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Rental Item 租赁道具
A Tunic that has been granted additional tolerance against certain properties
MHP + 800。  增加最大hp800
Cannot be Frozen  不能冰冻
Elemental Damage reduced by 20% other then Neutral and Water  减少除无属性和水属性以外属性伤害20%
MDEF + 5      增加mdef5
Type: Armor 盔甲
Defense: 10  防御10
Weight: 0
Equip: All Jobs 全职


[ 本帖最后由 看客 于 2008-2-20 17:47 编辑 ]






原帖由 瓦尔希昂 于 2008-2-20 17:08 发表

頭飾          5374 大型山羊頭飾          0洞          上段、DEF+5
打[ 人型種族 ]追加12%物理傷害
全 ...

====And Finally the Giant Magestic Goat Quest Procedure 魔力巴风特任务

3043# The True Magestic Goat

Last Black Hand states, if you bring the following recipes, he will create the True Magestic Goat.

Magic Sealed Baphomet Doll 巴风特娃娃
Magestic Goat  山羊头饰
30x Rune of Darkness 30黑暗之轮
50x Evil Horns 50恶魔角
Zeny Cost of 990,000  99wzeny

[ 本帖最后由 看客 于 2008-2-20 17:37 编辑 ]




// ---------------- 2008 February Rental Item Equips -----------------

13109# Outlaw of the Plains [0] 荒野的无法者0洞
Rental Item  租赁道具

A pistol that contains special gun powder, which enables the person to have a high degree of accuracy. The pistol was made in honor of the nameless gunslinger who only believed in his pistol, and lived through various events that has happened on the vicious plains.

Depending on your Agi, Hit and ASPD up.  根据你的agi,提高hit和aspd
Deals 40% Additional damage to every enemy. 对所有敌人增加40%的额外伤害
Type: Handgun  手枪
Attack: 100        攻击100
Weight: 0
Weapon Level: 3  武器等级3
Equip: Gunslinger

13175# Lever Action Rifle [0]  贡杆式步枪0洞
Rental Item

A special rifle that was made to as superior as it can gets. The rifles appearance grabs hold of any gunslingers heart in a second, and the Rifles effectiveness pierces the enemies heart in a stroke. The only downfall to this Lever Action Rifle is the time it takes to put in the Gunpowder, which in thus makes your attack slow.
HIT+ 20、Cri+ 50、
Deals 40% Additonal Damage to all Enemies 对所有敌人增加40%伤害
Type: Rifle  来福枪
Attack: 170 攻击170
Weight: 0
Weapon Level: 3
Equip: Gunslinger

2741# All in One Ring [0]  至尊之戒
Rental Item
A Jewelry Ring that contains a 3 Seal Magic Spell
Enables use of Heal and Teleport Level 1 可以使用治愈术1级,瞬间移动1级
Casting cannot be interrupted 咏唱不能打断
All Stats + 1 全属性加1
Casting Time goes up by 10% 咏唱时间增加20%
Type: Accessory
Defense: 0
Weight: 0
Equip: All Jobs

2384# Spiritual Tunic [0]  精神外套
Rental Item 租赁道具
A Tunic that has been granted additional tolerance against certain properties
MHP + 800。  增加最大hp800
Cannot be Frozen  不能冰冻
Elemental Damage reduced by 20% other then Neutral and Water 减少除无属性和水属性以外属性伤害20%
MDEF + 5      增加mdef5
Type: Armor 盔甲
Defense: 10  防御10
Weight: 0
Equip: All Jobs 全职

2385# Recuvative Armor [0] 重生盔甲(这里原文拼写错误,应该是recultivate armor)
Rental Item
An armor that allows the master to regain his life by taking the enemies
HP, SP Natural Recovery is Disabled HP,SP不能自然回复
When unequipped, you lose 100 SP  卸载时hp减少100
When a monster is defeated from Physical or Magical Attacks
You recover HP 60 and 6 SP 当怪物被物理或者魔法攻击杀死后回复hp60 sp6
Type: Armor 盔甲
Defense: 12 防御12
Weight: 0
Equip: All Jobs 全职

2132# Shell of Resistance [0] 抵抗之盾
Rental Item 租赁道具
A Magical Shield that has a strong resistance against every attack that an opponent tries to deal you
Damage is reduced 20% from All Monsters 所有怪物伤害减少20%
Reflects 1% of Physical Attack 反弹1%物理伤害
Type: Shield 盾牌
Defense: 9  防御9
Weight: 0
Equip: All Jobs 全职

