和Jason Buchanan (也叫 Maytag) ,Seth Hoffner (也叫 Cherry).也有联系。自从他被调到Fox River来以后就没有访客。C等犯人可以参加监狱生产劳动.

Maytag: T-Bag的Pocket Holder. 后在狱内帮派战斗中被杀.T-Bag误认为Michael Scofield将其杀害.

Bob:狱警. 在暴动中, 被T-Bag一伙劫持. 因和T-Bag偶然发现越狱秘密, 被T-Bag杀害.

Trocky: T-Bag帮派成员, 也是T-Bag杀Bob的替罪羊.

Seth: T-Bag在maytag死后, 新的性侵犯对象.后不忍凌辱而自杀.

Susan Holland: 有一子一女. T-Bag前女友. 发现其为在逃犯后, 将其举报入狱.


102-8'10 MS到T的领地偷螺丝, T认为他是害怕而希望加入帮派.
T-bag: I assume that’s why you’re over here. A few days on the inside any God fearing white man realizes the correctional system’s got a serious lean towards the African-American persuasion.

109-1’20 Seth在浴室找MS救助他, 被T发现了
T-bag:You’ll have to forgive my boy. He has the propensity to be a bit gregarious when he shouldn’t be. Fraternizing in the prison shower, come on.

106 暴动中- 损bellick
T-bag: Listen up bros, listen up. Bellick, I got one for ya. Whaddya call a piece of white trash who couldn’t pass the cops exam and now makes less than a mailman? A C.O.

109 10’20 远远旁观, 看到tweener左右为难, 和狱友背后损tweener
T-bag: Boy’s a bit confused about his pigmentation. But he sure does have spunk, doesn’t he?

111 挖洞无聊, 唱歌, 顺便损cnote
T-bag: (singing) Swing low, sweet chariot, comin' for to carry me hoooome... Swing low, you know this one dontcha, sweet chariot... Comin' for to carry me home. (talking) Come on, give me somethin'! I thought you was a musical people.

111 挖洞, 损完cnote, 又想起sucre也是带颜色的..
T-bag: Hey Sucre, I got a question about you and the rest of the Mexicans.
Sucre: I don't think I'll be able to help, seeing as I'm Puerto Rican.
T-bag: Geographical semantics, amigo. I'm speakin' about the general Latino population. How is it that a people so historically lazy ended up being such a big part of the nation's workforce?

112 PI组多出一人时, 大家背后计划搞掉tbag. 可是, 他早有准备!推门, 讽刺道:
T-bag: Pardon me for interruptin' (laughs), but, uh, what's that smell? (sniffs) It smells a little like conspiracy.
对不起, 我打扰大家了.. 可是.. 那是什么味道?.. 闻起来.. 象阴谋的味道.

112 PI多出一人, 损westmoreland, 威胁老头推出
T-bag: You know what I can't understand is why somebody like you wants to get out of here anyway. How you gonna survive, huh? The world's all different now, it's scary. They got computer phones, boobies made out of silicone, you wouldn't know what to do.

113 割喉John后, 还装不知道, 继续损人不倦
T-bag: Wonder what happened to that boy? Maybe them mafia chickens came home to roost after all.

117 6'10 PI组工作即将完成时, 损bellick
Bellick: (whistles) This place is sweet. I heard we're gettin' sattelite.
T-bag: Yeah, all the porn you can watch, boss.
“小地方不错,听说我们要装个卫星电视” “是啊,就可以看A片了”

120 要逃跑了.. 损小胖儿
T-bag: (humming) (to Manche) If you get stuck in one of them pipes boy...

120 害怕阿布, 又损阿布
T-bag: Age, before beauty.

121 电梯出问题, 损ms
T-bag: What now, genius?“现在怎么办?天才?”
(Michael pushes the button again and the elevator still won't close)
T-bag: Take your time, we got uh, (looks at watch) fifteen minutes to get over that wall. “不着急。我们还有15分钟翻过那个墙。”


102-8'10 初见michael
T-bag: No, no, no, please. Sit. So you’re the new one I’ve been hearing all the rave reviews about. Scofield. One thing’s for sure, you’re just as pretty as advertised. Prettier, even, heh heh.

