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[历史] Not useing you power to make the hurt to meet your vanity、、

Recently I played with my friend in the PVP、、

An Royal Guard came said :'If you in the PVP don`t beat our guild members、 If

you do it you will be killed、'

Then he began to hurt me、Fased 150 Royal Guard I knew I without the odds-o

I said :'Don`t pick a quarrel、I don`t want to fight、'

He said :'Whaterer I pick a quarrel、you are not my opponent、'

I think: because of you are in a big guild you can commandeer the PVP where the

public place?because of you are bitterly you can pick a quarrel free and easy?

I say NO!!!

Many people tell me if you psychological diathesis is  not well don`t play in the pvp

I think PVP is a public place in RO、 so everyone can play in it 、

The Royal Guard said:'PVP is the place to killed people、So you can hurt the peopl

e free an easy、'

I say NO!!!

PVP is not only the place to fight  bu also a place to make the testing、make new fr

iends、chat with others、or improve you fright skill、

That`s my opinion、

Do you know the TWOW、in TWOW when you have a task in the buffer zone、

you will not be hurt by the hostility player、instead of it they will not beat you task

item、Kill the the hostility player will have the honor in the wow、But kill the player

in RO you will have nothing、TWOW also can why not our RO can not !!!

I often see the players quarrel in horn channel、Because of fright in the PVP、

I think if we friendliness more in the PVP these things will not happen、

That`s the PVP rule I think、

1)Don't hurt the player who is sitting、

2)If you want a battle please obtain the consent of the others、

3)If you play in the PVP please bring some leaves to help the people who is lie on

   the ground、

4)Do you know PVP? it is not the GVG、So don't help one side in the battle、

5)If you lost the game don't abuse you opponent、

I think if you are 150、Don't kill the people in the PVP、It's not you Show Time

pvp is ours not yours、please be a ROer with diathesis、

use your time to help the novice、I think it will be meaningfull、

I think RO is a good game、I want it become better and better、everyone friendly

with others is the best、I know only depend my power is not enough、So I write

this article to call on the ROers who are with conscience to make our RO better

an better、

                                                                                           a common Roer、

[ 本帖最后由 万瓷、 于 2011-7-23 20:45 编辑 ]

回复 #179 ︶ㄣ.摩兲倫ˊ 的帖子

版规木有写纯表情第一次警告、第二次思过、、版规是中文的、、 、、、版主来提醒、、我自己自重喽

[ 本帖最后由 万瓷、 于 2011-7-24 15:34 编辑 ]


原帖由 莎乐美 于 2011-7-24 01:21 发表


斑竹您真公正 4个纯表情只是警告下而已。 ,看样子我以后多多的完纯表情了。


回复 #177 Funnel 的帖子

躺地板被打出去我从没有说过什么、、至于文章看不懂、无解、、没有指责过任何一人、、、更没有使用过激的语言、只是建议、、现在大多不是输不起、只是赢的太嚣张而已、、至于不抽烟改玩手枪、、 哥你山口组的么- -、、玩点健康向上的吧、、

[ 本帖最后由 万瓷、 于 2011-7-24 14:20 编辑 ]


原帖由 万瓷、 于 2011-7-24 10:51 发表

爷们并不是拳头,爷们的含义是输得起,拿得起放得下,敢于承担。另外,要知道想制服一个人最有效的方法并不是爷们的拳头,而是手枪。 理智点吧,象个爷们。要赢得起也要输得起。


回复 #175 Funnel 的帖子



原帖由 万瓷、 于 2011-7-23 17:04 发表






提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

愿天下的痴心人 能冲破时间 空间 残酷现实的阻碍 找到一颗 能对自己真心的痴心


回复 #171 【神魂颠倒】 的帖子



回复 #170 van12345 的帖子

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

愿天下的痴心人 能冲破时间 空间 残酷现实的阻碍 找到一颗 能对自己真心的痴心


回复 #169 【神魂颠倒】 的帖子

一票货色= =?


提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

愿天下的痴心人 能冲破时间 空间 残酷现实的阻碍 找到一颗 能对自己真心的痴心


回复 #167 miaomiaotutu 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 万瓷、 于 2011-7-23 21:20 编辑 ]



