身不在高,百三就行.胸不在大,有型則靈.斯是蘿莉,惟吾是侵.洋裝貓耳朵,小嘴大眼睛.短髮很俏麗,長髮也飄逸.可以給糖果,玩親親.無八卦之亂耳,無血拼之勞形.學校游泳池,公園小涼亭.吾自云:能萌就行. |
Aux grandes âmes, les grands challenges.
The scent of a woman was not mine...
Welcome home darling. Did you miss me? Wish to dwell in dear love? Touch my milklike skin. Feel the ocean. Lick my deepest. Hear the starry choir. Rip off this lace. That keeps me imprisoned. But beware of the enchantment. For my eroticism is oblivion. Old love lies deep you said. Deeper shall be the wound between your legs...... |
Aux grandes âmes, les grands challenges.
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