103 John把ms托近小屋, Tbag打算要解决了他!
T-bag: You know I was thinkin’ I was gonna gut you, bow to stern soon as I laid eyes on you, but you look so pretty when you’re scared, don’t you?
Maybe we oughtta get the love out of the way before we move on to the hate, what do you say to that, Pretty? Yeah maybe it’s time I lit up that leather once and for all.

106 Seth出场
Trokey: We got you a little get well gift. (shows T-bag Seth)
T-bag: Awww, it’s just the right size. Thank you boys, I’ll catch up with you later.
哇哦... 大小正合适.. 谢谢你们大家.. 我一会儿再来找你们...
T-bag: What’s your name?
Seth: Seth.
T-bag: You new, Seth?
Seth: (nods)
T-bag: Scare ya? Look at me, boy. You probably heard stories about me. They’re not all true.
可能你听过我的一些事儿... 那不全是真的...
T-bag: (extends pocket) Whaddya say we go for a walk, huh?

106 暴动中 对bob女儿照片色迷迷..
T-bag: (holds up picture) Prom? You know what they say about a prom dress, don’t ya? She didn’t come that night, did she? No, she wore that aaaall night long. Next mornin’, she had to throw that dress in the trash can behind the motel so her momma didn’t see the…
舞会?你知道他们怎么说舞会礼服的, 是吧? 那天晚上, 她没回家吧, 回了么? 不.. 那天晚上, 她一直穿着它. 第二天早上, 她不得不把那衣服扔到汽车旅店后面的垃圾箱里, 这样她妈妈才不会发现..(被打断)

110 对tweener
T-bag: Not a good position you find yourself in, is it? Whites don’t want ya, blacks don’t want ya… You’re just caught in the middle, aren’t ya? A regular Tweener. We’re different, you and me, by the way. But you know what the funny thing is? We’re also a lot alike. Couple of dogs with runny noses that nobody loves. (rubs Tweener’s leg) How’s that knee, by the way?

117 对豪放妹
T-bag: (snaps Sister's underwear) Hey Sister, your bloomers are showin'.
Sister: They're not showin' baby, they're flyin'!
T-bag: (shoves her up against a wall) I take it you are a party girl.
hi, 美眉, 你的小裤裤露出来了   --不,亲爱的, 不是露出来, 是自己飞出来!


102-8'10 初见michael
T-bag: I don’t protect you, then rugheads gonna gobble you up like a plate of black eyed peas.“
" 我不罩着你的话,就等着黑老冒们吞掉你吧。就象大嚼特嚼一盘黑眼豆子一样。”

102-37:20 maytag被杀, T半夜唱歌吓唬MS
T-bag: You there, Pretty? I know you’re there. Just want you to know I’m comin’ for you. You got nowhere to run.You’re trapped in that little hole of yours. Trapped like a pig I’m gonna slaughter.

106 暴动 发现洞洞, 威胁John
T-bag: Go ahead, go ahead, stick me. Stick me. Let’s see how many times I can shout out about your little hole in there before I bleed out, huh? Because every con in here’s gonna know about your escape before one drip of my blood hits the floor. So you see friends, either I’m through that hole with you or I’m gonna sing like Johnny Cash.
“来吧,来吧。捅我啊,捅我啊。咱们到是看看你给我放血之前,我可以喊多少回,告诉大家你那有个洞。还没等我的血滴到地板上,所有这的犯人都会知道你们要逃跑。所以,你明白了吧,朋友??晃揖秃湍忝且黄鹱昴歉龆矗??晃揖拖驤ohny Cash一样唱。”

114 第一次越狱失败, 威胁MS
T-bag: You owe me a ticket outta here, Pretty. And I will collect.

