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土包子 和 土坷了...

从海南游玩回来 同事在机场大包小包办拖运 全尼马海南的特产水果 比黄瓜还南吃 要不就是什么珍珠粉 苦丁茶之类的 我轻装一小包 就买了点金银和水晶 这时看到北京飞回下机的海南游客推着车 个个都泥马富士苹果 京白梨! 我感觉像是土包子碰到了土坷了 当时想笑的要死。。。 还有那可恨的全陪导游
The scent of a woman was not mine...
Welcome home darling.
Did you miss me?
Wish to dwell in dear love?
Touch my milklike skin.
Feel the ocean.
Lick my deepest.
Hear the starry choir.
Rip off this lace.
That keeps me imprisoned.
But beware of the enchantment.
For my eroticism is oblivion.
Old love lies deep you said.
Deeper shall be the wound between your legs......
