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由于80年代流行金属甚至流行摇滚的泛滥,“重金属”这个词被用得过滥,一提到重金属,人们首先反应到的是BON JOVI,GUNS 'N ROSES这样的乐队,仿佛他们就代表了重金属音乐。于是有不少乐队和乐迷开始反感“重金属”,他们开始将那些更为核心和更为硬朗的重金属音乐称为“金属”乐,也就是说,“金属”比“重金属”更重和更硬朗。不过后来这个词渐渐成为一种气质的象征,从而变得更为抽象而不容易解释,这是一种思想、形象、音色、编曲上的综合特征。譬如我们可以说早期的METALLICA金属味就比较浓,而后来就几乎没有了;我们也可以说在80年代流行金属中,WASP是比较金属的;还可以把BLACK SABBATH称为金属乐队,而LED ZEPPELIN我们顶多能说是一支重金属乐队;JUDAS PRIEST,IRON MAIDEN,OVERKILL等都是具有强烈金属气质的,而AC/DC,DEF LEPPARD,SLAYER的金属气质就弱一些(因为他们分别带有较强的布鲁斯、流行和朋克意味);死亡金属是极端金属中最metal的,因为Grindcore朋克味浓,黑金属的音色太脏——总之,这确是一个难以言传的词。

所以这份名单对于重金属(Heavy Metal)乐团中金属味就比较浓的选择在列,淡一些的未选;对于Industrial Metal(工业金属)及Rap-Metal(说唱金属)的乐团难以界定,也未选.
Black Metal~黑色金属
Death Metal~ 死亡金属
Doom Metal~ 毁灭金属(厄运金属)
Electronic Metal~ 电子金属
Folk/Viking Metal~民谣/维京金属
Gothic Metal~歌特金属
Heavy/Traditional Metal~重/传统金属
Orchestral/Symphonic Metal~管弦/交响金属
Power Metal~ 能量金属
Progressive Metal~ 前卫金属
Speed/Thrash Metal~ 速度/鞭鞑金属
Dark Metal~ 黑暗金属
agan Reign (Rus) - Melodic Folk Metal
Orphaned Land - Doom / death metal (old), Progressive folk metal (new)

AFG 阿富汗
ALB 阿尔巴尼亚
ALG 阿尔及利亚 (DZA)
AND 安道尔
ANG 安哥拉
ANT 安提瓜和巴布达
ARG 阿根廷
ARM 亚美尼亚
AUS 澳大利亚
AUT 奥地利
AZE 阿塞拜疆 B
BAH 巴哈马
BRN 巴林
BAN 孟加拉
BAR 巴巴多斯
BLR 白俄罗斯
BEL 比利时
BIZ 伯利兹
BEN 贝宁
BHU 不丹
BOL 玻利维亚
BIH 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那
BOT 博茨瓦纳
BRA 巴西
BRU 文莱
BUL 保加利亚
BUR 布基纳法索
BDI 布隆迪 C
CAM 柬埔寨
CMR 喀麦隆
CAN 加拿大
CPV 佛得角
CAF 中非共和国
CHI 智利
CHN 中国
hkg 附录:香港HK
mac 附录:澳门
twn 附录:台湾TW
COL 哥伦比亚
COM 科摩罗
CGO 刚果
COD 民主刚果
CRC 哥斯达黎加
CIV 科特迪瓦
CRO 克罗地亚
CUB 古巴
CYP 塞浦路斯
CZE 捷克 D
DEN 丹麦
DMA 多米尼克
DOM 多米尼加
ECU 厄瓜多尔
EGY 埃及
ESA 萨尔瓦多
GEQ 赤道几内亚
EST 爱沙尼亚
ETH 埃塞俄比亚
ERI 厄立特里亚 F
FIJ 斐济
FIN 芬兰
FRA 法国
FI 法罗群岛 G
GAB 加蓬
GAM 冈比亚
GEO 格鲁吉亚
GER 德国
GHA 加纳
GRE 希腊
GRN 格林纳达
GUA 危地马拉
GUI 几内亚
GNB 几内亚比绍
GUY 圭亚那 H
HAI 海地
HON 洪都拉斯
HUN 匈牙利
ISL 冰岛
IND 印度
INA 印度尼西亚
IRI 伊朗
IRQ 伊拉克
IRL 爱尔兰
ISR 以色列
ITA 意大利 J
JAM 牙买加
JPN 日本
JOR 约旦 K
KAZ 哈萨克斯坦
KGZ 吉尔吉斯斯坦
KEN 肯尼亚
PRK 朝鲜
KOR 韩国
KUW 科威特 L
LAO 老挝
LAT 拉脱维亚
LIB 黎巴嫩
LES 莱索托
LBR 利比里亚
LBA 利比亚
LIE 列支敦士登
LTU 立陶宛
LUX 卢森堡
MKD 马其顿
MAD 马达加斯加
MAW 马拉维
MAS 马来西亚
MDV 马尔代夫
MLI 马里
MLT 马尔他
MTN 毛里塔尼亚
MRI 毛里求斯
MEX 墨西哥
MDA 摩尔多瓦
MON 摩纳哥
MGL 蒙古
MAR 摩洛哥
MOZ 莫桑比克
MYA 缅甸 N
NAM 纳米比亚
NEP 尼泊尔
NED 荷兰
NZL 新西兰
NCA 尼加拉瓜
NIG 尼日尔
NGR 尼日利亚
NOR 挪威 O
OMA 阿曼 P
PAK 巴基斯坦
PLE 巴勒斯坦
PAN 巴拿马
PNG 巴布亚新几内亚
PAR 巴拉圭
PER 秘鲁
PHI 菲律宾
POL 波兰
POL 葡萄牙
QAT 卡塔尔 R
ROM 罗马尼亚
RUS 俄罗斯
RWA 卢旺达 S
SAM 萨摩亚
KSA 沙特阿拉伯
SEN 塞内加尔
SCG 塞尔维亚和黑山
SEY 塞舌尔
SLE 塞拉利昂
SIN 新加坡
SVK 斯洛伐克
SLO 斯洛文尼亚
SOL 所罗门群岛
SOM 索马里
RSA 南非
ESP 西班牙
SRI 斯里兰卡
SKN 圣基茨和尼维斯
LCA 圣卢西亚
VIN 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯
SUD 苏丹
SUR 苏里南
SWZ 斯威士兰
SWE 瑞典
SUI 瑞士
SYR 叙利亚 T
TJK 塔吉克斯坦
TAN 坦桑尼亚
THA 泰国
TOG 多哥
TGA 汤加
TRI 特立尼达和多巴哥
TUN 突尼斯
TUR 土耳其
TKM 土库曼斯坦
UGA 乌干达
UKR 乌克兰
UAE 阿拉伯联合酋长国
URU 乌拉圭
UZB 乌兹别克斯坦 V
VAN 瓦努阿图
VAT 梵蒂冈
VEN 委内瑞拉
VIE 越南 Y
YEM 也门 Z
ZAM 赞比亚
ZIM 津巴布韦

 一.Black Metal~黑色金属

Total: 7092 bands

(The True) Gaszimmer - Black Metal
...Aaaarrghh... - Raw Black Metal
...And Oceans - Black / Death, post black / industrial / electronic
.K.A.O.S. - Technical thrash/death/black metal
122 Stab Wounds - Death/Black Metal
13 Candles (Hol) - Black
13 Winters - Symphonic Black Metal
1349 - Black Metal
3 - Black Metal
5 Days Bleeding - Melodic Death/Black Metal with Power Metal Influences
6425 - Black/Death Metal
666 - Black Metal
731 Urkved - Black Metal
88MM Metal Bullets - Black/Thrash Metal
9th Circle - Black Metal
A Forest - Black Metal
A Gruesome Find - Black/Death Metal
A Ravens Forest - Black Metal
A Retch of Blood - Black Metal
A Solemn Death - Black / Death Metal
A Winter Within - Melodic Black Metal
A.N.A.E.L. - Melodic death/black/industrial
A.W.A.S. - Death/Thrash Metal with Black influences
Aahas - Black Metal
Aamonhammer - 80's doom/black/thrash
Aarcon - Black Metal
Aardia - Black Metal/Ambient
Aaskereia - Atmospheric Black Metal
Abaddon (Hol) - Death / Black Metal
Abaddon Incarnate - Black/Death Metal
Abadis - Black Metal
Abandon - Black Metal
Abaroth - Progressive Black Metal
Abasbaron - Black/Death Metal
Abate Macabro - Black Metal
Abathur - Black/thrash metal
Abazagorath - Black Metal
Abdication - Black Metal
Abdunor - Black Metal
Aberration - Black Death
Abettor of Satan - Black Metal
Abgott - Black Metal
Abgrund - Black/Death Metal
Abhor (Ita) - Black Metal
Abhorer - Black Death Thrash
Abhorre - Raw Black Metal
Abhorred - Grind/Thrash/Black/Death
Abiathar - Black Metal
Abigail (Jpn) - Black / Thrash
Abigor - Black metal
Abiotic - Groove/Thrash/Black Metal
Abizar - Black Metal/Dark Medieval Ambient
Ablepsia (Bgr) - Symphonic/Melodic Black Metal
Abolish - black metal
Abolth - Black Metal
Abominator - Blackened death/thrash metal
Abominor - Black Metal
Aborted Christ Childe - Black Metal
Abortium - Black, Thrash, Death
Aborym - Black metal, black industrial
Abraas - Black Metal
Abrasax - Black Metal
Abraxas (US) - Black Metal
Abruptum - Black Metal, Dark Ambient/Noise
Abs Conditus - black metal
Absent Silence - black metal
Absentia Lunae - Black Metal
Absidia (Rus) - Symphonic black metal
Absinthebolik - Death/Black Metal
Absolute Grief - Melodic Death/Black
Absonus Noctis - Black Metal
Abstract Essence - Black/doom/progressive metal
Abstraction - Black Metal
Abstrus - Black/Death Metal
Absu - Death Metal (early), Black/Thrash Metal
Absurd (Ger) - NS Black Metal
Absurd Mangler - Black/Death Metal
Absyde - Black Metal
Abused Majesty - Death/Black Metal
Abusiveness - Raw/Pagan Black Metal
Abvul Abashy - Black Metal
Abwhore - Blackened Gothic Metal
Abygor - Black Metal
Abysma - Black / Drone Doom
Abysmal - Black Doom Metal
Abysmal Fall - Black Metal, Death Metal
Abysmal Gates - Black Metal
Abyss (Ita) - Industrial Black Metal
Abyssal - Black Metal
Abyssaria - gothic black metal
Abyssic Hate - Black Metal
Abyssmal Nocturne - Black Metal
Abyssos - Black metal
Abyssum - Atmospheric Black Metal
Acabo El Silencio - Black metal
Acarus Sarcopt - Black Metal
Acceptus Noctifer - black metal
Acckaja Sotona - Black Metal
Accubitorium - Black Metal
Accursed (Aus) - Blackened death metal
Accursed (US) - Death / Black Metal
Accursed (US) - Black metal
Acephale - Black Metal / Ambient / Folk
Achaemenid - Raw Aryan Black Metal
Acheron - Death/Black Metal
Acheron Gates - Black Metal
Acherontis - Raw Black Metal/Ambient
Achiral - Progressive Thrash/Black Metal
Achren - Black Thrash Metal
Acid Enema - black metal
Acolyte's Ruin - Black Metal
Acrimonious - Black Metal
Acronychal Ritual - Progressive Ambient/Folk/Black Metal
Across - Black Metal
Act of God (Rus) - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Acteron - Melodic Black / Folk Metal
Ad Astra (Grc) - Black Metal
Ad Astra (US) - Death/Black Metal
Ad Hominem - NS Black Metal
Ad Inferna - black metal
Ad Inferos - Black Metal
Ad Infinitum (Ger) - Black Metal
Ad Noctem - Black Metal
Ad Noctum (Dnk) - Black Metal
Ad Noctum (Pol) - Black Metal
Ad Patres - Black Metal
Addraunara - Black Metal
Adenophilia - Black/Death Metal
Adh Seidh - Melodic Black Metal
Adhur - Pagan/Folk Black Metal
Adimiron - Black/Melodic Death Metal
Adkan - Black Metal
Adnoctum - Black Metal
Adonais - Raw Black Metal
Adonay (Pry) - Black Metal
Ador Dorath - gothic black metal
Adorarum Lunae - Black Metal
Adorior - Death / Black Metal
Adragard - Black Metal
Adultery - Black Folk Metal
Adumus - Black Metal
Advent - Black / Death Metal
Adversam - Black Metal
Advocatus Diaboli - blackened pagan folk
Aeba - Black Metal
Aegir (Ger) - black metal
Aegrimonia (Bel) - Atmospheric Black Metal
Aegrimonia (US) - Melodic Black Metal
Aenaon - Black Metal
Aeon (Aut) - Black Metal
Aeon (Grc) - black metal
Aeon Noctis - Black Metal
Aeons Confer - Symphonic Black Metal
Aeons of Old - Death/Black Metal
Aequinoctium - Symphonic Black Metal
Aes Dana - Celtic, Black Metal
Aeshma - Black Metal
Aeshva Daeva - Black Metal
Aesthenia - Black Metal
Aeternitas Nox - Black metal
Aeternum (US) - Black/Death Metal
Aeternus - Formerly Black Metal, now Death Metal
Aetherium - Black/Death Metal
Aetherius Obscuritas - Black metal
Aethyria - Black/Death Metal
Aeveron - Melodic Death / Black Metal
After Death - black metal
Afterdeath (Nor) - Black Metal
Afterglow - Black Metal
Agahareth - Black Metal
Agailiarept - Black Metal
Agalirept - Black Metal
Agamendon - Black/Thrash/Death Metal
Agares (Ger) - Black Metal
Agares (Lva) - War Black Metal (now)/NS Black Metal (earlier)
Agartha (Bul) - Black Metal
Agarthi - Black Metal
Agarthia - NS Black Metal
Agarwaen - Black Metal
Agathion - Black Metal
Agathodaimon - Melodic Black Metal
Agatus - Black / Death Metal
Agaurez - Black Metal
Agmen - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Agnus Dei - Black Metal
Agnus Negrae - Black Metal
Agommorah - Symphonic Black Metal
Agon Origin - Death/Black Metal
Agonia(Ven) - Death / Black Metal
Agonia (Fin) - Death/black metal
Agonize (Bos) - Melodic Black Metal / Technical Death Metal
Agony (Nor) - Death/Black Metal
Agony (US) - Black Metal
Agorazheim - Black Metal
Agorgoth - Black Metal
Agoria - Black / Doom Metal
Agratz - Black Metal
Agrypnie - Black Metal
Aguynguerran - Black Metal
Ah Dzam - Black Metal
Ahrihann - Black Metal
Ahriman (Hun) - Black Metal
Aifur - Black Metal
Ainshval - Black Metal
Aird Righ - death / black metal
Aisling - Pagan Black Metal
Aivarim - Black Metal
Aiwaiss - Black Metal
Aiwass - Black Metal
Akantophis - Black Metal
Aker (Esp) - Melodic Black Metal
Akerbeltz (Bra) - Black Metal
Akerbeltz (Esp) - black metal
Akercocke - Black / Death Metal
Akhenaton - black metal
Akhkharu - Melodic Black Metal
Akihma - Black Metal/Ambient
Akitsa - Black Metal
Akrival - Black Metal
Alasthor - Black Metal
Alastis - Black metal
Alastor (Aut) - Black metal
Alastor (Grc) - NS Black Metal
Alastor (Prt) - Black/speed Metal
Alastor Sanguinary Embryo - Black / Death Metal
Alatyr - Ambient Pagan Black Metal
Alcest - Black Metal
Alchemy (US) - Black Metal
Alcoholic Smashing War - Black Metal
Alendalua - Atmospheric Black Metal
Aleph (Ita) - Blackened Progressive Thrash
Alesys - Progressive Death/Black Metal
Alfa Eridano Akhernar - brutal death black metal
Alfheim - Black Metal
Algaion - Atmospheric black metal
Alghazanth - Symphonic Black Metal
Algiz - Black Metal
Algol (Nor) - Death / Black Metal
Algol (US) - Melodic Black / Death Metal
Algor - Black metal
Alienchrist - black metal
Alioth - Black Metal
Alkonost - folk/pagan/doom/black metal
All Life Ends - Melodic Black/Death Metal
All My Sins - Black Metal
Allegiance (Swe) - Black Metal
Allegory - black metal
Allfader - Black Metal
Allfather - Black Metal
Allfather-Odinn - symphonic death/black metal
Allison Gross - Black/Death Metal
Allvaters Zorn - Black Metal/Ambient
Almighty Sathanas - Raw Black Metal
Alocer - black metal
Alpha Drone - dark ambient/noise, black metal
Alsvarth - Black Metal
Alsvartr - Black metal
Altar of Perversion - Raw Black Metal
Altar of Storms - Black Metal
Altar the Sky - Black Metal
Altered Faith Disorder - Black metal
Altithronus - Melodic Black Metal
Alta Paganach - Folk Black Metal
Alverg - Black Metal
Alvsvart - Black/Death Metal
Am Mondesschatten - Black Metal
Amaduscias - Pagan Black Metal
Amalek - Black Metal
Amaranthyne - Melodic Black Metal
Amazarak (Bra) - 80's Black Metal
Amazarak (Fra) - Black Metal
Amazeroth - Black Metal
Ambassador of Anguish - black metal
Ambiguitas - Black Metal
Amduscias - Death / Black Metal
Amen Corner - Black Metal
Amenophis Dusk - Gothic Black Metal
Amestigon - Pagan Black Metal
Amethyst (Hol) - Melodic Death / Black Metal
Aminion - Black Metal (now)/Death Metal (early)
Ammattammen Bas - Black Metal
Ammit - Black/Thrash Metal
Amnesia (Can) - Technical black metal
Amnion - Black Metal
Amok Vedar - Black Metal
Amon (Che) - death/black metal
Amon (Cze) - Black Metal
Amon (Pol) - black metal
Amon Goeth - black metal
Amon Hen - Black Metal
Amon Incarnate - Black Metal
Amon Sul - Black Metal
Amorak - black metal
Amorte - Black Metal
Amortis - Black/Death Metal
Amphiaraus - Black Metal
Amphion - Black/Death Metal
Amphitrium - Black/Death Metal
Amsvartner - Black metal (early), Melodic Death Metal/Gothenburg
Amsvartnir - Black Metal
Amylias Circus - Black Metal
AN - Black Metal/Ambient
An Erotic Funeral - Raw Black Metal
Anaal Nathrakh - Black metal
Anaboth - Raw Black Metal
Anael - Black Metal
Anal Blasphemy - Black/Death Metal
Anal Putrefaction (Fra) - Symphonic Black Metal
Anal Vomit - Black/Death Metal
Anaon - Celtic Black Metal
Anarazel - Black metal
Anatolian Wisdom - Black Metal
Anatomy (Aus) - Black/Death Metal
Anatriz - Power metal with Black/Death Elements
Anaxagazaroth - Raw black metal
Ancestral (Chl) - Black Metal
Ancestral (Fra) - Black Metal
Ancestral (Nic) - Melodic Black Metal
Ancestral Fog - Black Metal
Ancestral Goetia - Black Metal
Ancestral Legacy - symphonic black metal
Ancestral Majesty - Black Metal
Ancestral Myth - Medieval black metal
Ancestral Prophecy - Black
Ancestral Volkhves - Black Metal
Ancetres - Brutal Black Metal
Ancient - Melodic Black Metal
Ancient Ceremony - Melodic Black Metal
Ancient Cult of Pandemonium - Melodic Black Metal
Ancient Hatred - NS black metal
Ancient Mystery - black metal
Ancient Rites - Progressive/Viking Black Metal, Death Metal
Ancient Sadness - black metal
Ancient Sign Glorify - Black Metal
Ancient Skin - Black Metal
Ancient Summoning - Black Metal
Ancient Supremacy - Heathen Black Metal
Ancient War Spirit - Black Metal
Ancient Wargod - Black Metal
Ancient Winds - Black Metal
Ancient Wisdom - Atmospheric Black Metal
Ancientblood - black metal
And Harmony Dies - Black Metal
Andabata - Black/Thrash metal
Andark - Black Symphonic Metal
Andhrimnir (Isl) - black metal
Andhrimnir (UK) - viking/black metal
Andras - Black Metal
Anemosity - Death/Black Metal
Angantyr - Black Metal
Angband - Thrash / Black Metal
Angel Grinder - Death/Black Metal
Angel Hammer - Black Metal
Angel of Light - Black Metal
Angel Reaper - thrash / black metal
Angel's Decay (US) - Black Metal
AngelKill - Black Metal
Angelkunt - Black Metal
Angels of Armageddon - black/death/heavy metal
Angis - Doom/Death Metal (early), Pagan Black Metal (now)
Angmar - Black Metal
Angra Mainyu (Ger) - Black Metal
Angra Mainyu (Rom) - Black Metal
Angrboda - Black Metal
Angrenost - Black Metal
Angst (Swe) - Black Metal
Angurvadel - Black Metal
Anhelitus - Black Metal
Anhkrehg - Brutal Black Metal
Anima - Heavy/Dark Black Metal
Anima Damnata - Black / Death Metal
Animus (Ger) - Black Metal
Animus Herilis - Black Metal
Animus Mortis - Black Metal
Ankrismah - Black Metal
Annihilatus - War Black Metal
Annihilus - Melodic Death / Black Metal
Anno Daemonicus - black metal
Annthennath - Raw Black Metal
Anorexia Nervosa - Symphonic Black Metal
Anphisbenah - Black / Death Metal
Ansur (Fin) - Cyber-Black / Death Metal
Ansur (Nor) - Black Metal
Ansuz - Symphonic, Melodic Power/Black Metal
Antaeus - Raw Black Metal
Antagony (Fra) - Death metal with black/thrash elements
Antaios - Black / Death Metal
Antarktyk - Black Metal
Antaro - Melodic black metal
Ante Cryst - Black Metal
Antechristus - Black Metal
Anteis Symphonia - Symphonic Black Metal
Antestor - Un-Black Metal
Anthem (Col) - Black / Death Metal
Anthropolatri - black metal
Anthropophagy - Black Metal
Antichrist (Aus) - Black Metal
Antichrist (Ger) - war black metal
Antichrist (Hun) - black / thrash metal
Antichrist Terrorist - Black Metal
Antigone - Symphonic black metal (early), avantgarde folk/darkwave (now)
Antihuman - Death/Black Metal
Antikriist - Black Metal
Antiphrasis - Black metal
Antisacrum - Dark/Black Metal
Antisemitex - NS Black Metal/RAC
Antithesis (Fra) - Industrial Black Metal
Antrum Mortis - Symphonic Black Metal
Anu - black metal
Anubis (Pol) - Black Metal
Anwariad - Pagan Folk Black Metal
Anwech - black metal
Anwyl - Black / Death Metal
Anxiety (Fin) - Black Metal
Anxious Death - Raw Black/ Death Metal
Aosoth - Black Metal
Aphasia (Can) - Death / Black Metal
Aphelon - Black/Death Metal
Aphoom Zhah - Raw Black Metal
Apocalypse (US) - Black Metal/Ambient
Apocalypse Now - Black metal
Apocalyptic - Black Metal
Apocrifus - Black Metal
Apocryph - Blackened Epic Metal
Apocrypha (Hol) - Melodic Black Metal
Apocryphal Voice - Avant Garde, Black metal
Apokalipszis Arnyai - Black Metal
Apokalyptic Raids - Black/death/thrash Metal
Apokalyptic Warlust - Black Metal
Apokatastasis - Death/Black Metal
Apokefale - Black Metal
Apokrypha - Melodic black metal
Apolion's Genocide - Black Metal
Apollgon - Black Metal
Apollyon - Black / Death Metal
Apologist - Blackened Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Apolokia (Ger) - Black Metal
Apolokia (Ita) - Black Metal
Aposento (Esp) - Black Metal
Apostasia - symphonic black industrial
Apostasy (Nor) - Symphonic black metal
Apostasy (Swe) - Melodic black metal
Apostasy (US) - Death/Black Metal
Apotheosis (Mlt) - Thrash / Epic / Symphonic Black Metal
Apotheosys - Black Metal
Apprentice Bards - Black Metal
Apraxia - Pagan Black Metal
Aptakhar - Black Metal
Apud Inferos - Black Metal
Apud Inferos - Black Metal
Aquam Igni - Dark Ambient Black Metal
Aquelarre - Black Metal
Aquer - Black metal
Aqueronte (Bra) - Black Metal
Aqueronte (Mex) - Melodic Black Metal
Ara - Black Metal
Arachnovore - Black/Death Metal
Arachos - Black/Death Metal
Arachula - Black/Death Metal
Aracranios - Black/Death Metal
Aradia - Black Metal
Aradone - Symphonic Black Metal
Arafel - Black Metal
Aragorn (Ger) - Melodic Black Metal
Arakacian - Death/Black Metal
Arallu - Black/Death Metal
Aramathea - Raw Black Metal
Aranruth - Black Metal
Aras - Black Metal
Arathorn - Medieval Black Metal
Arawn - Death/Black/Thrash Metal
Arcadian Nocturne - black metal
Arcane Church - Black Metal
Arcane Shadows - Black Metal
Arcane Wisdom - Folk/Pagan Black/Traditional Metal
Arcano - Heav, Black synphonic and melodic metal
Arch of Thorns - Black Metal
Archaeus - Brutal Black Metal
Archaicus - Black Metal
Archain - Black Metal
Archandrja - Pagan Black Metal
Archangellus - Black Metal
Archestry - Black Metal
Archevil - Death/Grind/Black Metal
Archgoat - Death/Black Metal
Archotype - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Arckan Obscura - Black Metal
Arckanum - black metal
Arctum - Black Metal
Arcturus - Avant-Garde, Atmospheric Black (early)
Ardulph Ardebahr Wald - Black/Gothic Metal
ArenariS - Black Metal (early)/Gothic/Dark/Death Metal (now)
Ares - Black Metal
Ares Kingdom - Black Metal
Ares Wrath - Black Metal
Arganath - Black Metal
Argar - pagan black metal
Argath - Black Metal
Argenraza - black metal
Argentum - Black Doom Death Metal
Argonath (UK) - Black Metal
Argoth - Black Metal
Argus (Rom) - Medieval Black Metal
Argyrian - Black Metal
Arianrhod (Can) - Raw Black Metal
Arima - Raw Black Metal
Arimonium Rex - Symphonic Death/Black Metal
Aristaeus - Black Metal
Aristide - Black Metal
Arizen - Black/Speed/Thrashy punkish metal
Arkadia (Can) - Black Metal
Arkanum - Symphonic Black Metal
Arkanus Ad Noctum - Black Metal
Arkenstone - extreme raw black metal
Arkh'aam - Pagan Black Metal
Arkham - Black/Ambient/Dark Metal
Arkhan - Death/ Black Metal
Arkhaytulmayt - Black/Melodic Death Metal
Arkheth - Black Metal
Arkhon - Black/Death Metal
Arkhon Infaustus - Black/Death Metal
Arkhon Ton Daimonion - Black Metal
Arkona (Pol) - Black Metal
Armagedda - Black Metal
Armageddon (Ita) - Black Metal
Armageddon Holocaust - Black Metal
Armageddon Rises - Black Metal
Armaggedon - Black Metal
Armany - NS Black Metal
Armata di Carona - Black Metal
Armatus - Black Metal
Armauk - Black Metal
Armiilus - Black Metal
Armilistrium - Black Metal
Arminius - Death, Black (early days)
Army Of In Between - Industrial Black Metal
Arnstadt - Black Metal
Aroura Borealis - Black Metal
Arphaxat - Black Metal
Arren - Black Metal
Arrival - melodic black metal
Ars Macabra - industrial, electronic black metal
Ars Mortis - black metal
Ars Nefanda - Black Metal
Ars Nenia - Black Metal
Ars Notoria - Black Metal
Ars Occulta - Black Metal
Ars Tenebrae - Black Metal
Arsis - Melodic Death with Black/Thrash/Progressive influences
Arson God - Black Metal
Arsonist Lodge - Black Metal
Art Inferno - Black Metal
Art Malefica - Raw Black Metal
Art of Abyssus - Melodic black/gothic metal
Arte Oculta - Black Metal
Artefact - Heavy/Black Metal
Artes Negras - Black/Thrash Metal
Artes Orbis - Black Metal
Arth - Pagan Black Metal
ArthemesiA - Melodic Black Metal
Arthornia - Black metal
Artifact - Heavy/Black Metal
Artificium Sanguis - Black Metal
Arum - black metal
Aruspex - Black Metal
Arvind - Black Metal
Arvinger - black folk viking metal
Aryadeva - Folk Black Metal
Aryan Angels - National Socialist Black Metal
Aryan Blood - NS Black Metal
Aryan Spirits - Black Metal
Aryan Terrorism - Black Metal/Hatecore
Aryan Tormentor - NS Black Metal
Aryos - Avant-Garde Black Metal
As Creation Falls... - Symphonic Black Metal
As Dramatic Homage - Black Doom Metal
As Hope Dies - Blackened Melodic Death Metal
As It Burns - Melodic Death/Black Metal
As Light Dies - Death/Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
As Prophecies - Black Metal
As Sahar - Black / Death Metal
As Stormclouds Gather - Black Metal
As the Shadows Fall - Black Metal
As the Sky Bleeds - Black/Death Metal
As Vampiric Shades and Belial Winds - Black Metal
As You in Agony Cry - Melodic Black Metal
Asakku - Black Metal
Asaradel - Black/Doom Metal
Asaru - black metal
Asatru (Ger) - Pagan Black Metal
AsatruUK) - Viking black/thrash metal
Asbath Oculta - Pagan Black Metal
Ascent - Black Metal
Aschmicrosa - Black Metal
Ases - Black Metal
AsEyeAm - Death/Black/Thrash Metal
Asgaard (Pol) - Gothic/Black Metal
Asgard (Bel) - Viking/Black Metal
Asgard (Can) - Black / Death Metal
Asgard (Cze) - Black Metal
Asgaroth - Black/Doom Metal
Asgaut - Black / Doom
Asgeirr - Black Metal
Ash Devili - Black Metal
Ash Nazg - Black Metal
Ashdautas - Black Metal
Ashen Light - Folkish Black Metal
Ashes (Swe) - Death/Black
Ashes (UK) - Black Metal
Ashes of Lord - Melodic Black Metal
AshkarK - Black Metal
Ashlan - Black Metal
Ashmolean - Melodic Blackened Death Metal
Ashtorath - Black Metal, Dark Ambient
Aska (Swe) - Black Metal
Aske - Black Metal
Askehorde - Brutal Black Metal
Askes - Black Metal
Askuror - Pagan Black Metal
Asmodee(Fra, 主唱Spica )- Black Metal
Asmodee(Fra,主唱Thomas Chassaigne) - Black Metal
Asmodeus (Aut) - Black metal
Asmodeus (Isl) - Black Metal
Asmodeus (Mex) - Black Doom
Asmodeus (Nor) - Black Metal
Asmon - Black Metal
Asmorod - black ambient
Asmudus - Black metal
Asofy - Black/Doom Metal
Asphyxia (Aut) - Black Metal (early), Melodic Death Metal
Asphyxiation (Mex) - Death/Thrash/Black Metal
Asrafil - Melodic Black Metal
Assacrentis - Melodic Black Metal
Assamalla - black metal
Assassination (Ser) - Black Metal
Assur - Epic Black Metal
Astaarth - Black Metal
Astaroth (Aut) - Black metal
Astaroth (Nor) - Symphonic Black Metal
Astarte - Black Metal
Astathica - Black Metal
Asterius - gothic/symphonic black-ish metal
Astharoth (Bel) - Black Metal
Astharoth (Pol) - black/death metal
Astimi - Black Metal
Astral - Black/gothic metal
Astral Aeon - Black Metal
Astral Division - Black Metal
Astray - Death / Black Metal
Astriaal - Black Metal
Astrioth - Black Metal
Astrofaes - Black Metal
Astrum Aurora - Black Metal
Astovidatus - Black Metal
Asura - Raw Black Metal
Asvaran - Black metal
Asyndess - Cyber Dark Metal/Black metal influences
At Dawn They Sleep - Melodic Death/Black Metal
At First Light - Melodic Black Metal
At My Funeral - Black Metal
At Radogost's Gates - Black/Death Metal
At the Mercy of Inspiration - Black Metal
Atanab - Gothic / Death / Black Metal
Atanatos - black thrash
Atem - Death/Black Metal
Atemtor - Black Metal
Atenoux - Symphonic/Gothic/Black Metal
Ater (Ita) - Symphonic Black Metal
Ater Tenebrae - Old School Black Metal
Athame - Black Metal
Athanor (Ita) - Black Metal
Athothep - Black Metal
Athotorgh - Black Metal
Athys - Melodic Black Metal
Atman - Black Metal
Atoll Nerat - Gothic Black Metal
Atomizer - Thrash/Black Metal
Atonement - Melodic black metal
Atra Mustum - symphonic black/death metal
Atramentum - Black Metal
Atras Cineris - Black Metal
Atratus (Hol) - Raw black metal
Atritas - Black Metal
Atroce - Black Metal
Atromorta - Symphonic Black/gothic Metal
Atropos (Fra) - Melodic Dark/Black Metal
Atrorum - Melodic Black Metal
Atrox (Fra) - Black metal
Atroxaeon - Black Metal
Atroxentis - black metal
Atryxion - Electronic/melodic black metal
Atys - Experimental/Industrial Black Metal
Aufkrema - Black Metal
Augur - Black Metal
Augury (Jor) - Melodic Black/Technical Death Metal
Aura Noir - Black/Thrash metal
Aura Noire - Symphonic Black Metal
Aurora Borealis - Black / Death
Aurora Snow - Black Metal
Ausbomben - Black Metal
Austrum - Black Metal
Autopsy Gothic - Black/Death Metal
Autumn Myst - Black Metal
Autumn Verses - Melodic Blackened Death Metal
Autumnal Reaper - Black/Death Metal
Autumnal Winds - Black/Death Metal
Autumndusk - Black Avant-garde Metal
Avafrost - Death/Black Metal
Avantgard (Aus) - Symphonic Black Metal
Avatar (Bel) - Black Metal
Avathalor - Black Metal
Avathar (Aut) - Melodic black, gothic
Avathar (Fin) - Black/Folk Metal
Avathar (UK) - Black Metal
Ave Sathanas - black metal
Avenger (Cze) - Black/Death Metal
Avernum - Black Metal
Averse Sefira - Black Metal
Avinar - Melodic Black Metal
Avzhia - Black Metal
Await Rottenness - Brutal Death/Black Metal
Awake the Mighty Dragon - Black Metal
Awoken - Black/Death metal
Awzan - Speed/Black Metal
Axamenta - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Axenic - Black/Death Metal
Axiom - Black Metal
Axis of Advance - black/death metal
Axt - Black Metal
Ayahuaira - Black Metal
Ayat - Black Metal
Ayperos - Black Metal
Aysenlur - Epic Black Metal
Azael (Bra) - Black Metal
Azael (Chl) - Death/Black Metal
Azael (Dza) - Black Metal
Azag-Thoth - Black Metal
Azagatel - Black metal
Azaghal - Black Metal
Azahel's Fortress - Black Metal
Azalon - Melodic Black Metal
Azanth - Raw Black Metal
Azaroth (Pan) - Melodic Black Metal
Azaroth (UAE) - Black Metal
Azathoth (Svk) - Doom / Black Metal
Azaxul - Black Metal
Azazel (Fin) - Black Metal
Azazel (Isr) - Melodic Black Metal
Azbuk - Black Metal
Azeazeron - Death/Black
Azer - Black Metal
Azerlath - Black Metal
Azeroth (Rus) - black metal
Azgeroth - black
Azhubham Haani - Black Metal
Azimuth (US) - Melodic Black Metal
Azmael - Black Metal
Azmaveth - Black/Death Metal
Azmodan - Black Metal
Azra-el - progressive black/death
Azrael (US) - Avant-garde Black Metal
Aztec - Black Metal
Azterion - Black/Death Metal
Azure (Swe) - Black / Death Metal
Azurewrath - Symphonic Black Metal
Azziard - Black/Death metal
B.O.B. - Sick Black/Noise
Baal Berit - Black/ Death Metal
Baal Gadrial - Black Metal
Baal Hamon - Black Metal
Baal Rebirth - Black Metal
Baal Sebul - Primitive Black Metal
Baal Therocles - Black Metal
Baalberith (Aus) - Black Metal
Baalberith (Fra) - Black Metal
Baalberith (Nor) - Black Metal
Baalstrom - Black Metal
Bachus - Black Metal
Bactherion - Black Doom Metal
Bael (Bol) - Black Metal
Bael (Fra) - Black Metal
Bagronk - Epic Black Metal
Bahimiron - Black Metal
Bak De Syv Fjell - Black Metal
Bakbakwalanooksiwae - Raw Black Metal
Bakxeia Neraida - folk-influenced pagan black
Bakxeios - Black Metal
Balam - Black Metal
Balam Acab - Black Metal
Balfor - Progressive Death/Black Metal
Balothron - Black Metal
Balrog (Fra) - Black Metal
Balseraph - Melodic Black Metal
Baltak - Black Metal
Banewort - Black/Ambient
Banished (Swe) - Blackish Heavy Metal
Banner of Wrath - Dark/Black Metal
Bannerwar - Black Metal
Banshee (Ita) - Doom/Black Metal
Banshee (Mex) - Melodic Black Metal
Baphomet's Throne - Death/Black Metal
Baphometh (Ven) - Thrashy death/black metal
Bapthomet - Raw Black Metal
Baptism - Black Metal
Barad Dblr - Black Metal
Barastir - Black Metal
Barathrum - Black Metal
Barathrum of Ahriman - Black Metal
Barbarian - Black Metal
Barbarian Prophecies - Black Metal
Barbaros - Black Metal
Barbarous - Raw Black Metal
Barbatos (Jpn) - Black/Thrash
Barbatos (Slv) - Black Metal
BardFaust - Black Metal
Bare-Sark - Black Metal
Bartholomeus Night - Black Metal
Barzakh (Idn) - Black Metal
Barzakh (UAE) - Black Metal
Basarab - Atmospheric Black Metal
Basilisk (Jpn) - Black/Death Metal
Basilisk (UK) - Black Metal
Basiliskk - Black Metal
Baskiria - Black Metal
Basmasura - Black Metal
Bastard (Aut) - Black metal
Bastard Spawn - Black/Death Metal
Bastion - Black Metal
Batcastle - Black/Death/Groove/Grind
Bathomet - Black Metal
Bathory - Black Metal, Viking/Thrash Metal
Bathym - Black/Death Metal
Batraz - Black Metal
Battalion (Aus) - Black / War Metal
Battle - Raw Black Metal
Battle Tyrant - Raw Black Metal with Oi! influences
Battlehorns - black metal
Battlelust - Death / Black Metal
Baxaxa - Black Metal
Baxaxaxa - Black Metal
Bayemon - Black / Death Metal
Bazzah - Black Metal
Bealiah - Symphonic Black Metal/Heavy Metal
Beastcraft - Black Metal
Beatrik - black metal
Beauty of Desolation - Black metal
Bechard - Black Metal
Becksvart - black metal
Bedlam (Bra) - Black/Death Metal
Beelzeb - Black Metal
Beelzebub - Black Metal
Beelzebul - Black Metal
Befallen - Death / Black / Thrash Metal
Beguile - Melodic Death / Black metal
Behalf Fiend - Black Metal
Behead Christ - Black Metal
Beheaded (Sgp) - Death / black metal
Beheaded Baptist - Black Metal
Beheaded Lamb - Black Metal
Behelal - Black Metal
Behell - Black Metal
Behelmod - Black/Death Metal
Behemoth (Bra) - Black/Death Metal
Behemoth (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Behemoth (Sgp) - Black Metal
Beherit - Black Metal (old), Dark Ambient (new)
Behexen - Raw Black Metal
Bekhira - Black Metal
Bekwa - Black Metal
Belathuzur - Black Metal
Belef - Black Metal
Belenos - Celtic/Pagan black metal
Beleth - Black Metal
Belfegor - Black metal
Belfrost - Black Metal
Belial (Fin) - Black Metal
Belial (Sgp) - Black Death Metal
Beliar - Black Metal
Belkardt - Black Metal
Belketre - Black Metal
Bellicus Daemoniacus - Black Metal
Bellum - Black Metal
Belmez - Black Metal
Belphegor - Death/Black Metal
Belphegoth - Black Metal
Belsemar - black metal
Belshazzar - Black Metal
Beltane (Nzl) - Black Metal
Beltane (Swe) - black metal
Beltia - Black Metal
Belzabet (Mex) - Epic Black Metal
Belzabet (Ven) - Black Metal
Belzebu - Black Metal
Belzebul - Raw Black Metal
Belzebuth (Mor) - Folk Black Metal
Belzebuth (Tur) - Black Metal
Belzec - Black metal
Bemdesar - Black Metal
Benatnash - Symphonic Medieval Black Metal
Beneath a Bleeding Sky - Thrash/Black Metal
Beneath the Dying Moon - Melodic Black Metal
Beneth - Death/Black Metal
Benighted (Fra) - Brutal Death/Black Metal
Benighted (Hrv) - Black metal
Benighted (Swe) - Black metal
Benighted (Swe) - Black/Death Metal
Benighted (US) - Black Metal
Benighted Leams - Black metal
Berdysz - Raw Black Metal/Ambient
Bergelmir - Black Metal
Bergen Belsen S.S. - NS Black/Doom Metal, Oi
Bergensk - Black Metal/Ambient
Bergraven - Black Metal
Bergthron - Black Metal
Berith (Ger) - black metal
Berkaial - Black Metal
Berserk (Bel) - Black Metal
Berserk (Esp) - black metal
Berserkers Forest - Black Metal
Berserkerwut - NS Black Metal
Berserkir - Black Metal
Berzabum - Black Metal
Berzano - Black Metal
Berzemon - Symphonic Black Metal
Besatt - Black Metal
Besias - Black Metal
Bestemmia Aeternalis - Black / Death Metal
Bestia (Est) - Epic Black Metal with Brutal Death Metal Influences
Bestia (Rus) - Black Metal
Bestial (Bra) - Blackened death/thrash metal
Bestial (Rus) - Black Metal
Bestial 666 - Black Metal
Bestial Atrocity - Black Metal
Bestial Cult - Black Metal
Bestial Devastation - Blackish Thrash Metal
Bestial Goathammer - Black Metal
Bestial Holocaust - Black Metal
Bestial Lust - Black Metal
Bestial Mockery - Black / Thrash Metal
Bestial Raids - Death/Black Metal
Bestial Summoning - Black Metal
Bestial War - black metal
Bestial Warlust - Black Metal
Bestial Wrath - Black Metal
Bestialust - Black Metal
Bestiar - Death / Black Metal
Bestymator - Black Metal
Bethel - Black Metal
Bethlehem (Ger) - Black metal / Doom metal / Death metal
Bethor (Grc) - Black Metal
Bethor (Ser) - Black Metal
Bethzaida - Death / Black Metal
Betrail - Black Metal
Betrayed (Ger) - Death/Black Metal
Betrothing Dejection - Death Metal, Black Metal, Grindcore
Between the Frost - Black / Death Metal
Bewitched (Chl) - Black / Doom / Ambient
Bewitched (Swe) - Black/Thrash/Power Metal
Beyond North - Black / Death Metal
Beyond the Northwinds - Black Metal / Ambient
Beyond the Sanity - Doom/Black Metal
Bhaobhan Sidhe - Electronic/Ambient/Black Metal
Bhoidhos - Black Metal
Biastema - Black Metal
Bible of Hatred - Black Metal
Biblical Infamy - Black Metal
Bifrost (Swe) - Black Metal
Big Boss - black metal
Bihor Massif - Raw Black Metal
Bilskirnir - Black Metal
Biophobia - Black Metal
Birkabein - Raw Black Metal
Bishop of Hexen - Symphonic Black Metal
Bisol - Black Metal/Ambient/Classical
Bizzare Ordinary - Melodic Black Metal
Blaac Abour - Black Metal
Black Achemoth - Black Metal
Black Affliction - Black Metal
Black Altar - Black Metal
Black Angel - Black Metal
Black Art - Black/Death Metal
Black Autumn (Ger) - Black Metal
Black Bile - Black Metal
Black Blood - Black Metal
Black Boned Angel - Black Metal/Doom Rock
Black Candle - Black Metal
Black Candle's Mist - Black Metal
Black Circle (Swe) - Black Metal
Black Countess - Black, Doom/Gothic metal
Black Cross (Prt) - Black/Heavy Metal
Black Crucifixion - Black Metal
Black Dawn (Fin) - Brutal Black Metal
Black Death Ritual - Black Metal
Black Dementia - melodic black metal
Black Draugwath - Black Metal
Black Empire (Bra) - Black Metal
Black Empire (Mex) - Black/Thrash Metal (now) / Melodic Black Metal (earlier)
Black Evil - Black/Heavy Metal
Black Flame - Black Metal
Black Fortress - Black Metal
Black Frost - Black Metal
Black Funebre - Black Metal
Black Funeral (Bra) - Black Metal
Black Funeral (US) - Black Metal / Dark Ambient (last release)
Black Fury - Symphonic Black Metal
Black Goat - Black Metal
Black Harvest - Melodic/Doom/Black Metal
Black Holiday - Black/Thrash Metal
Black Holocaust - Black Metal
Black Horizons - Black Metal
Black Howling - Black Metal
Black Jade - Black Metal
Black Jehovah - Black Metal
Black Landscapes - 'Black' Metal with varied influences
Black Lodge (Fra) - industrial/black metal
Black Mass of Absu - Black/Noise/Dark Ambient
Black Mass Perversion - Black Metal
Black Messiah - Symphonic Black Metal
Black Misanthropy - Black Metal
Black Moon - Pagan Black Metal
Black Murder - Black Metal
Black Nova - Electronic/Experimental Black Metal
Black Palace Symphony - Symphonic 'Blackened' Metal
Black Paladin - Black Metal
Black Pentecost - Black Metal
Black Plague - Black Metal
Black Prophecies - Black metal
Black Prophets - Melodic Black Metal
Black Putrescence - Raw Black Metal
Black Rain (Cze) - Black Metal
Black Realm (Ger) - Raw Black Metal
Black Realm (US) - Black Metal
Black Reign (US) - Black Metal
Black Rites - Black Metal
Black Scrap Metal - Death/Black Metal
Black Seas of Infinity - Black Metal/Ritual Music
Black Shadow - Black Metal
Black Sheep (Fra) - Black/Noise/Ritual
Black Shining Death - Black Metal
Black Solitude - Black/Thrash metal
Black Storm Division - NS Black Metal
Black Sunrise (Ita) - Melodic Black Metal
Black Swan (Fin) - Melodic Black Metal
Black Tear - black metal, death metal
Black Tears (Bel) - Death/Black/Progressive Metal
Black Terror - Black Metal
Black Torment (Ger) - Black Metal
Black Torment (Mex) - Black Metal
Black Torment (US) - Black Metal
Black Tribe - Black Metal
Black Trinity - Black Metal
Black Twilight - Black Metal
Black Tyrant - Black Metal
Black Vomit - Black Metal
Black War - Black Metal
Black Wind - Black Metal
Black Winter - Black Metal
Black Winter Night - Black Metal
Black Witchcraft - Black Metal
Black Witchcraft Savagery - Black Metal
Black Witchery - Black Metal
Black Wizard - Heavy/Black Metal
Black Wood - Raw Black Metal
Black Zamut - Black Metal
Blackcrowned (RSA) - Black Metal
Blackcrowned (Rus) - Black Metal/Experimental Metal
Blackdeath - Black metal
Blackend Sun - Black Metal
Blackest Ruin - Black Metal
Blackgod - Black Metal
Blackhorned - Black Metal
Blackid Nocta - Black Metal
Blacklord - Black Metal
Blackmass - Black Metal
Blackness Forever - Black Metal
Blacksnow - Black Metal
BlackSStorm - NS Black Metal
Blackstone - Death / Black Metal
Blackstorm - Black Ambient
Blackthorns - Black Metal
Blackthrone - Black metal
Blackwind - Black Metal
Blackwinds - Black metal
Blakagir - Pagan Black Metal
Blasfemia (Ger) - Black Metal
Blasfemus Profanus - Black Metal
Blasphemer (US) - Black Metal
Blasphemous (Pol) - Raw Black Metal
Blasphemous (Swe) - Black Metal
Blasphemous Evil - black/death metal
Blasphemous Noise Torment - Black Metal
Blasphemous Nudity - Raw Black/Grind Metal
Blasphemy (Can) - Black Metal
Blasphemy Rites - Brutal Death/Black/Grind
Blazemth - black metal
Blaznagar - Black Metal
Bleak - Ambient/raw black metal
Bleak Forest - Black Metal
Bleb Margo - Black Metal
Bleed the Son - Black Metal
Bleedience - black metal
Bleeding Thorn - Cold Black Metal
Blessed Are The Sick - Gothic Orchestral Black Metal
Blessed in Sin - Black Metal
Blessedbethyname - Industrial/Black Metal
Blessmon - black metal
Blinded by Faith - Melodic black metal
Bliss of Flesh - Black/Death metal
Blitzkrieg (Pol) - Raw Black Metal
Blizkrig - Black Metal
Blizzard (Arg) - Black Metal
Blizzard (Aus) - Black Metal
Blizzard (Isr) - Black metal
Blizzard (Lva) - Black Metal
Blizzard Winter - Black Metal
Blod Besvimelse - Black Metal
Blodarv - Black Metal
Blodfrost - black metal
Blodshunger - Black Metal
Blodsoffer - Black Metal
Blodsrit - Black Metal
Blodulv - Black Metal
Bloedakker - Black Metal
Blood Angel - Death Black Metal
Blood Coven - Black / Death
Blood Cult - Black Metal
Blood Haven - Black Metal
Blood of Christ - Black/Death Metal
Blood Quest - Black Metal
Blood Simple - Black Metal
Blood Stained Dusk - Black Metal
Blood Storm - Black/Thrash
Blood Streams - Black Metal
Blood Vengeance - Raw Black Metal
Blood Victory - NS Black Metal
Blooddawn (Bra) - War Black Metal
Bloodfalls - Black Metal
Bloodfeast (Pol) - death/black metal
Bloodhammer - Black metal
Bloodhorde - Black Metal
Bloodline - Black Metal
Bloodlord - Black Metal
Bloodmoon - Black Metal
Bloodoline - Black Metal
Bloodrain (Rus) - Black Metal
Bloodrose - Black Metal
Bloodsaw Baphomet - Black Metal
Bloodshed (Swe) - Black/Death Metal
Bloodshed Divine - Black Metal
Bloodthirst (Fra) - Brutal Black Metal
Bloodthorn - Black/Death Metal
Bloodthrone - Black/Death Metal
Bloodtide XV - Black Metal
Bloodwritten (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Bloody Axes - black metal
Bloody Blasphemy - Black Metal
Bloody Clerks - death/black/doom metal
Bloody Harvest - Black Metal
Bloody Passion - Black Metal
Bloody Sign - Death/Black Metal
Bloody Tears (Prt) - Black Metal
Bloody Victim - Black Metal
Bloodythiirsty - Black Metal
Blot - Black Metal
Blot Mine - Black / Death Metal
Blow Up - Black / Thrash Metal
Blut - NS Black Metal
Blut Aus Nord - Black Metal
Blut Formicarium - Black/Gothic/Folk Metal
Bluten - Black Metal
Blutorden - Black Metal
Blutrache - Black Metal
Blutskrieg - National Socialist Black Metal
Blutstolz - NS Black Metal
Bluttaufe - Black Thrashing War Metal
Bog Imp - Black Metal
Bog Master - Progressive/Black/Doom Metal, Experimental Metal
Bolg - Old School Black Metal
Bolthorn - Black Metal
Bolverk (Aus) - Black Metal
Bombensturm - Black / Viking Metal
Bone Awl - Black Metal/Oi!
Book of Black Earth - Black Metal
Boreal - Ambient
Boreb - Raw Black Metal/ Dark Ambient
Borgarholt - Black/Viking Metal
Borgazur - Symphonic Black Metal
Borgmester Dahl - Black/Death Metal
Borknagar - Viking/folk/progressive black-ish metal
Born of Thorns - Black Metal
Born of Witch - Black Metal
Bornholm - Black Metal
Botulistum - Black metal
Bound For Tomb - Death/Black Metal
Bound in Human Flesh - Black/Death Metal
Bran Barr - Celtic Folk/Black Metal
Brandpest - Black Metal
Branikald - NS Black Metal
Branstock - Black / Pagan Metal
Breath of Beherith - Black Metal
Breath of Sorrows - Black Metal
Breizh Occult - Black Metal
Brenoritvrezorkre - Black Metal
Briargh - Black Metal
Brilliant Coldness - Black/Death Metal
Brisen - black metal
Brocken Moon - Black Metal
Broken Dagger - Melodic Blackened Speed Metal
Broken Soul (Rus) - Atmospheric Death/Black Metal
Brumalis - Black Metal
Brume d'Automne - Black Metal
Buchenwald Oven - Black Metal
Budsturga - Funeral Black Ambient
Buio Omega - Black/death metal
Bulldozer (Ita) - Black/Speed Metal
Bundeswehra - Black Metal
Burial Hordes - Black Metal
Burial Horg - Epic Folk Black Metal
Burial in Sulphur - Black/Death Metal
Burial Place - Symphonic Black Metal
BurialMound - brutal black/death
Buried Beneath - Blackened Death Metal
Burned to Ashes - Death/Black Metal
Burning Darkness - Melodic Black Metal
Burning Moon - Black Metal
Burning Winds - Black Metal
Burnz - Black Metal
Burzukh - Death/Black/Doom/ Traditional Heavy Metal
Burzum - Black Metal/Ambient
Bustum (Hrv) - Black Metal
Bustum (Pol) - Black Metal
Bustum Niger - Black Metal
Butterfly Temple - Folk/Doom/Black Metal
Buzrael (Ita) - Black Metal
Buzrael (Mex) - Black Metal
By Brute Force - Blackened Death Metal
By Dawn Cursed - Black Metal
By Disgrace of God - Black Metal
Byam Klavor - Symphonic Black Metal
Byleth - Black Metal
Byzantum - Black Metal
Bolvaettur - Black Metal
C.A.I.N. - Death/Black Metal
Cabaret for Bereaved - Black Metal
Caccamon - Death/Black Metal
Cadaver Inc - Black/Thrash/Death Metal
Caedes - Black Metal
Caelum Adustum - Black Metal
Caer Gwydyon - Black Metal
Caer Ibormeith - Death Metal/70's influenced Progressive Rock (now)/Symphonic Gothic/Black Metal (earlier)
Caibalion - Black Metal
Caifaz - Black Metal
Caitiff - Black Metal
Caladbolg - Black metal
Callicles - Black Metal
Calvarium - Black Metal
Camos - Black Metal
Campo de Mayo - Black Metal
Camulos - Black metal
Candelora - Black Metal
Candle Serenade - Melodic Black Doom Death Metal
Canis Lupus - Black Metal
Cantar - Doom/Black Metal
Cantus Bestiae - Black Metal
Cantus Infame - Black Metal
CapitisDamnare - Black Metal
Capitollium - Symphonic Black Metal
Capra Hircus - Raw Black Metal
Capri Sancti - Black Metal
Capricornus - NS Black Metal
Carach Angren - Symphonic Black Metal
Carbon - Black metal
Carcharoth (Esp) - Pagan Black Metal
Carcharoth (Hun) - Melodic Black Metal
Cardinal Sin (Swe) - Death/Black Metal
Carnage (US) - Black Metal
Carnarium - Black/Gothic Metal
Carnaticum - Black Metal
Carnified - Death/Black Metal
Carnun - Black Metal
Carpathian Forest - Black Metal
Carpathian Full Moon - Death/Black/Doom Metal
Carpathian Gate - Melodic/Atmospheric Black Metal
Carpathian Lords - Black Metal
Carpatia - melodic black/death/doom
Carpatus - Black Metal
Carpe Noctem (Ger) - Black Metal
Carpe Noctem (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Carpe Tenebrum - Black Metal, Death Metal
Carrier Flux - Industrial Blackened Gothic Metal
Castle of Thorns - Symphonic Black Metal
Castrum (Hrv) - Black Metal
Castrum (Ukr) - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Casus Belli (Pol) - Pagan Black / Death Metal
Catacomb (Aus) - Black metal
Catamenia - Melodic Black Metal
Cataplexy - Black Metal
Catashana - Black/Doom Metal
Catenatam Lucem - Black Metal
Cathedral Canceria - Atmospheric Black Metal
Catherine La Voisin - Black Metal
Catholicon - Black Metal
Cauda Draconis - Black/Thrash Metal
Cauldron (Esp) - Black Metal
Cauldron Black Ram - Black Metal
Cavum - Progressive Death/Black Metal
Cedamus - Dark Ambient/Neo Folk/Black Metal
Celebrant - Black/Death Metal
Celebratum - Black Metal
Celeste - Dark Black Metal
Celestia - Black Metal
Celestial Bloodshed - Black Metal
Celestial Crown - Gothic/doom/black metal
Celestial Decay - Black Metal
Celtic Blood (Ger) - Pagan Black Metal
Celtic Dance - Black Metal
Celticmoon - Black Metal
Celticthrone - Black Metal
Cemetary Desekrator - Black Metal
Centuries of Deception - Raw Black Metal
Centurion Centauri - Black Metal
Cerberus (Ger) - black metal
Cerebral Suppression - Melodic Black Metal
Ceremonial Castings - Black Metal
Ceremonial Doom - Black/Death Metal
Ceremonial Embrace - Black / Death Metal
Ceremonial Serenade - Black Metal
Cernunnos (Grc) - folk-influenced pagan black
Cernunnos (Ita) - Black Metal
Cernunnos Woods - Black Ambient
Cernunnos! (US) - symphonic black metal
Chains of Fire - Melodic Black Metal
Chainsaw (Chl) - Black Metal
Chainsaw Guts[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明] - Raw Black Metal/Grind
Chambercraft - Black/Thrash Metal
Chambre Noir - Black Metal
Chant of Aggress - Experimental Death/Black/Thrash
Chant of Blasphemy - Black Metal
Chants de Guerre - Black Metal
Chaos Feeds Life - Thrash/Black/Heavy metal
Chaos Lust - Black Metal
Chaos Moon - Black Funeral Doom
Chaos Omen - Black Metal
Chaosdaemon - Black Metal
Chapeau - Avant-garde Black/Doom
Chapel of Ghouls - Black Metal
Chapel of Lucifer - Black Metal
Charnel Winds - Black Metal
Chelmno - Black Metal
Chemin de Haine - Black Metal
Chemosh - Black Metal
Cheol - Black Metal
Chernobog - Black Metal
Chernobog (Rus) - Black Metal
Chernobog (US) - Black apocalyptic war metal
Cherusker - Black Metal
Children of Maani - Black Metal
Chimera - Melodic Black Metal
Choronzon - Blackened Industrial Metal
Choronzonic - Black Metal
Christ Agony - Black Metal
Christ Inversion - Black/Death Metal
Christ Invertion - Black/Grind
Christ Inzest - Black Metal
Christblood - Black/Death Metal
Christcrusher - National Socialist black metal
Christfighter - Black Metal
Christhanasia - Black Metal
Christian Epidemic - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Christicide - Raw Black Metal
ChristThorn - Black Metal
Chronos Phobos - Death/Doom/Black Metal
Chrysanthemum - Black Metal
Chthonian Appanage - Black Metal
Church - Black/Death/Thrash Metal
Church Bizarre - Death/Black Metal
Church ov Melkarth - Black Metal
Cian - symphonic black metal
Cimmarian Age - Black Metal
Circle of Obscurity - Black Metal
Circumscriber - Black Metal
Cirith Gorgor - Black Metal
Cities of Sleep - Black/Death Metal
Civitas Inferni - Black Metal
Clad In Darkness - Melodic Black Metal
Clair Obscur - Black Metal
Clan of Chaos - Death / Black / Heavy Metal
Clandestine - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Clandestine Blaze - Black Metal
Claymore (Bgr) - Death/Black Metal
Clitorture - Grind/Sludge/Death/Black Metal
Coagulation - Old School Death/Black Metal
Cobalt - Extreme Black Metal
Cobolt 60 - Black/Thrash
Code - Black Metal
Coffin - Black Metal
Coffin Birth - Blackened Death Metal
Coherent Liquid Form - Dark Melodic Death/Black
Cold Fire - Black/Death Metal
Cold Moon - Black Metal
Cold Northern Vengeance - Black Metal
Cold Passion - Black/Death Metal
Cold Void - Black Metal
Coldblooded (Prt) - Black Metal
Coldness - Black Metal
Colp - Death / Black Metal
Combat (Pol) - NS Black Metal
Combat (US) - Speed/Black/Thrash Metal
Command - NS Black Metal
Common Grave (Ita) - death/black metal
Conceived by Fire - Black/thrash metal
Concept (UK) - Industrial Black Metal
Congruity - Death/Black metal
Coniotomy - Black Metal
Conqueror - Black / Death
Conquest (Can) - Black Metal
Conquest (US) - Raw Black Metal
Conscious - Black Metal
Conspectu Mortis - Extreme Symphonic Black Metal
Contamino - Black Metal
Contempt (Aut) - Black metal
Contrivisti - Black/death
Cophnath Paneah - Black Metal
Corneus - Black Metal
Cornigr - Black Metal
Coronation - Black/Death Metal
Corozon - Black Metal
Corpse of Christ (Bra) - Black Metal
Corpsecandle - Melodic Black/Thrash Metal
Corpus Christ - Black Metal
Corpus Christi - Black Metal
Corpus Christii - Black Metal
Corpus Domini - Black/Death Metal
Corpus Satanas - Black Metal
Cortege (Fra) - Dark Black metal
Corvus Corax - Symphonic Black Metal
Cosmic Death - Black/Thrash/Folk Metal
Cosmo Awen - Black Metal
Count De Nocte - Black / Death Metal
Count Nosferatu Kommando - Black Metal
Countess - Black metal
Coven Curse - Raw Black Metal
Coven of the Worm - NS Black Metal
Covenant - Melodic Black Metal
Covens - Folk Black Metal
Crack Addict - Black Metal
Craft - Black Metal
Cranial Dust - Black Metal
Creation D. - Death/Black metal
Creature (Bel) - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Creature (Ger) - Black/Death Metal
Crebain - Black Metal
Creep - Black Metal
Creepfog - Black Metal
Creptum - Black Metal
Crepuscule - Melodic atmospheric dark black metal
Crepusculum - Black Metal
Crescendo of Pain - Black Metal
Crescent - Black Metal
Crest of Darkness - Black / Death Metal
Crifotoure Satanarda - Viking Black Metal
Crimen Exceptum - Black Metal
Crimson Massacre - Death/Black Metal
Crimson Midwinter - Black / Death Metal
Crimson Moon - Black Metal
Crimson Moonlight - Black Metal
Crimson Shroud - Raw Black Metal
Crionics - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Crodonium - Black Metal
Cromlech (Rus) - Acoustic Black Metal
Cromm Cruaich - Black Metal
Crone - Folk Black Metal
Cross Sodomy - Black Metal
Crossover - Oldschool Black Metal
Crowhead - Dark/gothic/black Metal
Crown of Azazel - black metal
Crown of Worms - Blackened Thrash Metal
Crowned in Semen - Black Metal
Crownthorn - Technical Melodic Death/Black
Crucial - Black Metal
Cruciatus - Black Metal
Crucible of Agony - Black metal
Crucification - Death/Black Metal
Crucificator - Black Metal
Crucified Dawn - Black Metal
Crucified Whore - Symphonic Black Metal
Crucifier (US) - Black Doom Death Metal
Crucifire Moon - Black Metal
Crucifist - Black Metal
Crucifixion (Bra) - Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
Crucifixion (Ger) - Black Metal
Crucifixion Wounds - Black/Death Metal
Cruci[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明]tor - Black Death Metal
Crudus - Black Metal
Cruel Criminal - Black/Death
Cruel Humanity - Experimental Symphonic Black Metal
Cruelty Divine - Black metal
Cruention - Dark/Thrash/Death/Black/Hardcore
Cruentus (Nep) - Black Metal
Cruentus (Pol) - Avant-Garde Symphonic Black Metal
Cruor Cultum - Raw Black Metal
Cruor Deum - Melodic Death / Black Metal
Cruoris - Black Metal
Crusade (Idn) - Black Metal
Crux - Black Metal
Crux Caelifera - black metal
Crux Dissimulata - Heathen Black Metal
Cryfemal - extreme black metal
Crying Blood - Black Metal
Cryogenic (Ger) - Symphonic Black Metal
Cryosphere - Symphonic 'Black-ish' Metal
Crypsolust - Black Metal
Crypt (Fin) - Black Metal
Crypt (Rus) - Black Metal
Crypt of the Angels - Black Metal
Crypthowl - Melodic Black Metal
Cryptic (Swe) - Black Metal
Cryptic (US) - Black death metal
Cryptic Carnage - Blackened Melodic Death
Cryptic Death - Symphonic Black Metal
Cryptic Summoning - Black Metal
Cryptic Winds - Black Metal
Cryptic Wintermoon - Melodic Black Metal
Crypticus - Black Metal
Cryptik Howling - Melodic Black Metal
Cryptorium - death/black metal
Crysalis - Gothic/Black Metal
Crystal Abyss - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Crystal Agony - Symphonic Black Metal
Crystalium - Black metal
CrystalMoors - Celtic / Pagan Black Metal
Csejthe - Black Metal
Csontfej - Black Metal
Ctanic - Black Metal
Cuavohr - Black Metal
Cult of Catharsis - Epic Black Metal
Cult of Daath - Black Metal
Cult of December - Melodic black metal
Cult of the Lizard God - Obscure Black Metal
Culto Nocturno - Pagan Black Metal
Culto Sacrilego - Black Metal
Cultus - Black Metal
Cunt Worship - Black/Death Metal
Cuntja - Black Metal
Cuntworm - Industrial Black Metal
Curse (Fin) - black/death metal
Curse (Isl) - Black Metal
Curse of Enki - Death / Black Metal
Cursed (Fra) - black/death
Cursed (US) - Death/Black Metal
Cursed 666 - Black/War Metal
Cursed Anguish - Melodic Black Metal
Cursed Chaplet - Black Doom Metal
Cursed For Eternity - Death / Black Metal
Cursed Rite - black metal
Cursed Within - Black Metal
Cydonia (US) - black metal with hardcore thrown in
Cygnet of Darkness - Black Metal
Cyhiriaeth - Pagan Black Metal
Cyhyreath - Black/Death Metal
Cynerys - Brutal Black/Death Metal
Cyrse - Black Metal
Cystifelleus Introspection - Black/Death Metal
Cythraul (Fra) - Black Metal
D'Lonix - gothic/black metal
D.N.R. - Black/Grind
D.R.E.P. - Black Metal
Daedalion - Pagan black metal
Daemon (Nzl) - Death/Black Metal
Daemon Est Deus Inversus - Black Metal
Daemonarch - Black metal
Daemonbrahms - Black Metal
Daemonheim - Black Metal
Daemonic Alchemy - Epic symphonic blackened metal
Daemonic Possessions - 'Black' Metal
Daemonicium - Symphonic Black Metal
Daemonium - Black/Ambient
Daemonius - Black Metal
Daemonlord - Raw Black Metal
Daemonolatreia - Black Metal
Daemonolatria - Melodic Black Metal
Daemons Embrace - Black Metal
Daemonus - Black Metal
Daemusinem - Black / Melodic Death Metal
Daeonia - Black/Doom Metal
Dagligvarer - Black Metal
Dagon (Tur) - Raw Black Metal
Dagon (US) - Black Metal
Dagor - Black Metal
Dagorlad - Black / Gothic / Atmospheric Metal
Daimon - Black Metal
Daimonion - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Dakria - Melodic Black Metal
Dalmerot's Kingdom - Black Metal
Damballa - Black/Gore Metal
Daminor - Black Metal
Damnation (Swe) - 80's Black Metal
Damnation Army - Black/thrash
Damnatory (Swe) - Black Metal
Darcasis - Melodic Black Metal
Dark Ages - Black Metal
Dark Agression - Death/Black Metal
Dark Altar - Blackened Death
Dark Ambition - Melodic Black/Death
Dark Armageddon - Black Metal
Dark Army - Black/Thrash/Industrial Metal
Dark Assassins - Black Metal
Dark Autumn Hymns - Black Metal
Dark Celebration - Black Metal
Dark Chorus - Black Metal
Dark Cold Demon's Blood - Symphonic Black Metal
Dark Creation - Black/Thrash Metal
Dark Decade - Symphonic Black/Doom Metal
Dark Deception - Black Metal
Dark Desire - Death/Black Metal
Dark Divinity - Black Metal
Dark Domain - Death/Black Metal
Dark Domination - Black Metal
Dark Dominion - Black metal
Dark Earth (Cze) - Black Metal
Dark Edge - Black Metal
Dark Embrace (Ger) - Black Metal
Dark Endless (Bra) - Pagan Black Metal
Dark Endless (US) - 'Black' Metal
Dark Energy - Blackened Power/Progressive Metal
Dark Faith (Bol) - Black Metal
Dark Faith (Esp) - Aggressive Black Metal
Dark Field - Raw Black Metal
Dark Flames - Black Metal
Dark Flood - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Dark Forest (Bra) - Black Metal
Dark Forest (Mex) - Black metal
Dark Fortress - Melodic Black Metal
Dark Frost - Black Metal
Dark Funeral - Black Metal
Dark Fury - National Socialist Black Metal
Dark Grave - Black Metal
Dark Haunters - Symphonic Black Metal
Dark Inquisition - Pagan Black Metal
Dark Inversion - Symphonic Black Metal
Dark Martyr - Black Metal
Dark Messiah - Black Metal
Dark Minion - Black Death Metal
Dark Monarchy - Black Metal
Dark Mutation - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Dark Mystery - Black Metal
Dark Mythology - black/doom with thrash influences
Dark Nights Behest - Black Metal
Dark Noise - Black Metal
Dark North - Black Metal
Dark Obsession - Black Metal
Dark Opus - Black Metal
Dark Paramount - Black Metal
Dark Pestilence - Dark Ambient/Black Metal
Dark Prophecies - Death/Doom/Black Metal
Dark Season (Ita) - Symphonic Black Metal
Dark Shades - Black Metal
Dark Shadow - Melodic Black Metal
Dark Silence - Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
Dark Sorcery - Black Metal
Dark Spirits - Black Metal
Dark Storm - Black Death
Dark Suffering - Black Metal
Dark Templar - Blackened Gothic Metal
Dark Tomorrow - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Dark Tribe - Black Metal
Dark Virgin - Black Metal
Dark Vision - Gothic/Symphonic Black Metal
Dark Water Memories - Black Ambient
Dark Winter - Black Metal
Dark Wire - Melodic Black/ Dark Metal
Darkart - NS Black Metal
Darkcrowned - Black Metal
Darkdayrising - Brutal Death/Thrash/Black Metal
Darkempire - Raw Black Metal
Darken (US) - Technical Black / Death Metal
Darkendome - Atmospheric/Dark Black Metal
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Black Metal
Darkenwood - Black Metal
Darkest Grove - Black Metal
Darkest Hate - Black Metal
Darkest Oath - Black Metal
Darkestrah - Black Metal
Darkfeast - Black Metal
Darkflight - black/doom metal
Darkified - Death / Black Metal
Darkkirchensteuer - Black Metal
Darklord - Black Metal
Darkmoon - Black Metal
Darkmoon (Che) - Black Metal with Death/Gothic Vocals
Darkmoon Rising - Symphonic Black Metal
Darkmoon Warrior - Black Metal
Darkness (Ita) - Black/Thrash Metal
Darkness (UK) - Black Metal
Darkness Ablaze - Melodic Black Metal
Darkness Enshroud - Black Metal/Dark Ambient
Darkness Eternal - Black/Death Metal
Darkness Is My Pride - Melodic Pagan Black Metal
Darkness of Blood - Symphonic Black Metal
Darkness Ravening - Medieval Black Metal
Darkshine (Fra) - Black Metal
Darkshine (Ita) - Black Metal
Darkside (Mex) - Symphonic Black Metal
Darkside Chapel - Melodic Black Metal
Darksoul - Black / Thrash Metal
Darkspace - Black Metal
Darkthrone - Black Metal, Death Metal (early)
Darkthule - NS Black Metal
Darkwoods Legion - Black Metal
Darkwoods My Betrothed - Black Metal
Darmoniac - Black/Death Metal
Darvulia - Black Metal
Davoria - Doom Black Metal
Dawn (Swe) - Black Metal
Dawn of Azazel - Black/death metal
Dawn of Division - Majestic Black Metal
Dawn of Dreams (Ger) - Black / Death Metal
Dawn of Madness - Black Metal
Dawn of Relic - Dark/Black Metal
Dawnfall - Black Metal
Day of Atonement - Death Metal with Black Metal influences
Dayghon - Black Metal
De Dageraad Van Het Einde - Black/Doom Metal (earlier) - Black/Thrash Metal (now)
De Magia Veterum - avantgarde black metal
De Occulta Philosophia - Symphonic Black Metal
De Profundis - Gothic Doom/Black Metal
De Profvndis Clamavi - black metal
De Vermis Mysteriis (Fra) - Symphonic Black Metal
De Vermis Mysteriis (Swe) - Black Metal
Dead and Forgotten - Black Metal
Dead by Dawn (Grc) - Black/Death Metal
Dead Christ - Black Metal
Dead Goat - Black metal
Dead Messiah - Melodic Black Metal
Dead Mountain - Black Metal
Dead of Winter (Can) - Black Metal
Dead Raven Choir - Raw Black Metal (early), Acoustic Folk with Black Metal elements (now)
Dead Silent Slumber - Symphonic black/death metal
Dead Threshold - Black metal
Dead to Earth - Black Metal
DeadByDay - Blackish Goth Metal
Deaf Auditorium - Death/Black Metal
Dear Demon - Death / Black Metal
Death Altar - Death/Black Metal
Death Beast - Black/Thrash
Death Dies - Progressive/Black/Folk Metal
Death Enthroned - Black/Viking Metal
Death Living - Thrash/Black Metal
Death Squad - Black Death Metal
Death Squadron - Black/Death Metal
Death SS - Black Doom/H