116 威胁susan
T-bag: I guess that's where you're right. Cause when you sent me here to this place, these people, it brought that old dirty bastard right back home. Like there was a candle in the window, just waitin' for me to walk up them front steps. You know I'm gonna, I'm gonna get out of here someday. And when I do, don't think I won't remember what your front steps look like.
有一天我会出去的, 等我出去了, 不要以为我会不记得你们家大门什么样.


102-8'10 初见ms
T-bag: It’s gonna be nasty for a first-timer like you, but we’ll protect you. I’ll protect you. All you gotta do is (slaps Maytag’s hand away) take this pocket right here and your life’ll be all peaches and cream. I walk, you walk with me. Keep you real close so no one up in here can hurt you.

106 暴动中T-bag: Yeah, it’s comin’! It’s comin’! Get on the train! Get on the train!“机会来了!机会来了!大家一起来吧,一起来吧!”

106 暴动中 让Lincon交出狱警
T-bag: Oh I can make your last few weeks on earth quite, quite enjoyable. Give you some Demerol, some X. You know, make you forget about that big, bad chair.
Lincoln: No deal.
T-bag: You gotta learn the art of negotiating. Lesson one: the bargaining position.

108 威胁John, 如果john不让他参加PI, 他将会对狱警告密
T-bag: Aw, John… You can’t be serious. Not after our long illustrious history we share together. All those nights in New York City, in California, in St. Louis…They were good times, weren’t they John? Tell the badge here about ‘em. Because if you don’t want to, I certainly could.“噢,John,不是真格的吧。忘了我们在一起的那段漫长而辉煌的历史?在纽约的那么多个夜晚,在加州,在圣路易斯~那些时光多么美好啊,是吧John?给狱警们讲讲吧。因为如果你不想讲,我可以讲啊。”


103 想除掉ms 为maytag报仇
T-bag: I wanna do it slow. Inflict the maximum amount of pain so a guy wishes he would just die, you know, get it over with, but just can’t quite get there.

112 最经典的!
T-bag: You know John, actually about Jesus...
(Abruzzi turns around and T-bag slits his throat)
T-bag: Say hi to him for me, will ya?

113 第一次越狱没成, 掏出刀恐吓ms
Michael: We're not getting out of here.
T-bag: (pulls out a shank) Unfortunately Pretty, that ain't an option.


106 暴动中
T-bag: Why don’t you transfer us all some place cooler. Like Africa!
T-bag: Not that hot?When this guy woke up this morning, he was white!
"怎么不把我们送到凉快点的地方去, 比如非洲?"
"还不热?当这个哥们今天早上起来时, 他还是白的!"

112 挖洞中
T-bag: I don't know about you all, but uh, (helps C-Note up) this room's gettin' a little too dark for me to dig.

T-bag: (laughs) You know it vexes me that uh, that I'm made out to be the bad guy in the room. It's not like you all are incarcerated for stealin' girl scout cookies.
Abruzzi: None of us murdered any girl scouts in the process.

113 lincon被紧闭, 大家还要晚上按原计划越狱.可ms很无奈. T这样气MS
T-bag: Whatcha gonna do, blow the whistle on your own escape?“你能怎么办吧?自己边逃跑还边吹口哨好揭发自己?”
T-bag: Came to your senses, didja? (looks at Michael) What, you figure out some magic way to get your brother outta that hole and into the guard's room?

T-bag: I may be social, but that's a boundry line even I won't cross." 我可能算爱交际, 但有个底线连我也不愿意越过."

117 当PI的工作忽然被取消时,小T急了
T-Bag: We got a real problem on our hands,don't we? Rug monkeys gonna come in here, tear up that carpet, and that hole's gonna be smiling up at them.

118 拿到赌博用的100圆筹码
(Westmoreland hands T-bag the bible)
T-bag: (takes out hundred dollar bill) Hello, Benjamin.

118 得知小胖也要加入
T-bag: What are we, the A train? Everyone gets to ride with us?
我们成什么了? 公共汽车?谁都能往上搭?


