﹎.﹎ ∞ `﹊`襠 緈 輻 ﹊﹊
唻 瀶 時|.o.. ﹎ .^σ?..︷ ..﹖ 請 ..﹎. .`┈.記 鍀 ﹎.o﹏﹏ 說 .〣 ﹖ ▽歡..迎...輄....臨...... |
I am the son of the Wind and Rain, Thunder beckons and I hear the call,
If I die upon this day, in battle I will fall... Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves to battle we will ride. War drums black-out the beating heart, howling from inside. Storm, Black clouds fill the sky Earth, hear my battlecry Fire, and Thunder will bring forth Death, from the power of the Horde... |
睡梦中你亲了我一下 于是我赏了你一个巴掌 接着我们的爱情就这样开始了
你幸福吗 |
這個世界上讓人絕望的東西太多了…… 或許有些事情,還是忘了比較好…… |
我不喜欢女孩像黛玉一样弱不禁风,宝钗一样自私自利,可卿一样风流薄命,湘云一样不通世务,迎春一样呆头呆脑,惜春一样心灰意冷,妙玉一样矫柔造作,哈哈…… |