iRO的意思是,一开始还不开放转生。等服务器有了足够数量的99级后才会开放工会战和转生,一步一步升级。不过主要公式是base on 13.2,就是1.5上一个版本。不过地图是更久以前,一点一点加进去。 总的来说,主要看玩家的反应如何。如果不错那就这样下去,因为我觉得他们其实还没有很具体的计划下一步要怎么做,他们对这个新服还有点儿尝试的意思。
Pre-renewal, we are in the midst of putting hte hardware together for the new server, if things go well, June 29th should be our launch date. We are being mindful of the "payment gate" for the server and its effect on new players joining and limiting bot farming. Some alternate ideas to allow for new players to join and bots out are discussed in the various threads.