一早起床用高露洁致癌牙膏刷牙,给儿子冲一瓶碘超标的雀巢奶粉,自己喝杯过期光明牛奶,吃几个超标面粉做的馒头,夹点臭水池里面腌的榨菜。 准备骑车上班,发现车被偷了,做公交吧,手机被一个小新疆借过去了。中午到肯德基吃顿苏丹红炸鸡,下午给老婆打电话,约她到新开的菜馆吃顿地沟油炒的菜,其中有一盘避孕药催大的香辣鳝鱼丝, 一个牛肉毒粉丝,老板上一杯重金属超标100倍的碧螺春茶,再喝点含甲醛的啤酒... |
I am the son of the Wind and Rain, Thunder beckons and I hear the call,
If I die upon this day, in battle I will fall... Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves to battle we will ride. War drums black-out the beating heart, howling from inside. Storm, Black clouds fill the sky Earth, hear my battlecry Fire, and Thunder will bring forth Death, from the power of the Horde... |