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Neue Wertungen des 'PlayStation Magazine'

14.10.05 - Hier sind neue Wertungen des amerikanischen 'PlayStation Magazine' (PSM). Maximal werden 10 Punkte vergeben (Danke an Mrbob).

Resident Evil 4 (PS2, Capcom): 10 (满分!) **Spiel des Monats** 生化危机4

Sly 3 (PS2, Sony): 8  狡狐大冒险3

Castlevania Curse of Darkness (PS2, Konami): 7  恶魔城:黑暗的诅咒

Shadow of the Colossus (PS2, Sony): 9,5  旺达与巨像

Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks (PS2, Midway): 8  真人快打—少林武僧

Without Warning (PS2, Capcom): 3,5

Ratchet Deadlocked (PS2, Sony): 8  瑞奇与叮当:死锁

SSX On Tour (PS2, EA): 6,5

Jak X Racing (PS2, Sony): 7  杰克 X 赛车

The Sims 2 (PS2, EA): 9  模拟人生2

X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (PS2, Activision): 8,5  X-MEN传奇2

Ultimate Spider-Man (PS2, Activision): 8  终极蜘蛛侠

Crash Tag Team Racing (PS2, Vivendi): 6,5

Conflict: Global Terror [Conflict: Global Storm] (PS2, 2KGames): 7,5

Radiata Stories (PS2, Square Enix): 6,5

Suikoden Tactics (PS2, Konami): 7,0  水浒传战略篇

Karaoke Revolution Party (PS2, Konami): 8,5 

Devil Kings (PS2, Capcom): 6  战国婆娑罗

Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit (PS2, Konami): 6,5

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS2, LucasArts): 9  星球大战:前线2

Suzuki TT Superbikes (PS2, Valcon Games): 7,5

Blitz: The League (PS2, Midway): 6

Eyetoy Kinetic (PS2, Sony): 6,5

Gretzky NHL '06 (PS2, Sony): 5

World Series of Poker (PS2, Activision): 5

Battlefield 2 Modern Combat (PS2, EA): 8,5

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Mutant Nightmare (PS2, Konami): 5

Chicken Little (PS2, Buena Vista Games): 5,5

Madden NFL 06 (PSP, EA): 8,5

NBA Live 06 (PSP, EA): 9

Virtua Tennis (PSP, Sega): 9 

AC Formula Front (PSP, From Software): 6,5

Frogger Helmet Chaos (PSP, Konami): 6



