We don't understand Chinese.
Though we would like to make corrections,
we don't know hot to write in Chinese.
But she is alive and well.Please be relieved,everybody,
all fan i...
日本人把专门女优拍摄的A片作为电影来制作和发行的,而且是个产业,专业水准无庸质疑的,其中最出名的有亚热,一本道,武士。亚热刚开始总有一个很恶心的女人用英语问女优问题:"WHAT IS YOU NAME?"我不知道亚热是不是向欧美市场推出这些的,感觉每次有这个开场白很恶心,武藤兰的印象最深刻,不是她的哪个演技怎么样,更不是她的风骚,印象中她是比较尽业的。
We don't understand Chinese.
Though we would like to make corrections,
we don't know hot to write in Chinese.
But she is alive and well.Please be relieved,everybody,
all fan i...