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[其他] 新马官网:封测难忘的回忆

2009-07-23 16:30:39 : Unforgetable memories of CB

Dear players,
Close Beta of ECO has finally ended, you feel uneasy, don’t you?
During the Close Beta, you have been working hard fighting the monsters and busy leveling up, even joining some special events during the Close Beta Test, perhaps you enjoyed so much while playing the game, though it’s only a 2-week experience.
In fact, the exciting missionary quests, sophisticated instillation features, awesome marionette system are leaving you with irresistible game fever.
With the end of Close Beta Test, players might seem lost until launching of the Open Beta Server.
You might feel sad as you will not be able to meet up with friends at the moment… but guess what? Every ending is marking a start to an anticipated new pathway,
the Open Beta Server is launching very soon. You miss everything at the very beginning, don’t you? Now you can start all over again!
Here are some screen shots to pay memorial to the past.

Wow! It’s beach party time

Gosh, where the hell is this monster come from? Mind to lend a hand here?

Oh, finally we defeated this gigantic freak! Rainbow shines upon us for the victory!

See you in the Open Beta Server!
More luxury virtual treasure, series awesome equipment… a full load of excitement is waiting for you in the Open Beta Sever!
Look at the screen shots above, don’t you miss it? Let’s look forward arrival of the dazzling Open Beta Server!


[ 本帖最后由 ninja86 于 2009-7-25 02:12 编辑 ]

我只是想知道,到公测,封测删档不?= =不然捡了也白捡


[ 本帖最后由 ninja86 于 2009-7-23 21:51 编辑 ]



