What gets us into trouble is not what we don`t know.. It`s what we know for sure that just ain`t so.. |
别告诉她 我还想她 就让沉默 代替所有回答 |
What gets us into trouble is not what we don`t know.. It`s what we know for sure that just ain`t so.. |
当小白不是小白的时候要记得帮助还是小白的小白. 当一个小白比另一个小白懂的多一点点另一个小白在问问题的时候要记得慷慨解答,因为你也曾经小白过. 小白的路一定是挫折的,小白的内心一定不会是气馁的. 我爱你!我爱你!我爱你你你RO!!! |
[url= http://tu.6.cn/pic/show-new/id/6686203][/url]空手套白狼