Haar - Black metal
Haat - Black Metal
Haatstrijd - Black Metal
Habacus Sucabah - Atmospheric Black Metal
Haborym (Mex) - Black Metal
Haborym (US) - Black/Death Metal
Hades Adorned - Black Metal
Hades Almighty - Black Metal
Hadez - Black/Death Metal
Hadiann - Melodic Black Metal
Hadotor - Black Metal
Haemoth - Black Metal
Haereticus - Black Metal
Hagal - Black Metal
Hagalaz - National Socialist Black Metal
Hagatyr - Black Metal
Hagelsturm - Black Metal
Hail - Black Metal
Hailstorm - Black Metal
Haimad - Melodic Black Metal
Haine Noire - Black Metal
Hakenkreuz - Black/Death Metal
Hakenkreuzzug - NS Black Metal
Halfling Thief - Medieval/Folk/Epic Black Metal
Halgadom - Viking/Black Metal, Folk Music
Hallowed Be Thy Goat - Black Metal
Hallstatt - Black metal
Hamarr - Black Metal
Hamingia - Black Metal
Hammer (Fin) - Black Metal
Hammer of Revenge - Black Metal
Hand of Doom (Per) - Thrash /Black Metal
Handful of Hate - Black Metal
Hands of Arioch - Black Metal
Hands of Fate - melodic death/black metal
Hangover - Black/thrash metal
Hanom - Gothic Black Metal
Har Shatan - Black Metal
Harkonin - Black Metal
Harmony - Black Metal
Harmony (Bra) - Black Metal
Haron - Atmospheric Black Metal
Harrfluss - Ritualistic/Ambient Black Metal
Harridan - Black Metal
Harrowing Forest - Raw Black Metal
Harrus - Pagan Black Metal
Harvist - Black Metal
Hass - Black Metal
Hastur (Col) - Black/Thrash Metal
Hastur (Ita) - Black Metal
Hastur Evocation - Black/Death Metal
Hate Forest - Raw Black Metal with Ambient Elements
Hate Profile - black metal
Hated by Humanity - Black/Grind/Death
Hateful (Pol) - Black Metal
Hatelin - Black Metal
Hatenwar - NS Black Metal
Hatepulse - black metal
Hatestorm - Black Metal
Hatevol - Black Metal
Hathor (Ger) - Black Metal
Hathor (Rom) - Black/Death Metal
Hati - Old School Black Metal
Hatred Divine - black metal
Hatred Profound - Black/Death with Thrash influences
Haunt - Black Metal
Haurmabeath - Melodic Black Metal
Haust - Black Metal
Havoc (Bra) - Black Metal
Havoc Vulture - Black Metal
Havohej - Black Metal, Experimental
Havok (Ita) - Black Metal
Havorum - Black Metal
Hawkmoon - Black Metal
Hayagriva - Melodic Black Metal
Hayras - Raw Black Metal
Hazael (Bra) - Black Metal
Haze - Thrash/Black Metal
Heartless (US) - Black Metal
Heathen Dawn - Melodic Folk Black Metal
Heathen Deity - black metal
Heavenshore - Black metal
Hebron - Black Metal
Hecadoth - Raw Black Metal
Hecate (Bra) - Black Metal
Hecate (Svk) - Dark Melodic Doom/Black Metal
Hecate Enthroned - Melodic Black Metal
Hecatombe (Can) - black metal
Heemat - Black Metal
Hegemon - Black Metal
Hegemoon - Pagan Black Metal
Heia - Black Metal
Heiden - Pagan Black Metal
Heidenblut - Black Metal
Heidenland - Black Metal
Heidenlaerm - black metal
Heidenreich - Avant Garde Black Metal
Heidentum - Pagan Black Metal
Heidenwelt - Black Metal
Heimat - Folk Black Metal
Hekatomb - Black Metal
Hekel - Black Metal
Heksekunst - Black Metal
Hel - Pagan Black Metal
Helcaraxe (Arg) - Black Metal
Helcaraxe (Can) - Black Metal
Heldentum - NS Black Metal
Helgrid - Pagan Black Metal
Helgrind (Dnk) - Old School Black Metal
Helgrindr - Atmospheric Black Metal
Helheim - Industrial/Black Metal
Hell (Lux) - Black Metal
Hell Dunkel - Black Metal
Hell Eternal - Black Metal
Hell Icon - Black Metal
Hell in Myself - Atmospheric Black Metal
Hell Mary - Black 'n' Roll
Hell Militia - Black Metal
Hell-Born - Black / Death Metal
Hellacaust - Black Metal
Helland - Black/Avant-Garde Metal
Hellboozer Union - Black/thrash
Hellbound (Aut) - Black metal
Hellbox - Black / Thrash Metal
Hellchasm - Black Metal
Hellcult - Black Metal
Hellebaard - Black Metal
Hellegion - Black Metal
Hellfire (Swe) - Black Metal
Hell[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明]ed - Black Metal
Hellgoat - Black Metal
Hellhammer - Black speed metal, doom metal, death metal
Hellhaunted - Black Metal
Hellish Breed - Death/Black Metal
Hellishthrone - Black metal
Hellkult - Pagan Black metal
Hellmaggot - Black metal
Hellraised - Black/Death/Thrash Metal
Hellsaw - Black Metal
Hellscream - Melodic Black Metal
Hellsermon - Black/death metal
Hellspawn (Aus) - Symphonic Black Metal
Hellspawn (Mex) - Deatth/Black Metal
Hellspell - Black, death
Hellstorm (Nor) - Black / Thrash Metal
Hellvetic Frost - Black Metal
HellVomit - Black Metal
Hellwar - Black metal
Helm of Awe - Pagan/Black Metal
Helrunar - Black Metal
Helsefyr - Black metal
Helvergr - Black/Death Metal
Helvete (Aut) - Black metal
Helvete (Ger) - Black Metal
Helvete (Swe) - Raw Black Metal
Helvete Natten - Black Metal
Helvintr - black metal
Helwetti - Black Metal
Helwulf - Black Metal
Hemelbos - Black Metal
Hemgor - Black Metal
Hemlock (US) - Black metal
Hemnur - Black Metal
Henoth - Ambient Black Metal
Heol Telwen - Celtic, Black Metal
Heptameron - Black Metal
Heralder - black/epic/gothic metal
Heresi - Black Metal
Heresiarh - Fantasy Black metal
Heresy (Chn) - Death/Black Metal
Heresy (US) - Atmospheric Black Metal
Heretic (Hol) - Black Metal
Heretical - Black Metal
Herezja - Black Metal
Herfst - Blackened Death Metal
Hergorn - Pagan Black Metal
Herjan - NS Black Metal
Hermh - Black / Gothic / Atmospheric Metal
Herot - Black Metal
Herrlisheim Kommando - NS Black Metal/R.A.C
Heruka - Symphonic Black Metal
Hesperia - Atmospheric Pagan Black Metal
Hetaeria - Black/Death Metal
Hetera - Melodic Black Metal
Hetroertzen - Black Metal
Hetumoger - Pagan/folk Black Metal
Heulend Horn - Epic Viking / Black Metal
Hexahedron - Black/Death Metal
Hexenkreis - Raw Black Metal
Heydnblut - Black Metal
Hhahda - Black Metal
Hiborym - Black Metal
Hidden (US) - Progressive black/doom/death
Hidden in the Fog - Black Metal
Hideously Defleshed - Black Metal
Hiemperium - Black metal
Hiems (Ger) - Melodic Black Metal
Hiems (Ita) - Black Metal
Hiereus - Black Metal
Hieronym Inferiorum - Black Metal
Higernacht - Raw Black Metal
Hiisi - Black Metal
Hilderog - Black Metal
Hills of Sefiroth - Black Metal
Himinbjorg - Black Viking Metal
Hin Onde - Melodic Black, Folk Metal
Hinn Mesta - Black Metal
Hinthruna - Black Metal
Hinus Paganus - Black Metal
Hircus Summus - Black Metal
Hirilorn - Black Metal
Hirpus - Black Metal
His Curse - Death/Black Metal
Histoire Noire - Raw Black Metal
Hithlum - Pagan Black Metal
Hiver Funebre - Black metal
Hiver Noir - Raw Black Metal
Hixi - Gothic Black Metal
Hoarfen - Black Metal
Hoarstone - Black Metal
Hoath - Old School Black Metal
Hodur - Black Metal
Hollowed - Melodic Black/Death
Holmgang - Black Metal
Holocaust (Can) - Black Metal
Holocaust (Ger) - Black Metal
Holocaust (Pol) - Black Metal
Holocaust (Swe) - Black/Death Metal
Holocaust SS - NS Black Metal
Holocaust Winds - Black Metal
Holocaustia - Black/Thrash Metal
Holocausto (Bra) - 80's black/thrash (old), Technical thrash (new)
Holokaust 2001 - Depressive Black Metal
Holomraz - Black Metal
Holy Blood - Folk/Death/Black Metal
Holy Death (Pol) - Black Metal
Homicide (Ger) - Black Metal
Hominis Nocturna - Black Metal
Honor Pugnae - Black Metal
Hord - Black/Death-Metal
Horda - Black Metal
Hordagaard - Black Metal
Hordanes Land - Black Metal
Horde - 'black' metal
Horde of Worms - Black/Grind/Death Metal
Hordes (Hol) - Black/Doom metal
Hordes (Nor) - Black Metal
Hordes of Nebulah - raw black metal
Hordes of the Lunar Eclipse - Black Metal
Hordes of Yore - Epic Folk Black/Death Metal
Horgr - Black Metal
Horizon's Opening - Black Metal
Horn - Black Metal
Horn of Valere - Black Metal
Horna - Black Metal
Hornagest - Black Metal
Horncrowned - Black Metal
Horned Almighty - Fast Raw Black Metal
Horned God (Fin) - NS Black Metal
Horned Serpent - Black Metal
Hornmaster - Black Metal
Horns (Bgr) - Old School Black Metal
Horns (Chl) - Black Metal
Horns of Baphomet - Black Metal
Horresco Referens - Melodic Death/Black/Thrash Metal
Hortus Animae - Progressive Black Metal
Hostes Inferno - Black metal
Hostian - Black Metal
Hoth - Black Metal
House of Sorrow - Ambient Black Metal
Howl - Symphonic Black metal
Hrapp - Black Metal
Hrimthurs - Black Metal
Hrodvitnir - Aryan Black Metal
Hromovlad - Raw Black Metal
Huginn - Black Metal
Human Death - Black Metal
Human Slaughter - Old School Black/Death Metal
Human Waste - Raw Black/ Death Metal
Humanart - black/death
Humanicide - Crust Influenced Black Metal
Humatus - Raw Black Metal
Hunok - Black Metal/Pagan Dark Ambient
Huora666 - Black Metal
Huorn - Black Metal / Ambient
Hurusoma - Black/Death Metal
Hvangur - NS Pagan Black Metal
Hvelvengel Av Helvete - Black Metal
Hvergelmir - Black-inspired Death Metal
Hverlgemir - Black Metal
Hwergelmir - Black Metal
Hyadningar - Epic Black Metal
Hybridus - Death Black Metal
Hydra (Lva) - Black Metal
Hydrogenium - Ambient Black-Metal
Hydrophobia (Ger) - Black/Death/Grind
Hylas - Raw Black Metal
Hyling - Black Metal
Hymn of Destruction - Black Metal
Hyperborean (Bra) - Black Metal
Hyperborean (Ger) - NS Black Metal
Hyperborean (Swe) - Melodic black metal
Hyperborean Desire - Black Metal
Hyperion (Aut) - Black Metal
Hypervorea - NS Black Metal
Hypnos (Grc) - Atmospheric Black Metal
Hypothermia - Black Metal
Hyrmundsgard - Melodic Black Metal
Haive - Black/Folk Metal
Haelvete - Black metal
Harskar - Black metal
Hoellentor - Primitive Black Metal
Host - Black Metal
I Shalt Become - National Socialist Black Metal
I.S.O.S. - Black Metal
IAD - Black Metal
Iadanamada - Black Metal
Ibex Throne - Black Metal
Iblis - symphonic black death metal
IC REX - Black Metal
Iced Dead - Death Black Metal
Ichneutic - Raw black metal
Ichor - National Socialist Black Metal
Iconoclasm (Bel) - Black Metal
Idark - Death/Black Metal
Idhafels - Black metal
Idvarp - Black metal
Ifurin - Black Metal
Ignis Nocturnum - Black Metal
Ignis Uranium - Black Metal
Ignobilis Mythos - Black Metal
Ikuinen Kaamos - Black
Ilbeltz - pagan black metal
Ildjarn - Black Metal
Ildra - Black Metal
Ilemauzar - Black Metal
Ill Sanity - Death/Black Metal
Ill-Natured - Black Metal/Thrash Metal
Illapa - Black Metal
Illegal Angel - Black Metal
Illnath - Melodic Black Metal
Illska - Black Metal
Illtempered - Melodic Black Metal
Illuminacht - Black Metal
Ilyes - Black Metal
Imago Mortis (Ita) - black metal
Imbolc - Black / Death Metal
Immanis (Pol) - Black Metal
Immanis (Uk) - Black Metal
Immemoreal - Black metal
Immemorial - Blackened Death Metal
Immorior - Black Metal
Immortal (Nor) - Black metal
Immortal Ayatollah - Islamic ``Black`` Metal
Immortal Hammer - Raw Black Metal
Immortal Remains (Ger) - Black Metal
Immortal Souls - Melodic Death / Black / Gothenburg
Imoonterk - Blackened Death Metal
Impact Winter - Black/death/grind
Impaled Nazarene - Black metal
Impending Doom - Black/Death/Thrash Metal
Imperador Belial - Black Metal
Imperial Crystalline Entombment - Black Metal
Imperial Majesty - Melodic black metal
Imperio Profano - Black Metal
Imperious Malevolence - Brutal death/black metal
Imperium (Nor) - Black Metal
Imperium Frost - Black Metal
Imperium Infernalis - Black Metal
Imperium Occultum - Black Metal
Imperium Sacrum - Black Metal
Imperium Tenebrae - Black Metal
Impetus Malignum - Black Metal
Impiety - Death/Black/Thrash Metal
Impious Havoc - Black Metal
Impius - Black Metal
Imprecation - Black/Death Metal
Impure Domain - Black Metal
Impure Possession - Black Metal
Impurity (Aut) - Melodic death/black metal
Impurity (Bra) - Black Metal
Impurity (Can) - Melodic Black Metal
Impuro - Black Metal
In Aeternum - Black/Thrash Metal
In Articulo Mortis (Fra) - Melodic Black Metal
In Battle - Viking/black metal, Death metal
In Cold Eternity - Melodic Death/Black Metal
In Cold Silence - Black Metal
In Corpore Mortis - Black Metal
In Cursed Obsession - Black Metal
In Darkness... - Melodic Death / 'Black' Metal
In Disgrace - Melodic Black/Death Metal
In Fieri - Melancholic Doom/Black
In Memoriam (Ger) - Black Metal / Death Metal
In Memorian - death/black metal
In Memorium - Black Metal
In Nomine (Ita) - Industrial/Black Metal
In Slumber - Melodic Death/Black
In tha Umbra - Black/Death Metal
In the Depth of Night - Black Metal
In the Profound Abyss - Black Metal
In the Woods... - Avant-Garde/Experimental/Progressive, Black Metal (early)
In Tormentata Quiete - Symphonic Black Metal
In Velvet Clouds - Doom/Black Metal
Inanna Unveiled - Darkened Black Metal
Incarion - Black Metal
Incarnation (Ger) - Black Metal
Incarnator - Black Metal
Incarnatus - Black Metal
Inchiuvatu - Black Metal
Incredulous - Black Metal
Incredulus - Black Metal
Incriminated - Black/thrash Metal
Indeferal - Black/doom Metal
Indian Fall - Symphonic, Gothic Black Metal
Indolenz - Black Metal
Infamis - Pagan Black Metal
Infamous Evil - Black metal
Infant Sacrifice - Black/Death Metal
Infaustus - Death Black Metal
Infect - Black Metal
Infected (Tur) - Black Metal
Infer - Black Metal
Inferi (Arg) - Black Metal
Inferi (Fin) - Black Metal
Inferi (Hol) - Black Metal
Inferi (Ita) - Black Metal
Inferior (Ger) - Black Metal
Infernaeon - Melodic Death/Black/Thrash Metal
Infernal (Col) - Black metal
Infernal (Ger) - Black/Thrash
Infernal (Swe) - Black Metal
Infernal Angels - Melodic Black metal
Infernal Beauty - Melodic Black Metal
Infernal Blasphemy (Bra) - Death/Black Metal
Infernal Blasphemy (Ger) - Melodic Black Death
Infernal Blood - Black Metal
Infernal Death - Black/Thrash
Infernal Decay - Black Metal
Infernal Devotion - Raw Black Metal
Infernal Dreams - Melodic Black Metal
Infernal Gates - Black Metal
Infernal Goat - Black Metal
Infernal Hammer - Black Metal
Infernal Hatred - Black Metal
Infernal Kingdom - Black Metal
Infernal Legion (Bel) - Melodic Black Metal
Infernal Malice - Black Metal
Infernal Necromancy - Black Metal
Infernal Regency - Black Metal
Infernal Requiem - Atmospheric Black Metal
Infernal Sacrifice - Death/Black Metal
Infernal Tenebra - Black Metal
Infernal Vile - Technical Melodic Black / Death Metal
Infernal War (Bra) - Black Metal
Infernal War (Pol) - Black Metal
Infernal Winter - Black Metal
Infernalia - Black Metal
Infernalium - Black Metal
Infernalstorm - Black Metal
Inferno (Cze) - Black Metal
Inferno Tenebri - Black Metal
Infernum - Black Metal
Infernum - Black Metal
Infernus - Black Metal
Inferus - Black Metal
Infested Carrion - Black metal
Infester - Death/Black Metal
Infestum - pagan black metal
Infestus - Black Metal
Infinite Hatred - Raw Black Metal
Infinity (Hol) - Black metal
Infuneral - Black Metal
Inger Indolia - Electronic thrash, black metal
Inhuman (Can) - Black Metal
Inhuman Hatred - Death/Black/Grind
Inimical - black metal
Injekting Khaos - Black Metal
Inkisitor - Raw Black Metal
Inner Helvete - Black Metal
Inner Silence - Black Metal
Inno a Satanna - Black Metal
Inocculta - Black Metal
Inoculation (Col) - Black Death Metal
Inquietu - Black Metal
Inquinok - Black Metal
Inquisition (Col) - Black Metal
INRI - Melodic Black Metal
Insane Devotion - symphonic black metal
Insane Vesper - Raw Black Metal
Insanity of Slaughter - Black Metal
Insanum Xes - Death/Black Metal
Insepultus (Rom) - Symphonic Black Metal
Insidius Infernus - Black Metal
Insignium - Black/Death Metal
Inspell - Black Metal
Insult - Black Metal
Intelectual Moment - Symphonic Black Metal
Interfector (Bos) - Black Metal
Interfektor - Black Metal
Interitus - Black Metal
Interitus (Ger) - Black Metal
Interitus (Ita) - Black Metal
Intestinal Lynching - Black/Death Metal
InThyFlesh - Black Metal
Into Dagorlad - Black Metal
Into the Darkness My Destiny - Black Metal
Into the Night - Black Metal
Into the Sunless Meridian - Speed/Black Metal
Intorment Black - Black/death/doom metal
Introitus - Black Metal
Invocation (Grc) - black metal
Invokation - black metal
Invoke - Melodic Black Metal
Inward - Black Metal (earlier) - Death Metal (now)
Iperyt - Industrial Death/Black Metal
Ipsum - Melodic Black Metal
Irae - Black Metal
Iraven - Black/thrash metal
Irdhing - Folk/Industrial/Pagan Black Metal
Irhmgaar - Raw Black Metal
Irkalla - black metal
Irkingu - Epic Black Metal
Irmingot - Black Metal
Iron Darkness - Black Metal
Iron Legion - Thrash Metal, Speed Metal, Black Metal
Irreverence - black/death metal
Irreverence (US) - Black/Death Metal
Irrlicht - Black Metal
Isaacaron - Black metal
Isacaarum - Black / Death / Grind
Isafjord - black metal
Isajya - Black/Thrash Metal
Isaz - Black Metal
Iscariot (Hol) - Melodic Black Metal
Iscariot (Ukr) - Black Metal
Isegrim - Black Metal
Isenburg - Black/Pagan Metal
Isengard (Nor) - Folk black metal
Isenheim - Black Metal
Ishtar - Melodic Black Metal
Isidore - Black Metal
Iskra - Black Metal/Crustcore
Ism - Industrial/Black metal
Isolated Fields - Black Metal
Israthoum - black metal
Issachar - Black Metal/Death Metal
Istapp - melodic black metal
Isthar - Black Metal
Istidraj - Black Metal
Isvind - Black Metal
Isanmaa - Black Metal
It - Black Metal
Iter Charontis - Black Metal
Ithdabquth Qliphoth - Black Metal
Iudicium - Black Metal
Iuvenes - Dark Ambient (early), Epic Viking Metal, Black Metal
Ixchani - Black/Doom Metal
Ixtab - Experimental Black/Death
Izakaron - Symphonic black metal
Jabbar - Black/Death Metal
Jackal's Truth - Epic and Melodic Black Metal
Jangli Jaggas - black/fantasy metal
Janus - Black Metal
Jarovit - Folk Black Metal
Jernbyrde - Black Metal
Jerusolima Est Perdita - Black Metal
JesusLaceration - Black/Death Metal
Jezabel (Col) - Black Metal
Jormundgard (Aut) - Black Metal
Jormundgard (Ger) - Black Metal
Jotunheim - Black Metal
Jours Sombres - Black Metal
Joyless - Black/rock metal, brit pop
Judas Iscariot - Black Metal
Jumalhamara - Black Metal
Jotunheim - Black Metal
Kхu - Black/Doom Metal
Kaamos (Fin) - Black/Doom Metal
Kabarah - Black Metal
Kadathorn - Black/Death Metal
Kadenzza - Industrial Black Metal
Kadotus - Black Metal
Kafan - Raw Black Metal
Kaiadass - NS-heathen black metal
Kairhia - Black Metal
Kaiserkorps - Brutal Black Metal
Kaldrfenrir - Black Metal
Kaldur - Black Metal
Kali-Yuga (Rus) - Black / Death Metal
Kalibos - Black Metal
Kalm - Black Metal
Kalpa - Black Metal
Kalt - Industrial/Black Metal
Kalter Nebel - Black metal
Kamaedzitca - Pagan Folk Black Metal
Kambing - Black Metal
KamiKazeKrieg - NS Black Metal
Kamo Gryadeshi - Black Metal
Kampfar - black pagan
Kandor - Black Metal
Kankra - Black Metal
Kaos (Swe) - Black Metal
Kaosritual - Black Metal
Kaoteon - Black Metal
Kaprogoat - Black Metal
Karachun - Black Metal
Karelian Warcry - folk black metal
Kargvint - Black Metal
Karkadan - Dark Black Metal
Karna - Folk/Black Ambient Metal
Karnak (US) - Black Metal
Karseron - Death/Black Metal
Kastimonia - Black Metal
Katar - Industrial Black Metal
Kataxu - National Socialist Black Metal
Kathaaria (Ger) - Black/Traditional Metal
Kathaaria (US) - Black Metal / punky thrash
Kathaarian (Ger) - Raw Black Metal
Kathaarian (Tur) - Black Metal
Katharia - Ns Black Metal
Katharkh - Black Metal
Katharsis (Ger) - Black Metal
Katharsis (Pol) - Black Metal
Kathonik - Black Metal
Kauterion - Black Death
Kawir - Black Metal
Kaziklu Bey - Black Metal
Keen (Fra) - Symphonic Black Metal
Keep of Kalessin - Black Metal
Kekal - Black Metal, Experimental
Kelpy's Laugh - Black Metal
Keltensturm - Black Metal
Keltoi - Black Metal
Kentaur - Black / Viking Metal
Kera.zero.kommand - Industrial Black Metal
Keras de Ira - Black Metal
Kerberos - Black Metal
Kerethial - Black metal
KerIferN - Folk Black/Thrash Metal
Kerobal - Black Metal
Kettenhund - Black Metal
Ketzer - NS Black Metal
Key of Mythras - Black/Thrash
Key of Sadness - Dark Symphonic Black Metal
Key of Salomon - Black Metal
Khali-Juga - Dark Ambient/Black Metal
Khaozgoat - Black Metal
Kharon - Black/Death Metal
Khasarath - Death / Black Metal
Khasm - Gothic/black metal/traditional heavy metal
Khazad Dhum - Black Metal
Khelek Ringmir - melodic black metal/folk/ambient
Khephra - Black metal
Kherow - Death/Black Metal
Khisanth - Black Metal
Khold - Black Metal
Khraah - Black Metal
Kibosh Sybil Kismet - Black Metal
Kill - Black/Death Metal
Kill for Satan - Old-school Death/Thrash/Black
Kill The Kristians - Black Metal
Killengod - Death metal with thrash/black influences
Kingdom - Black/death metal
Kingdom of Agony - Black Metal
Kingdom of Fog - Raw Black Metal
Kintral - Black Metal
KiyamaT - Black Metal
Klabautamann - Black metal
Klage - Black Metal
Kliffoth - Black Metal
Kludde - Black Metal
Kneel Before Me - Black Metal
Knell - Black Metal
Kohort - Black Metal
Koimesis - Black Metal
Koldbrann - Black Metal
Kolo - Black/Folk Metal/Dark Ambient
Kolosseum - Black Metal
Kolotun - Black Metal / Noisecore
Komuna Gorky - Black/Death Metal
Koprofaagia - Black Metal
Korgonthurus - Black Metal
Korihor - Black Metal
Korium - Ambient Black Metal
Korog - Speed metal (old) Black metal/Rock'n roll hybrid (new)
Korova - Avant-garde black metal
Korovakill - Avant-garde Black Metal
Korozy - Symphonic Black Metal
Korp - Black/Thrash Metal
Korvurxag - Black Metal
Korvus - Gothic/Black Metal
Kosa - Raw Black Metal
Koukol - punk/black metal, folk
Koziak - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Kozlak - Melodic Black Metal
Kozmik Krypt - Black Metal
Krater (Bul) - Black / Death Metal
Krater (Ger) - Black Metal
Kratherion - Black Metal
Kratornas - Black/Grind
Krazumpath - Black Metal
Kreditor - death/black metal
Krematorium (Ita) - Black Metal
Kreuzfeuer - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Krieg - Black Metal
Kriegersseel - Black Metal
Kriegskarthaun - Black Metal
Kriegsmaschine - Black Metal
Krig - Black Metal
Krigar - Black Metal
Krimparturr Burzum'Shi-Hai - Black Metal
Kristallnacht - NS Black Metal
Krocht - Black Metal
Krohm - Black metal
Kroll - Black Metal
Krom - Avant-garde/Black Metal
Kronet - Black metal
Kruk (Blr) - Raw Black Metal
Krvava-Prace - Black Metal
Krvestreb - Black Metal
Kryogh - Raw Black Metal
KteiS - Black Metal
Kult (Fra) - Black Metal
Kult (Ita) - Black Metal
Kult Ov Azazel - Black Metal
Kult Shock - Black Metal (early)/Death/Thrash Metal (now)
Kuolo - Black Metal
Kurixis - Black metal
Kveldulfur - Black Metal
Kvell - Black Metal
Kvellen - Black Metal
Kvist - Melodic Black Metal
Kvntvr - Melodic Black/Death Metal, Industrial
Kwelhekse - National Socialist Black Metal
Kyla - Black Metal
Kylmio - Black metal
Kyprian's Circle - Black Metal
Kyrios Sabaoth - Doom/Black Metal
Kythrone - Black Metal
Kaelte - Black Metal
Kaeltetod (Aut)- Black Metal/Dark Ambient
Kaeltetod (Gre)- Black Metal
Karsimys Maximus - melodic black metal
L'Edelweiss Noire - Pagan Black Metal
L'Ombre du Saccage - Black Metal
L'Ordre du Temple - Epic Medieval Black Metal
L.S.S.A.H. - NS Black Metal
La Caruta di li Dei - Black / Folk Metal
Labatut - Black Metal
Labyrinth of Abyss - Black Metal
Labyrinth Spell - Black Metal
Lachryma Christi - Black / Death Metal
Lacrimae - Melodic Black Metal
Lacrimae Mortalium - Black/Doom Metal
Lacryma Christi - Black/Gothic Metal
Lacus Mortis - Black Metal
Ladder of Creatures - Symphonic Black Metal
Lado Obscuro - Black Metal
Lagrima Santa - Black Metal
Lailheb - Black Metal
Lamed - Black Metal
Lament (Bra) - Black Metal
Lamentation (Grc) - Atmospheric Black Metal
Lamentu - Black Metal
Lamia Antitheus - Symphonic Black Metal
Lammoth (Ser) - Black Metal
Lammoth (Swe) - Black Metal
Lamphor - Black/Doom Metal
Land Beyond the Forest - Black Metal
Land of Tears - Black Doom
Landscape - Ambient/Black Metal
Landvaettir - Pagan Black Metal
Langret - Gothic/Black Metal
Langsuir - black/death metal
Lanoire - Black/Dark Metal
Lanz - Experimental Black Metal
Last Dawn - Black Metal
Last Eve - Black metal
Last Rites (Ger) - Raw Black Metal
Last Souls - Epic Black/Death Metal
Latex - Raw Black Metal
Lathander - Electronic Black Metal
LatroDectus - Black Metal
Leaden - Black Metal
Legacies Unchain - Black/Death/Thrash/Doom/Heavy Metal
Legacy (US) - Black Metal
Legacy of Blood - National Socialist Black Metal
Legacy of Darkness - Black Metal
Legende - Black Metal
Legio Mortis - Black Metal
Legion (Ecu) - Black Metal
Legion (Fra) - Black Metal
Legion (Ger) - Black Metal
Legion (Pol) - Black metal
Legion (US) - Black Metal
Legion 666 - Black Metal
Legion of Bael - Black Metal
Legion of Darkness - Black Metal
Legion of Doom - National Socialist Black Metal
Legion of Hate - Death/Black Metal
Legion of Sadism - Black Metal
Legion666 - 'Blackened' Metal
Legions - Black/death metal
Legions of Astaroth - Black Metal
Legions of Idimmu - Black Metal
Legionz ov Hell - Industrial Black Metal/Speedcore
Leichenwald - Black Metal
Leichenzug - Black Metal
Leicohtica - Gothic/Black/Death
Lemegethon - Black Metal
Lemuria - Folk Black Metal
Lengsel - Progressive Black Metal
Lestregus Nosferatus - Black/death metal
Lethe - Black Metal
Letsel - Black Metal
Leviatan - dark/black metal
Leviathan (Swe) - Black Metal
Leviathan (Tur) - Atmospheric Black/Doom
Leviathan (US) - Black Metal
Lex Wisdom - Black Metal
Lhutero - Black Metal
Liar of Golgotha - Black metal
Libation - Black Death Metal
Liber Spirituum - Black/Death Metal
Librakh - Black Metal
Libricum - Black Metal
Licht- und Schattensaiten - Experimental Black Metal
Lichten Nacht - Black Metal with some ambient parts
Lidian Forest - Raw Atmospheric Black Metal
Lidskjalv - black metal
Lie Angel - Black Metal
Lifthrasil - Atmospheric Black Metal
Lifthrasireon - Folk Black Metal
Lignum Crucis - Black Metal
LIK - Black Metal
Lilith (Bol) - Black/Doom Metal
Limbonic Art - Symphonic Black Metal
Lindisfarne - Viking black metal
Lingedal - Black Metal, Ambient
Lisa the Wolf - black/doom metal
Litania - Black Metal
Liturgia - Black/Dark Metal
Livjatan - Black Metal
Livor Mortis - Black Metal (now) - Black/Death Metal (early)
Ljaa - Black Metal
Locomotiva - Ns Black Metal / Oi!
Loits - Black Metal
Long Voyage Back - Black/death/doom metal
Lor - Black Metal
Lord (Fra) - Black Metal
Lord Abattoir - Black Metal
Lord Alastor - Black Metal
Lord Astaroth - Black Metal
Lord Beherit - Death/Black Metal
Lord Belial - Black Metal
Lord Blasphemate - Black Metal
Lord Blasphemy - Black Metal
Lord Foul (Bra) - Raw Black Metal
Lord Foul (US) - Black Metal
Lord Impaler - Majestic Black Metal (now) / Black/Death Metal (early)
Lord Kaos - Black Metal
Lord Lucas - Black Metal
Lord of Depression - Black Metal
Lord Offel - Black/Death Metal
Lord Paymon - Black Metal
Lord Satanael - Raw Black Metal
Lord Sogoth - Raw Black Metal
Lord Tenebrion - Black Metal
Lord Themgoroth - Black Metal
Lord Vepar - Black metal
Lord Wind - Darkwave/slavik folk/medieval music with black metal influence
Lord Wolf - Folk Black Metal/Ambient
Lorde of All Desires - Dark & Raw Black Metal
Lordhelme - Symphonic Black Metal
Lords of Darkness - Black Metal
Lords of Midnight - Black Metal
Lorn - Black Metal
Lost Dreams - Black Metal
Lost in Time - Symphonic Black Metal
Lost Life - Black Metal
Lost Soul's Cry - Black Metal
Love Lies Bleeding - Atmospheric black doom metal
Lover of Sin - Blackened dark metal
Lua Negra - Black Metal
Lucifer's Hammer - Black/Death Metal
Luciferi - Black Metal
Luciferi Excelsi - Black Metal
Luciferian - Black metal
Luciferian Warrior - Black Metal
Luciferiano - Black Metal
Luciferium - Black Metal
Lucifugo - Black Metal
Lucifugum (Esp) - Black Metal
Lucifugum (Ukr) - Black Metal
Luctus - Black Metal
Ludicra - Black Metal
Luftwaffe Raid - Black Metal
Lugburz - Black Metal
Lughorn - Black Metal
Lugubre - Black Metal
Lugubre Eclipse - NS Black Metal
Lugubrum - Black Metal
Lukemborg - Black Metal
Lullaby - Doom/Black Metal
Luna Ad Noctum - Symphonic Black Metal
Luna Field - Death / Black Metal
Lunacy (Fra) - black metal
Lunar Aurora - Black Metal
Lunar Gate - Atmospheric Gothic/Black Metal
Lunar Onlooker - Black Metal
Lunaria - Black/Death Metal
Lunaris - Black Metal
LunarReign - Black Metal
Lunarsea - Melodic Death / Black Metal
Lunatic Dreams - Black/Death Metal
Lunatic Gods - Atmospheric/Death/Doom/Black Metal
Lunatic Hymn - Black Metal
Lungorthin - Black Metal
Lupercalia - Blackened Gothic Metal
Lupine Moon - Black Metal
Luror - Black Metal
Lust (Can) - Black Metal
Lust (Mex) - Black/Thrash Metal
Lusus Naturae - Gothic/Black Metal
Lut - Black Metal
Lutemkrat - Black Metal
Lutomysl - Black Metal
Lux Divina - Pagan Black Metal
Lux Ferre - Black Metal
Lux Occulta - Atmospheric / epic black metal (old), Industrial black w/Jazz influences (new)
Luxuria de Lillith - Black Metal
Lvpercalia - Black (earlier)/Progressive Death Metal (now)
Lycanthropy - Black Metal
Lycanthropy's Spell - Black Metal
Lyfthrasyr - Black Metal
Luger - Black Metal
Lykantrop - Black/Death Metal
Lyrthas - Black Metal
Lythos - Black Metal
Lomska Planer - Black Metal
M8L8TH - NS Black Metal
Mabus 666 - Death/Black/Thrash
Macabre Omen - Black Metal
Macbeth (Ita) - Black/Gothic Metal
Macella - Symphonic Black Metal
Machiavel - Pagan Black Metal
Machinerie Perfect - Industrial Black Metal
Mactatus - Black Metal
Madryal - Black Metal
Maelstrom (Can) - Black/Thrash Metal
Magan - Symphonic Black Metal
Magane - Black metal
Maggot of Putrefaction - Black/Grind
Magia Posthuma - Black Metal
Magister Dixit - Melodic Black Metal
Magla - Black Metal
Magnum Carnage - Death/Black Metal
Magog (Fra) - Black Metal
Magog (Ger) - Black Metal
Magog (Swe) - Viking/Folk/Melodic Black Metal
Magus Noctum - Black Metal
Mahdyhell - Black Metal
Mahlstrom - Melodic Black Metal
Majestic East - black metal
Majestic Midnight - Black Metal
Majesty (US) - Thrash/Black
Makam - Black Metal
Malcuidant - Black Metal
Malebouge - Black Metal
Maledicta (Ita) - Thrash/Black Metal
Maledictis - Symphonic Black/Death
Maledictum - Black Metal
Malefic Oath - Black / Doom Metal
Maleficarum (Col) - Black Metal
Malefice - Black Metal
Maleficentia - Melodic Black Metal
Maleficia - Black Metal
Maleficium - Black Metal
Maleficium (Swe) - Melodic Black Metal
Maleficu Santificatu - Black metal
Maleficum Orgia - Black Metal
Maleficus - Black Metal
Maleficus Angelus - Black Metal
Malefik - Black Metal
Malesanctus - NS Black Metal
Malevolence (Nzl) - Grind/Death/Black/Noise
Malevolent - Blackened Melodic Death
Malevolentia - Black Metal
Malhkebre - Black Metal
Malice (Aus) - Black Metal
Malice (Ukr) - Black Metal
Malicious Conspiration - Black/Death/Gothic Metal
Malicious Secrets - Black Metal
Maligeist - Raw Black Metal
Malign - Black Metal
Malign Entity - Doom/Death/Black Metal
Malignance - Black Metal
Malignant - Raw NS Black Metal
Malignant Eternal - Black Metal/Industrial
Malignus - Black Metal
Malkbeth - Black Metal
Malkuth - Black metal
Malleus - Black Metal
Malleus Maleficarum (Fra) - Black Metal
Malleus Maleficarum (Mex) - Melodic Death/Black
Malnatt - Folk Black Metal
Malsain - Black Metal
Malsaination - Black Metal
Malumbra - Black Metal
Malus - black metal
Malus Aeternus - experimental black metal/ambient
Malus Lupus - Atmospheric Black Metal/Dark Ambient
Malveillance - Black Metal
Malveliance - Black Metal
Malvento - Black/Thrash Metal
Malvery - Black metal
Managarm - Heathen black metal
Manatark - Blackened Extreme Metal
Mandiga - melodic black metal
Mandrax - Doom Black Metal
Manes - Black Metal, Experimental/Electronic/Jazz
Manetheren - Black Metal
Maniac Butcher - Black Metal
Maniac Frost and Flames - Black Metal
Maniak - Black/Thrash Metal
Manic Movement - Dark thrash/death/black/doom
Manitu - Black metal
Manon - Black Metal
Manorblatz - Black Metal
Mantak - Black Metal
Manticore (US) - Black Metal
Mantles - Black Metal
Manus Mortis - Black Metal
MarAmon - Melodic Black Metal
Marbas Kult - Black Metal
Marblebog - Ambient/Black Metal
Marchosias - Melodic Black Metal
Marduk - Black Metal
Mareridt - Black Metal
Marglasduk - Black/Death Metal
Marhoth - Black Metal
Maroth - Black Metal
Marras - RAC, Black Metal
Martial - NS Black Metal
Martial Art - Black Metal
Martire - Black / Death / Thrash
Martyr (Bra) - Black Metal
Martyr (Hol) - Black Metal
Martyrdom (Chn) - Black Metal
Martyred - Black/Death Metal
Martyrium (Ger) - Black Metal
Martyrium (Ger) - Atmospheric black metal
Martyrium (Hol) - Black Metal
Martyrium (Hol) - Black/Death metal
Martyrium (Mlt) - Melodic Black Metal
Martyrs of Darkness - Melodic Black/Thrash Metal
Martyrum - Black Metal
Martyrvore - Death Black Metal
Masche - Black Metal
Maseregoth - NS Black Metal
Maskim - Black Metal
Maskim Xul - Black/Death
Masochist - black/death metal
Masochrist - Black Metal
Masokismi - Black Core
Massemord (Nor) - Black metal
Massemord (Pol) - Black Metal
Massenmord - Black Metal
Massenvernichtung - Black Metal
Masseporz - Ambient/Pagan Black Metal
Masshu - Black metal
Massmurder (Swe) - Black Metal
Mastema - Raw Black Metal
Master's Hammer - Epic Black Metal, Experimental
Mastiphal - Black Metal
Mastiphal - Black Metal
Masturbory - Raw Black/Grind
Matan Boukous - Black Metal
Mater Monstifera - Black Metal
Mater Tenebra - Black Metal
Mathyr - Black/Death Metal
Matricide (Swe) - Black Metal
Mausoleum (Bra) - Death/Black Metal
Mausoleum (Ita) - Death/Black Metal
May Result - Black Metal
Mayhem (Nor) - Black metal, post-black
Mayhemic Truth - Black Metal
Maze of Cako Torments - Industrial Death/Black Metal
Meadow in Silence - Black Metal
Meads of Asphodel - Medieval experimental black metal
Mean Geimhridh - Pagan Black Metal
Meatgrinder - Symphonic Black Metal
Meclet - Folk Black Metal
Medieval Demon - Melodic Black Metal
MediEvil - Melodic Black Metal
Mefisto - Speed/Black Metal
Megaera - Thrash/Black metal
Megera - Death Metal, Black Metal
Meghorash - black metal
Megiddo (Can) - black, doom, thrash
Megiddo (Chl) - Black Metal
Megiddon - Melodic black/death metal
Mehafelon - Black Metal
Mehfalaz - Black Metal
Meinardus - Black Metal
Melan Nephos Thanatou - Death/Black Metal
Melancholia - Black/Death metal
Melancholic Art - Black Metal
Melechesh - Black Metal
Melej - Black Metal
Melek Taus - Black Metal
Melek Tawus - Black Metal
Melencoliam - Black Metal
Melets - Black Metal
Melissa (Cze) - Atmospheric Black/Doom Metal
Melkor (Hrv) - Black Metal
Melkor (Ita) - Black Metal
Melkor (US) - Black Metal
Melmoth - Black/Death Metal
Melwosia - Black Death Metal
Membaris - Black Metal
Memembris - Symphonic Black Metal
Memnoch (Can) - Black Metal
Memoria (Fra) - Heavy/Black Metal
Memoria Vetus - Black Metal
Memorial - Black Metal
Memorial of Desolation - Black Metal
Memories of Lenore - Metalcore with black metal elements
Men at Arms - Death/Black Metal
Menegroth - Black Metal
Menschenfeind - Black Metal
Menstrual Garbage - Black/Doom Metal
Mental Alteration - Black Metal
Mental Transformation - Black Metal
Mephisto (Cub) - Gothic/Black Metal
Mephisto (Ita) - Thrash/Black Metal
Mephistopheles (Aus) - Death Metal with touches of black and grind
Mephistopheles (Bra) - Black/Death/Doom Metal
Mephistopheles (Ger) - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Mephistophelian - Black Metal
Mephiztophel - Black Metal
Merciless Crucifixion - Raw Black Metal
Mercy's Dirge - Black/Death metal
Mercyful Fate - Black/heavy metal
Mercyless Empire - Symphonic Black Metal
Meressin - black/heavy metal
Meriah - Progressive Black Metal
Meridian - Black Metal
Merodac - Black Metal
Merowig - Black Metal
Merrimack - Black Metal
Meslamtaea - Black metal/folk
Messalian - Death/black metal
Messe Noir - 'War' metal, black/death metal
Mesthyta - Doom/Black Metal
Metamorphosis - Atmospheric Black/Death Metal
Metranks - Death/Thrash/Black Metal
Metus - Avantgarde Black Metal
Meza Virs - Symphonic Black / Death Metal
Mezzerschmitt - Industrialized Black Metal
Miasthenia - Melodic pagan black metal
Mictian - Black Metal
Mictlantecuhtli - Black/Thrash Metal
Midgard (Irn) - Black Metal
Midgard (Ita) - Symphonic Black Metal
Midgard (Mex)- Black Metal
Midnight Descension - Black Metal
Midnight Mass - Black Metal
Midnight Scream - Black/death/gothic metal
Midvinter - Black Metal
Midwinter (Ger) - Dark Metal (mix of Doom, Black, Death, Gothic elements)
Mielofon - Primitive Black Metal/Noise/AvantJazz
Mightiest - Melodic Black Metal
Mighty - Black Metal
Mighty Goat Obscenity - Raw Black Metal
Mighty Scepter - Melodic Black Metal
Miktlantekutly - Raw Black Metal
Milit - NS Black Metal
Millenium (Bra) - Atmospheric Black Metal
Minas Morgul (Ger) - Pagan Black Metal
Minas Morgul (Pol) - Pagan Folk Black Metal
Minas Morgul (US) - National Socialist Black Metal
Minas Tirith - Avant-garde Black Metal
Mind Eclipse - Black/Death Metal
Mindgrinder - Death/Black Metal
Mindscar - Black metal
Minion - Black Metal
Minionslayer - Black Metal
Ministry of Pain - Melodic/Industrial/Black Metal
Mircalla - Black Metal
Mirdautas Vras - Black Metal
Mirk - Black Metal
Mirkvid - Black Metal
Mirzadeh - Melodic Blackened Metal
Misanthrone - Black Metal
Misanthropia - Death/Black Metal
Misanthropic Art - Black Metal
Misanthropic Might - Black Metal
Misanthropic Nemesis Upon the Bloody Altar of Ragnarok - Black Metal
Misanthropic Nihilist - Raw Black Metal
Misanthropic Poetry - Black Metal
Misanthropy - Black Metal
Misantrok - Black Metal
Misantropical Painforest - Epic Black Metal
Misbeliever - Symphonic Black Metal
Miscreant Invocation - Death/Thrash/Black Metal
Misein - Black Metal
Miseria - Black/Death Metal
Miseria X - Black Metal
Misericordia (Swe) - Black Metal
Misery (US) - black metal
Misfortune - Black Metal
Misogi - Progressive Black Metal
Misos - Black Metal
Mispaganthropy - Raw Black Metal
Mist (Hun) - Black Metal
Mist Enticer - Black / Death Metal
Misteltein - Black Metal
Misteria - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra - Dark Ambient / Black Metal
Mistik - Black Metal
Mistweaver (Rus) - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Misvita - Black Metal
Mitosis - Black/Death Metal
Mitternacht - avant-garde keyboard based black/viking metal
Mittwinter - Black Metal
Mjolner - Ambient/Black Metal
Mjolnir (Ger) - ns-black metal
MMFHL - Experimental Black Metal
Moat - Black Metal
Mock - Black Metal
Moder - Black/Death/Doom Metal
Mogradem - Black Metal
Moloch (Ger) - Black Metal
Moloch (US) - Black Metal
Molot - Thrash/Black, R.A.C.
Molot Vedim - Black/Doom Metal
Molphar - Black Metal
Momentum - Black Metal
Monarchia Daemonium - Black Metal
Mondwolf - Black Metal
Monokrohm - Black Metal
Monomania - Black Metal
Mons Lvnae - Black/Folk/Gothic Metal
Moon - Black metal
Moon Lore - Black / Ambient Metal
Moonblaze - Black Metal
Moonblood - Epic Black Metal
Moonfire - Black Metal, Industrial
Moonfrost (Che) - Brutal Black Metal
Moonfrost (Fin) - Black Metal
Moonlight (Mex) - Black metal
Moonlight Descend - Black Metal
Moonrise (Ltu) - Black Metal
Moonrise (Pol) - Pagan Black Metal
Moonshine - Black / Death Metal
Moonspell - Folk Black (early) / Gothic Metal (now)
Moonthrone - Melodic Black Metal
Moontower - Black Metal
Mor (Rus) - Pagan Black Metal
Mor Dagor - Black Metal
Morannon - Black Metal
Morbid Desire - Black/Death Metal
Morbid Execution - Old School Black
Morbid Flatulence - Death/Black/Grind
Morbid Funeral - Brutal Death Metal (Early), Melodic Black Metal
Morbid God - Folk Black Metal
Morbid Pain - Death/Black
Morbid Simphony - Symphonic Black Metal
Morbid Symphony (Nor) - Black Metal
Morbid Victory - Symphonic Black Metal
Morbidoom - Black Metal
Morbosidad - Black/Death
Morbus Mundi - National Socialist Black Metal
Morcrof - black/doom metal
Mord (Ger) - Black Metal
Mord (Nor) - Black Metal
Mord (US) - Black Metal
Mordacum - Black Metal
Mordaehoth - Pagan Black Metal
Mordak - Black Metal
Mordant (Swe) - Black / Death Metal
Mordecai - Melodic Black Metal
Mordgier - Black Metal
Mordgrim - Black Metal
Mordgrund - Black metal
Mordhell - Black Metal
Mordichrist - Doom/Black Metal
Mordium - Black Metal
Mordor (Che) - Black / Funeral Doom
Mordorn - Black/Gothic Metal
Mordorzhog - Black/Folk Metal
Mordrak - Brutal Black Metal
Mordulv - Black Metal
More Majorum - Black Metal
Moredhel - Black Metal
Morgaelian - Black Metal
Morganatische Machenschaft - Atmosperic Black/Death Metal with Heavy Elements
Morgart - Atmospheric Black Metal
Morgenes - Black Metal
Morgue (Fin) - Death/Black Metal
Morgul - Black Metal
Morhogg - Black Metal
Moria (Bgr) - Melodic Black Metal
Moria (Dza) - Depressive Black Metal
Moria (Swe) - Black Metal
Moria (Swe) - Black Metal
Moribund (Bel) - Black Metal
Moribund Oblivion - Black Metal
Morigan - at first Black Metal now death/thrash-metal
Morionor - Melodic Black Metal
Morior Ergo Sum - Black Metal
Moriorr - Death/Black Metal
Mork Minnesmerke - Black Metal
Mork Skog - Black Metal
Morkal - Raw Black Metal
Morke - NS Black Metal
Morke Helvetes - Black Metal
Morkegjemsel - Black Metal
MorkSkogen - Black Metal
Morlok - Experimental Black Metal
Morna - Black Metal
Mornaland - Black / Death Metal
Morok - Pagan Black Metal
Morok - Raw black metal
Morpheus (Grc) - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Morrigan - Black Metal
Morrigu (Bel) - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Mors - Black Metal
Mors Amara - Atmospheric Black Metal
Mors in Tabula - Industrial Black/Death Metal
Mors Liberatrix - Black Metal
Mors Osculi - Atmospheric Melodic Viking/Black Metal
Mors Summa - NS Black Metal
Mors Tua - Epic Black Metal
Morsun Diaboli - Black Metal
Mort (Ger) - Raw Black Metal
Mortal Intention - Black Metal
Mortal Wish - Black Metal
Mortar (Ger) - Black Metal
Mortbrand - Black Metal
Morte Genesis - Black Metal
Morte Incandescente - Black Metal
Mortellez - Black/Death Metal
Mortem Occumbere - Black metal, ambient/epic
Morterix - Black Metal
Mortes Saltantes - Black metal
Mortharm - Black Metal
Morthirim - Black Metal
Morthond - Black Metal
Mortifera - Black Metal
Mortiferus - Black Metal
Mortifier - Black/Death Metal
Mortifixion - Black Metal
Mortify (Grc) - Black Metal
Mortify (Pol) - Black Metal
Mortinatum - Black Metal
Mortis Mephisto - Black Metal
Morto Festy - Melodic Black/Doom Metal
Mortogtre - Black Metal / Black Ambient
Morttus - Black Metal
Mortuary (Pol) - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Mortuary Drape - Black Metal
Mortum (Can) - Black Metal
Mortuplus - Black Metal
Mortus (Bra) - Death/Black Metal
Mortuum - Black Metal
Morwinyon - Black Metal
Mosu Quma - Black Metal
Motorpenis - Black/Thrash/Grind
Mountain King - Black Metal
Mournblade (Grc) - Black Metal
Mournful Night - Atmospheric black metal
Mourning Dawn - Dark Black Metal
Mourning Palace - Doom/Black
Mourning Path - Blackened Death Metal
Mourning Winter - Black Metal
Movarbru - Black Metal
MRAK - Depressive Black Metal
Mramor - Gothic/Black Metal
Mrok - Dark Ambient/ Black Metal
Mundzuk - Black Metal
Munruthel - Black Metal
Murder Rape - Black Metal
Murmur - Black Metal
Murw - Atmospheric Black Metal
Muspell - Death/Black metal
Must Missa - Black Metal
Musta Surma - Black Metal
Mustan Kuun Lapset - Black Metal
Mutant - Black/Death Metal
Mutilated Cadaver - Black/Death Metal
Mutilated Christ (Ecu) - Symphonic Black Metal
Mutorkseht - Black Metal
My Dark Sin - Black metal
My Darkest Dream - Symphonic Black Metal
My Enchantment - Melodic Black Metal
My Infinite Kingdom - Black Metal
Mydgard - Black Metal
Myrddraal - Black Metal
Myring - Melodic Black Metal
Myrk - Black Metal
Myrkal - Black Metal
Myrkgrav - Blackened Folk/Viking Metal
Myrkr - Black Metal
Myrkvid - Black Metal
Myrkwid - Black Metal
Myrmidon (US) - Black Metal
Mysteria - Black Metal
Mysteries - Black Metal
Mysteriis (Bra) - Black Metal
Mysteriis (Col) - Black Metal
Mysteriis (Fra) - Black Metal
Mysteriis (Ita) - Avant-garde Black Metal
Mysterion - Black Metal
Mysterion Noctum - Raw Black Metal
Mysterious Eclipse - Death/Black metal
Mysterium (Hrv) - Black Metal
Mystes - Black Metal
Mystherium - Gothic Black Metal
Mystic Circle - Melodic Black Metal
Mystic Death (Svk) - Black Metal
Mystic Forest - Black Metal
Mystic Shadows - Epic Black Metal
Mystica (Bel) - Melodic Death / Black Metal
Mystica (Per) - Black/Death Metal
Mystical Fate - Black Metal
Mystical Fire - Black Metal
Mystical Fullmoon (Bra) - Pagan Black Metal
Mystical Fullmoon (Ita) - Black Metal
Mystice - Black Metal
Mysticism Black - Black Metal
Mysticum - Black Metal
Mystification FF - Black Metal
Mystifier - Black Metal
Mytes Gradel - Black Metal
Mythos - Black/Death Metal
Mutiilation - Black Metal
Mytile Vey Lorth - Black/Death Metal
Myzterion - Atmospheric/melodic black metal
Manegarm - Viking/Black/Folk Metal
Mork Gryning - Black Metal
Morker - Black Metal
Morko - Black/Doom Metal
Mose - Sludge/Doom Metal with slight Black Metal elements
Morke - Black Metal
Morkekunst - Black Metal
Morkriket - Black Metal
N.M.E. - black metal, thrash/crossover (later)
Na Rasputje - NS Black Metal
Nabat - NS Black-Metal/Noise
Nachtfalke - Black Metal, Viking Metal
Nachtgeblut - Black Metal
Nachthimmel - Atmospheric/ambient black metal
Nachtkult - NS Black metal
Nachtleid - Black Metal
Nachtmahr - Black Metal
Nachtmahr - black metal
Nachtmystium - Black Metal
Nachtnevel - Black Noise/Dark Ambient
Nachttroll - Black Metal
Nachzehrer - Black Metal
Nada - Black/Death Metal
Nadir (Can) - black metal
Nae'blis - Atmospheric Black Metal
Naer Mataron - Black Metal
Nagelfar - Black Metal
Naglfar (Swe) - Death/Black, Melodic Black Metal
Nagrim - Black Metal
Nahar - Black Metal
Nahash - Black Metal
Nahemah - Symphonic Black Metal
Nahual - Black Metal
Naked Whipper - Black/Grind
Nakkiga - Black Metal
Nalvage - Death/Black Metal
Namtar (Fra) - Black Metal
Namtar (Pol) - Death / Black Metal
Namtaru - Black Metal
Namter - Black Metal
Nannarh - Black Metal
Naogizaga - Black Metal
Nar Mataron - Black metal
Narath - Black Metal
Nargaroth - Black Metal
Nargathrond - Ambient/Black Metal
Nargothrond (Ger) - Black Metal
Nargothrond (Prt) - Black Metal
Narog - Black Metal
Narsamum - Black/Death/Thrash Metal
Nartvind - Old School Black Metal
Nasav - Black Metal
Nashehrhum - Black Metal
Nasheim - Black Metal
Natan - Melodic black metal with folk influences
Natek - Black Metal
Natrach - Black Metal
Nattas - Black/thrash metal
Nattefrost - Black Metal
Nattegaahl - Black Metal
Nattestid - Black metal
Nattfrost - Black Metal
Nattstrid - Raw NS Black Metal
Nattstrype - Black Metal
Natural Death - Melodic Death Metal (now)/Melodic Black Metal (earlier)
Natural Spirit - Black/Folk Metal
Nature's Elements - Melodic Black Metal
Nauar - Black/Death Metal
Nauglath - Black Metal
Naumachia - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Nauseous Surgery - Blackened death metal
Nauseum - Black Metal
Nauthis - Black Metal
Nav' - Black Metal
Navja - Black Metal
Nazgul (Esp) - Black Metal
Nazgul (Ita) - Folk Black Metal
Nazgul (US) - Black/Thrash Metal
Nazgul Rising - Black Metal
Nazxul - Black metal
NB-604 - Black Metal
Near - Black Metal
Neasit - Pagan Black Metal
Nebadom - Black Metal
Nebel (Fra) - black metal
Nebel (Ger) - Industrial/Grind/Black Metal
Nebel (Ita) - Industrial Black Metal
Nebelbanner - Black Metal
Nebelborn - Black Metal
Nebelburg - Black Metal
Nebelgrab - Black Metal
Nebelheer - Black Metal
Nebelheim (Cze) - Black Metal
Nebelhorn - Viking Black Metal
Nebelkorona - Black/Dark Metal
Nebelmacht - Melodic Black Metal
Nebelwald - Melodic Black Metal
Nebelwerfer - Black Metal
Nebiras - Black Metal
Nebiros (Col) - Black Metal
Nebiros (Fra) - Black Metal
Nebiros (Ger) - Black Metal
Nebiros (UK) - Black/Noise
Nebron - Necro Black Metal
Nebula 666 - Black Metal
Nebula Carmine - Death/Black Metal
Nebulah X - Black Metal
Nebular Carpathians - Black Metal
Nebular Moon - Death / Black
Nebular Mystic - Black Metal
Nebularaven - Black Metal
Nechbeyth - Black/Brutal Death Metal
NeChrist - Black Metal
Necro Pleasure - Black/Death/Grind
Necro Ritual - Black Metal
Necrobutcher - Raw thrash/black
Necroccult - Black Metal
Necrocult (Bra) - Black/Noise/Grind
Necrocult (Fra) - Black / Death Metal
Necrocunt - Grind / Black Metal
Necrodaemon - Black Metal
Necrodeath - Black/death/thrash metal
Necrofago (Bra) - black/death metal
Necrofeast (Hol) - Pagan Black Metal
Necrofilia (Hnd) - Black Death Metal
Necroforest - Black Metal
Necrofrost - Black Metal
Necro[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明] In Hell - Black metal
Necrofurya - Black Metal
Necroid - Black Metal
Necrokult of Kronos - Black/Death Metal
Necrolith - Black Metal
Necrolust (Bra) - Black Metal
Necrolust (Bra) - black metal
Necrolust (Ita) - Black Metal
Necromancer (Slv) - Raw Black Metal
Necromancy (Bol) - Death Black
Necromancy (Grc) - Black metal
Necromancy (Swe) - Black Metal
Necromant - Black Metal
Necromantia - Black Metal
Necromantic (Fra) - Black Metal
Necromass - Black Metal
Necromessiah - Black Metal
Necromicon - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Necromion - Black Metal
Necromorbus - Black Metal
Necromorten - blackened thrash
Necromortum - Black Metal
Necrophile (Irl) - Black/Death Metal
Necroplasma - Thrashy black metal
Necros Christos - Black/Death Metal
Necrosadistic Goat Torture - Death/Black Metal
Necroshine - Melodic Black Metal
Necrosia Delectus - Atmospheric Black Metal
Necroslaughter - Black Metal
Necrosleezer - Black Metal
Necrosorth - Death/Black Metal
Necrosphere - Black / Death Metal
Necrovomitor - Death / Black Metal
Necrowinter - Black Metal
Neetzach - Black Metal
Nefandus - Black Metal
Nefarious - Black/War Metal
Nefarious Azarak - Black/Death Metal
Nefarium - Black Metal
Nefas - Black Metal
Nefasta Dies - Raw Black Metal
Nefastum - Melodic Black Metal
Nefastus Abbatia - Black Metal
Nefaustium - Black Metal
Negationist - Black metal
Negative Plane - Black Metal
Negator - black metal
Negorgodon - National Socialist Black Metal
Negro Altar - Black Metal
Negura Bunget - Black Metal
Nehemah - Black Metal
Neither (US) - Black Metal
Nekantropy - Raw Black Metal
Nekro Vinterstrom - Black Metal
Nekroforest - Black Metal
Nekropolis (Che) - Death/Black Metal
Nekros - Black Metal
Nekrosis - Black/Death Metal
Nekrovoid - Black Metal
Neldoreth - Black Metal
Nema - Black Metal
Nema (Ger) - Black Metal
Nemain - Gothic Black Metal/Darkwave
Nemesant - Black Metal
Nemesis (Pol) - doom/black metal
Nemesis Inferi - Symphonic Black Metal
Nemesis Ocvlta - Black Metal
Nemeton - Brutal Black Metal
Nemetona - Death Metal/Black Metal
Nenavist - Old School Black Metal
Neochrome - Black Metal
Neocosmic - Death/Black/Dark Metal
Nepenthe - Atmospheric Black Metal
Nephenzy Chaos Order - Black/Death Metal
Nephilim - Raw Black Metal
Nephtys - Melodic black metal
Neptune (US) - Black Metal/Doom Metal
Nergal (Che) - Black / Death Metal
Nergal (Chl) - Black Metal
Nergal (Grc) - Black Metal
Nergal (Rus) - Melodic Black Metal
Nerthus - black metal
Nerumia - Melodic Death/Black
Nervengas - Black/Thrash
Netherealm - Black Metal
Nethermancy - Black Metal
Netherworld (Aus) - Black Metal
Neurasthenie - Death/Black Metal with Gothic touches
Neurotic of Gods - black metal
Neutron Hammer - Blackened Death/Thrash Metal
Neverdead - Death/Black Metal
Nex - Black Metal
Nexum - Black Metal
Nhaavah - Extreme Black Metal
Nibdem - Black metal
Nibelung - Black Metal
Nibiru - Epic Black Metal
Nicatas Drumer - Black metal
Nicronomodez - Black Metal
Nidavellir - Black Metal
Niden Div. 187 - Black Metal
Nidhogg Ivaldir - Black, Death Metal
Nidhoggr - Black Metal
Nidhug - Heathen Black Metal
Nidhoggur - Black
Nidingr - Black Metal
Nifelheim (Swe) - Black Metal
Niflheim (Aus) - Black metal
Niflheim (Kor) - Melodic Black Metal
Night Conquers Day - Black Metal
Night Eternal - Black Metal
Night of Decay - Dark Speed/Black/Death Metal
Nightfall - Black/Gothic Metal
Nightgate - Melodic Black Metal
Nighthatred - Black Metal
Nightrealm (Prt) - Black Metal
Nightsblood - Black Metal
Nightshade (Swe) - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Nightside (Fin) - Black Metal
Nightside Kingdom - Black Metal
Nightstalker - Black Metal
Nightwing (Lva) - Black Metal
Nightwolf - Black Metal
Nightworks - Black Metal
Nigrescent - Black metal, noise
Nihil - Black Metal
Nihil Crafting - Black Metal
Nihil Nocturne - Black Metal
Nihili Locus - Black Metal
Nihilistic Kaos - Black Metal
Nihilium - Pagan Death/Black Metal
Nimeton - Melodic Black Metal
Nimmerland - Heavy/Thrash Metal, Black Metal (early)
Ninnghizhidda - Symphonic Black Metal
Ninnixu - Black Metal
Ninnuam - Black/Death Metal
Ninth Empire - Death/Melodic Black Metal
Ninurta - Black Metal
Niohoggr - Black metal
Nirnaeth (Fra) - Black/Death Metal
Nirnaeth Arnoediad - Black Metal
Niroth - Black Metal
Nitberg - Black Metal
Njafrar - Black Metal
No Fate - Black Metal
No Spiritual Surrender - Black/Doom Metal
No Utopia - Black Metal
Nobilitas Nigra - Black / Death Metal
Nocta (Hol) - Black/Thrash Metal
Noctambulant Grimness - Atmospheric Black/Death
Nocte Obducta - Black Metal
Nocterminus - Black Metal
Nocternity - Black Metal
Noctes - Melodic Black Metal
Nocti Vagus - Black Metal
Nocticula - Romantic Black Metal
Noctifer - Black Metal
Noctiferia - Symphonic Black / Death Metal
Noctiflorous Thorns - Black Metal
Noctis - Melodic Black Metal
Noctis Imperium - Black Metal
Noctis Invocat - Atmospheric Doom/Black Metal
Noctuary - Black Metal
Noctum - Atmospheric Black Metal
Noctumbre - Black/Death/Dark Metal
Nocturn (Esp) - Black Metal
Nocturn (Fin) - Black Metal
Nocturnal (Aus) - Black/Doom Metal
Nocturnal (Pol) - Black Metal
Nocturnal Aar - Black Metal
Nocturnal Addiction - Black Metal
Nocturnal Blasphemy - Black Metal
Nocturnal Breed - Thrash Metal with Black Metal Elements
Nocturnal Crown - Melodic Black Metal, Death Metal
Nocturnal Crypt - Black Metal
Nocturnal Decay - Black Metal
Nocturnal Depression - Black Metal
Nocturnal Desire - Black Metal
Nocturnal Earth - Progressive Black-ish Metal
Nocturnal Evil - Black Metal
Nocturnal Faith - Progressive Black Metal
Nocturnal Funeral - Black Metal
Nocturnal Majesty - Black
Nocturnal Prophecy - Black Metal
Nocturnal Ritual - Black Metal
Nocturnal Supremacy - Black Metal
Nocturnal Symphony - Melodic Black Metal
Nocturnal Worshipper - Black Metal
Nocturne - Black Metal
Noddegamrah - Black Metal
Noenum - Black Metal
Nogbold's Palace - Black Metal
Nohellia - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Noitavalkea - Black Metal
Nokturnal - Black Metal
Nokturnal Mortum - Folk Symphonic Black Metal
Nokturnal Summoner - Black Metal
Nokturne - Black Metal
Noltem - Ambient Pagan Black/Doom Metal
Nomad (Hun) - Black metal
Nomicon - Atmospheric Black Metal
Non Opus Dei - black metal
Non Serviam - Black/Death Metal
Nord 'N' Commander - Blackened Metal with Folk and Techno elements.
Nord (Can) - Black Metal
Nord (Ger) - Ambient, Black Metal
Nord av Snafells - Symphonic Black Metal
Nordafrost - Black Metal
Nordisches Blut - Pagan Black Metal
Nordlicht - Black Metal
Nordmen - Black Metal
Nordor - Black Metal
Nordreich - Black Metal
Nordsturm - Black Metal
Nordum - Black Metal
NordVinter - Black Metal
Nordvykk - Melodic Black Metal
Nordwind - Black Metal
Norgard - Pagan Black Metal
Norgathaal - Black Metal
Norinian - Black Metal
Norrsken - Black/Viking Metal
Norsekrieg - Black Metal
Norske Synder - Melodic Black Metal
North (Pol) - Pagan/Black Metal
Northern Alliance - Black/Thrash Metal
Northern Darkness - Black Metal
Northern Gods - Black Metal
Northern Tod - Black Metal
Northland - Black Metal
Northrone - melodic black metal
Northstream - Black Metal
Northwail - Black Metal
Nortt - Black Funeral Doom
Norz Feuer - Black metal
Nosferatos - Brutal Death/Black Metal
Nosferatu (Col) - Atmospheric Black Dark Metal
Nosferatu (Phl) - Black/Death Metal
Nosferiel - black metal,death metal
Nosophoros (US) - Black Metal
Nostrum - Black Metal
Nosvampyram - Black Metal
Nosvrolok - Raw black metal
Nott - Black Metal
Notung (Bra) - Pagan Black Metal
Notung (Chl) - Black Metal
Novgorod - Symphonic Black Metal
Nowhere - Experimental Black/Death
Nowogrodek - Black Metal
Nox Intempesta - Black Metal
Nox Invicta - Melodic Black Metal
Nox Invictus - black war metal
Nox Lunaris - Vampiric Black Metal
Nox Pestes - Black Metal
Noxious (US) - black/death metal
Nuclear Crucifixion (Aus) - Harsh Black Metal
Nuclear Hell - Black / Death Metal
Nuclear Vengeance - Raw Black Metal
Nuclear Winter (Arg) - Black Metal
Nuclear Winter (Aus) - Black Metal
Nuclear Winter (Rus) - Black Metal
Nuctemeron (Bra) - Black/Death/Grind
Nuctemeron (Sgp) - Black/Thrash Metal
Nuit Noire - Black Metal
Nuklear Antikrist - Black Metal
Numen (Esp) - Black/Folk Metal
Numenor - Black Metal
Numinous - Black Metal
Nunkthul - Black Metal
Nurgle - Black Metal
Nvlvs - Black/Death Metal
Nyarlathotep (Fra) - Black Metal
Nyarlathotep (Ita) - Black Metal
Nycticorax - Black Metal
Nyktalgia - Black Metal
Nyogtha - Black metal
Nyogthaeblisz - Black Metal
Nyomor - Black Metal
Nyseius - Black Metal
Naohoan - Black Metal
Nastrond - Black Metal


