惯看风云我自王。 殒灭将星残沉月, 问谁入魔傲啸狂! 个人空间:http://spaces.msn.com/members/activeboy12281983 |
I am the son of the Wind and Rain, Thunder beckons and I hear the call,
If I die upon this day, in battle I will fall... Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves to battle we will ride. War drums black-out the beating heart, howling from inside. Storm, Black clouds fill the sky Earth, hear my battlecry Fire, and Thunder will bring forth Death, from the power of the Horde... |
ずっと 君の事が大好き,ずっと 君のそばに居たい....
悪魔に天使討つ呪文なんかないと! ._十栺緊筘﹖赱到蕞後. |
一分一秒都美到泪水掉下来 不理会别人是看好或看坏 只要你勇敢跟我来 爱不用刻意安排 凭感觉去亲吻相拥就会很愉快 享受现在别一开怀就怕受伤害 许多奇迹我们相信才会存在 |