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发表于 2005-7-5 10:24
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DOSBOX的教学(captainClark、Leona 翻译)
dosbox [name] [-exit] [-c command] [-fullscreen] [-conf congfigfile]
[-lang languagefile] [-machine machinetype] [-noconsole]
Name:If "name" is a directory it'll mount that as the C: drive.
If "name" is an executable it'll mount the directory of "name"
as the C: drive and execute "name".
Exit:dosbox will exit after the "name" has been executed.
-C command:Runs the specified command before running "name". Multiple commands
can be specified. Each command should start with -c though.
-Fullscreen:Starts dosbox in fullscreen mode.全屏运行
-conf configfile:Start dosbox with the options specified in "configfile".开始DOSbox于选项指定结构
-lang languagefile:Start dosbox using the language string specified in "languagefile".
-noconsole (Windows Only):Start dosbox without showing the console window, output will
be redirected to stdout.txt and stderr.txt
运行而不显示控制台窗口,输出将被更改到 stdout.txt and stderr.txt
-machine machinetype:Setup dosbox to emulate a specific type of machine. Valid choices are:
dosbox c:\atlantis\atlantis.exe -c "MOUNT D C:\SAVES"
This would mount c:\atlantis as c:\ and run atlantis.exe.这个会设置c:\atlatis做为c:\运行atlantis.exe
Before it does that it would first mount C:\SAVES as the D drive.
In Windows you can also drag directories/files onto the dosbox executable.
MOUNT "Emulated Drive letter" "Real Drive or Directory"
[-t type] [-aspi] [-ioctl] [-usecd number] [-size drivesize]
[-label drivelabel]
"Emulated Drive letter"被模拟的驱动器名
The driveletter inside dosbox (eg. C)在dosbox里的驱动名.
"Real Drive letter or Directory"真实的驱动器名或文件夹
The local directory you want to have inside dosbox.你想要在dosbox里有的本地驱动器
(Under Win32 usually the same as "Emulated Drive letter".在win32下一般和被模拟的驱动器名一致
For Example: mount c c:\ )
t type
Type of the mounted directory. Supported are: dir (standard), floppy, cdrom.
-size drivesize
Sets the size of the drive.设置驱动器大小
-label drivelabel 标识驱动器卷标
Sets the name of the drive to "drivelabel". 设置驱动器的名字到“卷标”
Needed on some systems if the cd label isn't read correctly. 在一些不能正确识别CD卷标的系统上需要
Useful when a program can't find its cdrom 在一个系统不能找到cd-rom 时候使用
Forces to use the aspi layer. 强制使用aspi层
Only valid if mounting a cdrom under Windows systems with an ASPI-Layer.
Forces to use ioctl commands. 强制使用ioctl命令。
Only valid if mounting a cdrom under windows which support them (Win2000/XP/NT).
-usecd number
Forces to use SDL cdrom support for drive number.强制使用SDL CDROM支持驱动器编号
Number can be found by -cd. 编号可以在-cd中被找到Valid on all systems.所以系统有效
Displays all detected cdrom drives and their numbers. Use with -usecd.
注意: It's possible to mount a local directory as cdrom drive.它能够设置一个本地驱动器为一个cdrom驱动器
Hardware support is then missing.硬件支持随后会消失
Basically, MOUNT allows you to connect real hardware to DOSBox's "emulated"
PC. So MOUNT C C:\ tells DOSBox to use your real C: drive as drive C: in
DosBox. It also allows you to change the drive's letter identification for
programs that demand specific drive letters.
基本上,设置允许你连接真实的硬件到DOSbox的被模拟PC上。所以mountc c:\告诉DOSbox使用你
For example: Touche: Adventures of The Fifth Musketeer must be run on your C:
drive. Using DOSBox and it's mount command, you can trick into thinking it
is on C drive while placing it where you want it. For example, if the game
were in D:\TOUCHE, you can use the command MOUNT C D:\ would allow you to
run Touche from the D drive.