O - Raw Black Metal
O Oraculo de Asaradel - Black/Doom Metal
O.R.C. - Black Metal, Doom Metal, Ambient
Oak - Folk NS Black Metal
Oak Coffin - Black Metal
Oath to Vanquish - death/grind/black
Oathean - Melodic Black/Death
Obeisance - Thrash / Black Metal
Obitania - Blackened pagan/Ambient
Obitus - Black Metal
Obliquity - Black/Death Metal
Obliteration (US) - death/black metal
Oblivion (Esp) - Black Metal
Oblivion (Ger) - Black Metal
Oblomov - Black/death metal with some folk influences
Obnounce - black / death
Obruthion - Black Metal
Obscene Eulogy - Death/Black Metal
Obscenery - Black/Death Metal
Obscura Nox Hibernis - Raw Black Metal
Obscuration (Fra) - Gothic/Black Metal
Obscuration (Nor) - Black Metal
Obscurcis Romancia - Symphonic Black Metal
Obscure (Hol) - Black Metal
Obscure Mind - Black Metal
Obscure Vortex - Black Metal
Obscureness - Black/Doom Metal
Obscuri Tronos - Black Metal
Obscuritas Est Imperium - Black Metal
Obscurity (Ger) - Melodic Black Metal
Obscurity (Grc) - Black/Death Metal
Obscuro - Raw Black Metal
Obscurum - Black Metal
Obscurum Noctis - Black Metal
Obscurus (Bra) - Black Metal
Obscurus (Ger) - Black/Death Metal
Obscvrvs Advocam - Black Metal
Obsequies - Black Metal
Obsidian Gate - Symphonic Black Metal
Obsidio - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Obskurum - Black Metal
Obtained Enslavement - Symphonic Black Metal
Obtenebratum - Black Metal
Obtest - Pagan/Black Metal
Occasus - Black Metal
Occidens - Black Metal
Occidere - Black Metal
Occult (Hol) - Black Thrash Metal
Occultism - Blackened Death Metal
Occultus - Melodic Black Metal
Ocean of Sorrow - gothic doom/black metal
Oceans of Sadness - Death/Black/Gothic Metal
Octagon - Experimental Black Metal
Octinomos - Black Metal
Octoria - Black Metal
Ocultan - Black Metal
Oculus - Black Metal
Odal (Fra) - Black Metal
Odal (Ger) - Pagan Black Metal
Odal Rune - NS Black Metal/Dark Ambient
Oddskabbcatz - Black Metal
Odelegger - Black Metal
Odem Arcarum - Black Metal
oden - Folk/Black Metal
Odious (Bra) - Death Black Metal
Odious (Egy) - Black Metal
Odium (Nor) - Black Metal
Odium (Rus) - Black Metal/Ambient
Odium (UK) - Black Metal
Odium Immortalis - Melodic Black Metal
Odor Mortis - Black Metal
Of Dream and Drama - Death/Black metal
Of Mara - Black Metal
Of the Fallen - Symphonic black metal
Ofermod - Black Metal
Officum - Death/Doom Metal with Black Metal vocals
Ofring - Black/Death Metal
Ofryskje - Black Metal
Ogmias - Pagan Black Metal
Ohtar - NS Black Metal
Ohura Mazdo - Black Metal
Okkultum Magnificentia - Black Metal
Oksanat - Black Metal
Okulus Diaboli - Black Metal
Ol Sonuf - Symphonic Black Metal
Olc Sinnsir - Black Metal
Old Forest - Black Metal
Old Funeral - Black/death metal
Old Legacy - NS Black Metal
Old Man's Child - Melodic Black Metal
Old Morgul - Black Metal
Old Pagan - Black/Thrash Metal
Old Path - Black Metal/Dark Ambient
Old Wainds - Unholy Black Metal
Older Hammer - Black Metal
Olemus - Death/black/gothic metal
Olive - Black/Doom Metal
Omendark - Black Metal
Omens of Desolation - Doom / Black Metal
Omichron - Blackened Death Metal
Ominous (Esp) - Black Metal
Ominous Grief - Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
Omnes Ad Unum - Black Metal
Omni Mortuus - Black/Dark/Gothic Metal
Omnia Orta Cadunt - Black Metal
Omnicide - Black Metal
Omniscient - Symphonic Black Metal
Omonimo - Black/Death Metal
Ond Aand - Black/Death/Dark Metal
Onde Aander - experimental black metal
Ondrim - Black Metal
Ondskapt - Black Metal
Ondske - Black Metal
Oneiroi - Black Metal
Onheil - Black Metal
Onirik - Black Metal
Oniromancia - Extreme Black Metal
Onts On - Black Metal
Onus - Black Metal
Opacity - Black Metal
Opacus - Black Metal
Open Grave - black metal
Opera IX - black/death/doom metal
Operation Winter Mist - Black War Metal
Ophthalamia - Black Metal
Oppressor (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Optoletum - Black Metal
Opus Draconis - Black Metal
Opus Forgotten - Black Metal
Opus Leviathan - Epic Black Metal
Opus Magorum - True Black Metal
Opus Majestic - 'Black' Metal
Opus Malefici - Death/Black Metal
Opus Nocturne - Black Metal
Opus666 - Black/Heavy Metal
Oracle of the Void - Black Metal
Oraculum - Black Metal
Orakle - Atmospheric Black Metal
Orate - Death/Black Metal
Orc - Black Metal
Orcish Blood - Melodic Black Metal
Orcrist - Black Metal
Orcustus - Black Metal
Ordalium - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Order From Chaos - Black/Death Metal
Order of Sekhmet - Black Metal
Order of the Ebon Hand - Black Metal
Ordine Nero - NS Black Metal
Ordo Draconis - Black Metal
Ordo Templi Aeternae Lucis - Black Metal
Ordog - Black Metal
Organ Grinder - Avant-Garde Black Metal
Organium - Noise/Black/Ambient
Orion Nightfall - Black/Death Metal
Ork - black metal
Orkrist - Melodic Black/Doom/Heavy Metal
Orkus - Black Metal
Orlog - Pagan Black Metal
Ormgard - Black Metal
Ormuz - Black Metal
Ornaments of Sin - Black Metal
Ornias - Black Metal
Orodruin (Hol) - Black / Doom Metal
Orodruin (US) - Black Metal
Orosius - Black Metal
Orthanc - Black Metal
Orthaugr - Black Metal
Orzymoth - Black Metal
Oscularum Infame - Black Metal
Osculum Infame (Fra) - Black Metal
Osculum Infame (Grc) - black metal
Osculum Obscenum - Black/Grind
Oscuridad - Black Metal
Oscypherion - Black Metal
Osgiliath - Medieval Black Metal
Osirion - Black Metal
Osiris (Egy) - Black Metal
Ossarium - Black Metal
Otargos - Black Metal
Othendara - Black Metal
Ouija - Black Metal
Ouroboros (Can) - Black Metal
Out Body Experience - Melodic Black/Doom Metal
Outbreak (Swe) - Black Metal
Overlord (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Overlord Exterminator - Black Metal
Ovskum - Black Metal
Oyhra - pagan black metal
Pactum - Black Metal
Pagan (Aus) - Black/death metal
Pagan (Blr) - Black Metal
Pagan (Bra) - Black Metal
Pagan (Ger) - Black Metal
Pagan (Tur) - Black Metal
Pagan Eternal - Black Metal
Pagan Fire - Black Metal
Pagan Forest - Pagan Black Metal
Pagan Hellfire - Black Metal
Pagan Obsession - Black Metal
Pagan Poetry - Black/Doom Metal
Pagan Storm - National Socialist Black Metal
Pagan Temple - Black Metal
Pagan Warrior 88 - Pagan/NS Black Metal
Pagan Winds - Black Metal
Pagan Winter - Black Metal
Paganfuries - Pagan Black Metal
Paganus Doctrina - Black metal
Paha Paholainen - black metal/punk
Painful Minds - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Pale Goddess - Symphonic Black Metal
Panchrysia - Black Metal
Panteon - Death/Black Metal
Panteu - Black metal
Pantheion (Ger) - melodic black metal
Pantheon (Swe) - Black Metal
Pantheon (US) - National Socialist Black Metal
Pantheon I - Black Metal
Pantokrator (Bgr) - Black Metal
Panzer (Bel) - Black metal
Panzerchrist - Death//Black Metal
Panzerfaust (Fra) - Black Metal
Panzerfaust (Ger) - Black Metal
Panzerfaust (Pol) - Black Metal
Panzerfrost (Esp) - Black Metal
PanzerFrost (Prt) - Black/Death Metal
Panzerkampf - black/thrash metal
Panzersturm - Black Metal
Para Tu Eterno MMJPGA - Black Metal
Parade of Souls - Black Metal
Paradise in Flames - Black Metal
Paragon Belial - Black Metal
Paragon Impure - Black Metal
Paria (Ger) - Black Metal
Parnassus - Symphonic Black Metal
Parvati - Black Metal
Passive Aggressive - Black/Doom Metal
Patecabra - Black/Speed/Thrash
Path of Golconda - Death/Black Metal
Pathogen (Aus) - Melodic Black Metal
Paysage d'Hiver - Black metal, Ambient
Pazuzu (US) - Black/Death metal
Pecatorium - Black Metal
Peccatum - Avant-garde black metal
Penitence - Black Metal
Pentacle - Black / Death Metal
Pentaslave - Melodic Death / Black Metal
People - Black/Death/Grind
Peorth - Pagan Black Metal
Per Tenebras - Black Metal
Perdition (Chl) - Black Metal
Perdition (US) - Raw Black Metal
Perdition Hearse - Black Metal
Perditism - Black/Thrash Metal
Perditor - Black Metal
Pergamon - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Perished - Black metal
Perpetual (PR) - Black Metal
Perpetual Darkness - Black Metal
Perpetual Disgrace - Black Metal
Perpetual Dusk - Melodic Black Metal
Perpetual Suffering - Black Metal
Perpetual Tears - Black Doom
Perpetual Winter - black metal
Persophone - Black Metal
Perun - Black Metal
Perunica - Folk/Pagan/Black-Metal
Perverseraph - Black Metal
Pervertum - Black metal
Pervogoat - Black Metal
Pessimistic - Black Metal
Pessonha - Black Metal
Pest (Fin) - Black metal
Pest (Ger) - Raw Black Metal
Pest (Swe) - Raw Black Metal
Pesta - Black Metal with folk influences
Peste Noire - Black Metal
Pesten - Black Metal
Pesten 1349 - Black Metal
Pesticemia - Black / Death Metal
Pestiferium - Black Metal
Pestiferous (Nor) - Black/Death Metal
Pestiferous (US) - Black Metal
Pestilential Shadows - Black Metal
Pestnebel - Black metal
Pesttanz (Ger) - Black Metal
Pesttanz (Swe) - Black Metal
Phantasia - Melodic Black Metal
Phantasm (Rus) - Black Metal
Phantasmagory - Death / Black Metal
Phantom Brutal - Black Metal
Phantom Lodge - Black Metal
Phazm - Blackened Death/Doom Metal
Philosophy - Dark Ambient/Black Metal
Pilatus - Black Metal
Pilgrims from Tarterus - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Pimeys - Black Metal
Plague (Bel) - Raw Black Metal
Plague (Chl) - Raw Black Metal
Plague (Hol) - Black/Death
Plague (US) - Black Metal
Plague Impaled - Black Metal
Pluribus Impar - Depressive Doom/Black
Poccolus - Pagan Black Metal
Poems of Shadows - Black Metal
Poesia per Aurem - Melodic black metal
Poeticus Severus - Black Metal
Pogrom (Dnk) - Black Metal
Pogrom (Fra) - NS Black Metal
Pogrom (Tur) - Melodic Black Metal
Pogrom 1147 - Black Metal
Pohakka - Depressive Black Metal
Polarized - Doom/death/black Metal
Poltus - Black Metal with Folk elements
Porrada - Death/Black/Grind
Positiv Hate - Heavy/Black/Death/Symphonic Metal
Posmrtna Liturgija - Black Metal
Posthumous (Bra) - Black Metal
Postmortem Fabulae - Black metal
PostNecrum - Black Melodic Metal
Potentiam - Black Metal
Praeda - Black Metal
Praeter Hominem - Black Metal
Praetoria - Melodic Black Metal
Pre-Emptive Strike - Black/Thrash Metal
Precariam - Black/Death Metal
Preludium (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Presences - Symphonic Black Metal
Prevalent Resistance - Raw Black Metal
Priestermord - Black Metal
Primal Dawn - Blackened Death/Thrash Metal
Primeval (Can) - Dark Black/Death Metal
Primeval Chaos - Raw Black Metal
Primigenium - Black Metal
Primitive Angel Gospoden - Black Metal
Primitivum - Black Metal
Primordial - Celtic/Folk/Black Metal
Pripegal - Black Metal
Procer Veneficus - Black Metal
Proclamation - Black Metal
Profanatica - Black/Death Metal
Profanation (Bra) - Black Metal
Profanatum - Black/Death Metal
Profancer - Black Metal
Profane (Aus) - Raw Black Metal
Profane (Fra) - Black Metal
Profane Creation - Black Metal
Profane Existence - Melodic black/death metal
Profane Souls - Black Metal
Profanity (PR) - Black Metal
Profanum - Black Metal; Dark Ambient/Classical
Profecia (Col) - Black/Death Metal
Profecium - Black Metal
Profezia - Black Metal/Ambient
Profugus Mortis - Melodic Black Metal
Profundis Tenebrarum - Black Metal
Project: Mayhem - Black/Death Metal
Promaetheus Unbound - Black/thrash
Promessa Divina - Melodic Black Metal
Prophecy (Fra) - Black Metal
Prophecy (Hun) - Black / Death Metal
Prophesy - Black Metal
Prophet - Black Metal
Prophetic Age - symphonic black metal
Prosapia - Black Metal
Prosatanos - Thrash/Death/Black Metal
Psilocybe Larvae - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Pumkiva - Black Metal
Pure Disgust for Humanity - Raw Black Metal
Purest Wrath - Black Metal
Purgatory (Chn) - Black Metal
Puritanical Desecration - Black Metal
Puritas Virginum - Industrial Black Metal
Purnamwulan - Black Metal
Putrid Flesh - avant-garde black metal
Pyesis - Black Metal
Pyracantha - Black/Death Metal
Pyre (Ger) - Black Metal
Pyre (US) - Black Metal
Pyromaniac - Black Metal
Qojau - Black Metal
Quaet Gespuys - Black Metal
Queen Absinthia - Black/Death Metal
Querimonia - Black Metal, Viking Metal, Gothic/Doom Metal
Quietus - Melodic Dark/Black Metal
Quintessence (US) - Black Metal
Quisling - NS black metal/oi mixture
Quoetta Pas - Melodic Black Metal
Raa Hoor Khuit - black metal
Raate - Black Metal
Radigost - Doom/Black Metal
Ragnar - Black Metal
Ragnarok (Nor) - Black Metal
Ragnarok (UK) - Pagan/Folk Black Metal
Raise Hell - Black/Thrash Metal
Rakoth - Epic black / doom / folk metal
Ram-Zet - Avant-Garde Black/Gothic
Ramagarhh - Death/Black Metal
Rammer - Blackened Thrash Metal
Rancour - Raw Black Metal
Raptor (Hol) - Black Metal
Raptus - Black metal
Rautanyrkki - Thrash/Black Metal
Rautarutto - Black Metal
Raven (Nor) - Black Metal
Raven Dark - Pagan Black Metal
Raven Woods - Black/Doom Metal
Raven's Empire - Black Metal
Ravenarium - Black/Death Metal
Ravenbanner - NS Black Metal
Ravenblood - Black Metal
Ravenclaw (Ger) - Black Metal
Ravencult - Black Metal
Ravendance - Black Metal
Ravendark's Monarchal Canticle - Black/Death/Thrash
Ravendawn - Black Metal
Ravendusk (Fin) - Atmospheric Black Metal
Ravenhorst - Black Metal
Ravenlord Darkstorm - Black Metal
Ravens Over Gomorrah - Black Metal
Ravensblood - Black Metal
Ravenshades - Black Metal
Ravishing - Death/Black Metal
Ravnsdale - Black Metal
Ravnsvarte - Black Metal
Razor Freak - Black Metal
Razor of Occam - Blackened Thrash
Realm of Carnivora - Black Metal
Realms of Blood - industrial/black metal
Reaver - Black / Grindcore Death Metal
Rebel Souls - Death/Black Metal
Rebelion - Death/Black
Reborn (Hol) - Melodic Black / Death Metal
Reborn (Tur) - Melodic Black Metal
Recrucifier - NS Thrash/Black Metal
Red Winter - Black Metal
Redemption Denied - Brutal Black Death Metal
Reencarnacion - black/thrash
Refractory - Black Metal
Regen - Black Metal
Regiment Swarog - Black Metal
Regnant and Thrall - Black Metal
Regnum - Black Metal
Regnum Umbra Ignis - Black Metal
rehtaF ruO - Black metal
Reign of Erebus - Black Metal
Reino de Baphomet - Black Metal
Rellik (Che) - Black/Death Metal
Relva de Sangue - Black Metal
Renascent - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Repulsive - Death/Black Metal
Requiem (Bra) - Black Death Metal
Requiem (Kaz) - Black / Death Metal
Requiem (Sgp) - Black / Thrash Metal
Requiem Aeternam - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Requiem Aeternum - Symphonic-doom, black metal
Requiem Laus - Melodic Black Metal
Rest in Darkness - Black Metal
Resurrection (Swe) - Black metal
Resurrection (US) - Raw Black metal
Resuscitator - Black Metal
Reunion - Black Metal
Reusmarkt - Symphonic Black-Metal
Revenant (Ita) - Black Metal
Revenge (Can) - Black Metal
Revenge (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Revenge of Insanity - Death/Black Metal
Revengeance - Black Metal
Reverence - Black metal
Reverend Kriss Hades - Extreme black metal
Reverennce - Symphonic Black Metal
Rex Infernus (Bra) - Black Metal
Rex Infernus (Grc) - Raw Black Metal
Rex Mortifier - Death/Black Metal
Rheinkraft - Black Metal
Rhune - Epic Pagan Black Metal
Rhymes of Destruction - Symphonic pagan blackish Metal
Rigor Mortis (Ita) - Black Metal
Rikket - Ambient Black Metal
Rimfrost - Black Metal
Rimthurs - Black Metal
Ringar - Black Metal
Ringnevond - black metal
Ringwraith - Black Metal
Rise - Black/Death Metal
Rise of Submission - black metal
Rising Helvete - Black Metal/Thrash
Rites of Cleansing - Black metal
Rites of thy Degringolade - Black/Death Metal
Rites of Undeath - Black/Death Metal
Ritual (Cze) - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Ritual (US) - Black Metal
Ritual (Ven) - Death/Black Metal
Ritual Day - Death/Black Metal
Ritual Orchestra - Black Metal
Riul Doamnei - Symphonic Black Metal
Rivazion - Blackened Power Metal
Rivendell - Folkish epic black metal
Robed in Exile - Black Metal
Rod - Pagan/Black-Metal
Rodovest - NS Pagan Black Metal
Rok - Black death
Root - Black Metal, Dark Epic Heavy Metal
Rosenguard - Black / Gothic Metal
Rossomahaar - Black metal, Gothic Rock
Rostrum - melodic/death/black
Rot - Raw Black Metal
Rotten Dark - Black Metal
Rotting Christ - Grindcore (early), Black Metal/Gothic Metal (now)
Rotting Desires - Black Metal
Rotting Flesh (Grc) - Atmospheric Black/Death Metal
Rug - Heavy/Thrash/Black
Ruins - Black Metal
Rulus Tenebrarum - Raw Black Metal
Rundagor - Black Metal
Runelore - Melodic Black Metal
Runes of Dianceht - Pagan Black Metal
Runes Order - Dark Ambient / Blackened Metal
Runesword - Black Metal
Ruthless Art - Melodic Black Metal
Rutthna - Black Metal
Ruttolapset - Death/Black/Thrash Metal
RatGaldr - Black Metal
S.A.R. - NS Black Metal
S.I.S.T. - Black Metal
S.P.Q.R. - Black Metal
Saatkrhe - Black Metal
Sabaism - Black/Death Metal
Sabaoth - Gothic/Black Metal
Sabathan - Black Metal
Sabathon - Black Metal
Sabbat (Jpn) - Black Metal
Sabbathan - Black Metal
Sabbatical Rites - Black Metal
Sabnack - Black Metal
Sabrax - Black Metal
Sacradis - Black Metal
Sacrament (Bra) - Black Metal
Sacrament (Ukr) - Black Metal
Sacramentary Abolishment - Black / Death Metal
Sacramentum - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Sacred Sin - Death/Black Metal
Sacreligious Torment - Black Metal
Sacrificed (Rus) - Black Metal
Sacrificia Mortuorum - NS Black Metal
Sacrilegium (Fin) - Black Metal / Brutal Death Metal
Sacrilegium (Pol) - Pagan Black Metal
Sacrilium - Black Metal
Sacrist - Black Metal
Sacristy - Black Metal
Sacritual - Black metal
Sacro (Ven) - Death Black Metal
Sacrum (Bra) - Black Metal
Sad Legend - Melodic black metal
Sad Wind - Black Metal
Sadhara - Black/Death/Thrash/Gothic Metal
Sadistic Grimness - Black/Death Metal
Sadistic Noise - Black metal
Sadistic Penetrations - Black Metal/ Noise
Sadistic Spell - Black Metal
Sadistik Exekution - Death/Black Metal
Sadness - Gothic/Black Metal
Sado Sathanas - Black Metal
SadoCrawl - Black Metal
Sadogoat - Black/Death Metal
Sadorass - Black Metal
Sadrith Mora - Black Metal
Sael - Black Metal
Saevus - Black Metal
Saga Inferna - Atmospheric Death/Black Metal
Sagittarius (Pol) - Heavy/Black/Doom Metal
Sagoth - Black Metal
Sagraliege - Black Metal
Sagu - Black Metal
Sakahiter - Black Metal
Salacious Gods - Black Metal
Salem Orchid - Black/Death Metal
Salmos Luciferi - Black/Doom Metal
Saltus - Slavonic Black/Death Metal
Samael - Black metal (old), Electronic / industrial metal (new)
Samain (Aus) - Black metal with folk, pagan and progressive influences
Samas - Black Metal
Samhain (Aut) - Black Metal
Samhain (Bgr) - Symphonic Black Metal
Samhain (Dnk) - black/death metal
Samhain (Rus) - Black Metal
Samhan - Doom /Black Folk Metal
Sammath - Black Metal
Sammath Naur - Black Metal
Samsas Traum - Gothic/Avant-Garde Black Metal
Sanctifica - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Sanctimonious - Black metal
Sanctimonious Order - Black Metal
Sanctum Regnum (Bol) - Black/Death Metal
Sanctus - Black Metal
Sangre - Black Metal
Sangre Amado - Death/Black Metal
Sanguis - Melodic Black Metal
Sanity (Ger) - Melodic Black Metal
Sanius - Black Metal
Sansager - Black Metal
Santhyricorion - Black Metal
Sanzia - Melodic Black Metal
Sapfhier - Black metal
Saprosoul - Black / Death Metal
Sapthuran - Black Metal
Sarakt - Black Metal
Saram - Doom/Black Metal (early), Death/Thrash Metal (now)
Sarath - Black Metal
Sarcastic (Swe) - Black / Thrash Metal
Sarcofago - Black/Thrash, Black/Death Metal
Sarcoma Inc. - Black/thrash
Sarcophagus (Tur) - Black Metal
Sarcophagus (US) - Black Metal
Sardaukar - Black Metal
Sardonic Impious - Black Metal
Sargatanas (Bra) - Pagan Black Metal
Sargeist - Black Metal
Sargon (Ita) - Black Metal
Sargoth - Black Metal
Sarin - NS Black Metal
Sarkel - Slavonic Pagan Black Metal
Sarkom - Black Metal
Sarnath (Che) - Black Metal
Sarnath (US) - Black Metal
Sarsekim - Technical Black/Death Metal
Sat - NS Black Metal
Satan (Ita) - Industrial Black Metal
Satan (Per) - black metal
Satan Sign of War - Raw Black Metal
Satan's Almighty Penis - Black Metal
Satan's Blood - black metal
Satan's Host - US Power Metal (in the 80's) / Black/Death Metal (after the reunion in the 90's)
Satanachia - Black Metal
Satanaquia - Black Metal
Satanas - Black metal
Satanas Macabre - Black Metal
Satanasshole - avantgarde black metal
Satanel - Black Metal
Satangra - Black Metal
Satanic Blood - Brutal Black Metal
Satanic Darkness - Black Metal
Satanic Death - Black Metal
Satanic Evil - Black Metal
Satanic Prophets - Black Metal
Satanic Sacrifice - Black Metal
Satanic Slaughter - Black/Death/Thrash Metal
Satanic Terror cult - Black Metal
Satanic Verses - Black Metal
Satanic Warfare - Black Metal
Satanic Warmaster - Black Metal
Satanic Wizard - Black Metal
Satanic Woods - Black Metal
Satanicon - Black Metal
Satanicum Tenebrae - Black Metal
Satanik Priest - Black Metal
Satans Elite Kommando - Black Metal
Satans Helvete - Raw Black Metal
Satans Penguins - Black/Doom Metal
Satans Vind - Black Metal
Satarial - Folk/Black Metal
Sathanafago - Black/Death metal
Sator Marte - Black Metal
Saturno - Raw Black Metal
Satyricon - Black Metal
Satyrus - Black Metal
Sauron (Hol) - Black Metal
Sauron (Pol) - Death/Black Metal
Sauron (Swe) - Black Metal
Sauts Alastor - Black Metal
Saxorior - Melodic Black Metal
Scapegoat (UK) - Black Metal
Scarcross - Progressive/Black Metal
Scare Me - Gothic/Black Metal
Scarecrow (Pol) - Speed/Black Metal
Scatofago - Black Metal
Sceptrum Mortiferum - Black Metal
Schattendasein - Black Metal
Schattenreich - Black Metal
Schattenvald - Gothic Black Metal
Schimmelduisternis - raw black metal
Schizophrenic Corporation - Death Black Metal
Schwarz - Black Metal
Schwarze Stille - Black Metal
Schwarzlose - Raw Black Metal
Schwarzwald - Raw Black Metal
Schwarzwaldheiden - Pagan Black Metal
Scorched - Black Metal
Scratching Soil - Black Metal
Screamin' Daemon - Blackened Death Metal
Scripture - Black Metal
Scyther - Death/Black Metal
Scythian - Black Metal
Sea of Rains - Doom/Death/Gothic/Black Metal
Sear Bliss - Melodic Black Metal
Searing Skull - Pagan Black Metal
Seasons in Black - Death/black metal
Second Shadow - Extreme Black/Death Metal
Secratain - Black metal
Secret Law - Black/Heavy Metal
Secrets of the Moon - Symphonic Black Metal
Secropiagor - Melodic Atmospheric Doom/Black Metal
Sect - black metal
Seeds of Hate - Black Metal
Seelenleid - Gothic Black Metal
Seelentanz - Black Metal
Seelenwinter - Black Metal
Seidr - Black Metal
Seigneur Voland - National Socialist Black Metal
Sekhmet - Black Metal
Selbstmord - National Socialist Black Metal
Selenim - Black Metal
Self Mutilation - Black Metal
Selvhat - Black Metal
Semen Datura - Black metal
Semen de Cabra - Black/Grind
Sempervivum - Death/Black Metal
Sempiternal - black metal
Senium Cruor - Black Metal
Sentenced to Burn - Symphonic Black Metal
Sentinel (Fra) - Black Metal
Seol - Dark Metal with Heavy,Thrash & Black Metal Influences
Sephiroth - Black/Death Metal
Sephyroth - Black Metal
Septentrion (Can) - Melodic Black Metal
Septentrion (Fin) - Raw Black Metal
Septic Moon - Black Metal
Sepulcro (Bra) - Death/Black Metal
Seramenth - Black Metal
Seraph (Aut) - Black metal
Seraphel - Black Metal
Seraphim Slaughter - Black Metal
Serberus - Black / Death Metal
Serenade of Darkness - Black Metal
Serious Grind - Black/Death/Grind
Sermon of Hypocrisy - Black Metal
Serpent Eclipse - Black Metal
Serpent Hordes - Raw Black Metal
Serpent Lord - Black Metal
Serpent Lore - Black Metal
Serpenta - Black Metal
Serpenterium - Melodic Black Metal
Serpentine Gates - Death / Black / Thrash Metal
Serpiente - Melodic/Progressive Black Metal
Servorum - Black Metal
Seth - Black Metal
Setherial - Black Metal
Sethery - Black Metal
Seventh Gates - Black Metal
Severe Storm - Black Metal
Severegore - Black Metal
Seviss - Black Metal
Sex[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明] - Thrash/Black Metal
Seyiren - Black Metal
Sezarbil - Black Metal
Sezession - Black Metal
Sfagnum - Black Metal
Shab - Black Metal
Shade (Can) - Black Metal
Shade Empire - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Shade of Black - Black Metal
Shadow Cut - Blackened Death Metal
Shadow Moon - Black Metal
Shadow Reason - Black metal
Shadow Season - Melodic Black Metal
Shadow Throne - Black Metal
Shadow's God - Black Metal
Shadowbulder - Black/Death Metal
Shadowcaster - atmospheric black metal/ambient
Shadowen - Melodic Black Metal
Shadowlord (Hol) - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Shadows of Paragon - Black Metal
Shadows of the Unseen - Melodic Thrash/Black Metal
Shadows Toward My Sky - Black Metal
Shall Suffer the Eclipse - Black metal
Shamash - atmospheric blackish metal
Shambless - Atmospheric/Folk Death/Black Metal
Shatargat - Black Metal
Shattered Soul - Blackened death metal
Shayol Ghul - Raw Melodic Black Metal
She Said Destroy - Melodic Death/Black/Thrash
Shedim - Black Metal
Sheitan - Black Metal
Shelob's Lair - Black Metal
Shemamphor - Black Metal
Shemhamforash - Black Metal
Shemhamphorash - Black Metal
Shining - Black Metal
Shining of Kliffoth - Black Metal
Shivan - Atmospheric Gothic / Black Metal
Shoggoth (Rus) - Black Metal
Short Life Crisis - Black/Death
Shrapnel (Pol) - black metal
Shrine - Ambient/Black Metal
Shroud - Black Metal
Shroud of Despondency - Black Metal
Shub Niggurath - Black/Death Metal
Shumma Martum - Black Metal
ShyShit - blackened death metal/grind
Siaurys - Black Metal
Sicamol - Grindcore/Black Metal
Sick - Black Metal
Sickness (Ger) - Black/Death Metal
Siculicidium - Raw Black Metal
Sidus Tenebrarum - Black Metal
Sie Sterben - Doom-inspired Black Metal
Siebenburgen - Melodic black metal
Sieg Oder Tod - NS Black Metal/RAC
Sifr - Black / Melodic Death Metal
Sig - Black Metal
Sigfader - Black Metal
Sigh - Black, Avant-garde
Sigillum Diaboli - Raw Black Metal
Sigma Draconis - Pagan Black Metal
Signs of Darkness - Melodic Black Metal
Sigrblot - Black Metal/Dark Folkish Metal
Sigtyr - Black Metal
Silberbach - Black Metal
Silence Erebus - Death/Black Metal
Silencer (Swe) - Black Metal
Silent Kingdom - Black Metal
Silent Tower - Black Metal
Silexater - Black Metal
Silva Nigra - Brutal Black Metal
Silver Eagle - Black/Death Metal
Silveth - Black Metal
Simargal - Black Metal
Simonia - Black
Simple Kulto - Symphonic Black Metal
Sin Dios - Progressive Melodic Black Metal
Sin Origin - Black Metal
Sinfonica Notte - Black Metal
Sinful (Rus) - Symphonic Black Metal
Singularis Y Spheria - Black Metal
Siniac - Symphonic Black Metal
Sinoath - Black/Death Metal
Sinpularctos - Raw Black Metal
Sinquisitor - Black Metal
Sinuous - Melodic/Medieval Black Metal
Sirius - Symphonic/Melodic Black Metal
Sirventes - Black/Dark/Death Metal
Sitra - Melodic Black/Doom, Prgressive Black/Death Metal (later)
Siver - Black Metal
Sjalfsmora - Suicidal Black Metal(或有可能是Sjalfsmora)
Skalder - Black Metal
Skaldic Curse - Black Metal
Skar (Mex) - Black Metal
Skaur - Black Metal/Ambient
Skavendark - Progressive Pagan Black Metal
Skeletal Embrace - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Skeleton Blood - Black Metal
Skeletonwitch - Black/Thrash Metal
Skerft - Black Metal
Skin Infection - Black Metal
Skirrhus - Black Metal
Skjold - Black Metal
Skodag - Black/Death/Grind
Skodde - Folk Black Metal
Skogstron - Black Metal
Skoll (US) - Black Metal
Skorbut (Svn) - Black Metal
Skorungur - Industrial Black Metal
Skuggmorker - Black Metal
Skuld - Black Metal
Skuldom - Black Metal
Skull Frost - Black Metal
Skull Transmission - Black Metal / Noise
Skullface - Black Metal
Skullthrone - Black Metal
Skyeyes - Black / Death Metal
Skymning - Melodic Power/Death (early), Industrial Death/Black (current)
Slagmark - Technical Black/Death metal
Slaotvean - Black Metal
Slaughter of Souls - Death, Black Metal
Slavia - Black Metal
Slayed Children - Black Metal
Slechtvalk - Melodic 'black' metal
Sledge-Hammer - Black/Death Metal
Sleeping Village - Black/Doom Metal
Sleipnir - Black Metal, Medieval Folk
Slejpnir - Black Metal
Slugnut - Black/Thrash Metal
Slumber (Rus) - Black Metal
Smrtonos - Black Metal
SN - Raw Black Metal
Snake Sad - Black Metal
Snargulf - Black Metal
Snowfall - Black Metal
Snowthorn - Black Metal
Socius - Black Metal
Sodom - Black, speed, thrash
Sodomizer - Black/Speed Metal
Sodomy of Christ - Black/Death Metal
Sol Axis - Black Metal
Sol Evil - Black Metal
Sol Negro - Black Metal, Doom
Solace Denied - Heavy / Black Metal
Solace in the Shadows - Black Metal
Solar Sign - Death/Black Metal
Solefald - Post-Black Metal, avant-garde
Solemnize - Heavy metal, death/black metal
Solfernus - Black Metal
Solgrav - Death/Black/Thrash Metal
Solhverv - Black Metal
Solmath - Blackened Heavy Metal
Solnorth - Black Metal
Solstafir - Viking / black metal (old), Progressive black metal (new)
Solstice of Suffering - Heavy, Epic, Brutal, Avant-Garde, Blackened, Death Metal
Solve et Coagula - Black Metal
Soman - Black War Metal
Somberlain - melodic death/black metal
Sombre Chemin - NS Black Metal
Sombre Nostalgie - death/black metal
Somnus - Black Metal
Somrak - Black Metal
SonDamned - Black Metal
Song of Melkor - Black Metal
Songe d'Enfer - Black Metal
Sonic Reign - Black Metal
Sonichaos Aeon - post black metal, industrial
Sonnenkreuz - NS Black Metal
Sonnentod - Black Metal
Sons of Fenris - Black Metal
Sons of Nihil - Symphonic Black Metal
Sons of Satan - Black Metal
Sons of Seth - Black/Death Metal
Sorath (Cze) - Melodic Black / Death Metal
Sorath (US) - Black Metal
Sorcery (US) - Black Metal
Sorcier Des Glaces - Melodic Black Metal
Sordide - black metal
Sorg (Swe) - Death/Black Metal
Sorg Innkallelse - Pagan Black Metal
Sorghegard - Black Metal
Sorhin - Black Metal
Sorrow and Tears - Black Metal/Ambient
Sorrows - Black Metal
SorrowStorm - Black Metal
Sort Vokter - Black Metal
Sorthug - Black Metal
Sortilege (Prt) - Black Metal
Sortsind - Black Metal
Sotavuohi - Black Metal
Soter - Melodic Black Metal
Sothis - Black Metal
Soul Inquisition - Black/Death, Doom
Soul of Darkness - dark melodic black metal
Soul Remnants - Black/Death Metal
Soul Saver - Melodic Black Metal
Souldust - Black/Doom/Thrash Metal
Soulfallen - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Soulgrind - Gothic/Black Metal
Soulless (Swe) - Black/death metal
Soulless Symphony - Black Metal
Soulseasons - Black Metal
Soulstream - Avant-garde Black/Death
Soultorn - Melodic death metal with black metal influences
Source of Tide - Melodic black metal
Sovereign (Bra) - Raw Black Metal
Sovereign (Prt) - Black Metal
Sovereign Serafin - Black Metal
Spazmosity - Black / Death
Spear of Longinus - Black Metal, Thrash
Specimen 32 - Brutal Death/Black Metal
Spectral - Black, Thrash, Viking and Power Metal
Spectral Forest - Black Metal
Spectral Forge - Death/black metal
Spectral Impunity - Melodic Black Metal
Spectre (Esp) - Black Metal
Spectrums of Oblivion - Black Metal
Speculum Aeternum - Black Metal
Spektr - Industrial/Ambient/Black Metal
Spell Forest - Black Metal
Spellbound (Bra) - Raw Black Metal
Spellcraft (Esp) - Black Metal
Spellforest - Symphonic Black Metal
Spetalsk - Black Metal
Sphera Lunae - Symphonic Black Metal
Spirit of Rebellion - Death/Black Metal
Spiritual (Dnk) - Black Metal
Spiritual Carnage - Death/Black Metal
Spiritual Eclipse - Black/Death Metal
Spiritual Elite - Dark/Black Metal
Spiritual Impurity - Black Metal
Spiritual Wintermoon - Black Metal
Spirituality - Death/Black Metal
Spiritus Tenebrae - Dark Progessive/Black Metal
Spite Extreme Wing - Black Metal
Spiteful (Swe) - Black Metal
Spitehowling - Black Metal
Splinters of Death - Black Metal
Spoilshroud - Death / Black
Sportlov - Black metal
Sputum Lunae - Black metal/Ambient
SSORC - Black Metal
Stagnatus - Industrial Black Metal
Stalaggh - Ambient Black Metal
Starchamber - Black, Ambient, Ritualistic Chanting
Stardrowned - Black Metal
Stargazer (Aus) - Avant-garde black/death metal
Starlight Funeral Kvlt - Black Metal
Staub - Black Metal
Stella Polaris - NS Black Metal
Sterbend - Black Metal
Sterbend Besungen - Black Metal
Sterkvind - Pagan Black Metal
Sterminio - Black Metal
Sternenstaub - Symphonic Black Metal
Sterres - Black Metal
Stigian Lake - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Stigmatic Chorus - black metal
Stigmhate - Black Metal
Stillhet - Black Metal
Stiny Plamenu - Black Metal
Stirnagard - Viking black metal
Stoermflood - Pagan/Black Metal
Stone to Flesh - Black/Death Metal
Stone's Lament - Black Metal
Storm (Nor) - Black metal
Storm Dark - black metal
Storm Legion - Raw Black Metal
Stormblast (Bel) - Black Metal
Stormbringer (Fra) - Black Metal
Stormbringer (US) - Black Metal
Stormcrow (Ita) - Black Metal
Stormfront - Black Metal
Stormhammer (US) - Acoustic Folk Black Metal
Storming Darkness - Black Metal
Stormlord - Blackened epic metal
Stormnatt - Black Metal
Stormrider (Swe) - Black/Death Metal
Stormsheim - Black Metal
Stormthrone of Dripping Blood - Black metal
Stormweaver - Black Metal
Straasha - Black Metal
Strandhogg - Black Metal
Straygor - Black Metal
Stregoica - Black metal
Striborg - Black Metal
Strid - Black Metal
Strigoi - Black Metal
Striid - Black Metal
Stronghold (Hol) - Black / Thrash Metal
Stronghold (Nor) - Black/Doom/Death Metal
Strychnos - Black/Death Metal
Stuprum Dei - Black Metal
Sturmgeist - Experimental Black Metal with Thrash Metal Elements
Sturmkaiser - Black Metal
Sturmtruppen - Black Metal
Sturmwolf - Black Metal
Stutthof - Satanic Black Metal
Styggmyr - Black Metal
Stygian (US) - Black Metal
Stygian Fortress - Black Metal
Subliritum - Melodic black metal
Subreality - Black/Doom Metal
Subtenebras - Doom/Death with Black Metal influences
Subterrax - Black Metal
Succorbenoth - Black Metal
Such a Scream - Black/Death Metal
Sucubarium - Black Metal
Sudarium - Raw Black Metal
Sudden Death (Hun) - Black/Death/Thrash Metal
Sudenheimo - Black/Folk Metal
Suffer (US) - Black Metal
Sufferance (Can) - Black/Thrash Metal
Suffering - Black Metal
Suffering Souls - Symphonic Black Metal
Sui Generis Umbra - Black Ritual Ambient
Suicidal Despair - Black Metal
Suicidal Forms Elite - Black Metal
Suicidal Winds - Black/Thrash Metal
Suidakra - Melodic Black / Death Metal with folk/medieval influences
Sukmo Langgeng - Black Metal
Sullen - Black Metal
Sulphuria - Black Metal
Sumadual Mued - Black Metal
Sumeria - Black Metal
Summanus - Melodic Black Metal
Summon - Death/Black Metal
Summon the Spirits - Black Metal
Summoning - Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal
Summum Malum - Black Metal
Sumrak - Black Metal
Sun of Nothing - Doom/Sludge/Noise/Black Metal
Sun of Sadness - Gothic/Black Metal
Sun of the Sleepless - Black Metal/Ambient
Sunchariot - pagan/folk black metal
Sundone - Gothic/Black/Death Metal
Sundusk - Black Metal
Sunoir - Black Metal
Sunterra - Melodic/symphonic black metal
Sunwheel - Black Metal
Superior Blood - Black Metal
Supplicium - Death/Black Metal
Suppurated Fetus - Grinding Black/War Metal
Supremacy (Can) - Black Metal
Supreme Khaos Rising - Black Metal
Surreal Perdition - Dark/doom/melodic black metal
Surrender of Divinity - Black Metal
Surtur - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Surturs Lohe - Viking/folk black metal
Suspended by Hooks - Black Metal
Susperia - Melodic Black/Thrash
Suspirium Bestiae - Black Metal
Susvourtre - Black Metal
Svafnir - Black Metal/Ambient
Svantevith - Dark Ambient / Black Metal
Svarazic - NS Black Metal
Svarga - Melodic Black Metal
Svarog - Black Metal
Svarrogh - Black Metal
Svart Hat - Black Metal
Svart Imperium - Black Metal
Svartahrid - Black Metal
Svartalfar - Black metal
Svartalfheim - Folk Black Metal
Svartalfheimur - Symphonic Black Metal
Svartalvshymn - Black Metal
Svarthal - Black Metal
Svarthymn - Black Metal
Svartkraft - Black Metal
Svartkrist - Black Metal
Svartnar - Black Metal
Svartpest - Old-school black metal
Svartr Strijd - Black Metal
Svartskog - Black Metal
Svartskogg - Black Metal
Svartsyn - black metal
Svartur Dodur - Black Metal
Svartus Krakus Satanicus - Black Metal
Svartvind - Thrash/ Black Metal
Svest - Black Metal
Svetlojar - Black Metal
Swan Art - Black Metal
Swarms of Darkness - Black Metal
Swarost - Pagan Black Metal
Swastika - Ambient/ Black Metal
Swastyka - Black Metal
Sweet Flame - thrash/black
Swine - Black Metal
Sword of Darkness - Symphonic Black Metal
Swordmaster - Thrash/Death Metal - Black Metal (1st EP)
Sycronomica - Melodic Black Metal
Suhnopfer - Melodic Black Metal
Sykdom - Melodic Black Metal
Sykdom - Black Metal
Sylph - Gothic/Death/Black Metal
Sylva Mala - Death/black metal
Sylvan Fortress - Melodic Black Metal
Symawrath - Black Metal
Symbel - heathen black metal
Symphonic Chaos - Death/melodic/atmospheric/black metal
Synapticide - Black/Death/Thrash Metal
Szalasi - NS Black Metal, Dark Ambient
Szron - Black Metal
Sonderfall - Black Metal
T.O.M.B. - Black Metal
Taagefolket - Black Metal
Taake - Black Metal
Taakeferd - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Taakeheimen - black metal
Tachy - Heavy/Dark/Black Metal
Taddart - Black Metal
Taedeat - Death/Blackish Metal
Tagraht - Black Metal
Tairach - Black Metal
Taketh - Black/Death Metal
Taliandorogd - Black Symphonic Metal, Stoner Death
Talvisota - War Black Metal
Tamisra - Black / Death Metal
Tamnus - Black Metal
Tanat - Black Metal
Tangaroa - Death, Black, Grind
Tangorodream - Melodic Black Metal (earlier) - Doom/Black Metal (later)
Tangorodrim - Old school Black Metal
Tangrycan - Pagan War Black Metal
Tanhauser Gate - Athmospheric Black Metal
Tanist - Symphonic Black Metal
Tantalos - Black Death Metal
Tapetum Lucidum - Black / Doom Metal
Taran - Black metal
Taranis (Hun) - Epic Folk Black Metal
Taranis (Pol) - Black Metal
Taranis (US) - Black Metal
Tarbatu - Pagan Black Metal
Tartaros (Hol) - Black Metal
Tartaros (Nor) - Black Metal
Tartessos - Black Metal
Tartharia - Death/Black
Tatir - Pagan Black Metal
Taunusheim - Pagan black metal
Tauthr - Death/Black Metal
Tavaron - Black Metal
Tchort (Rus) - Black Metal, Industrial/Ambient
Tears of Christ - Black Metal
Tears of Fire - Black Metal
Tears of Israfel - Melodic Black/Doom
Tearstained - Black metal
Teasanna Satanna - Melodic Black Metal
Teitanblood - Death/Black Metal
Temnozor - NS Folk/Black Metal
Temnozor' - Pagan Black-Metal
Tempest (US) - Black Metal
Tempestine - Doom/Black Metal
Temple of Baal - Black Metal
Temple of Baphomet (Bra) - Raw Black Metal
Temple of Baphomet (Dnk) - Black Metal
Templum - Black Metal
Temptamentum - Death/Black Metal
Tempus Fugit - Black/Thrash Metal
Tenebra (Ita) - Black Metal
Tenebrae (Can) - black metal
Tenebrae (Prt) - Old School Black Metal
Tenebrae in Perpetuum - Black Metal
Tenebrare - Raw Black Metal
Tenebrarum (Mex) - Melodic death/black
Tenebrarvm - Black Metal
Tenebras Omnia Vincit - Black Metal
Tenebres - Black Metal
Tenebricosus - Black Metal
Tenebris (Bra) - Atmospheric Black Metal
Tenebrium (Grc) - Black Metal
Tenebrium (US) - death, black, progressive, symphonic
Tenebrosus - Black Metal
Tenebrum - Black Metal
Tengereken - Black Metal
Tepheret - Black Metal
Teratism - Black Metal
Terem - Black Metal
Terminal Descent - Black Metal
Terra Mortis - Black Metal
Terra Noir - Raw Black Metal
Terra Paganum - Doom/Black Metal
Terra Tenebrae - Black/Death Metal
TerraOLARIS - Black Metal with Industrial Influence
Terragon - Atmospheric Black Metal
Terror (Fra) - Black Metal
Terror of the Trees - Black/Thrash Metal
Terror Throne - Black Metal
Terrorama - Thrash/Black Metal
TerrornymmpH - Black Metal
Tervahauta - Black Metal
Testicle Vomit - Grinding Black Metal
Teth - Black Metal
Tetragrammaton - Black Metal
Teurgia - Melodic Black metal
Teuta - Black Metal
Tezarchaeon - Black,Death Metal
Tha-norr - Black Metal
Thade - Symphonic Black / Death Metal
Thagirion - Dark Melodic Black Metal
Thallium - Black Metal
Thanathron - Black Metal
Thanos Nocturnum - progressive black metal
Tharaphita - Pagan Black Metal
Thargos - Black / Thrash
The Abyss - Black Metal
The Accursed - Blackened Thrash/Death
The Ancient's Rebirth - Black Death Metal
The Aphelion - Melodic black metal
The Apostasy - Black/Doom/Ambient Metal
The Apparatus - Melodic Death/Black Metal
The Arrival of Satan - Black Metal
The Art of Blasphemy - Black Metal
The Art of Jor - Black / Death Metal
The Awakened One - Black/Death
The Axis of Perdition - Industrial Black Metal
The Beast (Bel) - Raw Black Metal
The Belonging - Melodic Black/Death Metal
The Black (Swe) - Black Metal
The Black Death - Black Metal
The Black Order - Black Metal
The Black Pest - Black Metal
The Bleeding Sun - Black Metal
The Call - Black Metal
The Call of the Four Gates - Black metal
The Candle - Thrash/Black Metal
The Chaos Nether Silence - Symphonic Black Metal
The Chosen - Blackened Death/Thrash Metal
The Cold Beyond - Industrial Black Metal
The Communion - Death/Black Metal
The Crap - Death/Black Metal
The Creed - NS Black Metal
The Cryptosy - Black Metal
The Cult Occult - Black Metal
The Dark One - Black Metal
The Dark Regions - Black Metal
The Darksend - Black Metal
The Dead Beginners - Melodic Black / Death Metal
The Divining - Blackened Melodic Death-core
The Doctor - Experimental Black Metal
The Downspiral to Hell - Black Metal
The Dying Light - Blackened Thrash Metal
The Elysian Fields - Melodic black metal
The End 666 - Speedcore/Black/Thrash Metal
The Entropy - Black Metal
The Eternal Blade - Symphonic Black Metal with classical influences
The Everdawn - Death/Black Metal
The Eye - Black Metal
The Fallen (US) - Melodic Black Metal
The Fallen Angel - Melodic 'Black' Metal
The Fifth One - Black Metal
The Final Sign - Dark/Black Metal
The Firstborn - Melodic Black metal
The Fools of Christ - Blackish Metal
The Forgotten - Black Metal
The Furor - Black/Death Metal
The Gate - Symphonic Black Metal
The Goddess - Melodic NS Black Metal
The Green Evening Requiem - Doom/Black Metal
The Grey Calamity - Black Metal
The Heretic - Melodic Black Metal
The Hordes - Industrial Militarist Black Metal
The Implicate Order - Progressive Black Metal
The Kabal - Black Metal
The Kult of Eihort - Black Metal
The Last Battle - Black Metal
The Last Knell - Black Metal
The Last Legacy of Elagabal - Pagan Black/Death Metal
The Last Winter - Death / Black Metal
The Legend of the Sleeping River - Death/Black Metal
The Legion - Black Metal
The Light of the Dark - Death / Black Metal
The Lord Diabolus - Black / death metal
The Lords of Algol - Gothic Black Metal
The Martyrium - Black Metal
The Master's Apprentice - Melodic Black Metal
The Moaning - Melodic Death/Black Metal
The Muspelheim Inferno - Black Metal
The Oath (Fra) - Heavy/Black Metal
The Oath (US) - Black Metal
The Obliterate Plague - Black/Death/Thrash Metal
The One - Black Metal
The Paralyzis - Melodic Black Metal
The Parents of Oude Pekela - Black Metal
The Prophecy (Ger) - Black/death metal
The Reaper - Black Metal
The Revenge Project - Extreme/Technical Black/Death Metal with Progressive/Atmospheric Influences
The Rocking Dildos - Black Punk
The Ruins of Beverast - Black Metal
The Second Coming - Black Metal
The Second Moon - Avantgarde Black Metal
The Shadow Order - NS black metal
The Sprawlcosm - Industrial/Post-Black Metal
The Stone - Black Metal
The Third of the Storm - Black Metal
The Tombers - Blackened Death Metal
The True Beltez - Black Metal
The True Black Dawn - Black Metal
The True Dark Lord - Black Metal
The True Endless - Black Metal
The True Frost - Black Metal
The True Werwolf - Black Metal/Death Ambient
The Under - Raw Black Metal
The Unholy - Black Metal
The Vast - Black/Death Metal
The Werewolves of Venice - Black/Death
The Wicked - Melodic Black/Industrial Metal
The Wolves Age - Black Metal
The Wrath - Black Metal
The Zephyr - Black/Thrash Metal
Theatre of the Macabre - Epic Black Metal
Theatres des Vampires - Melodic black/gothic metal
Theistic Inferno - Atmospheric Black Doom Metal
Themgoroth - Gothic/Black Metal
Theoda - Progressive Black/Death Metal
Therm.Eye.Flame - Progressive Black Metal
Thestral - Black Metal
Thesyre - Old School Black/Thrash Metal
Thetragon - Melodic Thrash/Death Metal (now) / Black/Death/Doom Metal (earlier)
Theudho - Pagan/Black Metal
Third Moon - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Thirst - Black Metal
Thodde - Folk Black Ambient Metal
Thor (Bra) - Black Metal
Thor Throne - Black Metal
Thor's Hammer - NS Black Metal
Thorax Serpenti - Black Metal
Thoraxembalmer - Black Metal
Thore - Black/Viking Metal
Thormianak - Dark Black Metal
Thornfrost - Black Metal
Thornium - Black Metal
Thornlord - Death/Black Metal
Thorns - Black Metal
Thorns of Evil - pagan black metal
Thornsland - War Black Metal
Thornspawn - Black Metal
Thorny Woods - Black Metal
Thoronath - Black Metal
Thou Art Lord - Black Metal
Thousands Shall Fall - Black
Thralldom - Black Metal
Threat (Jpn) - Black Metal
Throcult - Black Metal, Death Metal
Thromdarr - Black Metal
Thron - black/grind
Thronar - Atmospheric/folk black metal
Throndt - Black metal
Throne (Chl) - Black Metal
Throne of Ahaz - black metal
Throne of Decadence - Black Metal
Throne of Isen - Black Metal
Throne of Katarsis - Black Metal
Throne of Malice - Black Metal
Throne of Splendour - Dark Ambient/Black Metal
Throned - Black Metal
Thrones of Scorn - Black Metal
Throneum - Blackened death metal
Thrudvangar - Viking Black Metal
Thrymheym - Black Metal
Thuban - Atmospheric Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
Thule (Isl) - Black Metal
Thule (Nor) - Black Metal
Thunderbolt (Pol) - Black Metal
Thundra - Black Viking Metal
Thurisaz (Bel) - Atmospheric Death/Black Metal
Thurisaz (Ger) - Raw Black Metal
Thus Abhor - Black / Death Metal
Thus Defiled - Black Metal
Thy Antichrist - Black Metal
Thy Black Blood - Black Metal
Thy Darkest Night - Black Metal
Thy Disease - Technical Death/Black Metal
Thy Endless Wrath - Black Metal
Thy Funeral - Black Metal
Thy Grief - Black Metal
Thy Gruesome Death - Experimental Black Metal
Thy Hastur - Symphonic Dark/Black Metal
Thy Infernal - Black Metal
Thy Majesty - Black Metal
Thy Nema - Black Metal
Thy Nemesis - Black Metal
Thy Old Throne - Black Metal
Thy Primordial - Black Metal
Thy Repentance - Atmospheric Black Metal
Thy Serpent - Black Metal
Thy Soul Devoured - Black Metal
Thy Wicked - Black/Thrash Metal
Thy Winter Kingdom - Black Metal
Thy Worshiper - Folk/Death/Black Metal
Thyestean Feast - Black Metal
ThyLord - Black Metal
Thyrane - Symphonic Black Metal, Industrial Metal
Thyruz - Black Metal
Tidfall - Industrial Black Metal
Tilarids - Black Metal
Tinieblas (PR) - Black Metal
Tintagel - Black metal
Tir Nan Og - Black Metal
Tiranilor - Melodic Black Metal
Titan Mountain - Melodic Black Metal
Tiwaz - Pagan Black Metal
Tjolgtjar - Black Metal
To Arkham - Black Metal
To Scale the Throne - Black Metal
To the Eternal Sands - Black Metal
To the Seven - Melodic black metal
Tod - Black Metal
Todesfaust - Atmospheric Black Metal
Todeskampf - Black Metal
Todesstoss - Black Metal
Todesweihe - Black Metal
Todgeweiht - Black Metal
Todtgelichter - Black Metal
Tol-In-Gaurhoth - Black Metal
Tollwut - Black Metal
Toluol - Black Metal
Tomb of Time - Black Metal
Tomhet (Ita) - Black Metal
Tomhet (Swe) - Black Metal
Toorn - Black metal
Tophet (Rus) - Black Metal
Tophet (US) - Black Metal
Torchbearer - Thrash / Death / Black Metal
Torech Ungol - Black Metal
Torgeist - Black metal
Torka - Black Metal
Torment (Cze) - Medieval Black Metal
Torment (Per) - Black Metal
Torment (Rom) - Symphonic Gothic/Black Metal
Torment Defined - Black/Death/Thrash/Grind
Tormentor (Hun) - Black Metal (originally); Experimental Rock (last album)
Tormentor of Souls - Black Metal
Tormentvm - Black Metal
Torrent - Black Metal
Tortura (PR) - Death Metal, Black Metal
Torturium - Black Metal
Toska - Black Metal
TOT - National Socialist Black Metal
Total Death (Ecu) - Black/Death Metal
Total Genocide - Raw Black Metal
Total Hate (Ger) - Black Metal
Totenburg - NS Black Metal
Totenkopf - Black Metal
Totenkroon - Black Metal/Ambient
Totenreich - Black Metal
Tower of Babel - Dark Melodic Black Metal
Toxic Holocaust - Speed / Thrash / Black Metal
Tragedian (UAE) - Black Funeral Doom
Tragedy Begins - Black Metal
Tragoidia - Occult Black Metal
Tragos Adein - Black / Folk Metal
Tragos Ode - Black Metal
Tragyst - Black Metal
Trails of Anguish - Black Metal
Transcending Bizarre? - Avant-garde/post-black
Transcendus - Dark Ambient/Black Metal
Trauma (Ven) - Death/Black/Grind
Treblinka (Swe) - Black Metal
Tregenda - Black Metal
Tregenda - black metal/ambient
Trelldom - Black Metal
Tribes of Cain - Symphonic/Melodic Black
Trifixion (Aut) - Black metal
Triglav - Black Metal
Trimonium - Melodic Black, Pagan Metal
Trimorphes Zentrum Xul - Black metal
Triskele - NS Black Metal
Trismus - Black/Death Metal
Trist - Doom/Black Metal
Triumph - Black Metal
Triumph of Dawn - Black Metal
Triumphator (Ita) - Black Metal
Triumphator (Swe) - Black Metal
Triumvirat Xul - Black Metal
Triunfo e Vitoria a Sat - Black Metal
Trivial Thorn - Black Metal/Rac
Troglodytic - Symphonic Black Metal, Ambient
Troll - Black metal
Trolldom - Black metal
Trollech - Pagan Black Metal
Trollheim's Grott - Black Metal
Trollkiller - Black / Folk Metal
Trollskogen - Black Metal
Trollstorm - Black Metal
Trolltokt - Black Metal
Trollzorn - Raw Black Metal
Tromsnar - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Tron - Black Metal
Tronraner - Industrial Black Metal
Tronus Abyss - Medieval Black/Folk Metal
Troops of Death - Black/Death/Thrash Metal
Troops of Doom - Blackened Death/Thrash
Trotzreich - Black Metal
Truth In Ruin - Black Metal
Trymhbiu Ra - Black Metal
Tryskellion - Black Metal
Tsatthoggua - Hyperspeed Black Metal
Tsjuder - Black Metal
Tsond - Black Metal
Tube - Grind/Death/Black Metal
Tudor - Black Metal (early), Thrash Metal with industrial influences (now)
Tulus - Black Metal
Tumulus (Ger) - Pagan Black Metal
Tundra - Black Metal
Tunguska - Black Metal
Tunrida - Black Metal
Tuonela - Pagan/Black Metal
Tuonyca - Melodic Black Metal
Turul - Black Metal, Gothic
Turulver - Melodic Black Metal
Tuska - Black Metal
Tvangeste - Symphonic Orchestral Black Metal
Twilight (Grc) - Black Metal
Twilight (Mex) - Death/Black Metal
Twilight (Pol) - Black Metal/Ambient
Twilight Abyss - Raw black metal
Twilight Falls - Raw Black Metal
Twilight Is Mine - Black Metal
Twilight Moon - Black Metal
Twilight of Christ - Black Metal
Twilight Ophera - Melodic Black Metal
Twilight Prophecies - Black/Death Metal
Twin Obscenity - Black / Pagan / Viking / Death Metal
Twisted Autumn Darkness - Melodic Black Metal
Two Ravens - Viking Black Metal
Tymah - Black Metal
Typhon (Col) - Black Metal
Typhon (Ger) - Chaotic Black Metal
Typhus - Black Metal
Tyranath - NS Black Metal
Tyrannium - Black Metal with Industrial elements
Tyranny Misanthropia - Melodic Black Metal
Tyrant (Aus) - Black metal
Tyrant (Jpn) - Symphonic Black Metal
Tyrant (Nor) - Black Metal
Tyrmord - Symphonic Black Metal
Tyskland - Black Metal
Tyvragen - Acoustic Death/Black Metal (Early) Black Metal (Now)
Tzaphkial - Black Metal
Torr - black/thrash


Ubermensch - Black Metal
Udainsakr - Pagan Black Metal
Uder Smrti - NS Black Metal
Udumbal - Ambient/Black Metal
Udun - Pagan Black Metal
Ufir - Black Metal
Ufych Sormeer - Symphonic Black Metal
Ugluk - Black Metal
Uhrilehto - atmospheric black
Uhygge - Black Metal
Ulcifer - Black Metal
Ulcisia Castra - Black Metal
Ulcus - Symphonic Black Metal
Ulfang - Black Metal
Ulfbiorn - Black Metal
Ulfhethnar (Arg) - Black Metal
Ulfhethnar (Ger) - NS Black Metal/RAC
Ulfsdalir - Melodic Black Metal
Ulthrash - Death/thrash (early), Death/black (now)
Ultima Missa - Black Metal
Ultor - Black Metal
Ululate - Raw Black Metal
Ulver - Black Metal, Folk, Industrial, Electronica
Ulvhedin - Viking Black Metal
Umbakrail - Raw Black Metal
Umbilicus Mundis - Black/Death Metal
Umbraculum Funebris - Symphonic Black Metal
Umbral Presence - Black Metal
Umbrtka - Atmospheric Black Metal, Avant Garde
Umwelt - Dark Ambient/Black Metal
Unblessed - Death-Black Metal
Unborned - Black/Death Metal
Uncanny (Pol) - Black Symphonic Metal
Unclean - Black Metal
Uncork - Death/Black Metal
Uncreation's Dawn - Black Metal
Undead (Mys) - Black/Death Metal
Undead Orchestra - Black Metal
Under Black Clouds - Black / Death Metal
Undergang - Black Metal
Underlord - Old School Black Metal
Undertaker of the Damned - Black/Death Metal
Unearthly (Bra) - Black Metal
Unearthly (Hol) - Black metal
uneXpect - Symphonic Folk/Black/Power Metal
Ungod - Black Metal
Ungodly (Bra) - Death/Black Metal
Unhallowed (Pol) - Black Metal
Unhealthy Dreams - Black Metal
Unheilvoll - Black Metal
Unhola - Raw / Melodic Black Metal
Unholy Archangel - Black metal
Unholy Black Blood Baptism - Black Metal
Unholy Crucifix - Black Metal
Unholy Desecration - Black Metal
Unholy Flames - Black Metal
Unholy Forest - Pagan/Black Metal
Unholy Ghost - Blackened Death Metal
Unholy Goat - Black metal
Unholy Horde - Black Metal
Unholy Impaler - Black Metal
Unholy Inquisition - Black metal
Unholy Land - Black Metal
Unholy Massacre - Black/thrash Metal
Unholy Matrimony - Brutal Black Metal
Unholy Morgoth - Black Metal
Unholy Penetration - Black Metal
Unholy Storm - Black metal
Unholy Trinity - Black/Death Metal
Unholy War - Black / Thrash Metal
Unity - Black metal
Unleash Hell (Can) - Grinding Black Metal
Unlegacy - Death/Black Metal
Unlight - Black Metal
Unlord - Black Metal
Unnatural Shelter - Melodic Black Metal
Unorthodox (Ita) - Melodic Black Metal
Unpure - Black Metal
Unquintessence - Black Metal
Unsanctum - Black metal, deathcore
Unscriptural - Black Metal
Unseen Darkness - Black Metal
Untergang - Black Metal
Unterwald - Raw Black Metal
Unveiled (Fin) - Black Metal
Upon Crimson Wings - Black/Death Metal
Uraeus - Black Metal
Uranium 235 - Black Metal
Uranus - Pagan Black Metal
Urdung - Black Metal
Urfaust - Raw black metal with clean vocals
Urgehal - Black Metal
Urghar Moork - Black metal
Urgrund - Black / Thrash Metal
Urn - Black/Thrash Metal
Urna (Cze) - Black Metal
Urna (Ita) - Black Metal
Urospuu - Black/Grind/Doom Metal
Ursae Minoris - Black Metal
Urshurark - Black/Death Metal
Urskumug - Black Metal
Urt - Pagan/Black Metal
Uruk-Hai (Esp) - Raw Black Metal
Urzamoth - Black/thrash metal
Usipian - Death/black/thrash metal
Ustor - Black Metal
Usurper (US) - Black / Thrash
Uterus - Black Metal
Utlagr - Black Metal
Utuk Xul - Black Metal
Utuk-Xul - Black Metal
Utumno (Nor) - Black Metal, Dark Ambient
Uvall - Black Metal
Uziel (Pol) - Melodic Death/Black Metal
V.E.G.A. - Black Metal
V:28 - Atmospheric Black/Death
Vaakevandring - Symphonic/Heavy/Black Metal
Vado Mori - Black Metal
Vae Solis - Black Metal
Vae Victis (Bel) - Black Metal
Vae Victis (Fra) - black metal
Vagezaryavtre - Black Metal
Vagl-Eygr - Black Metal
Vagrant the Noachian - Black Metal
Vague (Jpn) - Black Metal
Vahrzaw - Black/Death Metal
Vais - Black / Doom Metal
Vaitikas - Black Metal
Valak - Melodic black metal
Valalorn - Black Metal
Valar - Symphonic Black Metal
Valaskjalf (US) - NS Black Metal
Valdris - Black Metal
Valefar - Black Metal
Valefar - War/Black Metal
Valefor - black/dark ambient industrial
Valgaldrar - Black Metal
Valhalla (Rus) - Black Metal
Valhalla (Rus) - Symphonic Black Metal
Valhalla (Ukr) - Black Metal
Valhalla Saints - NS Black Metal
Valhom - Black Metal
Valinor (Pol) - symphonic black metal
Valkiria (Ita) - Black Metal
Valkyrja - Black Metal
Valonsurma - Black Metal
Valpurga - Black/War Metal
Valsblut - National Socialist Black Metal
Vampire Hall - Black Metal
Vampiria - Melodic black/gothic metal
Vampiric Dominium - Black Metal
Vampiric Euphoria - Black Metal
Vanguard (Aut) - Symphonic Black Metal
Vanguard (UK) - Black Metal
Vanitas - Symphonic Black Metal
Vanquished - Black Metal
Vantro - Black Metal
Vanvid - Raw Black Metal
Vapulah - Black Metal
Varagor - Black Metal
Varanat - Black Metal
Varathron - Black Metal
Vardan - Black Metal
Vardemis - Black Metal
Vardoger - folk-influenced 'black' metal
Varg - Black Metal
Varganatt - Folk-Black Metal
Vargariket - Black Metal
Vargas - Black Metal/Ambient
Vargavinter - Pagan Black Metal
Vargleide - NS Black Metal
Vargsang - Raw Black Metal
Vargsriket - Black Metal
Vargthron - raw black metal
Vargulf - Black Metal
Varhorn - Black metal
Vari - Symphonic Black Metal
Varjosielu - epic black metal
Varnacht - Raw Black Metal
Varsam Daud - Black metal
Vartagorh - Raw Black Metal
Vassafor - Black Metal
Vassago - Black metal
Vassilium - Black Metal
Vast Forest - Black Metal
Vastus - Death / Black Metal
Vatican Plague - Black Metal
Vaultage - Death/Black Metal
Vazal - Black Metal
Vechnochern' - Black Metal
Vector - Black Metal
Ved Buens Ende - Avant-garde/Black Metal
Vedervardig - Black Metal
Vediog Svaor - Black/Psychedelic/Progressive
Vehemens (Bra) - Black Metal
Vehement - Black Metal
Veil - Black Metal
Veil of Anguish - Progressive Death Metal with Black, Gothic and Atmospheric elements
Veil of Winter - Black Metal
Veineliis - Black Metal
Veinen (Hol) - Black Metal
Veinen (Leb) - Black/Ritual
Vekum - Death/Black Metal
Velatorio - Black Metal
Veldraveth - Black Metal
Veles - Black Metal
Velimor - NS Black metal
Velonnic Sin - Black
Velvet Cacoon - Black Metal / Ambient / Folk
Velvet Thorns - Black/Death/Doom
Velyal - Black/Death Metal
Vemod - Black Metal
Vemoth - Black Metal
Venal Divinity - Black Metal
Venedae - Melodic Black Metal
Veneficium - Black Metal
Veneficum - Melodic Black Metal
Veneficus - Black/Death Metal
Venom - Black/Speed Metal
Venter Caret Auribus - Black/Gothic Metal
Verbulcsu - Black Metal
Verdammnis - Black Metal
Verdeleth - Black Metal
Verdelger - Black Metal
Verdensrike - Black Metal
Vergelmer - Black metal
Vergeltung - Raw Black Metal
Veristi - Black/Death Metal
Veritas Mentis - Black Metal
Verivala - Black Metal
Verlierer - Black Metal
Verloren - Black metal
Vermeth - Black Metal
Vermiis - Raw Black Metal
Vermis - Black Metal (early)/Death Metal (now)
Vermyapre Kommando - Black Metal
Vernichtungskamp - NS Black Metal
Vers de la Mort - Black Metal
Versano - Black Metal
Versipella - Symphonic War/Black Metal
Verwoesting - Black Metal
Vesania (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Vesen - Black/thrash metal
Vesperian Sorrow - Symphonic Black Metal
Vestibulum - Black Metal
Vetranott - Black Metal
Via Dolorosa - NS Black Metal
Vicious Art - Death/Thrash/Black Metal
Vicious Circle (Ger) - Melodic Black Metal
Vidar Vang - Black Metal
Vidharr - Black Metal
Vidres a la Sang - Black/Death Metal
Vidsyn - Black Metal
Vielftava - Black Metal
Viggen (Pol) - Symphonic Black Metal
Viingrid - Black Metal
Vike Tare - Black/ Death/ Pagan Metal
Viking Crown - Black Metal
Viking Throne - Black Metal
Vikingblood - War/Black Metal
Vilkates - Black Metal
Vim Patior - Melodic Black Metal
Vincebus Eruptum - Heavy/Black Metal
Vindicta - Black Metal
Vindsvale - Black Metal / Experimental Dark Ambient
Vingdar - Black Metal
Vintage Solemnity - Black Metal
Vinter Nebulah - Black Metal
Vinterfrost - Black/Folk metal
Vinterheim - Black Metal
Vinterkaos - Black Metal
Vinterland - Black metal
Vinternatt - Black Metal/Ambient
Vinterriket - Dark Ambient / Black Metal
Vintersemestre - Black Metal
Vintersorg - Viking / folk metal, progressive post-black
Vinterstorm - Black metal
Vinterthrone - Raw Black Metal
Vipera Aspis - Black Metal
Virgin Forest - Black Metal
Virgin Killers - Black/Thrash Metal
Virgin's Cunt - Black metal
VirginBlood - Black Metal
Visina - Black Metal
Visions de l'ame - Black Metal
Visions of the Night - Black/Death Metal
Viszeral - Black Metal
Vitam Eternam - Black Metal
Vitsaus - Black Metal
Vivian Black - heavy/black/doom metal
VIXIVI - Symphonic Black Metal
Vlad Tepes - Black Metal
Vladislas - Black metal
VLE - Dark Ambient, Doom Metal, Black Metal
Vobiscum - Black metal
Vobiscum Lucipher - Raw Black Metal
Vociferian - Black Metal
Voices of Decay - Black Metal
Void - Industrial Black Metal
Voidd - Black/Thrash
Vokodlok - Black / Death Metal
Volc Vermaledide - Black Metal
Volfenkreuz - Pagan Celtic/Black Metal
VolkeinBlucht - Black Metal
Volkermord (Can) - Black Metal
Volkermord (Fra) - Black metal
Volkh - Black / Death Metal
Volkurah - Black Metal
Vomit - Blackened Death Metal
Vomit Orchestra - Black Metal/Ambient
Vomitfago - Black/Death Metal
Vomoth - 'Black' Metal
Von - Black Metal
Vondur - Black metal
Vondvort - Black Metal
Voracious God - Medieval Black Metal
Vorago - Black Metal
Vorak - Industrialised Black Metal
Vordr - black metal
Vordven - Black Metal
Vorgasm - Industrial Black Metal
Vorkreist - Black/Death Metal
Vorkuta - Black Metal
Vornat - Black Metal
Vorphalack - Black Metal
Vothana - Black Metal
Vow Dreams - Death/Black
Vows in Ashes - Death/Black/Progressive Metal
Vrael - Black metal
Vrag - Black Metal
Vrani Volosa - Pagan Black Metal
Vrasagaerhtvuula - Dark Ambient / now Black Metal
Vrata T'my - Black/Pagan Metal
Vreid - Black Metal
Vrolok - Black Metal
Vukodlak - Black Metal
Vulcano - Black/Death, Thrash
Vulpecula - Ambient Black / Death Metal
Vultos Vociferos - Black Metal
Vulture (Sgp) - Raw Black Metal
Vulture Lord - Blackened Death/Thrash Metal
Vulturine - Black metal
Vultyr - Black Metal
Vulva Infernum - Black Metal
Vulvacroma - Black Metal
Vzaeurvbtre - Black Metal
Vald - Raw Black Metal
W.A.B.S.O.T.O.W.H. - Black Metal
W.A.S.T.E. - melodic power/black metal
w00d5b17ch - Black Metal
Wadgelmir - Viking Black Metal
Waffen SS - Black Metal
Waffenweihe - Black Metal
Wagchor - Melodic Black Metal
Wahrer Krieg - Black Metal
Wahrheitstag - Dark Black Metal
Wakboth (Fin) - Black/Thrash Metal
Wakboth (Fra) - Black Metal/Ambient
Wald (Che) - Black Metal
Wald (Ger) - Blackened Death Metal
Waldenburg - Black metal
Walhalla (Fin) - Black/Thrash Metal
Wallachia - Symphonic Black Metal
Walpurgis Night - Melodic Death Black Metal
Walpurgisnacht (Ger) - Black Metal
Walpurgisnacht (Hol) - Black Metal
Wampyrinacht - Black Metal
Wanderer (Fin) - Atmospheric Black Metal
Wanderer (US) - Black Metal
Wanhoop - Doom/black metal
Wanterkraaft - Black Metal
War (Pol) - Black Metal
War (Swe) - Black Metal
War 88 - NS Black Metal
War Blasphemy - Black Metal
War Empire - Death/Black Metal
War for War - Black Metal
War Hammer Command - War Black Metal
War Kommand - Black Metal
War Master - Raw Black Metal
War of Feelings - Death/Black Metal
Warage - Black Metal
Warblade - Melodic Black Metal
Warblood - Black Metal
Warbutcher - Black / Death metal
Warchild (Cze) - Thrash/Black Metal
Warchild X - melodic death/black metal
Warcry - Viking Black Metal
Warfare (Chl) - Black Metal
Warfire - Black/death metal
Wargasm (Fra) - Epic Death/Black Metal
Wargrinder - Black Metal
Warhead (Pol/Ukr) - Black Metal / NSBM
Warhead (US) - Black/death metal
Warhorde - Black/Thrash Metal (old-school)
Warhorn - Black Metal
Warloghe - Black Metal
Warlust - Black Metal
Warmageddon - Black Metal
Warmoon - Black Metal
Warpeal - Raw Black Metal
Warshades - Black Metal
Warthron - Black Metal
Waste (Swe) - Black Metal
Watain - Black Metal
Waterfall - Black/Doom Metal (now)/Death/Doom Metal (earlier)
Weakling - Black Metal
wearethEnd - Black Metal
Weariness - Black Metal
Weemoed - Black Metal
Weeping Birth - Brutal Black Death Metal
Weeping Willow (Svn) - Black Metal
Wehrhammer - Black Metal
Wehrwolfe - Blackened Death Metal
Weird Fate - Black Metal
Weltbrand - Black Metal
Weltmacht - Black Metal
Weltuntergang - Black Metal, Dark Ambient/Noise
Werewolf - Black Metal
WerWolf Division - Black Metal
Weyland - Melodic Death/Black Metal
When the Angels Cry - Black/Doom Metal
When Tomorrow Doesn't Come - 'black'/death metal
White Hell - Black/Speed Metal
WhoreDom - Black Metal
Wicked Blight - Black Metal
Widdershin - Gothic/Black Metal
Wigrid - Black Metal
Wikingsholm - Black Metal
Wildesheer - Black Metal
Will of the Ancients - Melodic Black Metal
Willow Wisp - Gothic / Black Metal
Wind of the Black Mountains - Black Metal
Wind Through the Trees - Black/Doom/Folk Metal
Windir - Black/Viking Metal
Windrikje - Black Metal/Dark Ambient
Winds Funera - Black Metal
Winds of Funeral - Black Metal
Winds of Garden - Pagan Black Metal/Ambient
Windwalker - Epic Blackish Heavy Metal
Wineta - Raw Black Metal
Winged - Death/Black Metal
Winged Serpent Master - Black Metal
Winter Beauty - Black Metal
Winter Funeral - NS Black Metal
Winter Magik - VIking/Black Metal
Winter Martirium - symphonic black metal
Winter Moon - Heavy/Black Metal
Winter Night Overture - Black Metal
Winter of Apokalypse - Black Metal
Winter of Sin - Melodic Black Metal
Winter of Vehemence - Gothic, Black Metal, Dark Wave
Winter Path - Black Metal
Winter Sorrow - Pagan Black Metal
Winter's Grim - Black Metal
Winter's Mourn - Melodic Black Metal
Winterblut - Atmospheric Black Metal
Winterdawn - Black Metal
Winterdemon - Black Metal
Winterforest - Black Metal
Winterfrost - NS Black Metal
Wintergate - Black Metal
Wintergewitter - National Socialist Black Metal
Wintergods - BlackMetal/Dark Ambient
Winterhorde - Black Metal
Winterkou - Black/Doom Metal
Winterkrieg - Black Metal
Winterkaelte - Black Metal
Winterlord - Black Metal
Wintermoon (Est) - Black Metal
Wintermoon (Fin) - Black Metal
Wintermoon (Ger) - Black Metal
Wintermute - Black Metal
Winterpath - Black/Folk Metal
Winterschlacht - NS Black Metal
Winterthrall - Black/Doom Metal
Winterthrone - symphonic black metal
Wintertod - Black Metal
Winterwitch - pagan black metal
Winterwoman - Black Metal
Wisdom by Carnage - Black Metal
Wisdom of the Stars - Black Metal
Witch Desire - Raw Black Metal
Witch Tomb - Black/Death Metal
Witch-Hunt - Black/Death
Witchbane - Brutal Black Metal
Witchblade (Can) - Black Metal
Witchcraft (Cze) - Black Metal
Witchcraft (Hun) - Black Metal
Witchcraft (Slv) - Black metal
Witches' Sabbath - Black/Death Metal
Witchhammer (Irl) - Black Metal
Witchhammer (Pol) - Black/thrash metal
Witchmaster - Black Thrash Metal
Witchslaughter - Black Metal
Witchtrap (Col) - Thrash/Black Metal
Witchtrap (Tur) - Black Metal
With Hate I Burn - black metal
Withered (Isl) - Black Metal
Withered Beauty - Melodic Death / Black Metal
Withered Garden - Dark / black metal (early) Death metal (later)
Wizard Mark - Black Metal
Wizzard (Fin) - Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Black Metal
Wod - Black Metal
Wodulf - National Socialist Black Metal
Wohlfart - Black Metal
Wold - Black Metal/Noise
Wolf (Ger) - Black Metal
Wolf 327 - Black Metal
Wolf's Hunger - NS War/Black Metal
Wolf's Moon - National Socialist Black Metal
Wolfclan - NS Black Metal
Wolfe - Black Metal
Wolfen (Fra) - Symphonic Black Metal
Wolfhammer - Black Metal
Wolfhammer Division - NS Black Metal
Wolfheart (Fin) - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Wolfheart (Isl) - Black Metal
Wolfhunter - Black Metal
Wolfkult - Black Metal
Wolflord - Black/Death/Thrash
Wolfnacht - Black Metal
Wolfsburg - Black Metal
Wolfsgard - Black Metal
Wolfsmond - Raw Black Metal
Wolfsschanze - Black Metal
Wolfsthron - Black Metal
Wolfstyrann - Black Metal
Wolfswinter - Black Metal
Wolfszorn - Raw Black Metal
Wolfthorn - black metal
Wolfthrone - Black Metal
Wolok - Black Metal
Wolven Howl - Raw Black Metal
Wolves Under Azurean Midnight - Black Metal
Woodland (Hol) - Raw Black Metal/Middle Ages Folk Music
Woodland's Edge - Black/Death Metal
Woods of Belial - Industrial Black/Doom Metal
Woods of Fallen - NS Black Metal
Woods of Infinity - Black Metal
Woods of Ypres - Melodic Black Metal
World Destroyer - Black / Death Metal
World Divine - Black/death Metal
Worldwide Genocide - Black Metal
Worm (Ven) - Black/Death Metal
Worshipper - Black Metal
Worthless (Bel) - Black Metal
Worthless (Ita) - Black/Death Metal
Worvhallag - Black Metal
Wotan Folk - NS Black Metal
Wotanic Commando - NS Black Metal
Wotanorden - NS Black Metal
Wotansjolv - Pagan Black Metal
Woudeherberg - Folk. Black metal
Woudgeest - Black Metal
Woudgilde - Black Metal
Wounds of Darkness - Black Metal
Wraith (US) - Black Metal
Wraithen - Black Metal
Wrath (Ger) - Black Metal
Wrath (Prt) - Thrash/Black Metal
Wrath (Swe) - Black Metal
Wrath From Below - Black Metal
Wrath Ritual - Black Metal
Wrathage - Black Metal
Wreath of Decay - Black Metal/Ambient
Wreterdess - Pagan Black Metal
Wrinkled Witch - Black Metal
Wrok - Black Metal
Wulfgravf - Black Metal
Wulfhere - NS Black Metal
Wurdulak - Black metal
Wurm - Black Metal
Wurzburg - Black Metal
Wurzelkraft - Raw Black Metal
WWII - Black Metal/ Dark Ambient
Wykked Wytch - black Metal
Wyrd - Black Metal
Wurm - black metal
Wyrm (Cze) - Black Metal
X.E.S. - Black Metal
Xanthe - Black/Doom Metal
Xanthor - Black Metal
Xantotol - Black Metal
Xapharon - Technical Extreme Black Metal
Xasthur (Sgp) - Black Metal
Xasthur (US) - Black Metal
Xastur - black metal
Xaztur - Black Metal
Xenofanes - Death/thrash/black
Xenophobia (US) - NS Black Metal
Xeranthenum - Black/Doom Metal
Xerion - Folk Black Metal
Xharathorn - Black Metal
Xibalba - Black Metal
Xihilisk - Raw Black Metal
Xipe Totec - Technical death metal with black metal elements
Xiuhtecuhtli - Black Metal
XIV Dark Centuries - Folky Black/Death Metal
Xlll Candles - Black / Death Metal
Xphyxia - Death/black Metal
Xtreme Obsession - Blackened Death/Thrash Metal
Xul - Black/Death Metal
Xyxyxma - Blackened Drone/Doom/Noise
Yamatu - Black Metal
Yaotl Mictlan - Black Metal
Yaotzin - Black Metal
Yaoyotl - Black Metal
Yawgmoth - Black Metal
Yayeth Corpse - Death/Black Metal
Yazzgoth - Black Metal
Yersina Pestis - Black Metal
Yersinia - Black Metal
Yersinia Pestis - Black Metal
Yeti - Melodic Black Metal
Yggdrasil (Ita) - Raw Pagan Black Metal
Yggtyrhyrkkh Hin Dystre - Black Metal
Ymesh - Ambient black metal
Ymir - Black/Death Metal
Yortsed - Black / Death Metal
Z-Gen - Black/Doom Metal
Zabiis - Epic/Atmospheric Doom/Black Metal
Zadkiel - black/speed metal
Zaebros - Black Metal
Zagam - Black Metal
Zaghurim - Industrial/Ambient/Black Metal
Zahgurim (Ger) - Black Metal
Zahgurim (US) - Black Metal/Dark Ambient
Zahgurim (US) - Raw Black Metal
Zahrim (Dnk) - Black Metal
Zahrim (Swe) - Black / Death Metal
Zahrim (US) - Black Metal
Zalnik - Black Metal
Zangentod - Black Metal
Zarach'Baal'Taragh - Raw Black Metal
Zarathustra - Black Metal
Zaratustra - Black Metal
Zargof - Pagan Atmospheric Black Metal
Zaum - Atmospheric Black Metal
Zavorash - Black/Death Metal
Zemial - Black Metal
Zemial (Fin) - Black Metal
Zephyrous - Black Metal
Zerstoerer - Black Metal
Zettilmeyer - Black Metal
Zeus - Black / Death Metal
Zeusas - Melodic Black Metal
Zhalim - Black Metal
Ziel - Black Metal
Ziggurat - black metal
Zijl - Black metal
Zirconium - Death/Black Metal
Zlaya Korcha - Black Metal with Folk influences
Zmrok - Black Metal
Zocabra - Black Metal
Zophrenia - Melodic Black/Symphonic Extreme Metal
Zorn - Black Metal
Zpoan Vtenz - Folk/Pagan Black Metal
Zubirun - Black Metal
Zuh - Melodic Black Metal
Zurzir - NS Black Metal / RAC
Zwangslage - Black Metal with Grindcore elements
Zwartketterij - Black/Thrash Metal
Zwenz - Black Metal
Zygoatsis - Black Metal
Zygote (Fin) - black metal
Zyklon - Death/Black Metal
Zyklon-B - Black Metal
Zymosis - Black Metal
Ordog - Black Metal
Smiercieslau - Black / Death / Thrash Metal
Sturm - Black Metal
Sleza - Pagan/Black Metal
Tymur - Black Metal


