??Once he had recovered, he found himself being dragged away from media interviews by overzealous Chinese marshals. A scuffle broke out, in which Davies’s coach Kevin Renshaw, and Michael Scott, Britain’s performance director, shouted at the marshals to “keep your hands off him – do not touch him.” The female marshal then shouted at Davies, who broke off from being interviewed to say: “Just shut up!” She did no such thing but before she knew it, Davies had splashed water in her face from the drinks bottle he was carrying. Scott joked: “He was just shaking a champagne bottle, nothing more than that.”
这时比赛早已结束,原定11:50的颁奖仪式也耽误了,所有的人都在等候戴维斯一人。义务工作人员催促了好几次,偏偏戴维斯兴致来了,还对着众多英国媒体喋喋不休。一位女义工以为戴维斯没听到,上前轻拉他的衣袖,这可惹恼了一旁的教练Kevin Renshaw,和英国队的主管Michael Scott。两人大叫“放开手,不许碰他!”(keep your hands off him – do not touch him)。
女义工继续催促,要戴维斯停止采访去参加颁奖仪式。这回可惹火了戴维斯,转身冲着女义大叫“闭嘴”(Will you shut up?)。戴维斯觉得还不解气,顺手一瓶水全浇在女工的脸上,惹得旁边一群人哈哈大笑。戴维斯这才结束采访,乐呵呵地去参加颁奖仪式。
英国水上项目主管Michael Scott笑称,“没什么,这瓶水只当是庆祝胜利的香槟。” (He was just shaking a champagne bottle, nothing more than that.)