The scent of a woman was not mine...
Welcome home darling. Did you miss me? Wish to dwell in dear love? Touch my milklike skin. Feel the ocean. Lick my deepest. Hear the starry choir. Rip off this lace. That keeps me imprisoned. But beware of the enchantment. For my eroticism is oblivion. Old love lies deep you said. Deeper shall be the wound between your legs...... |
主教单刷无3视频:http://bbs.rohome.net/viewthread.php?tid=107040 |
RO谢谢你给我的所有记忆 舍不得离开时 有你的牵绊 当你不在 我也可以安心的给RO一个句号。 我们再也回不去了,可是也无法继续前行了。。。 |
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