oh~~my dog?my god?~~~~


二.Death Metal~ 死亡金属

Total: 7803 bands

Subtenebras - Doom/Death with Black Metal influences
!T.O.O.H.! - Bizarre Progressive Death/Grind
... Of Dream and Drama - Death/Doom Metal
...and Here I Lie - Death/Doom Metal
...And Oceans - Black / Death, post black / industrial / electronic
...of the Human Condition - Melodic Death / Gothic Metal
.K.A.O.S. - Technical thrash/death/black metal
122 Stab Wounds - Death/Black Metal
13 - Sludge/Doom/grindcore
13th Melody - Melodic Death Metal
1917 - death metal
21 Lucifers - Thrash/Death Metal
324 - death metal/grindcore
420 - Death/Grind
5 Billion Dead - Metalcore/Death Metal
5 Days Bleeding - Melodic Death/Black Metal with Power Metal Influences
5th Column - Death Metal
6425 - Black/Death Metal
7th Child - Technical Brutal Death Metal
7th Delirium - Death Metal
7th Nemesis - Brutal Death Metal
9th Plague - death metal
A Canorous Quintet - Melodic Death Metal/Gothenburg
A Cold Reality - Thrash/Death Metal
A Good Day for Killing - Brutal Death Metal
A Gruesome Find - Black/Death Metal
A Life Less Alive - Death Metal
A Mind Confused - Death Metal
A Perpetual Dying Mirror - Doom / Death Metal
A Solemn Death - Black / Death Metal
A Waking Nightmare - Grindcore/Metalcore
A-Rise - Death Metal
A. Crassicauda - Death Metal
A.M.E.S. - Death/Thrash Metal
A.N.A.E.L. - Melodic death/black/industrial
A.W.A.S. - Death/Thrash Metal with Black influences
AAAAARGH! Bloody 2-Handed Chainaxe Blow - Death Metal
Aardvarks - Death / Thrash Metal
Ab:Norm - Grind / Death Metal
Ababil - Brutal Death Metal
Abaddon (Bra) - Death Metal
Abaddon (Ger) - Symphonic Death Metal
Abaddon (Hol) - Death / Black Metal
Abaddon Incarnate - Black/Death Metal
Abandoned Grave - Brutal Death/ Grind
Abantesma - Death Metal
Abasbaron - Black/Death Metal
Abash - Thrash/Death Metal
Abattory - death/thrash metal
Abdominal - Death Metal
Abed - Technical Death metal
Abemal - Death metal
Aberracion - Death Metal
Aberration - Black Death
Abgrund - Black/Death Metal
Abhor (Ind) - Death Metal
Abhorer - Black Death Thrash
Abhorred - Grind/Thrash/Black/Death
Abhorred Existence - Death/thrash metal
Abhorrence (Bra) - Death Metal
Abhorrence (Fin) - Death Metal
Abhorrence (US) - death metal
Abhorrent (Aus) - Death/Grind, Thrash
Abhorrent (Chl) - Death/Thrash Metal
Abhorrent (Nor) - Death / thrash metal
Abhorrent Life - Death Metal
Abhoth - Death Metal
Abhysmal - Death Metal
Abigail (Rom) - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal
Abismo Eterno - Death Metal
Abiura - Death Metal
Abjathar - Doom/Death Metal
Ablation - Death Metal
Ablaze (Jpn) - Melodic Death Metal
Ablaze My Sorrow - Melodic Death Metal
Ablepsia (Col) - Death Metal
Abnegate - death metal
Abnegation - Brutal death metal
Abnormal (Nor) - Death Metal
Abnormal (Rus) - Brutal Death Metal
Abnormal Flesh Growth - Death/grind
Abnormity - Death/Doom Metal
Abolisher - Death Metal
Abolishment - Death/Thrash Metal
Abolishment of Hate - Instrumental Death Metal
Abominant - Death Metal
Abominat - Death Metal
Abominator - Blackened death/thrash metal
Abominattion - Death metal
Abominog - Death Metal
Aborda - Melodic Death Metal
Aborted - Brutal Death Metal
Aborted Existence - Death Metal
Aborticide (Bra) - Brutal Death Metal
Aborticide (Pol) - Death Metal
Abortion - Death/Crust/Grind
Abortion-X - Death Metal
Abortium - Black, Thrash, Death
Abortus - Death Metal
Abramelin - Death Metal
Abrasion (Aus) - Death Metal
Abrasive - Brutal Death Metal
Abrogation - Power, thrash, death
Abscess (Bra) - Death metal
Abscess (US) - Death Metal
Absemia - Death Metal
Absence (Bra) - Death Metal
Absence (Fin) - Melodic Death Metal
Absent - Death Metal
Absidia (Ger) - Death Metal/Hardcore
Absinthebolik - Death/Black Metal
Absolute Defiance - Brutal Death Metal
Absolute Disgrace - Death/Grind
Absolute Grief - Melodic Death/Black
Absolute Zero - Death Metal
Absonant Cadence - Death Metal
Absorbcia - Death Metal
Absorbed (Che) - Death/Thrash Metal
Absorbed (Esp) - Technical Death Metal
Absorbed (Hol) - Death Metal
Abstract (Ita) - Electronic Progressive Death/Thrash Metal
Abstrus - Black/Death Metal
Absu - Death Metal (early), Black/Thrash Metal
Absurd (Rus) - Melodic Death Metal
Absurd (Swe) - Death Metal
Absurd Conflict - Death Metal
Absurd Existence - Doom Death Metal
Absurd Mangler - Black/Death Metal
Absurdity - Thrash/Death/Hardcore
Absynthium - Death Metal
Abuse (Can) - Brutal Death/ Grind
Abuse (US) - Death/Sludge
Abuse Ritual - Death Metal
Abused Majesty - Death/Black Metal
Abysal - Death Metal
Abysmal Dawn - Death Metal
Abysmal Fall - Black Metal, Death Metal
Abysmal Torment - Brutal Death Metal/Grind
Abyss (Jpn) - Death Metal
Abyss (Pol) - melodic death
Abyss (US) - Thrash/Death
Abyss Lord - Death Metal
Abyss of Darkness - Death Metal
Abyssal Jeanne Calmant - Death Metal
Abztract Fortune - Technical Death Metal
Accelerator - Death / Thrash
Accessory - Death / Thrash Metal
Accidental Death - Grind/Death Metal
Accidental Suicide - Death Metal
Accursed (Aus) - Blackened death metal
Accursed (US) - Death / Black Metal
Accursed Dawn - Death/Thrash Metal
Aceldama - Death Metal
Acephalus - Brutal/Melodic Death Metal
Acerbus - Death Metal
Acheron - Death/Black Metal
Achromasia - Brutal Technical Death Metal
Acid Death - Death/thrash/progressive
Acid Edge - Heavy / Death Metal
Acid Universe - melodic metal/rock, Gothenburg
Acoustic Torment - Death Metal
Acrid - Death / Thrash
Acrid Semblance - Death Metal
Acrimonious (Chl) - Technical Death Metal
Acrimonium - Death Metal
Acrimony Inc. - Melodic death metal
Acrimonia - Progressive Jazz Death Metal
Acrostic (Mex) - Death Metal
Acrostichon - Death Metal
Act of Fate - Thrash / Death
Act of God (Rus) - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Act of Gods - Death Metal
Act of Grotesque - Death Metal
Ad Astra (US) - Death/Black Metal
Ad Noctum (Aus) - Death Metal
Adagio (Bra) - doom, death metal
Adaptor - Death Metal
Adenine - Death Metal
Adenophilia - Black/Death Metal
Adimiron - Black/Melodic Death Metal
Admortem - Death Metal
Adnauseam - Death Metal / Grind
Adonay (Pol) - Thrash/Death Metal
Adorior - Death / Black Metal
Adornment - Death Metal
Adramelech - Death Metal
Adrift (US) - Progressive Death Metal
Advent - Black / Death Metal
Adversary (Isr) - Death Metal
Adversary (US) - Death Metal
Adversary of Existence - Death Metal
Aemeth - Brutal Death Metal
Aeon (Hrv) - Technical Death Metal
Aeon (Swe) - Death Metal
Aeons of Old - Death/Black Metal
Aeternum (Che) - Death / Thrash Metal
Aeternum (US) - Black/Death Metal
Aeternus - Formerly Black Metal, now Death Metal
Aetherium - Black/Death Metal
Aethyria - Black/Death Metal
Aeturnus (US) - death metal
Aeturnus Dominion - Death Metal
Aeveron - Melodic Death / Black Metal
Afasia - Doom/Death Metal
Afflicted - technical death metal, power metal
Affliction (Dnk) - Death Metal
Affliction (Ita) - Technical Death Metal
Afflitus - Melodic Death/Metalcore
After Life (Irl) - Death Metal
Afterbirth - Guttural Death Metal
Afterblast - Death/Grind
Afterdeath (Prt) - Death / Thrash / Prog Metal
Afterlife - Death Metal
Aftermath (Aus) - Death Metal
Aftermath (UK) - Thrash/Death Metal
Afternoon at the Autopsy - Death/Grind
Agamas - Death Metal
Agamendon - Black/Thrash/Death Metal
Agathocles - Mincecore / Grindcore
Agatus - Black / Death Metal
Age of Agony - Death Metal
Age of Distrust - Death/Thrash
Age of Pain - Death Metal
Age of Ruin - Melodic Death Metal
Age of Storm - Death / Doom
Ages Gone - Death Metal
Aggressive Intent - Deathcore
Aggressor (Est) - Death/Thrash Metal
Agiel - Brutal Death Metal/Grind
Agmen - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Agnosys - Melodic Death Metal
Agon - Doom/Death Metal
Agon Origin - Death/Black Metal
Agonia(Ven) - Death / Black Metal
Agonia (Fin) - Death/black metal
Agonia (Ita) - Brutal Death Metal
Agonia (US) - Death/Thrash
Agonize - Death Metal
Agonize (Bos) - Melodic Black Metal / Technical Death Metal
Agonize (Dnk) - Death / thrash metal
Agonize Death - Death Metal
Agonized (Chl) - Death/Progressive
Agonized (Fin) - Death metal
Agonized (Prt) - death metal
Agonizing Terror - Death/Grind (earlier), Melodic Death Metal (now)
Agony (Can) - Brutal Death Metal
Agony (Cze) - Death Metal
Agony (Nor) - Death/Black Metal
Agony Conscience - Death Metal
Agony Lords - Death Metal
Agoraphobia - Death Metal
Agorhy - Death/Grind
Agregator - Gothic Power-Death
Agresion - Death/Thrash Metal
Agressor (Fra) - Death Metal
Agretator - Death Metal
Agroth - Death Metal
Ahret Dev - Brutal Death Metal
Ahumado Granujo - Industrial Death/Grind
Aimoptysi - Death Metal
Aird Righ - death / black metal
Ajattara - Death/dark metal
Ajdath - Thrash/Death Metal
Akael - Gothic Doom Death
Akeldama - Death Metal
Akercocke - Black / Death Metal
Akin - Progressive/Atmospheric Death Metal
Akrateia - Death/Thrash Metal
Akuma - Death Metal
Al Iblis - Brutal Death Metal
Al Sirat - Thrash/Death Metal
Alastor Sanguinary Embryo - Black / Death Metal
Alesys - Progressive Death/Black Metal
Aletheian - Technical Melodic Death Metal
Alfa Eridano Akhernar - brutal death black metal
Algeroth - Thrash/Death Metal
Algol (Ita) - Melodic Death Metal
Algol (Nor) - Death / Black Metal
Algol (US) - Melodic Black / Death Metal
Algophobia - Technical Death Metal
Alice in Darkland - Gothic/Death/Doom Metal
Alienation Mental - Death Metal / Grind
Aliengates - Melodic Death
Alister - Death/Thrash Metal
All Hallow's Evil - Melodic Death/Doom Metal with Power Metal Influence
All in Vain - Death Metal
All Is Suffering - Death Metal/Grindcore
All Life Ends - Melodic Black/Death Metal
All Shall Perish - Brutal Death Metal
All That Is Evil - Death Metal
All that Remains - Metalcore/Melodic death
All Will Fall - Death Metal
Allfather-Odinn - symphonic death/black metal
Allison Gross - Black/Death Metal
Alma Mater - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Alone Stale - Doom Death
Altar (Hol) - Death Metal
Altar (Swe) - Death Metal
Altar of Flesh - Death Metal
Altus Mortem - Death/Thrash Metal
Alvsvart - Black/Death Metal
Amagortis - Death Metal
Amalthea (Esp) - atmospheric death/doom
Amaymon - Death Metal
Amberdawn (Mex) - Melodic Death Metal
Ambivalence - Death Metal
Amboss - death metal
Ambrazura - Progressive Brutal Death Metal
Ambrossia - Death Metal
Ambush (Ser) - Death/Tribal Metal
Amduscias - Death / Black Metal
Amentes - Progressive Doom/Death Metal
Amenthis - Death Metal
Amerced - Death Metal
Amethyst (Hol) - Melodic Death / Black Metal
Amethyste - Death/Thrash Metal (earlier) - Death Metal (now)
Amid Pain - Death Metal
Aminion - Black Metal (now)/Death Metal (early)
Amnesty - Melodic Death Metal
Amniorrehexis - Death Metal/Grind
Amoebic Dysentery - Sick gore/grind
Amok (Che) - Technical Death Metal
Amok (Nor) - death/grind
Amon (Che) - death/black metal
Amon (US) - Death metal
Amon Amarth - Melodic Death Metal
Amon Din - Melodic Death Metal
Among the Decayed - Death / Grind
Amongst the Swarm - Deathcore
Amoral - Death Metal
Amorbital - Death Metal
Amorphis - Progressive/death/doom metal
Amortis - Black/Death Metal
Amphion - Black/Death Metal
Amphitrium - Black/Death Metal
Amphitryon - Doom/Melodic Death Metal
Amputated - Death Metal
Amputation - Death Metal
Amsvartner - Black metal (early), Melodic Death Metal/Gothenburg
Anachronaeon - Melodic Death Metal
Anachronoz - Death/Thrash Metal
Anaemia (Esp) - Death Metal / Grind
Anaemia (Swe) - Doom / Death Metal
Anaflaxia - Thrash/Death
Anal Blasphemy - Black/Death Metal
Anal Blast - Grindcore, Death Metal
Anal Bleeding - Grind / Brutal Death Metal
Anal Death - Death metal with HC influences
Anal Putrefaction (Bra) - Death/Grind
Anal Stench - Death Metal
Anal Torture - Death Metal / Grind
Anal Vomito - Black/Death Metal
Anaphilaxy - Death Metal
Anarchus - grindcore
Anarhia - Thrash/Death Metal (earlier)/Groove/Progressive Metal (now)
Anarkhon - Death Metal
Anasarca - Death Metal
Anata - Technical Death Metal
Anathema - Doom/Death Metal, Atmospheric Rock
Anatomy (Aus) - Black/Death Metal
Anatomy (US) - Death Metal
Anatriz - Power metal with Black/Death Elements
Anax - Death Metal
Ancestor (Bra) - Death Metal
Ancestor (US) - Death metal
Ancestral Curse - Technical Death
Ancestral Malediction - Death Metal
Ancestral Stigmata - Melodic death
Ancestros - Death / Thrash Metal
Ancient Existence - Death metal
Ancient Gods - Death Metal
Ancient Misery - Death metal
Ancient Necropsy - Brutal Death Metal
Ancient Prophecy - Power / Death / Gothic Metal
Ancient Rites - Progressive/Viking Black Metal, Death Metal
And They Will Meet God - Melodic Death / Crossover
Anemosity - Death/Black Metal
Anencephalus - Death Metal
Anesthesy - Thrash/death metal
Anetia Insignis - Symphonic Thrash/Death Metal with Indus, Electro & Tribal Influences
Angel Death - Death metal
Angel Grinder - Death/Black Metal
Angel Negro - Death Metal
Angel's Decay (Svk) - Old School Death Metal
Angelcorpse - Death Metal
AngelDeath - Thrash/Death
Angelic Damnation - Death
AngelRuin - Brutal Death Metal
Angels of Armageddon - black/death/heavy metal
Angels of Fall - Melodic Death
Angelus (Hu) - Dark/Death/Doom with modern & extreme metal elements
Angelus Infernus - Death Metal
Angis - Doom/Death Metal (early), Pagan Black Metal (now)
Angizia - Doom / Death / Classical
Angor - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal
Angrist (Grc) - Death Metal
Anguish (Fin) - Death Metal
Anguish (Mys) - Brutal Death Metal
Anguish in Exile - industrial death metal
Anguish Sublime - Melodic Death Metal
Anhedonia (US) - Death Metal / Experimental
Anima Damnata - Black / Death Metal
Animal Foreskin - Death/Grind
Animals Killing People - Brutal Death Metal/Grind
Animas - Melodic Death Metal
Animated Dead - Death/Grind
Animestesia - Melodic Death Metal
Animosity - Death metal/metalcore
Ankle Deep in Blood - Death Metal
Anksunamon - Brutal Death Metal
Anlace - Progressive Death Metal
Annihilation (Swe) - Death/thrash Metal
Annihilus - Melodic Death / Black Metal
Anomaly (Ltu) - Brutal Death Metal
Anopheles (Bra) - Death Metal
Anorexia (Fra) - Death Metal
Anorrectal Protuberance - GoreGrind/Brutal Death Metal
Another Day - Progressive Death Metal
Anoxia (Dnk) - Death Metal
Anoxia (US) - Death Metal / Grind
Anphisbenah - Black / Death Metal
Anschluss - Death/Thrash Metal
Ansia de Vomito - Death/Grind
Ansur (Fin) - Cyber-Black / Death Metal
Antagaroth - Melodic Death Metal
Antagon - Thrash/Death Metal
Antagonist (Ger) - death/thrash
Antagony (Fra) - Death metal with black/thrash elements
Antagony (US) - Death Metal/Hardcore
Antaios - Black / Death Metal
Antarctica - death metal
Antares (Svk) - Melodic Death Metal
Antarktis Utopia - Death Metal
Antevirus - Melodic Death/Metalcore
Anthagonist - Death Metal
Anthem (Col) - Black / Death Metal
Anthrofuge - Brutal Death Metal
Anthropophagical Warfare - death metal
Anthropophagus - Death Metal
Antichrist (UK) - Death
Antidemon - death/grind
Antigama - Death Metal / Grind
Antihuman - Death/Black Metal
Antipathy - violent death metal
Antique - Operatic Doom/Death/Dark Ambient
Anton - death metal
Antrochaotic - Death Metal
Antropofagus - Brutal Death Metal
Antropomorfia - Death Metal
Antropomorphia - Death Metal
Anubiz - Gothic/ Death Metal
Anvil of Doom - Melodic Death Metal
Anwyl - Black / Death Metal
Anxiety (Che) - Death Metal
Anxious Death - Raw Black/ Death Metal
Apathemy - Metalcore/Melodic Death Metal
Apathy (Irl) - Death Metal
Apathy (US) - Stoner Death Metal
Apeiron - Melodic Death Metal
Aphaeresis - Death Metal
Aphasia (Can) - Death / Black Metal
Aphelion (Ger) - Death Metal
Aphelon - Black/Death Metal
Aphob - Death Metal
Aphotic - Death/Doom Metal
Aphses - Death Metal/Grind
Apnea - Death Metal
Apocalyptic Christ - Thrash/Grind/Death Metal
Apocalyptic Fear - Death Metal
Apocryphal (Blr) - Death/Doom Metal
Apocryphal (Fra) - Atmospheric Death Metal
Apocryphal Death - Technical Death Metal
Apokalyptic Raids - Black/death/thrash Metal
Apokatastasis - Death/Black Metal
Apokrifos - Death/Grind
Apollyon - Black / Death Metal
Apologist - Blackened Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Apolyom - Thrash / Death Metal
Apophis - Death Metal
Apoplexy (Fra) - Death Metal
Apoplexy (Svk) - Death Metal
Apostasy (Ger) - Death metal
Apostasy (US) - Death/Black Metal
Apostate (Fin) - Melodic Heavy/Death Metal
Apostate (Pol) - Gothic Death/Doom
Apostle (Swe) - Brutal Death Metal
Apotheosis (Ger) - doom/death metal
Appalling Spawn - Melodic Death/Grind
Apparition - Death / Thrash Metal
Aprosopy - Death Metal
Arachnid - Death Metal
Arachnovore - Black/Death Metal
Arachos - Black/Death Metal
Arachula - Black/Death Metal
Aracranios - Black/Death Metal
Arakacian - Death/Black Metal
Arallu - Black/Death Metal
Aratron - Death Metal
Arawn - Death/Black/Thrash Metal
Arbor Ira - Doom/Death Metal
Arbour - Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Arcane Sun - Doom / Death Metal
Arcanjos - Death/Thrash
Arch Enemy - Melodic Death/Gothenburg
Archaea - Death Metal
Archaeon - Progessive/melodic death metal
Archaic Guilt - Progressive Death Metal
Archaic Icon - Death Metal
Archaic Mass - Death/Thrash
Archaic Torse - death metal
Archanger - Death Metal
Archenar - Melodic Death Metal
Archenemy - Thrash/Death
Archevil - Death/Grind/Black Metal
Archgoat - Death/Black Metal
Architecture of Aggression - Death Metal
Archon - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Archotype - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Are You God? - Brutal Death/grind
ArenariS - Black Metal (early)/Gothic/Dark/Death Metal (now)
Argentum - Black Doom Death Metal
Arghoslent - Death Metal
Argile - Gothic Death
Argonath (Arg) - Progressive Death Metal
Arguel - Melodic Heavy/Death Metal
Aria (US) - technical melodic death/metalcore
Arimonium Rex - Symphonic Death/Black Metal
Arise (Swe) - Death/Thrash Metal
Ark of Sin - melodic death metal
Arkangel (Bel) - Death, metalcore
Arkavus - Death Metal
Arkenemy - Death Metal
Arkhan - Death/ Black Metal
Arkhaytulmayt - Black/Melodic Death Metal
Arkhe - Technical Death Metal
Arkhon - Black/Death Metal
Arkhon Infaustus - Black/Death Metal
Arkillery - Viking, Speed/Thrash, Death
Armageddon (Pol) - Brutal Death Metal
Armagedom - Deathcore
Armagedon (Pol) - Death Metal
Armilos - Brutal Death Metal
Arminius - Death, Black (early days)
Armoured Angel - Death Metal
Army of Corpses - Death Metal
Army of Lignoza - Doom/Death Metal
Ars Moriendi (Ltu) - Atmospheric Death/Doom Metal
Ars Onirica - Melodic Doom/Death
Arsenic (Che) - Death / Thrash Metal
Arsis - Melodic Death with Black/Thrash/Progressive influences
Arson (Hun) - Death/Thrash Metal
Art of Darkness - Death Metal
Art of Destruction - Death Metal/Deathcore
Art of Premonition - Death Metal
Arte Agresivo - Melodic Death/Thrash
Artemesia - Melodic Death Metal
Artemisia - Doom Death Metal
Artery Eruption - Brutal Death Metal
Arti di una Societ?Fallita - Death Metal
Artillery Hell - Death/Thrash Metal
ArtWar - death/thrash
As a River - Grind/Death Metal
As Divine Grace - Death Metal [Early], Doom Metal/Rock [Newer]
As Hope Dies - Blackened Melodic Death Metal
As It Burns - Melodic Death/Black Metal
As Light Dies - Death/Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
As Long as People Die - Death Metal
As Sahar - Black / Death Metal
As Sanity Fades - Atmospheric Death Metal
As Serenity Fades - Death/Doom metal
As the Sea Parts - Doom / Death Metal
As the Sky Bleeds - Black/Death Metal
As We Destroy - Thrash/Death Metal
Asafated - Death Metal
Asbeel - Death Metal
Ascaris - Death Metal
Ascendancy (Rus) - Melodic Death Metal
Ascendancy (US) - Death Metal
Ascension - Death Metal
Aseidad - Death/Doom Metal
Asesino - Death Metal/Grindcore
AsEyeAm - Death/Black/Thrash Metal
Asgaia - Death metal
Asgard (Can) - Black / Death Metal
Asgard (Fra) - Death Metal
Asgarth - Death/power metal
Asguard - Melodic Death Metal
Ash & Elm - Melodic thrash, with death & progessive elements
Ashes (Swe) - Death/Black
Ashes of Eden - Melodic Death, Metalcore
Ashes of Remembrance - Death Metal
Ashes you Leave - Doom/Death Metal
Ashmolean - Melodic Blackened Death Metal
Askalon - Death Metal
Asmodaeo - Doom/Death
Asphyx - Death/doom
Asphyxia (Aut) - Black Metal (early), Melodic Death Metal
Asphyxiate (Idn) - Brutal Death Metal
Asphyxiate (Nzl) - Death/Grind
Asphyxiation (Mex) - Death/Thrash/Black Metal
Asphyxiation (US) - Death Metal
Ass Ache - Grindcore/Death Metal
Assail - Death Metal
Assassin (Kor) - Death/Thrash Metal
Assassination (Tur) - Melodic Death Metal
Assault (Chl) - raw death/thrash
Asschapel - Death Thrash Metal
Assemblent - Melodic Death Metal
Assesor - Death/Thrash Metal
Assignment - Progressive Power Metal (now)/Death/Thrash Metal (early)
Assorted Heap - Death Metal
Assumption of Might - Death Metal
Assuck - Death Grind / Grindcore
Astarot (Svk) - Death Metal
Astaroth (Fin) - Death / thrash metal
Astaroth (US) - Death Metal
Asterlot - Death Metal
Astharoth (Pol) - black/death metal
Astral Carneval - Thrash Death Metal
Astral Gates - Melodic Death Metal
Astral Rising - Melodic / Death / Doom Metal
Astray - Death / Black Metal
Astrayed - Melodic Death Metal
Astrogence - Progressive Death Metal
Asunder - Funeral Doom/Death metal
Asylium - Death/Thrash Metal
Asystole - Death/Grind
At Dawn They Sleep - Melodic Death/Black Metal
At Radogost's Gates - Black/Death Metal
At the Gates - Melodic Death/Gothenburg
At Winter's End - Death Metal
Atakhama - Death Metal
Atanab - Gothic / Death / Black Metal
Ataraxie - Doom/Death Metal
Atavism - Butal Death Grind
Atem - Death/Black Metal
Ater (Fin) - Death / Doom Metal
Athanator - Thrash metal, death metal
Atheist - Progressive jazz death/thrash metal
Athela - progressive death/doom
Atheosophy - Death Metal
Atheretic - Brutal Technical Death Metal
Atlas Dying - Melodic Death Metal
Atomic Aggressor - Death Metal
Atomicide - Death/Thrash Metal
Atomvinter - death metal
Atra Mustum - symphonic black/death metal
Atrepsia - Death Metal
Atrocious Devoured - Death/ Grind
Atrocity (Ger) - Death metal, ethno/gothic/industrial
Atrocity (US) - Death Metal / Grind
Atrophia Red Sun - Progressive/Melodic Death Metal with Industrial overtones
Atrophy (Can) - Death Metal
Atrophy (Fra) - Jazz/Brutal Death Metal
Atropina - Thrash / Death Metal
Atropos (Pol) - Death Metal
Att Livitunn - Death Metal
Auberon - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Audio Kollaps - Grind/Death Metal
Augury (Can) - Progressive Death Metal
Augury (Jor) - Melodic Black/Technical Death Metal
Augusta Gein - Death/Grind
Aura - Melodic Death/Thrash
Aurora (Dnk) - Melodic Death Metal
Aurora Borealis - Black / Death
Auschwitz (PR) - Grindcore
Auschwitz (Svn) - Death Metal
Autere - Melodic Death Metal
Authorize - Death Metal
Automation - Death metal
Autophagia - Goregrind
Autopsia - Death Metal
Autopsy - Death Metal
Autopsy Commission - Melodic death/thrash
Autopsy Gothic - Black/Death Metal
Autopsy Torment - Death / Grindcore, Thrash
Autumn (Tur) - Doom/Death Metal
Autumn Dweller - Death, thrash, gothic
Autumn Flowers - Melodic Death/Doom Metal
Autumn Leaves - Death Metal (Melodic)
Autumn Nostrum - Death Metal
Autumn Verses - Melodic Blackened Death Metal
Autumnal Reaper - Black/Death Metal
Autumnal Winds - Black/Death Metal
Autumnblaze - Melodic Doom Death Metal
Autumnia - Death/Funeral Doom Metal
Avafrost - Death/Black Metal
Avanguard - Death Metal
Avatar (Rom) - Death Metal
Avatar (Swe) - Melodic Death Metal
Avathar (Ecu) - Thrash/Death Metal
Avator - thrash/death metal
Avelord - Death Metal
Avenger (Cze) - Black/Death Metal
Avenging Angels - Death Metal
Averna - Progressive Death Metal
Avernal - Death Metal
Averno - Death Metal
Avernus - Doom/Death/Gothic
Avion - Melodic Death Metal
Avskild - Death Metal
Avskum - Death/Thrash Metal (earlier) - Crust (now)
Avulsed - Death
Avulsion - Death Metal
Avulsion - Death / Grindcore
Await Rottenness - Brutal Death/Black Metal
Awakend Rage - Melodic Death/Metalcore
Away Turns Face - Progressive, Death
Awful - Brutal Death/Grind
Awkward - Death Metal
Awoken - Black/Death metal
Axamenta - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Axe of Vengeance - Death Metal
Axegrinder - Grind-Crust/Death Metal
Axen Province - Death / Thrash Metal
Axenic - Black/Death Metal
Axis of Advance - black/death metal
Axis Powers - Old School Death Metal
Axon - Death Metal
Aydra - Death Metal
Azael (Chl) - Death/Black Metal
Azagthoth - Death Metal
Azarath - Brutal Death Metal
Azathoth (Ita) - Death Metal
Azeazeron - Death/Black
Azmaveth - Black/Death Metal
Azra-el - progressive black/death
Azrael (Che) - death metal
Azterion - Black/Death Metal
Azure (Fin) - Death / Heavy Metal
Azure (Swe) - Black / Death Metal
Azziard - Black/Death metal
B-Low - Death/Doom Metal
B.A.R.F. - Punky Grindy metal
Baal (Ger) - Metalcore/Death Metal
Baal (Mex) - Melodic Death Metal
Baal Berit - Black/ Death Metal
Baalphegor - death metal
Babygrinder - Grindcore
Babylon Sad - Avant-garde death/doom metal
Babylon Whores - Heavy metal, ``Death Rock``
Backbone - Melodic Death Metal
Backyard Burial - Death/Grind
Backyard Mortuary - Death Metal
Bad Comedy - Death Metal
Bad to the Bone - Death Metal
Bagless - Death/Thrash
Bajo Zero - Power/Death Metal
Baked Bomb - Brutal Death Metal
Balfor - Progressive Death/Black Metal
Balvaz - Death Metal
Bane (US) - Dark Brutal Death Metal
Bane of Existence - Brutal Death Metal
Banished (US) - Death Metal
Banished Reality - Thrash/Death Metal
Baphomet (Ger) - Death / Thrash
Baphomet (US) - Death Metal
Baphomet's Throne - Death/Black Metal
Baphometh (Ven) - Thrashy death/black metal
Baraque's Lord - Death/Thrash Metal
Baratro - death metal
Barbarity - Death Metal
Barbarossa - Brutal death metal
Barehanded - Death/Thrash Metal
Baroness - Sludge, thrash, melodic death
Barracuda (Blr) - Death Metal
Barracuda (Cze) - Death/Thrash
Basilisk (Jpn) - Black/Death Metal
Basket of Death - Goregrind
Bassaium - Death Metal
Bastard (Ger) - Death Metal
Bastard (Pol) - Thrash/Death Metal
Bastard Saints - Brutal Death Metal
Bastard Spawn - Black/Death Metal
Bastardsword - Death Metal
Basura - Death Metal
Bataklan - Death Metal
Batcastle - Black/Death/Groove/Grind
Bathym - Black/Death Metal
Battalion (Bel) - Old School Death Metal
Battlelust - Death / Black Metal
Battlesword - Melodic Death Metal
Bayemon - Black / Death Metal
Bayt Gadol - Melodic Death Metal with Middle Eastern melodies
Beansidhe - Death/Thrash Metal
Bearded Assholes - Death
Bearded Fetus - Brutal Death Metal
Beast Petrify - Death / Thrash Metal
Beautician - Death/Grind
Beauty and Chaos - Melodic Death/Power Metal
Becoming the Archetype - Melodic Death Metal
Bedatra Dezum - Death Metal
Bedevilment - Death Metal
Bedlam (Bra) - Black/Death Metal
Bedlam (Grc) - Death / Grind
Beer Vomit - Noisy Grind Death Metal
Beerdigungs Lauten - Death Metal/Grindcore
Befallen - Death / Black / Thrash Metal
Befamal - Death/Thrash
Before God - Death/Thrash Metal
Before the Rain - Death/Doom
Before the War - Death Metal
Beguile - Melodic Death / Black metal
Beheaded (Mlt) - Brutal Death Metal
Beheaded (Sgp) - Death / black metal
Beheaded Zombie - Brutal Death Metal
Behelmod - Black/Death Metal
Behemoth (Bra) - Black/Death Metal
Behemoth (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Behind the Scenery - Melodic Death Metal
Behind the Sun - Death/Hardcore
Belfegore - Death Metal
Belial (Chl) - Death Metal/Grindcore
Belial (Sgp) - Black Death Metal
Belief - Death Metal
Beligernt - Thrash / Death
Bellator - Doom/Death Metal
Belligerent - Death metal
Belphegor - Death/Black Metal
Belsebub - Death Metal
Beltfed Weapon - Death / Thrash
Beneath Flowers - Progressive Death Metal
Beneath the Ashes - Melodic Death Metal, Hardcore
Benediction - Death Metal
Benefits Forgot - Heavy Metal with melodic Death influences
Beneth - Death/Black Metal
Benevolence - Death/Doom/Prog Metal
Benighted (Fra) - Brutal Death/Black Metal
Benighted (Swe) - Black/Death Metal
Bereaved - Death/Thrash Metal
Bereavement - Doom/Death Metal
Berith (Bra) - Death Metal
Berserk (Aut) - Death metal
Berserk (Swe) - Death Metal
Berserk Inc. - Melodic Death/Gothic
Berserkr - Heavy/Death Metal
Berzeker - Thrash/Death Metal
Besieged - Death Metal
Bestemmia Aeternalis - Black / Death Metal
Bestia (Est) - Epic Black Metal with Brutal Death Metal Influences
Bestial (Bra) - Blackened death/thrash metal
Bestial Blood Bambino - Deathcore
Bestial Carnage - Death Metal
Bestial Deform - Death Metal
Bestial Haze - Death Metal
Bestial Perversion - Brutal Death Metal
Bestial Raids - Death/Black Metal
Bestialit - Death Metal
Bestiar - Death / Black Metal
Bestiary - Metalcore, Death Metal
Bethledeign - Melodic Death, Death Metal
Bethlehem (Ger) - Black metal / Doom metal / Death metal
Bethzaida - Death / Black Metal
Betrayal (Can) - Death metal
Betrayed (Ger) - Death/Black Metal
Betrayed Blood - Death Metal
Betrayed Legion - Death Metal
Betrayer (Idn) - Death/Thrash Metal
Betrayer (Isr) - Death / Thrash Metal
Betrayer (Pol) - death metal
Betrothing Dejection - Death Metal, Black Metal, Grindcore
Between the Buried and Me - technical melodic death/metalcore
Between the Frost - Black / Death Metal
Beyond Belief - Death/Doom Metal
Beyond Death (Can) - Dark Progressive Death Metal
Beyond Fatal - Brutal Death Metal
Beyond Fear - Death Metal
Beyond Mortal Dreams - Death Metal
Beyond Mortality - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Beyond North - Black / Death Metal
Beyond Reality (Dnk) - Melodic Death Metal
Beyond Redemption - Death/Thrash Metal
Beyond Serenity - Brutal Death Metal
Beyond the Embrace - Melodic Death
Beyond the Flesh - Melodic Death / Thrash
Beyond the Sixth Seal - Melodic Death Metal
Beyond Within - Melodic Death Metal
Bidool - Thrash/Grind
Bile - Brutal Death Grind
Bilharze - Industrial Thrash/Death Metal
Bilharzia - Brutal Death Metal
Bilox - Brutal Grinding Death Metal
BioChrist - grind/death metal
Biolich - Brutal Deathgrind
Biologic Enemy - Thrash/Death Metal
Biomenace - Thrash/Death Metal
Birdflesh - Grindcore
Birthdecline - Death/grind
Bitchery - Death Metal
Bitchsplitter - Gore/Death Metal
Bizarre Embalming - Brutal Death Grind
Bizzare of Brutality - Death/Doom Metal
Bizzarre Kings - Death/Thrash Metal
BK 49 - Death / Thrash Metal
Black Art - Black/Death Metal
Black Autumn (US) - Death Metal
Black Bleeding - Brutal Death/Grind
Black Circle (US) - Melodic Death Metal
Black Cross (Bra) - Death/Doom Metal
Black Death (Nor) - Death metal
Black Dethe - Thrash/Death Metal
Black Eternity - Deathwave Metal
Black Forest - Doom/Death Metal
Black Mass - brutal death metal
Black Mouton - Thrash/Death Metal
Black Obsession - Death Metal
Black Prophecy - Thrash/Death Metal
Black Queen - Death Metal
Black River Project - Death/Thrash/Groove Metal
Black Scrap Metal - Death/Black Metal
Black Spiral - Thrash/Death Metal
Black Sunrise (Prt) - Death Metal/Core
Black Tear - black metal, death metal
Black Tears (Bel) - Death/Black/Progressive Metal
Black Worshippers - Brutal Death Metal
Blackbody Locus - Melodic Death Metal/Metalcore
Blackened (Fra) - Melodic Death Metal
Blackgoat - Thrash/Doom/Death Metal
Blackhearted Aggels - Melodic Death Metal
Blackmarket Bodyparts - Death/Thrash
Blackstone - Death / Black Metal
Bladhe - Symphonic Death Metal
Blakk Market - Thrash/Death Metal
Blasfemia (Hnd) - Death Metal
Blasphemer (Bra) - Death/thrash metal
Blasphemer (Ita) - Brutal Death Metal
Blasphemia - Death Metal
Blasphemophagher - Death Metal
Blasphemous Evil - black/death metal
Blasphemous Nudity - Raw Black/Grind Metal
Blasphemy (Ven) - Death/thrash
Blasphemy Rites - Brutal Death/Black/Grind
Blasphereion - Death Metal
Blaster (Bra) - Death Metal
Blaster (Mex) - Death Metal
Blaster Pain - Brutal Death Metal
Blasterror - Death/Thrash
BlastFame - Death Metal, Technical Metal
Blastmasters - Death Metal/Grind
Blazing Corpse - Death Metal, Doom Metal
Blazing Skies - Melodic Death Metal
Bleak Destiny - Progressive Melodic Death Metal
Bleak Shadows - gothic/doom, hard rock, death
Bled - Death Metal
Bled Awake - Chaotic / Technical Death Metal
Bleed - Death Metal
Bleed in Vain - Melodic Death Metal
Bleeding (Blr) - Brutal Death metal
Bleeding (Bra) - death metal
Bleeding (Ger) - Death Metal
Bleeding Aura - Brutal Death Metal/Grind
Bleeding Black - Death Metal
Bleeding Display - Death Metal
Bleeding Sky - Melodic/Technical Instrumental Death Metal
Blessed (Bra) - Death Metal
Blessed (Swe) - Technical Death Metal (with industrial influences)
Blessed Sickness - Death Metal
Blessed Slaughter - Death Metal
Blind Demon - Melodic Death Metal
Blind Hate - Brutal Death Metal
Blind Man Kills - Death/Thrash Metal
Blind Slime - Death Metal
Blinded by Fear - Melodic Death Metal
Blinded Colony - Melodic Death
Blinder - Thrash/Death Metal
Blindspot A.D. - Atmospheric Grind / Death
Bliss of Flesh - Black/Death metal
Blo.Torch - Melodic Death/Thrash
Bloated - Death/Thrash Metal
Blob - Death/Extreme Metal
Blockheads - Death/grind
Bloedklontering - Grindcore
Blood - death/grind
Blood Angel - Death Black Metal
Blood Coven - Black / Death
Blood Duster - Death Metal/Grind
Blood For The Breed - Death Metal
Blood Freak - Death/Grind
Blood from the Soul - Death/Grind
Blood Obsession - Death Metal
Blood of Christ - Black/Death Metal
Blood Rainbow - Death Metal
Blood Reaping - Brutal Death Metal
Blood Red Throne - Death Metal
Blood Ritual - Death
Blood Stained Host - Dark / Melodic / Doom / Death Metal
Blood Vomit - Brutal Death Metal/Gore Metal
Blood Warrior - Thrash/Death Metal
Blood-Stained - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Bloodbath (Ser) - Brutal Death/Thrash Metal
Bloodbath (Swe) - Death Metal
Bloodboil - Brutal Death Metal
Bloodbourne - Death Metal/Grind
Bloodchurn - Brutal Death Metal
Bloodcum (Hol) - Brutal Death Metal
Bloodfart - Death Metal
Bloodfeast (Aut) - Death metal
Bloodfeast (Pol) - death/black metal
Bloodgasm - Death metal
Bloodhag - Grindcore/Thrash
Bloodlust (Bdg) - Melodic Death Metal
Bloodlust (Fra) - Thrash / Death Metal
Bloodlust (Pol) - Death metal
Bloodphemy - Death Metal
Bloodshed (Bra) - Death/Thrash Metal
Bloodshed (Fra) - Brutal Death Metal
Bloodshed (Ger) - Death Metal
Bloodshed (Ger) - Death Metal
Bloodshed (Swe) - Black/Death Metal
Bloodshot Eyes - Death / Grind
Bloodshoteye - Metalcore/Grindcore
Bloodsick - Death Metal
Bloodstained Coffin - Death Metal
Bloodstone (Swe) - Death Metal
BloodStream - Death/Thrash Metal
Bloodtaste - Death/Grind
Bloodthorn - Black/Death Metal
Bloodthrone - Black/Death Metal
Bloodwake - Death Metal
Bloodwork - Death Metal
Bloodwritten (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Bloodwritten (US) - Brutal Death Metal
Bloody Anal Yeast Infection - Death/grind
Bloody Clerks - death/black/doom metal
Bloody Diarrhoea - Death/Grind
Bloody Gore - Brutal Death Metal
Bloody Maria - Death Metal
Bloody Pickaxe - Death / Thrash Metal
Bloody Psycho - Grindcore, Death
Bloody Ritual - Death/Thrash Metal
Bloody Sign - Death/Black Metal
Bloody Terror - Brutal Death Metal
Blosius - Brutal Death Metal
Blossom of Hatred - Death Metal
Blot Mine - Black / Death Metal
Blu Infinito - Melodic Death Metal
Bludgeon (UK) - Death Metal
Bludgeon (US) - Death Metal
Bludgeoner - Brutal death metal
Bludwulf - Heavy Metal/Death Punk
Blue Holocaust - Goregrind
Blunt Force Trauma - Death Metal
Blutmond - Death Metal
Blutrausch - Industrial Death/Thrash Metal
Bluuurgh... - Death / Thrash
Bodai 39 Crew - Death / Thrash Metal
Bodies Lay Broken - Grindcore
Body Bag - Death Metal
Body Core - Death metal
Body of Christ - Death Metal
Body Part Trophy Case - Thrash metal, death metal
Bodyrot - Death/Thrash Metal
Bog Morok - Death/Doom Metal
Bokrug - Brutal Death/Grind
Bolt Thrower - Death metal
Bomberos - Grindcore/Noise/Death
Bombstrike - Brutal Death Metal
Bombthreat - Death/Thrash Metal
Bone Crushing Annihilation - Death Metal
Bonegrinder - Death Metal
Bonemill - Old School death metal
Bonesaw - Death Metal
Bonesawer - Death/Grindcore
Bonescrew - Doom/death
Borgmester Dahl - Black/Death Metal
Borigor - Brutal Death/Grind
Born Headless - Brutal Death Metal
Born of Fire (Swe) - Thrash/death metal
Born of Sin - Death Metal
Bound and Gagged - Brutal Death Metal
Bound For Tomb - Death/Black Metal
Bound in Human Flesh - Black/Death Metal
Bowel Rupture - Death Metal
Bowel Stew - Gorey Death/Grind
Bowelmouth - Brutal Death/Grind
Bowels Out - Death/Grind
Bowtome - Death metal
Braced For Nails - Death Metal
Brain Dead (Mys) - Death/Thrash Metal
Brain Gauge - Death Metal
Brain Murder - Melodic Death Metal
Brainchoke - Death/Grind
BrainDead (US) - Death/Thrash Metal
Braindeath (Hun) - Death/Thrash Metal
Brainstorm (Bgr) - Death Metal
Brainstorm (US) - Death/Thrash Metal
Brainwash - Thrash/Death Metal with Grindcore touches
Branded Skin - Heavy/Thrash/Death Metal
Braquemard - Brutal Death
Break the Silence - Death Metal
Break Your Fist - Death/Thrash Metal
Breath of Life - Doom/Death Metal
Breed Machine - Melodic Death Metal
Breeding Chamber - Brutal Death Metal
Brick - Death Metal
Brietal - Death Metal
Bright Ophidia - Technical Death Metal
Brilliant Coldness - Black/Death Metal
Broca's Aphasia - Experimental Grind
Brodequin - Brutal Death Metal
Broken Fear - Death Metal
Broken Hope - Death Metal
Broken Soul (Arg) - Melodic Death/Groove Metal
Broken Soul (Rus) - Atmospheric Death/Black Metal
Broken Torso - Brutal Death Metal
Brujeria - Death/grind metal
Brutal (Aus) - Death Metal/Grindcore
Brutal (Bra) - Thrash/Death Metal
Brutal Butchery - Death Metal
Brutal Corpse - Brutal Death Metal
Brutal Desecration - Death Metal
Brutal Dissection - Grindcore
Brutal Distortion - Death thrash
Brutal Exposure - Death/Thrash/Crossover
Brutal Faith (Ita) - Death Metal
Brutal Fear - Death Metal
Brutal Forbid - Melodic Death Metal
Brutal God - Brutal Death Metal
Brutal Insanity - Brutal Deathgrind
Brutal Knees - Death/Groove Metal
Brutal Mastication - Death/Thrash/Metalcore
Brutal Masturbation - Death Metal
Brutal Murder - Brutal Death Metal
Brutal Noise - Brutal Death Metal/Grind
Brutal Truth - Death Metal / Grindcore
Brutal War - Death\Grindcore\Speed-Thrash (Today)
Brutality - Death Metal
Brutality Reigns Supreme - Grindcore
Brutalized - Death Metal
Brute Chant - Death Metal
Brutus (Guy) - Death Metal
Brutus (Hol) - Brutal Death Metal
BSB-H - Thrash/Death Metal
Buio Omega - Black/death metal
Bunder Nekromunda - brutal death/grind
Bung - Death / Grind
Bunkdope - Brutal Death Metal
Bunker (Rom) - Death Metal
Bunuh - Death Metal
Burden of Grief - Melodic Death Metal
Burgul Torkhain - Progressive Death Metal
Burial - Death Metal
Burial - Death metal
Burial (Hol) - Death Metal
Burial (UK) - Death Metal
Burial in Sulphur - Black/Death Metal
Burial of an Era - Death Metal
Burial Shades - Dark Symphonic Death/Doom Metal
BurialMound - brutal black/death
Buried Beneath - Blackened Death Metal
Buried Dreams - Melodic Death Metal
Burned Alive - Death/Speed Metal
Burned to Ashes - Death/Black Metal
Burned Up Bled Dry - Grindcore
Burning Dusk - Melodic Death Metal
Burning Flesh - Death Metal
Burning Human - Death Metal
Burning Inside - technical death metal
Burning Midget - Death Metal
Burning Skies - Deathcore
Burnt by the Sun - Grind-influenced metalcore
Burnt Offering - Death / Thrash
Burst - Melodic Death, Metalcore
Burying Place - Death/Thrash Metal (early); Brutal Death Metal (now)
Burzukh - Death/Black/Doom/ Traditional Heavy Metal
Butcher Shoppe - Death Metal
Butcher'd - Speed/Death Metal
Butchered - Gory Deathgrind
Butchery (Fra) - Thrash/Death Metal
Butchery (Swe) - Brutal Death Metal
Butchery (US) - Death Metal
Buzz Cult - Death/Thrash Metal
Buzzov'en - Death Metal / Sludge
By Any Means Necessary - Thrash/Death Metal
By Brute Force - Blackened Death Metal
By Night - Death/Thrash Metal
Byatis - Brutal Death Metal
Boesedeath - Death/Grind
C.A.I.N. - Death/Black Metal
C.A.R.N.E. - Grindcore
C.L.G. - brutal death metal
C.O.D. - Doom/Death Metal
C.V.I. - Grindcore, Death Metal
Caarcrinolas - Experimental Death Metal
Cabal (Swe) - Death metal
Cabal (US) - Death / Thrash Metal
Cabala - Death Metal
Cabeza de Martillo - Death / Thrash Metal
Caccamon - Death/Black Metal
Cacodaemon - Death metal
Cadaver - Death/Thrash Metal
Cadaver Corpse - Grindcore
Cadaver Inc - Black/Thrash/Death Metal
Cadaver Incubador - Death Metal
Cadaveric - Death Metal
Cadaveric Crematorium - Brutal Death Metal
Cadavericmutilator - Death / grind
Cadaverment - Brutal Death Metal
Cadaverous - Death Metal
Cadaverous Condition - death metal
Cadavrosity - Death Metal
Caducity - Epic Death Metal
Caedere - Death Metal
Caelvm - Melodic Death Metal
Caer Ibormeith - Death Metal/70's influenced Progressive Rock (now)/Symphonic Gothic/Black Metal (earlier)
Caesarean Section - jazzy death/grind
Caledonian - Melodic/atmospheric death metal
Cales - Epic Doom Death Metal
Caliban - Metalcore/deathcore
Callahan - Death Metal with Gothic influences
Callenish Circle - Melodic Death
Calm - Doom/Death/Folk Metal
Calmsite - Melodic Death/Gothenburg
Calvaria (Pol) - Death Metal
Calvary (Ita) - Atmospheric Death Metal
Calvary Death - Death Metal
Calvin Korpse - crust/grind/crossover
Cancer - Death/Thrash
Candle Serenade - Melodic Black Doom Death Metal
Cangrena - Death Grind
Canker - Thrash/Death Metal
Cannabis Sativa - Thrash/Death Metal
Cannibal Corpse - Death/Gore Metal
Canopy - Melodic Death Metal
Canserberia - Death Metal
Cantara - death metal
Cantens Mortem - Melodic Death Metal
Canvasser - Symphonic Death/Doom Metal
Caos (Chl) - Thrash/Death Metal with Folk influences
Capharnaum - Technical Death Metal
Captain Cleanoff - Grindcore
Captain Trips - Death Metal
Captivus Diaboli - death metal
Carbonized (Bra) - Death Metal
Carbonized (Swe) - death metal
Carcariass - Technical Death Metal
Carcase Inc. - Death metal
Carcass - Goregrind/core, Death, Melodic Death
Carcassinova - Death Metal
Carcava - Thrash / Death Metal
Carceri - Death Metal
Carcinogen - Death Metal
Carcinogenic - Death Metal
Carcinosi - Death Metal
Cardiac - Melodic Dark/Death Metal
Cardiac Necropsy - Grinding Death Metal
Cardinal - Brutal Death Metal
Cardinal Sin (Swe) - Death/Black Metal
Caress - Technical Death/Jazz, Fusion Metal
Carmina - Death metal
Carnage (Swe) - Death Metal
Carnage (UK) - Death/Thrash Metal
Carnage (US) - Death Metal
Carnal (Col) - Brutal Death Metal
Carnal (Pol) - Doom/Death
Carnal Decay - Death Metal
Carnal Diafragma - Goregrind
Carnal Dissection - Death Metal
Carnal Feelings - brutal death metal, thrash metal
Carnal Forge - Death, thrash
Carnal Grief - Melodic Death Metal
Carnal Leftovers - Death Metal
Carnal Lust - Brutal Death Metal
Carnal Rapture - Technical Death Metal
Carnal Redemption - Death Metal
Carnal Sickness - Brutal Death Metal/Grind
Carnality (Ita) - Brutal Death Metal
Carnality (US) - Grindcore, Death Metal
Carneous - Death metal
Carniburo - Death/Grind
Carnica - Death Thrash Metal
Carnifex (Ger) - Death Metal
Carnified - Death/Black Metal
Carnivean - Death Metal
Carnivore Diprosopus - Brutal Death/Grind
Carnivorous - Brutal Death Metal
Carnivorous Cadaver - Brutal Technical Death Metal
Carnun Rising - Death/Thrash Metal
Carpathian Full Moon - Death/Black/Doom Metal
Carpatia - melodic black/death/doom
Carpe Mortem - Death/Grind
Carpe Noctem (Pol) - Black/Death Metal
Carpe Noctum - Death/Doom Metal
Carpe Tenebrum - Black Metal, Death Metal
Carried the Weight - Heavy / Death Metal
Carrion Carnage - Brutal Death Metal
Carrion Ghost - Brutal Death Metal
Carrion of Torrent - death metal
Carrioned - Brutal Death Metal
Cartilage - Death Metal
Carve - Death Metal
Carved in Flesh - Death Metal
Casket - Death Metal
Casket Slumber - Death/grind
Casketgarden - melodic death/thrash
Cast From Eden - melo-death/metalcore
Cast the Stone - Death Metal
Castigador - Death Metal
Castigate (Ger) - Death Metal/Grindcore
Castigate (US) - Brutal death metal
Castrum (Ukr) - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Casus Belli (Pol) - Pagan Black / Death Metal
Catacomb (Fra) - Death Metal
Catacomb (Ita) - Death metal
Catafalc - Death Metal
Catafalque (Bel) - Technical Melodic Death Metal
Catalepsy (Est) - Industrial/Death Metal
Catalepsy (UK) - Death Metal
Catalepsy (US) - Death Metal
Cataleptic - Death Metal
Catalexie - Death metal
Catalyst - Melodic Death
Cataract - Thrash / Death Metal
Catarot - Death/Thrash Metal
Catarrhal - Death Metal
Catasexual Urge Motivation - Death/Grind
Catastrophe - Death Metal with speed/thrash elements
Catastrophic - Death Metal
Catchfire - Death Metal, Grindcore
Catharcyst - Death Metal
Catharsis (Pol) - Technical Death/Jazz Metal
Catheter - Death / Grind
Cattle Decapitation - Death Metal/Goregrind
Cauldran - death metal
Cause For Effect - Jazzy grind metal
Cause of Divorce - Death metal, grindcore
Causemos - Neo-Classical Melodic Death
Caustic (Dnk) - doom/death
Caustic (Esp) - Death Metal
Cauterized - Death/Grind
Cauterizer - Death Metal
Cauteror - Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Cavum - Progressive Death/Black Metal
Celebrant - Black/Death Metal
Celestial (Aus) - Melodic Death Metal
Celestial (Ger) - Death/Thrash Metal
Celestial Sorrow - Melodic Death Metal
Cellearius - Melodic Death Metal
Celtic Blood (Fra) - Death Metal
Celtic Frost - Thrash/death, avant-garde
Cementerius - Death / Thrash
Cemetary - Death Metal
Cemetery (Ger) - Death Metal
Cemetery of Scream - gothic doom / death metal
Cemment - Death / Thrash
Cenobite - Heavy/Death Metal
Cenotaph (Est) - Death Metal
Cenotaph (Ita) - Death Metal
Cenotaph (Mex) - Death Metal
Cenotaph (Tur) - Technical Death/Grind
Cenotaph (US) - Death Metal
Censored - Death Metal
Censure - Brutal Death Metal
Centaur (Aus) - Death Metal with Thrash Overtones
Centaurus-A - Technical Death / Thrash Metal
Centinex - Death Metal
Centurian - Death Metal
Centurion (Pol) - Death Metal
Cephalectomy - Death Metal / Grind
Cephalic (Aut) - Technical/Brutal Death Metal
Cephalic (Hol) - Death Metal
Cephalic Carnage - Technical Grind / Death Metal
Cerber - Deathgrind/Death Metal
Cerberus (Chl) - Extreme Death Metal
Cerebral Effusion - Brutal Death Metal
Cerebral Hemorrhage - groovy brutal death metal
Cerebral Necrose - Brutal Death/Grind
Cerebral Turbulency - Death Metal / Grindcore
Cerebrocide - Death Metal
Cerebrum - death metal (early), thrash
Cerecloth - Death Metal
Ceremonial Doom - Black/Death Metal
Ceremonial Embrace - Black / Death Metal
Ceremonial Execution - Death Metal
Ceremonial Oath - Melodic death/Gothenburg
Ceremonium - Doom / Death Metal
Ceremony (Hol) - Death Metal
Ceremony (US) - Death Metal / Thrash
Cessate - Melodic Death Metal
Cesspit - Thrash/Death Metal
Chagas - Death metal
Chain Collector - Melodic Death Metal
Chained & Desperate - Doom / Death Metal
Chains of Flesh - Brutal Death/Grind
Chainsaw Dissection - Goregrind/Death Metal
Chainsaw Guts[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明] - Raw Black Metal/Grind
Chainsaw Homicide - Brutal Death Metal
Chamber of Horrors - Atmospheric death/grind
Chamber of Shred - Brutal Death Metal
Chambers of Insanity - Thrash/Death Metal
Chancro Duro - Death Metal
Changer - Thrash/death Metal
Chant of Aggress - Experimental Death/Black/Thrash
Chaos Aftermath - Melodic Death / Thrash Metal
Chaos Incarcerated - Technical Melodic Death Metal
Chaosbreed - Death Metal
Chaosick - Brutal Death Metal
Chaosphere - Death Metal
Chaosphere (UK) - Melodic Death
Chaosys - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Chaotic Culture - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Charlie Christ - Death Metal
Charnel House - Thrash/death metal
Charon (Jpn) - Death Metal
Chastisement - Melodic Death
Chemical Annihilation - 80's thrash/death
Chemical Breath - death metal
Chemical Disaster - Death Metal
Chemical Warfare - death/thrash with gothic doom influence
Children of Wrath - Thrash/Death Metal
Chirurgia - Progressive/Thrash/Death Metal
Choke (Aus) - Thrash/grind
Choke (Bra) - Groove/Death/Grind
Choke Chain - Death Metal
Chorus of Ruin - Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Christ Denied - Deah Metal / Grind
Christ Inversion - Black/Death Metal
Christ Invertion - Black/Grind
Christbait - Stoner-grooved Death/Grind
Christblood - Black/Death Metal
Christian Epidemic - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Chrobacny Jezisko - Death Metal
Chronic Decay - Death Metal
Chronic Infection (Mex) - Death/Grind
Chronic Infection (Prt) - Death/Grind
Chronicle of Tyrants - Melodic Death
Chronos Phobos - Death/Doom/Black Metal
Chronzon - Death Metal
Chrysalis - Melodic Death Metal
Chrysos Calva - thrash / death metal
Chton - Death
Chunk Bucket - Death Metal
Chunktrade - Brutal death metal/experimental grind
Church - Black/Death/Thrash Metal
Church Bizarre - Death/Black Metal
Cianide - Death/Doom
Ciborium (US) - Death Metal
Cicatrix - Brutal Death Metal
Cidesphere - Technical death metal
Cinerary - Brutal Death Metal
Cinerator - Death Metal
Cipher System - Melodic Death Metal
Circe - Death Metal
Circle of Dead Children - Grindcore
Circle of Fear - Death Metal
Ciribus - Death/grind
Cirrhosis - old-school death metal
Cirrosis - Groove/Death Metal
Cities of Sleep - Black/Death Metal
Civil Carnage - Brutal Death Metal
Clamus - Death metal
Clan of Chaos - Death / Black / Heavy Metal
Clandestine - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Clashing Blade - death metal
Claustrofobia - death/thrash
Clawn - Brutal Death Metal
Clayforge - Death'n roll
Claymore (Bgr) - Death/Black Metal
Clean Flesh - Brutal Death Metal
Clemency - Death Metal
Climate - Death Metal
Cliteater - Brutal Death/Grind
Clitorture - Grind/Sludge/Death/Black Metal
Clonaeon - Death metal
Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ - Grindcore
Coagulated Blood - Melodic Death Metal
Coagulation - Old School Death/Black Metal
Coalition - Death
Coarse - heavy/death metal
Cobi's Death - Industrial Death/Grind
Code of the Zodiac - Melodic Death Metal
Codeon - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Coercion - Brutal Death Metal
Coffee Grinders - Goregrind
Coffin Birth - Blackened Death Metal
Coffin Born - Death Metal
Coffin Grinder - Brutal Death Metal
Coffin Syrup - Death Metal/Grind
Coffin Texts - Death Metal
Coffins - Death / Doom
Coherent Liquid Form - Dark Melodic Death/Black
Cohort - Death metal
Cohort (Ger) - Death Metal
Coitus - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Cold Colours - Atmospheric Death / Gothic Metal
Cold Corrosion - Death Metal with Stoner influences
Cold Existence - Death Metal
Cold Fire - Black/Death Metal
Cold Grows the Season - Death Metal
Cold Passion - Black/Death Metal
Coldblood - Death Metal
Colemesis - death
Collapse 7 - Melodic Death Metal
Collapse NR - modern death metal/metalcore
Colour Trip - Death Metal/Hardcore
Colp - Death / Black Metal
Columbarium - Death metal
Coma - Doom/Death/Sludge
Coma Void - doom/death
Comatose (Phl) - Death Metal
Comecon - Death Metal
Command Presence - Thrash / Death Metal
Commander (Ger) - Death Metal
Commit Suicide - Brutal Deathgrind
Common Grave (Ger) - death metal
Common Grave (Ita) - death/black metal
Complex Vendetta - Death Metal
Compos Mentis - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Compost Pile - Brutal Death Metal
Compulsive Slaughter - Death Metal
Compulsory - Death Metal
Concentus - Death Metal
Concrete Sleep - Death / thrash metal
Condemnation (Pol) - Technical Death Metal
Condemned (UK) - Death Metal
Condemned (US) - Brutal Death Metal
Condenados - Thrash/Death
Conexao Pentagrama - Death Thrash Metal
Confessions of Obscurity - Brutal Death Grind
Confinement - Thrash Death Metal
Conflicting Theories - Death/Grind
Congruity - Death/Black metal
Conqueror - Black / Death
Conqueror Worm - Death / Doom / Sludge
Conscious Rot - Death Metal
Consecration - Progressive Doom/Death Metal
Consolation - Death Metal / Grind
Conspiracy (Bra) - Death Thrash Metal
Conspiracy A.D. - Melodic Death/Thrash Metal
Conspiracy of Silence - Thrash/death metal
Constant Paranoia - Death Metal
Constantinopolis - Oriental-Melodic Death Metal
Construcdead - Melodic Death
Consumed - Brutal Death Metal
Contempt (Dnk) - melodic death metal
Contempt (Ger) - Death/Doom Metal
Contempt (Svk) - Brutal Death Metal
Contorted - Death Metal
Contrabanda - Death metal
Contradict - Death Metal
ContrAgressive - Death Metal/Deathcore
Contrastic - Death Metal / Grind
Contrivisti - Black/death
Controlled Chaos - Technical Death Metal
Convectum - Death Metal
Convent - Death Metal
Convergence - Melodic Death Metal
Convergence from Within - Death Metal
Convulse - Death Metal
Convulsion - Death/Grind
Copremesis - Death metal
Coprofago - Post-thrash (new), Technical death / thrash (old)
Coprophagist - Death/Grind
Coprophagy - Death Metal / Grind
Coprophilia - Death metal
Coram Lethe - Technical death metal
Core (Bra) - Death Metal
Core (Tur) - Death/Grind
Corior - Death Metal
Coronach - Death metal
Coronation - Black/Death Metal
Corporal Punishment - Death Metal
Corporal Sores - Brutal Death Metal
Corporate Riot - Death/Thrash Metal
Corporation 187 - Gothenburg
Corpse (Bgr) - Brutal death/grind
Corpse (Swe) - Death Metal
Corpse (US) - Death Metal
Corpse Carving - Goregrind, Death Metal
Corpse Feast - Death Metal
Corpse Grinder - Death metal
Corpse Molestation - Brutal Death Metal
Corpse Molesting Pervert - Grindcore
Corpse of Christ (US) - Brutal Death Metal
Corpse Vomit (Dnk) - Death Metal
Corpse[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明]ing Art - Brutal Death Metal
Corpsepyre - Death/grind
Corpses Conductor - Death Metal
CorpseVomit (US) - Brutal Death Metal
Corpsicle - Death Metal
Corpus - Death Metal
Corpus Delecti - Death Metal
Corpus Domini - Black/Death Metal
Corpus Mortale - Brutal Death Metal
Corpus Rottus - Death metal
Corpus Vile - Death Metal
Corrosif - Death metal
Corrosive (Ger) - Death Metal
Corrosive (US) - Death/Thrash
Corrosive (US) - Death/Thrash/Speed Metal
Corrupted (Irl) - Death/ Thrash Metal
Corrupted Mutation - Death metal
Corruption - Melodic Doom/Death, Stoner Metal
Corruption of Virtue - Death metal
Corrupture - Death Metal
Cortege (Pol) - death metal
Cote d'Aver - Death Grind
Council of the Fallen - Progressive Melodic Death Metal
Count De Nocte - Black / Death Metal
Course of Anger - Thrash/Death
Cova - Death/thrash metal
Covered in Ashes - Death/Doom
Coward - Death Metal
Crack Up - death metal
Cranial Devourment - Death/grindcore
Cranial Incisored - brutal death metal, grind
Cranial Torment - Death Metal
Craniotomy - Brutal Death Metal
Cranitripsy - Grindcore
Crash Noise - Thrash/Death Metal
Crawcell - early: Death Metal, late: Thrashcore
Crawl - Industrial Death Metal
Crawlspace - Brutal Death Metal
Created to Kill - Death Metal
Creation D. - Death/Black metal
Creation is Crucifixion - Technical Death/Metalcore
Creation of Death - Thrash/Death metal
Creations Tears - Death Metal
Creature (Bel) - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Creature (Ger) - Black/Death Metal
Creeping Vengeance - Death Metal
Creepmime - Technical Death Metal
Cremated Souls - Brutal Death Metal
Cremation (Can) - death metal
Cremation (Che) - Death Metal
Cremation (Ger) - death metal
Cremation (Hol) - Death
Crematorium (Bra) - Thrash/Death Metal
Crematorium (US) - Death Metal/Hardcore (now), Pure Death Metal (earlier)
Crematory (Ger) - Gothic Death Metal (early), Goth/Industrial
Crematory (Swe) - Dark Death Metal
Creofago - Death Metal
Crest of Darkness - Black / Death Metal
Crestfallen - thrash/death/doom metal
Cretin - Death/Grindcore
Cretoria - Death Metal
Crikey - Death Metal
Criminal - Death/Thrash Metal, Post-Thrash Metal
Crimson Death - Melodic Death Metal
Crimson Fall - Melodic Death Metal
Crimson Massacre - Death/Black Metal
Crimson Midwinter - Black / Death Metal
Crimson Relic - Dark Doomy Death Metal
Crimson Thorn - Death Metal
Crionics - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Crisis - Death/Thrash (early), Hardcore/Metalcore
Crisis (Tur) - Death Metal
Criterion - Death Metal
Critical Death - Thrash/Death Metal
Cromb - Death Metal
Cromlech (Col) - Death Metal
Cromlech (Swe) - Death Metal
Cromlech (US) - Thrash/Death Metal
Cromm Cruac - Melodic/Technical Death Metal
Cromwell - Thrash / Death Metal
Cronic Disorder - thrash- and death metal.
Cropment - death metal
Cross Fade - Death Metal
Cross Rising Fog - Death Metal
Crotchduster - Avant-Garde/Death/Power Metal, Parody
Crowd - Death Metal
Crown of Pain - Doom/Death
Crownthorn - Technical Melodic Death/Black
Crucible - Death/Thrash
Crucifeast - Death Metal
Crucifer - Death Metal / Thrash
Crucification - Death/Black Metal
Crucified Corpse - Brutal death metal
Crucifier (US) - Black Doom Death Metal
Crucifire - Death metal
Crucifix - Brutal Death Metal
Crucifixio - Death Metal
Crucifixion (Ger) - Death Metal
Crucifixion (US) - Death Metal
Crucifixion Wounds - Black/Death Metal
Cruciform - Death Metal
Cruci[内容被过滤,请注意论坛文明]tor - Black Death Metal
Crucifyter - Death Metal
Cruel Criminal - Black/Death
Cruelty - Death Metal
Cruelty (Blr) - Death/Thrash Metal
Cruelty (Bra) - Thrash/Death Metal
Cruention - Dark/Thrash/Death/Black/Hardcore
Crumbsuckers - Thrash / Death, Crossover
Cruor Deum - Melodic Death / Black Metal
Crusade (Aut) - Technical Death Metal
Crush Efekt - Death metal
Crusher (Cze) - Death Metal / Grind
Crusher (Fra) - Death Metal
Crust - death metal
Crustacean - Death Metal / Thrash
Crutchrot - Death Metal/Grind
Cryhavoc - Heavy Metal/Death Metal
Cryogen - Death metal
Cryogenic (Aus) - Death Metal / Thrash
Cryonside - Melodic Death Metal
Crypt (Aus) - Brutal death metal
Crypt of Kerberos - Death Metal
Cryptic (Ger) - Brutal Death Metal
Cryptic (US) - Black death metal
Cryptic Carnage - Blackened Melodic Death
Cryptic Cremation - Brutal Death Metal
Cryptic Malediction - Death Metal
Cryptic Reborn - Thrash/Death Metal
Cryptic Revelation - Death Metal
Cryptic Stench - Brutal Death Metal
Cryptic Tales - Doom / Death Metal
Cryptic Voice - Death Metal
Cryptic Vomit - Death Metal
Cryptical Realm - doom metal, death metal (early)
Cryptopsy - Technical death/grind
Cryptorium - death/black metal
Crystal Abyss - Melodic Death/Black Metal
Crystal Age - Death Metal
Crystal Crow - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Crystal Tear - Death Metal
Crystalic - Progressive Death/Heavy Metal
Culpable Homicide - Death Metal
Cult of Shadows - Extreme Gothic/Death Metal
Cumblaster - Goregrind
Cumchrist - Brutal Death Metal
Cumdeo - doomy death metal
Cumgun - Brutal Death Metal / Gore Grind
Cunt Grinder - Brutal Death Metal
Cunt Worship - Black/Death Metal
Curriculum Mortis (Swe) - Melodic death Metal
Curse (Bra) - Death Metal
Curse (Fin) - black/death metal
Curse of Enki - Death / Black Metal
Cursed (Fra) - black/death
Cursed (Ger) - death/doom metal
Cursed (US) - Death/Black Metal
Cursed Celebration - Death Metal
Cursed For Eternity - Death / Black Metal
Cyanide Breed - Progressive Death Metal
Cyanosis - Death Metal
Cyanotic - heavy metal, melodic death
Cybergrind - Death Metal
Cyborg - death/thrash metal
Cydne Raven - Melodic Death/Metalcore
Cyhyreath - Black/Death Metal
Cyklon - Thrash/Death Metal
Cynerys - Brutal Black/Death Metal
Cyness - Grind/Death
Cynic (US) - Technical progressive Death/Jazz
Cypher - Melodic death/thrash metal
Cyphoria - Melodic Death Metal
Cysted - Death Metal
Cystic Dysentery - Brutal Death Metal
Cystifelleus Introspection - Black/Death Metal
Cystorhea - Death Metal/Goregrind
Cythraul (Hol) - Death Metal
D'Evil Leech Project - Death Metal
D-Nine - Death Metal
D.A.R. - Death Metal
D.N.R. - Black/Grind
D.O.T.A.C. - Death Metal
D.S.K. - Brutal Death Metal
D.V.C. - Death Metal
Daargesin - death metal
Daath - Technical Death Metal
Daedeloth - death/doom
Daemon (Dnk) - Death Metal
Daemon (Nzl) - Death/Black Metal
Daemongrinder - Death Metal
Daemonicide - Death Metal
Daemonicus - Death/Grind
Daemusinem - Black / Melodic Death Metal
Dagon (Fra) - Death Metal
Dahmer (Can) - Grind, Death Metal
Dahmer (Ltu) - Thrash/Industrial/Grind
Daimonion - Melodic Black/Death Metal
Damage OverDose - Death Metal
Damaged - Death/grind
Damien (Bra) - death/thrash metal
Damien (Mys) - Death Metal
Dammercide - Technical Death Metal
Damn Nation - Death Metal/Grind
Damnable (Hol) - Death Metal
Damnable (Pol) - Brutal Death/Grind
Damnation (Can) - Speed/Thrash/Death Metal
Damnation (Idn) - death metal
Damnation (Pol) - Death Metal
Damnation (US) - Death Metal
Damnatory (Che) - Death Metal
Damned Division - Death/Thrash
Damokis - Brutal Death Metal/Grind
Damonacy - Death Metal
Dan Swano - Death, Retro ('70s) Progressive
Danger Drive - Death metal
Daphne - Death Metal
Dark - Death/Thrash Metal (earlier) - Dark/Gothic Metal (later)
Dark Abyss - Melodic Death Metal
Dark Age (Chl) - Death/Thrash
Dark Age (Fra) - Death Metal
Dark Age (Ger) - Melodic Death Metal
Dark Agression - Death/Black Metal
Dark Altar - Blackened Death
Dark Ambition - Melodic Black/Death
Dark Assault - Thrash/Death Metal
Dark Cl



三.Doom Metal~ 毁灭金属(厄运金属)