114 8’11 第一次越狱没成, 却被bellick发现门锁着
Bellick: How was this door locked?
T-bag:It wasn't locked boss, the uh, fan kept pushing it open, so we just had to wedge it closed.

115 这个大家不会忘吧
T-bag: Ohio state!

119 阿布回来, 要握手言和
T-bag: (hesitates) Show me the palm of your other hand.

120 马上就到时间一起行动,大家却惊讶的看见M被警卫带走了。
T-bag: Hey Pretty, tick-tock.

温柔型( +隐藏的色迷迷型?)

116 30'34 教小女孩乘法
T-bag: You know math was never my best subject either. But um, I got through it by learnin' some new tricks. You wanna learn some tricks, Gracie?
Gracie: Like what?
T-bag: Like your nine times tables.

姓名: Robert Knepper
出生年: 1959年
出生地: Fremont, Ohio. 在Maumee (Toledo附近)长大.
身高: 5' 10" (1.78 米)

爱与性 (Love & Sex) [2000]

旅客 (Gas Food Lodging) [1992]

Robert Knepper 从业经历


1986 That's Life!   生之乐章   ...as Steve Larwin
      L.A. Law         ...as Georgia Buckner

1987 Wild Thing     ...as Wild Thing
    Police Story: The Freeway Killings     ...as Karl James
    Made in Heaven   天上人间/天堂制造   ...as Orrin
1988 D.O.A.     死亡旋涡(台)/零时亡点(港)     ...as Nicholas Lang
1989 Renegades   赤色雄狼/叛徒   ...as Marino
1990 Young Guns II   年轻枪手2(中)/少壮屠龙阵 2(台)/龙威虎将 2(港) ...as Deputy Carlyle
1991 Session Man   会议人   ...as Torrey Cole
    Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Fashion     ...as Kim Weatherly
1992 Gas, Food, Lodging     ...as Dank
    Where the Day Takes You     ...as Rock Singer
1993 Doorways     ...as Thane
    When the Bough Breaks     当树枝折断时(中)/魔鬼刽子手(台)   ...as Lt. Jimmy Creedmore
    Red Shoe Diaries 2: Double Dare     ...as Nick Willard
    Zelda     ...as Wilson
1994 Pointman     ...as Johnny
    Getting Out   母爱光辉   ...as Carl
1995 MugShot
    Search and Destroy 狙击手   ...as Daniel Strong
1996 Jaded     激情的控诉   ...as Freddy
      Dead of Night     ...as Christian
    The Undercover Kid     ...as Bo the Dog
    Voices From the Grave     ...as Milosh
      Under Heat     ...as Milo
      Everyone Says I Love You   人人都说我爱你   ...as Greg
1998 You Are Here
      Phantoms       幻觉(中)/地心骇客(台)/末世魔煞(港)     ...as Agent Wilson
      The Stringer     ...as John
1999 Kidnapped in Paradise     ...as Renard
      Absence of the Good   魔鬼猎杀     ...as Glenn Dwyer
2000 Love & Sex     爱与性   ...as Gerard Boussard
2001 Jackie, Ethel, Joan: The Women of Camelot     ...as Robert F. Kennedy
      Lady in the Box     ...as Chris Stark
2002 Swatters     ...as Daniel Steinberg
      Topa Topa Bluffs     ...as Frank
      The Pennsylvania Miners' Story     ...as Mark "Moe" Popernack
2004 Species III   异种3   ...as Doctor Abbot
2005 Hostage   火线对峙/人质/硬汉也有迟暮时   ...as Wil Bechler
      Good Night, and Good Luck   晚安,好运   ...as Don Surine


1986 L.A. Law
  ...in episode 01.00, "Pilot," as George/"Georgia" Buckner
  ...in episode 01.01, "Those Lips, That Eye," as George/"Georgia" Buckner

1987 The Twilight Zone
  ...in episode 02.15, "Joy Ride," as Alonzo

    Tour of Duty
  ...in episode 01.06, "Burn Baby, Burn," as PV2 Allen

    Star Trek: The Next Generation
  ...in episode 01.11, "Haven," as Wyatt Miller

1990 E.A.R.T.H. Force
  ...in episode 01.01/02/06 as dr.

    China Beach
  ...in episode 03.17, "The Thanks of a Grateful Nation," as Long

1991 China Beach
  ...in episode 04.13, "Quest," as Vietnam Vet

    Civil Wars
  ...in episode 01.05, "Have Gun, Will Unravel."

