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感动整个爱尔兰的声音《BONNY BONNY》Cara Dillon

看了...勇敢的心...才知道苏格兰的风笛也是如此的美妙...《BONNY BONNY》Cara Dillon...碎金裂帛的嗓音浸彻心肺...委转的歌喉幽远明亮...悠扬欢快的爱尔兰风笛声...

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Cara Dillon 《BONNY BONNY》
??Bonny, bonny was my seat in the red rosy yard
??And bonny was my ship in the town of Ballynagard
??Shade and shelter was for me till I began to fail
??You all may guess now my distress lies near the Nightingale
??Grief and woe that I must go to fight for England's King
??I neither know his friend or foe, and war's a cruel thing
??The nightingale is near at hand, my time at home is brief
??And Carey's steams and mountain land I part with bitter grief
??No more I'll walk the golden hills with Nancy by my side
??Or dream along the sun bright rills, or view my land with pride
??We sail away at dawn of day, the sails are ready set
??When old Benmore I see no more, I'll sigh with deep regret
??Now all must change and I must range across the ocean wide
??Our ship she may in Biscay's Bay lie low beneath the tide
??If I should fall by cannon ball, or sink beneath the sea
??Good people all, a tear let fall and mourn for mine and me
??If God should spare me my greying hair and bring me back again
??I'd love far more my Antrim shore, its dark blue hills and rain
??Around the fires, my heart's desires, heaven grant till life shall fail
??And keep me far from the cruel war and from the Nightingale

[ 本帖最后由 F━ò━x 于 2007-4-16 21:24 编辑 ]






high tide 也是不错听的哦


睡梦中你亲了我一下 于是我赏了你一个巴掌 接着我们的爱情就这样开始了


⒌顔⑥銫dёo卋堺揹後ヽ⒈苆都變嘚好虛伪`メヤ 沒铕①個朲╭緋崾Ο另①個朲﹎才能過一笙"* wǒ發誓ミ洅不會?輕燱dě愛上莂人


他的craigie hill也很好听