Total: 1672 bands

Subtenebras - Doom/Death with Black Metal influences
... Of Dream and Drama - Death/Doom Metal
...and Here I Lie - Death/Doom Metal
13 - Sludge/Doom/grindcore
137 - Sludge/Doom Metal
16 - Sludge/Groovecore
17Days - Doom Metal
18 Speed Tranny - Heavy/Stoner Metal
2 Son Multitud - Doom/Gothic Metal/Atmospheric Rock
3D House of Beef - Slow Sludgy Doom Metal
5ive's Continuum Research Project - Heavy Doom Metal
69 - Gothic/Doom metal
7th Moon - Gothic Doom Metal
7Zuma7 - Stoner Metal
A Perpetual Dying Mirror - Doom / Death Metal
Aaen Anima - Avantgarde Progressive/Doom Metal
Aamonhammer - 80's doom/black/thrash
Aardtmann Op Vuurtopberg - drone doom, ambient
Aarni - Experimental Doom Metal
Abdullah - Stoner/Doom Metal
Abigail (Rom) - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal
Abjathar - Doom/Death Metal
Abnormity - Death/Doom Metal
Abramis Brama - Stoner Metal
Absent Look - Doom/Dark Metal
Absolute Misery - Drone Doom/ambient
Abstract Essence - Black/doom/progressive metal
Absurd Existence - Doom Death Metal
Abuse (US) - Death/Sludge
Abysma - Black / Drone Doom
Abysmal - Black Doom Metal
Abysmal Darkening - Doom Metal
Abysmal Grief - Gothic/Doom Metal
Abyss (Che) - Doom/Heavy Metal
Acid Bath - Sludge/Doom
Acid King - Doom/stoner metal
Acrimony - Doom Metal
Across the Scarlet Moat - Doom metal
Acrosstyck - Doom, Power
Adagio (Bra) - doom, death metal
Adolf Satan - sludge/doom
Aeon (Swe) - Thrash, Stoner/Groove Metal
Afasia - Doom/Death Metal
After Forever - Gothic/atmospheric doom metal
After the Sun - Doom
Agalloch - Atmospheric folk/doom/gothic metal
Age of Storm - Death / Doom
Agents of Oblivion - Sludge, Progressive
Agents of Satan - Doom/Sludge Metal
Aglarond - doom metal
Agnosis - Doom Metal
Agon - Doom/Death Metal
Agoria - Black / Doom Metal
Akael - Gothic Doom Death
Alba Solaris - Doom/Heavy Metal
Alchemy (Bra) - Heavy/Doom Metal
Alexander Scardavian - Doom Metal
Alice in Darkland - Gothic/Death/Doom Metal
Alien Boys - Doom Metal
Aljahilia - Folk Gothic/Doom Metal
Alkonost - folk/pagan/doom/black metal
All Dies - Doom Metal
All Hallow's Evil - Melodic Death/Doom Metal with Power Metal Influence
Alone Stale - Doom Death
Am Tuat - Doom/Thrash Metal
Amalthea (Esp) - atmospheric death/doom
Amaranth (Ser) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Amaranthine Trampler - Funeral Doom Metal
Amentes - Progressive Doom/Death Metal
Amorphis - Progressive/death/doom metal
Amphitryon - Doom/Melodic Death Metal
Anabantha - Doom/Gothic Metal
Anaemia (Swe) - Doom / Death Metal
Anathema - Doom/Death Metal, Atmospheric Rock
Angel of Damnation - Epic Traditional Doom
Angel Rot - Stoner, doom
Angelblood - Doom/Gothic Metal
Angels in Exile - Dark Doom/Gothic Metal
Angelus (Hu) - Dark/Death/Doom with modern & extreme metal elements
Anger On Anger - Sludge/Groove Metal
Angis - Doom/Death Metal (early), Pagan Black Metal (now)
Angizia - Doom / Death / Classical
Angor - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal
Anhedonia (Mlt) - Doom Metal
Another Messiah - Epic Doom Metal
Anthemon - Symphonic/Doom Metal
Anticlimax - Doom Metal/Crust
Antique - Operatic Doom/Death/Dark Ambient
Antubel - Funeral Doom Metal
Apathy (US) - Stoner Death Metal
Aphelion Aphrodites - Melodic Doom/Gothic Metal
Aphotic - Death/Doom Metal
Apocryphal (Blr) - Death/Doom Metal
Apostate (Pol) - Gothic Death/Doom
Apotheosis (Ger) - doom/death metal
Applehead - Grunge/Doom Metal
Arbor Ira - Doom/Death Metal
Arbour - Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Arcane Sun - Doom / Death Metal
Arcanu Anima - Doom Metal
Archaic - Funeral Doom Metal
Archie Bunker - Doom
Archmages - Doom / Gothic Metal
Ardisia - Doom Metal
Argentum - Black Doom Death Metal
Army of Lignoza - Doom/Death Metal
Ars Moriendi (Ltu) - Atmospheric Death/Doom Metal
Ars Onirica - Melodic Doom/Death
Arttemis - Gothic Doom Metal
Artemisia - Doom Death Metal
As Divine Grace - Death Metal [Early], Doom Metal/Rock [Newer]
As Dramatic Homage - Black Doom Metal
As Light Dies - Death/Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
As Serenity Fades - Death/Doom metal
As the Sea Parts - Doom / Death Metal
Asaradel - Black/Doom Metal
Aseidad - Death/Doom Metal
Asgaroth - Black/Doom Metal
Asgaut - Black / Doom
Ashen Mortality - Doom Metal with Folk influences
Ashes you Leave - Doom/Death Metal
Asmodeus (Mex) - Black Doom
Asmodaeo - Doom/Death
Asofy - Black/Doom Metal
Asphyx - Death/doom
Astral Rising - Melodic / Death / Doom Metal
Asunder - Funeral Doom/Death metal
Asva - Doom Metal
Ataraxie - Doom/Death Metal
Ater (Fin) - Death / Doom Metal
Athela - progressive death/doom
Auriga - classic/doom/power
Autumn (Rus) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumn (Tur) - Doom/Death Metal
Autumn Flowers - Melodic Death/Doom Metal
Autumn Rain Melancholy - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumn Twilight - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumnal - Doom Metal
Autumnal Discord - Doom / Atmospheric Metal
Autumnblaze - Melodic Doom Death Metal
Autumnia - Death/Funeral Doom Metal
Avatar (US) - Early Power, Doom
Avernus - Doom/Death/Gothic
Averon - Doom Metal
Avrigus - Orchestral ambient doom metal
Avsky - Progressive Dark/Doom Metal
Azathoth (Svk) - Doom / Black Metal
Azrael's Seeds - Gothic/Doom Metal
B-Low - Death/Doom Metal
Babylon Sad - Avant-garde death/doom metal
Bactherion - Black Doom Metal
Bang-Utot - Groove, Doom
Banshee (Ita) - Doom/Black Metal
Baroness - Sludge, thrash, melodic death
Bastardized - Doom Metal
Bate's Motel - Gloom/doom metal
Bates Motel - Traditional Heavy Metal/Rock/Sludge/Grunge
Beaten Back to Pure - Doom Sludge
Beautiful Darkness - Doom/Gothic Metal with some Power Metal elements
Bedemon - Doom Metal
Before the Coruscating Apollyon - Funeral Doom
Before the Rain - Death/Doom
Bellator - Doom/Death Metal
Bells of Doom - Doom Metal
Benevolence - Death/Doom/Prog Metal
Bereavement - Doom/Death Metal
Bergen Belsen S.S. - NS Black/Doom Metal, Oi
Besargian - Doom/Ambient
Bethlehem (Ger) - Black metal / Doom metal / Death metal
Betray My Secrets - Doom/Folk Metal
Bewitched (Chl) - Black / Doom / Ambient
Beyond Belief - Death/Doom Metal
Beyond Black Void - Drone/Funeral Doom Metal
Beyond Dawn - Early: Doom Metal | Late: Electronic
Beyond the Dark - heavy/doom/power metal
Beyond the End - Epic Traditional/Doom Metal
Beyond the Sanity - Doom/Black Metal
Big Business - Heavy/Sludge
Bigelf - Psychedelic Doom Metal
Bitter Harvest - Symphonic Doom Metal
Bitterdusk - Doom
Bizzare of Brutality - Death/Doom Metal
Black Boned Angel - Black Metal/Doom Rock
Black Book Members - Gothic/Doom Metal
Black Countess - Black, Doom/Gothic metal
Black Cross (Bra) - Death/Doom Metal
Black Debbath - Heavy Traditional Doom
Black Forest - Doom/Death Metal
Black Harvest - Melodic/Doom/Black Metal
Black Hole - Doom Metal
Black Ivory - Heavy/Doom Metal
Black Label Society - Sludge/Southern Metal
Black Lodge (Nor) - doom metal
Black Magick - Doom/stoner metal
Black Manta - Doom Metal
Black Sabbath - Heavy/Traditional, Doom Metal
Black Swords - Doom Metal
Blackgoat - Thrash/Doom/Death Metal
Blade of Spirit - Power/Doom Metal with Progressive Elements
Blake - Stoner Doom Metal
Blazing Corpse - Death Metal, Doom Metal
Blazing Eternity - Atmospheric Doom
Bleak Shadows - gothic/doom, hard rock, death
Blessing the Hogs - Technical Groove/Sludge Metal
Blindead - Progressive Doom Metal
Blindmann - Stoner/Doom Metal
Blood Farmers - Doom
Blood Legacy - Doom Metal
Blood Shot Eye - Doomy Heavy Metal
Blood Stained Host - Dark / Melodic / Doom / Death Metal
Blood Tears - Doom Metal
Bloodstar - Doom/Thrash metal
Bloody Blossom - Gothic/Doom Metal
Bloody Clerks - death/black/doom metal
Blueprint Human Being - Doom metal
Blutch - Sludge
Bog Master - Progressive/Black/Doom Metal, Experimental Metal
Bog Morok - Death/Doom Metal
Bones of Giants - Atmospheric Doom/Sludge
Bonescrew - Doom/death
Bongzilla - Sludge/Doom/Stoner Metal
Boris - Drone, Stoner Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Doom
Boulder - Stoner Doom
Brain Police - Stoner rock/metal
Brainoil - Sludge
Brave (US) - doom/gothic/progressive
Breath of Life - Doom/Death Metal
Bretwaldas of Heathen Doom - doom/stoner metal
Bud Tribe - Doom, 80's Heavy metal
Bulldozer (Aus) - Stoner Metal/Rock
Bunkur - Extreme Doom metal
Burial Shades - Dark Symphonic Death/Doom Metal
Buried at Sea - droning doom metal/sludge
Burning Saviours - Doom Metal
Burning Witch - Extreme doom metal
Burzukh - Death/Black/Doom/ Traditional Heavy Metal
Butterfly Temple - Folk/Doom/Black Metal
Buzzov*en - Death Metal / Sludge
C.O.D. - Doom/Death Metal
Cales - Epic Doom Death Metal
Calibre 38 - Heavy Doom
Callisto - Doom/Sludge Metal
Calm - Doom/Death/Folk Metal
Cambian Dawn - Doom Metal
Camel of Doom - Stoner Doom Metal
Candle Serenade - Melodic Black Doom Death Metal
Candlemass - Epic Heavy/Doom Metal
Cantar - Doom/Black Metal
Canvasser - Symphonic Death/Doom Metal
Carnal (Pol) - Doom/Death
Carnivore - speed/thrash, doom, some hardcore influence
Carpathian Full Moon - Death/Black/Doom Metal
Carpatia - melodic black/death/doom
Carpe Diem Envy - Stoner/Sludge Metal with Progressive Influences
Carpe Noctum - Death/Doom Metal
Castigate (Sgp) - Doom Metal
CASTinSTONE - Doom Metal
Castle - doom metal
Castle of Pain - Doom/Thrash Metal
Catacombs - Funeral Doom Metal
Catafalque (Tur) - Doom/gothic metal
Catashana - Black/Doom Metal
Cathedral - Doom / stoner metal (new), Doom metal (old)
Cauldron (US) - Doom/Thrash Metal
Caustic (Dnk) - doom/death
Cauteror - Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Cavity - Doom/Sludge Metal, Metalcore
Cayne - Gothic Doom Metal
Celestial Crown - Gothic/doom/black metal
Celestial Season - Doom/Stoner Metal
Celestiial - Funeral Doom Metal
Cemetery (US) - Doom Metal
Cemetery of Scream - gothic doom / death metal
Centaurus - Doom Metal
Centennial - doom metal
Centurions Ghost - Traditional doom metal
Ceremonium - Doom / Death Metal
Certainty - Doom Metal
Cervix - Sludge/Drone Doom Metal
Chained & Desperate - Doom / Death Metal
Chalice (Aus) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Chaos Moon - Black Funeral Doom
Chapeau - Avant-garde Black/Doom
Charger (UK) - Sludge/Metalcore
Chemical Warfare - death/thrash with gothic doom influence
Children of a Lesser God - Doom Metal
Choir Macabre - Doom Metal
Chorus of Ruin - Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Christ Art Museum - Dark/ambient doom/sludge metal
Christbait - Stoner-grooved Death/Grind
Chronos Phobos - Death/Doom/Black Metal
Chrystler - Thrash/Doom Metal
Church of Misery (Jpn) - Stoner/Doom Metal
Church of Misery (US) - Doom Metal
Cianide - Death/Doom
Cimmerian Path - Doom/Symphonic
Circle of Elements - power / doom metal
Circle of Nero - Progressive Metal, Doom Metal
Circus of Damnation - Experimental Doom Metal
Cirith Ungol - Heavy/Doom Metal
Clagg - Sludge/Doom Metal
Clair de Lune Morte - Atmospheric gothic doom metal
Clitorture - Grind/Sludge/Death/Black Metal
Coffins - Death / Doom
Cold Corrosion - Death Metal with Stoner influences
Cold Embrace - doom metal
Cold Mourning - Doom Metal
Colder thy Kiss - Gothic Doom Metal
Colossus - Stoner/Heavy Metal
Coma - Doom/Death/Sludge
Coma Void - doom/death
Comatoze Vigil - Funeral Doom
Condemned Cell - Dark/Doom Metal
Confessor - Technical Doom Metal
Conifer - Sludge/Doom Metal
Conqueror Worm - Death / Doom / Sludge
Consecrated - Doom-gothic metal
Consecration - Progressive Doom/Death Metal
Conspiracy (US) - Doom/Stoner Metal
Conspirator - Heavy/doom/thrash
Contempt (Ger) - Death/Doom Metal
Convoy - Doom/Stoner Metal
Corrosion (Swe) - Heavy/Stoner Metal
Corrosion of Conformity - Crossover, Sludge, Progressive Heavy Metal
Corrupted (Jpn) - Sludge doom
Corruption - Melodic Doom/Death, Stoner Metal
Count Raven - Doom metal/Scandinavian metal
Coven - Heavy/Doom Metal
Covered in Ashes - Death/Doom
Crashed - Doomy thrash metal
Credo - Doom/Gothic Metal
Crepuscular Decadence - Gothic Doom Metal
Crestfallen - thrash/death/doom metal
Crimson Dawn Project - Heavy Doom
Crimson Relic - Dark Doomy Death Metal
Cronos (Arg) - progressive power/doom metal
Cronos (Rom) - Thrash/Doom Metal
Crowbar - Sludge Metal
Crown of Pain - Doom/Death
Crucifier (US) - Black Doom Death Metal
Cruevo - Sludge Doom
Cryptal Darkness - Doom/gothic metal
Cryptic Tales - Doom / Death Metal
Cryptical Realm - doom metal, death metal (early)
Cult of Luna - Crushing Sludge/Drone Doom
Cultus Sanguine - Gothic/doom metal
Cumdeo - doomy death metal
Cursed (Ger) - death/doom metal
Cursed Chaplet - Black Doom Metal
Cybele - Gothic/doom/atmospheric Metal
Cycles - Melodic Heavy / Thrash / Doom Metal
Cythadel - Doom metal
Daedeloth - death/doom
Daeonia - Black/Doom Metal
Dantesco - Epic/Doom Metal
Danzig - Heavy Metal - Metallic Doom Rock
Dark Clouds - Doom/Death, Metalcore
Dark Decade - Symphonic Black/Doom Metal
Dark Embrace (Esp) - Gothic/Doom
Dark Future - Death/Doom Metal
Dark Imperium - Melodic Dark/Doom Metal
Dark Impressions - heavy / doom metal
Dark Lunacy - Doom/Melodic Death Metal
Dark Millennium - Doom-Death Metal
Dark Mythology - black/doom with thrash influences
Dark Prophecies - Death/Doom/Black Metal
Dark Quarterer - Doom Metal
Dark Rivers Flow - Melodic Doom Metal
Dark Silence - Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
Dark White - Traditional Doom
Darkcide - Doom/Death Metal
Darken (Fra) - Doom/Death Metal
Darken (Per) - Stoner Metal
Darkflight - black/doom metal
Darklands - Gothic / Doom Metal
Darkstyle - Atmospheric Dark/Doom Metal
Darkwell - Gothic, doom metal
David Benson - Heavy/Doom Metal
Davoria - Doom Black Metal
Dawn of Gehenna - Drone Doom-Metal
Dawn of Winter - doom metal
Dawn Patrol - Doomy Heavy Metal
DawnTred - Melodic Death/Doom Metal
Daybreak - Doom Metal
Daylight Dies - Melodic Death/Doom Metal
De Dageraad Van Het Einde - Black/Doom Metal (earlier) - Black/Thrash Metal (now)
De Profundis - Gothic Doom/Black Metal
Dead Heart Bleeding - Gothic Doom
Dead Men Dream - Doom/Gothic Metal
Dead of Winter (US) - Death/Doom Metal
Dead Poets - Doom Metal
Dead Revolution - Groove/Stoner Metal
Dead Sea - Doom Metal
Dead Wish - Doom Metal
Deadbird - Sludge/Doom
Death Row - Doom Metal
Death Sentence - Melodic Death Metal / Doom Metal
Death SS - Black Doom/Heavy/Speed Metal (early), Industrial Metal (later)
Deathspawned Destroyer - Doom/Death Metal
Deathvalley Driver - Stoner/Sludge Metal
Debase - Groove/Doom Metal
Debris Inc. - Doom Metal/Punk Rock
Decayed Divinity - Doom/Melodic Death Metal
Decem Maleficium - doom / black metal
Decemberance - Death/ Doom Metal
Deceptive - Doom Metal
Decomposed (UK) - Doom/Death Metal
Defacer - Black Doom Metal
Defunctis - Black/Doom/Death
Deinonychus - Symphonic Dark/Doom Metal
Dekrowned - Doom/Gothic Metal
Delirium (Hol) - Doom/Death Metal
Delusive Work of Art - Dark Experimental, Gothic Doom Metal
Demimonde (Cze) - Doom/Death/Goth Metal
Denun - Doom Metal
Deoluzion - Doom Metal
Depths of Oblivion - Doom Metal
Desecrate (Cze) - Death/Doom Metal
Desideratum (Bra) - Doom Metal
Desire - Doom Metal
Desmodus Rothundus - Death/Doom Metal
Desolate (Fra) - Death/Doom Metal
Desolate (Swe) - Doom Metal
Desolate Eternity - Doom metal
Despair's Tiny Things - Doom/Death Metal with Gothic Influences
Despond - Atmospheric Funeral Doom
Deviated Instinct - Death/Doom Metal
Devil to Pay - Sludge/Southern/Heavy Metal
Devils & His Spells - Traditional/Doom Metal
Devlin - darkwave gothic doom
Devout - Death/Doom Metal
Diabolique - Doom/Gothic Metal/Rock
Diadem (Grc) - Atmospheric Doom Metal
Diathra - Doom / Death Metal
Dimness Through Infinity - Doom/Ambient
Diphtheria - Heavy, Power, Progressive, Doom Metal
Dirty Rain - Gothic/Doom Metal (new), Death Metal (old)
Dis - Progressive Death / Doom Metal
Dis Pater - romantic doom/gothic
Discrucior - Death/Doom
Disembowelment - Doom metal with various influences
Disemburied - Death / Doom Metal
Disgusting - Thrash/Death/Doom Metal
Disharmonical Tempest - Doom Death
Disharmony (Grc) - heavy/doom metal
Disjecta Membra - Thrash, Doom, Classic, etc.
Dismal (Ita) - Dark/Doom Metal
Dissolving of Prodigy - doom metal
Dissonance (Ltu) - Doom Metal
Distorted (Isr) - Oriental Doom Metal
Distorted Mind - Doom/Death Metal
Divine Eve - Grindy Doom/Death
Divine Lust - Gothic Doom
Dolor Ante Lucem - Death/Doom Metal
Dolorian - Dark Black/Doom
Dominion (UK) - Groovy Doom Death
Donec Mortalis - Doom/Thrash/Power/Death Metal
Donkelheet - Black/Doom Metal
Doom Extravaganza - Stoner/Doom Metal
Doom Snake Cult - Doom/Death Metal
Doomed (Svk) - Experimental Death/Doom Metal
Doomed and Disgusting - Doom metal
Doomenicus - Doom Metal
Doomflight - Doom Death Metal
Doomraiser - Traditional Doom Metal
Doomshine - Epic Doom Metal
DoomSquirrel - Calm Drone/Doom Metal
Doomstone (US) - Death / heavy / doom metal
Doomsword - Epic Doom Metal
DoomThrone - Funeral/Industrial Doom Metal
Dormanth - Melodic Doom/Death
dot(.) - Doom/Sludge
Douce Morphine - Atmospheric/Doom Metal
Dove - Sludge/Stoner Metal
Down - sludge heavy metal
Down the Well - Thrash/Death/Sludge Metal
Downfall (Fra) - Doom Metal
Dozer - Stoner rock/metal
Draconian (Swe) - Gothic Doom Metal
Dragonauta - Psychedelic Stoner/Doom
Dream Death - Doom/thrash/death
Dream Of Nebiros - Death , Doom
Dreaming - Doom Metal
Drear - Sludge/Doom/Noise/Ambient
Drecksau - Doom, Sludge
Drolsinatas - Black/Doom Metal
Drowned in the Darkness - Gothic/Ambient/Death/Doom with Black influences.
Drunk & Stoned - Stoner/Doom Metal
Drunk Horse - Progressive stoner metal
Durst - Black/Doom Metal
Dusk (US) - Doom Metal
Dusk Ov Shadows - Funeral doom/dark ambient
Dust (Ger) - Stoner Doom Metal
Dwarr - Doom/Heavy Metal
Dydome - Doom Metal
Dying Embers - Death Doom Metal
Dying Embrace (Ind) - Death/Doom
Dying Passion - Atmospheric Doom Metal, Gothic Metal
Dying Rose - doom metal
Dying Tears - Symphonic gothic/doom metal
Dysanchely - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal
Dysperium - Doom/black metal
Dysphoria - Death/Doom Metal
Dystopia (US) - Sludge/Doom Metal
Dystrophy - Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Earth (US) - drone doom
Earthcorpse - Doom Metal
Earthride - Doom Metal
Ecthalion - doom/goth metal
Eczema (Esp) - Death/Doom/Black Metal
Edenhial - Doom/Gothic Metal
Eidyllion (Mex) - doom metal, folk metal
Ejecucion - Doom Metal
Ekklesiast - Death/Doom
El Golem - Power/Doom
Elbereth - gothic / doom metal
Electric Funeral - Stoner Metal
Electric Wizard - Doom/stoner metal
Elegeion - Atmospheric doom/goth/black metal
Elizium - Doom/Gothic Metal
Elusive Travel - Doom/Death Metal
Elysium (Aus) - Mournful Doom Metal
Em Sinfonia - Death / Doom
Embalmed (Bra) - Death/Doom Metal
Embers Left - Doom/Gothic Metal
Embrace by Dark - Melodic Doom / Death Metal
Embracing Winds - Atmospheric Dark Doom Metal
Embraze - Gothic/Doom Metal
Eminent Shadow - Death/Doom Metal
En Las Espesas Nieblas - Doom Metal
Enchantment - Death/doom metal
End (Ger) - Doom/Gothic Metal
End My Sorrow - Doom-y Gothic Metal
Endaymynion - Symphonic Doom/Death Metal
Endelecheia - Black/Death Doom Metal
Endless (Can) - Doom Metal
Endor - Death/Doom
Endorphins - Grunge/Stoner/Thrash metal
Endtime (Bra) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Endymaeria - Black/Gothic/Doom Metal
Enigmatic - Death/Doom Metal
Enoch - Funeral Doom Metal
Enshade - Doom/Black Metal
Entity (Swe) - Doom/Death Metal
Eon - doom/gothic metal
Epilog 6 - Stoner Metal
Ereb Altor - Epic Doom Metal
Eria d'Or - Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Esoteric - Doom Metal
Estatic Fear - symphonic doom metal
Estertor - melodic death/doom metal
Eternal Darkness (Swe) - Old Swedish Death/Doom Metal
Eternal Deformity - Doom / Avant Garde metal
Eternal Desolation - Death/Doom Metal
Eternal Doom - Symphonic Doom/Death Metal
Eternal Elysium - Stoner/Doom Metal
Eternal Mourning - Gothic / Doom / Death
Eternal Passion - death / doom metal
Eternal Sleep - Death - Doom Metal
Eternal Solitude - Death Doom Metal
Eternal Sorrow - Dark Doom Metal
Eternal Tear - Death/Doom
Eternal Unborn - Atmospheric Black/Doom
Eterne - Atmospheric Doom Metal / Dark Ambient
Ethereal Pandemonium - Slavonic Pagan / Black / Doom Metal
Etherial Winds - death/doom metal
Evadne - Doom/gothic metal
Eve of Mourning - Doom Metal
EvenSong - Doom / Atmospheric Metal
Eventide (Ita) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Evilized - Doom Metal
Evisceration (Hol) - Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Evocation (Aut) - Death/Doom Metal
Evoken - Doom/Death Metal
Evoker - Death / Doom Metal
Excelsis (Nor) - doom / death metal
Except a Few - Black/Doom Metal
Exitus - Doom / thrash metal
Expulsion (Swe) - Doom/Death Metal
Extremuncao - Doom/Death Metal
EyeHateGod - Sludge Metal, Doom Metal
Eyehatelucy - Sludge/Doom Metal
Eyes of Fire - Atmospheric Doom/Heavy Metal
Eyes of Ligeia - Doom metal
Faded - Black Metal with Folk and Doom Metal influences
Faded Serena - Doom Metal
Faith - Traditional Doom
Fall From Grace - Stoner/Doom Metal
Fall of Empyrean - Doom Metal
Fall of the Idols - Doom Metal
Fallen (Nor) - Funeral Doom
Fallen Temple - Black/Doom
Faltomy - Doom Metal
Faustcoven - Black/doom
Fearwell - Gothic / Doom metal
Final Doom - Funeral Doom/Noise
Fireball Ministry - Stoner/Doom
Firewall - Stoner metal/rock
Fistula - Sludge Doom Metal
Flag of Doom - Death/Doom Metal
Flatblak - Stoner metal/rock
Fleshpress - Blackened Stoner/Sludge/Doom
Floodgate - Doom/stoner metal
Flower Travellin' Band - Psychedelic Hard Rock/Doom Metal
Flowing Crimson - Gothic/Doom Metal
Foetor - Doom metal
Force (US) - Doom Metal
Forest of Shadows - Doom Metal
Forest of Souls - Black Doom Metal
Forest Stream - Black/Gothic/Doom Metal
Forever Autumn - Doom Metal/Dark Ambient
Forgotten - Epic Doom/Death
Forgotten Forest - Black/Doom Metal
Forgotten Souls - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Forgotten Sunrise - Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal
Forgotten Tomb - Black/Doom Metal
Forgotten Woods - Black/Doom Metal
Forlis - Atmospheric Doom/Ambient
Forlorn (Swe) - epic/doom metal
Forlorn Suffering - Death/Black/Doom Metal
Forsaken (Mlt) - Doom/Traditional
Forty Days Longing - Death/Doom
Frost and Fury - Death/Doom Metal
Frozen Glare - Atmospheric Doom/Black Metal
Frozen Pain - Death Doom Metal
Frozen Tears (Chl) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Fugue - Spaced doom/stoner metal
Funeral (Nor) - Funeral Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
Funeral Chant - Doom/Death Metal
Funeral Fire - Stoner / Doom Metal
Funeral For Rosewater - Sludge/Doom Metal
Funeral of Soul - Death/Doom Metal
Funeral Planet - Doom Metal
Funeralium - Doom Metal
Funerary Dirge - Industrial Funeral Doom, Dark Ambient
Funereal - Death/Doom Metal
Funereal Luxuria - Extreme Doom Metal
Funereum - Doom/melodic death
Fungoid Stream - Atmospheric/Funeral Doom Metal
Galactus 77 - Doom/Stoner
Galadriel - Dark Doom Metal
Gallileous - Doom Metal
Garden of Autumn - Doom Metal
Garden of Silence - Doom/Death Metal
Garden of Worm - Heavy Doom Metal
Gardens of Gehenna - Gothic Doom/Death
Garland - Melodic doom/gothic metal
Gate 9 - Doom/Heavy/Stoner Metal
Gatekeeper - Black/Goth/Doom Metal (earlier)/Death Metal (now)
Gates of Dawn - Doom metal
Gateward - Black/Doom
Gathering Darkness - Death-Doom Metal
Gathering of Destiny - Doom/Gothic Metal
Geboren - Death / Doom Metal
Geezer - Sludge, Industrial
Ghouli - Traditional Doom with raw vocals
Gilla Bruja - Death/Grind/Sludge
Glemte Hage - Doomish metal
Gloomy Tears - Doom Metal
Gnoomtoren - Raw Black Metal with Drone Doom influence
Goat Horn - Heavy/Doom Metal
Goatbomb - Blackened Drone Doom/Folk
Goatheadthorn - Heavy/Stoner Metal
Goatlord (US) - Black/Doom Metal
Goatsblood - Doom, Sludge, Grind, Black
Goatsnake - Stoner Metal
God - Melodic Death/Doom/Atmospheric Metal.
God Crucifier - Doom/Death Metal
God Forsaken - Doom/Death
God's Iron Tooth - Sludge/doom
GodEatGod - Doom/Sludge
Godgrind - Sludge/Drone Doom
Godless (Rom) - Doom / Progressive Metal
Gods of War - Black Doom Metal
Gods Tower - Pagan Folk Doom Metal
Gods' Sin - Gothic/Doom Metal
Godsend (Nor) - Doom Metal
Godsplague - Stoner, Groove
Golem (Can) - Black/Doom Metal
Golgotha (Esp) - Death Doom Metal
Gonga - doom/stoner metal
Gorghon - Death Doom Metal
Gory Host - Doom Metal
Gothic (Rom) - Expressive doom-death metal
Gothmog - Minimalistic Doom Metal, Ambient
Grand Magus - Doom
Grang - Doom Metal
Grave Flowers - Doom metal
Graves At Sea - doom metal
Graveyard Dirt - doom metal
Graveyard Rodeo - Death, Doom, Sludge, Hardcore, Punk
Great American Desert - Hypnotic Doom Metal
Great Sorrow - Doom / Death
Grief - Sludge/Doom Metal
Grievous - Sludge/Traditional Doom/Stoner Metal
Grimegod - Doom Death metal
Grimloc - stoner/groove metal
Grimnismal - Pagan Metal/Melodic Doom Metal
Grippiud - Death/Doom/Heavy Metal
Groms - Doom/Death Metal
Guehenom - Epic Death/Doom Metal
Gulu Locus - Doom / Death Metal
Gutrix - Stoner/heavy metal
H.C. Minds - Doom/Sludge Metal
Halfway to Gone - Sludge/Stoner Metal/Rock
Halo - Drone/Sludge/Doom Metal
Hammer of the Gods - Stoner Rock/Metal
Hammerdown - Death Doom Metal
Hammers of Misfortune - Progressive/Folk/Doom/Heavy/Power Metal
Hateful (Ita) - Doom/Death Metal
Haunted by Angels - Power/Doom Metal
Heaven Grey - Gothic / Doom Metal
Heavy Lord - Stoner/Doom
Hecate (Svk) - Dark Melodic Doom/Black Metal
Hedon Cries - Doom Metal
Helevorn - doom/gothic metal
Hell Dormer - Thrash/Doom Metal
Hellblock 6 - Sludge/Death
Hellhammer - Black speed metal, doom metal, death metal
Hemorrogical Vomit - Death/Doom Metal
Her Enchantment - Heavy/Doom Metal
Heretic (Can) - Epic Power/Doom Metal
Heretic's Fork - doom metal
Herjalf - Viking/Doom/Gothic Metal
Hermit Age - Death / Doom / Gothic Metal
Hexecution - Death Doom Metal
Hexenhammer (Rus) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Hidden (US) - Progressive black/doom/death
Hierophant - Funeral Doom
High in Fungoid Void - Doom Metal
High On Fire - Stoner/Doom metal
High Tone Son of a Bitch - Stoner Metal
Hills of Eternity - Gothic, Doom Metal
Hippie-Dod - Doom Metal
Hlidolf - Drone Doom
Hobb's End - Death metal/Sludge/Progressive
Hodah - Gothic Doom Metal
Hora Suprema - Doom/Gothic Metal
Hordes (Hol) - Black/Doom metal
Horroble - Doom metal
How Like a Winter - gothic doom metal
Hullun Miehen Seivas - Folk/doom metal
Hyatari - Drone/Doom Metal
Hybernoid - Industrial Death Doom
Hydra (Mex) - progressive rock, heavy and doom metal
Hymn to the Ancient - Traditional Doom
Hymns of Hades - Doom Metal
Hypnotic Fear - Doom Metal
Hypnotic Scenery - Doom / Death Metal
Hyponic - Doom/Death Metal
I Drowned in a Stream of Mourn - Experimental funeral doom
Icon of Sin - Doom/Death Metal
Ignis Fatuus - (Currently) Dark Progressive Metal (Previously) Doom Metal
Ignorabimus - Doom/death
Il Sangue - doom/death
Ill Divine - Death/Doom Metal
Illuminous - Melodic doom/death
Illusions - Gothic/Doom Metal
Imago Mortis (Bra) - doom metal
Imindain - Death/Doom Metal
In Age and Sadness - Atmospheric Death/Doom
In Articulo Mortis - Doom/Death Metal
In Fieri - Melancholic Doom/Black
In Grey - Gothic Doom Metal
In Peccatum - Heavy/prog, doom/gothic
In Ruins - Doom/Death
In Somnis - Atmospheric Death/Doom
In Somnus - doom metal
In Vain (Swe) - Doom Metal
In Velvet Clouds - Doom/Black Metal
Inborn Suffering - Dark Doom Metal
Indeferal - Black/doom Metal
Indesinence - Doom / Death Metal
Indicium - Melodic Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Infernal Gods - Doom Metal
Infernus - Doom/Death Metal (earlier) - Thrash Metal (now)
Inmemorial - Doom/Death Metal
Inquisition (Aut) - Doom/death metal
Insanity Reigns Supreme - Doom/Death
Inter Arbores - Funeral Doom / Death Metal
Interitus Dei - doom-gothic metal
Internal Void - Doom Metal
Intorment Black - Black/death/doom metal
Iommi - Doom Metal, Heavy Metal
Irij - Folk Doom Metal/Gothic Metal
Iron Hearse - Doom Metal
Iron Man (US) - Doom Metal
Iron Monkey - Death/Sludge Metal (early), Metalcore
Isis - Atmospheric Sludge
Isole - Epic Doom Metal
It Will Come - Doom
Ixchani - Black/Doom Metal
Jack Frost (Aut) - Doom metal
Jarra - doomy heavy metal
Jesu - Industrial/Drone/Doom Metal
Kхu - Black/Doom Metal
Kaamos (Fin) - Black/Doom Metal
Kaihoro - Stoner metal/rock
Kaptain Sun - Doom Metal
Karma To Burn - Instrumental Stoner Metal
Karnayna - Folk Doom/Death
Karp - Heavy Metal, Sludge
Katatonia - Doom/Death Metal, Depressive Rock
Kaviar Kavalier - Doom / Atmospheric Metal
Keelhaul - Progressive Stoner/Sludge Metal
Keltgar - Gothic / Death / Doom Metal
Kemet - Doom/Gothic Metal
Khanate - Extreme Doom metal
Khang - Doom Metal
Kilara - Sludge/Stoner Metal
Kimaera - Symphonic/Gothic Doom/Death
KLV - Gothic Doom/Noisecore
Kollapse - Sludge/Doom/Metalcore
Kranium - death metal, folk/doom
Kristyna - Doom Metal
Krommodon - Doom Metal
Krux - Doom metal
Kurb Saatus - Melodic Doom/Death
Kylesa - Sludge metal
Kyrie Eleison - Doom Metal
Kyrios Sabaoth - Doom/Black Metal
Kyuss - Stoner Rock/Metal
L'Impero Delle Ombre - Dark/Doom Metal
Lacrimae Mortalium - Black/Doom Metal
Lacrimas Profundere - Gothic Doom Metal
Lahar - Traditional Doom
Lair of the Minotaur - Thrashy Sludge/Doom metal
Lake of Tears - Progressive/Doom/Gothic metal
Lament Christ - Doom Metal
Lamentation (Ger) - Death/Doom Metal
Lamented Souls - Doom metal
Lamphor - Black/Doom Metal
Land of Tears - Black Doom
Lapsus Dei - Doom/Death Metal
Las Cruces - Doom Metal
Last Chapter - Doom Metal
Last Emotion - Doom/Death Metal
Last Harmony - Doom/Death Metal
Lazarus Blackstar - Heavy Doom/Sludge Metal
Leaves - Doom/Death Metal
Left Hand Solution - doom
Legacies Unchain - Black/Death/Thrash/Doom/Heavy Metal
Less Than Zombie - Sludge/Doom
Let Me Dream - Gothic/Doom
Letal Solaris - Doom / Death Metal
Letarg - Doom metal
Lethargy (Grc) - Doom / Death Metal
Lethargy (Hol) - Doom metal
Lethian Dreams - Atmospheric Doom
Leviathan (Tur) - Atmospheric Black/Doom
Lid - heavy/stoner metal
Lies Are All You Have - Atmospheric/Industrial Gothic Doom
Life Beyond - Stoner/Traditional Doom
Life's Decay - Doom Metal/Dark Ambient
Like Flies on Flesh - Doom/Death/Sludge/Thrash Metal
Lilith (Bol) - Black/Doom Metal
Lisa the Wolf - black/doom metal
Litany - Heavy/Doom Metal
Little Dead Bertha - Gothic/Doom Metal
Living Sorrow - Doom Metal
Livores Mortis - Atmospheric Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Locust Resin - Sludge / Metalcore
Lodden Dritt - Doom/Power Metal
Loinen - Doom/Sludge/Hardcore
Long Since Dark - Doom Metal
Long Voyage Back - Black/death/doom metal
Longing for Dawn - Funeral Doom/Death Metal
Lord Caiphas - Doom/Stoner Metal
Lord Grief - Funeral Doom Metal
Lord of Putrefaction - Doom/Death Metal
Lords of the Stone - doom metal
Loss (US) - Death/Doom Metal
Lost Breed (US) - Doom Metal
Lost Emotions - Death/Doom Metal
Lost In Misery - Progressive Power/Doom Metal
Lost Infinity - Gothic/doom metal
Love Lies Bleeding - Atmospheric black doom metal
Low Man's Tune - Sludge/Doom Metal
Lucubro - Doom / Heavy Metal
Lugubrious Hymn - Doom Metal
Lullaby - Doom/Black Metal
Lunatic Gods - Atmospheric/Death/Doom/Black Metal
Lunatic Invasion - doom / death metal
Lux Incerta - Funeral Doom
Luz de Invierno - Traditional Doom Metal
Lycanthia - Doom Metal
Lyijykomppania - Heavy/Doom Metal
Lyric Butcher - Death Doom Metal
M-26 - Atmospheric Doom/Death
Madrigal (Tur) - Atmospheric Doom Metal
Mael Mordha - Celtic/Doom Metal
Magnified Eye - Stoner Metal
Magus - Death/Doom
Maimed - Death/Doom Metal
Majesty (Fin) - Death/Doom Metal
Makrothumia - progressive doom/death
Mala Suerte - Doom
Malasangre - Sludge/Doom Metal
Malefic Oath - Black / Doom Metal
Maleficium (Hol) - Melo-Death/Doom Metal
Malevolence (Prt) - Melodic Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Malign Entity - Doom/Death/Black Metal
Mandrax - Doom Black Metal
Manic Movement - Dark thrash/death/black/doom
Mannhai - Stoner metal
Mar de Grises - Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Mare - Drone/Doom Metal
Martyrdom (Bra) - Death/Doom
Mary Bell - Sludge/Doom Metal
Marzuraan - Drone/Doom Metal
Masque of Innocence - Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
Massive Bereavement - Drone Doom
Mastaba - doom/death
Mastodon - Progressive Sludge/Metal
Matarife - Grind/Sludge
Mausoleum (UAE) - Funeral Doom
Mazo (Per) - heavy/doom metal
Meatjack - Stoner/doom
Medea - Doom/Dark Metal
Medebor - Gothic Death/Doom
Medicine Death - Melodic/Doomy Death Metal
Megatron - Stoner/Doom
Megiddo (Can) - black, doom, thrash
Melancholy (Mex) - Doom Metal
Melancholy (Rus) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Melancholy Cry - Doom Metal
Melandrolia - Progressive Doom/Dark/Gothic Metal
Melissa (Cze) - Atmospheric Black/Doom Metal
Melvins - Doom Metal, Stoner Metal
Memento Mori - Power/Doom Metal
Memoria (Cze) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Memory Garden - Doom/Power Metal
Men in Search of the Perfect Weapon - Sludge/Doom Metal
Menstrual Garbage - Black/Doom Metal
Mental Funeral - Death/Doom/Thrash
Mental Home - Doom/Death Metal
Mephistopheles (Bra) - Black/Death/Doom Metal
Mercy - Doom Metal
Mesthyta - Doom/Black Metal
Methadrone - Atmospheric Sludge/Doom Metal
Methuselah - dark ambient / funeral doom
Mid Autumn Nights - Doom Metal
Midgard (Bra) - Doom Metal
Midwinter (Ger) - Dark Metal (mix of Doom, Black, Death, Gothic elements)
MindFunk - Heavy Metal / Hard Rock / Stoner
Mindrot - Doom
Minotauri - Doom
Minsk - Doom Metal
Mirror of Deception - Doom Metal
Misanthrope (Fra) - Symphonic Doom / Avant-garde
Misantropus - Doom Metal
Misery (Che) - Doom/Death Metal
Misery Loves Co. - Doom/thrash/industrial metal
Misery's Omen - Abysmal Doom Metal
Mist of the Maelstrom - Death/Doom Metal
Mistralth - Gothic/doom/death metal
Mistreater - traditional heavy/doom metal
Mistress - Sludge / doom
Mitochondrion - Death Metal/Sludge
Moder - Black/Death/Doom Metal
Modern Funeral Art - Melodic Gothic/Doom Metal
Moho - Sludge
Molot Vedim - Black/Doom Metal
Moments of Despair - Doom metal
Monasterial Crypt - Melodic Doom/Death
Monolith (Pol) - Atmospheric Doom Metal
Monolithe - Atmospheric Funeral Doom Metal
Monster Monkey - Groove/Sludge Metal
Monumentum (Ita) - Gothic Metal (new), Dark / doom metal (old)
Mood - Doom Metal
Moon of Sorrow - Eclectic / Atmospheric / Doom
Moonless Night - Doom Metal
Moonn D))) - Experimental/Drone Doom
Morbus (Per) - Death/Doom Metal
Morbydia - Gothic/Doom Metal
Morcrof - black/doom metal
Mordichrist - Doom/Black Metal
Mordor (Che) - Black / Funeral Doom
Mordor (Pol) - Doom/Death
Morgain - Folk/Doom Metal
Morgion - Epic Doom Metal
Moriendi - Doom/Death Metal
Morphia - Death Metal, Symphonic Doom Metal
Morrigu (Che) - Atmospheric Doom Death
Mortiferik - Doom Metal
Morto Festy - Melodic Black/Doom Metal
Mortuary Oath - Dark doom/death
Mortum (Ger) - Death/doom metal
Moss - Sludge/Funeral Doom
Mourn - Doom metal
Mournful Congregation - Doom metal
Mournful Grace - Death/Doom Metal
Mournful Gust - Doom / Death Metal
Mourning Beloveth - Doom/Death Metal
Mourning Palace - Doom/Black
Mudslinger - Death/Doom metal
Mulch (UK) - Doom/Death Metal
Murder One (UK) - Death/Hardcore/Sludge
Murinus - Sludge/Doom Metal
Musaka - Death/Doom Metal
Musical Massacre - Death/Doom Metal
Mustasch - Heavy/Stoner Metal
My Dying Bride - Death/Doom Metal
My Garden - Doom/Death
My Life's Despair - Atmospheric doom, doom/death
My Shameful - Doom/Death Metal
My Tide - gothic / doom metal
Mul - Doom Metal
Mysterium (Ger) - Dark Doom Metal
Mystic Charm - Doom/Death Metal
Mystical Gate - Doom/Progressive Metal
Mythic - Death/doom metal
Mythological Cold Towers - epic melodic death/doom (new), Doom metal (old)
Mythopoeia - Melodic Death/Doom Metal
Morko - Black/Doom Metal
Mose - Sludge/Doom Metal with slight Black Metal elements
Nadir (Esp) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Nadja - Ambient Drone Doom
Naevus - doom metal
Nahrayan - Sludge Death/Doom Metal
Natas - Stoner Metal
Nathan P. Holly - Doom Metal
Nattvindens Grat - Doom/Dark Metal
Nebula - Stoner rock/metal
Necare - Death/Doom Metal
Necro Schizma - Doom/Death Metal
Necro-E - Doom Metal
Necromandus - Doom Metal/Traditional Metal
Necrorgasm - Doom/Death/Core Metal
Necrosynthesys - Doom/Dark Metal
Negative Face - Death/doom metal
Negative Reaction - Doom/Sludge Metal
Negative Theory - Sludge Doom
Nemesis (Pol) - doom/black metal
Nemesis (Swe) - Doom Metal
Nemo Ante Mortem Beatus - Doom Metal
Neocori - Doom Metal
Neolith - Death/Doom Metal
Neolithic - Progressive Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Nephusim - Doomcore/Stoner Rock
Neptune (US) - Black Metal/Doom Metal
NeSSuS - Death/Doom Metal
Neurasthenia - drone doom
Neurosis - Progressive sludge/hardcore/ambience/tribal
Neuthrone - Sludge/Doom
Nevergreen - Doom/gothic metal
Nezgaroth - Gothic/Doom Metal
Nice Cat - Stoner/Sludge Metal/Rock
Nicodemus - Doom / Death
Night Must Fall - Funeral Doom Metal
Nightly Gale - Doom Metal
Nightmare Visions - Death/Doom Metal
Nightrealm (Fin) - Doom Metal
Nightsky Bequest - Gothic / Doom Metal
Nigro Mantia - Doom Metal
Ningizzia - Symphonic Doom/Death
Ninth Degree - Stoner Metal
Ninth Level - Death/Doom Metal
Niobes Ivory Dream - Melodic Doom metal
Nitefall - Heavy Metal w/ Doom Elements
No Spiritual Surrender - Black/Doom Metal
Noctis Invocat - Atmospheric Doom/Black Metal
Nocturnal (Aus) - Black/Doom Metal
Nocturnal Dominium - Gothic/Dark Doom Metal
Noctus - Doom/Progressive
Noltem - Ambient Pagan Black/Doom Metal
Noosebomb - sludge/extreme doom metal
Noothgrush - Sludge/Doom
Northwinds (Fra) - Doom Metal
Nortt - Black Funeral Doom
Nosce Teipsum - Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Novembers Doom - Death/Doom Metal
Novembre - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Nox Mortis - Avant-garde Gothic/Doom Metal
Noxious (Ven) - Death/Doom metal
Nuctemeron (US) - Doom / Death
Nuquerna - Doom Metal
Nyarlathotep (Jpn) - Death/Doom Metal
Nyarlathotep (US) - Doom death
Nymphea Aurora - Doom/Death Metal
O Oraculo de Asaradel - Black/Doom Metal
O.Miserum.Mane - Melancholic Doom/Death Metal
O.R.C. - Black Metal, Doom Metal, Ambient
Oak (Fin) - Doom Metal
Obiat - Stoner/Doom
Oblique Vision - Doom/Heavy Metal
Obscureness - Black/Doom Metal
Obscurity Tears - Doom Metal
Ocean - Doom Metal
Ocean Chief - Stoner Doom/Sludge
Ocean of Sorrow - gothic doom/black metal
Octavia Sperati - Doomy gothic metal
October Tide - Doom-ish melodic death metal
Of Darkness - Funeral Doom
Offense - Death / doom metal
Officium Triste - Death/ Doom Metal
Officum - Death/Doom Metal with Black Metal vocals
Ogre (US) - Doom Metal, 70's Rock
Oktor - Funeral Doom
Old Grandad - Psychedelic Stoner/Death Metal
Old Legend - Doom/Heavy/Thrash Metal
Oldwitch - Doom Metal
Olive - Black/Doom Metal
Om - Stoner/Doom Metal
Omens of Desolation - Doom / Black Metal
On Thorns I Lay - Death/doom/gothic metal
On Wings - Doom Metal
Opera IX - black/death/doom metal
Ophis - Death/Doom Metal
Oppression (Fin) - Doomy death / thrash metal
Opus Death - Doom
Oraculo - Doom Metal
Orange Goblin - Doom Metal, Stoner Metal
Orkrist - Melodic Black/Doom/Heavy Metal
Ornaments of Agony - Doom Metal
Orodruin (Hol) - Black / Doom Metal
Orodruin (US) - Old-school doom metal
Orphaned Land - Doom / death metal (old), Progressive folk metal (new)
Osmium (UK) - Heavy/Stoner Metal
Otesanek - Sludge/Drone Doom Metal
Out Body Experience - Melodic Black/Doom Metal
Outlaw Order - Sludge/doom metal
Outremer - Doom/Stoner Metal
Overmars - Heavy Sludge Doom/Death
Oversoul - Traditional doom metal
Oxbow - Stoner/Doom Metal, Avant-garde
P.H.O.B.O.S. - Industrial Doom Metal
Pagan Altar - Doom Metal, NWOBHM
Pagan Lorn - Doom
Pagan Poetry - Black/Doom Metal
Pagan Rites - Doomish pagan metal
Paimon - Doom / Death Metal
Pain of Soul - doom/gothic metal
Pale Divine - traditional doom metal
Pale Horse - Sludge/doom
Palpatine Rising - Gothic Doom metal
Pandemia (Arg) - Melodic Doom / Death Metal
Pandemonium (Swe) - Melodic death/doom metal
Pantaculo Mistico - Pagan Doom Metal
Pantheist - Funeral Doom
Parabellum (US) - Swamp Metal, Sludge, Doom, Death
Paradigma - doom
Paradise Lost - Death / doom metal (old), gothic rock (new)
Paragon of Beauty - Gothic Doom Metal
Paramaecium - Death / Doom
Parasophisma - Doom/Death Metal
Parracide - Death / Doom Metal
Passage - Epic Doom Metal
Passive Aggressive - Black/Doom Metal
Paul Chain - Dark/doom metal, psychedelic stoner rock
Pavementsaw - Stoner/Sludge/Drone/Doom Metal
Pelican - Melodic Sludge Drone Doom
Penance - Doom Metal
Pentacrostic - Doom/Death Metal
Pentagram (US) - Heavy/Doom Metal
Perpetual Demise - Death/Doom Metal
Perpetual Solitude - Doom Metal
Perpetual Tears - Black Doom
Phantasmagoria (Hol) - Death/doom metal
Phazm - Blackened Death/Doom Metal
Phenomenon - Doom/Death Metal
Phex - Death/doom metal
Philistine - Sludge / Doom / Death
Pipers Dawn - melodic doom/gothic metal
Place of Skulls - Doom
Planet AIDS - Funeral Doom/Drone/Industrial/Noise
Planet Gemini - Doom/Stoner Metal
Pledge Sin and the Painful - Doom/Death Metal
Pluribus Impar - Depressive Doom/Black
Plutonium Nyborg - Doom
Pod People - Sludge/doom metal with death vocals
Poema Arcanus - Progressive Dark, Doom
Poetry - Doom/Gothic Metal
Poetry of Chaos - Doom/Death Metal
Poets of the Plague - Doom/Death
Polarized - Doom/death/black Metal
Porfiria - Experimental Death/Doom Metal
Portrayal - Doom/Death Metal with some Grindcore influence
Post-Life Disorder - Sludge/Groove/Death
Praetorian - Doom/Death Metal
President Evil - Stoner/Thrash Metal
Prey - Gothic/Doom Metal
Pride & Glory - Sludge/Southern Metal/Rock
Probot - Heavy/Stoner/Doom/Groove metal
Procession of Mourning - Melodic Doom Metal
Promethean - Doom Metal, Progressive Rock, Classical
Promontory - Doom Metal
Psicorragia - Death/Doom Metal
Psychodelic Doomnerve - Experimental Doom/Thrash Metal
Psychotoblack - Sludge/Doom Metal
Purgation - Doom
Pyogenesis - Death / doom (old), Alternative rock / pop punk (new)
Quercus - Doom Metal
Querimonia - Black Metal, Viking Metal, Gothic/Doom Metal
Question-Mark - Doom/Death Metal
R.E.T. - Doom/Gothic Metal
Rabies Caste - Stoner/Sludge Metal
Radigost - Doom/Black Metal
Rain Novelty - gothic/doom metal
Rain Paint - Melancholic Atmospheric Doom Metal
Raincarnation - Gothic / Doom
Rakoth - Epic black / doom / folk metal
Ramesses - Stoner Doom Metal
Rapture (Fin) - Melodic Death Doom
Ras Algethi - Doom Metal
Rasputins - Groovy Sludge/Power Thrash
Raven Black Night - Epic Doom / Heavy Metal
Raven Woods - Black/Doom Metal
Ravishment - Doom Metal
Reclusiam - Funeral Doom/Death Metal
Rectal Haemorrhage - Sludge Doom
Red Giant - Stoner Metal, Doom
Red King Rising - Stoner Metal
Refugium Pecatorum - Heavy Doom
Regicide (Ger) - Gothic/Traditional Doom Metal
Relikvia - Dark/Goth/Doom/Death Metal
Remembrance - Funeral Doom/Death Metal
Requiem (Prt) - Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
Requiem Aeternum - Symphonic-doom, black metal
Return to Innocence - Doom/Death Metal
Revelation (Blr) - Doom Metal
Revelation (US) - Doom
Reverend Bizarre - Doom Metal
Rhondian - Doom Metal (early) / Cybernetic Metal (now)
Rigor Sardonicous - Funeral Doom Metal
Rising Dust - Doom/ Stoner Metal
Ritual (Bel) - Power/Doom Metal
Roachpowder - Stoner Metal
Ronja - Stoner Metal/Rock
Rot in Despair - Funeral Doom/Death Metal
Rue - stoner/sludge metal
Ruin - Doom Metal
Run After To - Doom/Heavy Metal
Runaway Totem - Haunting Ambient Doom/Progressive Rock
Rune - Death / Doom / Metal
Runemagick - Death Metal (earlier) - Death/Doom Metal (now)
Russian Winter - Death/Doom Metal
Rusty Souls - Traditional Doom
Rwake - Sludge/Doom/Experimental
S.C.A.L.P. - doom/death, gothic doom
Sacrosanctum - Gothic/Doom Metal
Sad Whisperings - Doom/Death
Sagittarius (Pol) - Heavy/Black/Doom Metal
Saint Vitus - Doom Metal
Salem (Isr) - Death/Doom Metal
Salmos Luciferi - Black/Doom Metal
Salt of the Earth - Stoner/Doom Metal
Samhain (Rus) - Gothic Doom Power Metal
Samhan - Doom /Black Folk Metal
Saram - Doom/Black Metal (early), Death/Thrash Metal (now)
Sarkus - Dark/doom metal
Sarnath (Fin) - Death / Doom Metal
Saskatchewan - Stoner Metal
Satans Penguins - Black/Doom Metal
Saturnus - Melodic Death/Doom Metal
Sauron (Arg) - Doom Metal
Scald (Rus) - Doom/viking metal
Scald (UK) - Extreme Avant-Garde Progressive Sludge/Doom/Grind
Scarlet Peace - Doom Metal
Sceptical Schizo - Atmospheric doom/death metal
Scissorfight - southern, stoner
Screaming from the Oblivion - Doom Metal
Screams Over Northland - Atmospheric death/doom metal
Sea of Rains - Doom/Death/Gothic/Black Metal
Season of Mourning - Symphonic gothic/doom metal
Secropiagor - Melodic Atmospheric Doom/Black Metal
Seemless - Stoner/Heavy Metal
Seer's Tear - Doom / Power / Progressive Metal
Semlah - Doom Metal
Sempiternal Deathreign - Death/Doom
Senda Negra - Dark/doom metal (new), Technical thrash (old)
Senescence - Doom Metal
Sentenced - Melodic death/doom metal, later depressive hard rock
Sentient - Gothic/Doom Metal
September 12 - sludge/doom metal
Serenade - Doom Metal
Serenades - Death/Doom Metal with Gothic Influences
Serenity (UK) - Doom Metal
Serenity Forgotten - Ambient Funeral Doom
Sermon (Tur) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Serotonal - Atmospheric Doom Metal
Serpent - Doom Metal
Serpent Rise - Doom Metal
Serpentine - atmospheric doom/death
Sevenchurch - Doom Metal
Sextodecimo - Sludgecore/Grind/Stoner Metal
Shade (Pol) - Death/Doom Metal
Shadeworks - Atmospheric doom, progressive metal
Shadowdances - Doom Metal / Atmospheric Death
Shadowed Beneath - Doom/Death Metal
Shadows Emperor - Death/Doom Metal
Shamelady - Technical Sludge/Thrash Metal
Shape of Despair - Funeral doom metal
Shattered Existence - Sludge / Stoner / Heavy Metal
She Cries - Death/Doom/Folk
Sheavy - Stoner
Shepherd - Doom Metal
shEver - Doom Metal
Shiftlight - Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Sideburn - Stoner Metal
Sie Sterben - Doom-inspired Black Metal
Sighisoara - Gothic Doom Metal
Silence of Tranquility - Doom Metal
Silent Cry - Gothic/doom metal
Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Death / Doom Metal
Silent Tomb - Doom Metal
Sinistra - Funeral Doom
Sinly Dreams - Avantgarde Doom Metal
Sinsear - Stoner/Death/Thrash Metal
Sirrah - death/doom metal
Sitra - Melodic Black/Doom, Prgressive Black/Death Metal (later)
Six Degrees of Separation - Doom Metal
Sixty Watt Shaman - Sludge metal
Skepticism - Funeral Doom Metal
Skumring - Melodic Doom Metal
Skylla - Doom/death metal
Slavery (Rus) - Doom/Power Metal
Sleep - Stoner Doom
Sleeping Village - Black/Doom Metal
Sleepwalker - NWOBHM, Traditional Doom
Slo Burn - Stoner Metal
Sloth (UK) - Doom Metal
Sloth (US) - sludge/noise/doom
Slow Horse - Stoner Doom Metal
Sludge - Doom/Death
Slumber (Swe) - Melodic Doom Metal
Smoke - Stoner/Doom
Snowblind (Grc) - Doom Metal
Sobre Nocturne - Symphonic Doom Metal
Sofa King Killer - Sludge/Doom/Southern Rock
Soilent Green - Death/grind/sludge
Sol Negro - Black Metal, Doom
Solace - Stoner Metal
Solarfall - Death/Doom Metal
Soleil Noir - Doom/Avantgarde-Metal
Solicide - Funeral Doom
Solitude Aeturnus - Doom Metal
Solstice (Hol) - Doom/Death Metal
Solstice (UK) - Epic Doom Metal
Somber Serenity - Atmospheric death/doom metal
Somnium Mortuum - Atmospheric/Ambient Funeral Doom
Sonata Nocturna - Doom Gothic Heavy Metal
Sons of Otis - Stoner Doom Metal
Sorcerer (Swe) - doom metal
Sorcery (US) - Doom, Psychedelic Heavy Metal/70's Rock
Sorg (Nor) - Gothic doom metal
Sorrow (US) - Death/Doom Metal
Sorrowful God - Doom, Folk, Gothic Metal
Sorrowful Tears - Melancholic Doom Metal
Sortilegium - Death/Doom
Soul Forlorn - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Soul Inquisition - Black/Death, Doom
Souldust - Black/Doom/Thrash Metal
Soulless (Ita) - Doom/Death Metal
Soulpreacher - Sludge Doom
Soulsearch - Doom Metal
Soundgarden - Stoner/Heavy Metal
Source of Deep Shadows - Doom Metal
Sourvein - Doom Metal
sOy bOmb - Doom/Dark/Sludge Metal
Space Patrol - Heavy/Stoner/Doom Metal
Spancer - Doom Metal
Sparzanza - Stoner Metal
Spina Bifida (Bra) - Thrash/Doom Metal
Spina Bifida (Hol) - Doom Death
Spirit Caravan - Doom, Stoner Metal
Spirit of the Deep Waters - Death / Doom metal
Spiritual Beggars - Stoner, Retro, Groove
Spiritual Dissolvent - Death/Doom Metal
Spiritus Mortis - Doom Metal
Springdusk - Doom/Death Metal
Stabat Mater - Funeral Doom Metal
Stand-Up Guy - Sludge/Metalcore
Starchild - Doom Metal
Statik Majik - Stoner Heavy Metal
Stentorian - Melodic Doom/Death
Stereo Generator - Old School Heavy/Doom Metal
Stereochrist - Doom Metal
Steve Sylvester - dark industrial doom metal
Stillborn (Swe) - Doom Metal
Stinking Lizaveta - Instrumental Doom/Stoner Metal
Stone Golem - Doom Metal
Stone in Egypt - Stoner Metal
Stone Wings - Melodic Death/Doom Metal
Stonegard - Stoner Metal
Stonehenge (Rus) - Doom Metal
Stribozhi Vnuci - Pagan Doom Metal with Folk Influences
Stronghold (Nor) - Black/Doom/Death Metal
Stumm - Sludge/Drone Doom Metal
Subreality - Black/Doom Metal
Subsanity - Thrash/Grind/Doom
Substance for God - Death / Doom Metal
Subversion (Ger) - Sludge/Doom Metal
Succubus (Pol) - Death/Doom Metal
Suffering Down - Death/Doom
Suma - Stoner/doom metal
Sun of Nothing - Doom/Sludge/Noise/Black Metal
Sundial - Gothic Doom Metal
Sungate - Experimental Gothic Doom Metal
Superjoint Ritual - Sludge/Southern/Hardcore Metal
Supershine - Stoner Doom
Supersoma - Stoner/Sludge Doom Metal
Supuration - Death/Doom Metal
Surreal Perdition - Dark/doom/melodic black metal
Svenghali - Stoner Rock/Metal
Svetlana - Drone Doom Metal
Swallow the Sun - Melodic Doomy Metal
Sweet Mother of God - Doom/Gothic Metal
Sweet Suffering - Gothic/Doom Metal
Symbolic Immortality - Doom Metal
Symphony of Grief - Death/Doom Metal
Synoptia - Gothic Doom Metal
Synteresis - Doom/Gothic Metal
Syrach - death/doom metal
Syrafex - Doom Metal
Tales of Dark - Doom/Gothic Metal
Taliandorogd - Black Symphonic Metal, Stoner Death
Tanelorn (Pol) - Doom Metal
Tangorodream - Melodic Black Metal (earlier) - Doom/Black Metal (later)
Tanha - Doom metal
Tapetum Lucidum - Black / Doom Metal
Tayga - Doom metal
Tchort (Can) - Stoner, Traditional, Doom
Te Deum - Death Doom
Te Devm - gothic/doom
Tear Gas and Plate Glass - Sludge/Doom
Tears of a Mourning Angel - Funeral Doom
Tears of Beggar - Doom Metal
Tears of Israfel - Melodic Black/Doom
Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine - Drone doom
Tefra - Epic-Power Doom Metal
Temenos - Death/Doom Metal
Temperance - Doom/Death/Thrash Metal
Tempestine - Doom/Black Metal
TenHornedBeast - Drone/Doom Metal
Tenotitlan - Doom Metal
Terra Firma - Stoner, Heavy Metal
Terra Paganum - Doom/Black Metal
Terramortis - Death - Doom
Tethuo - Sludge/Grind/Noise
Thalarion - Doom/Gothic Metal with melodic death elements
ThanatoSchizo - Atmospheric Doom / Death Metal
The 3rd and the Mortal - Experimental doom metal
The Apostasy - Black/Doom/Ambient Metal
The Becoming - Heavy / Doom Metal
The Bizarre Blue Spectre - Industrial Death/Doom
The Black (Ita) - Heavy/Doom Metal, Prog Rock
The Bloody Earth - Doom Metal
The Body Bag Romance - Sludge/Grind (formerly Classic Metal)
The Burning Cathedral - Doom/ Death Metal
The Cellts - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
The Church Bizzare - Doom / Death Metal
The Cromptons - Death 'n' Roll, Thrash 'n' Roll, Doom, Sludge
The Dethroners - Doom/Goth Metal
The Difference - Doom Metal with Technical/Melodic touches
The Doomsday Cult - Doom Metal
The Eleventh Room - Doom
The Equinox ov the Gods - Doom
The Eternal - Gothic/Doom Metal
The Ethereal - Funeral Doom Metal
The Funeral Orchestra - Funeral Doom
The Gates of Slumber - Traditional Doom
The God Machine - Groove oriented Stoner/Doom Metal
The Goddamned - Doom/stoner/southern metal
The Green Evening Requiem - Doom/Black Metal
The Hidden Hand - Stoner Metal
The Inbreds - Stoner Metal
The Knell - Doom/Death Metal
The Last Feeling - Doom Gothic Metal
The Lilim - Stoner rock/metal
The Living Fields - Doom/Thrash/Epic Metal
The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Folk Traditional Doom/Power Metal
The Lull - Dark Doom Metal
The Lust I Seek - Doom Metal
The Malevoiy - Melodic Doom/Stoner Metal
The Mandrake - Melodic/Doomy Death
The Mansion of Soul Drain - Gothic/Doom Metal
The Mighty Nimbus - Sludge Metal
The Mist and the Morning Dew - Atmospheric Doom Metal
The Mushroom River Band - Stoner Metal/Hard Rock
The Obsessed - Doom Metal
The Ocean - symphonic sludge/ambient
The Prior's Diary - death/doom/gothic metal
The Prophecy (UK) - Doom / Death Metal
The Quill - Heavy/Stoner metal
The Rays of the Sun - Doom Metal
The Rebel Wounded - Sludge/Stoner
The River - Doom Metal
The Sabians - Doom/stoner metal
The Sad Sun - Funeral Doom
The Serpent Kiss - Death Doom Metal
The Sins of thy Beloved - Gothic/symphonic doom metal
The Sunset - Gothic-Doom metal
The Tempter - doom metal
The Whip - Heavy Metal/Sludge
The Wounded - Doom/Gothic Metal
Theatre of Tragedy - Death/doom (early), gothic, techno (most recently)
Thee Plague of Gentlemen - Doom Metal
Theistic Inferno - Atmospheric Black Doom Metal
Thergothon - Funeral Doom/Death Metal
Thetragon - Melodic Thrash/Death Metal (now) / Black/Death/Doom Metal (earlier)
Thine - Doom
This Empty Flow - Doom/gothic, later gothic/ambience
This Tangled Web - Doom/Death Metal
Thorns of the Carrion - Doom Metal
Thorr's Hammer - Doom Death Metal
Thragedium - Folk/Melodic/Doom/Prog Metal
Throne (Hol) - Death / Doom Metal
Thrones - Heavy, drone doom
Through The Valley - Death/Doom
Thuban - Atmospheric Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
Thud - Doom/Thrash with Stoner Moments
Thuggery - Doom Death
Thulsa Doom - Traditional/Stoner/Heavy Metal
Thunderstorm (Ita) - Doom Metal
Thy Sinister Bloom - Psychedelic Doom Metal
Thy Withering Orchard - Atmospheric Death\Doom
Tides of Eternity - Doom Metal
Tisic Let Od Raje - Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
Toadliquor - Sludge Doom
Todd - Doom/Grind
Todesbonden - Gothic/doom metal
Tomb - Funeral Doom Metal
Tomb Of... - Funeral Doom / Dark Ambient
Torture Wheel - Ambient/Drone/Funeral Doom
Totennacht - doom/death/gothic
Touch of Cruel Hands - Death/Doom Metal
Tragedian (UAE) - Black Funeral Doom
Tragedy Eternal - Funeral Doom Metal
Transport League - Mallcore - formerly Sludge/Doom
Tremble Saith Thy Master - Doom Metal
Trendkill (Bra) - Doom/Death Metal
Trinakrius - Heavy/Doom Metal
Trist - Doom/Black Metal
Tristesse - Melodic Death/Doom
Tristitia - Doom metal
Troglodyte Dawn - Doom metal/rock, ambient
Trollmann av Ildtoppberg - Ambient Drone Doom
Trotyl - Power/Doom Metal
Trouble (US) - Doom, Stoner
Tualatin - Traditional doom metal
Turning of the Gears - Industrial Death/Doom
Tusks of Blood - Drone/Doom
Twilight Symphony (Swe) - Melodic Doomy Death Metal
Type O Negative - Gothic Metal w/ Alternative, Doom, and Other Influences
Tyranny - Funeral Doom
Uaral - Death/ Doom/ Ambient Folk
Uden - Minimalistic Dark/Ambient Metal, Instrumental Funeral Doom
Ufomammut - Psychedelic Stoner/Doom Metal
Umbra Nihil - Doom Metal
Unbound - doom metal
Unburied (Fin) - Doom Metal
Uncertainty Principle - Experimental/Drone Doom/Noise
Under Darkest Skies - Atmospheric Doom Metal
Under Moonlight Sadness - Death Metal, Doom Metal, Thrash Metal, Heavy Metal
Underneath - Doom Metal
UnderWater Moon - Melodic Gothic/Doom Metal
Unearthed - Thrash, doom
Unearthly Trance - Doom Metal
Ungl'Unl'Rrlh'Chchch - Drone Doom
Unholy - Doom metal
Unholy Cross - Ambient Funeral Doom
Unida - Stoner Metal/Alternative Metal/Hard Rock
Unorthodox (US) - Doom/Stoner Metal
Unpure to Christ - Drone Doom
Unsilence - Melodic Doom Metal
Until Death Overtakes Me - Ambient Funeral Doom Metal
Upsidedown Cross - Doom Metal
Urn of Might - Progressive/Doom/Death Metal
Urospuu - Black/Grind/Doom Metal
Vacuum (Cze) - Doom Metal
Vaikus - Gothic/Doom Metal
Vais - Black / Doom Metal
Valhall - heavy/doom metal
Valheron - Doom Metal
Varech - Doom/Death Metal
Vedova - Doom Metal
Velvet Thorns - Black/Death/Doom
Veni Domine - Progressive Doom Metal
Veritate - Heavy/Thrash/Doom Metal
Versus the Stillborn-Minded - Sludge/Doom Metal
Via Mistica - Doom / Gothic Metal
Vigilia Septima - Gothic/Doom Metal
Violet Vortex - Doom Metal
Virgin Black - Doom, Goth, Symphonic
Virgin Forest - Doom Metal
Visceral Evisceration - Doom / Death Metal
Visionaire - Ambient Gothic Death Doom Metal
Vivian Black - heavy/black/doom metal
Vladimir - Gothic Dark Doom Metal
VLE - Dark Ambient, Doom Metal, Black Metal
Voice Transmissions with the Deceased - Ambient/funeral doom
Void of Silence - Haunting Doom Metal
Volatility - Thrash/Power/Doom Metal
Voodooshock - Melodic Heavy Doom
Vual - Doom
Wall of Sleep - Doom/Stoner Metal
Wanhoop - Doom/black metal
War Injun - Traditional Doom
Warhammer (Ger) - Death / Doom
Warhorse - Doom Metal
Warhorse - traditional/stoner metal
Warlord (UK) - 70's Heavy Doom Metal/Psychedelic Rock
Warning (UK) - Doom Metal
Wasted (Blr) - Doom / Death Metal
Waterfall - Black/Doom Metal (now)/Death/Doom Metal (earlier)
We, The Gods - Gothic Doom Metal
Weedeater - Doom/Sludge/Stoner Metal
Weeping Silence - doom
Well of Souls (Ger) - Traditional Doom
Well of Souls (US) - Epic Doom
Welwitschia - Doom metal
Wheel of Doom - Doom Metal
Whelm - Funeral Doom/Death
When the Angels Cry - Black/Doom Metal
Where She Wept - Epic Doom Metal
While Heaven Wept - Doom Metal
Whispering Forest - Atmospheric Death/Doom Metal
Whispering Gallery - Doom metal
Why Angels Fall - Gothic / doom metal
Wind Through the Trees - Black/Doom/Folk Metal
Winter - Doom/death metal
Winter of Discontent - doom/death/grind
Winter Spirit - Avantgarde Doom Metal
Winterkou - Black/Doom Metal
Winterthrall - Black/Doom Metal
Witch Mountain - Doom Metal
Witchcraft (Swe) - Doom Metal
Witchfinder General - Doom Metal, NWOBHM
Wither - Gothic/Doom Metal
Withering Soul - Dark/Gothic/Doom Metal
Withering Spring - Atmospheric Death/Doom
Withersoul - Melodic Doom/Death Metal
Within Tears - doom metal
Wolfburg - Thrash, Classic, Doom
Wolfmangler - Drone Doom Metal
Wolfshade - Doom Metal
Womb - Death/Doom
Woods of Belial - Industrial Black/Doom Metal
Word as a Virus - Doom/Stoner Metal
World Below - Traditional Doom Metal
Wormphlegm - funeral drone doom
Wormwood - Doom/Sludge Metal
Worship - Funeral Doom Metal
Wraith of the Ropes - Funeral Doom
Wreck of the Hesperus - Funeral Doom Metal
Wretched - Doom Metal, Stoner Metal
Wytchcraft - Epic Doom Metal
Xanthe - Black/Doom Metal
Xeranthenum - Black/Doom Metal
XIII - Gothic/Doom Metal
Xyxyxma - Blackened Drone/Doom/Noise
Year of No Light - Sludge/Drone Doom Metal
Year Zero - Doom Metal
Yearning - Atmospheric / Doomy / Sombre Metal
Ygy - Drone Doom/Ambient
YOB - Heavy/Traditional Doom/Stoner
Your Shapeless Beauty - Doom/Gothic Metal
Ysigim - Doom Metal/Post-Funeral Doom Metal
Z-Gen - Black/Doom Metal
Zabiis - Epic/Atmospheric Doom/Black Metal
Zafira - Doom Metal
Zaius - Stoner Metal
Zakk Wylde - Sludge/Southern Metal
Zaraza - experimental industrial funeral doom
Zatokrev - Doom, death metal
Zazozora - Doom Metal
Zebulon Pike - Stoner/Doom Metal
Zerberus - Gothic/Doom Metal
Zerokarma - Death/Doom/Gothic/Industrial Metal
Zess - Doom Metal
Zoe - Doomy Crust/Punk


四.Electronic Metal~ 电子金属

Total: 260 bands

...And Oceans - Black / Death, post black / industrial / electronic
A-Set - Industrial / EBM
A.N.A.E.L. - Melodic death/black/industrial
Aborym - Black metal, black industrial
Abstract (Ita) - Electronic Progressive Death/Thrash Metal
Abyss (Ita) - Industrial Black Metal
Ahumado Granujo - Industrial Death/Grind
Ajna - Industrial Thrash metal
Amphigory - Experimental/electronic
Anger (Ita) - Industrial Metal
Angkor Wat - Industrial Metal
Anguish in Exile - industrial death metal
Anorma - Thrashcore/Industrial
Antithesis (Fra) - Industrial Black Metal
Apollyon Sun - Thrash, Industrial
Apostasia - symphonic black industrial
Arcadia (Ita) - Industrial Thrash Metal
Archangel - avant-garde electronic metal
Arditi - Industrial, Neo-Classic, Ambient
Army Of In Between - Industrial Black Metal
Ars Macabra - industrial, electronic black metal
Atomtrakt - Industrial BM / Dark Ambient
Atrocity (Ger) - Death metal, ethno/gothic/industrial
Atrophia Red Sun - Progressive/Melodic Death Metal with Industrial overtones
Atryxion - Electronic/melodic black metal
Atys - Experimental/Industrial Black Metal
Betrayal (US) - Thrash metal (old), gothic/industrial (new)
Beyond (US) - Traditional, industrial
Beyond Dawn - Early: Doom Metal | Late: Electronic
Bhaobhan Sidhe - Electronic/Ambient/Black Metal
Bilharze - Industrial Thrash/Death Metal
Black Lodge (Fra) - industrial/black metal
Black Nova - Electronic/Experimental Black Metal
Blessed (Swe) - Technical Death Metal (with industrial influences)
Blessedbethyname - Industrial/Black Metal
Blutrausch - Industrial Death/Thrash Metal
Candiru - Industrial metal
Carrier Flux - Industrial Blackened Gothic Metal
Catalepsy (Est) - Industrial/Death Metal
Chamber Seven - Industrial/Heavy/Thrash Metal
Choronzon - Blackened Industrial Metal
Cobi's Death - Industrial Death/Grind
Comandorul Hoisan - Industrial Metal
Concept (UK) - Industrial Black Metal
Crawl - Industrial Death Metal
Crematory (Ger) - Gothic Death Metal (early), Goth/Industrial
Cthulhu Biomechanical - (1996) Experimental Dark Ambient / (2001-2002) Electronica
Cuntworm - Industrial Black Metal
Cyberya - Industrial/Power Metal
Cynicon - Industrial extreme metal
Dagoba - Groove/industrial metal
Dahmer (Ltu) - Thrash/Industrial/Grind
Dark Army - Black/Thrash/Industrial Metal
Dead World - Industrial Death Metal
Deadpool (Aus) - Death/grind/industrial (early), industrial (current)
Deafening Loneliness - Electronic/Dark Ambient
Death Machine - progressive/industrial metal
Death SS - Black Doom/Heavy/Speed Metal (early), Industrial Metal (later)
December Wolves - Death/black metal, Industrial post-black metal
Deliverance (US) - speed/thrash, industrial
Demon Project - Death Metal with Industrial/Jungle influences
Desalin - Experimental black/Industrial metal
Diablerie (Fin) - Industrial/electronic metal
Diabolos Rising - Darkwave/Industrial
Die Allergie - Industrial Metal
Dimension F3H - Space / Industrial Metal
Din Umbra - Industrial Metal
Dirge (Fra) - Thrash/Industrial Metal
Disciples of Belial - Electronica
Dogmeat - Industrial metal
Dol Ammad - Progressive/Symphonic/operatic metal with electronic music influences
Dominion III - electronic/industrial black metal
DoomThrone - Funeral/Industrial Doom Metal
Dr Death - Industrial gothic metal
Dunkel:heit - Industrial/Death Metal
Dodheimsgard - Black metal, avant-garde/industrial metal
Endtime (Phl) - Melodic Industrial Gothic Metal
Evig Kveld - Electronic Black Metal, Parody
Evil Adam - Industrial/Alternative/Heavy Metal
Ewigkeit - Electronic experimental dark metal
Ezgaroth - Industrial, Black Metal
Feantury - Dark Metal/Raw Black Metal/Black Industrial
Fear Factory - Death metal, Industrial metal
Feldgrau - Black/death/Industrial metal
Forge (Fra) - Industrial Black Metal
Fragment - Industrial Post Thrash
Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects - Thrash, Industrial, Weird
Funerary Dirge - Industrial Funeral Doom, Dark Ambient
Geezer - Sludge, Industrial
Gigandhi - Industrial / Atmospheric / Ambient
Godflesh - Industrial Metal
Godkiller - Industrial black metal (old) Dark electronic metal (new)
Haemorr Drench - Brutal Death Metal/Industrial Grind
Head of David - experimental industrial/grind
Helheim - Industrial/Black Metal
Human Machine - Industrial Death Metal
Hybernoid - Industrial Death Doom
Hyperion (Pol) - Industrial Death Metal
I Dream No More - Electronic/Dark Ambient
Ice Ages - Darkwave / Electronic / Industrial
In Nomine (Ita) - Industrial/Black Metal
Inactive Messiah - Atmospheric Death Metal w/ Industrial Influences
Infection Code - Industrial/Thrash Metal
Inger Indolia - Electronic thrash, black metal
Inner Thought - Death Metal/Industrial
Intense Soaked Cloth - goregrind, industrial
Internal Healing - Industrial Death/Thrash
Iperyt - Industrial Death/Black Metal
Irdhing - Folk/Industrial/Pagan Black Metal
Ism - Industrial/Black metal
Jesu - Industrial/Drone/Doom Metal
Kadenzza - Industrial Black Metal
Kalt - Industrial/Black Metal
Katar - Industrial Black Metal
Keen (Ita) - Gothic/Industrial Metal
Kera.zero.kommand - Industrial Black Metal
Korrozia Metalla - thrash, speed (later grindcore, punk, industrial)
Kreuzweg Ost - Industrial, marches
KTL - Techno/progressive metal
Ktulu - Thrash Metal (earlier) - Post-Thrash/Groove/Industrial Metal (now)
Kvntvr - Melodic Black/Death Metal, Industrial
Lathander - Electronic Black Metal
Lebenssteuer - industrial/gothic metal
Legionz ov Hell - Industrial Black Metal/Speedcore
Leiden - gothic/industrial metal
Levers - thrash metal, industrial
Lies Are All You Have - Atmospheric/Industrial Gothic Doom
Lost Souls - Industrial/Thrash Metal
Lux Occulta - Atmospheric / epic black metal (old), Industrial black w/Jazz influences (new)
M.Pheral - Industrial Death Metal
Machinerie Perfect - Industrial Black Metal
Malhavoc - Thrash (early), Industrial (later)
Malignant Eternal - Black Metal/Industrial
Malmonde - Gothic death/thrash with industrial elements
Manes - Black Metal, Experimental/Electronic/Jazz
Maze of Cako Torments - Industrial Death/Black Metal
Meathook Seed - Death / Industrial
Mezzerschmitt - Industrialized Black Metal
Miksha - Industrial Metal
Mind of the Dodecahedron - Industrial/Death Metal
Ministry of Pain - Melodic/Industrial/Black Metal
Mis.Divine - death/thrash/industrial
Misery Loves Co. - Doom/thrash/industrial metal
Moonfire - Black Metal, Industrial
Morbit - Experimental Melodic Death Metal with Industrial Influences
Mors in Tabula - Industrial Black/Death Metal
Mortiis - ambient, darkwave, industrial/gothic (new)
Mozart on Crack - Electronic heavy metal
Mussorgski - industrial metal
MX (US) - US Power Metal, industrial/country/rap/rock
Myself - Industrial Noise
Nailbomb - Industrial Thrash Metal
Nebel (Ger) - Industrial/Grind/Black Metal
Nebel (Ita) - Industrial Black Metal
Necromance - Gothic/Industrial Metal
Necromanicide - Metalcore, Industrial Grindcore
Nick Dafos - industrial/metal/ambient
Noapte Mihnea - Dark Ritual Metal / Industrial
Nocturnal Fears - Death/Industrial Metal
Noplacetohide - Death/Thrash Metal (earlier)/Industrial Metal/Metalcore (now)
Nord 'N' Commander - Blackened Metal with Folk and Techno elements.
Notanga - Folk Metal / Ambient / Electronic
Nothing - Dark Ambient / Industrial
Nux - Industrial Heavy Metal
O.L.D. - Grind, Industrial, Avant-Garde, Death
Objective Zero - Death/grind/industrial metal
Obsidian (US) - Industrial Death Metal
Oxiplegatz - Electronic/space metal
P.H.O.B.O.S. - Industrial Doom Metal
Pain (Swe) - Electronic/Industrial/Techno Metal
Pain Control - Modern Metal with gothic and industrial elements
Painflow - Industrial metal
Planet AIDS - Funeral Doom/Drone/Industrial/Noise
Plasma Pool - Dark Ambient/Noise/Electronica
Primary Slave - Death/Thrash Industrial Metal
Prong - Crossover/Thrash Metal (earlier)- Half-Thrash/ Industrial Metal (later)
Prophecy (Pol) - industrial death metal
Puissance - Apocalyptic neoclassical/industrial
Puncture - Industrial / speed metal
Puritas Virginum - Industrial Black Metal
Qwestion - Progressive/industrial metal
Rain (Che) - Industrial/Dark Metal
Raism - Industrial
Reactor (Ukr) - Industrial Death Metal
Realms of Blood - industrial/black metal
Rebelheart - industrial metal/hard rock
Red Harvest - Industrial/electronic metal
Samael - Black metal (old), Electronic / industrial metal (new)
Satan (Ita) - Industrial Black Metal
Scarve - industrial death/thrash
Schizoid - Industrial Metal/Hardcore
Scorngrain - Industrial thrash metal
Screams of Chaos - Industrial / Heavy / Death Metal
Silence Dead - Melodic Death Metal with Techno Influences
Skorungur - Industrial Black Metal
Skrew - Industrial thrash
Skymning - Melodic Power/Death (early), Industrial Death/Black (current)
Social Deformity - Industrial Death/Grind
Sonichaos Aeon - post black metal, industrial
Spektr - Industrial/Ambient/Black Metal
Stagnatus - Industrial Black Metal
Steve Sylvester - dark industrial doom metal
Strapping Young Lad - Death/Thrash with industrial overtones
Sybreed - Industrial/Groove Metal
Tchort (Rus) - Black Metal, Industrial/Ambient
Technocracy - Thrash/industrial metal
TerraOLARIS - Black Metal with Industrial Influence
Terror Organ - Death/Industrial
The Amenta - Industrial Death Metal
The Axis of Perdition - Industrial Black Metal
The Berzerker - Hyperfast Industrial Death/Grind
The Bizarre Blue Spectre - Industrial Death/Doom
The Cold Beyond - Industrial Black Metal
The Evermind - Electronic dark metal
The First Lie - Dark / Electronic metal
The Hag - Industrial Experimental Metal
The Heavils - Alternative/Groove Metal with industrial overtones
The Hordes - Industrial Militarist Black Metal
The Kovenant - Electronic/industrial metal
The Project Hate - Industrial Melodic Death
The Sixth Incubator - Death, industrial metal
The Sprawlcosm - Industrial/Post-Black Metal
The Wicked - Melodic Black/Industrial Metal
Theatre of Tragedy - Death/doom (early), gothic, techno (most recently)
Thyrane - Symphonic Black Metal, Industrial Metal
Tidfall - Industrial Black Metal
Tiermes - Experimental industrial
Transe - Progressive Industrial Metal
Tribus - (early) Tribal Industrial Metal (now) Thrash Metal with Tribal elements
Tronraner - Industrial Black Metal
Tudor - Black Metal (early), Thrash Metal with industrial influences (now)
Turning of the Gears - Industrial Death/Doom
Two - Gothic/Industrial
Tyrannium - Black Metal with Industrial elements
Ulver - Black Metal, Folk, Industrial, Electronica
Umbah - Avant-Garde Industrial Death Metal
Umbra Animae - Electronic Death Metal
Uruk-Hai (Aut) - Electronic Ambient
Valefor - black/dark ambient industrial
Veiled Allusions - Experimental electronical ambient
Vindikation - Progressive/Industrial/Death Metal
Visceral (Bra) - Grind/Industrial Metal
Void - Industrial Black Metal
Vorak - Industrialised Black Metal
Vorgasm - Industrial Black Metal
Waltari - Progressive, Thrash, Industrial
Waste Disposal Machine - Industrial Metal
Wedding Party - Gothic/Industrial Metal
Wewelsburg - Industrial Death/Thrash
White Zombie - industrial, groove, post-thrash
Wide Open Cage - Industrial Metal
Womb of Maggots - Atmospheric Death Metal w/ Industrial Influences
Woods of Belial - Industrial Black/Doom Metal
Worm (Egy) - Industrial/Death Metal
X-Hells - Thrash/Industrial/Heavy Metal
Zaghurim - Industrial/Ambient/Black Metal
Zaraza - experimental industrial funeral doom
Zero Tolerance - industrial thrash metal
Zero Vision - Thrash Metal / industrial elements
Zerokarma - Death/Doom/Gothic/Industrial Metal


五.Folk/Viking Metal~民谣/维京金属

Total: 444 bands

Acephale - Black Metal / Ambient / Folk
Acirema - Folk/Ambient Metal
Acronychal Ritual - Progressive Ambient/Folk/Black Metal
Acteron - Melodic Black / Folk Metal
Adhur - Pagan/Folk Black Metal
Adorned Brood - Folk Metal
Adultery - Black Folk Metal
Adversus - Gothic Metal with Folk influences
Advocatus Diaboli - blackened pagan folk
Aegir (Swe) - Viking Metal
Aes Dana - Celtic, Black Metal
Agalloch - Atmospheric folk/doom/gothic metal
Ahti - Folk Metal
Airged L'amh - Heavy/Power/Folk Metal
Aiumeen Basoa - Pagan/Folk Metal
Akallabeth - Folk Metal
Aljahilia - Folk Gothic/Doom Metal
Alkonost - folk/pagan/doom/black metal
Alto Paganach - Folk Black Metal
Anaon - Celtic Black Metal
Ancient Rites - Progressive/Viking Black Metal, Death Metal
Andhrimnir (UK) - viking/black metal
Antigone - Symphonic black metal (early), avantgarde folk/darkwave (now)
Anwariad - Pagan Folk Black Metal
Arcane Wisdom - Folk/Pagan Black/Traditional Metal
Arkillery - Viking, Speed/Thrash, Death
Ars Amandi - Heavy traditional/Folk Metal/Rock
Arvinger - black folk viking metal
Aryadeva - Folk Black Metal
Asatru (UK) - Viking black/thrash metal
Asgard (Bel) - Viking/Black Metal
Ashen Light - Folkish Black Metal
Ashen Mortality - Doom Metal with Folk influences
Ashtar - progressive folk metal
Asmegin - Viking/Folk metal
Avathar (Fin) - Black/Folk Metal
Bakxeia Neraida - folk-influenced pagan black
Bal-Sagoth - Symphonic Folk/Viking/Power Metal
Balkandji - Heavy / Folk Metal
Baptised in Ice - Viking Metal
Baranduin - Fantasy/Folk/Power with harsh vocals
Bararum - Folk Metal/Ambient.
Barksten - Medieval/Folk metal
Bathory - Black Metal, Viking/Thrash Metal
Belenos - Celtic/Pagan black metal
Belinus - Celtic War Metal
Belzebuth (Mor) - Folk Black Metal
Berkana - Dark Ambient/Folk
Betray My Secrets - Doom/Folk Metal
Black Leaves - Folk/Gothic Metal
Blackwatch - Folk Power Metal
Blind Stare - Viking Metal
Bloodaxe - Raw Viking Metal
Blut Formicarium - Black/Gothic/Folk Metal
Blutkrieg - Ambient/Folk Metal
Bolverk (Fra) - Dark Ambient with Neo-Classical and Neo-Folk influences
Bombensturm - Black / Viking Metal
Borgarholt - Black/Viking Metal
Borknagar - Viking/folk/progressive black-ish metal
Bran Barr - Celtic Folk/Black Metal
Brasil Papaya - heavy metal/hard rock, Brazilian folk
Burial Horg - Epic Folk Black Metal
Butterfly Temple - Folk/Doom/Black Metal
Cadacross - folk/power metal
Calm - Doom/Death/Folk Metal
Caos (Chl) - Thrash/Death Metal with Folk influences
Carved in Stone - Ambient/Folk Metal
Cedamus - Dark Ambient/Neo Folk/Black Metal
Celtic Legacy - Traditional/Folk Metal
Cernunnos (Grc) - folk-influenced pagan black
Ch'aska - Folk Metal
Ciborium (Prt) - Folk Metal
Cirgalith - Heavy/Power/Folk Metal
Confligo - Gothic Folk Metal
Corona Borealis - Ambient Folk, Medieval
Cosmic Death - Black/Thrash/Folk Metal
Covens - Folk Black Metal
Crifotoure Satanarda - Viking Black Metal
Crom (Ger) - Viking Metal
Crone - Folk Black Metal
Cruachan - Celtic/Folk Metal
CrystalMoors - Celtic / Pagan Black Metal
Cum Fragore - Folk Metal
Cumulo Nimbus - Folk/Renaissance and Metal
Daemonia Nymphe - Ancient Greek Folk
Dark Gamballe - Death metal with folk, jazz and ethno influences
Dark Reality - Death metal (old), classical folk music
Dead Raven Choir - Raw Black Metal (early), Acoustic Folk with Black Metal elements (now)
Death Army - Folk Metal
Death Dies - Progressive/Black/Folk Metal
Death Enthroned - Black/Viking Metal
Decay's Delight - gothic folk/ambient
Descension - Dark Theatrical Metal (Death/Black/Power/Folk)
Devil in the Kitchen - instrumental/folk/speed metal
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Keyboard laden Death/Folk Metal
Die Saat - Black metal/folk
Distant - Folk Symphonic Black Metal
Diversia (Est) - Folk metal
Drep - Metalcore with viking and gothic touches
Dust from Misery - folk groove metal
Echo of Dalriada - Symphonic Gothic Folk Metal
Efenstor - Symphonic/Folk Metal
Eichenschild - Folk Metal
Eidyllion (Mex) - doom metal, folk metal
Einherjer - Viking Metal
Eljudner - Folk/Black Metal
Eluveitie - Celtic/Pagan Metal
Elvenking - Power/folk Metal
Empyrium - Dark Symphonic Folk Metal
Ensiferum - Viking / Folk Metal
Enslaved - Black / viking metal (old), Progressive black metal (new)
Equilibrium (Ger) - Epic Viking Metal
Euthanasia (Cze) - Folk Metal
Evol - Atmospheric Medieval/Folk Black Metal
Evtonazia - Black/Folk Metal
Excelsis (Che) - Folk/Power Metal
Eye of Balor - Celtic Black Metal
Eye of Odin - Viking Black Metal/RAC
Faded - Black Metal with Folk and Doom Metal influences
Falchion - Melodic Death/Folk Metal
Falkenbach - Blackened folk/viking metal
Fall of the Leafe - Melodic death/folk, gothic metal
Fangor - Melodic/Epic Viking Metal
Fejd - Folk Music
Fenris - Black/Viking Metal
Finntroll - Polka-influenced folk / black metal
Finsternis (US) - Viking Metal
Firbholg - Epic Black Metal with some folk influences
Fjoergyn - Epic Black/Viking Metal
Fleshdawn Manifesto - Black/folk metal
Fogland - Black/Folk/Ambient/Darkwave
Folkearth - Folk Metal
Folkheim - Folk/Black Metal
Folklord - Folk Black Metal
Forgotten Pathways - folk/dark ambient
Forgotten Spirit - Black / Folk Metal
Forlorn (Nor) - Viking Metal, melodic black metal
Fortid - Viking/Black Metal
Framtyr - Viking/Black Metal
Frostblot - Folk influenced heavy/thrash metal
Frosthold - Pagan/Viking Metal
Frostkorp - Viking Black Metal
Frostmoon - Viking Metal
Frozen Tears (Bgr) - Black Metal / Folk Metal
Fulgur - Folk Metal
Furia (Pol) - Pagan Folk Metal
Furthest Shore - Viking Metal/Epic Power Metal
Gates of Azharia - Dark Ambient/Neo-Folk Metal
Geasa - Celtic Black Metal
Glittertind - Viking Folk Metal
Goat of Mendes - Heavy Folk/Pagan Metal with black influences
Goatbomb - Blackened Drone Doom/Folk
Gods Tower - Pagan Folk Doom Metal
Golfaron - (NS) (Folkish) Black-Metal
Gonfanon - Medieval folk/ambient
Gorduw - Folk/Viking Black Metal
Grimm (Hol) - Folk Metal
Grimnorth - Viking Black Metal
Grom (Rus) - Pagan NS Folk Black Metal
Gwydyon - Classical Medieval Melodic/Folk Metal
Ha Lela - Pagan / folk metal
Hagalaz' Runedance - Ambient Folk
Hagen - Folk Metal/Rock
Halfling Thief - Medieval/Folk/Epic Black Metal
Halgadom - Viking/Black Metal, Folk Music
Hammers of Misfortune - Progressive/Folk/Doom/Heavy/Power Metal
Haruc - Folk metal
Heathen Dawn - Melodic Folk Black Metal
Hedenskrig - Viking Metal
Hefeystos - Folk Metal/Avant-Garde Rock
Heidevolk - Folk Metal
Heimat - Folk Black Metal
Helangar - Viking Metal
Helheim - Viking Metal
Heol Telwen - Celtic, Black Metal
Herjalf - Viking/Doom/Gothic Metal
Herrenvolk - Viking Darkwave
Hetumoger - Pagan/folk Black Metal
Heulend Horn - Epic Viking / Black Metal
Hildr Valkyrie - Viking, Neofolk
Himinbjorg - Black Viking Metal
Hin Onde - Melodic Black, Folk Metal
Hollenthon - Symphonic/orchestral/folk/melodic death metal
Holy Blood - Folk/Death/Black Metal
Hordes of Loki - viking metal
Hordes of Yore - Epic Folk Black/Death Metal
Hrossharsgrani - Viking Metal
Hullun Miehen Seivas - Folk/doom metal
Hyubris - Folk / heavy metal
Haive - Black/Folk Metal
Hoga - Viking Metal
Ice Desert - Pagan Dark-Ambient / Folkish-Metal
In Battle - Viking/black metal, Death metal
In Extremo - Folk / Medieval
Irdhing - Folk/Industrial/Pagan Black Metal
Irij - Folk Doom Metal/Gothic Metal
Isengard (Nor) - Folk black metal
Iuvenes - Dark Ambient (early), Epic Viking Metal, Black Metal
Jarovit - Folk Black Metal
Kaliban - Melodic death/folk/power
Kamaedzitca - Pagan Folk Black Metal
Kapishcha - Pagan Folk Metal/Ambient
Kapiszcza - Dark/Folk Metal
Karelian Warcry - folk black metal
Karna - Folk/Black Ambient Metal
Karnayna - Folk Doom/Death
Kenitra - progressive folk metal
Kentaur - Black / Viking Metal
KerIferN - Folk Black/Thrash Metal
Khelek Ringmir - melodic black metal/folk/ambient
Kieloth - Folk/Dark Ambient
Kivimetsan Druidi - Symphonic Folk Metal
Kolo - Black/Folk Metal/Dark Ambient
Korpiklaani - Folk Metal
Koukol - punk/black metal, folk
Kraina bez Wiatru - Neo-Folk, Pagan War-folk
Kranium - death metal, folk/doom
La Caruta di li Dei - Black / Folk Metal
Landevir - Melodic Folk Metal
LeHorla - Heavy/Folk Metal
Lemuria - Folk Black Metal
Leprechaun (Ita) - Folk Metal
Lifthrasireon - Folk Black Metal
Lindisfarne - Viking black metal
Lord Wind - Darkwave/slavik folk/medieval music with black metal influence
Lord Wolf - Folk Black Metal/Ambient
Lothloryen - Melodic/Folk Metal
Lumsk - viking/folk metal
Lux Eterna - Ambient / Apocalyptic Folk
Mael Mordha - Celtic/Doom Metal
Magnifiqat - Gothic/Folk Metal
Magog (Swe) - Viking/Folk/Melodic Black Metal
Maleficio (Swe) - Folk/Melodic Death Metal
Malnatt - Folk Black Metal
Meclet - Folk Black Metal
Mensura - Viking Metal
Meslamtaea - Black metal/folk
Metsatoll - Folk influenced Heavy Metal
Midnattsol - Gothic/Folk Metal
Minas Morgul (Pol) - Pagan Folk Black Metal
Minotaurus - Celtic Folk Metal
Mithotyn - Viking/Folk Metal
Mitternacht - avant-garde keyboard based black/viking metal
Mons Lvnae - Black/Folk/Gothic Metal
Moonlyght - Folk metal
Moonsorrow - Viking Metal
Moonspell - Folk Black (early) / Gothic Metal (now)
Morbid God - Folk Black Metal
Mordorzhog - Black/Folk Metal
Morgain - Folk/Doom Metal
Morgenstern - Folk Metal
Mors Osculi - Atmospheric Melodic Viking/Black Metal
Morton - Viking Metal
Mourning Ends - Pagan/viking metal
Myrkgrav - Blackened Folk/Viking Metal
Manegarm - Viking/Black/Folk Metal
Mago de Oz - Folk/Celtic Metal
Nachtfalke - Black Metal, Viking Metal
Natan - Melodic black metal with folk influences
Natural Spirit - Black/Folk Metal
Nazgul (Ita) - Folk Black Metal
Nebelhorn - Viking Black Metal
Necrotos - Folk Metal
Nifelheim (Pol) - Gothic/Folk Metal
Night to Die - Folk melodic death metal
Nokturnal Mortum - Folk Symphonic Black Metal
Nomans Land - Viking Metal
Nord 'N' Commander - Blackened Metal with Folk and Techno elements.
Nord (Swe) - Viking Metal
Norden - Viking Metal
Norrsken - Black/Viking Metal
Northside - Viking Metal
Notanga - Folk Metal / Ambient / Electronic
Numen (Esp) - Black/Folk Metal
Oak - Folk NS Black Metal
Oaken Throne - Melodic Death, Viking Metal
Obelisk - Epic/Folk Metal
Oblomov - Black/death metal with some folk influences
oden - Folk/Black Metal
Odhinn - Viking Metal
Odroerir - Medieval/pagan folk metal
Of the Wand and the Moon - Folk, Neofolk
Ogneslav - NS Folk
Olam Ein Sof - Acoustic / neo folk
Orchards of Odenwrath - Viking death metal
Orden Ogan - Folk / Medieval Metal
Orna Annon - Viking Metal
Orphaned Land - Doom / death metal (old), Progressive folk metal (new)
Otyg - Folk metal
Pagan Reign (Rus) - Melodic Folk Metal
Percival Schuttenbach - Progressive folk metal
Perkele - Viking Metal
Pero Defformero - Heavy/Folk Metal
Perunica - Folk/Pagan/Black-Metal
Perunwit - Pagan Neo-Folk
Pesta - Black Metal with folk influences
Piorun - Folk/Ambient
Poltus - Black Metal with Folk elements
Pragnavit - Dark Ambient/Folk Metal
Primordial - Celtic/Folk/Black Metal
Prophanity - Melodic Death Metal/Viking
Querimonia - Black Metal, Viking Metal, Gothic/Doom Metal
Ragnarok (UK) - Pagan/Folk Black Metal
Rajna - Ambient, folk
Rakoth - Epic black / doom / folk metal
Raud-Ants - Pagan Folk Metal
Ravenclaw (Ltu) - Viking Metal
Raventhrone - Folk / Epic Metal
Rimmersgard - Folk metal
Rivendell - Folkish epic black metal
Runic - Viking, Folk, Death Metal
Sagittarius (Ger) - Classical / Neo Folk
Saltatio Mortis - Folk/Epic/Gothic Metal
Samain (Aus) - Black metal with folk, pagan and progressive influences
Samhan - Doom /Black Folk Metal
Satarial - Folk/Black Metal
Saurom Lamderth - Folk Metal
Scald (Rus) - Doom/viking metal
Schandmaul - Folk rock/metal
Schattentantz - Folk Metal
Serenity (Rom) - Folk Gothic Metal
Severnye Vrata - Folk Metal
Shaman (Fin) - Folk Metal
Shambless - Atmospheric/Folk Death/Black Metal
She Cries - Death/Doom/Folk
Sieg - NS Dark/Ambient Folk Metal
Sigrblot - Black Metal/Dark Folkish Metal
Silence Within - Viking/Heathen Metal
Skidbladnir - Viking Metal with some folkish elements
Skiltron - Folk Metal
Skodde - Folk Black Metal
Skoll (Ita) - Viking Metal
Skyclad - Folk metal
Skyforger - Pagan, Folk Metal
Sleeping Flowers - Avantgarde Gothic/Folk Metal
Sleipnir - Black Metal, Medieval Folk
Solstafir - Viking / black metal (old), Progressive black metal (new)
Sons of Musspellheim - Viking death metal
Sontsevorot - Folk Death Metal
Sorrowful God - Doom, Folk, Gothic Metal
Soulstitia - Gothic Folk Metal
Spectral - Black, Thrash, Viking and Power Metal
Spellblast - Folk Power Metal
Stanica - Pagan/Folk Metal
Stara Piesn - Folk / Ambient
Stille Volk - Medieval folk/celtic music
Stirnagard - Viking black metal
Storm (Nor) - Viking folk metal
Stormhammer (US) - Acoustic Folk Black Metal
Stribozhi Vnuci - Pagan Doom Metal with Folk Influences
Strigaskor Nr. 42 - Death metal, folk metal
Subway to Sally - Folk / Medieval Metal
Sudenheimo - Black/Folk Metal
Suidakra - Melodic Black / Death Metal with folk/medieval influences
Sunchariot - pagan/folk black metal
Surturs Lohe - Viking/folk black metal
Sus Scrofa - Celtic/Pagan Metal
Susscrofa - Folk Metal
Svartalfheim - Folk Black Metal
Taiga - Heavy/Folk Metal
Tanqeray - Folk Metal/Rock
Taranis (Hun) - Epic Folk Black Metal
Temnojar - Dark-Ambient, Neo-folk
Temnozor - NS Folk/Black Metal
Templario - Folk/Heavy Metal
Thanateros - Gothic metal, folk metal
The Clan Destined - Heavy/Folk Metal
The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Folk Traditional Doom/Power Metal
The Lost Boys - Old school/folk-metal
The Loving Tongue - Progressive Metal / Rock, Celtic Metal, World Music
Thodde - Folk Black Ambient Metal
Thore - Black/Viking Metal
Thragedium - Folk/Melodic/Doom/Prog Metal
Thronar - Atmospheric/folk black metal
Thrudvangar - Viking Black Metal
Thundra - Black Viking Metal
Thy Worshiper - Folk/Death/Black Metal
Thyrfing - Viking Metal
Touko - Folk Metal
Tragos Adein - Black / Folk Metal
Trollfest - Melodic Death/Folk Metal
Trollkiller - Black / Folk Metal
Tronus Abyss - Medieval Black/Folk Metal
Trymheim - Viking/Folk Metal
Tuatha de Danann - Celtic / folk metal
Tumulus (Rus) - Progressive Folk Metal
Turisas - Viking, Folk Metal
Twin Obscenity - Black / Pagan / Viking / Death Metal
Two Ravens - Viking Black Metal
Tya (FI) - Epic / Power / Viking / Progressive
Uaral - Death/ Doom/ Ambient Folk
Ulver - Black Metal, Folk, Industrial, Electronica
Ulvhedin - Viking Black Metal
uneXpect - Symphonic Folk/Black/Power Metal
Uroczysko - Dark-Ambient / Neofolk
Valaskjalf (Ger) - Viking Metal
Valkyria (Swe) - Folk Metal
Vampiregaze - Thrash/Viking Metal
Vanaheim - Viking Metal
Vardoger - folk-influenced 'black' metal
Varganatt - Folk-Black Metal
Veksha - Folk/Pagan Metal
Velvet Cacoon - Black Metal / Ambient / Folk
Verjnuarmu - Folk Metal
Veter Vody - Neo-folk
Vicious Crusade - thrash metal with folk and gothic atmosphere
Vigrid - folk/viking metal
Viikate - Folk Metal
Vinterfrost - Black/Folk metal
Vintersorg - Viking / folk metal, progressive post-black
Vintersphrost - Helvetic Viking Metal
Volfenkreuz - Pagan Celtic/Black Metal
Volkolak - NS Pagan/Folk Metal
Voyage - Folk/Goth Metal
Vrankenvorde - Pagan/Viking Metal
Wadgelmir - Viking Black Metal
Wapenspraak & Drinkgelag - Pagan, Folk, Thrash Metal
Warcry - Viking Black Metal
Waylander - Celtic/Folk Metal
Weeping Twilight - Folk Metal
Welter - Viking Metal
Wilk - Heathen Folk Ambient
Wind Through the Trees - Black/Doom/Folk Metal
Windir - Black/Viking Metal
Winter Magik - VIking/Black Metal
Winterpath - Black/Folk Metal
Wintersun - Viking/Folk Metal
Wodenson - Viking Metal, Thrash
Wojnar - Ambient/Folk
Wolfhord - Acoustic / neo-folk
Wolfsangel - Folk Metal
Wongraven - Folk, Ambient
Woodland (Hol) - Raw Black Metal/Middle Ages Folk Music
Wotanskrieger - Folk/Viking Metal
Woudeherberg - Folk. Black metal
Wuthering Heights - Progressive/Power/Folk Metal
Xerion - Folk Black Metal
XIV Dark Centuries - Folky Black/Death Metal
Yggdrasil (Swe) - Folk Metal
Ywolf - Dark Gothic/Folk
Zlaya Korcha - Black Metal with Folk influences
Znich - Pagan / Folk Metal
Zpoan Vtenz - Folk/Pagan Black Metal
zalvarinis - Folk Metal
Zonnewiel -NS Ambient