从c盘移动到你想要的硬盘上去。例如,如果游戏在d:\touche,你可以使用命令mount c d:\ 将会
General MOUNT Examples:通常设置的例子
1. To mount c:\floppy as a floppy : 设置 c:\floppy为软驱
mount a c:\floppy -t floppy
2. To mount system cdrom drive E as cdrom drive D in dosbox:设置系统光驱E为dosbox光驱D
mount d e:\ -t cdrom
3. To mount system cdrom drive at mountpoint /media/cdrom as cdrom drive D
in dosbox:这句没看懂~
mount d /media/cdrom -t cdrom -usecd 0
4. To mount a drive with 870 mb free diskspace (rarely needed! experts only):设置一个871M空闲的磁盘空间(很少使用!仅对专家)
mount c d:\ -size 4025,127,16513,1700
5. To mount /home/dos/dosgames as drive C in DOSBox:设置/home/dos/dosgames映射到dosbox下磁盘C
mount c /home/dos/dosgames
Program to display the amount of free memory.显示空闲内存总数
CONFIG [-writeconf] [-writelang] localfile
Write the current configuration or language settings to file.将当前指令集或命令设置写入文件
"localfile" is located on the local drive !!! 当前文件是当前驱动器显示的文件
To create a configfile in your current directory:在你当前目录创建一个指令文件
config -writeconf dosbox.conf
LOADFIX [-size] [program] [program-parameters]
Program to "eat up" memory. 程序占用内存
Useful for old programs which don't expect much memory to be free.
number of kb to "eat up", default = 64kb
frees all previously allocated memory
1. To start mm2.exe and allocate 64kb memory :运行mm2.exe并占用64kb内存(内存占用为默认)
loadfix mm2
2. To start mm2.exe and allocate 32kb memory :运行mm2.exe并占用32kb内存
loadfix -32 mm2
3. To free previous allocated memory :释放占用的内存
loadfix -f
For more information use the /? command line switch with the programs.
Special Keys:特殊键
ALT-ENTER Go full screen and back.全屏和恢复
CTRL-F5 Save a screenshot.存储光标
CTRL-F6 Start/Stop recording sound output to a wave file.开始/停止记录声音输出到声音文件
CTRL-F7 Decrease frameskip.减少跳帧
CTRL-F8 Increase frameskip.增加跳帧
CTRL-F9 Kill dosbox.结束dosbox
CTRL-F10 Capture/Release the mouse.捕获/释放鼠标
CTRL-F11 Slow down emulation (Decrease DOSBox Cycles).减慢模拟(降低dosbox周期)
CTRL-F12 Speed up emulation (Increase DOSox Cycles).加速模拟(增加dosbox周期)
NOTE: Once you increase your DOSBox cycles beyond your computer's maximum
capacity, it will produce the same effect as slowing down the emulation.
This maximum will vary from computer to computer, there is no standard.
System requirements:系统要求
Fast machine. My guess would be pentium-2 400+ to get decent emulation
of games written for an 286 machine.
For protected mode games a 1 Ghz machine is recommended and don't expect
them to run fast though!! Be sure to read the next section on how to speed
it up somewhat.
To run resource-demanding games: 运行高占用系统资源的游戏
DOSBox emulates the CPU, the sound and graphic cards, and some other
stuff, all at the same time. You can overclock DOSBox by using CTRL+F12, but
you'll be limited by the power of your actual CPU. You can see how much free
time your true CPU has by looking at the Task Manager in Windows 2000/XP and
the System Monitor in Windows 95/98/ME. Once 100% of your real CPU time is
used there is no further way to speed up DOSBox unless you reduce the load
generated by the non-CPU parts of DOSBox.
Close every program but DOSBox Overclock DOSBox until 100% of your CPU is used (use the utilities above to check)
所以:关闭其他程序除了dosbox。 超频dosbox直到你的CPU100%被使用(通过有效使用检查来)
(此处以下为Leona 帮助翻译)
Since VGA emulation is the most demanding part of DOSBox in terms of actual
CPU usage, we'll start here. Increase the number of frames skipped (in
increments of one) by pressing CRTL+F8. Your CPU usage should decrease.
Go back one step and repeat this until the game runs fast enough for you.
Please note that this is a trade off: you lose in fluidity of video what you
gain in speed
You can also try to disable the sound through the setup utility of the game
to further reduce load on your CPU.
您可可以通过对这个游戏安装程序的筛选去掉一些声效设置以降低CPU的读取 |