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[新闻]ps3 最新功能揭露

Key points include:

* The PS3 will have an online service that surpasses Xbox Live

* PS3 will be your replacement Tivo, yes it will have the capability of being a DVR
* There are many more games being developed in the United States then previously thought

* The PS3 Final Dev kit is faster then expected

* Includes a download service similar to iTunes from which you can download movies, music, etc. (mark my words; it will be called Sony Connect).

* Media Center capabilities will be a step above that of the 360

* The PS3 will serve as a Location Free Player for the Playstation Portable. This means that you will be able to watch DVD's and Blu-ray's as well as downloaded videos inside your PS3 on your PSP remotely via the internet

* the PSP will be able to control thePlaystation 3's DVR functions as well as send files to and from the PS3

* Firmware updates will add new functionality, very similar to the PSP

* Developers are being told to prep for a fall release of the PS3, and it is expected that the online service will launch at the same time