六.Gothic Metal~歌特金属

Total: 799 bands

...of the Human Condition - Melodic Death / Gothic Metal
13 Candles (UK) - Gothic metal / rock
2 Son Multitud - Doom/Gothic Metal/Atmospheric Rock
69 - Gothic/Doom metal
7th Moon - Gothic Doom Metal
A Fonds Perdu - Gothic Metal
A New Dawn - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Abonos - Gothic Metal
Abwhore - Blackened Gothic Metal
Abysmal Grief - Gothic/Doom Metal
Abyssaria - gothic black metal
Acron (Ita) - gothic symphonic progressive/power metal
Ad Infinitum (Swe) - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Ador Dorath - gothic black metal
Adversus - Gothic Metal with Folk influences
Aeons - Gothic Metal
Aeternitas - Gothic/symphonic metal
After Forever - Gothic/atmospheric doom metal
Agalloch - Atmospheric folk/doom/gothic metal
Ageless - Gothic/Atmospheric Metal
Agogh - Gothic Metal
Agregator - Gothic Power-Death
Aion - gothic metal
Akael - Gothic Doom Death
Alcoholika La Christo - Gothic Metal
Aleph (Bra) - gothic metal
Alexandria - Gothic Metal
Alhana - Gothic Metal
Alice in Darkland - Gothic/Death/Doom Metal
Aljahilia - Folk Gothic/Doom Metal
Alma Mater - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Almacridaem - Gothic Metal
Amaranth (Ser) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Amatris - Gothic metal
Amazon - Gothic Metal
Amenophis Dusk - Gothic Black Metal
Amoris Umbra - Gothic Metal
Anabantha - Doom/Gothic Metal
Ancient Drive - Gothic Metal
Ancient Prophecy - Power / Death / Gothic Metal
Angelblood - Doom/Gothic Metal
Angeli di Pietra - Gothic/Power Metal
Angelize - Gothic Metal
Angels in Exile - Dark Doom/Gothic Metal
Annatar - Synphonic Dark Gothic Metal
Anubis (Ger) - Gothic Metal
Anubiz - Gothic/ Death Metal
Aphelion Aphrodites - Melodic Doom/Gothic Metal
Apostate (Pol) - Gothic Death/Doom
Apriori - Dark Ambient Gothic Metal
Arbour - Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Archmages - Doom / Gothic Metal
Ardulph Ardebahr Wald - Black/Gothic Metal
ArenariS - Black Metal (early)/Gothic/Dark/Death Metal (now)
Argile - Gothic Death
Art of Abyssus - Melodic black/gothic metal
Artemis - Gothic Doom Metal
Artrosis - Gothic Metal
As Light Dies - Death/Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
Asgaard (Pol) - Gothic/Black Metal
Ashen Images - Gothic Metal
Asterius - gothic/symphonic black-ish metal
Astral - Black/gothic metal
Atanab - Gothic / Death / Black Metal
Atargatis - Gothic Metal
Atenoux - Symphonic/Gothic/Black Metal
Athanor (Pol) - Gothic Metal
Atoll Nerat - Gothic Black Metal
Atrocity (Ger) - Death metal, ethno/gothic/industrial
Atromorta - Symphonic Black/gothic Metal
Atrox (Nor) - Theatrical Gothic Metal
Autumn (Hol) - Gothic metal
Autumn (Rus) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumn Clan - Gothic metal
Autumn Dweller - Death, thrash, gothic
Autumn Rain Melancholy - Gothic/Doom Metal
Autumn Twilight - Gothic/Doom Metal
Avalon Burning - Gothic Metal with Power influences
Avathar (Aut) - Melodic black, gothic
Avernal Oath - Dark Metal with gothic influences
Avernus - Doom/Death/Gothic
Awaiting Destiny - Gothic metal
Azrael's Seeds - Gothic/Doom Metal
Basilisk (Ger) - gothic metal
Batalion d'Amour - gothic rock/metal
Beautiful Darkness - Doom/Gothic Metal with some Power Metal elements
Before the Dawn - Gothic Metal
Berserk Inc. - Melodic Death/Gothic
Beseech - Gothic metal
Betrayal (US) - Thrash metal (old), gothic/industrial (new)
Beyon-D-Lusion - Gothic Metal
Beyond Darkness - Traditional / Gothic Metal
Beyond Salem - Gothic Metal/Darkwave
Beyond Surface - Gothic Metal
Black Book Members - Gothic/Doom Metal
Black Countess - Black, Doom/Gothic metal
Black Dust - Extreme Gothic Metal
Black Leaves - Folk/Gothic Metal
Black Swan (Ger) - Gothic Metal
Black Thorns Lodge - Gothic Metal
Blackfeather - Gothic Metal
Bleak Shadows - gothic/doom, hard rock, death
Bleakwail - Dark/Gothic Metal
Blessed Are The Sick - Gothic Orchestral Black Metal
Bloodflowerz - Gothic Metal
Bloody Blossom - Gothic/Doom Metal
Blue Sound Traffic - Gothic Metal
Blut Formicarium - Black/Gothic/Folk Metal
Braindance - Progressive, Gothic, Darkwave
Brave (US) - doom/gothic/progressive
Caer Ibormeith - Death Metal/70's influenced Progressive Rock (now)/Symphonic Gothic/Black Metal (earlier)
Callahan - Death Metal with Gothic influences
Canaan - Dark Ambient Gothic Metal
Carnarium - Black/Gothic Metal
Carrier Flux - Industrial Blackened Gothic Metal
Carthago - Thrash Metal with Gothic Metal influences
Catafalque (Tur) - Doom/gothic metal
Catwitch - Gothic power metal
Cayne - Gothic Doom Metal
Celestial Crown - Gothic/doom/black metal
Cemetery of Scream - gothic doom / death metal
Chalice (Aus) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Chapelblaque - Gothic Metal
Charon (Fin) - Gothic Metal
Chemical Warfare - death/thrash with gothic doom influence
Chronic - Thrash / Gothic
Cirrha Niva - Progressive / Gothic Metal
Clair de Lune Morte - Atmospheric gothic doom metal
Cold Colours - Atmospheric Death / Gothic Metal
Colder thy Kiss - Gothic Doom Metal
Complex Range - Traditional/Thrash/Gothic Metal
Compos Mentis - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Con Anima - Dark/Gothic Metal
Condemnation (Svk) - melodic gothic metal
Confess - Gothic Metal
Confligo - Gothic Folk Metal
Consecrated - Doom-gothic metal
Consensus - Gothic Metal
Cradle of Filth - Extreme Gothic Metal
Credo - Doom/Gothic Metal
Crematory (Ger) - Gothic Death Metal (early), Goth/Industrial
Crepuscular Decadence - Gothic Doom Metal
Crimson (Fin) - Heavy/power/gothic metal
Crimson Altar - Gothic metal, melodic heavy rock
Crimson Garden - Gothic metal
Crowhead - Dark/gothic/black Metal
Crown of Autumn - Gothic Metal
Crucifixion (Bra) - Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
Cry of Swan - Gothic/Progressive Metal
Cryptal Darkness - Doom/gothic metal
Cryptic Art - Gothic Metal
Crysalis - Gothic/Black Metal
Crystal Crow - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Cult of Shadows - Extreme Gothic/Death Metal
Cultus Sanguine - Gothic/doom metal
Cybele - Gothic/doom/atmospheric Metal
Cygnus Rift - Heavy/Gothic Metal
D'Lonix - gothic/black metal
Dagorlad - Black / Gothic / Atmospheric Metal
Dakrua - Dark/Gothic Metal
Danse Macabre - Gothic Metal
Dargaard - Dark/gothic neoclassical
Dark - Death/Thrash Metal (earlier) - Dark/Gothic Metal (later)
Dark Awake - Atmospheric/Gothic Metal
Dark Embrace (Esp) - Gothic/Doom
Dark Silence - Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
Dark Tales (Prt) - Gothic Metal
Dark Templar - Blackened Gothic Metal
Dark Vision - Gothic/Symphonic Black Metal
Darklands - Gothic / Doom Metal
Darklight - Progressive Gothic Metal
Darkmoon (Che) - Black Metal with Death/Gothic Vocals
Darkseed - Gothic Heavy Metal
Darkwell - Gothic, doom metal
Dawn of Dreams (Aut) - Symphonic gothic metal
Dawn of Oblivion - Gothic metal/rock
Daylight Torn - Gothic metal/rock
De Profundis - Gothic Doom/Black Metal
Dead Emotions - Gothic/Death Metal
Dead Heart Bleeding - Gothic Doom
Dead Men Dream - Doom/Gothic Metal
Dead Valley - Experimental Gothic Metal
Death Poems - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Deathcamp Project - Gothic Rock/Metal
Deathonator - Groove/Death Metal, Gothic/Melodic Death
Deborah - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Decay's Delight - gothic folk/ambient
December's Fire - Orchestral Gothic Metal
Decieverion - Black/Gothic Metal
Decoryah - Atmospheric/melancholic new-age gothic metal
Deep Inside Myself - Gothic Metal/Rock
Deep Red Divine - Gothic Metal
Dekadenz - Gothic Death Metal
Dekrowned - Doom/Gothic Metal
Delain - Melodic/symphonic/gothic metal
Delight - Gothic Metal
Delusive Dawn - Gothic Black Metal
Delusive Work of Art - Dark Experimental, Gothic Doom Metal
Demether - Gothic/Power Metal
Demimonde (Ger) - Thrash Metal with Gothic Influences
Demiurg (Ger) - Gothic Black Metal
Demonia - Gothic/melancholic metal
Desdemona (Pol) - Progressive Gothic Metal
Desolate Ways - Gothic Metal
Despair's Tiny Things - Doom/Death Metal with Gothic Influences
Devlin - darkwave gothic doom
Dewian - Melodic Dark Gothic Metal
Diableria - Gothic Metal
Diabolique - Doom/Gothic Metal/Rock
Diluvium - Gothic Rock/Metal
Dimness - symphonic blackened gothic metal
Dirty Rain - Gothic/Doom Metal (new), Death Metal (old)
Dis Pater - romantic doom/gothic
Dispelled - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Disromance - Gothic Metal
Distress (Fra) - Atmospheric Gothic Metal/Rock
Distrust (Ger) - Dark/Gothic Metal
Divercia - Dark Gothic Progressive Metal
Divine Lust - Gothic Doom
Divine Silence - Gothic Metal
Domina Noctis - Gothic Metal
Dorn - Gothic Metal
Down Below - Gothic metal / rock
Dr Death - Industrial gothic metal
Draconian (Swe) - Gothic Doom Metal
Dragonfly (Hol) - Gothic Metal
Drama - Gothic Metal
Dramatvm - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Drastique - gothic metal
Drawn - Psychedelic/gothic black metal
Dreadful Shadows - Gothic Metal
Dreamlike Horror - Atmospheric Black/Gothic Metal
Dreams of Sanity - gothic metal/rock
Drep - Metalcore with viking and gothic touches
Drinking Skull - thrash/gothic metal
Drowned in the Darkness - Gothic/Ambient/Death/Doom with Black influences.
Dying Passion - Atmospheric Doom Metal, Gothic Metal
Dying Tears - Symphonic gothic/doom metal
Dystrophy - Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Ebonylake - Gothic, Avant-garde
Echo of Dalriada - Symphonic Gothic Folk Metal
Eden weint im Grab - Gothic-Metal
Edenhial - Doom/Gothic Metal
Eeriness - Gothic / Melodic / Death Metal
Eisheilig - Gothic Metal
Ekove Efrits - Black / Gothic Metal
Elanor - Gothic, death/black metal
Elbereth - gothic / doom metal
Elembus - Gothic/Black Metal
Elevare - Gothic metal
Elfonia - Gothic metal
Elis - melodic symphonic gothic metal
Elishia - Melodic Gothic Metal
Elizium - Doom/Gothic Metal
Elmeod - Gothic Metal
Embers Left - Doom/Gothic Metal
Embrace - Gothic Metal
Embraze - Gothic/Doom Metal
Embryo (Hrv) - Gothic Metal
Emotic Coma - Melodic Gothic Metal
En Declin - Gothic/Alternative Metal
End (Ger) - Doom/Gothic Metal
End My Sorrow - Doom-y Gothic Metal
Endaemona - Gothic/Black Metal
Endless (Cze) - Gothic Metal
Endoras - 'Gothic' Metal
Endtime (Bra) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Endtime (Phl) - Melodic Industrial Gothic Metal
Endymaeria - Black/Gothic/Doom Metal
Ens Cogitans - Gothic Metal
Enslavement of Beauty - Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
Ensoph - Gothic Avant-garde Metal
Entwine - gothic metal
Entwined - Gothic metal
Envidhia - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Envy - Gothic Metal
Eon - doom/gothic metal
Epica - Gothic/atmospheric metal
Eternal (Col) - Gothic/Death Metal
Eternal Cry - gothic metal
Eternal Grieve - Dark/Gothic Metal (now)/Death Metal (earlier)
Eternal Mourning - Gothic / Doom / Death
Ethereal (Col) - Gothic/Black Metal
Ethereal (Prt) - Gothic Metal
Ethereal Travel - Gothic Metal
Etherial Dawn - Gothic Black Metal
Evadne - Doom/gothic metal
Even Fall - Death / Gothic / Atmospheric Metal
Even Vast - Gothic metal
Eventide (Ita) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Evereve - Death / Atmospheric / Gothic Metal
Evig Natt - Gothic Metal
Ewigheim - Gothic Metal
Exaudi - gothic/black metal
Exsecror Vecordia - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Eye of Betrayer - Melodic Gothic/Black Metal
Fading Serenade - gothic metal
Fall of the Leafe - Melodic death/folk, gothic metal
Fanagoria - Gothic Metal
Farmer Boys - Gothic Metal
Fearwell - Gothic / Doom metal
Fetish - Gothic Metal
Fields of Jena - Gothic/Dark Metal
Fiori di Piombo - Gothic/Progressive Metal
Flowing Crimson - Gothic/Doom Metal
Flowing Tears - Gothic Metal
Fog (US) - Death/Gothic Metal
For My Pain... - Gothic Metal
Forest Stream - Black/Gothic/Doom Metal
Forever Embraced - Black/Gothic
Forever Slave - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Forever Sleep - Black, gothic metal
Forgotten Lore - Gothic Black Metal
Forgotten Souls - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Formorkelse - Atmospheric Black Metal with Gothic Influences
Fountain of Tears - Progressive Gothic Metal
Fractalia - Gothic Metal
Fragile Hollow - Gothic metal
Frostburn - Gothic Metal
Frown - Gothic Metal
Frozen Tears (Chl) - Gothic/Doom Metal
FullMoonChild - Gothic metal
Funeral (Nor) - Funeral Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
Furbowl - death/gothic metal
Gaias Pendulum - Gothic Metal
Gallery of Lore - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Gardens of Gehenna - Gothic Doom/Death
Garland - Melodic doom/gothic metal
Gathering of Destiny - Doom/Gothic Metal
Getsemani - Gothic Metal
Gladius Noctis - progressive neo-classical gothic metal
Gods' Sin - Gothic/Doom Metal
Golden Dawn - Extreme Gothic Metal
Goresleeps - Gothic Metal
Gothic Sky - Gothic/Black Metal
Gracefallen - Dark/Gothic Metal
Graveworm - Gothic/melodic black metal
Grayscale - Gothic metal
Greedy Invalid - Gothic metal
Green Carnation - Gothic/Neo-Progressive Metal
Greyswan - Dark / Gothic Metal
Hanom - Gothic Black Metal
Havayoth - Gothic Metal
Heaven Grey - Gothic / Doom Metal
Heavenwood - gothic metal
Helevorn - doom/gothic metal
Hellblazer (Tur) - Gothic metal
Heralder - black/epic/gothic metal
Herjalf - Viking/Doom/Gothic Metal
Hermh - Black / Gothic / Atmospheric Metal
Hermit Age - Death / Doom / Gothic Metal
Hexenhammer (Rus) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Hills of Eternity - Gothic, Doom Metal
Hixi - Gothic Black Metal
Hodah - Gothic Doom Metal
Hora Suprema - Doom/Gothic Metal
Horrida - Gothic metal
How Like a Winter - gothic doom metal
Howling Syn - Gothic metal with medieval influences
Hypnosis (Fra) - Death/Gothic Metal
Iblis Levanah - Progressive Gothic Metal
Illuminandi - Gothic Metal
Illusions - Gothic/Doom Metal
Imperia - Gothic/Atmospheric Metal
In Coma - Gothic Metal
In Grey - Gothic Doom Metal
In Peccatum - Heavy/prog, doom/gothic
In Perpetuum - Gothic metal
In the Mist (Swe) - Gothic Metal/Rock
Incoming - Death/Gothic/Mallcore
Indian Fall - Symphonic, Gothic Black Metal
Indicium - Melodic Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Indigo Child - Gothic metal
Inertia (Esp) - Gothic/Death Metal
Infected (Aus) - gothic metal
Inferno (Ukr) - gothic metal
Infinite Dawn - Gothic Metal
Inflammatory (Ger) - Gothic Death Metal
Inhuman (Prt) - gothic metal
Inner Fear (Cze) - Gothic metal
Inner Shrine - Gothic Metal
Innerbeauty - Gothic/Melodic Death Metal
Intense (Fin) - Gothic Heavy Metal
Interitus (Cze) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Interitus Dei - doom-gothic metal
Into Morphin - Extreme Gothic Metal
Irij - Folk Doom Metal/Gothic Metal
Jeremie - Gothic Metal
Jezebel Bang - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Joint Depression - Gothic Metal
Kayzen - Epic Gothic Metal
Keen (Ita) - Gothic/Industrial Metal
Keltgar - Gothic / Death / Doom Metal
Kemet - Doom/Gothic Metal
Khasm - Gothic/black metal/traditional heavy metal
Kimaera - Symphonic/Gothic Doom/Death
Klimt 1918 - Gothic Metal
KLV - Gothic Doom/Noisecore
Korvus - Gothic/Black Metal
Kratos (Rom) - Gothic Metal
Lacrima (Pol) - Gothic Metal
Lacrimas Profundere - Gothic Doom Metal
Lacryma Christi - Black/Gothic Metal
Lacuna Coil - Gothic Metal
Lagrimas Negras - Gothic Metal
Lake of Tears - Progressive/Doom/Gothic metal
Laments of Silence - Gothic Metal
Landscape of Souls - Gothic Metal
Langret - Gothic/Black Metal
Laudany - Heavy/gothic metal
Leaves' Eyes - Gothic Metal
Lebenssteuer - industrial/gothic metal
Legenda - Dark / gothic metal
Leicohtica - Gothic/Black/Death
Leiden - gothic/industrial metal
Let Me Dream - Gothic/Doom
Leviathane - Melodic Gothic Metal
Lies Are All You Have - Atmospheric/Industrial Gothic Doom
Lilith (Pol) - Gothic Metal
Lilith (Pol) - Gothic-Metal
Lilitu - Gothic metal
Liquid Fever - Gothic metal
Little Dead Bertha - Gothic/Doom Metal
Liturgy of Decay - Gothic Metal
Lord Vampyr - Gothic Metal
Lorien (Pol) - Gothic Metal
Lost in Tears - gothic metal
Lost in Twilight - Progressive/melancholic/gothic/melodic metal
Lost Infinity - Gothic/doom metal
Lullacry - melodic heavy/gothic metal
Luminaria - gothic metal
Luna Martyr - Gothic Metal
Lunar Gate - Atmospheric Gothic/Black Metal
Lunatenebra - Gothic/Symphonic/Progressive Metal
Lunatica - Atmospheric Melodic Gothic Metal
Lupercalia - Blackened Gothic Metal
Lusus Naturae - Gothic/Black Metal
Macbeth (Ita) - Black/Gothic Metal
Madrigal (Swe) - Melodic Death / Gothic
Magnifiqat - Gothic/Folk Metal
Majesty of Silence - Dark Gothic Metal
Malevolence (Prt) - Melodic Death/Doom/Gothic Metal
Malicious Conspiration - Black/Death/Gothic Metal
Malmonde - Gothic death/thrash with industrial elements
Malombra - Heavy Gothic Progressive Metal/Rock
Mandragora Scream - Gothic/Dark Metal
Mandrake (Ger) - Gothic Metal
Marble Arch - Gothic/Atmospheric Metal
Marsyas - Gothic Metal
Mary-Ann - Gothic Metal/Rock
Masque of Innocence - Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
Mater Hades - Gothic Metal
Medebor - Gothic Death/Doom
Medieval Art - medieval gothic metal
Melancholy (Rus) - Doom/Gothic Metal
Melandrolia - Progressive Doom/Dark/Gothic Metal
Melliae - Gothic Metal
Mely - Gothic Metal
Memoria (Cze) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Memoria Mortis - Gothic Metal
Memorial Park - Gothic Melodic Metal
Mephisto (Cub) - Gothic/Black Metal
Mercury Rain - Gothic/Opera Power Metal
Mescarbonic - gothic metal
Midnattsol - Gothic/Folk Metal
Midnight Scream - Black/death/gothic metal
MidnightDate - Gothic Metal
Midwinter (Ger) - Dark Metal (mix of Doom, Black, Death, Gothic elements)
Millennium (Prt) - Gothic Metal
Mindfield - Gothic/Melodic Metal
Misericordia (Fra) - Gothic Metal
Mistralth - Gothic/doom/death metal
Mithril - Gothic Metal
mjolnir (Hol) - Atmospheric Gothic/Dark Metal
Modern Funeral Art - Melodic Gothic/Doom Metal
Moi dix Mois - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Moment After Scarlet - Melodic/Gothic Metal
Mons Lvnae - Black/Folk/Gothic Metal
Monumentum (Ita) - Gothic Metal (new), Dark / doom metal (old)
Moondust - Gothic Metal
Moonlight (Pol) - Gothic/Progressive metal
Moonlight Awakening - Gothic Metal
Moonspell - Folk Black (early) / Gothic Metal (now)
Morbydia - Gothic/Doom Metal
Mordorn - Black/Gothic Metal
Morgana’s Kiss - Gothic Metal
Mortal Love - gothic metal
Mortalia - Gothic Metal
Mortiis - ambient, darkwave, industrial/gothic (new)
Mortus Poetry - Gothic Metal
Motus Tenebrae - Gothic/Dark Metal
Mramor - Gothic/Black Metal
My Insanity - Gothic Metal
My Sixth Shadow - Gothic Metal
My Tide - gothic / doom metal
Myriads - Gothic Metal
Mysterian - Gothic/Ambient/Neo-classical Metal
Mystherium - Gothic Black Metal
Mystical - Gothic/Death Metal
Mythica - Prog/Gothic Metal
N.A.O.S. - Atmospheric/Gothic/Darkwave
Naamah - Gothic Metal
Nadir (Esp) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Nattvind - Melodic Gothic Metal
Near Dark - Gothic Metal
Necromance - Gothic/Industrial Metal
Nemain - Gothic Black Metal/Darkwave
Nemesea - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Neolithic - Progressive Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Neurasthenie - Death/Black Metal with Gothic touches
Never Comes Silence - gothic metal
Never Ending Beauty - Gothic Metal
Nevergreen - Doom/gothic metal
Nezgaroth - Gothic/Doom Metal
Nifelheim (Pol) - Gothic/Folk Metal
Nightfall - Black/Gothic Metal
Nightsky Bequest - Gothic / Doom Metal
Nightwolf (Ger) - Heavy/gothic metal
No Pride - Death/Gothic Metal
Nocturnal Dominium - Gothic/Dark Doom Metal
Nome - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Norma Jeanne - Death/Gothic Metal
Nosgoth - Melodic Gothic Metal
Notre Dame - Theatrical horror gothic metal
Noturna - Gothic/Progressive Metal
November Death - Gothic Metal
Novembre - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Nox Mortis - Avant-garde Gothic/Doom Metal
Obscuration (Fra) - Gothic/Black Metal
Obsession (Fin) - Heavy / gothic metal
Ocean of Sorrow - gothic doom/black metal
Oceans of Sadness - Death/Black/Gothic Metal
Octavia Sperati - Doomy gothic metal
Ode of Eternity - gothic metal
Of Infinity - Gothic Metal
Offertorium - gothic/progressive metal
Oktagon - Gothic Metal
Olemus - Death/black/gothic metal
Ominous Grief - Melodic Black/Gothic Metal
Omni Mortuus - Black/Dark/Gothic Metal
On Thorns I Lay - Death/doom/gothic metal
Ora Pro Nobis - Gothic Metal
Orphanage - Death/Gothic Metal
Pain Control - Modern Metal with gothic and industrial elements
Pain of Soul - doom/gothic metal
Palpatine Rising - Gothic Doom metal
Pandora's Blade - Gothic Metal
Paradise Lost - Death / doom metal (old), gothic rock (new)
Paragon of Beauty - Gothic Doom Metal
Penumbra - Gothic Metal
Periadam - Gothic Metal
Persecution (Ger) - Gothic/Death Metal
Petal - Gothic/Dark Metal
Pettalom - Gothic Metal
Pillars of Eternity - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Pipers Dawn - melodic doom/gothic metal
Plague Project - Gothic Metal
Poetry - Doom/Gothic Metal
Poisonblack - Gothic Metal
Prey - Gothic/Doom Metal
Process of Guilt - Gothic Metal
Proclivity Gloom - Gothic Metal
Projekt K8 - gothic metal/rock
Promises - Gothic/Power Metal
Prophecy (Can) - Gothic Metal
Querimonia - Black Metal, Viking Metal, Gothic/Doom Metal
R.E.T. - Doom/Gothic Metal
Rahowa - Gothic Metal
Rain Novelty - gothic/doom metal
Raincarnation - Gothic / Doom
Ram-Zet - Avant-Garde Black/Gothic
Ravendusk (Pol) - Gothic Metal
Rebirth (Ita) - Gothic Metal
Redemption Unnamed - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Reflexion - Gothic Metal/Rock
Regicide (Ger) - Gothic/Traditional Doom Metal
Renascence - gothic/death metal
Requiem (Prt) - Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
Rosa Ignea - Gothic Metal
Rosenguard - Black / Gothic Metal
Rossomahaar - Black metal, Gothic Rock
Rotting Christ - Grindcore (early), Black Metal/Gothic Metal (now)
Royal Anguish - Death/Gothic Metal
S.C.A.L.P. - doom/death, gothic doom
Sabaium - Gothic metal
Sabaoth - Gothic/Black Metal
Sacrosanctum - Gothic/Doom Metal
Sad Harmony - Gothic metal
Sadhara - Black/Death/Thrash/Gothic Metal
Sadness - Gothic/Black Metal
Sahara Dust - gothic/atmospheric metal
Saltatio Mortis - Folk/Epic/Gothic Metal
Salvation (Isr) - Gothic Metal
Samhain (Rus) - Gothic Doom Power Metal
Samsas Traum - Gothic/Avant-Garde Black Metal
Sangue Demonio - Gothic Metal
Sapphire Dream - Melodic death metal with gothic influences
Sarcastic (Prt) - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Satan's Doom - Gothic Metal
Satyron - Gothic Metal
Saviour Machine - Gothic metal
Scare Me - Gothic/Black Metal
Schattenvald - Gothic Black Metal
Scion - Melodic Death/Gothic Metal
Sea of Rains - Doom/Death/Gothic/Black Metal
Season of Mourning - Symphonic gothic/doom metal
Season's End - Gothic Metal
Seasons of the Wolf - Progressive/gothic/new age heavy metal
Seelenleid - Gothic Black Metal
Seigmen - Start: Gothic Metal, end: Dark Melancholic Rock
Selaterion - Gothic Metal
Sengir - Gothic metal
Senistro - Gothic Metal
Sentient - Gothic/Doom Metal
Serenades - Death/Doom Metal with Gothic Influences
Serenity (Rom) - Folk Gothic Metal
Sermon (Tur) - Gothic/Doom Metal
Sethnefer - Gothic / Extreme Metal
Seventh Sin - Gothic Metal
Shabash - Gothic Metal
Shadembrace - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Shadow of Doom - Gothic Metal
Shadows Dance - Gothic Metal
Shadowthrone - Melodic Death / Gothic Metal
Shardless - Gothic Metal/Goth Rock
Shellyz Raven - Gothic Metal
Shivan - Atmospheric Gothic / Black Metal
Shroud of Bereavement - Symphonic Gothic/Death
Shroud of Tears - Gothic Metal
Siegfried - Gothic Dark Metal
Sighisoara - Gothic Doom Metal
Silence (Ger) - Gothic Metal
Silent Cry - Gothic/doom metal
Silent Vanquish - Gothic metal
Silentium - Gothic Metal
Silverwing - Gothic metal
Sin of Kain - Extreme gothic metal
Sinisthra - Gothic Metal
Sinner of Sinless - Gothic Metal
Sinphonia - Progressive Gothic Metal
Sirenia - Gothic metal
Skeptical Minds - Gothic Metal
Sleep of Thetis - Prog/Gothic Metal
Sleeping Flowers - Avantgarde Gothic/Folk Metal
Sleeping Gods - death/gothic metal
Solemnus - Gothic metal
Solution 13 - Gothic Groove Metal
Somnifere - death/gothic metal
Sonata Nocturna - Doom Gothic Heavy Metal
Sorg (Nor) - Gothic doom metal
Sorrowfield - Gothic Metal
Sorrowful God - Doom, Folk, Gothic Metal
Soturnus - Gothic Metal
Soul Forlorn - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
Soulgrind - Gothic/Black Metal
Soulless (Che) - Gothic metal
Soulstitia - Gothic Folk Metal
Spellcraft (Ita) - gothic/dark metal
Star Queen - Gothic / Power Metal
Still it Cries - Melodic Death/Gothic
Suicide (Aut) - Death/Thrash/Gothic Metal
Sun of Sadness - Gothic/Black Metal
Sundial - Gothic Doom Metal
Sundone - Gothic/Black/Death Metal
Sungate - Experimental Gothic Doom Metal
Sunseth Midnight - Gothic Metal
Sunseth Sphere - Gothic Metal
Svenia - Dark Gothic Metal
Swan Christy - Symphonic gothic metal
Swantears - Gothic metal
Sweet Mother of God - Doom/Gothic Metal
Sweet Suffering - Gothic/Doom Metal
Sylentwake - Gothic/Progressive/Atmospheric Metal with Rock inserts
Sylph - Gothic/Death/Black Metal
Sylver Myst - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Symphonia - gothic atmospheric metal with classical influences
Synoptia - Gothic Doom Metal
Synteresis - Doom/Gothic Metal
Systema Encephale - Gothic Metal
Taish - Gothic Metal
Tales of Dark - Doom/Gothic Metal
Tartosgardh - Gothic Metal
Te Devm - gothic/doom
Tearfall - Gothic Metal
Tears of Martyr - Gothic Metal
Tellurian - Gothic Metal
Tenebrae (US) - Power/Gothic Metal
Tenebrarum (Col) - Death Metal, Gothic Metal
Tenebre - Gothic metal
Thalarion - Doom/Gothic Metal with melodic death elements
Thanateros - Gothic metal, folk metal
Tharsys - Gothic Metal
The Aerium - Symphonic/Gothic Metal
The Avatar - Gothic Metal
The Blood Divine - Dark/Gothic Metal
The Bloodline - Gothic Metal
The Bronx Casket Co. - Dark/Gothic/Atmospheric Metal
The Candles Burning Blue - Traditional Death metal (early), Atmospheric Gothic/Rock (new)
The Cellts - Gothic/Doom/Death Metal
The Crest - Dark/Gothic Metal
The Eternal - Gothic/Doom Metal
The Final Season - Gothic Metal
The Fortuna - Gothic Metal
The Gathering - Death / Gothic / Atmospheric
The Kindred - Melodic death/gothic metal
The Last Feeling - Doom Gothic Metal
The Legacy - Gothic Metal
The Lords of Algol - Gothic Black Metal
The Loveless - Gothic Metal/Rock
The Mansion of Soul Drain - Gothic/Doom Metal
The Myth of Autumn - Gothic Metal
The Old Dead Tree - gothic
The Prior's Diary - death/doom/gothic metal
The Provenance - Gothic Metal
The Season - Gothic Metal
The Silent Agony - Gothic Metal
The Sins of thy Beloved - Gothic/symphonic doom metal
The Sun of Weakness - Gothic Metal
The Sunset - Gothic-Doom metal
The Vision Bleak - Gothic Metal
The Wounded - Doom/Gothic Metal
Theatre of Tragedy - Death/doom (early), gothic, techno (most recently)
Theatres des Vampires - Melodic black/gothic metal
Themgoroth - Gothic/Black Metal
This Empty Flow - Doom/gothic, later gothic/ambience
Thuban - Atmospheric Black/Doom/Gothic Metal
Thy Knyght of Darkness - Darkwave/Gothic/Medieval/Ambient/Experimetal
Tiaga - Gothic Metal
Tiamat - Death Metal (early), Gothic/Atmospheric Metal/Rock
Tisic Let Od Raje - Doom/Death/Gothic Metal
To Elysium - Gothic Metal
To/Die/For - Gothic Metal
Todesbonden - Gothic/doom metal
Torment (Rom) - Symphonic Gothic/Black Metal
Torturhaus - Gothic Metal
Total Tragedy - gothic metal
Totennacht - doom/death/gothic
Tower - Gothic/Death Metal
Tragodia - Gothic Metal
Trail of Tears - Gothic metal
Trinnity - Atmospheric/Gothic Metal
Tristania - Gothic metal
Turul - Black Metal, Gothic
Two - Gothic/Industrial
Type O Negative - Gothic Metal w/ Alternative, Doom, and Other Influences
Tystnaden - Gothic Melodic Death
UnderWater Moon - Melodic Gothic/Doom Metal
Undish - Gothic Metal
Unshine - Gothic Metal
Unspoken Names - Gothic/Progressive Metal
Untouchable Feeling - Dark/Gothic Metal
Upon Shadows - Dark/Gothic Metal
Vaikus - Gothic/Doom Metal
Valafar - Gothic metal
Vale of Tears - Melodic Death Metal (now) ; Gothic/Death Metal (earlier)
Vampiria - Melodic black/gothic metal
Vanguard (Fin) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Varon - Gothic Death Metal
Vasaria - Gothic metal
Veil of Anguish - Progressive Death Metal with Black, Gothic and Atmospheric elements
Veil of Sorrow - Heavy/gothic metal
Venin Noir - Gothic Metal
Venter Caret Auribus - Black/Gothic Metal
Vesania (Chl) - Gothic Metal
Vetitum - Gothic Metal
Via Mistica - Doom / Gothic Metal
Vicious Crusade - thrash metal with folk and gothic atmosphere
Vigilia Septima - Gothic/Doom Metal
Visionaire - Ambient Gothic Death Doom Metal
Visionoir - Darkwave/Gothic Metal
Vladimir - Gothic Dark Doom Metal
Von Sirius - Gothic Dark Metal
Vuelo Nocturno - Gothic Metal
We, The Gods - Gothic Doom Metal
Wedding Party - Gothic/Industrial Metal
Where Angels Fall - Gothic Metal
Why Angels Fall - Gothic / doom metal
Widdershin - Gothic/Black Metal
Wild Garden - symphonic gothic metal
Will O' Wisp - Psychedelic/Gothic Metal
Willow Wisp - Gothic / Black Metal
Winds of Sirius - Gothic Metal
Wings of Fury - Dark gothic metal
Winter of Life - Progressive/Alternative/Gothic Metal
Winter of Vehemence - Gothic, Black Metal, Dark Wave
Winter Reign - Melodic/gothic metal
Wishing Well - Gothic Operatic Metal
Wither - Gothic/Doom Metal
Withering Soul - Dark/Gothic/Doom Metal
Within Temptation - Melodic/Symphonic/Gothic Metal
Without Face - Progressive Gothic Metal
Wolfdance - Gothic, Melodic Metal
Wrath of Killenstein - Gothic Metal
Xandria - Gothic Metal
XIII - Gothic/Doom Metal
Your Shapeless Beauty - Doom/Gothic Metal
Ywolf - Dark Gothic/Folk
Zerberus - Gothic/Doom Metal
Zerokarma - Death/Doom/Gothic/Industrial Metal


七.Heavy/Traditional Metal~重/传统金属

Total: 3427 bands

100% Proof - Hard Rock, NWOBHM
12:06 A.M. - Heavy/Power Metal
18 Speed Tranny - Heavy/Stoner Metal
2112 - Progressive Rock / Heavy Metal
3 Inches of Blood - Heavy/Power Metal
3rd Stage alert - Heavy Metal
44 Magnum - Heavy Metal / Hard Rock
5ive's Continuum Research Project - Heavy Doom Metal
6th Omen - Thrash/Traditional Metal
8 Trak Mind - Heavy Metal
A.D.N. - Heavy Metal
A.N.I.M.A.L. - Heavy/thrash, groove/mallcore
A.R.C. Rock Band - NWOBHM
A.S.A.P. - Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
Aasimon - Heavy Metal
Abadon - Heavy/Power Metal
Abel & Cain - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Abigail (Pol) - Heavy Metal
Abismo Negro - Heavy Metal
Ablaze (Can) - Heavy Metal
Abrasion (Bra) - Melodic Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Absolute Steel - Party Metal / Traditional Metal
Abstract (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Abstract Shadows - Progressive Heavy Metal
Absurdus - Heavy/Power metal with harsh vocals
Abutre - Heavy Metal
Abyss (Che) - Doom/Heavy Metal
Abzintas - Groove-Thrash/Heavy Metal
Acacia (Ita) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Acacia (Mex) - Melodic Heavy Metal
Accept - Heavy Metal
Accidentals - traditional heavy metal
Aceium - Heavy Epic Metal
Acero - traditional heavy metal
Acero (Esp) - Traditional/Heavy Metal
Acid Drinkers - Heavy Metal/Crossover
Acid Edge - Heavy / Death Metal
Acid Rain (Grc) - Epic Heavy Metal
Acis - Traditional Heavy Metal
Acracia - Heavy-rock Metal
Acron (Bra) - Heavy/Progressive metal
Ad Infinitum (Swe) - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Adder - Heavy Metal
Admonisher - Heavy/Power Metal
Adolf Castle - Heavy Metal
Adonis - Heavy / Power Metal
Adrentork - Heavy Metal
Adrian - Heavy/power
Adrian Barilari - Melodic Heavy/Power
Adrift (Bel) - Heavy Metal
Adventure - heavy metal
Advocate - Heavy / Speed Metal
Aegirson - Dark heavy metal
Aemerald - Symphonic Heavy/Power Metal
Aeons End - Heavy/Speed Metal
After All - Heavy metal
After Dark - Heavy Metal, NWOBHM
Aftershok - Classic Heavy Metal
Against the Grain - Heavy Metal
Agatta - Progressive Heavy Metal
Age One - Progressive / Speed / Heavy Metal
Agent Metal - Heavy Metal - Speed/Power
Agent Orange - heavy metal
Aggressor (Arg) - Heavy Metal
Aggressor (US) - Heavy Metal
Agnes Vein - Epic Heavy Metal
Agnesdei - Thrash/Heavy Metal
Agonizer (Fin) - Heavy Metal
Agony Column - 'Hillbilly' Heavy Metal
Agonychild - Heavy metal
Ahat - Heavy Metal
Ahma - Heavy Metal
Airborn - heavy/power metal
Airborne - Heavy Metal
Airfax - Heavy
Airged L'amh - Heavy/Power/Folk Metal
Airspeed - Traditional Heavy Metal
Akilles - Heavy Metal
Akira Takasaki - Heavy Metal
Al Atkins - Heavy Metal / Hard Rock
Alabama Thunderpussy - 70's 'southern' heavy metal
Alabarda - Heavy Metal
Alastor (Hrv) - Heavy / Thrash Metal
Alazif - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Alba Solaris - Doom/Heavy Metal
Albatrhoz - Traditional Heavy Metal
Alberzakh - heavy metal
Albion - Heavy Metal
Alborde - Heavy Metal
Alboys - Heavy Metal
Alcatrazz - Traditional/shred
Alchemy (Bra) - Heavy/Doom Metal
Alcyon - Progressive Heavy Metal
Aleacion - Heavy metal
Alegory - Heavy Traditional, Power Metal
Alex De Rosso - Traditional Metal, Hard Rock
Algoz - Melodic Heavy Metal
Alias - Traditional Metal
Alice in Chains - Heavy metal/grunge metal
Alien Force - classic heavy metal
Alien Nation - heavy metal
Alkateya - Heavy/Power Metal
Allegiance (US) - Heavy Metal
Alliance (Fin) - Melodic Hard Rock/Heavy Metal
Allied Forces - traditional Heavy Metal
Alltheniko - Heavy Metal
Almafuerte - heavy/speed metal
Alquimia - Heavy/Power Metal
Alta Tensao - Heavy Metal
Altered State - Heavy Metal
Altracent - Heavy Metal
Alvacast - Traditional Heavy Metal
Alvarn - Heavy Metal
Alverna Gunn - NWOBHM
Amara - Traditional Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Amaranth (UK) - Heavy Metal
Ambehr - Heavy Metal
Ambermoon - traditional metal
Ambush (Swe) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Americade - Heavy metal
Amethyst (Aus) - Traditional / Progressive Metal
Amethyst (UK) - Heavy Metal
Amethyst (US) - classic heavy metal
Amplifire - Heavy Metal
Amset - Traditional heavy metal
Ana Black - heavy/power metal
Anaka - Heavy Metal
Analgin - Heavy / Progressive Rock/Metal
Anarion - Heavy Metal, Speed Metal
Ancient Tale - Heavy/Progressive Metal
Andarta - traditional heavy metal
Andi Deris - Heavy Metal
Andover - Progressive Heavy Metal
Andromeda (Per) - Heavy/Power metal
Andros - heavy metal
Angel Fallen - Heavy Metal
Angel of Damnation - Epic Traditional Doom
Angel of Mercy - Heavy Metal
Angel Tears - Atmospheric/Heavy/Speed Metal
Angel Witch - NWOBHM
Angel's Diary - melodic heavy metal
Angeles del Infierno - Classic Heavy Metal
Angelica - Heavy Metal
Angels of Armageddon - black/death/heavy metal
Angels With Dirty Faces - heavy metal
Angelus - 80's Heavy Metal
Angelus (Ger) - Heavy Metal
Angelus Apatrida - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Anger (Dnk) - Heavy Metal
Angkor - Heavy Metal
Anglachel - Heavy Metal
Angora - Heavy Metal
Angrist (Esp) - Classical/Progressive Heavy Metal
Anguish Force - Traditional Heavy Metal
Angus - Heavy Metal
Anima - Heavy/Dark Black Metal
Animal - Heavy Metal
Animus (US) - Heavy Metal
Ankhara - Heavy metal
Annathema - Heavy/Speed Metal
Annex - heavy/power metal
Annulation - Thrash/Heavy Metal
Anopheles (Cze) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Anshar - Heavy Metal/Speed Metal
Antarctis - Heavy Metal
Antares (Pol) - Heavy Metal
Antartica - Heavy Metal
Anthem (Jpn) - Heavy metal
Anthenora - heavy/power metal
Antheus - Progressive Heavy Metal
Anthracite - Traditional Heavy Metal
Antitox - heavy metal
Antix (US) - Heavy Metal with Sleaze/Glam influences
Anvil - Heavy/Power Metal
Anvil Chorus - Heavy Metal
Anzeray - Power/Heavy Metal
Aorta - Melodic Heavy Metal
Aphasia (Jpn) - Melodic Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Apocalipsis - heavy/power metal
Apocalypse (Bos) - Heavy/Power Metal
Apocalypse (Dnk) - Heavy Metal
Apocalypse (UK) - Heavy Metal / NWOBHM
Apocalypse (US) - heavy/progressive metal
Apocalyptica - Symphonic Pseudo-Metal, 'heavy cello'
Apocrypha (US) - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Apocryphos - Progressive Heavy Metal
Apostate (Fin) - Melodic Heavy/Death Metal
Approx - Traditional Metal, Progressive Metal
April 16th - traditional heavy metal
Aragorn (UK) - NWOBHM, Heavy/Speed Metal
Arastral - Symphonic/Heavy Metal
Arcana XXII - Traditional metal
Arcane Visions - Heavy / Progressive / Power Metal
Arcane Wisdom - Folk/Pagan Black/Traditional Metal
Arch Nemesis - Traditional/power metal
Arch Rival - Heavy Metal
Archeon - Heavy Metal
Area 54 - Melodic heavy/thrash metal
Area Disaster - Traditional Heavy Metal
Aresz - Heavy Metal
Argento (Ita) - Heavy Metal
Argento (Swe) - Heavy Metal
Argos - Heavy Metal
Arguel - Melodic Heavy/Death Metal
Argus (UK) - NWOBHM
Argus (US) - Heavy Metal
Aria (Rus) - Heavy Metal
Arkadia (Ita) - Heavy Metal
Armada - Traditional/ Classic Metal
Armageddon (Swe) - Melodic/Traditional
Armagedon (Per) - Heavy Metal
Armagedon-X - heavy/power metal
Armed Forces - Heavy/Power Metal
Armed Forces - Traditional/Speed Metal, Glam
Armored Saint - Traditional Metal
Arrest - heavy/power metal
Ars Amandi - Heavy traditional/Folk Metal/Rock
Arson (US) - Heavy/Power Metal
Artefact - Heavy/Black Metal
Artifact - Heavy/Black Metal
Artirilium - Heavy Metal
As She Screams - Heavy Metal
Asbreaker - Heavy/Power Metal
Asfault - Traditional/Heavy Metal
Asgard (Ger) - Traditional metal
Ashbury - Epic hard rock/heavy metal
Aska (US) - Traditional Metal
Asmodina - Heavy Metal
Asperity - Heavy Metal
Aspid - Heavy Metal
Assailant (Can) - Heavy/Speed Metal
Assassin (US) - Heavy Metal
Assassins - Heavy Metal
Astarot (Pol) - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Astaroth (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Astoryas - heavy metal
Astral Doors - heavy metal
ATC - traditional metal
Aterial - Heavy Metal
ATG - Traditional/Thrash Metal
Atom God - Traditional / Speed Metal
Atomega - Heavy Metal
Atomkraft - NWOBHM/speed metal
Atroz - Heavy Metal, Progressive
Attack - Melodic Heavy Metal
Attakk - Traditional Metal
Attaxe - Heavy Metal
Attentat Rock - Heavy Metal
Attick Demons - Heavy/Power Metal
Attila (US) - heavy metal
Attis - Heavy Metal
Attitude Force - heavy metal
Attro - speed/thrash, traditional
August - Heavy Metal, Traditional Rock
August Redmoon - Heavy Metal
Aura Azul - Heavy Metal
Aurion - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
Auroch - Heavy Metal
Aurora (UK) - NWOBHM
Aurthohin - Heavy Metal
Autumn's End - Heavy Metal
Avalanche (US) - 80's Heavy metal
Avalon (Can) - Heavy Metal
Avalon (Dnk) - Heavy Metal
Avalon (Hol) - traditional heavy metal
Avanitas - Heavy metal
Ave Fenix - Heavy/Power Metal
Avelon - heavy/melodic metal
Avenger (Bra) - heavy metal
Avenger (Ger) - Heavy Metal
Avenger (UK) - NWOBHM
Avian - heavy metal
Awacks - Progressive Heavy Metal
Awake (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Axe Victims - traditional heavy metal
Axe Witch - traditional heavy metal
Axed Ministers - Heavy Metal
Axel Rudi Pell - traditional metal , melodic metal
Axewielder - Heavy metal
Axtion - traditional metal
Axton Pryte - traditional heavy metal
Axxis - Traditional / Melodic Metal
Ayerdall - Traditional Heavy Metal
Aygghon - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Azazel (Mex) - Heavy Metal
Azimuth (Rus) - Heavy/Power Metal
Azken Garrasia - Heavy Metal
Azul Limao - Heavy Metal
Azure (Fin) - Death / Heavy Metal
B.T.R. - Hard Rock / Heavy Metal
Baboon Rising - Heavy Metal
Babylon Whores - Heavy metal, ``Death Rock``
Backlash - Heavy Metal / NWOBHM
Backslash - heavy/power metal
Bad Joke - Heavy/Speed Metal
Bad News - Heavy metal parody, comedy
Bad Steve - heavy metal
Badge - NWOBHM
Badger - NWOBHM
Badluck - Heavy Metal
Baekdoosan - Tradition/Heavy Metal/Hard rock
Bagheera - traditional heavy metal
Balkandji - Heavy / Folk Metal
Ballantinez - heavy metal
Balrog (Swe) - Heavy Metal
Banished (Swe) - Blackish Heavy Metal
Banshee (Can) - heavy metal
Banshee (US) - Traditional US Power Metal
Banzai - heavy metal
Baron Blade - Heavy/Power Metal
Baron Rojo - Heavy metal
Baron Steele - Epic Heavy Metal
Basca - Heavy Metal
Bashful - heavy metal
Bashful Alley - NWOBHM
Baskerville - Heavy Metal
Batan - Heavy Metal
Bates Motel - Traditional Heavy Metal/Rock/Sludge/Grunge
Baton Rouge - heavy metal
Battagia - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Battalion (US) - Speed/heavy metal
Battered (UK) - heavy/thrash metal
Battering Ram - Heavy Metal
Battle Flag - Heavy Metal
Battle Ram - Epic Heavy Metal
Battleaxe (UK) - Traditional heavy metal, NWOBHM
Battleaxe (US) - Heavy/glam metal
Battlefield (Pol) - Heavy metal
BattleHeart - Heavy Metal
Battlerage - Heavy Metal
Battleroar - Traditional/power metal
Battlezone - Traditional Metal
Be Cool - Heavy Metal
Bealiah - Symphonic Black Metal/Heavy Metal
Beast (Ger) - Heavy Metal
Beast Unleashed - Heavy Metal
Bedlam (Swe) - Heavy Metal
Bedrock Zity - Traditional Heavy Metal
Beg to Differ - NWOBHM
Behemoth (Swe) - Heavy Metal, 'NWOBHM'
Beholder - Melodic Heavy Metal
Belgarion - Heavy Metal
Bella Bestia - Glam/Traditional Heavy Metal
Beltane (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Benefits Forgot - Heavy Metal with melodic Death influences
Bengal Tigers - Traditional heavy metal
Beowulf (US) - Heavy Metal
Bersaekers - Heavy Metal
Berserker - Heavy/Power Metal
Berserkr - Heavy/Death Metal
Berserks - Heavy Metal
Beto Vazquez Infinity -Melodic Metal/Rock
Betrayer (Bra) - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Betrayer (Can) - Traditional/Thrash
Beyond (US) - Traditional, industrial
Beyond Darkness - Traditional / Gothic Metal
Beyond Fallen - Heavy Metal
Beyond the Dark - heavy/doom/power metal
Beyond the End - Epic Traditional/Doom Metal
Beyond Twilight - melodic progressive/heavy metal
Bible Black - traditional heavy metal
Big Business - Heavy/Sludge
Big Daisy - NWOBHM
Big Iron - Heavy/Groove Metal
Bila Vezha - Heavy metal
Bill Ward - Heavy metal, hard rock
Biogenesis - Heavy Metal
Bird of Prey - traditional heavy metal
Biscaya - Heavy Metal
Bitch (Che) - Heavy Metal
Bitch (US) - Heavy Metal
Bitches Sin - Traditional/NWOBHM
Blaakyum - Heavy Metal
Black Alice - Heavy/thrash metal
Black Arrow - Traditional Heavy Metal
Black Atom - Traditional Metal
Black Axe - NWOBHM
Black Babylon - Heavy/Progressive/Thrash Metal
Black Christ - Heavy Metal
Black Coffee - Traditional Heavy Metal
Black Cross (Prt) - Black/Heavy Metal
Black Dama - Heavy Metal
Black Dawn (US) - Dark/Modern Heavy Metal
Black Death (US) - Heavy metal
Black Debbath - Heavy Traditional Doom
Black Diamond - traditional heavy metal
Black Earth - heavy metal
Black Evil - Black/Heavy Metal
Black Fate (Ger) - classic heavy metal
Black Hawk - classic heavy metal
Black Heaven - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Black Horizon - Heavy Metal
Black Horsemen - Traditional/Heavy Metal
Black Ivory - Heavy/Doom Metal
Black Jack - heavy metal
Black Knight (Hol) - heavy metal
Black Majesty - Melodic Heavy Metal
Black Moon Rising - Heavy Metal/Punk
Black Rose - Heavy Metal / Hard Rock
Black Sabbath - Heavy/Traditional, Doom Metal
Black Sheep (US) - Heavy Metal
Black Steel - Traditional / Power Metal
Black Sun (Grc) - Heavy/Melodic Metal
Black Sun (US) - heavy metal
Black Tears (Ger) - traditional metal
Black Virgin - traditional power/speed metal
Black Web - Heavy Metal
Black Widow (Bel) - heavy metal
Black Widow (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Black Widows - Melancholic Heavy Metal
Black Wizard - Heavy/Black Metal
Blackend - Heavy / Thrash Metal
Blackened (Ger) - Dark Melancholic Heavy Metal
Blacklace - heavy metal
Blacklyst - 80's heavy metal
Blackmayne - NWOBHM
Blackness (Mex) - Heavy Metal
Blackout (Fra) - Heavy/Thrash
Blacksmith (Swe) - Heavy/Melodic Metal
Blackstar - Traditional Metal, Classic Rock
Blackstorm - Heavy Metal
Blackwych - traditional heavy metal
Blade Runner - NWOBHM
Blakk Totem - traditional metal
Blaze (UK) - Heavy Metal
Blazing Guns - Traditional/Power Metal
Blazon - Heavy Metal
Bleak Crowd - Heavy Metal
Bleak House - NWOBHM
Blind Fury - Traditional/NWOBHM
Blind Justice (Grc) - Heavy/Power Metal
Blind Mirror - Heavy Metal
Blind Obsession - heavy/power metal
Blind Petition - Melodic Heavy Metal
Blind Sight - Heavy Metal
Blitzenhamer - Heavy Metal
Blitzkrieg (UK) - Traditional/NWOBHM
Blitzkrieg (US) - heavy metal
Blitzspeer - Thrash/ Heavy Metal
Blizard - 80's Heavy Metal
Blizzard (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Blizzard (Nor) - Heavy/Traditional Metal
Bloden-Wedd - Traditional Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Bloke - Power, Traditional Metal
Blood Covered - Heavy Metal
Blood For Glory - Heavy Metal
Blood of Kings - Heavy Metal
Blood Shot Eye - Doomy Heavy Metal
Blood Sucker - Hard Rock (old), Heavy Metal (now)
Blood Thirsty Demons - 'horror' heavy metal
Bloodgood - traditional metal
Bloodrain (Est) - Heavy Metal
Bloodstained - Traditional/Power Metal
Bloody Climax - Heavy Metal
Bloody Mary (Ger) - traditional metal
Bloody Six - Traditional Metal
Bloody Skizz - Heavy Metal
Bloody Tears (Ita) - Traditional/Speed/Thrash
Blowin Free - heavy metal
Bludwulf - Heavy Metal/Death Punk
Blueberryhill - Heavy Power Metal
Blynd - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Bob Catley - Heavy metal, Hard rock
Bodine - Heavy Metal
Boetz - Heavy Metal
Bohaln - Heavy Metal
Bollweevil - NWOBHM
Boss - Heavy/Traditional Metal
Boulevard - NWOBHM
Bow Wow - Heavy Metal
Brain Death - Heavy Metal
Brainfade - Thrash / Heavy Metal
Brainfever - Traditional heavy metal
Brainstorm (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Brainstorm (Ger) - Heavy metal
Branded Skin - Heavy/Thrash/Death Metal
Brasil Papaya - heavy metal/hard rock, Brazilian folk
Brat - Heavy Metal
Brats - Punk (earlier); Traditional metal/hard rock
Brave Bomber - Heavy Metal
Braveheart - Melodic Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Brazen (US) - Classic Heavy Metal
Breaker (Can) - Classic heavy metal
Breaker (Esp) - Heavy Metal
Breaker (Ger) - traditional heavy metal
Breaker (US) - Heavy Metal
Breakout - Heavy/Groove Metal
Breakpoint - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Breed 77 - Heavy Metal
Breeze Least - Traditional/Neo-Classical Metal
Breslau - Heavy Metal
Brewmaster - Heavy metal
Brick Bath - Heavy Metal
Brick Mistress - Traditional Heavy Metal
Bride - heavy metal
Brocas Helm - Traditional Metal
Broken Arrow - Heavy/Power Metal
Broken Oath - Heavy Metal
Bronx - Traditional Heavy Metal
Bronz - NWOBHM
Brooklyn - NWOBHM
Bruce Dickinson - Heavy Metal
Bruque - Heavy Metal, Hard Rock
Brutal Hand - Traditional Heavy Metal
Bubi the Schmied - Traditional Heavy Metal
Buccaneer - Heavy Metal
Bud Tribe - Doom, 80's Heavy metal
Budgie - Traditional Heavy Metal
Buffalo - NWOBHM
Bui3 - Heavy Metal
Bulldozer (Fin) - Heavy metal
Bullet (Ger) - traditional metal
Bullet (Swe) - Heavy Metal
Bullet Train - Heavy Metal
Bullshit Mama - Heavy Metal
Bunker (Arg) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Buried Inside - Heavy metal/metalcore
Burn - Thrash/heavy metal
Burner (UK) - NWOBHM
Burner (US) - Heavy Metal
Burning Leather - Heavy Metal
Burning Point - traditional heavy metal
Burning Rain - Traditional Hard Rock/Heavy Metal
Burning Shadows - Power/heavy Metal
Burning Soul - Heavy Metal
Burning Starr - Heavy Metal
Burning Vision - Traditional Heavy Metal
Burzukh - Death/Black/Doom/ Traditional Heavy Metal
Buszer - Heavy Metal
Butcher (US) - heavy/power/epic metal
Buzzard (UK) - NWOBHM
By Suffering - Atmospheric Heavy Metal
Bad Influence - Heavy Metal
C Average - Heavy Metal
C.A.S.H. - Heavy Metal
C.I.A. - hardcore tinged heavy/thrash metal
C.O.E. - Traditional Metal
Cabal (Ger) - Heavy/power metal
Cacumen - traditional metal
Cage - Power / Traditional Metal
Caid Deceit - melodic heavy/power metal
Calibern - Heavy Metal
Calibre 38 - Heavy Doom
Callejero - Heavy Metal
Calvario - Heavy Metal
Camargue - NWOBHM
Cameron Vegas - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Candlemass - Epic Heavy/Doom Metal
Cannon - melodic metal / heavy metal
Cans - Heavy Metal
Cappanera - heavy / thrash metal
Capricorn - Heavy Metal
Captor (Arg) - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Cardania - Heavy Metal
Cardiac Arrest - Heavy/thrash Metal
Cargo - Heavy Metal
Carl Turns Fifty - Heavy Metal
Carnage (US) - Traditional metal
Carnivora - Heavy Metal
Carrie - heavy metal
Carried the Weight - Heavy / Death Metal
Casablanca - Heavy Metal
Cassandra - Heavy Metal
Cassle - heavy/epic metal
Cast Away - Heavy Metal
Cast of Shadows - Progressive Heavy Metal
Castle Well - Heavy metal
Cataclysm - Traditional Heavy Metal
Catch 22 - Heavy / Traditional / Thrash / Power
CatEye - Heavy Metal
Cauldron Born - Power / Traditional Metal
Cavernicolas - Heavy Metal
Celestial Dawn - Heavy/Power metal
Celestial Ode - Heavy power metal
Cellblock 8 - Progressive Heavy Metal
Celtic Legacy - Traditional/Folk Metal
Cenobite - Heavy/Death Metal
Centaur (Ger) - Heavy/power metal
Centinela - Heavy Metal
Centurias - Heavy Metal
Centurion (UK) - NWOBHM
Centurion (US) - Heavy Metal
Centurions Ghost - Traditional doom metal
Centvrion - Heavy Power, Thrash Metal
Cerebus - Traditional / Power Metal
CETI - Heavy/Power Metal
Chacal - Heavy Metal
Chain Reaction (Pol) - Thrash/Heavy Metal
Chain Reaction (UK) - NWOBHM
Chainsaw (Ger) - heavy metal
Chainsaw (Hol) - Heavy/Speed Metal
Chainsaw (UK) - NWOBHM
Chainsaw (UK) - NWOBHM
Challenger - NWOBHM
Chamber Seven - Industrial/Heavy/Thrash Metal
Channel Zero - Heavy Metal
Chaos Feeds Life - Thrash/Black/Heavy metal
Chaos Opera - Heavy metal, instrumental, thrash metal
Chaos Theory (Aus) - Power/Heavy Metal
Chaosphere (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Character - heavy/power metal
Charger (UK) - NWOBHM
Chariot (Ita) - Heavy/Speed Metal
Chariot (UK) - Traditional Metal/NWOBHM
Charisma (Fin) - Heavy metal
Charlie 'Ungry - NWOBHM/Rock
Charly Vega - Heavy/Shred Metal
Charon (Ger) - Traditional Metal
Chasar - NWOBHM
Chaser - NWOBHM
Chastain - Heavy Metal
Chateaux - NWOBHM
Cheeky - NWOBHM
Chess - Heavy/Power Metal
Chevy - NWOBHM
Child of Stone - Heavy Metal
Child Saint - Heavy Metal
Childhood's End - heavy metal
China Doll - NWOBHM
China White - classic heavy metal
Chinatown - NWOBHM
Chinawhite - NWOBHM
Chinawite - Heavy Metal / NWOBHM
Cholane - Traditional Heavy Metal
Chopper - Thrash / Heavy Metal
Chris Poland - Heavy Metal, shred, progressive/guitar rock
Ciment - Traditional heavy metal
Circle of Grief - Traditional Heavy Metal
Circle of Pain - Progressive / Heavy Metal
Cirgalith - Heavy/Power/Folk Metal
Cirith Ungol - Heavy/Doom Metal
Cities - heavy/power metal
Citizen Evil - Thrash/Heavy metal
Citron - melodic heavy metal
CJSS - 80's Heavy Metal
Clairvoyant - Heavy Metal/Epic
Clan of Chaos - Death / Black / Heavy Metal
Clangor - Heavy Metal
Claudio Marciello - Traditional Heavy/Speed Metal
Claymore (US) - Heavy Metal
Cleopatra - heavy metal
Clientelle - heavy metal / NWOBHM
Climax - Traditional Heavy Metal
Cloudburst - Heavy Metal
Cloven Blade - traditional heavy metal
Cloven Hoof - NWOBHM
Clubber Lang - Traditional Heavy Metal
Coarse - heavy/death metal
Cobra - NWOBHM
Cockney Rejects - Oi/punk, NWOBHM, heavy metal
Coine - Heavy metal
Colony (Swe) - Heavy Metal
Colossus - Stoner/Heavy Metal
Commander (Swe) - 80's Heavy Metal
Commander (US) - Heavy Metal
Communic - Progressive Metal, Power Metal, Heavy Metal
Complex Impulse - Heavy Metal
Complex Range - Traditional/Thrash/Gothic Metal
Conjuration - Horror Heavy Metal
Conjuring - heavy/power metal
Conquest (Fin) - Progressive Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Conquest (Swe) - Heavy/Power Metal
Conquest (US) - Heavy Metal
Conquestador - Heavy/Speed Metal
Conspirator - Heavy/doom/thrash
Conspired Legends - Melodic Heavy/Power Metal
Contagious - Heavy Metal
Core Device - Heavy metal
Cornucopia - Thrash-ish, Heavy Metal
Corrosion (Pry) - Thrash/heavy metal
Corrosion (Swe) - Heavy/Stoner Metal
Corrosion of Conformity - Crossover, Sludge, Progressive Heavy Metal
Corsario - Heavy Metal
Cosmic Invaders - Heavy Speed Thrash
CounterParts - melodic heavy metal
Courage - Traditional Heavy Metal
Courtyard - Heavy metal with harsh vocals
Coven - Heavy/Doom Metal
Crack Jaw - Heavy Metal
Cranium (Ind) - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Crapulas - Heavy Metal
Crawler - Heavy Metal
Crawline - Thrash/Heavy Metal
Creature (Ger) - Melodic Heavy Metal
Creature of Habit - Heavy/Power/Progressive Metal
Creed - Heavy Metal
Crepar - Heavy Metal
Crescent Shield - Traditional/Power metal
Crienium - Traditional Heavy Metal
Crime Academy - heavy metal
Crimson (Fin) - Heavy/power/gothic metal
Crimson Altar - Gothic metal, melodic heavy rock
Crimson Dawn Project - Heavy Doom
Crimson Glory - Melodic heavy metal
Crisis de Fe - Heavy Metal
Cristal y Acero - heavy metal, hard rock, power metal
Critical State - Traditional Heavy Metal
Criven - Melodic Heavy Metal
Croam - Aggressive Heavy Metal/Thrash
Crom (Esp) - heavy/speed metal
Cronos (UK) - Traditional Metal
Croskill - Heavy/Prog Metal
Cross Borns - Traditional Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Cross Bow - Heavy Metal
Crossbones - traditional heavy metal
Crossfire (Bel) - Traditional metal
Crossroads - Traditional/Melodic Metal
Crowley - Traditional Heavy Metal
Crucifixion (UK) - NWOBHM
Cruel Adiccion - Traditional Heavy Metal
Crusader - Traditional Heavy/Power Metal
Crushing Blow - Heavy Metal
Cruz de Fuego - Melodic Heavy Metal
Cry Mercy - Heavy Metal with Groove influence
Cryer - NWOBHM
Cryhavoc - Heavy Metal/Death Metal
Crying Steel - 80's HeavyPower Metal
Cryme - Heavy metal/Hard Rock
Cryptic Fate - Heavy Metal
Cryptkicker - Heavy Metal
Cryptomeria - Thrash / Heavy Metal
Crystal Clear - Heavy/Power Metal
Crystal Dreams - Atmospheric Heavy Metal
Crystal Knight - Heavy Metal
Crystal Pride - Heavy Metal
Crystal Shark - Traditional Heavy Metal
Crystal Street - Traditional Heavy Metal
Crystal Viper - Heavy metal
Crystalic - Progressive Death/Heavy Metal
Crysys - Heavy Metal
Cuarto Obscuro - Progressive Heavy Metal/Rock
Cuatro Gatos - Heavy / Power Metal
Cuervo - Heavy Metal
Curium - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Cutty Sark - traditional heavy metal
Cyan Bloodbane - Heavy/Power
Cyanotic - heavy metal, melodic death
Cycles - Melodic Heavy / Thrash / Doom Metal
Cyclophenia - Thrash, Heavy Metal
Cyclops (Ita) - Heavy Metal
Cygnus Rift - Heavy/Gothic Metal
Cynic (UK) - NWOBHM
Cyperus - traditional heavy/progressive metal
D-Lusion - heavy/power/progressive metal
D-Ray - Heavy Metal
D.A.V. - Heavy Metal
D.D.T. - heavy metal
D.T. Seizure - Heavy Metal
Dagger - Heavy Metal
Daghda - Heavy Metal
Dama Blanca - Heavy metal
Dama Feudal - melodic heavy/power metal
Damacles - NWOBHM
Damage (Bra) - Traditional Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Damage (Esp) - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Damage Factory - Heavy Metal
Damascus - heavy metal / NWOBHM
Damien (US) - heavy/power metal
Damien Storm - Heavy metal
Dammaj - traditional Heavy Metal
Damned Nation - Heavy Metal
Dangel - Heavy Progressive Metal
Danger (Bel) - Heavy Metal
Danger (Ger) - Heavy Metal
Danger (Swe) - Heavy Metal
Danger Zone (Fra) - Heavy Metal
Danger Zone (Ita) - heavy/power metal
Danton - traditional metal
Danzig - Heavy Metal - Metallic Doom Rock
Dark Age (US) - traditional heavy/power metal
Dark Angel (Arg) - Heavy Metal
Dark Avenger (Bra) - Heavy Power Metal
Dark Avenger (Ger) - traditional heavy metal
Dark Crystal - Symphonic Heavy/Power Metal
Dark Diamonds - Power/Heavy Metal
Dark Earth (Aus) - Heavy Metal
Dark Heart - NWOBHM
Dark Impressions - heavy / doom metal
Dark Lord - Heavy Metal
Dark Nova - Heavy Metal
Dark Salad - Heavy Metal
Dark Shift - Traditional Heavy metal
Dark Sign - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Dark Star - NWOBHM
Dark Views - heavy metal
Dark White - Traditional Doom
Dark Wizard - traditional metal
Darkenlight - 80's Heavy Metal with Oriental Influences
Darkland (Bra) - Heavy/Progressive Metal
Darkseed - Gothic Heavy Metal
Darkside (Bra) - Heavy Metal
DarkStarr - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Darna - Heavy/Power
Darxon - traditional heavy metal
Das Reich - Heavy metal
Dave Slave - Horror / Heavy Metal
David Benson - Heavy/Doom Metal
David Neil Cline - Heavy Metal
David Shankle Group - Heavy/Power/Shred
Dawedda - Heavy Metal
Dawn (UK) - Melodic Heavy Metal
Dawn Hawk - heavy metal
Dawn of Silence - Melodic heavy metal
Dawn Patrol - Doomy Heavy Metal
Dawn Trader - NWOBHM
Dawnwatcher - NWOBHM
DayNight - Heavy/Power Metal
Daytona - Heavy Metal
De'sector - Heavy Metal
Dead End (Jpn) - 80's Heavy Metal
Dead on Arrival - Death/Thrash, Heavy
Deadline - Traditional, Power Metal
Deadman's Tale - Heavy/power metal
Deadnight Warrior - Heavy Metal
Dealer - NWOBHM
Death Amphetamine - Heavy / Death Metal
Death or Glory - Heavy Metal
Death SS - Black Doom/Heavy/Speed Metal (early), Industrial Metal (later)
Death Warrant (Ger) - Traditional/Power Metal
Deathslayer - Traditional heavy metal
Deathwish (UK) - Traditional Metal/Thrash Metal
Deboning Method - Speed/Thrash/Heavy
Deceased - Death Metal (early), Thrash/Heavy Metal
Deceived - Melodic Heavy Metal
Deceiver (Ger) - Heavy/Power Metal
Deceiver (Ger) - Heavy Metal
Deceiver (Swe) - Old School Thrash/Heavy Metal
Deceiver (UK) - Heavy Metal
Deceptor (Grc) - Heavy/power metal
Deceptor (Ita) - Thrash Metal with Heavy Metal influences
Declamatory - Heavy Metal with Thrash influences
Ded Engine - heavy metal
Dedication - Melodic Heavy/Power Metal
Dedringer - NWOBHM
Dee Snider - Heavy metal
Deeds - Traditional Metal/Hard Rock
Deef - Heavy Metal
Deep Machine - NWOBHM
Deep Purple - Heavy metal, hard rock
Deep Switch - Heavy Metal, NWOBHM
Deep Under Dirt - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Def Leppard - NWOBHM, hard rock, pop rock
Defender (Swe) - Heavy Metal
Defy - Melodic Heavy Metal
Deimos (Bra) - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Deimos (Rus) - Heavy Metal
Deja-Vu - Heavy/Power Metal
Delight Lost - Modern Heavy Metal
Delirium Tremens (Dnk) - Heavy Metal
Deliverance (UK) - Old school black metal/Heavy metal
Demagogue - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Demental (Swe) - 80's Heavy Metal
Demolition (Jpn) - Crossover/Thrash Metal, Traditional Metal
Demolition (UK) - NWOBHM
Demon - NWOBHM
Demon Eyes - traditional heavy metal
Demon Flight - Traditional Metal
Demon Pact - NWOBHM
Demonblade - Heavy Metal
Demoniac (Nzl) - Black/Traditional Metal
Demonitar - Black/Heavy Metal
Demons Seed - Heavy Metal
Demontage - Black Heavy Metal
Denial Price - Heavy Metal
Deniall - Heavy Metal
Denigh - heavy metal/NWOBHM
Denigrate - Heavy Metal
Denim and Leather - traditional heavy metal
Denizen - Heavy Metal
Depzon - Traditional Heavy Metal
Dereistic - Heavy/Death/Thrash Metal
Deres - Traditional Heavy Metal
Desafio - Heavy Metal
Deschutz - 80's Heavy Metal
Desideria - Melodic Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Desillusion - Heavy Metal
Desolation Angels - Power Metal, NWOBHM
Desperado - Heavy Metal
Desperados - ``Western Metal``, Heavy/Southern/Thrash Metal
Desperation - Heavy Metal
Despotic - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Destillery - Traditional Heavy Metal
Destiny (Swe) - traditional metal
Destiny's End - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Destroy Destroy Destroy - Death/Black/Heavy metal
Destroyer (UK) - NWOBHM
Dethret - Heavy/Power Metal
Detonation (Che) - Heavy/Power Metal
Deuce (UK) - heavy/power metal
Deuce (US) - heavy/power metal
Devane - Heavy Metal, Hard Rock
Devenir - Traditional Heavy Metal
Devil Lee Rot - Heavy Metal
Devil to Pay - Sludge/Southern/Heavy Metal
Devilish Dance - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Devils & His Spells - Traditional/Doom Metal
Dew Fall - Heavy Metal
Di'Anno - Heavy Metal
Diabolix - Heavy Metal, Thrash, Hard Rock
Diamond Claw - Heavy Metal
Diamond Dogs - Heavy Metal
Diamond Dream - Heavy/Shred Metal
Diamond Head - NWOBHM
Dick Smith Band - NWOBHM
Die Laughing - NWOBHM
Dietrich - Heavy Metal
Digger - Heavy Metal
Dio - Heavy metal
Diphtheria - Heavy, Power, Progressive, Doom Metal
Disarm - Heavy Metal
Disarm Goliath - Heavy Metal
Discharge - Punk/Hardcore, Heavy/Thrash Metal
Disdain (Swe) - Heavy Metal
Disdain (US) - Heavy Metal
Disharmony (Grc) - heavy/doom metal
Dissector (Rus) - Heavy / Power Metal
Dissident View - Heavy Metal
Dissonant - Progressive Metal, Thrash\Heavy Metal
Distorted (Bel) - Thrash/Death/Heavy Metal
Distorted Minds - Melodic Heavy/Groove Metal
Distorzija Uma - heavy metal
Distorzion - Death/Heavy/Thrash/Speed/Fusion Metal
Distrainers - NWOBHM
Divine Burning Angels - Heavy Metal
Divine Rite - Heavy/Power Metal
Divine Tragedy - Heavy Metal
Divinity - Heavy Metal
Divinity Destroyed - Heavy Metal / ``World`` Metal
DLM - heavy metal
DNA (Cze) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Doble Cano - Heavy Metal
Dogma of Faith - Heavy Metal
Dogo - Heavy Metal
Dogs With Jobs - punk-tinged heavy/speed metal
Dokken - Heavy metal, hard rock
Doktor Maxx - Melodic Heavy Metal
Doktor Triceratops - Heavy Metal
Dominium (Per) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Dominus Praelii - Heavy Metal, Power
Donnerkopf - Heavy Metal
Doomonic - heavy metal
Doomraiser - Traditional Doom Metal
Doomstone (US) - Death / heavy / doom metal
Dorian - heavy metal
Dorian Gray - heavy metal / melodic metal
Doro - Heavy Metal
Dorso - Thrashish Gore Heavy Metal
Double Action - Melodic Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Double Diamond - Heavy Metal
Down - sludge heavy metal
Downfall (Fin) - Melodic Heavy Metal
DownFall (US) - Heavy Metal
Downright Malice - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Dr. Chunk - Heavy/Groove
Dr. Sin - Melodic heavy metal/hard rock
Dr. Skull - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Dr. Steel - heavy metal
Dr. Unknown - grunge metal / heavy metal
Dracena - Heavy Metal, Death Metal
Dracko - Melodic Heavy Metal
Draconian (Esp) - Heavy Metal
Dragon's Eye - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Dragon-Fly - Heavy Metal
Dragonfly (UK) - NWOBHM
Dragonne - Melodic Heavy/Power Metal
Dragonsfire - Melodic Heavy Metal
Dragonslayer (UK) - NWOBHM
Dragster (UK) - NWOBHM
Dreaggan - Heavy Metal
Dream Evil - Heavy/Power metal
Dream or Nightmare - Traditional/Progressive Metal
Dreamfall - Melodic Heavy Metal
Dreamland (Col) - Melodic Heavy Metal
Dreamlord - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Dreamsfear - Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal
Drenched - Heavy Metal
Drephjard - Traditional Black Metal
Drifting Mines - Classic Heavy Metal
Driveline - Heavy Metal
Driver - Heavy Metal
Driveshaft - NWOBHM/Hard Rock
Drizzit - Heavy Metal/Power Metal
Druid - traditional heavy/power metal
Dryade - Progressive Heavy/Speed Metal
Drysill - Traditional Heavy Metal
Dum Dum Bullet - Traditional Heavy Metal
Dunces - Heavy Metal
Dungeon (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Dungeon (US) - heavy / power metal
Dunghill - Heavy Metal
Dunkell Reiter - Heavy Metal
Durin's Bane - Traditional Heavy Metal
Dusk (Bel) - Heavy Metal
Dustland - Heavy Metal
Dutchess - NWOBHM
Dvolvd - Heavy Metal/Hardcore
Dwarfstar - NWOBHM
Dwarr - Doom/Heavy Metal
Dyecast - Heavy/power metal
Dyecrest - Heavy/power metal
Duel - Traditional Metal
Dying Wish - Melodic Heavy/Death Metal
Dyluvian - Melodic Progressive Heavy Metal
DynamoWar - Heavy/Power Metal
Dysfunction - Heavy Metal
Darath - Heavy Metal
E.F. Band - NWOBHM
E.S.T. - Traditional/Thrash/Speed
Ear Danger - Heavy Metal
Earthmover - Power/Heavy Metal
Earthshaker - Traditional metal (old) / pop rock (now)
Eclipse (Ita) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Eddy Antonini - melodic heavy/power metal
Eden - heavy metal
Eden's Fall - Heavy metal
Edge - Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal
Egart - Heavy Metal
Egypt - Heavy Metal, Hard Rock
Eidyllion (Arg) - Heavy Power Metal
Eisst - Traditional Heavy Metal
Eizo Sakamoto - Heavy Metal
Eject - Progressive Heavy/Thrash Metal
El Dragon - Heavy/Power Metal
Electric Fluid - Heavy Metal
Elephant - Epic Heavy Metal
Eliphas Horn - Traditional Metal
Elixir (Ind) - Heavy Metal
Elixir (UK) - NWOBHM, traditional metal
Emblema - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Emerald (Hol) - heavy metal
Eminence - Heavy/Death/Thrash Metal
Emmy Strut - heavy metal
Empire - Heavy metal/rock
Empyreal - heavy/power metal
Enchanter - Heavy Metal
Endless (Bra) - melodic heavy metal/hard rock
Enemy - Heavy/Power Metal
Enola Gay - traditional metal
Enslave - Heavy Thrash
Enslavior - Heavy Metal
Entropy (Dza) - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Ephemera's Party - Heavy Metal
Epitaph (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Epitaph (Ind) - Heavy Metal
Epizod - Heavy Metal
Epsilon (Chl) - Heavy Metal
Epsilon (Esp) - Heavy 80's Metal
Epsylon - Heavy/Traditional Metal
Erecto Jector - heavy metal
Erich Zann - heavy/power metal
Error7 - Power / Traditional Metal
Escape (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Esgaroth (Arg) - Heavy Metal
Esina - Heavy Metal
Espada Negra - Heavy Metal
Espejo Retrovisor - Heavy Metal
Esqueleto - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Ester - Traditional Heavy Metal
Estigma Purpura - Heavy Metal
Eternal Breath - Melodic Heavy/Thrash/Death Metal
Eternal Combustion - Heavy Metal
Eternal Decision - Heavy/thrash Metal
Eternal Flame - Traditional/Melodic Metal
Eternal Glory - Heavy Metal
Eternity Black - Heavy Metal
Ethel The Frog - NWOBHM
Ethernal (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Evassion - Heavy Metal
Eve's 2nd Sin - Heavy metal
Evening Star - Heavy/Power Metal
Everdome - Heavy/Power Metal
Evergrace - Heavy Metal
Evergrey - Modern Dark Progressive Power/Heavy Metal
Everloud - Heavy Metal
Evil (Dnk) - Heavy/speed metal
Evil Adam - Industrial/Alternative/Heavy Metal
Evil Lord - Heavy Metal
Evil Masquerade - Melodic Heavy Metal
Evillive - Heavy/Thrash Metal
EvilStorm - Heavy Metal
EVO - Heavy metal
Evocation (Cze) - Heavy/Death Metal
Evoked Curse - Old School Black Heavy Metal
Evolution - heavy/power metal
Excalibur (Bra) - Traditional Metal
Excalibur (UK) - NWOBHM / heavy metal
Excess - heavy metal
Exciter (Hol) - Heavy metal
Exekrator - Heavy/Black Metal
Exhort (Bra) - Heavy/Power Metal
Exhuman - Death / Black / Heavy Metal
Exile (Ita) - Heavy Metal
Exocet (Arg) - Heavy Metal
Expect No Mercy - Traditional/Power Metal
Exploder - heavy metal
Explorer (UK) - NWOBHM
Expozer - NWOBHM
Expulsion (Svn) - Heavy Metal
Exterminate (Tur) - Heavy/Traditional Metal
Exxxekkkutttor - Death / Heavy Metal
Eyector - Traditional Heavy Metal
Eyes of Fire - Atmospheric Doom/Heavy Metal
Ezra Stone - Heavy Metal
Ezy Meat - NWOBHM
F.B. Bastard - Speed Metal, Heavy Metal
Face to Face - Heavy Metal
Facehugger - heavy metal
Faces of Madness - Heavy Metal
Faces of Power - Heavy/Thrash
Facon - Heavy Metal
Fact - Heavy Metal
Factor - Melodic Heavy Metal
Factor RH - heavy metal
Factory - NWOBHM
Faerghail - Melodic 'death'/heavy metal with harsh vocals
Fahrenheit 212 - Heavy Metal
Faidon - Traditional Heavy Metal
Faith - Traditional Doom
Faith and Fire - heavy/power metal
Faith No More - Heavy metal, avant-garde, alternative
Faith, Love & Hope - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Faithful Breath - Heavy / Traditional Metal
Falcon - epic heavy metal, hard rock with 70s influences
Falcon Prey - Traditional/Melodic Metal
Falkirk - Heavy Metal
Fallen Skies - Heavy/Power Metal
Fantasmagoria - Heavy metal, groove
Farewell - Heavy Metal
Fast Kutz - Heavy Metal
Fasthammer - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Fatal Array - heavy/thrash metal
Fatal Order - groovy heavy/power metal
Fates Prophecy - Heavy metal
Fatum - heavy metal
Faust (Pol) - Heavy/Death/Thrash Metal
Feanor - Heavy/Traditional
Fear Absolute - Aggressive heavy metal
Fear Dorg - heavy/power metal
FearingMind - Heavy Metal
Fearsome - Heavy Metal
Feedback - Heavy Metal
Feinstein - Heavy Metal
Fellowship of the Ring - Heavy Metal
Ferocity (Fin) - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Ferro & Fogo - heavy metal, rock 'n' roll
Ferrotale - Heavy / Progressive Metal
Fight - Heavy Metal
Fighterlord - Heavy Metal
Fil di Ferro - heavy metal
Filthy Asses - Heavy metal
Final Cry - heavy/power metal
Final Prophecy (Ger) - epic speed/heavy
Finisher - Speed Metal, Traditional Metal
Fire Makers - Heavy Metal
Fire Steel - Heavy Metal
Firebird - NWOBHM
Firebox - Heavy Metal
Fireclown - NWOBHM
Fireland - Heavy/Melodic Metal
Fireline - Melodic Heavy Metal
Firestorm (UK) - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock/Progressive Rock
Fireway - Heavy Metal
First Born - NWOBHM
First Offense - Heavy Metal
Firstryke - Heavy Metal
Fisc - Heavy Metal
Fison - Heavy Metal
Fist - NWOBHM, Traditional Heavy Metal
Flacmans Port - Heavy/Speed
Flame (Swe) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Flanez - Heavy Metal
Flash - Traditional Heavy Metal
Flash Point - NWOBHM, Heavy Metal
Flatbacker - heavy/speed metal
Flight Charm - Heavy Metal
Flying - Heavy Melodic Death
Flying Skull - Traditional Metal
FN Guns - Heavy Metal
Foetur - Heavy Brutal Death Metal
Fongus - Heavy Metal
Force (UK) - NWOBHM
Force 3 - Traditional Heavy Metal
Force Nine - NWOBHM
Force of Evil - Heavy Metal
Force of Nature - Melodic Heavy Metal
Forced Asphyxia - Heavy Metal,Thrash, Death
Forces@Work - Progressive / Heavy Metal
Forever - traditional metal
Forever Blind - Heavy Metal/Rock
Forever Winter - Heavy Metal
Forge (US) - Heavy Metal
Forger - NWOBHM
Forgive me Not - heavy metal
Formel 1 - heavy metal
Forsaken (Ger) - Heavy Metal
Forsaken (Mlt) - Doom/Traditional
Fort Royal - Heavy Metal
Fortress - Traditional / Heavy Metal
Founded - NWOBHM
Four Seasons - Epic power/heavy metal
Fourth Dimension (Bra) - Melodic Heavy Metal
Fourth Dimension (Grc) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Fozzy - Heavy metal
Fraise - Power/Heavy Metal
Frankenstein - Heavy Metal
Freak Kitchen - Heavy Metal, Experimental Metal
Freak of Nature - Heavy Metal
Frenzy - NWOBHM
Friends - NWOBHM
Fright Night (Prt) - heavy metal, glam/hard rock
Frigid Bich - heavy metal
Front Beast - Black/Heavy Metal
Frontier - heavy metal
FroschGott - Heavy Metal
Frostblot - Folk influenced heavy/thrash metal
Frozen Eyes - heavy/speed metal
Frozen Fire - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Frozen Flame - Heavy Metal
Frozen Paradise - Heavy Metal/80's
Frozen Tears (Ita) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Fuerza Oculta - Heavy Metal
Full Diesel - Heavy Metal
Full Noise - Traditional Heavy Metal
Fultrack - Heavy / thrash metal
Fuoco Fatuo - Heavy/Power Metal
Furioso - Heavy Metal
Fury (UK) - Heavy Metal
G(e)nom - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
G.I.S.M. - Hardcore, Heavy Metal
Gaia Metal - Progressive Heavy Metal
Gallery of Souls - Melodic Heavy Metal
Garden of Worm - Heavy Doom Metal
Gardy-Loo - Heavy metal
Gargola - heavy/power metal
Gargoyle (US) - traditional heavy / power metal
Garmine Tango - Heavy/Progressive Metal
Gashammer - Heavy Metal
Gaskin - NWOBHM
Gastunk - punk, heavy metal/hard rock
Gate 9 - Doom/Heavy/Stoner Metal
Geddes Axe - NWOBHM
Geisha - Heavy Metal
Genghis Khan - NWOBHM
Gerion - Heavy Metal
Geyser - Traditional Metal
Ghandi - heavy metal
Ghostrider - Black, Heavy/Thrash Metal
Ghouli - Traditional Doom with raw vocals
Gil Brent - Traditional Heavy Metal
Gilgamesj - Heavy Metal
Gillman - Heavy Metal
Girlschool - Traditional Heavy Metal, NWOBHM
Glacier - Traditional/power metal
Gladiator (Svk) - Heavy Metal (earlier), Rock (now)
Gladiators (Ger) - Power/Heavy Metal
Gladiators (Grc) - Heavy metal
Glasgow - NWOBHM
Glass Wolfe - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Glenn Tipton - Heavy Metal, alternative rock, grunge
Glorion - Heavy Metal
Glory Bell's Band - Heavy metal
Glory Fate - Heavy Metal
Glory Hunter (Ita) - Heavy Metal
Glory Hunter (UK) - Heavy metal, NWOBHM
Goat Horn - Heavy/Doom Metal
Goat of Mendes - Heavy Folk/Pagan Metal with black influences
Goatheadthorn - Heavy/Stoner Metal
Gobra - Traditional heavy metal
God Zero - Traditional Metal (now) - Progressive Metal (earlier)
Goddess of Desire - Traditional Metal
Goddess of Sin - Heavy Metal
Godfear - Progressive/ Heavy Metal
Godiva - Heavy Metal
Godnightdream - Traditional Metal
Gods of Fire - Traditional Heavy Metal
Godspeed - Heavy Metal
Gogmagog - NWOBHM
Goldsmith - NWOBHM
Golgota - Heavy Metal
Golgotha (UK) - NWOBHM
Goliath - Heavy metal
Gordi - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Gordion - Heavy Metal
Gorgon (Jpn) - traditional heavy metal
Gorgons Eyes - Heavy/Power Metal
Gotham - Heavy Metal
Gotham City - Heavy Metal
Gothic Knights - Heavy/Power Metal
Gottes Krieg - Heavy/Thrash/Death/Black Metal
Graaf - Heavy Metal
Grain - Heavy Metal
Grain (Fin) - Heavy Metal
Graven Image - Heavy Metal
Gravestone - heavy metal
Greifenhagen - heavy metal
Grendel (Fin) - Traditional/Power Metal
Grievous - Sludge/Traditional Doom/Stoner Metal
Griffin (Nor) - Heavy Metal
Griffin (US) - Traditional Metal
Grim Reaper - NWOBHM/Heavy Metal
Grimlock - Death/Heavy Metal
Grippiud - Death/Doom/Heavy Metal
Grope - Heavy Metal, Groove thrash
Ground Attack - Heavy Metal/NWOBHM
Ground Zero (Svn) - Heavy Metal
GSA - Heavy Metal
Guardian's Nail - Heavy Metal
Guardians of the Flame - Heavy Metal
Guerra Santa - Traditional/Power Metal
Guerreros del Metal - Heavy Metal
Gun Barrel - Heavy/Power Metal
Gutrix - Stoner/heavy metal
Gypsy - NWOBHM
H and H - Epic/Traditional Metal
H-Bomb - Heavy Metal
Habeas Corpus - Heavy Metal
Haciendo Patria - Heavy Metal
Hadamma - Heavy Metal
Halford - Heavy Metal
Hallowed (Ita) - Heavy Metal
Halloween (Ita) - Traditional Metal
Halloween (US) - Heavy Metal
Halomachine - Thrash/Death/Heavy Metal
Halor - Heavy Metal
Hammer (UK) - NWOBHM
Hammer Head - 80's Hard Rock/Heavy Metal
Hammerfall - Heavy/Power Metal
Hammerhead (Hol) - Heavy Metal
Hammerhead (UK) - NWOBHM
Hammerheart - Heavy/power Metal
Hammeron - heavy/power metal
Hammers of Misfortune - Progressive/Folk/Doom/Heavy/Power Metal
Hammerschmitt - traditional heavy metal
Hanaken - Heavy/Power Metal
Hangar - Heavy Metal
Hanker - Heavy Metal
Hard 'n Heart - Traditional/Power Metal
Hard Hearted - Heavy Metal
Hard Time - Heavy Metal
Hardattack - Heavy Metal
Hardholz - Heavy/Speed Metal
Hardline (Fin) - Heavy metal
Hardware - Heavy Metal
Harmony (Chl) - Heavy Metal
Harpoon - Heavy/Power Metal
Harppia - Heavy Metal
Harrier - NWOBHM
Harsh Reality - Heavy Metal/Thrash
Hastatus - Heavy Metal/Rock
Hate for Revenge - Heavy Metal
Havana Black - Traditional Metal
Haven - heavy/power metal
Havoc (US) - traditional Metal
Havochate - Traditional/Thrash Metal
Haywire - Heavy/Thrash/Crossover
Hazy Hamlet - Heavy Metal
Hazy Hill - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Hazzard - traditional heavy metal
Head Force - Traditional Heavy Metal
Headache - Traditional Heavy Metal
Headgirl - Heavy metal, NWOBHM
Headhunter (Che) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Headless - Heavy Metal (later Hard Rock)
Headless Cross - Traditional/Power Metal
Headlight - Heavy metal
Headstone - heavy metal
Headstone Epitaph - Traditional Metal
Heathen Hoof - Traditional Heavy Metal
Heather Leather - Heavy Metal
Heaven And Hell - Heavy Metal/Rock
Heavens Gate - Traditional metal
Heavy Bones - Heavy / Melodic Metal
Heavy Chainzz - heavy metal
Heavy Day - Heavy/Speed Metal
Heavy Guitars - Heavy Metal
Heavy Load - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Heavy Metal Army - Heavy Metal
Heavy Metal Perse - Power/Heavy Metal
Heavy Pettin' - NWOBHM, Hard Rock
Hecatombe (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Hefestos - Heavy metal
Heiligs Blechle - traditional metal
Heir Apparent - Traditional / Power Metal
Hekatomba - Heavy Metal
Helgrind (UK) - Heavy Metal
Helician - Heavy/power metal
Helicon (US) - Heavy Metal
Helizer - Traditional/Progressive Metal
Helker - Traditional, Power Metal
Hell (Uk) - NWOBHM, Speed Metal
Hell's - Heavy Metal
Hellanbach - NWOBHM, Traditional Metal
Hellbender - Heavy Metal
Hellbound (Ita) - Heavy/Speed Metal
Helldiver - Heavy Metal
Hellen - Heavy Metal
Hellfire (Pol) - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Hellfueled - Heavy metal
Hellhound (Jpn) - Thrash/Traditional Metal
Hellion (US) - Heavy/Speed Metal
Hellish War - Traditional, Heavy Power Metal
Hellshock - Heavy Metal
Hellvellyn - NWOBHM
Helmet - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Hels - Heavy Metal
Helvetets Port - Heavy Metal
Hemoragy - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Henceforth - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Her Enchantment - Heavy/Doom Metal
Herald - Heavy Metal
Herege - Heavy Metal
Heretic (UK) - NWOBHM, hard rock
Heritage (Jpn) - Melodic Heavy Metal
Heritage (UK) - NWOBHM, traditional metal
Hermetic Brotherhood - Traditional/Power/Instrumental Metal
Hermetica - Traditional heavy metal
Hero - 80's Heavy metal
Herod - Heavy Metal/Thrash
Hevinkelium - Heavy Metal
Hexen (Arg) - Heavy Metal
Hexx - Heavy/Power Metal later (Technical) Death/Thrash
Hibria - heavy / progressive metal
Hideweaver - Traditional Heavy Metal
High Power - Heavy/power metal
High Tension - traditional metal
High Treason - NWOBHM
Highway Chile - Heavy Metal, Hard Rock
Hira - Heavy Metal
Hiroshima - traditional heavy metal
Histeria - Power/Heavy Metal
Hoax - Heavy Metal
Hocculta - traditional heavy metal
Hokum - Heavy/Death/Thrash Metal
Hold on Humanity - Heavy/thrash metal
Holland - NWOBHM
Hollow Ground - NWOBHM
Hollow Sign - Heavy/Power Metal
Holocaust (UK) - Heavy Metal, NWOBHM
Hologram - NWOBHM
Holosade - Thrash/Heavy Metal
Holy Dragons - Heavy/Power Metal
Holy Martyr - Heavy Metal
Holy Mother - Heavy / Power / Traditional Metal
Holy Right - Heavy Metal
Holy Rose - Heavy / melodic metal
Holyfire - Melodic Heavy Metal
Honey For Christ - Heavy Metal
Honor - RAC (early)/Heavy Metal (now)
Horcas - Heavy Metal
Horizon (Hol) - traditional metal
Horse London - Heavy Metal, NWOBHM
Horsepower - NWOBHM
Hourglass Sands of Eternity - Heavy Metal
Housebreakers - Heavy metal
Huizar - Heavy Metal
Human Bastard - Heavy / Thrash Metal
Humanity - Progressive Heavy Metal
Hunter (Ger) - heavy metal
Hunter (Pol) - Thrash/Heavy Metal
Hurd - Heavy Metal/Rock
Hyades - Heavy Metal
Hybrid - Heavy/thrash metal
Hydra (Esp) - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Hydra (Mex) - progressive rock, heavy and doom metal
Hyhma - Heavy metal
Hyksos - traditional heavy metal
Hymn to the Ancient - Traditional Doom
Hypnotic Face - Heavy / Thrash
Hysteria (Esp) - Heavy Metal
Hyubris - Folk / heavy metal
Ian Gillan Band - Heavy Metal, Hard Rock
Iberia - heavy/classical/progressive metal
Icaro - Heavy Metal
Icarus (Mex) - traditional metal
Icarus Witch - Traditional Heavy Metal
Iceberg - Heavy/Power/Thrash Metal
Icecross - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Iconofear - Heavy/Power Metal
Idi Bihotz - Heavy/Power Metal
Idus - Speed Heavy Metal
Ignitor - Classical Heavy/Power Metal
Igor Belsky - traditional metal/shred
Ikonoklast - Heavy Metal
Ill Prophecy - Heavy Metal
Illuminatus - Heavy metal
Ilungara - Heavy Metal
Image - US heavy metal
Immortal Avenger - Heavy Metal
Immortellys - Heavy Metal
Impact - Heavy metal
Impellitteri - Traditional/shred
Impulse - heavy/power metal
In Peccatum - Heavy/prog, doom/gothic
In Solitude (Prt) - Heavy Metal
In Vein - heavy metal
Incubus (UK) - NWOBHM
Infearior - Heavy/Power Metal
Infected Messiah - Heavy Metal
Infects Humanity - Heavy Metal
Inferiah - Heavy Metal
Inferis (Chl) - Heavy / Power Metal
Infernal Manes - Heavy Metal
Infernal Vengeance - Heavy Metal
Infinite Dream - Progressive Heavy Metal, Rock, Jazz
Influence - Heavy Metal
Infobia - Modern Heavy Metal
Ingnis - Power/Thrash/Heavy/Death Metal
Injuria - Traditional Heavy Metal
Injustice (Ger) - heavy / power metal
Inmigrantes - Heavy Metal
Inner Eye - Heavy / Power / Progressive Metal
Inner Fear (Chl) - Heavy Metal
Inner Rage of Emotion - Heavy Metal
Inner Threshold - heavy/groove metal
Inner Visions - Melodic Heavy Metal
Inner Void - Heavy/Progressive Metal
Inquisicao - Heavy/Speed Metal
Inquisicion - Heavy Metal
inRed - Heavy Metal
Insane (Fra) - Heavy Metal
Insane (Swe) - heavy/speed metal
Insania (Ger) - heavy/melodic power metal
Insignia - Progressive Heavy Metal
Intense (Fin) - Gothic Heavy Metal
Inumbro - Melodic Heavy/Progressive Metal
Invader - traditional heavy metal
Invicta - Traditional Heavy Metal
Iommi - Doom Metal, Heavy Metal
Ion Britton - Heavy Metal
Ion Drive - Heavy Metal
Ion Vein - heavy / power metal
Ionica - Heavy Metal
Ira (Chl) - Heavy Metal
Ira Regia - Heavy / Power Metal
Ira Tenax - Death / Heavy Metal
Iron Age - heavy metal
Iron Clad - Heavy metal with medieval influences
Iron Cross - Traditional/power metal
Iron Fire - Power metal/traditional metal
Iron Fist (Cze) - Traditional Metal
Iron Fortress - traditional / progressive / Power Metal
Iron Grey - traditional metal
Iron Gypsy - Heavy Metal
Iron Kite - Heavy Metal
Iron Maiden - Heavy Metal, NWOBHM
Iron Rainbow - heavy/power metal
Ironcross - Heavy Metal
Ironfist - Heavy Metal
Ironhawk - heavy/power metal
Ironheart - Traditional Heavy Metal
Ironsword - Traditional Metal
Irony - Heavy Metal
Is Pain - Melodic Heavy Metal
Isen Torr - Epic Heavy Metal
Iskariot - Heavy Metal
Ivory Knight - Melodic Heavy Metal
Ivory Tiger - traditional heavy metal
Jack Frost (US) - Heavy Metal
Jack Starr - traditional
Jackhammer (US) - Heavy Metal
Jackie Wulf - Traditional Heavy Metal
Jag Panzer - Traditional/Heavy power metal
Jaggernaut - Traditional Heavy Metal
Jaguar - NWOBHM, traditional/power metal
Jailbreak - Heavy Metal
Jameson Raid - NWOBHM, Hard Rock
Jammer - Traditional Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Janine - NWOBHM
Jarra - doomy heavy metal
Javelin - Traditional Heavy Metal
Jaws of Fate - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Jenova - Melodic Heavy Metal
Jeriko - Heavy Metal
Jerk Off - Thrash/heavy Metal
Jerry Cantrell - Heavy Metal, Alternative Metal, Grunge
Jester Beast - Heavy Metal
Jesters Moon - Heavy metal
Jesters of Destiny - heavy metal
Jezebel Bang - Gothic/Heavy Metal
Jim Martin - Heavy metal
Jinx (Fra) - Heavy Metal
JJ's Powerhouse - NWOBHM
Jodonal - Heavy Metal
Joe Stump - Heavy/shred metal
Joey Tafolla - Instrumental, neoclassical metal, heavy metal
Joey Vera - Heavy Metal
John Connelly Theory - Heavy Metal
John Norman Collins - Heavy/Death/Speed metal
John West - Melodic Heavy Metal
Joker - NWOBHM
Jolly Roger - Groove/Heavy Metal
Jon Oliva's Pain - Heavy/Power Metal
Jose Andrea - Hard Rock/Heavy Metal
Joshua - Heavy Metal
Judas Priest - Heavy metal, speed metal
Juggernott - Heavy Metal
Jumper Lace - Heavy Metal, Melodic Speed Metal
Junky - Traditional Metal
Just - Heavy Metal
Justice (US) - traditional metal
Jarin Moyrema - Heavy Metal
Jorn - Heavy Metal, Prog, Rock
K-Octave - Heavy Metal
Kain (Esp) - Heavy Metal
Kalevala - 80's Heavy Metal
Kamikaze (Arg) - Heavy Metal
Kamikaze (Bra) - traditional heavy metal, hard rock
Kaminari - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Kaos (Esp) - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Kaos in Order - Heavy Metal
Kapel Maister - Symphonic Heavy/Opera Metal
Karakedi - Heavy/Thrash Metal with Punk/Rock influences
Karelia - Symphonic heavy/power metal
Karisma - traditional heavy metal
Karma (Nor) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Karp - Heavy Metal, Sludge
Kashmyr - heavy metal
Kat - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Katagory V - traditional heavy/power metal
Kataramenoi - Heavy Metal
Katedra - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
Kathaaria (Ger) - Black/Traditional Metal
Kayra - Heavy/Power Metal
Keel - Traditional Heavy metal
Keen Hue - heavy metal
Kery Doll - heavy metal
Kettle Cadaver - Heavy Metal
KGB - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Khafra - Heavy Metal
Khaos - Heavy Metal
Khasm - Gothic/black metal/traditional heavy metal
Kick Axe - Heavy Metal
Kill Van Kull - classic heavy metal
Killen - heavy metal
Killer (Bel) - traditional metal
Killer (Che) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Killer (UK) - NWOBHM
Killer Khan - heavy metal
Killer Watt - Traditional Heavy Metal
Killers (Fra) - Speed Metal/Heavy Metal
Killers (UK) - heavy/power metal
Killing Machine - Heavy Metal
Killing Machine - Heavy Metal
Killjoy (Pol) - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Kilpi - Heavy Metal
Kilswitch - Heavy/melodic metal
Kim Sixx - Heavy Metal
King Carrion - heavy/thrash metal
King Chrome - Heavy/Traditional/Thrash Metal
King Diamond - Heavy Metal
King Ring Nansy - Melodic Traditional/Heavy Metal
King's X - Heavy Metal, Rock
Kings - Heavy Metal / Hard Rock
Kinrick - Heavy/Power Metal
Kipelov - Heavy Metal
Kipelov / Mavrin - Heavy Metal
Knell Odyssey - Prog/Heavy Metal
Knight Errant (Tur) - Power/Heavy metal
Knightmare II - Heavy Metal
Knightrider (UK) - NWOBHM
Knights of Fire - Traditional Heavy Metal
Knights of Tethys - Traditional epic metal
Knut (Ita) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Knyaz' Tmy - Heavy Metal
KOB - Heavy Metal
Koda - Heavy Metal
Kotiteollisuus - Heavy Metal
Kragens - Dark heavy metal
Kraken (Can) - traditional heavy/speed metal
Kraken (Col) - Heavy Metal
Kraken (UK) - NWOBHM
Kraljevski Apartman - heavy metal, hard rock
Kramp (Tur) - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Krank - Heavy / Power Metal
Krankenstein - Heavy Metal / Thrash Metal
Krass Judgement - Heavy/Thrash Metal
Kratos (US) - power/heavy metal
Kreon - Heavy Metal (old) Thrash Metal (new)
Krles - Heavy Metal
Krom - Heavy/Power Metal
Kronin - Heavy Metal
Kroumlesh - Heavy Metal
Krudo - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
Kruger - Heavy/Power Metal
Kruizer - NWOBHM
Krusader - Heavy / Power Metal
Krusher - heavy/power metal
Krushies - Traditional Heavy Metal
Kryptos - Heavy Metal
Krystal Tears - Heavy Metal
Kryzalid - Melodic Heavy/Death Metal
Kurnalcool - Heavy/Speed Metal
Kymera - Melodic Heavy Metal
L.A. - Heavy Metal
La Bruja - Traditional Heavy Metal
La Divina Comedia - Heavy Metal
La Maldad - Heavy/Power Metal
Lack of Faith - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Lack of Purity - Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Heavy Metal
Lacrimal Goddess - Heavy Metal
Lady - traditional heavy metal
Lady Killer - Heavy Metal
Lahar - Traditional Doom
Lambotomy - Modern Heavy Metal
Landsemk - Heavy/Power Metal
Lanfear - progressive heavy/power metal
Lanzer - heavy metal
Lapsus - Thrash/Heavy Metal
Last Breath - Heavy metal
Last Crack - Heavy Metal
Last Flight - NWOBHM, Hard Rock
Last Hope - Heavy/Speed/Power Metal
Last Lix - 80's Heavy Metal
Last Salvation - Heavy Metal
Laudamus - Heavy metal
Laudany - Heavy/gothic metal
Laughing Dead - Heavy Metal
Lautrec - NWOBHM
Lazarus Blackstar - Heavy Doom/Sludge Metal
Lazarus Sin - Heavy/Epic Metal
Le Griffe - NWOBHM
Leafall - Heavy Metal
Leash Law - heavy metal
Leather - heavy metal
Leather Angel - Heavy Metal
Leather Nunn - heavy metal
Leatherwolf - Heavy Metal
Legacies Unchain - Black/Death/Thrash/Doom/Heavy Metal
Legacy (Rom) - Heavy Metal
Legend (UK) - Heavy Metal / NWOBHM
Legend (US) - Epic heavy/traditional metal
Legend Maker - Traditional / Power Metal
Legija - Classic heavy metal
Legion (Rus) - Traditional/Melodic Power Metal
Legion (US) - Heavy Metal
LeHorla - Heavy/Folk Metal
Leize - Heavy Metal, later gone to urban rock
Leon Heraldico - Heavy Metal
Lester Maddox - Traditional Metal
Letargo - Heavy Metal
Letchen Grey - Melodic Heavy Metal
Lethal Fear - Heavy Metal
Letter X - Traditional/Progressive Metal
Levamnon - Heavy Metal
Leviathan (US) - Heavy Metal
Leviticus - heavy metal/hard rock
Leyenda - Melodic Heavy Metal
Lezlie Paice - Traditional Heavy Metal
Liar Symphony - Heavy metal
Lid - heavy/stoner metal
Life after Death - traditional heavy metal
Life Beyond - Stoner/Traditional Doom
Ligeia - Heavy Metal
Limelight - NWOBHM, traditional metal with progressive touch
Lion's Breed - traditional metal
Lions Pride - heavy metal
Lipstick Liontigers - Heavy/Power Metal
Listeria - Heavy Metal
Litany - Heavy/Doom Metal
Litham - heavy/dark metal
Livesay - Classic '80s-influenced heavy metal
Lizard Eye - Classic Heavy Metal
Lizzy Borden - traditional US Metal / Power Metal
Loader - Heavy Metal
Loadeth - Heavy Metal
Lochinvar - Heavy Metal
Locomotive Breath - Heavy rock
Logos - Heavy Metal
Lone Wolf - NWOBHM, Traditional metal
Lonewolf - Speed Metal, Heavy Metal
Longings Past - Epic Heavy Metal
Lord (Aus) - Power/Traditional/Instrumental
Lord (US) - Heavy Metal
Lord Ryur - classic heavy metal
Lord Vader - Heavy Metal
Lordi - Heavy Metal
Lords of the Crimson Alliance - Heavy/Power Metal
Loretta - Traditional Heavy Metal
Los Asesinos del Pentagrama - Speed/Classic Heavy Metal
Lost at Last - Heavy Metal
Lost Fate - Heavy Metal
Lost Forever - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Lost Highway - hard rock/heavy metal
Lost in Blue - Traditional Metal
Lotus Cruise - NWOBHM
Loudness - Traditional Metal
Lovecraft - melodic heavy metal
Low Twelve - Heavy Metal
Lucian Blaque - Heavy Metal
Lucid Reality - Heavy Metal
Lucifer's Friend - 70's prog-tinged heavy metal/hard rock, jazz metal
Lucretia - Heavy Speed Metal
Lucubro - Doom / Heavy Metal
Lujuria - heavy metal
Lullacry - melodic heavy/gothic metal
Lunatycas - Traditional Metal
Lust (US) - heavy/melodic metal
Luxor - Heavy Metal
Luz de Invierno - Traditional Doom Metal
Luzbel - Heavy Metal
Lvzbel - heavy metal
Lyijykomppania - Heavy/Doom Metal
Lorihen - Heavy Power Metal
M-16 - Heavy Metal
M-Pire - Heavy Metal
M.A.R.S. - traditional metal / power metal
M.A.S.A.C.R.E. - Heavy / Thrash Metal
M.S. - Heavy Metal
Macaxe - NWOBHM
Machine - Heavy/Groove Metal
Machine Men - Heavy Metal
Machinery - Heavy Metal/Power Metal
Mad Butcher - heavy metal
Mad Max - traditional metal, hard rock
Mad Reign - heavy metal
Madd Hatter - heavy/power metal
Madd Hunter - Heavy Metal
Made in Hell - Heavy Metal
Made of Iron - Traditional Metal
Madison - Heavy Metal, Glam
Madog - heavy/power metal
Madra - Heavy Metal
Maelstrom (Ita) - Heavy Metal
Maelstrom(Bra) - Heavy Metal
Magica - Power Melodic Heavy Metal
Magika - Hard Rock / Melodic Heavy Metal
Magistral - Heavy/Power Metal
Magnesium - Traditional heavy metal
Main Pain - classic heavy metal
Maineeaxe - NWOBHM/Heavy Metal
Mainiax - traditional metal
Mainstreet - Traditional Heavy Metal
Majesty (Ger) - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Majister - Traditional metal
Malakis Reign - Traditional/Power Metal
Maledeth - Heavy Metal
Maledicta (Esp) - Heavy Metal
Malediction (Fra) - Heavy Metal
Maleficio (Arg) - Heavy Thrash Metal
Malencolie - Heavy Metal
Malicia - Traditional Heavy Metal
Malisha - Melodic Heavy Metal
Malombra - Heavy Gothic Progressive Metal/Rock
Malon - heavy/power metal
Maltese Falcon - Heavy Metal
Malteze - Heavy Metal
Mammoth (Bra) - Heavy Metal
Mammoth (UK) - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Mana Prime - Heavy Metal
Mandatory Suicide - Heavy Metal
Manditory - Heavy metal
Mandragora (Chl) - Heavy Metal
Mandrake (Swe) - Melodic heavy metal
Mandylion (Nor) - Heavy melancholic metal
Mania - Traditional Metal
Maniac (Swe) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Manifest Destiny - Heavy Metal
Manilla Road - Epic traditional/power metal
Manimal - Power/Heavy Metal
Manimals - Heavy Metal
Manitou (Fin) - Heavy / progressive metal
Manowar - Heavy Metal
Manticore (Geo) - Heavy/Death Metal
Manticore (Ger) - Heavy Metal
Mantissa - Heavy/psychedelic metal
Mantra (Ury) - Heavy Metal - Thrash Metal
Marcus Brutus Band - Traditional Heavy Metal
Marduk (Mex) - Heavy/Speed Metal
Marienthal - Melodic Heavy Metal
Mark Lowrey - heavy metal
Maroon (Dnk) - Heavy Metal
Marquis de Sade - NWOBHM
Marseille - NWOBHM
Martiria - Epic Heavy Metal
Martyr (Hol) - Heavy/thrash metal
Masai - NWOBHM
Masi - heavy metal, shred
Masmorra - Heavy Metal
Masque - traditional heavy metal
Mass (Ger) - Traditional Heavy Metal
Mass (US) - Heavy Metal
Mass Illusion - Heavy Metal
Masterdomme - Heavy Metal
Masterstroke - Heavy Metal
Mastervoid - melodic heavy metal
Mastix - Heav


