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TO 空调,你用美少女砸他他敢有反应?






坐那签名的就是 李X进 了。。。

佳織みちる-片霧烈火-佐藤利奈-霜月はるか-生天目仁美-留桜良姫 - 雪降る歌 ~scene:X'mas~ 佐藤利奈 - ちいさなやくそく





- -+



*= Recruit =*

"Normans have improved by toiling for years, and they will continue to do so!"

Normans, who do not have better physical or mental capacity than other races, managed to get such power in short time. This was possible due to their desire to "further their knowledge and advance". In the end, Normans created "Science", allowing them to create a complete civilization.

Recruits represent the very science that Normans have developed. Unlike other classes, Recruits use a special gun called "Dampf Flinte" to threaten the enemies like an average Norman person. They will use all the knowledge Norman has gained to take down the enemy. Also, with their fast thinking capacity, they can easily change from or to melee combat and ranged combat.

Recruits, who are at the top of the scientific evolution for Normans, may be the best representation of what Normans have become.

- Editor's Note: This class replaces Archer-type classes, with ability to use range and some melee abilities.

*= Thief =*

"Everything in the world goes around and around. Don't you think it's stupid to argue against the rule of the nature, regarding who owns anything?"

These are not exactly welcomed into Norman society all that much, because stealing regardless of any reasons, is still a crime.

But, they are considered one of the viable jobs due to their specialized abilities that many people need. As a result, many thieves have begun taking special job offers from different people that makes use of their abilities.

Their main ability is to provide your group with information, and to cause chaos within enemy ranks. While we do not recommend this, they can also steal items or money as well.

Thieves can be either your best ally, or worst enemy depending on how they are used. As such, you all should be reminded of that fact when you group yourself with a Thief.

- Editor's Note: Thief class seems to be less of direct attack class as it was in Ragnarok Online, and into more of confusion-type designed for silent strikes and skills.

*= Clown =*

"A kingdom without a clown will soon be destroyed."

All have their moments when they cry in the night, as well as people who have hardship living their everyday life. Everybody needs a way to escape their hard life.

Clowns are a class born to tackle that truth. They can do many things that may lower themselves, but bring happiness and friendliness to those who watch them.

Their main job in combat is to soothe the fatigued front-line fighters in a group to help them fight better. But that is not the extent of Clown abilities. They can use poison to deal deadly damage to enemies when you least expect them.

- Editor's Note: They have become "traditional Bard" class, where they buff or debuff by singing songs. It seems they no longer have "ranged" specialty anymore.


*= Swordsman =*

"One who lives with the sword... All he knows is himself and the enemy, and the sword between them..."

This basic class with refinement is one of the oldest classes the Norman race had in their history. Also, they know the absolute knowledge when it comes to melee combat that others do not have. They have strong hitting skills and defensive manuevers, and rely upon physical materials which they see to see them through.

They train themselves in combat again and again, fueled by desire to have that "strong body". But this desire also helps the Swordsman to have the fuel to protect the party members from harm.

You cannot imagine a battle without a Swordsman. They give the feeling of trust to the party members, and bring forth the will to battle.

- Editor's Note: It seems Swordsmans finally become what they are supposed to be, in front fighting and tanking the enemies (not Priests, damn imba tankmages).

*= Enchanter =*

"You are not same as you just a minute ago..."

They believe in the truth, and firm belief in changes in the world.

Enchanters never believe anything they see with naked eyes right away. They have the belief that they can change what they see, and that belief is used as a power to do what they want.

The "belief" the Enchanters have are considered more of religious than scientific power. As such, just trying to understand their power as simple knowledge, then their skills look only like they are trying to cheat on your eyes.

Enchanters have the ability to increase party member's physical stats and abilities. Also, at the same time, do the opposite on enemies. They may stay in the back of the combat, but their awesome support abilities will certainly be acknowledged by those in the front.

- Editor's Notes: Enchanters seem to replace the popular Acolyte-type classes, since RO2's site makes no mention of Acolytes.


*= Swordsman =*

"One who lives with the sword... All he knows is himself and the enemy, and the sword between them..."

This basic class with refinement is one of the oldest classes the Norman race had in their history. Also, they know the absolute knowledge when it comes to melee combat that others do not have. They have strong hitting skills and defensive manuevers, and rely upon physical materials which they see to see them through.

They train themselves in combat again and again, fueled by desire to have that "strong body". But this desire also helps the Swordsman to have the fuel to protect the party members from harm.

You cannot imagine a battle without a Swordsman. They give the feeling of trust to the party members, and bring forth the will to battle.

- Editor's Note: It seems Swordsmans finally become what they are supposed to be, in front fighting and tanking the enemies (not Priests, damn imba tankmages).

*= Enchanter =*

"You are not same as you just a minute ago..."

They believe in the truth, and firm belief in changes in the world.

Enchanters never believe anything they see with naked eyes right away. They have the belief that they can change what they see, and that belief is used as a power to do what they want.

The "belief" the Enchanters have are considered more of religious than scientific power. As such, just trying to understand their power as simple knowledge, then their skills look only like they are trying to cheat on your eyes.

Enchanters have the ability to increase party member's physical stats and abilities. Also, at the same time, do the opposite on enemies. They may stay in the back of the combat, but their awesome support abilities will certainly be acknowledged by those in the front.

- Editor's Notes: Enchanters seem to replace the popular Acolyte-type classes, since RO2's site makes no mention of Acolytes.

*= Recruit =*

"Normans have improved by toiling for years, and they will continue to do so!"

Normans, who do not have better physical or mental capacity than other races, managed to get such power in short time. This was possible due to their desire to "further their knowledge and advance". In the end, Normans created "Science", allowing them to create a complete civilization.

Recruits represent the very science that Normans have developed. Unlike other classes, Recruits use a special gun called "Dampf Flinte" to threaten the enemies like an average Norman person. They will use all the knowledge Norman has gained to take down the enemy. Also, with their fast thinking capacity, they can easily change from or to melee combat and ranged combat.

Recruits, who are at the top of the scientific evolution for Normans, may be the best representation of what Normans have become.

- Editor's Note: This class replaces Archer-type classes, with ability to use range and some melee abilities.

*= Thief =*

"Everything in the world goes around and around. Don't you think it's stupid to argue against the rule of the nature, regarding who owns anything?"

These are not exactly welcomed into Norman society all that much, because stealing regardless of any reasons, is still a crime.

But, they are considered one of the viable jobs due to their specialized abilities that many people need. As a result, many thieves have begun taking special job offers from different people that makes use of their abilities.

Their main ability is to provide your group with information, and to cause chaos within enemy ranks. While we do not recommend this, they can also steal items or money as well.

Thieves can be either your best ally, or worst enemy depending on how they are used. As such, you all should be reminded of that fact when you group yourself with a Thief.

- Editor's Note: Thief class seems to be less of direct attack class as it was in Ragnarok Online, and into more of confusion-type designed for silent strikes and skills.

*= Clown =*

"A kingdom without a clown will soon be destroyed."

All have their moments when they cry in the night, as well as people who have hardship living their everyday life. Everybody needs a way to escape their hard life.

Clowns are a class born to tackle that truth. They can do many things that may lower themselves, but bring happiness and friendliness to those who watch them.

Their main job in combat is to soothe the fatigued front-line fighters in a group to help them fight better. But that is not the extent of Clown abilities. They can use poison to deal deadly damage to enemies when you least expect them.

- Editor's Note: They have become "traditional Bard" class, where they buff or debuff by singing songs. It seems they no longer have "ranged" specialty anymore.