2543# Silf Mant [0] SLIF外套
Rental Item
A Soft Manteau that has been blessed by a Wind Fairy. It is said to allow the wearer to be protected from danger.
FLEE + 13、
Reduces Neutral Property Attacks by 13%  减少无属性伤害13%
Perfect Dodge + 1 完全回避加1
Garment 披肩
Defense: 9 防御9
Weight: 0
Equip: All Jobs

2439# Refresh Shoes [0] 回复之靴
Rental Item
Shoes that were made with complex design and very soft skin to show how fun your legs could be with these.
MHP 17% 最大hp+17%
MSP 8%   最大sp+8%
Every 10 seconds, your HP goes up by 20, SP goes up by 3 每10秒,hpo增加20,sp增加3
Type: Shoes  靴子
Defense: 9    防御9
Weight: 0
Equip: All Jobs

5391# Crunch Toast [0] 面包屑[0洞]
Rental Item
For a busy morning, it its the best heartwarming friend. When you hold it in your mouth, you feel like you have to quickly rush out.
MHP + 100。 最大hp加100
When you defeat a monster, there is a small chance that it drops a "Old Purple Box" 打死怪物时,小概率掉落 神秘紫箱
Type: Helmet 头盔
Weight: 0
Where: Bottom, Lower 头下
Weight: 10
Equip: All Jobs

[ 本帖最后由 看客 于 2008-2-20 17:45 编辑 ]





13915# Love Angel Magic Powder Box
A box that contains 1 Love Angel Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes cute. To make the best use of it, its best used when you want to express your love, or when you want to say that you're sorry after making a big mistake. When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back to normal
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names
Weight: 1

13916# Squillroll Magic Powder Box
A box that contains 1 Squillroll Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes a bit evil. To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to complain about, or when you want to do something awful. When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back to normal
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names
Weight: 1

13917# Gogo Magic Powder
A box that contains 1 Gogo Magic Powder. Can be used for 1 week
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes humorous. To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to talk about thats funny. When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names
Weight: 1

12287# Love Angel Magic Powder
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes cute. To make the best use of it, its best used when you want to express your love, or when you want to say that you're sorry after making a big mistake. When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back to normal
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names
Weight: 0

12288# Squillroll Magic Powder
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes a bit evil. To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to complain about, or when you want to do something awful. When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back to normal
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names
Weight: 0

12289# Gogo Magic Powder
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes humorous. To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to talk about thats funny. When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back to normal. Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names
Weight: 0

13942# Love Angel Magic Powder Box (30 Days)
A box that contains 1 Love Angel Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 days
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes cute. To make the best use of it, its best used when you want to express your love, or when you want to say that you're sorry after making a big mistake. When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back to normal
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names
Weight: 1

13943# Squillroll Magic Powder Box (30 Days)
A box that contains 1 Squillroll Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 Days
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes a bit evil. To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to complain about, or when you want to do something awful. When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back to normal
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names
Weight: 1

13944# Gogo Magic Powder (30 Days)
A box that contains 1 Gogo Magic Powder. Can be used for 30 Days
An item which when you breathe in this powder, your font becomes humorous. To make the best use of it, its best used when you have something you want to talk about thats funny. When double clicked, your font changes, and when used again, your font goes back to normal.
Works only for chats said above your head and for vend names
Weight: 1





頭飾          5374 大型山羊頭飾          0洞          上段、DEF+5
打[ 人型種族 ]追加12%物理傷害

转自 路邊貓窩


5392# Louyang New Years Hat [1] 洛阳新年帽1洞
A gift hat for kids made by a famous Whitesmith who resides in Louyang. The materials used for the red color of the hat is meant to bring Luck and Fortune to those that wear it.

LUK + 2
During the event, there is a small chance that monsters will drop Red Envelopes. 过年期间怪物一定几率掉落红包
Type: Helmet  位置:头上
Defense: 3      防御:3
Where: Upper
30 Weight: 30  重量:30
Equip: All Jobs  全职

5393# Valentine Hat [0] 情人节帽[无洞]
The people have realized how much love you have shown! You realize you feel stronger then before and thus this power
comes from the power of love.
MHP、MSP + 7%     最大HP,SP增加7%
Not Upgradeable    不可精炼
Type: Helmet          位置:头上
Defense: 2              防御:3
Where: Upper
Weight:20               重量:20
Equip: All Jobs         全职






ずっと探してた景色 たったひとつの夢だ