八.Orchestral/Symphonic Metal~管弦/交响金属

Total: 484 bands

13 Winters - Symphonic Black Metal
Abaddon (Ger) - Symphonic Death Metal
Abaddyon - Symphonic Progressive Metal
Aberrant Vascular - Operatic Avant-garde Metal
Ablepsia (Bgr) - Symphonic/Melodic Black Metal
Absidia (Rus) - Symphonic black metal
Acron (Ita) - gothic symphonic progressive/power metal
Act of God (Cze) - Symphonic Thrash Metal
Adagio (Fra) - Progressive Symphonic Metal
Aemerald - Symphonic Heavy/Power Metal
Aeons Confer - Symphonic Black Metal
Aequinoctium - Symphonic Black Metal
Aesma Daeva - Operatic symphonic metal
Aeternitas - Gothic/symphonic metal
Aethra - Power Metal, Symphonic Metal
Agommorah - Symphonic Black Metal
Aina - Orchestral Metal
Akashic - symphonic progressive metal
Alas - Operatic progressive metal
Alejandro Silva Power Cuarteto - neoclassical/shred
Alghazanth - Symphonic Black Metal
Allfather-Odinn - symphonic death/black metal
Anal Putrefaction (Fra) - Symphonic Black Metal
Ancestral Legacy - symphonic black metal
Ancient Wyrm - Symphonic/Power Metal
Andark - Black Symphonic Metal
Andre Andersen - Symphonic/Power/Progressive Metal
Anetia Insignis - Symphonic Thrash/Death Metal with Indus, Electro & Tribal Influences
Angel Smile - Neo-Classical Progressive Metal
Angizia - Doom / Death / Classical
Angrist (Esp) - Classical/Progressive Heavy Metal
Angtoria - Orchestral Metal
Anorexia Nervosa - Symphonic Black Metal
Ansuz - Symphonic, Melodic Power/Black Metal
Anteis Symphonia - Symphonic Black Metal
Anthemon - Symphonic/Doom Metal
Antiglare - Symphonic/Power Metal
Antigone - Symphonic black metal (early), avantgarde folk/darkwave (now)
Antique - Operatic Doom/Death/Dark Ambient
Antrum Mortis - Symphonic Black Metal
Apocalyptica - Symphonic Pseudo-Metal, 'heavy cello'
Apostasia - symphonic black industrial
Apostasy (Nor) - Symphonic black metal
Apotheosis (Mlt) - Thrash / Epic / Symphonic Black Metal
Aradone - Symphonic Black Metal
Arastral - Symphonic/Heavy Metal
Arimonium Rex - Symphonic Death/Black Metal
Ark Storm - Neo-Classical/Power Metal
Arkanum - Symphonic Black Metal
Artful Vanity - Symphonic
As Creation Falls... - Symphonic Black Metal
Ashes to Ashes - symphonic power metal
Astaroth (Nor) - Symphonic Black Metal
Asterius - gothic/symphonic black-ish metal
Atenoux - Symphonic/Gothic/Black Metal
Ater (Ita) - Symphonic Black Metal
Atra Mustum - symphonic black/death metal
Atromorta - Symphonic Black/gothic Metal
Aura Noire - Symphonic Black Metal
Autumn Tears - Neo-Classical Experimental Music
Avantgard (Aus) - Symphonic Black Metal
Avrigus - Orchestral ambient doom metal
Azurewrath - Symphonic Black Metal
Bal-Sagoth - Symphonic Folk/Viking/Power Metal
Barroquejon - Progressive/Power/Classical
Bealiah - Symphonic Black Metal/Heavy Metal
Benatnash - Symphonic Medieval Black Metal
Berzemon - Symphonic Black Metal
Bishop of Hexen - Symphonic Black Metal
Bisol - Black Metal/Ambient/Classical
Bitter Harvest - Symphonic Doom Metal
Black Fury - Symphonic Black Metal
Black Jester - Neo-classical/progressive metal
Black Messiah - Symphonic Black Metal
Black Palace Symphony - Symphonic 'Blackened' Metal
Bladhe - Symphonic Death Metal
Blessed Are The Sick - Gothic Orchestral Black Metal
Blood Stain Child - Symphonic Power Metal w/ Harsh Vocals
Bob Katsionis - Progressive/Neoclassical/Shred Metal
Bolverk (Fra) - Dark Ambient with Neo-Classical and Neo-Folk influences
Book of Reflections - Neo-Classical Power Metal
Borgazur - Symphonic Black Metal
Breeze Least - Traditional/Neo-Classical Metal
Bride Adorned - Symphonic Power Metal
Burial Place - Symphonic Black Metal
Burial Shades - Dark Symphonic Death/Doom Metal
By Autumn Embraced - Symphonic Extreme Metal
Byam Klavor - Symphonic Black Metal
Cadaveria - Symphonic Horror Metal
Caer Ibormeith - Death Metal/70's influenced Progressive Rock (now)/Symphonic Gothic/Black Metal (earlier)
Canvasser - Symphonic Death/Doom Metal
Capitollium - Symphonic Black Metal
Carach Angren - Symphonic Black Metal
Carpathian Dream - neoclassical dark-metal
Cassiopeia - Atmospheric/Symphonic Metal
Castle of Thorns - Symphonic Black Metal
Casus Belli (Grc) - Symphonic Power Metal
Causemos - Neo-Classical Melodic Death
Cem Koksal - neoclassical/shred metal
Cernunnos! (US) - symphonic black metal
Chalice of Oblivion - Symphonic Metal with harsh and melodic vocals
Chaostar - Ambient/atmospheric darkwave/neo-classical music
Chris Falco's Demon Angels - Neoclassical metal, hard rock
Christian Epidemic - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Cian - symphonic black metal
Cimmerian Path - Doom/Symphonic
Concerto Moon - Melodic/Neo-Classical Metal
Conquest (Ukr) - symphonic power metal
Conspectu Mortis - Extreme Symphonic Black Metal
Corvus Corax - Symphonic Black Metal
Crucified Whore - Symphonic Black Metal
Cruel Humanity - Experimental Symphonic Black Metal
Cruentus (Pol) - Avant-Garde Symphonic Black Metal
Cryogenic (Ger) - Symphonic Black Metal
Cryosphere - Symphonic 'Black-ish' Metal
Cryptic Death - Symphonic Black Metal
Crystal Agony - Symphonic Black Metal
Dachnavar - Extreme Symphonic Metal
Daemonic Alchemy - Epic symphonic blackened metal
Daemonicium - Symphonic Black Metal
Dargaard - Dark/gothic neoclassical
Dark Cold Demon's Blood - Symphonic Black Metal
Dark Crystal - Symphonic Heavy/Power Metal
Dark Decade - Symphonic Black/Doom Metal
Dark Haunters - Symphonic Black Metal
Dark Horizon - Symphonic Metal
Dark Inversion - Symphonic Black Metal
Dark Reality - Death metal (old), classical folk music
Dark Season (Bra) - Symphonic Metal
Dark Season (Ita) - Symphonic Black Metal
Dark Vision - Gothic/Symphonic Black Metal
Darkmoon Rising - Symphonic Black Metal
Darkmoon Ritual - Symphonic Metal
Darkness of Blood - Symphonic Black Metal
Darkside (Mex) - Symphonic Black Metal
David Valdes - Shred, Neoclassical Metal
Dawn of Dreams (Aut) - Symphonic gothic metal
De Occulta Philosophia - Symphonic Black Metal
De Vermis Mysteriis (Fra) - Symphonic Black Metal
Dead Silent Slumber - Symphonic black/death metal
Deathtiny - Black/Death Metal mixed with classical elements
Deborah - Symphonic Gothic Metal
December's Fire - Orchestral Gothic Metal
Deinonychus - Symphonic Dark/Doom Metal
Delain - Melodic/symphonic/gothic metal
Delta - Neo-Classical/Progressive Metal
Demogorgon (Rus) - Symphonic Black Metal
Demons of Guillotine - Symphonic Metal
Demortalium - Symphonic Black metal
Deprime - Symphonic Black Metal
Devil Doll - theatrical / symphonic / progressive with rock and metal elements
Diabolical Breed - Symphonic Black Metal
Dialectic Soul - Symphonic Black Metal
Die Verbannten Kinder Eva's - Ambient/atmospheric/darkwave neo-classical music
Dies Ire - Symphonic/orchestral power metal
Different World - Symphonic Prog Metal
Dimension - Neo-classical
Dimmu Borgir - Melodic Black/Symphonic Extreme Metal
Dimness - symphonic blackened gothic metal
Dionysus (Swe) - Neo-classical power metal
Disease (Lva) - Symphonic Metal
Distant - Folk Symphonic Black Metal
Divine Symphony (Bra) - Symphonic Extreme/Black Metal
Divine Symphony (Ger) - Neo-Classical/Progressive Metal
Dol Ammad - Progressive/Symphonic/operatic metal with electronic music influences
Dolmens - Symphonic Black Metal
Dominus Inferi - Metal & Opera
Doomsday (Mex) - Neoclassical Power Metal
Dornenreich - Symphonic Black Metal
Dragonland - Symphonic Power Metal
Dralion - Melodic/symphonic death
Drama & Delirio - Symphonic Black Metal
Druadan Forest - ambient, neo-classical
Dryados - Symphonic Black Metal
Dunkelheit - Symphonic black Metal
Dunkelstorm - symphonic black metal
Dwelling Souls - Symphonic Black Metal
Dyannand - Symphonic Black Metal
Dying Tears - Symphonic gothic/doom metal
Echo of Dalriada - Symphonic Gothic Folk Metal
Eclipse (Pol) - 'Symphonic' Black Metal
Efenstor - Symphonic/Folk Metal
Elend - Dark ambient/atmospheric/neo-classical/symphonic music
Elenium (Pol) - Symphonic Metal
Eligor (Ita) - Symphonic Black Metal
Elis - melodic symphonic gothic metal
Emperor - Black Metal/Symphonic Extreme Metal
Empyrium - Dark Symphonic Folk Metal
Enchantica - Symphonic Black Metal
Endaymynion - Symphonic Doom/Death Metal
Endeavour - Symphonic/atmospheric/power Metal
Endymion (Swe) - Symphonic/Power Metal
Enid - Symphonic Black Metal with medieval influences
Entirety - Symphonic Black Metal
Epiclore - Symphonic/Epic/Atmospheric Metal
Epping Forest - Symphonic Black Metal
Erogena - Symphonic Metal
Essence of Existence - Symphonic Black Metal
Estatic Fear - symphonic doom metal
Eternal Conspiracy - Symphonic black metal
Eternal Doom - Symphonic Doom/Death Metal
Eternal Legacy - Symphonic/Neo-Classical Power Metal
Eternal Oath (Swe) - Symphonic/Death
Ethereal Sin - Symphonic Black Metal
Evanescent Soul - Symphonic Black Metal
Exawatt - symphonic progressive power metal
Exorcism - Symphonic Black Metal
Exsecror Vecordia - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Fabio Montorzi - Neo-classical
Fabio Rocha's Shining Star - Neoclassical/Power metal
Fall of Man - Symphonic Black Metal
Fallen Empire - Symphonic Black Metal
Festerguts - Symphonic Black/Death/Grind
Finnugor - Symphonic Black Metal
Flames of Misery - Orchestral
Friesen, Eric - Neoclassical Metal, Atmospheric
From the Dark - Symphonic Black Metal
Funereal Dusk - Symphonic Black Metal
Gallery of Tragedies - Symphonic Black Metal
Galneryus - Neo-Classical Metal
Gargamel - Symphonic 'Black' Metal
German Schauss - Neo-Classical/Shred Metal
Gladius Noctis - progressive neo-classical gothic metal
Grabesmond - Ambient/atmospheric avant-garde classical medieval music
Grand Alchemist - Symphonic Black Metal
Gwydion - Atmospheric/Symphonic Black Metal
Gwydyon - Classical Medieval Melodic/Folk Metal
Gwyllion - Symphonic Metal
Haggard - Classical/orchestral/symphonic metal
Hamka - Symphonic Metal
Hellspawn (Aus) - Symphonic Black Metal
Hellveto - Orchestral Pagan Metal
Hemisphere - neo-classical/progressive metal
Heruka - Symphonic Black Metal
Hess - Neo-classical progressive metal
Hollenthon - Symphonic/orchestral/folk/melodic death metal
Howl - Symphonic Black metal
Hoyry-Kone - Orchestral Metal
Iberia - heavy/classical/progressive metal
Iblis - symphonic black death metal
Ignitor - Classical Heavy/Power Metal
Imein Dargor - Symphonic Power Metal
In the Name of God - Death Metal with Classical influences
In Tormentata Quiete - Symphonic Black Metal
Indian Fall - Symphonic, Gothic Black Metal
Insane Devotion - symphonic black metal
Insepultus (Rom) - Symphonic Black Metal
Intelectual Moment - Symphonic Black Metal
Interitus (Cze) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Irencros - Power/Progressive/Symphonic Metal
Ivan Bertolla - Symphonic, neo-classical, progressive metal
Ivory Moon - Symphonic, epic power metal
Izakaron - Symphonic black metal
J. Hiltunen's Wings of Destiny - Neo-classical metal, shred
Joey Tafolla - Instrumental, neoclassical metal, heavy metal
Kapel Maister - Symphonic Heavy/Opera Metal
Karelia - Symphonic heavy/power metal
Keen (Fra) - Symphonic Black Metal
Kelly Simonz's Blind Faith - Neo-classical metal, guitar rock
Key of Sadness - Dark Symphonic Black Metal
Kimaera - Symphonic/Gothic Doom/Death
King - Atmospheric Symphonic Death Metal
Kivimetsan Druidi - Symphonic Folk Metal
Korozy - Symphonic Black Metal
Kristine - Symphonic/Progressive Metal
Ladder of Creatures - Symphonic Black Metal
Lamia Antitheus - Symphonic Black Metal
Limbonic Art - Symphonic Black Metal
Litera Theta - Progressive/Neoclassical Metal
Liva - Operatic/classical metal
Long Winters' Stare - Symphonic Experimental Dark Metal
Lordhelme - Symphonic Black Metal
Lost in Time - Symphonic Black Metal
Love History - Progressive/Symphonic Death Metal
Luca Turilli - Symphonic power metal
Luna Ad Noctum - Symphonic Black Metal
Lunae Nocturna - Symphonic Progressive Metal
Lunatenebra - Gothic/Symphonic/Progressive Metal
Lux Belle - Symphonic Power Metal
Lykeum - Atmospheric/Symphonic Death Metal
M.Z. - Neo-Classical Metal
Macella - Symphonic Black Metal
Maeve of Connacht - Symphonic Prog Metal
Magan - Symphonic Black Metal
Magnitude 9 - progressive/neoclassical
Majestic - Neo-Classical Power Metal
Maledictis - Symphonic Black/Death
Malory - Symphonic Epic Metal
Mark Protze - Neo-Classical/Instrumental Metal
Mask (Jpn) - neo-classical/melodic power metal
Matriarch - Symphonic/Atmospheric Death Metal
Meatgrinder - Symphonic Black Metal
Mechanical Poet - Orchestral Progressive Metal
Meduza - Neo-Classical Power Metal
Memembris - Symphonic Black Metal
Mercury Rain - Gothic/Opera Power Metal
Mercyless Empire - Symphonic Black Metal
Meza Virs - Symphonic Black / Death Metal
Michael Angelo - neoclassical/shred/mostly instrumental
Michael Pinnella - Neoclassical Progressive Rock
Midgard (Ita) - Symphonic Black Metal
Mind Colour - Symphonic Progressive Metal
Misanthrope (Fra) - Symphonic Doom / Avant-garde
Misbeliever - Symphonic Black Metal
Moi dix Mois - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Morbid Simphony - Symphonic Black Metal
Morbid Victory - Symphonic Black Metal
Morphia - Death Metal, Symphonic Doom Metal
Mortifer (Bel) - Symphonic Metal
Mortivore - symphonic power metal with harsh vocals
Mortuary (Pol) - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Mutilated Christ (Ecu) - Symphonic Black Metal
My Darkest Dream - Symphonic Black Metal
My Threnody - Orchestral Dark Metal
Mysterian - Gothic/Ambient/Neo-classical Metal
Mythic Force - progressive neo-classical metal
Nahemah - Symphonic Black Metal
Narnia - Power, Neo-classical metal
Nebel Torvum - ambient, neo-classical
Necromicon - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Nefelim - Symphonic/epic power metal
Nemesea - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Nemesis (Cze) - Symphonic Power Metal
Nemesis Inferi - Symphonic Black Metal
Nightwish - Operatic/symphonic power metal
Ningizzia - Symphonic Doom/Death
Ninnghizhidda - Symphonic Black Metal
Noctiferia - Symphonic Black / Death Metal
Nohellia - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Nokturnal Mortum - Folk Symphonic Black Metal
Nord av Snafells - Symphonic Black Metal
Northern Lights - Neoclassical power metal
Nostaria - Symphonic Power Metal
Novgorod - Symphonic Black Metal
Nox Aeterna - Symphonic Metal with harsh and melodic vocals
Oath of Cirion - Symphonic Metal
Obscurcis Romancia - Symphonic Black Metal
Obsidian Gate - Symphonic Black Metal
Obsidio - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Obtained Enslavement - Symphonic Black Metal
Odes of Ecstasy - Symphonic/melodic/progressive/atmospheric death metal
Of the Fallen - Symphonic black metal
Ol Sonuf - Symphonic Black Metal
Omniscient - Symphonic Black Metal
Operatika - Symphonic power metal
Oratory - Neo-classical/melodic metal
Orion Riders - Symphonic / Melodic Power Metal
Outshine - Symphonic metal
Pablo G. Soler - Neo-Classical Metal/Shred
Pale Goddess - Symphonic Black Metal
Parakletos - Melodic/Symphonic Extreme Metal
Parnassus - Symphonic Black Metal
Patrick Rondat - Shred/Neoclassical Metal
Persefone - Melodic/Symphonic Death Metal
Perturbador - Neo-classical
Phenris - Symphonic Dark Metal
Pillars of Eternity - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Platitude - Neo-classical power metal
Positiv Hate - Heavy/Black/Death/Symphonic Metal
Presences - Symphonic Black Metal
Pretium Doloris - Symphonic Metal
Profanum - Black Metal; Dark Ambient/Classical
Promethean - Doom Metal, Progressive Rock, Classical
Prophetic Age - symphonic black metal
Puissance - Apocalyptic neoclassical/industrial
Rain Fell Within - Atmospheric/melodic/symphonic metal
Rendan Tluin - Symphonic / Melodic Death Metal
Requiem Aeternum - Symphonic-doom, black metal
Reusmarkt - Symphonic Black-Metal
Reverennce - Symphonic Black Metal
Rhapsody - Symphonic/Orchestral Power Metal
Rhymes of Destruction - Symphonic pagan blackish Metal
Riul Doamnei - Symphonic Black Metal
Sacred Serenity - Symphonic metal
Sacred Spell - epic/symphonic power metal with harsh vocals
Sagittarius (Ger) - Classical / Neo Folk
Samhain (Bgr) - Symphonic Black Metal
Scars of Chaos - Symphonic Extreme Metal
Sea of Dreams - Symphonic Epic Melodic Progressive/Power Metal
Season of Mourning - Symphonic gothic/doom metal
Secrets of the Moon - Symphonic Black Metal
Sentenced to Burn - Symphonic Black Metal
Seven Seraphim - Neo-classical Progressive Metal
Shadow Mask - Symphonic Power Metal
Shadowseeds - Symphonic Death Metal
Shroud of Bereavement - Symphonic Gothic/Death
Simple Kulto - Symphonic Black Metal
Sinful (Rus) - Symphonic Black Metal
Siniac - Symphonic Black Metal
Sirius - Symphonic/Melodic Black Metal
Sobre Nocturne - Symphonic Doom Metal
Sons of Nihil - Symphonic Black Metal
Soul Grind - Symphonic Death Metal
Soulslide - Symphonic/Epic Metal
Space Odyssey - Neo-Classical Progressive Metal
Spellforest - Symphonic Black Metal
Sphera Lunae - Symphonic Black Metal
Spirits of Gaia - Ambient/Darkwave with Neo-Classical Influences
Stephan Forte - Progressive/Neo-Classical/Shred Metal
Sternenstaub - Symphonic Black Metal
Stormwind (Swe) - Neo-classical power metal
Stravaganzza - Symphonic Modern Metal
Suffering Souls - Symphonic Black Metal
Summoner - Symphonic Death Metal
Sunterra - Melodic/symphonic black metal
Suspyre - Progressive/Neo-Classical Metal
Svartalfheimur - Symphonic Black Metal
Swan Christy - Symphonic gothic metal
Sword of Darkness - Symphonic Black Metal
Sylver Myst - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Symphonia - gothic atmospheric metal with classical influences
Taliandorogd - Black Symphonic Metal, Stoner Death
Tanist - Symphonic Black Metal
Tenebrium (US) - death, black, progressive, symphonic
Thade - Symphonic Black / Death Metal
The Aerium - Symphonic/Gothic Metal
The Chaos Nether Silence - Symphonic Black Metal
The Dogma - Symphonic heavy metal
The Eternal Blade - Symphonic Black Metal with classical influences
The Gate - Symphonic Black Metal
The Legion of Hetheria - Symphonic Metal
The Mystery Hall - Heavy/Neo-Classical/Shred Metal
The Ocean - symphonic sludge/ambient
The Orcus - Symphonic Power Metal
The Sins of thy Beloved - Gothic/symphonic doom metal
Therion (Swe) - Death metal (early), symphonic/orchestral heavy metal
Thou Shalt Suffer - Death Metal (old) neoclassical / ambient (new)
Thy Hastur - Symphonic Dark/Black Metal
Thy Symphony - Symphonic power metal
Thyrane - Symphonic Black Metal, Industrial Metal
Time Requiem - neo-classical/melodic power metal
Timeghoul - Symphonic Death Metal
Torment (Rom) - Symphonic Gothic/Black Metal
Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Orchestral/progressive rock/metal
Tribes of Cain - Symphonic/Melodic Black
Troglodytic - Symphonic Black Metal, Ambient
Tromsnar - Symphonic Black/Death Metal
Tvangeste - Symphonic Orchestral Black Metal
Twilight Symphony (US) - Symphonic Progressive Metal
Tyrant (Jpn) - Symphonic Black Metal
Tyrmord - Symphonic Black Metal
Tzefa - Thrashy heavy metal with opera vocals
Ufych Sormeer - Symphonic Black Metal
Ulcus - Symphonic Black Metal
Umbraculum Funebris - Symphonic Black Metal
Uncanny (Pol) - Black Symphonic Metal
uneXpect - Symphonic Folk/Black/Power Metal
Vaakevandring - Symphonic/Heavy/Black Metal
Valar - Symphonic Black Metal
Valhalla (Rus) - Symphonic Black Metal
Valiance - Power Symphonic metal
Valinor (Pol) - symphonic black metal
Valkiria (Chl) - Symphonic Power Metal
Vanguard (Aut) - Symphonic Black Metal
Vanguard (Fin) - Symphonic Gothic Metal
Vanitas - Symphonic Black Metal
Vari - Symphonic Black Metal
Varnas - Symphonic/Melodic Death Metal
Versipella - Symphonic War/Black Metal
Vesperian Sorrow - Symphonic Black Metal
Victor Smolski - Heavy Metal, progressive metal, classical, avant-garde
Viggen (Pol) - Symphonic Black Metal
Vindsval - Symphonic Metal
Virgin Black - Doom, Goth, Symphonic
Virtuocity - Neo-Classical Metal
Visions of Atlantis - Symphonic Metal
Vitalij Kuprij - instrumental progressive neo-classical metal
VIXIVI - Symphonic Black Metal
Voyager - Symphonic/Melodic Metal
Wallachia - Symphonic Black Metal
Warmen - Melodic power/neo-classical metal
Wild Garden - symphonic gothic metal
Windham Hell - Ambient Neo-Classical Avant-Garde Metal
Winds (Nor) - neoclassical progressive metal
Winter Martirium - symphonic black metal
Winterthrone - symphonic black metal
Wishing Well - Gothic Operatic Metal
Within Temptation - Melodic/Symphonic/Gothic Metal
Wolfen (Fra) - Symphonic Black Metal
XthoughtstreamsX - Progressive, Experimental Classical, Death Metal
Xzoriath - Symphonic Death Metal
Yngwie J. Malmsteen - Neo-classical metal, shred
Ynnermost - Symphonic Dark Ambient
Zophrenia - Melodic Black/Symphonic Extreme Metal


九.Power Metal~ 能量金属

Total: 1894 bands

10Eyes - Power metal
12:06 A.M. - Heavy/Power Metal
3 Inches of Blood - Heavy/Power Metal
5 Days Bleeding - Melodic Death/Black Metal with Power Metal Influences
A Blind Prophecy - Power Metal
A Lower Deep - power/thrash metal
A Tribute to the Plague - Power Metal
Abadon - Heavy/Power Metal
Abattoir - Power/speed
Abighor - Power/speed metal
Abnormal Thaughtz - Groovy Power/Thrash
Abraxas (Ger) - Power Metal
Abrogation - Power, thrash, death
Abstrakt Algebra - Technical power metal
Absurdus - Heavy/Power metal with harsh vocals
Abxtract - Power/Thrash Metal
Abyss (Esp) - Progressive/Power Metal
Acron (Ita) - gothic symphonic progressive/power metal
Acropolis - Power Metal
Acrosstorm - Power Metal
Acrosstyck - Doom, Power
Adagium - Power Metal
Adamanter - Power metal
Adeslave - Power Metal
Adgar - Power Metal
Admonisher - Heavy/Power Metal
Adonis - Heavy / Power Metal
Adrian - Heavy/power
Adrian Barilari - Melodic Heavy/Power
Advocate - power/thrash
Aemerald - Symphonic Heavy/Power Metal
Aethra - Power Metal, Symphonic Metal
Aevum - Power Metal
Afflicted - technical death metal, power metal
After Life (Bra) - power metal
After Omega - Power Metal
Aftermath (US) - power metal / thrash metal
Afterworld - Power Metal
Agartha (Fra) - Power metal
Age of Rebellion - progressive/power metal
Agent Metal - Heavy Metal - Speed/Power
Agent Steel - Power/speed
Agnus Dei - Power / progressive metal
Agony (Swe) - Technical thrash/power
Agregator - Gothic Power-Death
Agressor (Bra) - Power/Thrash Metal
Agro - Power Thrash
Ahrcana - Power Metal
Aiming High - Melodic Power Metal
Ainulindale - power metal
Airborn - heavy/power metal
Airged L'amh - Heavy/Power/Folk Metal
Airut - Power Metal
Airwolf - Power/speed
Akela - Power/Thrash
Akilla - power / speed metal
Alaska Fire - melodic power metal
Alchil - Speed Power Metal
Alegory - Heavy Traditional, Power Metal
Alkateya - Heavy/Power Metal
Alkemyst - Power/speed metal
All Hallow's Evil - Melodic Death/Doom Metal with Power Metal Influence
All Too Human - power / progressive metal
Allegro - Power metal
Almora - Power/Classic Metal
Alogia - Progressive/Power Metal
Alpha Centauri - Power metal
Alquimia - Heavy/Power Metal
Alsion - Power Metal
Alta Densidad - Power Metal
Altair - melodic power metal
Altaria - Melodic Power Metal/Hard Rock
Amalthea (Svk) - Power Metal
Amaran - Power metal
Amboog-A-Lard - power/thrash, avant-garde progressive metal
Amethys - Power Metal
Amethyst (Can) - Power Metal
Amon (Rus) - Power Metal
Among the Mist - Power Metal
Amyris - progressive power metal
Ana Black - heavy/power metal
Anaconda (US) - power metal
Anatriz - Power metal with Black/Death Elements
Ancestral (Ita) - Power Metal
Ancient Curse - Power Metal
Ancient Prophecy - Power / Death / Gothic Metal
Ancient Wyrm - Symphonic/Power Metal
Andra - Power Metal
Andre Andersen - Symphonic/Power/Progressive Metal
Andromeda (Per) - Heavy/Power metal
Anesthesia (Ger) - Power/Thrash Metal
Angel Dust - speed/thrash (80s), melodic power metal (later)
Angel's Last Breath - Progressive/Power Metal
AngelCrypt - Melodic Power/Thrash Metal
Angeli di Pietra - Gothic/Power Metal
Angelknight - Power Metal
Angellic Rage - Power/Progressive Metal
Angels Decay - Progressive/power metal
Angels Fall - Power / Speed / Epic Metal
Angeluz - Power Metal
Angra - Power/progressive metal
Angry Angels - Fantasy Power Metal
Ankorjed - Power Metal
Annex - heavy/power metal
Ansuz - Symphonic, Melodic Power/Black Metal
Anthenora - heavy/power metal
Antiglare - Symphonic/Power Metal
Antithesis (US) - Power/Thrash/Progressive Metal
Anubis Gate - Melodic Progressive / Power Metal
Anvil - Heavy/Power Metal
Anzeray - Power/Heavy Metal
Aphelion (Tur) - progressive/power metal
Apocalipsis - heavy/power metal
Apocalypse (Bos) - Heavy/Power Metal
Apollo Ra - power metal
Aposento (PR) - Power Metal
Apostle - power metal
Aquila - Power Metal
Arachnes - Power Metal
Aragon (Ger) - Epic/Power
Aragorn (Per) - Power Metal
Arakain - Power/thrash
ArantaxiA - Power/Speed Metal
Arcadia (Jpn) - Melodic Power Metal
Arcane Visions - Heavy / Progressive / Power Metal
Arcania (Chl) - Power Metal
Arch Nemesis - Traditional/power metal
Archontes - Melodic Power Metal
Arctic Fields - melodic power metal
Arctic Flame - Power Metal
Arda - Power Metal
Area - Power metal
Arghon - power/prog metal
Argument Soul - Power Metal
Argus (Mex) - Power/Shred Metal
Ariadna Project - Power Metal
Arida Vortex - Power Metal
Ark Storm - Neo-Classical/Power Metal
Arkaina - progressive power metal
Arkangel (Ven) - 80's Metal, Power/Speed Metal
Arkus - Power/Speed Metal
Armageddon (Cyp) - Progressive/Power Metal
Armageddon (Kor) - Power metal
Armageddon (US) - US Power Metal
Armagedon-X - heavy/power metal
Armed Forces - Heavy/Power Metal
Armory - Power Metal
Arrest - heavy/power metal
Arryan Path - Epic Power Metal
Arson (US) - Heavy/Power Metal
Art of Fear - Power metal
ArtCell - Progressive Power Metal
Artch - Power metal
Arthemis - power metal
Artisan - Power/Thrash Metal
Arwen - Power Metal
Aryan Venture - Progressive/Power Metal
Asbreaker - Heavy/Power Metal
Asgarth - Death/power metal
Ashes to Ashes - symphonic power metal
Askariz - Melodic Power Metal
Asomvel - Speed Metal, Power Metal
Assailant (Swe) - Power Metal
Asseedio - Progressive/Power Metal
Assignment - Progressive Power Metal (now)/Death/Thrash Metal (early)
Astaroth (Pol) - Power Metal
Asxvell - Power Metal
At Vance - Power Metal
Atavica - Progressive/Power metal
Atemno - Power Metal
Athena - Progressive/Power Metal
Athlantis - Power Metal
Athrehia - Power metal
Atlain - Power Metal
Atomic Tornado - Power Metal
Atraphine - Progressive Power Metal
Atrium - Power Metal
Attacker - Power metal
Attick Demons - Heavy/Power Metal
Attika - power metal
Attila (Hol) - Power Metal
Auriga - classic/doom/power
Aurion - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
Auticada - Power/Prog Metal
Autumn Silence - power / progressive metal
Avalanch - Power Metal / Progressive Melodic Metal
Avalon (Bra) - Thrash, Power Metal
Avalon Burning - Gothic Metal with Power influences
Avanish - Melodic Power Metal
Avantasia - Melodic power metal
Avantgard (Bra) - Power Metal
Avatar (US) - Early Power, Doom
Ave Fenix - Heavy/Power Metal
Awake (Ger) - Power Metal
Awakening (US) - Power Metal
Ax'n Sex - Progressive Power Metal
Axe La Chapelle - Progressive power metal
Axehammer - classic/power
Axemaster - Power Metal
Axenstar - Power Metal
Axya - melodic power metal
Azeroth (Arg) - Melodic Power Metal
Azimuth (Rus) - Heavy/Power Metal
Azlan - Power/speed
Azrael (Esp) - Speed / Power Metal
Azrael (Jpn) - Power Metal
Azrael's Bane - Melodic Power Metal
B.E.N.T. - Progressive Power Metal
Backslash - heavy/power metal
Bad Lizard - Power Metal
Bajo Zero - Power/Death Metal
Bal-Sagoth - Symphonic Folk/Viking/Power Metal
Balistik Kick - Power metal
Ballistic - Speed/Power Metal
Banshee (US) - Traditional US Power Metal
Baranduin - Fantasy/Folk/Power with harsh vocals
Baron Blade - Heavy/Power Metal
Barroquejon - Progressive/Power/Classical
Bast - Power Metal
Bastardsun - Power/Thrash
Battle Arena - Power / Thrash Metal
Battle Bratt - Power metal
Battlefield (Ger) - Power Metal
Battlelore - Epic / Power Metal with harsh vocals
Battleroar - Traditional/power metal
Battlorn - Epic Power Metal
Beautiful Darkness - Doom/Gothic Metal with some Power Metal elements
Beauty and Chaos - Melodic Death/Power Metal
Before Eden - progressive metal / power metal
Behind Chaos - Progressive Power/Thrash
Beholder - Power/Thrash Metal
Bejelit - Power Metal
Bel O Kan - Power Metal
Belica - Power Metal
Belladonna - Thrash/Power Metal
Beowulf (Bra) - Power Metal
Berserker - Heavy/Power Metal
Betoken - Power Metal
Between the Lines - Power Metal
Bewitched (Swe) - Black/Thrash/Power Metal
Beyond Dreams - Power Metal
Beyond Reality (US) - Progressive/Power Metal
Beyond Reason - Power Metal
Beyond the Dark - heavy/doom/power metal
Big Heat - melodic power metal
Bishop Steel - power metal
Biss - melodic/power metal
Black Abyss - Melodic Power Metal
Black Destiny - Agressive Power Metal
Black Fate (Ger) - power metal
Black Fate (Grc) - Power/Progressive
Black Head - Power Metal
Black Knight (Can) - Power Metal
Black Masquerade - Melodic Power Metal
Black Obsidian - Power Metal
Black Pearl - Power/Thrash Metal
Black Rain (Fra) - Speed/Power Metal
Black Reign (US) - Power/speed metal
Black Steel - Traditional / Power Metal
Black Swan (Ita) - Power Metal
Black Symphony - Power / Prog Metal
Black Task - Thrash/power
Black Virgin - traditional power/speed metal
Black Widow (US) - Power Metal
Blackhole - Speed/Power Metal
Blackkout - progressive power-thrash
Blacklist - Power metal
Blackshine - power metal
Blacksmith (US) - Power Metal
Blackwatch - Folk Power Metal
Blade of Spirit - Power/Doom Metal with Progressive Elements
Blaspheme - Classic/power
Blazing Guns - Traditional/Power Metal
Blessed in Fire - Power Metal
Blind Guardian - Speed Metal (first two albums), Power Metal (everything since)
Blind Justice (Grc) - Heavy/Power Metal
Blind Obsession - heavy/power metal
Blind Vengeance - power / thrash metal
Blitzz - Power/Speed Metal
Bloden-Wedd - Traditional Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Bloke - Power, Traditional Metal
Blood Stain Child - Symphonic Power Metal w/ Harsh Vocals
Bloodstained - Traditional/Power Metal
Bloodstone (Ger) - Melodic Power Metal
Blueberryhill - Heavy Power Metal
Boanerges - Power Metal
Book of Reflections - Neo-Classical Power Metal
Boomerang - Power Metal
Boredomi - Power/Speed Metal
Borislav Mitic - Instrumental power metal
Born of Fire (US) - Power Metal
Boron - Power Metal (earlier), Half-Thrash (newer)
Brainstorm (Ger) - Power Metal
Brave (Bra) - Power Metal
Breaking Silence - power metal
Bride Adorned - Symphonic Power Metal
Brilien - Power Metal
Brimstone - Power Metal, harsh vocals
Broken Arrow - Heavy/Power Metal
Broken Glazz - progressive/power metal
Broken Spell - Power Metal
Burning in Hell - Power Metal
Burning Shadows - Power/heavy Metal
Butcher (US) - heavy/power/epic metal
Byfist - US power metal
C.C.S. - Power/Thrash Metal
Cabal (Ger) - Heavy/power metal
Cadacross - folk/power metal
Cage - Power / Traditional Metal
Caid Deceit - melodic heavy/power metal
Cain's Alibi - Power Metal
Caldwell - Melodic power metal with harsh vocals
Calibos - Power/Speed
Calvaria (Mex) - Power Metal
Caravellus - Power Metal
Cardavercus - Thrash/Power Metal
Carpediem - Power Metal
Cassis - Power Metal
Casus Belli (Grc) - Symphonic Power Metal
Catch 22 - Heavy / Traditional / Thrash / Power
Catharsis (Rus) - power/speed metal
Catharsis (US) - Technical power metal
Catwitch - Gothic power metal
Cauldron (US) - Thrash/power metal
Cauldron Born - Power / Traditional Metal
Celestial Dawn - Heavy/Power metal
Celestial Ode - Heavy power metal
Celesty - Epic Power metal
Cellador - Melodic Speed/Power Metal
Cemetarium - power metal
Centaur (Ger) - Heavy/power metal
Centurion (US) - Power/Thrash
Centvrion - Heavy Power, Thrash Metal
Cerbero - Power/Speed Metal
Cerebus - Traditional / Power Metal
CETI - Heavy/Power Metal
Chamber - Power Metal/Thrash/Half Thrash
Chaos Control - Power / Speed Metal
Chaos Theory (Aus) - Power/Heavy Metal
Chaotic Order - power metal
Character - heavy/power metal
Charisma - Power/Prog Metal
Charn - Power/Speed Metal
Chateau - Power Metal
Chess - Heavy/Power Metal
Children of Bodom - Power/Speed Metal with harsh vocals
Chimaera (Ger) - power metal
China Beach - power metal
Chinchilla - Power Metal
Chris Caffery - progressive power metal
Chroming Rose - Power Metal
Circle II Circle - Progressive Power Metal
Circle of Elements - power / doom metal
Circle of Tyrants - Power/Thrash Metal
Cirgalith - Heavy/Power/Folk Metal
Citadel (Fin) - Power/Speed Metal
Citadel (Rus) - Speed/Power Metal
Cities - heavy/power metal
Clayman - Power Metal
Claymore (Ser) - Power Metal
Clenched Fist - Power Metal
Comedy Club - power metal
Commandment - power metal
Communic - Progressive Metal, Power Metal, Heavy Metal
Complex 7 - progressive technical power/speed metal
Conception - Progressive/Power Metal
Concerto - Power Metal
Confusion - power/thrash
Conjuring - heavy/power metal
Conquest (Swe) - Heavy/Power Metal
Conquest (Ukr) - symphonic power metal
Conquest of Steel - Power Metal
Conspired Legends - Melodic Heavy/Power Metal
Control Denied - Technical Progressive Power Metal
Couragous - power metal
Court Jester - Power Metal
Coven - power/thrash
CP24 - Power/Thrash Metal
Craydawn - Power Metal
Creature of Habit - Heavy/Power/Progressive Metal
Crescent Shield - Traditional/Power metal
Crillson - Power Metal
Crimson (Fin) - Heavy/power/gothic metal
Crimson (US) - speed / power metal
Crimson Chaos - Power/Thrash metal
Crimson Fire - Power metal
Crimson Steel (US) - Epic Power Metal
Cristal y Acero - heavy metal, hard rock, power metal
Critical Mass - Technical Power Metal
Cronos (Arg) - progressive power/doom metal
Cross - power/progressive metal
Cross Borns - Traditional Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Crossbow - Power Metal
Crossfire (Tur) - Power/Thrash Metal
Crotchduster - Avant-Garde/Death/Power Metal, Parody
Crows - power metal
Cruel - Power / Speed Metal
Cruella - power / speed metal
Crusader - Traditional Heavy/Power Metal
Crying Steel - 80's HeavyPower Metal
Cryonic Temple - melodic power metal
Crypt (Can) - power metal
Cryptic Art - Power Metal
Cryptic Visions - Power Metal
Crysania - Power Metal
Crystal Angel - Power Metal
Crystal Ball - Melodic Power Metal
Crystal Blaze - Power Metal
Crystal Castle - Power metal
Crystal Clear - Heavy/Power Metal
Crystal Eyes - Power Metal
Crystal Fate - Power Metal
Crystal Myth - Power Metal
Crystal Tears - Speed/Power Metal
Cuatro Gatos - Heavy / Power Metal
Cult Disciples - Power Metal
Cursed Eternity - Power-thrash
Custard - Power Metal
Cyan Bloodbane - Heavy/Power
Cyberya - Industrial/Power Metal
Cydhie Genoside - power metal
Cydonia (Ita) - Power metal / modern thrash
D-Fense - Power Metal
D-Lusion - heavy/power/progressive metal
Daedalous - Melodic Power Metal
Daimones - Power Metal
Daksha - Experimental Progressive Epic Power Metal
Daktal - Power Metal
Dama Feudal - melodic heavy/power metal
Damage (Bra) - Traditional Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Damaged Justice - Power Metal
Damascus Steel - Power Metal
Damien (US) - heavy/power metal
Damien Black - Power Metal
Damien Lee Thorr - Power Metal
Damn Shark - Melodic Power Metal
Damnation (Arg) - Power metal
Damnatory (Swe) - Power/Thrash Metal
DamnNation - Power / Progressive / Thrash
Damocles - Power Metal
Danger Zone (Ita) - heavy/power metal
Dargoron - Power/Prog Metal
Dark Age (US) - traditional heavy/power metal
Dark Asylum - Power/Thrash
Dark at Dawn - Dark Power Metal
Dark Avenger (Bra) - Heavy Power Metal
Dark Crystal - Symphonic Heavy/Power Metal
Dark Diamonds - Power/Heavy Metal
Dark Energy - Blackened Power/Progressive Metal
Dark Fate (Ger) - progressive / power metal
Dark Knight - power metal
Dark Moor - Power Metal
Dark Rain - Power Metal
Darkfire - Power Metal
Darkside Symphony - Progressive Power Metal
Darksun - Power Metal
DarkWitch - Power Metal
Darna - Heavy/Power
David Shankle Group - Heavy/Power/Shred
Dawn of Eternity - Power Metal
Dawn of Glory - power metal
Dawnsight - Power Metal
DayNight - Heavy/Power Metal
Days of Yore - Power Metal
De Anima - Power Metal
Dead Nature - Power metal
Dead On - power/thrash
Dead Poets Society - Power/Prog Metal
Deadication - Power Metal
Deadline - Traditional, Power Metal
Deadly Blessing - Progressive power/thrash metal
Deadly Sin - melodic power metal
Deadly Sins - Melodic Death/Power Metal
Deadman's Tale - Heavy/power metal
Deafening Silence - Power Metal
Death Militia - Power/Thrash Metal
Death Warrant (Ger) - Traditional/Power Metal
Deceiver (Fin) - Thrash / power metal
Deceiver (Ger) - Heavy/Power Metal
Deceptor (Grc) - Heavy/power metal
Dedication - Melodic Heavy/Power Metal
Defection - Death Metal (earlier)/Thrash/Death/Power Metal (now)
Defender (Hol) - speed, power
Defending the Faith - Progressive Power Metal
Deja-Vu - Heavy/Power Metal
Dejmor - power/progressive metal
Delian League - Progressive/power metal
Deliverance (Ita) - Power/Thrash Metal
Delusive Dream - Power / Speed Metal
Dementia (Bra) - Power Thrash Metal
Demether - Gothic/Power Metal
Demon in a Manger - Power Metal
Demonath - Death/Thrash/Power Metal
Demoniac (Ser) - Power/Speed Metal
Demonlord - Power Metal
Demons & Wizards - Power metal
Depressione - Power/melodic metal
Der Kaiser - power metal
Descension - Dark Theatrical Metal (Death/Black/Power/Folk)
Desdemona (Ita) - Power metal
Desecrator (US) - Power / Progressive Metal
Deselectra - Power Metal
Desert Rain - Power Metal
Desertion - power metal / melodic speed
Desolation Angels - Power Metal, NWOBHM
Desspo - Power Metal
Destinations Calling - Power Metal
Destiny's End - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Destra - Power/Progressive Metal
Destructor - power/thrash
Dethret - Heavy/Power Metal
Detonation (Che) - Heavy/Power Metal
Deuce (UK) - heavy/power metal
Deuce (US) - heavy/power metal
Deva Yena - Melodic power metal with occasional harsh vocals
Devestate - Power Metal
Devil's Island - Power/Thrash Metal
Dhak - Power Metal
Die Happy - thrash/power
Dies Ire - Symphonic/orchestral power metal
Diesense - Power Metal
Dionysus (Swe) - Neo-classical power metal
Diphtheria - Heavy, Power, Progressive, Doom Metal
Dirge (US) - Progressive Power Metal
Dirt Church - Power/Thrash
Disciple - Power / Speed Metal
Discreate - Power Metal
Disharmonic Fields - Power Metal
Dissector (Rus) - Heavy / Power Metal
Distant Light - Progressive/Power Metal
Distant Thunder - Power / Speed Metal
Divine Rite - Heavy/Power Metal
Divine Sin - Power/half-thrash metal
DivineFire - Power Metal/Gothenburg
Divinus - Melodic Power Metal
Division - Power Metal
DNA (Bra) - Power Metal
Doctor Butcher - power metal
Dofka - Power/Thrash Metal
Domain (Ger) - melodic power metal/melodic hard rock
Domine - Epic Power Metal / Speed Metal
Domini Magica - Power metal
Dominus Praelii - Heavy Metal, Power
Donec Mortalis - Doom/Thrash/Power/Death Metal
Doomsday (Mex) - Neoclassical Power Metal
Dornfall - Dark Progressive Power Metal
Dose Lethal - Power Metal
Double Dealer - melodic power metal
Dracma - Melodic Power Metal
Draconian (Ger) - Power Metal
Dragon Lord - Melodic Speed Metal, Power Metal
Dragonfire - Power Metal
DragonForce - Power Metal
Dragonhammer - Melodic Power Metal
Dragonheart - Power metal
Dragonlance - Power Metal
Dragonland - Symphonic Power Metal
Dragonne - Melodic Heavy/Power Metal
Dragonship - Power/Death Metal
Dragonslayer (Esp) - Power metal
Dragora - Power Metal
Drakkar (Bel) - power/speed metal
Drakkar (Ita) - Power Metal
Draksen - Power/Thrash Metal
Dreadline - power metal
Dream Child - Power/Progressive Metal
Dream Devoid - Power/Progressive Metal
Dream Evil - Heavy/Power metal
Dream Quest - Power Metal
Dream Weaver - Power Metal
Dreamaker - Power Metal
Dreamland (Swe) - Power Metal
Dreams of Nabid - Power Metal
Dreamtale - Melodic Power Metal
Dreamworks - progressive power metal
Dreamzfate - Power Metal
Drearylands - Power metal
Drizzit - Heavy Metal/Power Metal
Druid - traditional heavy/power metal
Drunken Angels - Power Metal
Duke - power metal
Dune - Power/Progressive Metal
Dungeon (Aus) - Power Metal
Dungeon (US) - heavy / power metal
Dust (Rom) - Power Metal
Dyecast - Heavy/power metal
Dyecrest - Heavy/power metal
Dynamo - Power Metal
DynamoWar - Heavy/Power Metal
Dyslesia - melodic power metal
Earthcubed - Power Metal, progressive
Earthmover - Power/Heavy Metal
Easy Rider - Power Metal
Ebony Ark - Power/Progressive Metal
Economist - Power Metal
Eddy Antonini - melodic heavy/power metal
Edelweyss - Power metal
Edenbridge - Power Metal
Edge of Thorns - power / melodic speed metal
Edguy - Power metal
Eidolon - Power / Thrash / Speed
Eidyllion (Arg) - Heavy Power Metal
Ekpyrosis - Power metal
El Dragon - Heavy/Power Metal
El Golem - Power/Doom
Eldritch - Progressive/Power Metal
Eldritch Rite - Progressive Power Metal
Elegy - Progressive Power Metal
Elessar - power metal
Eleventh Hour - power metal
Elfoer - Power Metal
Elvenking - Power/folk Metal
Elvenpath - melodic power metal
Elwing - Power Metal
Embargo - Melodic Power Metal
Emerald (Che) - power metal
Emerald (US) - Power metal
Emerald Steel - power metal
Emissary (US) - Progressive/Power Metal
Empyreal - heavy/power metal
En Force - power / progressive metal
Enchanted Silence - Power / Atmospheric Metal
Encryption - Thrash, Progressive, Power
End of All Daze - Power Metal
End Zone - power metal
Endangered Reign - Power/Prog Metal
Endeavour - Symphonic/atmospheric/power Metal
Endless Time - Epic/Power Metal
Endymion (Swe) - Symphonic/Power Metal
Enemy - Heavy/Power Metal
Enforce (Fin) - Power Metal
Enforcer - Power Metal
English Dogs - Punk, Crossover, Power Metal
Enjoy Sarma - Power/Thrash Metal
Enslaughterment - Power / Thrash Metal
Entente - thrash/power metal
Entophyte - power metal
Entrophia - Melodic Power Metal/Hard Rock
Epidemia - Power Metal
Epsilon (Can) - Power Metal
Erich Zann - heavy/power metal
Errantry - power/melodic speed metal
Error7 - Power / Traditional Metal
Escape (Grc) - Power metal
ESP - US Power Metal
Eterna - Power, speed, prog metal
Eternal Darkness (Ger) - Melodic Power Metal
Eternal Flight - Power Metal
Eternal Gate - power metal
Eternal Legacy - Symphonic/Neo-Classical Power Metal
Eternal Night (Esp) - Power metal
Eternal Reign - power metal
Eternia (Ger) - Thrash/Power
Eternia (Swe) - power metal
Etherea - Power / Progressive Metal
Ethernia - Power metal
Etherya - Power Metal
Eudoxis - power/thrash
Evening Star - Heavy/Power Metal
Event Horizon - Power Metal
Everdome - Heavy/Power Metal
Everfest - Melodic/Power Metal
Everflow (Grc) - Melodic power/progressive metal
Everglow - Power Metal
Evergrey - Modern Dark Progressive Power/Heavy Metal
Evidence - melodic power metal
Evidence One - Power Metal
Evolution - heavy/power metal
Ex Tempore - Prog Power Metal
Exawatt - symphonic progressive power metal
Excalion - Melodic Power Metal
Excelsis (Che) - Folk/Power Metal
Excelsis Hosanna - Power Thrash Metal
Excidium (Che) - power/thrash metal
Exhibition (Grc) - Power Metal
Exhort (Bra) - Heavy/Power Metal
Exigence - Power/Thrash Metal
Exiled on Earth - Progressive Power/Thrash
Existence - epic power metal
Existence Rising - Power Metal
Exotheria - Progressive/Power Metal
Exotherm - Thrashy power metal
Expect No Mercy - Traditional/Power Metal
Exxplorer - Power Metal
Eye See Black - power/thrash metal
Eyes of Hydra - Power / Death metal
Eyes of Shiva - melodic power metal
F. Roses - melodic power metal
Fabio Rocha's Shining Star - Neoclassical/Power metal
Factory of Art - Progressive power metal
Fade - Power Metal
Fahrenheit - Power Metal
Fairy Mirror - Melodic Power Metal
Fairyland - Power Metal
Faith and Fire - heavy/power metal
Falconer - Power Metal
FalleN (Can) - melodic power/thrash
Fallen Angel (Esp) - Power Metal
Fallen Angels (Bra) - Power Metal
Fallen Angels (Cyp) - Power/Speed
Fallen Angels (Ger) - Power Metal
Fallen Skies - Heavy/Power Metal
Falling Dusk - Power Metal
False Witness - Power/Progressive Metal
Fatal Morgana - epic/progressive power metal
Fatal Order - groovy heavy/power metal
Fates Warning - Power Metal, Progressive Metal
Fathom - melodic power/speed metal
Fatima Hill - Progressive Power Metal, Avant-Garde
Fear Dorg - heavy/power metal
Ferngully - power metal
Fiarro - progressive power metal
Fierce Conviction - Thrash/power
Fifth Angel - Power metal
Fifth Cross - Power Metal
Final Chapter - Power Metal
Final Cry - heavy/power metal
Finist - Power Metal with harsh vocals
Fireaxe - Power/thrash
Firebreathers - Power Metal
Fireign - power/thrash metal
Firesign - Power Metal
Firewind - Power/Speed Metal
First Strike - Power Metal
Flaming Anger - technical prog-thrash/power
Flaming Frost - Power Metal
Flotsam and Jetsam - Power/Thrash Metal
Force Majeure - Melodic/Power Metal
Forced Entry (Ger) - Melodic speed / power metal
Forgotten Realm - Power Metal
Forgotten Tales - Power metal
Form - power metal
Forte - 90's power/thrash
Four Seasons - Epic power/heavy metal
Four Ways - Melodic Power Metal/Hard Rock
Fracture - Melodic/Power Metal
Fraise - Power/Heavy Metal
Fray - Power Metal
Freedom Call - Power Metal
Freehand - melodic power metal
Freternia - Power Metal
Friar Rush - Power/Progressive
Fright Night (Bra) - Power Metal
From Thy Ashes - Power Metal
Frontears - progressive power metal
Frostborn - Melodic Metal / Power - Prog Metal
Frozen Fire - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Full Strike - Power Metal
Fuoco Fatuo - Heavy/Power Metal
Furia Animal - Melodic Power Metal
Furien - Power Metal
Furthest Shore - Viking Metal/Epic Power Metal
Fyre - power metal
G.-L.O.C. - Progressive Power Metal
Gaia Epicus - Power metal
Galactic Cowboys - Aggressive Power/Melodic metal
Galloglass - Power Metal
Gallows Pole - Power Metal
Gamma Ray - Power/Speed Metal
Gargola - heavy/power metal
Gargoyle (US) - traditional heavy / power metal
GB Arts - progressive/power metal
Gehenna (Mex) - progressive power metal
Ghost Machinery - Power metal
Glacier - Traditional/power metal
Gladiators (Ger) - Power/Heavy Metal
Glorian - Power metal
Glory Opera - melodic power metal
Godmachine - Power/Thrash
Goecia - Melodic/Progressive/Power Metal with hardcore Elements
Gorgons Eyes - Heavy/Power Metal
Gothic Fate - Power Metal
Gothic Knights - Heavy/Power Metal
Gracepoint - Progressive Power Metal
Grave Desire - Prog/Power Metal
Graven Image - Power Metal
Graveyard Ghost - Epic/Power Metal
Grendel (Fin) - Traditional/Power Metal
Grudge - power metal
Guardian Force - Power metal
Guardianes del Imperio - Power Metal
Guardians of Mankind - Power metal
Guardians of Time - Power Metal
Guarnerius - Power/Speed Metal
Guerra Santa - Traditional/Power Metal
Guillotine (US) - Power/Thrash Metal
Gun Barrel - Heavy/Power Metal
Gunfire - power/speed metal
Gutter Sirens - Power metal
Guttural - Power Metal
Guy Mann-Dude - Power Metal/Shred
Gwynn Ap Nudd - Power Metal
Haborim - Thrash/Power/Death Metal
Hades Inc. - Power/Thrash Metal
Hallowed (Fin) - Power Metal
Hallowed (Irl) - Melodic Power Metal
Hammerfall - Heavy/Power Metal
Hammerheart - Heavy/power Metal
Hammeron - heavy/power metal
Hammers of Misfortune - Progressive/Folk/Doom/Heavy/Power Metal
Hammerwitch - Power Metal
Hanaken - Heavy/Power Metal
Hard 'n Heart - Traditional/Power Metal
Hard Echo - Power Metal
Hard Gear - Power Metal
Hardgore - Death/Thrash/Power
Harmony - progressive power metal
Harpoon - Heavy/Power Metal
Harrow - power metal
Haterush - Power Metal
Hatred (Ger) - thrash/power metal
Hatred (Grc) - power metal
Haunted by Angels - Power/Doom Metal
Haven - heavy/power metal
Hawaii - speed / power metal
Headhunter - Power / Thrash Metal
Headless Cross - Traditional/Power Metal
Headline - progressive/power metal
Heads or Tales - Power Metal
Heathen's Rage - Power / Speed Metal
Heaven's Guardian - power metal
Heavenblast - Power Metal
Heavendeer - Power Metal
HeavenFalls - Melodic Power Metal
Heavenly - Power Metal
Heavenly Bride - Power Metal
Heavenward - Power Metal
Heavy Load - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Heavy Metal Perse - Power/Heavy Metal
Heed - Power Metal
Heimdall - Power Metal
Heir Apparent - Traditional / Power Metal
Heldar - Power Metal
Helician - Heavy/power metal
Helicon (Ger) - Melodic Power Metal
Helker - Traditional, Power Metal
Hell Fire - Power Metal
Hellfire (Bel) - power metal
Hellfire (Cze) - Power/Thrash Metal
Hellish War - Traditional, Heavy Power Metal
Hello飐e - Progressive/Power Metal
Helloween - Speed metal, power metal
Helreid - Power metal
Helstar - Power/Speed metal
Heraldry - Melodic Power Metal/Hard Rock
Heresy (Ger) - Melodic Power Metal
Heretic (Can) - Epic Power/Doom Metal
Heretic (US) - power/thrash
Hermetic Brotherhood - Traditional/Power/Instrumental Metal
Hexx - Heavy/Power Metal later (Technical) Death/Thrash
Hidden (Jpn) - Melodic Power Metal
Hidden Skeyes - Progressive Power Metal
High Power - Heavy/power metal
Highland Glory - Power Metal
Highlord - Power Metal
Histeria - Power/Heavy Metal
Hittman - US / Melodic / Power Metal
Hiverland - Power Metal
Hollow - Power/Prog Metal
Hollow Sign - Heavy/Power Metal
Holy Dragons - Heavy/Power Metal
Holy Gates - Power Metal
Holy Knights - Power
Holy Mother - Heavy / Power / Traditional Metal
Holy Sagga - Power metal
Horde Lorde - Power Metal
Horizon (UK) - Melodic Power/Prog Metal
Human Factor - Melodic Power Metal
Human Fortress - epic power metal
Human Race - Melodic Power Metal
Humanimal - Melodic Power Metal
Husk of Pride - power/speed metal
Hydra (Esp) - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Hydra (Jpn) - Thrash/Power Metal
Hydra (Mal) - Epic Power Metal
Hyperion (Ita) - Power Metal
Hysteria (Cze) - Power/Speed Metal
Icarus (Per) - Power Metal
Ice Divine - progressive power metal
Ice Vinland - Progressive Power Metal
Iceberg - Heavy/Power/Thrash Metal
Iced Earth - Power/thrash metal
Icewind - Power Metal
Iconofear - Heavy/Power Metal
Idi Bihotz - Heavy/Power Metal
Ignite - Power metal
Ignitor - Classical Heavy/Power Metal
Ikinae - Progressive/Power/Thrash Metal
Ikki Crane - thrash/power metal
Ilium - Power metal
Illusion of Clarity - Melodic Progressive/Power Metal
Illusion Suite - progressive power metal
Imagika - Power/Thrash Metal
Imaginery - Power Metal
Imein Dargor - Symphonic Power Metal
Immortal Choir - Power / Speedy Metal
Immortally Committed - Power Metal
Impale - Power metal
Imperio - Power Metal
Imperium (Hol) - progressive power metal
Imperium (Hrv) - Progressive power metal
Impulse - heavy/power metal
In Solitude (Swe) - Power metal
Incendium - Melodic Power Metal
Incinerate (US) - Power metal
Inearthed - melodic power metal with harsh vocals
Infearior - Heavy/Power Metal
Inferis (Chl) - Heavy / Power Metal
Infinight - power/thrash metal
Infinite Horizon - power metal
Infinity (Cyp) - Power/Thrash Metal
Ingnis - Power/Thrash/Heavy/Death Metal
Injustice (Ger) - heavy / power metal
Inner Eye - Heavy / Power / Progressive Metal
Inner Sanctum (US) - progressive power metal
Inner Sanctum (US) - power metal
InnerWish - Power Metal
Innocence - Power/Speed Metal
Innocence Died - Speed/Power Metal
Insania (Ger) - heavy/melodic power metal
Insania (Swe) - Power Metal
Insanity (Ger) - melodic speed/power metal
Insight - Atmospheric Power Metal
Insynyry - progressive power metal
Intense (UK) - Power Metal
Into Desolation - Melodic Power Metal
Intrinsic - Power, Speed
Intruser - power metal
Invictus - Power Metal
Ion Vein - heavy / power metal
Ira (Mex) - Power Metal
Ira Regia - Heavy / Power Metal
Irencros - Power/Progressive/Symphonic Metal
Irisis - Power Metal
Iron Cross - Power Metal
Iron Cross - Traditional/power metal
Iron Fire - Power metal/traditional metal
Iron Fortress - traditional / progressive / Power Metal
Iron Mask - Power Metal
Iron Rainbow - heavy/power metal
Iron Savior - Speed/Power Metal
Iron Sphere - Melodic/Power metal
Ironhawk - heavy/power metal
IronWare - Melodic Power Metal
Isengard (Swe) - Epic melodic power metal
IV Luna - Progressive/power metal/rock
Ivory - Power/Progressive Metal
Ivory Gate - Power Metal
Ivory Moon - Symphonic, epic power metal
Ivory Night - Power Metal
Ivory Tower - Power progressive metal
Ixion - Power Metal
Jack the Ripper - US Power Metal
Jackal - Tradition Metal / Power Metal
Jacob's Dream - Power Metal
Jag Panzer - Traditional/Heavy power metal
Jaguar - NWOBHM, traditional/power metal
Jason - Power Metal
Jester's Funeral - power metal
Jewel - melodic speed/power metal
Jezabel (Arg) - Power Metal
Jim Dofka - Power/Thrash
Jinx (Ger) - Power Metal
Johansson - Power Metal
Jon Oliva's Pain - Heavy/Power Metal
Judgement (Fin) - Power Metal
Justice (Ger) - Power Metal
Justness - Power Thrash Metal
Kabra - Power Metal
Kaledon - Power Metal
Kaliban - Melodic death/folk/power
Kalmah - Speed/Power Metal with Harsh Vocals
Kamelot - Melodic Power Metal
Karelia - Symphonic heavy/power metal
Katagory V - traditional heavy/power metal
Katedra - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
Kayra - Heavy/Power Metal
Kenziner - Progressive Power Metal
Killers (UK) - heavy/power metal
Kinetic Dissent - progressive speed / power metal
King Leoric - Power Metal
Kinrick - Heavy/Power Metal
Kinslayer - Progressive/Power Metal
Kirk - Melodic Progressive/Power Metal
Knight Errant (Tur) - Power/Heavy metal
Knightmare - Thrash/Power Metal
Knights of Insanity - Power Metal
Komunalni Odpad - Melodic Power Metal
Kotipelto - Power Metal
Krank - Heavy / Power Metal
Kratos (US) - power/heavy metal
Kraze - Power Metal
Kreyson - power metal
Krom - Heavy/Power Metal
Krudo - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
Kruger - Heavy/Power Metal
Krusader - Heavy / Power Metal
Krusher - heavy/power metal
Kryst the Conqueror - US Power Metal
La Maldad - Heavy/Power Metal
Labyrinth - Power Metal
Land of Mordor - Power Metal
Landguard - Power, Progressive Metal
Landsemk - Heavy/Power Metal
Lanfear - progressive heavy/power metal
Last Empire - Progressive/Power Metal
Last Hope - Heavy/Speed/Power Metal
Last Rites (Ita) - Power Thrash Metal
Latzen - power/thrash
Leader - power/speed metal
Lechery - Melodic Power Metal
Lefay - Aggressive power metal
Legacy (US) - Progressive/Power Metal
Legend Maker - Traditional / Power Metal
Legendary Symphony - Power Metal
Legion (Rus) - Traditional/Melodic Power Metal
Legioner - Melodic Power Metal
Lemegeton - Power/Speed Metal
Leprocy - power / thrash metal
Letching Grey - power metal
Lethal (Arg) - power/thrash
Lethal (US) - progressive Power Metal
Leviathan (US) - Power/Progressive Metal
Leviathen - Power/Thrash Metal
Liar - Power/Speed/Thrash
Liege Lord - 80's Power Speed Metal
Like Sycodellic Disbelief - Melodic power metal
Lionheart - Epic/Power Metal
Lipstick Liontigers - Heavy/Power Metal
Liquid Steele - Power Metal
Lizzy Borden - traditional US Metal / Power Metal
Lodden Dritt - Doom/Power Metal
Logam - Power Metal
Logar's Diary - Power Metal
Longinus - Power Metal
Lord (Aus) - Power/Traditional/Instrumental
Lord Byron - Melodic/Power Metal
Lords of Meat - power metal
Lords of the Crimson Alliance - Heavy/Power Metal
Lorien - Power Metal
Lost Eden (Can) - power/prog/thrash
Lost Horizon - Power Metal
Lost In Misery - Progressive Power/Doom Metal
Lost Innocence - Progressive Power Metal
Loud Crowd - power/speed metal
Loupgarou - hard rock / power metal
Luca Turilli - Symphonic power metal
Lucid Tide - progressive/power metal
Lust (Fra) - 80's Power, Speed Metal
Lux Belle - Symphonic Power Metal
Lykaion - Power / Progressive Metal
Laaz Rockit - Power/Thrash
Lorihen - Heavy Power Metal
M.A.R.S. - traditional metal / power metal
Macbeth (Ger) - Power Metal
Machinae Supremacy - Power Metal with various influences
Machinery - Heavy Metal/Power Metal
Mad Alien - prog/power metal
Mad Axeman - Power Metal
Mad Machine - Power/Thrash Metal
Madcastle - Power Metal
Madd Hatter - heavy/power metal
Madog - heavy/power metal
Magic Kingdom - Power Metal
Magica - Power Melodic Heavy Metal
Magistral - Heavy/Power Metal
Magnalucius - Power Metal
Magnit - melodic power metal
Magus Beast - Power Metal
Majestic - Neo-Classical Power Metal
Majestic Realms - Power Metal
Majestic Ryte - power metal
Majesty (Ger) - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Malakis Reign - Traditional/Power Metal
Malibu Barbi - Power Metal
Malice (US) - Classic/power/speed
Malice in Wonderland - power metal
Malon - heavy/power metal
Mandala - power/speed metal
Mandylion (Jpn) - Melodic Power Metal
Manigance - Progressive Power metal
Manilla Road - Epic traditional/power metal
Manimal - Power/Heavy Metal
Manipulated Slaves - Thrash Metal, Power Metal
Manticora - Progressive Power/Speed Metal
Marauder (Grc) - Power Metal
Maraya - Progressive power metal
Mark Boals - Power Metal
Marshall Law - Classic/power metal
Mask (Jpn) - neo-classical/melodic power metal
Masquerage - Power Metal
Mass of Virtue - Progressive/Power Metal
Masterfister - old-school power metal
Mastermind (Jpn) - Melodic/Power Metal
Masterplan - Power metal
Masterwork - Power metal
Matakopas - 80's Heavy/Power Metal
Maten el Rey - Melodic Power Metal
Max Lynx - traditional heavy / power metal
May-Linn - Power Metal
Meanstreak - Power/Thrash Metal
Medalyon - Power Metal
Medieval (Bra) - Heavy Power Metal
Medieval (US) - traditional metal/power metal
Medieval Steel - power metal
Medusa (Fra) - power metal
Medusa's Child - Melodic/Power Metal
Meduza - Neo-Classical Power Metal
Megora - Power Metal
Mekala - Power Metal
Meliah Rage - Power/thrash
Meltem - Heavy/Power Metal
Memento Mori - Power/Doom Metal
Memorized Dreams - power metal
Memory Garden - Doom/Power Metal
Mendacious Messiah - Power/Speed Metal
Mental Vortex - Power/Thrash Metal
Mercenary (Dnk) - Power / Death Metal
Mercury Rain - Gothic/Opera Power Metal
Mercury Rising - power / progressive metal
Merithum - Progressive Power Hard Rock
Mersinary - Power / Thrash Metal
Messiah (US) - traditional heavy/power metal
Messiah's Kiss - Power/Traditional Metal
Metal Church - Traditional/Power/Thrash Metal
Metal Jan - Power Metal
Metal Mike Chlasciak - Progressive Power Metal
Metalium (Ger) - Power, Speed Metal
Metalize - Power Metal
Mezarkabul - Heavy/power metal
Midgard (Aut) - Power metal
Midgard (Ser) - Power/Heavy Metal
Midnight Scream - Melodic Power/Thrash
Midnight Sun (Swe) - Power Metal
Midwinter (Fra) - melodic power metal
Mighty D. - power / thrash metal
Miles Beyond - Melodic Power Metal
Mind Guard - Power metal
Mind Reflection - Progressive Power Metal
Mindcrime (Ger) - traditional heavy/power metal
Mindfeeder - Heavy / Power metal
Mindscape (US) - Heavy/US power metal
Minotaur (Can) - Power Metal
Miracle - Power Metal
Mirror Black - Progressive Power Metal
Mirrored Mind - Power Metal
Mistrust (Pol) - Power Metal
Mitrium - melodic power metal
Mizar - Power Metal
Mob Rules - Melodic Power Metal
Moondive - Power/Progressive Metal
Moonlight Agony - Melodic/Progressive Power Metal
Moonlight Circus - Epic/power/progressive metal
Morbid Jester - Speed / Power Metal
Mordor (Can) - heavy/power metal
Morfium - Power/Thrash Metal
Morgana - Power Metal
Morgana Lefay - Power Metal
Morifade - Power Metal
Morpheus (Fra) - Power Metal
Morrigan - Progressive/melodic power metal
Morthem - Power/Thrash
Mortivore - symphonic power metal with harsh vocals
Motorband - Heavy/Power Metal
Motto Perpetuo - Power Metal
Moulin Rouge - power/thrash
Mourn in Silence - Extreme power metal
Mourner - Power / Thrash Metal
Mox Nix - traditional heavy / power metal
Mr. Ego - Power Metal
Murder (Col) - Power/Death Metal
Murdock - Power Metal
MVP - Power/Traditional Metal
MX (US) - US Power Metal, industrial/country/rap/rock
Myon - Melodic Power Metal/Rock
Mystic Alliance - Power Metal
Mystic Force - Progressive Power Metal
Mystic Prophecy - Power/speed/thrash metal
Mystical Warning - power/prog metal
Mystik - Traditional Speed / Power Metal
Myth - Heavy/Power Metal
Mytholic - Power Metal
Nadir (Ger) - progressive power metal
Nameless Crime - Melodic power/heavy metal
Narcoze - Heavy/Power Metal
Narita - Heavy / Power Metal
Narnia - Power, Neo-classical metal
Nasty Savage - classic/technical/power/thrash
Native Instinct - Power/Thrash Metal
NDE - modern / groove thrash/power metal
Nefelim - Symphonic/epic power metal
Nemesis (Cze) - Symphonic Power Metal
Nemesys - power metal
Neon Cross - heavy/power metal
Neotruth - Power metal
Netherworld - Melodic/Progressive Power Metal
Neverland (Ger) - progressive power metal
New Eden - Power Metal
Nicta - Melodic Power Metal, occasional harsh vocals
Night Cloud - Power/Progressive Metal
Nightcrawler - Traditional/power metal
Nightfist - Instrumental Epic Power Metal
Nightmare (Fra) - Power/Traditional Metal
Nightmares End - progressive power metal
Nightscape - Power Metal
Nightshade (Ger) - Power Metal
Nightwish - Operatic/symphonic power metal
Nine Fears - Power Metal
Ninja Magic - Power Metal/Thrash
No Inner Limits - Power / Progressive Metal
Nocturna - Power / Heavy Metal
Nocturnal Rites - Death Metal (early) / Power Metal (now)
Noplies - Power Metal
Nordheim - Melodic Power Metal
Norther - Power/Speed Metal with harsh vocals
Northern Lights - Neoclassical power metal
Northwind (Fra) - Melodic Power Metal
Northwinds (US) - Power/Speed/Thrash Metal
Nostaria - Symphonic Power Metal
Nostradameus - Melodic Power Metal (earlier) / Heavy/Thrash Metal (now)
Nudge - progressive power/thrash metal
Nuthin' Pritty - heavy/power metal
Northwind - power metal
Oberon (Can) - Hybrid of thrash/power/traditional, death metal on first demo
Obnoxious (Ger) - Brutal Power Metal
Obsession (US) - Power metal/80s metal
Ocelot - Power/Speed Metal
Oddysey - Power metal
Odium (Ger) - Thrash/Power Metal
Odyssea - Power Metal
Oliver Magnum - Power/Speed Metal
Olympos Mons - Power Metal
Omega Crom - Thrash/Power Metal
Omen (Hun) - Power/thrash/speed
One of Sixx - Power Metal
Oneiros - Power Metal
Onward - Traditional/Power Metal
Operatika - Symphonic power metal
Opposite Earth - progressive power metal
Optimum Fury - heavy / power metal
Opus Atlantica - Progressive/power metal
Oracle - progressive power metal
Oratorio - Power Metal
Ordained Fate - power/thrash
Order of Nine - Power Metal
Original Sin - speed/power metal
Orion (Arg) - Power Metal
Orion (Ita) - Heavy/Power/Thrash Metal
Orion (Ven) - Power Metal
Orion Riders - Symphonic / Melodic Power Metal
Orion's Reign - Heavy/Power Metal
Orphan Allies - Power Metal
Orphan Gypsy - Power Metal
Ossian - traditional/power metal
Ostrogoth - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Osyris - Power Metal
Out of Order - Power Metal
Out of the Lair - Power Metal with Thrash Elements
Outbreak (Can) - Power Metal
Overdeth - Power Metal
Overdozed - Power Metal
Overfiend - epic power metal
Overlord (Can) - power metal
Pacto de Sangre - Power Metal
Padieland - Epic Power Metal
Pain Principle - power metal
Pandaemonium - Power Metal
Pandemonium (Grc) - Heavy, Power, Speed Metal
Panndora - Heavy/Power Metal
Panonski Sindrom - Power/Thrash
Paradox - power/thrash/speed
Paragon - Power/Speed metal
Parastos - Power Metal
Pariah (UK) - Thrash / Power Metal
Parish - US Power Metal
Patan - Heavy/Power Metal
Pathos (Swe) - Power Metal
Patriarch - power / thrash metal
Pegazus - Power/Traditional
Penetrator - Heavy/Power Metal
Perfect Mind - Power Metal
Persuader - Power metal
Perzonal War - Power/Thrash Metal
Phantom - power metal
Phantom Blue - melodic power metal
Phantom Lord (Grc) - Power Metal
Phantom Stranger - Heavy/Power metal
Phantom X - US Power Metal
Pharao - Power Metal
Pharaoh - Power Metal
Phenix - Progressive/Power Metal
Phoenix Reign - Power Metal
Phoenix Rizing - Power Metal
Piece Dogs - power/thrash
Pink Cream 69 - melodic power metal, glam hard/rock
PiroSaint - Speed/Thrash Metal (before), Power Metal (now)
Pitbull Parade - Heavy/Power Metal
Platitude - Neo-classical power metal
Please Remember - heavy/power metal
Poet's Cry - Melodic Power Metal
Pokolgep - Classic/speed, power metal
Polimetro - Power/Progressive Metal
Poltergeist (Grc) - Heavy/Power Metal
Polvo de Estrella - Melodic Power/Thrash
Pontius Prophet - Power/Speed Metal
Power (US) - Power Metal
Power Castle - Heavy/Power Metal
Power Crue - Power Metal
Power Quest - Power Metal
Power Supreme - Power/Thrash metal
Power Symphony - Power metal
Powerdise - Heavy/power metal
Powerdrops - power metal
Powerful - Heavy/Power Metal
Powergod - Power / Speed Metal
Powerlord (Bra) - Power Metal
Powermad - Power/Thrash Metal
Powers Court - Power Metal
Powerstorm - Power Metal
Powersurge - Power Metal
PowerSword - Epic Power Metal
Powerwolf - Power Metal
Predator (Ger) - Power Metal
Predecible Herencia - Power Metal
Primal Fear - Speed/Power metal
Prisoner - Power Metal
Probe - heavy/power metal
Process (Fra) - Heavy/Power Metal
Promises - Gothic/Power Metal
Prophexy - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
Pros and Cons - post-thrash/power metal
Prototype - Power / Progressive with some thrash
Psicofonia - Power / Heavy Metal
Psycho Scream - Power Metal
Psychotron (Ger) - Power/Thrash Metal
Psyco Drama - Power Metal
Pulsolatente - Power Metal
Puno de Hierro - Power Metal
Purgatory (US) - Power Metal
Push - power metal
Pyramaze - Melodic Power Metal
Pyrolyse - Power Metal
Q-Squad - Power Metal
Quick Change - Thrash / Power Metal
Rad Kick - heavy/power metal
Radaghast - Power Metal
Rage (Ger) - Classic/speed/power
Rage of Angels - melodic heavy/power metal
Rain (Ita) - Power/Traditional Heavy Metal
Rainspawn - Thrash/Power Metal
Raised Banner - Power Metal
Raising Fear - speed - power metal
Ramrod - Power Metal
Ramses - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Rapid Fire (Ita) - Power Metal
Rapid Fire (US) - Heavy/Power Metal
Rapid Force - Power/Thrash
Rasputins - Groovy Sludge/Power Thrash
Rata Blanca - Traditional/power metal
Rated X - Heavy/Power Metal
Ravage (US) - Power/speed
Raven Bitch - Traditional/Power/Thrash Metal
Ravenloft - Power/traditional metal
Ravenlord - Power Metal
Ravens'head - Power metal
Ravensthorn - Traditional / Power Metal
Raving Mad - Thrash/Power Metal
Rawhead Rexx - traditional heavy/power metal
Raxas - Power Metal
Raziel - Power Metal
re-Vision - power metal
Rea Silvia - Power Metal
Realm (Aus) - Power metal
Realm (US) - Technical Thrash / Power Metal
Rebellion Nation - Melodic Speed Metal/Power Metal
Rebirth (Ger) - Power Metal
Recon - Heavy / Power / Progressive Metal
Red Wine - Heavy Power Metal
Redeemer (Hol) - Heavy-metal, Power-metal
Redemption - Progressive/Power Metal
ReinXeed - Power Metal
Rennaissance - Power Metal, J-Rock
Repression - heavy/power metal
Reptil - Power Metal
Reptilian - Melodic Power Metal
Requiem (Fin) - Power metal
Resistance - Progressive/Power metal
Retriem - Heavy / Melodic Power
Revenant (Fin) - Heavy/Power Metal
Revenant (Ger) - Thrash / Power / Speed Metal
Reverend - Thrash/Power Metal
Reviver - power/progressive metal
Revoltons - Power/Progressive Metal
Rhapsody - Symphonic/Orchestral Power Metal
Rhun - progressive power metal
Riders of Odin - Power Metal
Rimortis - Melodic Power Metal
Ring of Fire - Power Metal
Rios - Power Metal
Rising Faith - Power Metal
Ritmia - Power/Progressive Metal
Ritual (Bel) - Power/Doom Metal
Ritual (US) - Power/Thrash Metal
Ritual Misery - Power/Thrash Metal
Rival (US) - traditional heavy/power metal
Rivazion - Blackened Power Metal
Rivendel Lords - Heavy/Power Metal
Roadkill (Aus) - Power/speed/death metal
Rob Rock - Traditional/power
Rosebourg - Melodic Power Progressive Metal
Rough Silk - melodic power metal
Royal Quest - Power/Progressive Metal
Rude Awakening - Power Metal
Running Wild - heavy, speed, power metal
S.A. Slayer - Power Metal
Sabaton - Power Metal
Sacrament (Ger) - Power Metal
Sacred Heart - power metal
Sacred Outcry - Power/Epic/Thrash Metal
Sacred Sinner - power metal
Sacred Spell - epic/symphonic power metal with harsh vocals
Sacred Steel - Epic Power
Sacrifice (Che) - Classic/power metal
Sadist (Jpn) - melodic power metal
Sagitta - Power Metal
Saharra - progressive power metal
Saint Vania - Melodic Power Metal
Salamandra - Power Metal
Salem's Law - Power Metal
Samhain (Rus) - Gothic Doom Power Metal
Sanctuary - Power metal
Santa Maria - Heavy/Power Metal
Santuario - heavy/power metal
Saratoga - Power/Heavy Metal
Sardonyx - Power Metal
Sarissa - Power Metal
Satan's Host - US Power Metal (in the 80's) / Black/Death Metal (after the reunion in the 90's)
Satyre - Power/Thrash Metal
Savage Grace - 80's melodic speed/power metal
Savage Harmony - Heavy/Power Metal
Savage Steel - Power / Thrash
Savallion Dawn - heavy/power metal
Savatage - progressive power/heavy metal
Savers - Epic Power Metal
Scaffold (Aut) - Progressive power metal
Scala Mercalli - Heavy/Power Metal
Scanner - Heavy/Power Metal
Scapegoat (Can) - Power Metal
Scariot - Death/Thrash/Power/Progressive Metal
Scarred - US Power Metal
Scavenger (Irl) - Heavy/Power Metal
Scene x Dream - progressive/power metal
Sceptre - power/speed metal
Science Fiction - Atmospheric Power/Thrash Metal
Screamer - Progressive power metal
Screamer - heavy/power metal
Scythian Oath - Progressive Power Metal
Sea of Dreams - Symphonic Epic Melodic Progressive/Power Metal
Seance (US) - Power metal
Seasons of Sorrow - Power/Progressive Metal w/ Harsh Vocals
Seasons of Storms - Power Metal
Secret of Dawn - Power/speed metal
Secret Show - Power Metal
Secret Sphere - Power Metal
Sedition - Traditional, Power, Thrash mix
Seduce - heavy/power metal
Seduction - power metal
Seed (Ger) - Heavy/Power Metal
Seer's Tear - Doom / Power / Progressive Metal
Selidor - Heavy/Power Metal
Sencirow - Power Metal
Septuagint - power metal
Sepulcro (Arg) - Power Metal
Sepulcro (Per) - Power/Thrash Metal
Seraph (Ger) - Death/Thrash/Power Metal
Seraphim - Power Metal
Serpent's Knight - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Serpents Kiss - Heavy/progressive/power metal
Seven Angels - Power Metal
Seven Gates (Ita) - Power Metal
Seven Sins - power metal
Seven Witches - Traditional / Power Metal
Seventh Avenue - melodic speed / power metal
Seventh Gate (Ger) - power/epic/progressive metal
Seventh Omen - Power Metal
Seventh Seal (Ita) - Power Heavy Metal
Severe Warning - Power/Speed Metal
Sex Machineguns - power/speed metal
Sextanz - Progressive Power Metal
Shaaman - Progressive/power metal
Shadow Demon - Power/Thrash Metal
Shadow Host - power metal
Shadow Keep - progressive power metal
Shadow Mask - Symphonic Power Metal
Shadow Pointe - progressive power metal
Shadow Warriors - Punk Rock/Power Metal
Shadow's Veil - Power metal with growls
Shadowcaster - Progressive/Melodic Power
Shadowdance - Power Metal
Shadowgate - US Power Metal
Shadowlord (RSA) - Power/Heavy Metal
Shadowolf - Melodic Progressive / Power Metal
Shadows of Dawn - heavy/thrash/power
Shadows of Iga - Power Metal
Shadows of Steel - power metal
Shadowside - Heavy/Power Metal
Shakhan - Thrash/Power Metal
Sharkrage - power metal
Sharpness - melodic power metal
Sheilan - 80's Power Metal
Shepherd of Sheol - Power Metal
Shining Edge - Melodic Power Metal
Shining Fury - Power Metal
Sidereal - Power/Heavy Metal
Sigma - Power Metal
Silent Decay - Power/Thrash Metal
Silent Edge - Power/Progressive metal
Silent Force - Power metal
Silent Scream (Ita) - power metal
Silent Scythe - Melodic Power/Thrash Metal
Silent Voices - Melodic Progressive / Power Metal
Sinergy - Power Metal
Sinister Angel - Power Metal
Sinter - Melodic Power Metal
Siracida - Power Metal
Sirens - Power/Heavy Metal
Six Magics - Power Metal
SJK - Progressive Power Metal
Skanners - speed-heavy-power metal.
Skaut - Power/Thrashcore
Skeletor - Thrash/Power Metal
Skintilla - Heavy / Power Metal
Skumbags - Power / Speed Metal
Sky Vision - Power Metal
Skyconqueror - heavy metal, power/thrash
Skyfire - Melodic Death, Prog/Power
Skylark - Power Metal
Skyliner - Traditional/Prog/Power
Skymaze - Power/Heavy Shred Metal
Skymning - Melodic Power/Death (early), Industrial Death/Black (current)
Slain (Ita) - Power/Progressive Metal
Slauter Xstroyes - 80's power metal
Slavery (Rus) - Doom/Power Metal
Slavon - Power/classic metal
Sledge - Power/Traditional
Sobibor (Arg) - Power Metal
Solar - Power metal
Solar Eagle - power/speed metal
Solarstorm - Power Metal
Somniator - Melodic Power Metal
Sonata Arctica - Power metal
Sorcery (Esp) - Power Metal
Sorrogate - thrash/power metal
Sorrowful Winds - Power / Progressive Metal
Sorrowind - Progressive Power Metal
Soul Exile - Power Thrash Metal
Soulfade - Power/Progressive Metal
Soulitary - Power Metal
Soulsteeler - Heavy/Power Metal
Sound Mind - power metal
Southern Cross - Power Metal
Spawn (US) - Heavy Power Metal
Special Guest - heavy/power metal
Spectral - Black, Thrash, Viking and Power Metal
Spellblast - Folk Power Metal
Spellbound (Grc) - Heavy/Power Metal
Spelldown - Power Metal
Spellsinger - Power Metal
Speranthas - Epic Power Metal
Spiral Tower - Power/Speed Metal with progressive influences
Spirit Heaven - Melodic Power Metal
Spirit Web - Power
Spitfire (Grc) - Traditional/Power metal
Spittin Jonah - Heavy/Power Metal
Split Heaven - Melodic Power Metal
Squealer (Ger) - Heavy / Power Metal
Staccato - Heavy/Power metal
Stainless Steel (Hun) - Power Metal
Stake - Speed / power metal
Stalker - Power Metal
Stam-Ped - Power Metal
Star Queen - Gothic / Power Metal
Stargate (Grc) - Heavy/Power Metal
Stargate (Ita) - Progressive/Power Metal
State of the Art - power metal
Statue - Power/Thrash Metal
Stauros - Progressive Power Metal
Steel (Swe) - Power Metal
Steel Against Steel - Power Metal
Steel Attack - Power Metal
Steel Dawn - Traditional/Power Metal
Steel Emblem - Power Metal
Steel Lace - Power Metal
Steel Prophet - Power Metal
Steel Warrior - Power Metal
Steel Without Name - Progressive / Power Metal
Steeldriver - Power Metal
Steelrage - Power Metal
SteelReign - Power Metal
Step Child - Power Metal
Stigmata (Lka) - Heavy/Power Metal
Stone Edge - Power Metal
Stonehenge (Nzl) - heavy / power metal
Storm (Rus) - Power Metal
Stormblade - Power Metal
Stormblade - Heavy/Power Metal
Stormblade (Ita) - Heavy/Power Metal
Stormhammer (Ger) - power metal
Stormhold - Melodic Power Metal
Stormhunter - Power metal
Stormrider (Ger) - heavy/power metal
Stormtrooper (US) - Power Metal
Stormwind (Swe) - Neo-classical power metal
Stormwitch - Power/Traditional Metal
Stranglehold - Power Metal
Strategy - Melodic Power Metal
Stratovarius - Melodic Power Metal
Strike (US) - traditional / power metal
Strychnine - heavy/power metal
Stygian (Ger) - Power/Thrash Metal
Stygian (US) - Power metal
Stygma IV - Power Metal
Subacid - Power Metal
Subterranean Vision Serpent - Progressive/Power Metal
Sunken - Power Metal
Supreme Majesty - Power Metal
Surgeon - Progressive/Power Metal
Svetlojar - Power Metal
Sweet Cheater - power/speed metal
Symbolic (Slv) - Power/Thrash
Symbols - Power Metal
Symphony X - Progressive Power Metal
Synasthasia - melodic metal / power metal
Syndicate - Power/Prog Metal
Synnoveriem - Power Metal
Synphony - Power / Thrash Metal
Synthesys - Power Metal
Syper Force - Heavy/Power Metal
Syris - Power/progressive metal
Syth - Heavy/Power Metal
Tacere - Progressive/Power Metal
Tad Morose - Power Metal
Tainted Saint - Power Metal
Taist of Iron - speed / power metal
Tales of Destiny - Power Metal
Talisphere - power/progressive metal
Talion - Power Metal
Tamerlan - Melodic Power Metal
Tanke - Thrash/Power Metal
Tantrum - Power Metal
Tarantula (Cze) - Power/Thrash Metal
Tarantula (Prt) - Power Metal
Taraxacum - progressive power/speed metal
Tarot (Fin) - Melodic Power Metal
Tarot (Ger) - Power / Heavy Metal
Tarot's Myst - Heavy/Power Metal
Taunted - Thrash/Speed/Power Metal
Tauro - US Power/Speed Metal
Tauron - Power Metal
Tears of Eden - Power Metal
Tefra - Epic-Power Doom Metal
Tempered Steel - Power Metal
Tenebrae (US) - Power/Gothic Metal
Terra Sur - Heavy/Power Metal
Terasbetoni - Power Metal
The Armada - melodic prog/power metal
The Claymore - power metal
The Edge - Power/Thrash Metal
The Guardian - Power Metal
The Lord Weird Slough Feg - Folk Traditional Doom/Power Metal
The Lust - Power Metal
The Orcus - Symphonic Power Metal
The Ordeal - Power/Heavy Metal
The Regime - US Power Metal
The Reign of Terror - Power Metal
The Ring - Traditional Heavy/Power Metal
The Stormrider - power metal
The Storyteller - Power Metal
The Sygnet - Melodic Power Metal
The Violent Breed - Power Metal
Theocracy - Epic progressive power metal
Thor (Can) - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Thor (Esp) - traditional/power metal
Thora - Power Metal
Thoten - Melodic Power Metal
Thousand Points of Hate - Power/Thrash Metal
Threshold (Fra) - progressive power metal
Throes of Sanity - Power Metal
Throne of Chaos - Power/speed metal with harsh vocals
Throne of Thor - Epic power/heavy metal
Thrust - traditional metal / power metal
Thunder Reigns - Speed, Power Metal
Thunderbolt (Nor) - Heavy/Power Metal
Thundersteel - Power Metal
Thundersteel (Jpn) - Power Metal
Thunderstone - power metal
Thunderstorm (Rom) - Heavy/power metal
Thy Majestie - epic power metal
Thy Symphony - Symphonic power metal
Tierra del Dragon - Epic Heavy/Power Metal
Tierra Santa - Power/Heavy Metal
Tiglath - Power Metal
Time Collapse - Power Metal
Time Requiem - neo-classical/melodic power metal
Timeless Miracle - Melodic Power Metal
Timesand - Traditional/Power Metal
Timestorm - Progressive Power Metal
Titan Force - Progressive heavy/Power Metal
Titanic (US) - power metal
Titanium (Aus) - Power/Thrash Metal
Titanium (Bra) - Power Thrash Metal
Tixotropia - Power / Progressive Metal
Tormented Soul - Power/Thrash
Total Eclipse - Power metal
Total Remain - Speed / power metal
Towne Cryer - Heavy/Power/Thrash Metal
Tragedian - Melodic Power/Speed Metal
Tragedy (Arg) - Power Metal
Tragedy (Bra) - Power Metal
Traitor - power metal
Tramontane - heavy/power metal
Trampire - power metal
Trampled Underfoot - Power / Progressive Metal
Transcendence (Ger) - progressive power metal
Transcending Mortality - Melodic Progressive Power Metal
Transito Libre - Melodic Power Metal
Trashnos - Heavy / Power Metal
Trator - Power/Thrash
Trauma (US) - US Power Metal
Treasure Land - Melodic Power/Progressive
Treasure Seeker - Power/Speed Metal
Trezor - Melodic Power Metal
Trioxia - Power Metal
Triple 7 - Progressive/Power/Thrash Metal
Tritonus - progressive heavy/power metal
Trotyl - Power/Doom Metal
Tuborg - power/groove metal
Tuikkala - Power Metal
Tusk - Melodic Power Metal
Tuzmadar - Power metal
Twelve Gauge - Power/Thrash Metal
Twilight (Dnk) - power metal
Twilight (Ger) - power metal
Twilight Guardians - Power Metal
Twilight Odyssey - Power/Progressive Metal
Twilight Tower - Power Metal
Twilightning - Power metal/80's hard rock
Twisted Motivations - power/progressive metal
Two Eagles Request - Melodic Power Metal
Twyster - Melodic Power Metal/Hard Rock
Tyccoma - progressive power metal
Tyr (FI) - Epic / Power / Viking / Progressive
Tyrant (US) - Power Metal
Tyrant Eyes - Power Metal
Tyrus (US) - Heavy/Power Metal
U.N.I.T. - Progressive/Power Metal
U8 - heavy/power metal
Ulan Bator - Progressive/Power Metal
UltiMatium - Melodic Power Metal
Ultra Mayhem Org. - Heavy/Groove Metal with Power Metal influences
Under Siege - power metal
Undercode - Heavy Metal, Power Metal
uneXpect - Symphonic Folk/Black/Power Metal
Unit 53 - Power Metal
Unleashed (US) - traditional heavy/power metal
Unsafe - Power/Thrash Metal
Uranio 238 - Power Metal
Vague - Power Metal
Vahladian - Progressive Power Metal
Valhalla (Esp) - Power Metal
Valiance - Power Symphonic metal
Valinor (Mex) - Melodic Power/Progressive Metal
Valkija - Classic/Power Metal
Valkiria (Chl) - Symphonic Power Metal
Valor (Grc) - Power Metal
Valor (US) - power/speed metal
Valpurgisnight - heavy / power metal
ValSans - Power Metal
Vanguard (Jpn) - Technical Power Metal
Vanished Time - Power/Heavy/Thrash Metal
Varga - power/thrash (Prototype), non-metal (Oxygen)
Varix - Power Metal
Velocet - Power / thrash metal
Velvet Viper - Power Metal, Epic Heavy Metal
Vendaval - Power Metal
Vengeance (US) - power metal
Verdict (Grc) - Power/heavy/thrash metal
Vernissage - Progressive Power Metal
Vers'Over - Power / Progressive
Vex (Ger) - Power/Thrash Metal
Vhaldemar - Power metal
Via Crucis - Power/Speed Metal
Vicious Cycle - power metal / heavy metal
Vicious Rumors - US Heavy/Power Metal, Groove
VII Gates - classic heavy/power metal
Villainthropy - Goth / Power Metal
Villan - Power Metal
Vinductus - Heavy/Power Metal
Violator (Ita) - Power Metal
Viper - Melodic Power/Speed Metal
Viperine - Power Metal
Virgin Steele - Classic, Power
Viron - Power Metal
Vision Divine - Power Metal
Visitor - Power Metal
Vixen - heavy/power/speed metal
Vodu - Heavy/Power Metal
Voice - Melodic Power Metal
Voices of Silence - progressive power-heavy metal
Volatility - Thrash/Power/Doom Metal
Voltage - Power/Thrash
Vortex of Insanity - Power / Thrash Metal
Vortice - Power Metal
Voyeur - heavy/power metal
VXN - heavy/power metal
W.A.S.T.E. - melodic power/black metal
Walhalla (Ita) - Heavy/Power/Thrash Metal
Wanted Breed - heavy / power metal


