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- 2006-7-8
转 关于E3
E3做为全球最大的娱乐展览,E3每年都为我们带来丰富的游戏讯息,只是可惜对于举办方而言,它是烫手的山芋。目前E3的最大赞助商-ESA(娱乐软件联盟)有意从2007 E3大展上撤退。
ESA董事长Doug Lowenstein将在48小时之内宣布停办E3大展的决定,本消息已经得到ESA官方证实。
ESA to downsize E3
Industry sources bolster reports that E3 may undergo changes; details due from ESA Monday.
By Curt Feldman, GameSpot
Posted Jul 30, 2006 10:09 am PT
GameSpot has learned that tomorrow the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) will announce changes to the format and scale of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), the game industry event that typically draws in excess of 60,000 attendees and includes over 400 exhibitors.
On July 28, the Web site of UK trade magazine MCV reported discussions had taken place between the ESA and E3 exhibitors which addressed the future of the annual trade show. GameSpot spoke with informed game industry sources late Friday and Saturday and learned that the show would radically shrink in size and move from its usual Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC) venue to a smaller location.
Sources said that rather than fill the 540,000 square feet of the cavernous LACC, the show will take place at a location that would support exhibitors in meeting room space only, with companies showing their wares to a select group of attendees numbering in the hundreds rather than thousands.
One reason behind the downsizing of the show can be attributed to the dollar cost of the event to exhibitors, including the demands on companies to assign large numbers of staff to focus on the show, expenses associated with travel to the show, and the added expense to polish game builds and demos to be shown to attendees.
While the largest of E3 exhibitors could support their own marketing and promotion of upcoming games, the smaller companies which rely on the attention that E3 generates may have no recourse other than to market their games independently. But a smaller E3 would impact more than the game industry: the local hotel and related entertainment and service industries in Los Angeles take in more than $50 million during E3--the estimated amount attendees and businesses spend over the course of the three-day event.
One source added that the new format of the show may actually result in a more productive environment to demo games to the media, although they stopped short of full disclosure: "My lips are sealed until after the weekend," the source said.
An official statement from the ESA outlining the changes will be released on Monday, numerous sources said. E-mails to the ESA for comment were not returned at press time.
2006-08-01 跟踪报道
今天ESA主席Douglas Lowenstein正式对外界宣布-2007年E3将进行重大调整,包括名称、时间、举办地和形式等都会有重大变化。
Lowenstein还表示,07年的E3展将把参观人数控制在5000人左右,这个数字远远低于今年E3超过60000人次的数量。预计以后E3将会变成中小型的展示厅或者会议室,E3以前的盛况将不复存在,几乎确定“E3”已经名存实亡。 |