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原帖由 asladalei 于 2008-1-11 00:30 发表
one more thing I forgot to told you.
I suggest that you should send a Email to the office b4 you do the payment.
then ask about your acc status..

still... i choose staying in CRO, seems more friends here

原帖由 飞雪の轨迹 于 2008-1-11 01:37 发表
I`m interested in the payment of euRO...
I`ve go to play IRO last year ,but give up at last,cause of my English level

I think the forign likes to use words for short,and I  ...

we were just talked about euRO gms banning chinese IP...
but if u were lucky, you may find an old euRO acc(gms wont ban the old ones if asl said true), then u may play there...

[ 本帖最后由 毒契 于 2008-1-11 01:48 编辑 ]


原帖由 毒契 于 2008-1-11 01:43 发表
we were just talked about euRO gms banning chinese IP...
but if u were lucky, you may find an old euRO acc(gms wont ban the old ones if asl said true), then u may play there...

oh...I`ve not register a euRO account...
and...I can ask my friends in germany to register a new account?
and euRO can login without proxy?


原帖由 飞雪の轨迹 于 2008-1-11 01:56 发表

oh...I`ve not register a euRO account...
and...I can ask my friends in germany to register a new account?
and euRO can login without proxy?

ya u can login w/o a proxy at all, with a bit(or a big) lag indeed...(same as i am playing cro currently w/o a proxy >.<)
and new acc might not be safe enough, bcos the gms check ip mostly...
we suggest was use an old acc with few payment history...

the euRO webstite is:http://www.euro-ro.net/
and the payment should be 100 eu dollar/year if i was right ( can hardy remember)
hope it could be some help...


oh...I see...thx a lot!


原帖由 飞雪の轨迹 于 2008-1-11 02:17 发表
oh...I see...thx a lot!

well one more thing....If you are playing in china, the minimum ping should around 350(after mid-night)-500 with CNC broadband and around 350-400 with the best proxy..
不知道何时才能再次披上Elegy的战袍,再度征战在RO的Battle Field上.




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哇 好壮观的画面啊  想想当初玩RO的人真多 GVG密密麻麻都是人 这才热闹啊  现在人少了。。。以前可以差在线人数的 但不知道为什么现在不能啊 。。