十.Progressive Metal~ 前卫金属

Total: 1385 bands

!T.O.O.H.! - Bizarre Progressive Death/Grind
2112 - Progressive Rock / Heavy Metal
66crusher - thrash/progressive metal
A Legend Falls - Melodic/Progressive Metal
A Shattered Dream - US progressive metal
Aaen Anima - Avantgarde Progressive/Doom Metal
Abaddyon - Symphonic Progressive Metal
Abaroth - Progressive Black Metal
Abel & Cain - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Abstract (Ita) - Electronic Progressive Death/Thrash Metal
Abstract Essence - Black/doom/progressive metal
Abstract Shadows - Progressive Heavy Metal
Abstracta - Progressive metal
Absurd (Fra) - Progressive Metal
Absyntho - Prog Metal
Abydos - Progressive Metal/Rock
Abyss (Esp) - Progressive/Power Metal
Acacia (Ita) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Accomplice - Neo-Prog Metal/Rock
Aching Beauty - Progressive Metal
Achiral - Progressive Thrash/Black Metal
Acid Death - Death/thrash/progressive
Acid Rain (Esp) - Progressive metal
Acrimonia - Progressive Jazz Death Metal
Acron (Bra) - Heavy/Progressive metal
Acron (Ita) - gothic symphonic progressive/power metal
Acronychal Ritual - Progressive Ambient/Folk/Black Metal
Actual Time - technical, progressive metal
Adagio (Fra) - Progressive Symphonic Metal
Adramelch - Progressive Metal
Adrift (US) - Progressive Death Metal
Aebsence - Progressive Metal
Aeneas - Progressive Metal
Afterdeath (Prt) - Death / Thrash / Prog Metal
Aftermath (US) - technical progressive thrash
Agatta - Progressive Heavy Metal
Age of Illusion - thrash/progressive metal
Age of Rebellion - progressive/power metal
Age of Silence - Progressive/Avantgarde
Age One - Progressive / Speed / Heavy Metal
Agents of Oblivion - Sludge, Progressive
Aghora - Progressive/jazz metal
Agnosia - Progressive Metal
Agnus Dei - Power / progressive metal
Agonized (Chl) - Death/Progressive
Agora - Progressive Metal
Ahriman (Ita) - Progressive Metal
Akashic - symphonic progressive metal
Akin - Progressive/Atmospheric Death Metal
Alarum - Prog, Thrash, Fusion Metal
Alas - Operatic progressive metal
Alaska (Ita) - Progressive Metal
Alchemist - Avant-garde/progressive metal
Alchemy X - Progressive Metal
Alcyon - Progressive Heavy Metal
Aleph (Ita) - Blackened Progressive Thrash
Alesys - Progressive Death/Black Metal
Alien On My Mind - Progressive metal
All That I Bleed - Progressive Metal
All Too Human - power / progressive metal
Alliance (Bra) - Progressive Metal
Alogia - Progressive/Power Metal
Altered Vision (Ita) - progressive metal
Altura - Progressive Metal/Rock
Ambeon - Ambient, progressive
Amberdawn (Ger) - Progressive Metal
Amboog-A-Lard - power/thrash, avant-garde progressive metal
Ambrazura - Progressive Brutal Death Metal
Amentes - Progressive Doom/Death Metal
Amethyst (Aus) - Traditional / Progressive Metal
Amnesis - Progressive Metal
Amorphis - Progressive/death/doom metal
Amyris - progressive power metal
Anachronic - Progressive/Thrash Metal
Anacrusis - Progressive/melodic thrash
Analgin - Heavy / Progressive Rock/Metal
Anarhia - Thrash/Death Metal (earlier)/Groove/Progressive Metal (now)
Ancient Rites - Progressive/Viking Black Metal, Death Metal
Ancient Tale - Heavy/Progressive Metal
Andover - Progressive Heavy Metal
Andre Andersen - Symphonic/Power/Progressive Metal
Andromeda (Swe) - Progressive
Angel of Pain - Progressive Metal
Angel Smile - Neo-Classical Progressive Metal
Angel's Last Breath - Progressive/Power Metal
Angellic Rage - Power/Progressive Metal
Angels Decay - Progressive/power metal
Angels Grace - Progressive Metal
Angra - Power/progressive metal
Angrist (Esp) - Classical/Progressive Heavy Metal
Anguish (Ger) - melodic progressive metal
Anima Vilis - Progressive Metal
Anlace - Progressive Death Metal
Annabel Lee - Progressive Metal
Anno Domini - Progressive Metal
Annon Vin - Progressive/technical metal
Anomaly (Hol) - Instrumental progressive/avant-garde metal, fusion
Anomaly (US) - Progressive Technical Metal
Anomy - Progressive Dark Metal
Anorexia (Tur) - Progressive Metal
Another Life - Progressive Metal
Anthelion - Prog Metal
Antheus - Progressive Heavy Metal
Anthropia - Progressive/Speed Metal
Antibody - Progressive Metal
Antifreeze - Progressive Metal
Antigone - Symphonic black metal (early), avantgarde folk/darkwave (now)
Antiquus - Progressive Metal
Antithesis (US) - Power/Thrash/Progressive Metal
Anubis Gate - Melodic Progressive / Power Metal
Aphelion (Sgp) - Progressive Metal
Aphelion (Tur) - progressive/power metal
Apocalypse (US) - heavy/progressive metal
Apocryphos - Progressive Heavy Metal
Apokatastasia - Experimental/Progressive Metal with Jazz Elements
Approx - Traditional Metal, Progressive Metal
April Ethereal - Dark progressive metal
Arabesque - Progressive Metal
Aragon (Aus) - Progressive Metal
Arcana Major - Progressive Metal
Arcane Visions - Heavy / Progressive / Power Metal
Archaean Harmony - avant-garde progressive metal
Archaeon - Progessive/melodic death metal
Archaic Guilt - Progressive Death Metal
Archetype - Progressive Metal
Arghon - power/prog metal
Argonath (Arg) - Progressive Death Metal
Ark - Progressive
Arkaina - progressive power metal
Arkhe - Progressive Metal
Armageddon (Cyp) - Progressive/Power Metal
Arret's Odyssey - Progressive Metal
Arsis - Melodic Death with Black/Thrash/Progressive influences
ArtCell - Progressive Power Metal
Artension - Progressive metal
Aryan Venture - Progressive/Power Metal
Ascension Theory - progressive metal
Ash & Elm - Melodic thrash, with death & progessive elements
Ashent - Prog Metal
Ashtar - progressive folk metal
Askesis - Progressive Metal
Aslan - progressive metal
Asmodeus (Cze) - Progressive/Thrash Metal
Asseedio - Progressive/Power Metal
Assignment - Progressive Power Metal (now)/Death/Thrash Metal (early)
Assisting Sorrow - Melodic Progressive Metal
Asteroidea - progressive/shred metal
Astrogence - Progressive Death Metal
At War with Self - progressive rock/metal
Atavica - Progressive/Power metal
Atheist - Progressive jazz death/thrash metal
Athela - progressive death/doom
Athena - Progressive/Power Metal
Atlantida - Progressive Rock / Metal
Atmosfear - Progressive Metal
Atraphine - Progressive Power Metal
Atrophia Red Sun - Progressive/Melodic Death Metal with Industrial overtones
Atroz - Heavy Metal, Progressive
Attitude - Progressive Metal/Shred/Fusion
Atto IV - Progressive Metal/Fusion with '70s Rock influences
Auditory Imagery - progressive metal
Augury (Can) - Progressive Death Metal
Aurion - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
Auticada - Power/Prog Metal
Autumn Equinox - Progressive metal
Autumn Inspiration - Progressive Metal
Autumn Silence - power / progressive metal
Avacost - Progressive Metal
Avalanch - Power Metal / Progressive Melodic Metal
Avalon (Ger) - progressive metal
Avalon (Ger) - Progressive metal
Avatar (Esp) - Progressive metal
Averna - Progressive Death Metal
Avidost - Progressive Metal
Avsky - Progressive Dark/Doom Metal
Awacks - Progressive Heavy Metal
Away Turns Face - Progressive, Death
Awol - jazzy prog metal/rock
Ax'n Sex - Progressive Power Metal
Axe La Chapelle - Progressive power metal
Ayreon - Progressive metal/rock
Azazello - Progressive Metal
Azra-el - progressive black/death
Aztec Jade - Progressive Metal
B.E.N.T. - Progressive Power Metal
Balance of Power - Progressive Metal
Balfor - Progressive Death/Black Metal
Balistic - Progressive Metal
Barroquejon - Progressive/Power/Classical
Bartok - progressive metal
Before Eden - progressive metal / power metal
Behind Chaos - Progressive Power/Thrash
Behind the Curtain - Technical progressive metal
Behold the Arctopus - Technical Progressive Metal
Bel Esprit - Avant-Garde
Believer - melodic/progressive thrash
Beneath Flowers - Progressive Death Metal
Benevolence - Death/Doom/Prog Metal
Benign - Progressive / Hardcore / Alternative Metal
Beyond (Can) - Thrash Metal (earlier) / Progressive Metal (later)
Beyond Death (Can) - Dark Progressive Death Metal
Beyond Reality (US) - Progressive/Power Metal
Beyond Twilight - melodic progressive/heavy metal
Bezerker - Progressive thrash metal
Biomech Race - Progressive Metal
Biomechanical - Progressive Metal
Biovore - Progressive Thrash/Crossover
Birth of Tragedy - Prog Metal
Black Babylon - Heavy/Progressive/Thrash Metal
Black Crescent - Progressive Metal
Black Fabula - Progressive Metal
Black Fate (Grc) - Power/Progressive
Black Jester - Neo-classical/progressive metal
Black Symphony - Power / Prog Metal
Black Tears (Bel) - Death/Black/Progressive Metal
Blackkout - progressive power-thrash
Blacksky - Dark Progressive Metal
Blackthorn - Progressive Metal
BlackWine - Progressive metal
Blade of Spirit - Power/Doom Metal with Progressive Elements
Bleak Destiny - Progressive Melodic Death Metal
Blind Illusion - Classic/thrash/progressive
Blind Mirror - progressive metal/rock
Blindead - Progressive Doom Metal
Bloodstone (Aus) - Progressive metal
Bob Katsionis - Progressive/Neoclassical/Shred Metal
Bog Master - Progressive/Black/Doom Metal, Experimental Metal
Borknagar - Viking/folk/progressive black-ish metal
Bozzio Levin Stevens - Instrumental Prog Rock/Metal
Braindance - Progressive, Gothic, Darkwave
Brave (US) - doom/gothic/progressive
Breadwinner - technical prog metal
Broken Glazz - progressive/power metal
Burgul Torkhain - Progressive Death Metal
Butcher (Bra) - prog/thrash
Butterfly Noir - Thrash Metal with Progressive influences
Caer Ibormeith - Death Metal/70's influenced Progressive Rock (now)/Symphonic Gothic/Black Metal (earlier)
Calhoun Conquer - Progressive thrash
Cant - Melodic Progressive Metal
Canvas Solaris - Progressive Metal
Carisma - Melodic Progressive Metal
Carnifex (Est) - Progressive Metal
Carpe Diem Envy - Stoner/Sludge Metal with Progressive Influences
Cast of Shadows - Progressive Heavy Metal
Cavum - Progressive Death/Black Metal
Cea Serin - Progressive metal
Cellblock 8 - Progressive Heavy Metal
Celtic Frost - Thrash/death, avant-garde
Cemetary 1213 - Progressive
Chain - Progressive Metal
Chalice (Ger) - Melodic Progressive Rock/Metal
Chaoswave - Progressive/Groovy Metal
Charisma - Power/Prog Metal
Chased Crime - progressive metal
Chimaera (Bra) - Progressive Metal
Chirurgia - Progressive/Thrash/Death Metal
Chozzen Fate - progressive melodic metal
Chris Caffery - progressive power metal
Chris Poland - Heavy Metal, shred, progressive/guitar rock
Chrome Shift - Progressive Metal
Chrysalis - Progressive Metal
Circle II Circle - Progressive Power Metal
Circle of Nero - Progressive Metal, Doom Metal
Circle of Pain - Progressive / Heavy Metal
Circus Maximus - Progressive/Melodic Metal
Cirrha Niva - Progressive / Gothic Metal
Civil Defiance - Prog / Experimental and bits of Thrash/Speed
Clarity - Progressive Metal
Classica - progressive metal
Clockwork - Progressive/Jazz Metal
Cloudscape - Progressive Metal
CMKY - Progressive Metal
Coercive - progressive metal
Collapse - Progressive Metal
Colony (Bra) - Progressive Metal
Comma - Progressive Metal
Communic - Progressive Metal, Power Metal, Heavy Metal
Complex 7 - progressive technical power/speed metal
Concept (Ita) - Progressive Metal
Conception - Progressive/Power Metal
Condition Red - Progressive Rock/Metal
Confusic - Melodic progressive metal/rock
Conquest (Fin) - Progressive Heavy Metal/Hard Rock
Consecration - Progressive Doom/Death Metal
Control Denied - Technical Progressive Power Metal
Corrosion of Conformity - Crossover, Sludge, Progressive Heavy Metal
Council of the Fallen - Progressive Melodic Death Metal
Creature of Habit - Heavy/Power/Progressive Metal
Crimson Roots - Progressive Rock / Metal
Crisalida - Progressive Metal
Crises - Progressive Metal
Cronos (Arg) - progressive power/doom metal
Croskill - Heavy/Prog Metal
Cross - power/progressive metal
Cruz de Hierro - Progressive Metal
Cry of Swan - Gothic/Progressive Metal
Cryptameria - Progressive / Melodic Metal
Crystalic - Progressive Death/Heavy Metal
Cthulhu - Progressive Metal
Cuarto Obscuro - Progressive Heavy Metal/Rock
Cudfish - Progressive Metal
Cyanide Breed - Progressive Death Metal
Cyclops (Hrv) - Progressive Metal
Cydonian - progressive metal
Cyndustry - Progressive Metal
Cynic (US) - Technical progressive Death/Jazz
Cyperus - traditional heavy/progressive metal
D-Lusion - heavy/power/progressive metal
Da Capo - Progressive Metal
Da Vang - progressive metal
Daedalus - Progressive Metal
Daily Reign - Progressive metal
Daksha - Experimental Progressive Epic Power Metal
Dali's Dilemma - Progressive
Damien Steele - progressvie metal
Damn the Machine - Progressive Metal
DamnNation - Power / Progressive / Thrash
Dan Swano - Death, Retro ('70s) Progressive
Dangel - Heavy Progressive Metal
Dargoron - Power/Prog Metal
Dark Energy - Blackened Power/Progressive Metal
Dark Fate (Ger) - progressive / power metal
Dark Mass - Progressive Metal
Dark Sign - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Dark Soul - Progressive Death Metal
Dark Suns - Progressive Dark Metal
Darkland (Bra) - Heavy/Progressive Metal
Darklight - Progressive Gothic Metal
Darkside Symphony - Progressive Power Metal
Darksky - Speed/Progressive Metal
Darkstar - progressive metal
Davidian (Swe) - Progressive Metal
Day Six - Progressive Metal
DC Cooper - Progressive Metal
De Magia Veterum - avantgarde black metal
Dead Poets Society - Power/Prog Metal
Dead Soul Tribe - Progressive metal/rock
Deadly Blessing - Progressive power/thrash metal
Deadly Fate - Melodic progressive metal
Death - Death/Progressive Metal
Death Dies - Progressive/Black/Folk Metal
Death Machine - progressive/industrial metal
Death's Boundaries - Technical/progressive thrash/death metal
Deep Silence - Progressive Metal/Rock
Defending the Faith - Progressive Power Metal
Defyance - Progressive Metal
Degree Absolute - Progressive / Technical Metal
Dejmor - power/progressive metal
Delian League - Progressive/power metal
Delirium Endeavor - Progressive/Technical Metal Instrumental
Delphian - Progressive Metal
Delpht - melodic progressive metal
Delta - Neo-Classical/Progressive Metal
Dementia (Ger) - Progressive Melodic Death Metal
Demiurg (Rus) - Progressive Thrash/Death Metal
Demonolatry - Progressive Death Metal
Den of Decadence - Progressive Death Metal
Depression (Grc) - progressive metal
Derek Sherinian - Instrumental Progressive Metal
Desdemona (Pol) - Progressive Gothic Metal
Desecrator (US) - Power / Progressive Metal
Destiny Dreaming - progressive metal
Destra - Power/Progressive Metal
Detachment - progressive death metal
Deterrent - progressive metal
Devil Doll - theatrical / symphonic / progressive with rock and metal elements
Devilmakesthree - Progressive/Death
Devin Townsend - Progressive/Atmospheric Metal
DGM - Progressive/Speed Metal
Dharma - Progressive Metal
Different World - Symphonic Prog Metal
Digital Ruin - Progressive Metal
Dimaeon - Progressive Death Metal
Diphtheria - Heavy, Power, Progressive, Doom Metal
Dirge (US) - Progressive Power Metal
Dis - Progressive Death / Doom Metal
Disharmony (Pol) - Jazzy Progressive Death Metal
Disillusion - Melodic Death/Progressive Metal
Dismal (Fra) - Progressive death metal
Dissonant - Progressive Metal, Thrash\Heavy Metal
Distant Light - Progressive/Power Metal
Dive in Minds - progressive death metal
Divercia - Dark Gothic Progressive Metal
Divided Multitude - Progressive Metal
Dividing Horizons - Progressive Metal
Divina Enema - Avant-Garde
Divine Embrace - Progressive Death Metal
Divine Regale - Progressive Metal
Divine Ruins - Progressive Metal
Divine Symphony (Ger) - Neo-Classical/Progressive Metal
Dol Ammad - Progressive/Symphonic/operatic metal with electronic music influences
Dominion Red - Progressive metal
Dominium (Per) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Dominium (Pol) - Progressive Death Metal
Donor - progressive metal
Doom - progressive thrash, avant-garde rock
Dornfall - Dark Progressive Power Metal
Dramatic Irony - Progressive Metal
Draw the Curtains - Progressive Metal
Dream Child - Power/Progressive Metal
Dream Devoid - Power/Progressive Metal
Dream or Nightmare - Traditional/Progressive Metal
Dream Theater - Progressive metal
Dreamlost - Progressive Metal
Dreamscape - progressive metal
Dreamstate - progressive metal
Dreamtone - Progressive Metal
Dreamworks - progressive power metal
Dreemwich - progressive metal
Drive - Progressive metal
Drowning in Real - progressive metal
Drunk Horse - Progressive stoner metal
Dryade - Progressive Heavy/Speed Metal
Dune - Power/Progressive Metal
Dusk (Pak) - Progressive metal
Dyluvian - Melodic Progressive Heavy Metal
Dynamic Lights - Progressive Metal
Dysrhythmia - Technical Progressive Metal
Damon Morder - Progressive Death Metal
Early Warning - Progressive Metal
Earthcubed - Power Metal, progressive
Ebony Ark - Power/Progressive Metal
Ebonylake - Gothic, Avant-garde
Echo Hollow - Progressive Metal
Echosilence - Progressive Metal
Edera - Progressive Metal
Edge - Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal
Eject - Progressive Heavy/Thrash Metal
EK - Progressive/Melodic Death Metal
Eldritch - Progressive/Power Metal
Eldritch Rite - Progressive Power Metal
Electro Quarterstaff - Instrumental Technical/Progressive Metal
Electrocution 250 - Progressive Metal, Shred
Elegacy - Progressive Metal
Elegy - Progressive Power Metal
Elemiah - Instrumental Progressive Metal
Elephant Road - Progressive Metal
Eleventh Hour - Progressive Metal
Elias Viljanen - Progressive Metal
Ellipsis - Progressive Metal/Rock
Elsesphere - progressive metal
Elsewhen - Melodic Progressive Metal/Rock
Elvaron - Progressive Thrash Metal
Embittered - Progressive Death Metal
Emissary (US) - Progressive/Power Metal
Empty Tremor - progressive metal
Empyrean Sky - Progressive Death Metal
Empyria - progressive metal
En Force - power / progressive metal
Enamored - Black/Progressive Metal
Enchant - Progressive Metal/Rock
Encryption - Thrash, Progressive, Power
End Amen - progressive metal
Endangered Reign - Power/Prog Metal
Endless Distrust - Progressive Death Metal
Endorphine - Technical/Progressive Thrash Metal
Engine - Progressive metal
Eniac Requiem - Progressive Metal
Enorhted - Progressive Metal
Enslaved - Black / viking metal (old), Progressive black metal (new)
Ephel Duath - Avant-garde jazz / metal (new), Progressive black metal (old)
Ephemeral Sun - Progressive metal
Epilogue - Death/Progressive Metal
Equiseti - Progressive / Melodic Metal
Esicastic - Progressive/jazz death metal
Esoteria (Swe) - Progressive Thrash
Esqarial - Technical, progressive death metal
Estigia - Melodic Prog Metal
Etanisis - Progressive Metal
Eterna - Power, speed, prog metal
Eternal Tragedy - Progressive Death Metal
Eternity (US) - Progressive Metal
Eternity Void - Progressive Melodic Death Metal
Eternity X - Progressive Metal
Etherea - Power / Progressive Metal
Etheria - Progressive Metal
Euphrosyne - Progressive Metal
Event - Progressive Metal
Eventide (Swe) - Melodic death/progressive metal
Everflow (Ger) - Progressive Metal
Everflow (Grc) - Melodic power/progressive metal
Evergrey - Modern Dark Progressive Power/Heavy Metal
Evil Wings - progressive metal
Evora - Progressive metal
Ex Tempore - Prog Power Metal
Exawatt - symphonic progressive power metal
Exhibition (US) - Progressive Metal
Exiled on Earth - Progressive Power/Thrash
Exises - Melodic progressive metal
Exivious - Progressive/Jazz/Death Metal
Exoristoi - epic progressive metal
Exorma - Progressive/Shred/Metal
Exotheria - Progressive/Power Metal
Explorers Club - Progressive metal
Eyefear - progressive metal
Eyekon - Progressive Metal
F - Progressive metal
Fabio Lentola - Progressive Metal
Facto Alfa - Progressive Metal
Factory of Art - Progressive power metal
Faith, Love & Hope - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Faithealer - progressive metal
Fallin' Time - progressive metal
False Witness - Power/Progressive Metal
Fantomas - Avant-Garde
Farmakon - Progressive Death Metal
Farzad Golpayegani - Progressive Metal
Fatal Morgana - epic/progressive power metal
Fates Warning - Power Metal, Progressive Metal
Fatima Hill - Progressive Power Metal, Avant-Garde
Fearscape - Progressive Death Metal
Ferrotale - Heavy / Progressive Metal
Fiarro - progressive power metal
Fifth - Progressive Thrash Metal
Fifth Reason - Dark progressive metal
Fifth Season - Progressive Metal
Final Tragedy - progressive metal
Fiori di Piombo - Gothic/Progressive Metal
Firestorm (Ita) - Progressive Metal
Firestorm (UK) - Heavy Metal/Hard Rock/Progressive Rock
Flaming Anger - technical prog-thrash/power
Fleurety - Post-black, Progressive/avant-garde metal
Flitch - Progressive metal
Flounder - Avantgarde Thrash Metal
Fluid Mind - Progressive Metal
Forces@Work - Progressive / Heavy Metal
Forever and a Day - Progressive / Melodic 'Death' Metal
Forewarned - Progressive speed metal
Forgotten Suns - Progressive Rock/Metal
Fortress under Siege - Progressive Metal
Fountain of Tears - Progressive Gothic Metal
Fourth Dimension (Grc) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Fragile Vastness - Progressive Metal
Frameshift - Progressive Rock/Metal
Frantic Bleep - Progressive Metal
Freak Guitar Mattias IA Eklundh - Progressive
Friar Rush - Power/Progressive
Frontears - progressive power metal
Frostborn - Melodic Metal / Power - Prog Metal
Frozen (US) - Progressive Death Metal
Funcunt - Progressive death metal
Fuseboxx - progressive metal
G.-L.O.C. - Progressive Power Metal
Gaia Metal - Progressive Heavy Metal
Gallery of Lore - Progressive/Gothic Metal
Gallowmere - Progressive Metal
Garden Wall - Progressive Metal
Gardika - Thrash/Progressive Metal
Garmine Tango - Heavy/Progressive Metal
GB Arts - progressive/power metal
Gehenna (Mex) - progressive power metal
Gemini - Progressive
Genetic Wisdom - Progressive/thrash metal
Genius - Melodic/Progressive Metal
Genocide (Fin) - Progressive Metal
Genoma - Prog/Space Rock
Geomancer - Melodic / Instrumental / Progressive Metal
Ghaia - melodic prog metal
Giljotina - Progressive Metal
Gire - Avantgarde metal/Ambient extreme metal
Gladius Noctis - progressive neo-classical gothic metal
Global Illusion - Progressive Metal
Go Tee - Progressive Metal
God Zero - Traditional Metal (now) - Progressive Metal (earlier)
Godfear - Progressive/ Heavy Metal
Godless (Rom) - Doom / Progressive Metal
Goecia - Melodic/Progressive/Power Metal with hardcore Elements
Gonin-Ish - Extreme progressive metal
Gordian Knot - Progressive Metal/Rock
Gracepoint - Progressive Power Metal
Graphite Symphony - Progressive Metal
Grave Desire - Prog/Power Metal
Green Carnation - Gothic/Neo-Progressive Metal
Grenade Kills 3 - Technical/Groove/Avantgarde Metal
Grey Owl - Progressive
Greyhaven - Prog Metal / Rock
Grynch - Progressive
Guardian Angel - progressive speed metal
H. Kristal - progressive metal
Haiden - Progressive Metal
Halcyon Way - Progressive Metal
Hammers of Misfortune - Progressive/Folk/Doom/Heavy/Power Metal
Hand of Doom (Ita) - Progressive Melodic Death Metal
Harmony - progressive power metal
Hate Suffocation - Progressive Death Metal
Headline - progressive/power metal
Heartless (Nor) - Progressive Metal
Heaven's Cry - progressive metal
Helion - Melodic Progressive Metal
Helizer - Traditional/Progressive Metal
Helloise - Progressive/Power Metal
Hemisphere - neo-classical/progressive metal
Henceforth - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Hess - Neo-classical progressive metal
Hex - progressive metal
Hexxed - Progressive Death Metal
Hibria - heavy / progressive metal
Hidden (US) - Progressive black/doom/death
Hidden City - Progressive Metal
Hidden Skeyes - Progressive Power Metal
Hiding Tower - Progressive Metal
Hieronymus Bosch - Progressive death metal
Highest Place - Progressive Metal
Hobb's End - Death metal/Sludge/Progressive
Hollow - Power/Prog Metal
Horizon (UK) - Melodic Power/Prog Metal
Horizon's End - progressive metal
Hortus Animae - Progressive Black Metal
Hourglass (US) - Progressive Metal
House of Spirits - Progressive metal
Hraswelg - progressive metal
Hubi Meisel - Progressive
Human Ground - Progressive/Melodic Death Metal
Humanity - Progressive Heavy Metal
Hydra (Mex) - progressive rock, heavy and doom metal
Hypnotheticall - Progressive Thrash Metal
Ian Parry - Progressive Metal
Iberia - heavy/classical/progressive metal
Iblis Levanah - Progressive Gothic Metal
Ice Age (US) - Progressive Metal
Ice Divine - progressive power metal
Ice Vinland - Progressive Power Metal
Icycore - Progressive metal
Ignis Fatuus - (Currently) Dark Progressive Metal (Previously) Doom Metal
Ikinae - Progressive/Power/Thrash Metal
Illusion - melodic progressive metal
Illusion of Clarity - Melodic Progressive/Power Metal
Illusion Suite - progressive power metal
Image Beyond - progressive metal
Images of Eden - Progressive Metal
IMP - Progressive Thrash Metal
Imperium (Hol) - progressive power metal
Imperium (Hrv) - Progressive power metal
In a Void - Progressive Metal
In Descent - Progressive Metal
In Peccatum - Heavy/prog, doom/gothic
In the Name - progressive metal
In the Woods... - Avant-Garde/Experimental/Progressive, Black Metal (early)
In-Tension - Progressive Metal
Indesinent - Progressive Dark Metal
Indukti - progressive rock/metal
Infinite Dream - Progressive Heavy Metal, Rock, Jazz
Infinite Singularity - Avantgarde/Progressive Metal
Infinity Minus One - Progressive/technical metal
Ingermanland - progressive metal
Inner Eye - Heavy / Power / Progressive Metal
Inner Sanctum (UK) - Progressive Metal
Inner Sanctum (US) - progressive power metal
Inner Strength - progressive metal
Inner Void - Heavy/Progressive Metal
Insignia - Progressive Heavy Metal
Insynyry - progressive power metal
Into Eternity - Progressive/melodic Death
Into the Dementia - Progressive Metal (now) - Thrash metal (very early)
Inumbro - Melodic Heavy/Progressive Metal
Inward Path - Progressive metal
Irencros - Power/Progressive/Symphonic Metal
Iron Fortress - traditional / progressive / Power Metal
Island - Atmospheric Progressive Death Metal
IV Luna - Progressive/power metal/rock
Ivan Bertolla - Symphonic, neo-classical, progressive metal
Ivanhoe - Progressive Rock/Metal
Ivory - Power/Progressive Metal
Ivory Gates - Progressive/Melodic Metal
Ivory Tower - Power progressive metal
Jacopo Galli - Progressive Metal
James Byrd - Progressive Metal
James Murphy - Progressive/Fusion
Jason Becker - Shredding / Progressive metal
Jasun Tipton - Progressive Metal
Jens Johansson - Jazz fusion, progressive rock
Jeremy - Progressive Metal/Rock
Jester's March - progressive Speed / Thrash Metal
Jester's Tears - melodic/slightly progressive metal
Jezebel's Tower - progressive metal
John Arch - progressive metal
John Petrucci - Progressive metal, shred
Jois - prog metal/rock
Joop Wolters - Progressive Metal, Jazz Fusion
Jordan Rudess - Progressive/Instrumental
Juggernaut (US) - technical/progressive Thrash/Speed Metal
Juglans Regia - Progressive Metal/Rock
Just Karma - Progressive Metal
Jorn - Heavy Metal, Prog, Rock
Kahtmayan - progressive metal
Kainabel - Progressive Death Thrash Metal
Kalisia - Progressive Death Metal
Karma (Bra) - Progressive Metal
Karma (Nor) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Karnak (Ita) - Progressive Technical Death
Karyan - Progressive Metal
Katedra - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
Kayo Dot - Avant-Garde
Keddah - Progressive Metal
Keelhaul - Progressive Stoner/Sludge Metal
Kenitra - progressive folk metal
Kenos - Progressive Death Metal
Kenziner - Progressive Power Metal
Khali - progressive melodic metal
Khallice - Progressive Metal
Kiko Loureiro - melodic prog metal/shred
Kill All Resistance - Progressive death metal
Kinetic - Progressive Death Metal
Kinetic Dissent - progressive speed / power metal
Kingcrow - Classic Prog Metal
Kingsbane - progressive metal
Kinslayer - Progressive/Power Metal
Kirk - Melodic Progressive/Power Metal
Knell Odyssey - Prog/Heavy Metal
Knight Area - Progressive Metal/Hard Rock
Knut (Ita) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Kohllapse - Dark progressive metal
Koma (Rus) - Progressive/Thrash Metal
Kopecky - Progressive Rock/Metal, World Music
Kristine - Symphonic/Progressive Metal
Krudo - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
KTL - Techno/progressive metal
Kyyria - Progressive metal
Laboratory Sickness - Progressive/Brutal Death Metal
Lack of Faith - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Lacrima (Esp) - Melodic Progressive Metal
Lacrima Christi - Progressive Death Metal
Lake of Tears - Progressive/Doom/Gothic metal
Lalu - Progressive Metal
Landguard - Power, Progressive Metal
Lanfear - progressive heavy/power metal
Lars Eric Mattsson - progressive/shred metal, guitar rock
Last Empire - Progressive/Power Metal
Last Things - progressive metal
Last Tribe - Melodic/progressive metal
Last Vision Black - progressive metal
Last Warning - Progressive metal
Legacy (US) - Progressive/Power Metal
Legynd - Progressive Metal
Lemur Voice - Progressive Metal
Lengsel - Progressive Black Metal
Leslie Spring - Progressive Metal
Lethal (US) - progressive Power Metal
Letter X - Traditional/Progressive Metal
Level's Rising - Progressive Metal
Leviathan (US) - Power/Progressive Metal
Life Artist - Progressive Metal
LifeForce - Progressive Metal
Lifeless - Progressive Death Metal
Lifeseeker - Progressive Rock/Metal
Lightmare - progressive metal
Limelight - NWOBHM, traditional metal with progressive touch
Liquid Shadows - Progressive Metal
Liquid Tension Experiment - Technical/Progressive Rock/Metal
Listen - Progressive metal
Litera Theta - Progressive/Neoclassical Metal
Little Green Men - Progressive Metal
Loch Vostok - Progressive Metal
Locus Factor - Progressive Dark Metal
Locus Factor - Melodic/Progressive Death Metal
Logic Edge - Progressive Metal
Loincloth - technical prog metal
Lord Bane - progressive metal
Lord of the Thunder - Progressive Death Metal
Lordchain - Progressive Metal
Lost Century - Progressive Thrash
Lost Eden (Can) - power/prog/thrash
Lost Forever - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Lost In Misery - Progressive Power/Doom Metal
Lost in Twilight - Progressive/melancholic/gothic/melodic metal
Lost Innocence - Progressive Power Metal
Lotus Project - Progressive Melodic Death Metal
Love History - Progressive/Symphonic Death Metal
Lucid Tide - progressive/power metal
Lucifer's Friend - 70's prog-tinged heavy metal/hard rock, jazz metal
Luen-Ta - Progressive Death Metal
Lunae Nocturna - Symphonic Progressive Metal
Lunarchy - progressive metal
Lunatenebra - Gothic/Symphonic/Progressive Metal
Lvpercalia - Black (earlier)/Progressive Death Metal (now)
Lydian Sea - Progressive metal
Lykaion - Power / Progressive Metal
Machine Called Man - Progressive metal
Macrocosmic Emotions - Technical Progressive Thrash
Mad Alien - prog/power metal
Madsword - Progressive Metal
Madwork - Progressive Metal
Maeve of Connacht - Symphonic Prog Metal
Magellan - Progressive Metal/Rock
Magician - Progressive Metal
Magick - Bay Area Thrash/NWOBH with progressive influences
Magister - melodic prog metal
Magnitude 9 - progressive/neoclassical
Magnolia - Progressive Metal
Mahavatar - Dark Progressive Metal
Majesty (US) - progressive metal
Makrothumia - progressive doom/death
Malombra - Heavy Gothic Progressive Metal/Rock
Malpractice (Fin) - Progressive Metal
Manigance - Progressive Power metal
Manitou (Fin) - Heavy / progressive metal
Manitou (Nor) - progressive metal
Manticora - Progressive Power/Speed Metal
Maraya - Progressive power metal
Marcel Coenen - Progressive Metal/Shred
Marty Friedman - Progressive, 80's, Instrumental Metal
Mas Optica - thrashy progressive Metal
Mask (US) - Progressive Metal
Masquerade - Progressive Metal
Mass of Virtue - Progressive/Power Metal
Mastermind (US) - Progressive Metal
Mastodon - Progressive Sludge/Metal
Matt Lee - Progressive/Shred
Maudlin of the Well - avant-garde progressive metal
Maya (Ita) - Progressive Metal
Mayadome - progressive rock/metal
Mayfair - progressive metal
MCM - Instrumental prog metal/fusion
Mechanical Poet - Orchestral Progressive Metal
Megace - Progressive / Thrash Metal
Megazetor - Progressive/Technical Death Metal
Mekong Delta - Progressive Thrash
Melandrolia - Progressive Doom/Dark/Gothic Metal
Memfis - Melancholic Progressive Metal
Menam - Progressive Metal
Mercury Rising - power / progressive metal
Meriah - Progressive Black Metal
Merithum - Progressive Power Hard Rock
Metadox - Progressive thrash
Metal Jam - Progressive Metal
Metal Mike Chlasciak - Progressive Power Metal
Method - Thrash/Progressive Metal
Metropolis - progressive metal
Metus - Avantgarde Black Metal
Michael Harris - Progressive Metal/Shred
Michael Pinnella - Neoclassical Progressive Rock
Michael Romeo - Progressive, Guitar Instrumental Metal
Mind Colour - Symphonic Progressive Metal
Mind Key - Progressive Metal
Mind Masque - progressive metal
Mind Odyssey - Progressive metal
Mind Reflection - Progressive Power Metal
Mind's Eye - Progressive Metal
Mindcage - progressive metal
Mindfeed - Progressive Metal
Mindflow - Progressive Metal
Mindscape (Hol) - progressive metal
Minus Infinity - Progressive Death/Thrash
Mirror Black - Progressive Power Metal
Misanthrope (Fra) - Symphonic Doom / Avant-garde
Misogi - Progressive Black Metal
Missa Mercuria - Progressive Metal/Rock
Mister Kite - Progressive Metal/Rock
Mistheria - Progressive Metal
Mithril - Progressive Heavy Metal
Mizraab - Progressive metal/rock
Modus Vivendi - Progressive metal
Mon'strum - avantgarde death metal
Moon of Steel - heavy / progressive metal
Moondive - Power/Progressive Metal
Moonlight (Pol) - Gothic/Progressive metal
Moonlight Agony - Melodic/Progressive Power Metal
Moonlight Circus - Epic/power/progressive metal
Moonlight Comedy - Progressive Metal
Morbid Dream - Progressive Death Metal
Mordeth - progressive death metal
Morning - Atmospheric prog metal
Morrigan - Progressive/melodic power metal
Motivi Per Litigare - Progressive Metal
Mullmuzzler - Progressive Metal
Mundanus Imperium - Dark Progressive Metal
My Cold Embrace - Melodic/Progressive Death Metal
Myndsnare - Progressive Thrash/Death Metal
Myoclon - Progressive, melodic, experimental
Myrmidion Creed - progressive metal
Mysterhydden - Progressive Metal with Thrash and Classic influences
Mystic Force - Progressive Power Metal
Mystical Gate - Doom/Progressive Metal
Mystical Warning - power/prog metal
Mythic Force - progressive neo-classical metal
Mythica - Prog/Gothic Metal
Mythologic - Progressive Metal
Mythology - Melodic Prog Metal
N.O.T. - Progressive Metal
Nadir (Ger) - progressive power metal
Nawak - progressive metal
Nazca - Progressive Metal/Melodic Rock
Necrogenesis - Progressive/heavy metal
Negative Four - Progressive Metal
Neglected Fields - Technical/Progressive Death Metal
Nemesis (Grc) - progressive metal
Nemesis (Hun) - Progressive Metal
Neolithic - Progressive Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Neon Sunrise - progressive metal
Nephastus - Progressive thrash metal
Netherworld - Melodic/Progressive Power Metal
Neue Regel - Progressive Metal
Neurosis - Progressive sludge/hardcore/ambience/tribal
Never Sunrise - Speed/Prog Metal
Neverland - Melodic Progressive Metal
NeverLand (Col) - Progressive Metal
Neverland (Ger) - progressive power metal
New Machine - Progressive Metal/Rock
NewBreed - Progressive death metal
Night Cloud - Power/Progressive Metal
Night Sun - Heavy/Progressive Metal
Nightingale - Melodic Metal, Progressive Rock
Nightmares End - progressive power metal
No Inner Limits - Power / Progressive Metal
Nocturnal Delusion - Progressive Death Metal
Nocturnal Earth - Progressive Black-ish Metal
Nocturnal Faith - Progressive Black Metal
Noctus - Doom/Progressive
Noom - progressive metal
Nordream - Progressive Metal
North (Can) - Progressive Dark Metal
Nothingfaith - Progressive Metal
Noturna - Gothic/Progressive Metal
Nova Art - Progressive Metal
novAct - Progressive / Melodic Metal
Nox Perpetua - Progressive Death Metal
Nu- Progressive Rock, Heavy Metal
Nu.Clear.Dawn - progressive metal
Nudge - progressive power/thrash metal
Nueairea - Progressive Speed/Thrash
Obduction - Melodic Death Metal (early), Progressive/Heavy Metal
Obidil - Progressive Heavy Metal
Obsidian Reign - Progressive/Traditional Metal
October Rust - Progressive Melodic Death Metal
October Thorns - Progressive / Death Metal
Odes of Ecstasy - Symphonic/melodic/progressive/atmospheric death metal
Odin's Court - Progressive Metal
Odyssey (Swe) - Progressive Metal
Offertorium - gothic/progressive metal
Office of Strategic Influence - Progressive
Omega Point - progressive metal
Opeth - Extreme progressive metal
Ophidian (Svn) - Progressive Thrash Metal
Opposite Earth - progressive power metal
Opus Atlantica - Progressive/power metal
Oracle - progressive power metal
Orne - Dark Progressive Rock
Orphaned Land - Doom / death metal (old), Progressive folk metal (new)
Osiris (Hol) - Progressive/technical thrash metal
Outworld - Progressive heavy/speed metal
Over Us Eden - progressive metal
Overlife - Progressive Heavy Metal
Oxbow - Stoner/Doom Metal, Avant-garde
Pagan's Mind - Progressive
Pain of Salvation - Progressive
Palisade - Progressive Thrash Metal
Pan Ram - Traditional/Progressive Metal
Pan.Thy.Monium - Extreme progressive metal
Pandoras Box - Heavy metal, progressive
Pantokrator (Swe) - Progressive Death Metal
Pantommind - Progressive Metal
Paralysis (Hol) - Technical Melodic Thrash with some Progressive elements
Paralytic Of... - progressive metal
Pascal Allaigre - Shred/progressive metal
Pathology (Pol) - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Payne's Gray - progressive heavy metal
Percival Schuttenbach - Progressive folk metal
Perpetual - Progressive Metal
Persephone's Dream - Progressive rock/metal
Persona - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Pestilence - Death/thrash/progressive
Phenix - Progressive/Power Metal
Picture of the Moon - Mix of Progressive Rock/Hard Rock/Heavy Metal
Planet X - Instrumental-based progressive metal
Platypus - Progressive Metal
Poema Arcanus - Progressive Dark, Doom
Polaris (Aus) - Thrash/Heavy/Progressive Metal
Polimetro - Power/Progressive Metal
Portal (US) - Technical progressive metal
Portal 7 - Progressive Metal
Portikus - Progressive Metal
Poverty's No Crime - Progressive Metal
Power of Omens - Progressive Metal
Presto Vivace - Melodic Progressive Metal
Private Secret - Progressive Metal
Projecta - Progressive Metal/Rock
Projecto - progressive metal
Proloud - Progressive
Promethean - Doom Metal, Progressive Rock, Classical
Prometheus - Progressive Metal
Prophexy - Progressive Heavy/Power Metal
Prosecutor - Progressive Metal
Prospect - Progressive
Prototype - Power / Progressive with some thrash
Prusia - Progressive Metal
Prymary - Progressive Metal
Pryzmath - Progressive metal
Psycho Symphony - progressive thrash metal
Psychotic Waltz - Progressive Metal
Psychotropic Transcendental - Progressive Rock/Metal
Pyramid - Progressive Metal
Queensr?che - Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal
Quintessence (Bra) - Death / Progressive Metal
Qwestion - Progressive/industrial metal
R2 - Progressive metal
Ra's Dawn - Progressive Metal
Rampage (Aus) - Progressive Speed / Thrash Metal
Rapscallion - Progressive Metal
Reading Zero - Progressive Metal
Rebel's Mother - Progressive Metal
Recon - Heavy / Power / Progressive Metal
Red Nucleus - Death / Progressive Metal
Red October - Progressive/Melodic Metal
Redemption - Progressive/Power Metal
Regency - Progressive Metal
Renazcore - Progressive Metal
Reprieve - Progressive Death Metal / Metalcore
Resistance - Progressive/Power metal
Resistence - progressive metal
Rest in Peace (Fra) - Progressive Heavy Metal
Reviver - power/progressive metal
Revoltons - Power/Progressive Metal
Rhun - progressive power metal
Ricochet (Ger) - melodic/progressive metal
Ripped - Progressive Death/Thrash Metal
Ritmia - Power/Progressive Metal
Ritual Nemesis - Progressive Metal
Riverside - Progressive Rock/Metal
Rolen - Progressive Metal
Ron Jarzombek - Technical Progressive Metal
Rosebourg - Melodic Power Progressive Metal
Route Nine - Progressive metal
Royal Hunt - Heavy/Progressive
Royal Quest - Power/Progressive Metal
Runaway Totem - Haunting Ambient Doom/Progressive Rock
Rush - Progressive Rock/Metal
Rushmoon - Melodic Progressive Metal
Sacred - Progressive Metal
Sacred Blade - Epic Progressive Heavy Metal
Sacred Warrior - Melodic, Progressive Metal
Sacrifist - Progressive Death Metal
Sad Theory - Melodic/Progressive Death Metal
Sadist (Ita) - mallcore (new), progressive death metal (old)
Sagittarius (Nor) - Progressive Metal
Saharra - progressive power metal
Salvation (Ger) - progressive metal
Samain (Aus) - Black metal with folk, pagan and progressive influences
Sancnity - Heavy / progressive metal
Sanity (Hol) - Progressive Metal
Sanvoisen - Progressive metal
Satanasshole - avantgarde black metal
Savatage - progressive power/heavy metal
Scaffold (Aut) - Progressive power metal
Scaffold (Ger) - Progressive Metal
Scald (UK) - Extreme Avant-Garde Progressive Sludge/Doom/Grind
Scarcross - Progressive/Black Metal
Scarecrow (Aut) - Progressive/Dark/Death Metal
Scariot - Death/Thrash/Power/Progressive Metal
Scenario - Progressive Metal
Scene x Dream - progressive/power metal
Scholomance - Extreme Progressive Metal
Screamer - Progressive power metal
Sculptured - Progressive
Scythian Oath - Progressive Power Metal
Sea of Dreams - Symphonic Epic Melodic Progressive/Power Metal
Sean Malone - Instrumental Prog/Fusion
Seasons of Sorrow - Power/Progressive Metal w/ Harsh Vocals
Seasons of the Wolf - Progressive/gothic/new age heavy metal
Secrecy (Ger) - progressive metal
Secret Silence - melodic progressive metal
Section 16 - Progressive Metal
Section A - Progressive Metal
Seer's Tear - Doom / Power / Progressive Metal
Semper Tyrannis - Progressive Melodic Death
Sengaya - Progressive Metal
Sepsis (Pol) - Progressive death metal
Seraphique - Progressive Dark Metal
Serpent Moves - Progressive / Death / Thrash Metal
Serpents Kiss - Heavy/progressive/power metal
Serpiente - Melodic/Progressive Black Metal
Serum - Progressive Metal/Rock
Session VII - Progressive Metal
Sethian - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Seven Seraphim - Neo-classical Progressive Metal
Seventh Gate (Ger) - power/epic/progressive metal
Seventh Wonder - Progressive Metal
Sextanz - Progressive Power Metal
Shaaman - Progressive/power metal
Shadeworks - Atmospheric doom, progressive metal
Shadow Gallery - Progressive Metal
Shadow Image - Technical progressive metal
Shadow Keep - progressive power metal
Shadow of Doubt - Progressive Metal
Shadow Pointe - progressive power metal
Shadowcaster - Progressive/Melodic Power
Shadowolf - Melodic Progressive / Power Metal
ShadowPlay - Progressive Metal/Rock
Shadows Land - Technical/Progressive Death Metal
Shaitan Mazar - Progressive Metal/Metalcore
Shannara - progressive metal
Shaolin Death Squad - Melodic progressive metal
Shattered Dream - progressive metal / heavy rock
Shide - Progressive Metal
Shiva (UK) - progressive rock/metal
Shock Opera - Heavy/Progressive Metal
Sick996 - Progressive/Death Metal
Sieges Even - Progressive Metal
Sigh - Black, Avant-garde
Sigma 5 - Progressive Metal/Rock
Silent Edge - Power/Progressive metal
Silent Exile - Progressive metal
SIlent Lucidity - progressive metal
Silent Memorial - progressive metal
Silent Voices - Melodic Progressive / Power Metal
Sin Dios - Progressive Melodic Black Metal
Sinister Clothcat - Progressive Death Metal
Sinly Dreams - Avantgarde Doom Metal
Sinphonia - Progressive Gothic Metal
Sinrise - Progressive Metal
Siren - progressive metal
SJK - Progressive Power Metal
Skavendark - Progressive Pagan Black Metal
Skyfire - Melodic Death, Prog/Power
Skyliner - Traditional/Prog/Power
Skyward - progressive metal
Skywynd - Melodic Progressive Metal
Slain (Ita) - Power/Progressive Metal
Sleep of Thetis - Prog/Gothic Metal
Sleeping Flowers - Avantgarde Gothic/Folk Metal
Sleepless - Dark progressive/jazz rock/metal, shoegazer
SlipStream - Progressive death metal
Sociopathy - Death Metal (now) - Progressive Speed Metal (earlier)
Solaris - Progressive Metal
Solefald - Post-Black Metal, avant-garde
Soleil Noir - Doom/Avantgarde-Metal
Solid Amber - Progressive Metal
Soliloquy - Progressive Metal
Solstafir - Viking / black metal (old), Progressive black metal (new)
Sonic Debris - Progressive Metal
Sore Plexus - Progressive Metal
Sorrowful Winds - Power / Progressive Metal
Sorrowind - Progressive Power Metal
Soul Cages - melodic heavy/progressive metal
Soulfade - Power/Progressive Metal
Soulgate - Progressive Death/Thrash Metal
Soulstice - Progressive Thrash Metal
SoulTakers - Progressive Metal
Sound of Silence - Progressive Metal
Southern Storm - Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal
Space Odyssey - Neo-Classical Progressive Metal
Spastic Ink - Technical Progressive Metal
Specter - Ambient Progressive Metal
Spectral Incursion - Progressive Heavy Metal
Spectrus - Progressive metal
Spellbinder (US) - Progressive Metal
Spellbound (Ltu) - Progressive Metal
Spheric Universe Experience - Progressive Metal
Spiral Architect - Technical/progressive metal
Spiral Tower - Power/Speed Metal with progressive influences
Spiritus Tenebrae - Dark Progessive/Black Metal
Stampede (Ger) - Progressive Metal
Star One - progressive metal/rock
Stargate (Ita) - Progressive/Power Metal
Static Limit - Progressive Metal
Stauros - Progressive Power Metal
Steel Without Name - Progressive / Power Metal
Stephan Forte - Progressive/Neo-Classical/Shred Metal
Stonehenge (Hun) - Progressive Metal
Strange Land - Progressive Metal
Stream - Progressive Metal
Stride - Progressive Metal
Subconscious - Crossover ('93-'97), Progressive Thrash/Death (first demo and now)
Subcutane - Heavy/prog, thrash metal
Subterranean Masquerade - Progressive Psychedelic Metal
Subterranean Vision Serpent - Progressive/Power Metal
Sun Caged - Progressive Metal
Sundown - Progressive
Superhead - Progressive Fusion Metal
Superior - Progressive metal
Supremacy (Svn) - Death Metal (earlier)/Progressive Metal (now)
Surgeon - Progressive/Power Metal
Suspyre - Progressive/Neo-Classical Metal
Sylentwake - Gothic/Progressive/Atmospheric Metal with Rock inserts
Symbolic (Bos) - Progressive Metal/Hard Rock
Symbolic (Ita) - Progressive Death Metal
Symbyosis - Progressive Death Metal
Symmetry (Hol) - Progressive Metal
Symphony X - Progressive Power Metal
Synchronic - Progressive Death/Thrash Metal
Syndicate - Power/Prog Metal
Synoptic Rise - Progressive Metal
Syrens Call - Progressive Metal
Syrinx - Progressive Metal
Syris - Power/progressive metal
Syrus (US) - progressive metal
System Addict - progressive thrash
System Failure - Progressive Metal
Syzygy - Instrumental progressive metal
T.A.R. - Progressive heavy metal
Tacere - Progressive/Power Metal
Tal Dorgar - Progressive Metal
Talamasca - progressive metal
Taliensin - progressive metal
Talisphere - power/progressive metal
Tarantula Hawk - Psychedelic progressive metal
Taraxacum - progressive power/speed metal
Teabag - Thrashy Progressive Metal
Tears of Anger - Melodic Progressive Heavy Metal
Tears of Sahara - Progressive Metal
TellTaleHard - progressive metal
Tempo Tantrum - Progressive Metal, Melodic, Epic
Tenebris (Pol) - Progressive Death Metal
Tenebrium (US) - death, black, progressive, symphonic
Teramaze - Progressive Metal, Modern Rock
Terminal Function - Technical Progressive Death Metal
Test of Faith - Progressive Metal
Textures - Progressive / Death / Thrash Metal
Thales - Progressive Melodic Death Metal
Thalion - Progressive Metal
Thanatopsis (US) - Progressive Death Metal
Thangelic - Progressive Metal
Thanos Nocturnum - progressive black metal
The Armada - melodic prog/power metal
The Beyond - Progressive
The Black (Ita) - Heavy/Doom Metal, Prog Rock
The Black League - Dark progressive metal
The Centre of Gravity - Progressive Death Metal
The Evolution - Heavy/Progressive Metal
The Experience - progressive thrash metal
The Hollow - Progressive Metal
The Implicate Order - Progressive Black Metal
The Jelly Jam - Neo-Prog, Progressive Metal
The Loving Tongue - Progressive Metal / Rock, Celtic Metal, World Music
The Ottoman Empire - Progressive Metal
The Prowlers - Heavy/Progressive Metal
The Quiet Room - Progressive Metal
The Revenge Project - Extreme/Technical Black/Death Metal with Progressive/Atmospheric Influences
The Second Moon - Avantgarde Black Metal
The Soundbyte - Avantgarde
The Synaptic Dissent - Progressive Metal
The Warning - progressive metal
The Watchers - Prog / ambient
Thee Maldoror Kollective - avant-garde
Theocracy - Epic progressive power metal
Theoda - Progressive Black/Death Metal
Theory - Thrash/progressive
Therm.Eye.Flame - Progressive Black Metal
Third Eye - Progressive Metal
Thorshammer - Thrash / Progressive Metal
Thought Industry - Progressive Metal
Thought Sphere - progressive metal
Thragedium - Folk/Melodic/Doom/Prog Metal
Thrashenizer - Progressive Metal
Threinody - Progressive thrash
Threshold (Fra) - progressive power metal
Threshold (UK) - Progressive Metal
Thuy Trieu Do - Progressive metal
Thy Catafalque - Avantgarde Metal
Tiananogue - Progressive Metal
Tiles - Progressive rock/metal
Tim Donahue - Progressive Rock/Metal
Time Curve Symmetry - Progressive Metal
Time Machine - Progressive melodic metal
Timestorm - Progressive Power Metal
Tinnitus - Progressive Death Metal
Titan Force - Progressive heavy/Power Metal
Tiwanaku - Progressive Death Metal
Tixotropia - Power / Progressive Metal
Tom Abella - Progressive Metal
Tomorrow's Eve - Progressive Metal
Torman Maxt - Progressive Metal
Tornado (Ser) - Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal
Totenmond - Progressive death metal/punk infused
Toxodeth - Death/Grind (early), Progressive (now)
Tragedy Divine - Progressive Metal
Trampled Underfoot - Power / Progressive Metal
Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Orchestral/progressive rock/metal
Transatlantic - Progressive Metal
Transcendence (Can) - Progressive atmospheric metal
Transcendence (Ger) - progressive power metal
Transcendence (US) - Progressive Metal
Transcending Mortality - Melodic Progressive Power Metal
Transe - Progressive Industrial Metal
Transmission - Progressive Metal
Transnight - Progressive Metal
Treasure Land - Melodic Power/Progressive
Tremor - Progressive Metal
Trilogy (Aus) - Progressive metal
Triple 7 - Progressive/Power/Thrash Metal
Trisomy - Progressive Metal
Tritonus - progressive heavy/power metal
Trivial Act - Progressive Metal
Trytan - Progressive Metal
Tumulus (Rus) - Progressive Folk Metal
TunnelVision - Progressive Metal
Twelfth Gate - Traditional/Progressive Metal
Twilight Odyssey - Power/Progressive Metal
Twilight Symphony (US) - Symphonic Progressive Metal
Twisted Motivations - power/progressive metal
Tyccoma - progressive power metal
Tyr (FI) - Epic / Power / Viking / Progressive
U.N.I.T. - Progressive/Power Metal
Uirapuru - melodic prog metal
Ulan Bator - Progressive/Power Metal
Ulf Reich - Progressive / Death Metal
Ulysses - Progressive Metal
Umbrtka - Atmospheric Black Metal, Avant Garde
Uncrossed - Progressive Groove Metal
Undefined - Progressive Death Metal
Unicorn (Swe) - Progressive Metal
Unmoored - Progressive Death Metal
Unspoken - Progressive metal/rock
Unspoken Names - Gothic/Progressive Metal
Urizen - Metal, Avant-Garde
Urn of Might - Progressive/Doom/Death Metal
Vacant Planet - Progressive Metal
Vagabond (Nor) - Progressive
Vahladian - Progressive Power Metal
Val'Paraiso - progressive metal/rock
Valas - Progressive/Heavy Metal
Valhalla (US) - epic/progressive metal
Valinor (Mex) - Melodic Power/Progressive Metal
Valley's Eve - Progressive Metal
Van EE - Progressive Metal
Vanadium (Ger) - heavy/progressive metal
Vanden Plas - Progressive metal
Vanilla Rex - Progressive Metal
Vanishing Point - Melodic/Progressive metal
Vanquish - Progressive Metal
Varso - Progressive Metal
Vauxdvihl - Progressive Metal
Vediog Svaor - Black/Psychedelic/Progressive
Veil of Anguish - Progressive Death Metal with Black, Gothic and Atmospheric elements
Veil of Maya - Progressive Heavy Metal
Veni Domine - Progressive Doom Metal
Vermin (Hol) - Progressive Death Metal
Vernissage - Progressive Power Metal
Vers'Over - Power / Progressive
VexatiSouls - Prog Metal
Victor Smolski - Heavy Metal, progressive metal, classical, avant-garde
Victoria - Progressive Heavy Metal
Victory (UK) - AOR/Progressive, NWOBHM
Vigilance - progressive metal
Vigilante - Heavy/Progressive Metal
Vindikation - Progressive/Industrial/Death Metal
Vintersorg - Viking / folk metal, progressive post-black
Violent Marv - Death / Progressive Metal
Violent Night - progressive thrash
Virgo (Matos/Paeth) - Progressive Rock
Vis Vires - Progressive Metal
Visoki Napon - Progressive Metal
Vitalij Kuprij - instrumental progressive neo-classical metal
Viuda Negra - Progressive Metal
Voices of Silence - progressive power-heavy metal
Voivod - Punkish speed metal, progressive metal
Vows in Ashes - Death/Black/Progressive Metal
Vox Tempus - Progressive Metal
Waltari - Progressive, Thrash, Industrial
War-Tog - Thrash/Progressive Metal
Warchitect - Technical/Progressive Death Metal
Wars of Winter - Progressive Death
Watchtower - Progressive/Technical Thrash Metal
Wind of Hate - Progressive Heavy Metal
Winds (Nor) - neoclassical progressive metal
Windseeker - Power / Progressive Metal
Wingdom - Progressive metal
Winter of Life - Progressive/Alternative/Gothic Metal
Winter Spirit - Avantgarde Doom Metal
Within Death - Progressive Death Metal
WithinAnother - Progressive metal
Without Face - Progressive Gothic Metal
Without Warning - Progressive Metal/Rock
Withoutend - Progressive Metal
Wolverine (Swe) - Progressive/Melodic Metal
World of Silence - Progressive Metal
Wotan (Ita) - Power Progressive Metal
Wuthering Heights - Progressive/Power/Folk Metal
X Factor X - Progressive
X-Japan - Heavy/Progressive/Power Metal
Xaal - Progressive Rock / Metal / Fusion
Xenomorph - Progressive Death Metal
Xerxes - Progressive Metal
XEX - progressive thrash
XLR8R - Power / Progressive Metal
Xteria - Prog Metal/Rock
XthoughtstreamsX - Progressive, Experimental Classical, Death Metal
Ynis Vitrin - Progressive Metal
Youthcorpse - Prog/Death Metal
Z - Progressive Death Metal
Zagros Atica - progressive metal
Zen - Progressive Metal
Zero Gravity - Progressive Metal
Zero Hour (US) - Progressive metal
Zuper Faro - Death / Progressive Metal