1992 Tequila and Bonetti
  ...in episode 01.11, "Runt of the Litter."

    Red Shoe Diaries
  ...in episode 01.03, "You Have the Right to Remain Silent," as Nick Willard

1993 Murder, She Wrote
  ...in episode 09.10, "The Sound of Murder," as Charles George Drexler

    L.A. Law
  ...in episode 07.09, "Odor in the Court."

    South Beach
  ...as Andy Patrick

1994 Murder, She Wrote
  ...in episode 10.20, "A Murderous Muse," as Owen McLaglen

1995 Law & Order
  ...in episode 06.02, "Rebels," as Igor

      New York News
  ...in episode 01.02, "Fun City," as ex-con

  ...in episode 02.07, "Here She Comes, Miss Murder," as Ronnie McCusak

1996 Murder, She Wrote
  ...in episode 12.17, "Something Foul in Flappieville," as Robbie Dorow

    Central Park West
  ...in episode 02.02, "Guess Who's Come to Annoy You?," as Randy Boyd

1997 The Visitor
  ...in episode 01.03, "Dreams," as Alex Burton

1998 E.R.
  ...in episode 04.16, "My Brother's Keeper," as Keith Reynolds

  ...in episode 01.06, "Executioner," as Fredrick "Willy" Grover

1999 Strange World
  ...in episode 01.03, "Azrael's Breed," as Gil Sandifer

    Star Trek: Voyager
  ...in episode 06.07, "Dragon's Teeth," as Gaul

2000 Seven Days
  ...in episode 02.15, "Space Station Down," as Major Gene Hastings

    Harsh Realm
  ...in episode 01.09, "Camera Obscura," as Priest

  ...in episode 04.20, "Tsuris," as Martin Lewis

      La Femme Nikita
  ...in episode 04.18, "Toys in the Basement," as Henry Collins

2001 The West Wing
  ...in episode 02.15, "Ellie," as Morgan Ross

  ...as Special Agent Shue

    Law & Order: Criminal Intent
  ...in episode 01.09, "The Good Doctor," as Doctor Peter Kelmer

2002 Haunted
  ...in episode 01.01, "Pilot," as Henry

    Presido Med
  ...in episode 01.01, "This Baby's Gonna Fly."
  ...in episode 01.02, "Second Chance," as Sean
  ...in episode 01.04, "When Approaching a Let-Go," as Sean
  ...in episode 01.08, "Pick Your Battles," as Sean

2003 Presido Med
  ...in episode 01.10, "With Grace," as Sean

2004 CSI: Miami
  ...in episode 03.11, "Addiction," as Freddy Coleman

2005 Point Pleasant
  ...in episode 01.05, "Last Dance," as Presenter at the Dance

  ...as Tommy Dolan

      Prison Break
  ...as Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell

Robert 超级犯发现的tattoo!!

一个Robert super fans 在截图的时候,发现在手指上写的字。有人说是一个很特别的tattoo,你相信吗?

仔细看的话,在ep6向seth show pocket 的时候,就可以看到了。不知道写的什么呢?






史上最柔情的for romance~~~~~~~~





The air of freedom~~~~~~~









个人点评:蛮喜欢他的........为了一个女人...他基本上是 命都不要了..就为了找到她......在一个冷酷无情的背后...他也有着自己 爱的一面.


[ 本帖最后由 我是乖宝宝 于 2006-12-20 19:26 编辑 ]
























原帖由 PLAYTHEWORLD 于 2006-12-18 22:49 发表
看了照片后,发现w.e. fichtner长了一张从未年轻过的脸



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