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[历史] 大家有没有发现一个问题。。经常砍怪砍着砍着武器就自动下来了。。。

如题 用技能没问题 但是如果长时间平砍的话 就会出现武器被下下来(自动下来 没有受到任何技能的伤害  我拿我的骑士号从兽人战士一路砍到蜈蚣 经常会武器掉下来。。) 大号的RG 因为最近要附加火属性 所以才需要平砍(趴趴熔岩魔)  也发生了这个问题 。。。这个原因是??
I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body,and fire is my blood.
have created over a thousand blades.
Unknown to Death.
Nor known to Life.
Have withstood pain to create many weapans.
Yet,those hands will never hold anything.

So as I pray unlimited blade works.

XZ属性附加不是满级会失败 技能上写的是失败会坏武器 实际是会脱下武器
当然 头饰上的附加会和XZ是不是一样 我就不知道了


回复楼上的 的确这个我是很清楚的 但是 我一般附魔成功后会换头盔(谁要顶那个东西啊。。)一般附上后我就会换上巨大巴帽 但是问题依旧无法解决~
I am the bone of my sword
Steel is my body,and fire is my blood.
have created over a thousand blades.
Unknown to Death.
Nor known to Life.
Have withstood pain to create many weapans.
Yet,those hands will never hold anything.

So as I pray unlimited blade works.

