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[分享]I have Never Been To Me -Charlene

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Hey lady, you, lady, cursing at your life

  You're a discontented mother and a rich inventive wife

  I've no doubt you dream about the things you'll never do

  But I wish someone had talked to me

  like I wanna talk to you

  I've been to Georgia and California,

  anywhere I could run

  Took the hand of a preacherman

  and we made love in the sun

  But I ran out of places and friendly faces

  Because I had to be free

  I've been to paradise, but I've never been to me

  Please lady, please, lady, don't just walk away

  Cause I have this need to tell you why I'm all alone today

  I can see so much of me still living in your eyes

  Won't you share a part of a weary heart

  that has lived a million lies

  I've been to Nice and the isle of Greece

  While I sipped champagne on a yacht

  I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo

  and showed 'em what I've got

  I've been undressed by kings

  And I've seen some things

  that a woman ain't supposed to see

  I've been to paradise

  But I've never been to me


  Hey, you know what paradise is? It's a lie.

  A fantasy we create

  about people and places as we'd like them to be

  But you know what truth is?

  It's that little baby you're holding,

  And it's that man you fought with this morning,

  the same one you're going to make love with tonight

  That's truth, that's love

  Sometimes I've been to crying for unborn children

  that might have made me complete

  But I, I took the sweet life

  And never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet

  I spent my life exploring the subtle whoring

  that cost too much to be free

  Hey lady, I've been to paradise

  But I've never been to me[/quote]



  后来看到报导,原来这首歌在好几年前即由美国女歌手夏琳( Charlene )灌唱,或许是发行公司财力不够。宣传无门,问世没有多久就销声匿迹( 由于民族性不同,美国人较偏好节奏轻快的歌曲,有些在亚洲相当受欢迎的抒情歌曲,事实上美国人可能兴趣缺缺,例如有首十分柔美的歌:风之花"Windflower",不仅很多美国人没听过,连演唱者在自己的精选辑里都没有收录这首歌 )。后来,一位地方电台的DJ发现了这首曲子,便在自己的节目中密集的播放,慢慢的打响了它的知名度,一年多后,它登上了全美的排行榜,一首好歌因而重见天日,免于蒙尘的命运,这也是夏琳唯一的一首畅销曲。

  在此,要顺便向黄莺莺这位歌手致敬,因为出道以来,黄莺莺始终保持对流行音乐灵敏的嗅觉与独特的品味,是位与世界同步的优质歌手。她慧眼相中I've never been to me,早在它流行之前,即翻唱了这首歌,便是极佳的例证。

  I've never been to me 也可解释作"从不曾到过自己的内心深处"。


  Harlow:Jean Harlow珍哈露,1911-1937, 二十世紀 30年代美國默片時期一位性感女星。

  Charlene- 中文名被译为夏琳出生于50年代的好莱坞。在病弱中度过了童年时代。16岁辍学 17岁结婚却因吸毒被送进了戒毒所而后离婚。76年发行了这首曲,很快销声匿迹。82年无意中被定购一发不可收拾,竟跃居全美排行第三位,也成为 Charlene

  唯一的一首成名曲。仔细理解歌词会发现这是一个女人在悔恨自己因为追求自由而付出了太多的代价。它唱出了 Charlene自己的心声 。。


