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标题: 很好很强大 很黄很暴力 [打印本页]

作者: 拿黄瓜敲桌子    时间: 2008-2-5 14:00     标题: 很好很强大 很黄很暴力

北京五輪パンフにハルヒ似漫画 便乗商法に早くも不安の声


北京五輪パンフレットの表紙画(左)と「涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱」の表紙画  北京五輪のパンフレットが販売されているアマゾンの中国語サイトでは、表紙に描かれた漫画を見ることができる。テニスラケットを手にした少年少女のイラストで、少女が涼宮ハルヒに似ているというのだ。パンフには、表紙に北京五輪のロゴマークが入っており、2007年7月に発行されたとある。中国人選手や競技場とみられる写真が掲載されたページも紹介してある。

  確かに、03年6月に発売された角川スニーカー文庫「涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱」(著者・谷川流、イラスト・いとうのいぢ)に描かれた表紙画と比べてみると、顔つきや髪のリボン、セーラー服などに共通点が見られる。このパンフの表紙画が最初に紹介されたのは、日韓翻訳掲示板の「enjoy Korea」とみられ、08年1月24日だった。最近、中韓のネットバトルが話題だが、なぜこの掲示板で取り上げられたのかは不明だ。その後、ブログなどで話題になり、2ちゃんねるでも29日ごろからいくつかスレッドが立つようになった。









[ 本帖最后由 拿黄瓜敲桌子 于 2008-2-5 14:02 编辑 ]
作者: i_icezjl    时间: 2008-2-5 14:01

作者: Killy07    时间: 2008-2-5 14:07

作者: 神医【曲席瑞】    时间: 2008-2-5 14:09

作者: 自由的天空    时间: 2008-2-5 14:31

作者: jugcler    时间: 2008-2-5 14:54

作者: 时の光    时间: 2008-2-5 16:12

作者: 昏黄的神猪    时间: 2008-2-5 17:07

Beijing Olympics PANFU HARUHI similar to the Commercial Code as early as sneaky cartoon voices concern
   Chinese sites in the Amazon that are being sold to introduce Beijing Olympics brochure's cover painting believed to be the popular Japanese cartoon character girl, "Liang HARUHI Palace" similar to the net and in the news. August 2008 ahead of the Olympics, officials are already taking advantage of the Commercial Code of copyright infringement have to worry about.

Chinese sales of the Amazon site PANFU

Beijing Olympics brochure's cover painting (left) and "Liang Palace HARUHI melancholy" Beijing Olympics brochure cover painting is being sold on Amazon's site in Chinese, drawn cartoon cover to be able to see. Tennis racket in hand with illustrations by boys and girls, girls Liang HARUHI resemblance to the Palace. PANFU the cover is in the Beijing Olympics logo and July 2007 and were issued. Chinese athletes and the stadium picture is believed to have been introduced to the page.

   Indeed, in June 1903角川sneakers were released in paperback, "Liang HARUHI melancholy Palace" (author Ryuu Tanigawa, illustrations and Uno Ito DZI) compared drawn try and cover painting, face and hair ribbon, sailor suit and see similarities. PANFU cover of this painting was first introduced by the translation of the board of Japan and South Korea "enjoy Korea," believed to be January 24, 1908. Recently, China and South Korea battle is the subject of the net, but the story of why this board is not known. Since then, blogs and other topics, Channel 2 in 29 regular basis up to several threads.

   HARUHI side is the author of the PANFU covers how to look at paintings? Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co., publisher of the paperback edition of the Management Department, J-CAST news coverage following.

"Certainly, HARUHI said to be similar to that tells us is that for maximum cover and paintings are drawn, it's very disappointing. Just a sailor suit, similar in pose, and it, too, painting is a cry from the very sort of thing. HARUHI difference compared to force portrayal amateurish illustrations, similar to that of the author as rude. "
   Therefore, the only cover painting copyright infringement is quite difficult to determine. Administration Department, the "cartoon trace the maximum and find that the more I wrote, and did not express similar violations noted. Obtain brochures, the contents of the character is being used to check whether or not to the corresponding I want to consider, "he said.

And the official can not confirm
   By the way, this brochure is one of China's Olympic Organizing Committee issued an official one?

   J-CAST News on January 29, the organizing committee tried to put out direct mail, but did not respond until yesterday evening. Therefore, the Chinese embassy asked the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Culture officials, PANFU China's Zhejiang Province issued by the publisher explained. The Ministry of the organizing committee once a month from the "Beijing 2008 Olympic Games" the official booklet was sent to me, "the organizing committee has issued a brochure that is not confirmed," he said. HARUHI cover painting is similar to point out that, "the only cover photo image is not copyrighted, is not in a position to comment."

   The Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC), J-CAST and news reporters, "This brochure, I have not seen. Logo of the Beijing Olympic Games as an official was not sure, so I have no comment to" ( strengthening) and the. Kadokawa Shoten, the "official brochure while investigating whether it is the state that is very思えませんpublishers," he said.

   In China, Japanese cartoons, including many imitations, which are sold pirated and has been frequently reported. Tripartite China. Fu, such as copyright violations and measures to try NAKUSOU seem to be in the Beijing Olympics is just great business opportunity infringement flood worrying about things out.

   JOC to handle copyright issues in the marketing room, "copyright-related, and currently is not a problem specific. However, the future, character goods and the violation of human rights concerns there," he said. Also, Kadokawa Shoten, "Beijing Olympics and China relations, the Company's content over copyright infringement lawsuit and the criminal case is still in litigation. However, the concern is. Brochure case is a very中国らしい. our magazine series that Sgt. Frog, the cartoon is so easy to真似vigilant. copyright is not yet enough is not being protected because of the situation, the Chinese Prevention. Kremlin is not it is reported to be compromised, "he said.
作者: 昏黄的神猪    时间: 2008-2-5 17:08

北京奥运panfu haruhi类似商业法典早在偷偷摸摸的卡通声音,关注
   中文网站在亚马孙现正出售给引进北京奥运宣传手册的封面画被认为是流行的日本卡通人物女孩" ,亮haruhi宫"类似净,并在新闻中。 2008年8月提前了奥运会主办权后,官员已经利用商业行为守则版权侵权有这个顾虑。


北京奥运宣传手册的封面绘画(左)和"梁宫haruhi忧郁的"北京奥运宣传手册封面画是卖给亚马逊的网站在中国人,得出的漫画封面,以能够看到。网球拍手,图文并茂,由男孩和女孩,女孩梁haruhi相似的宫殿。 panfu封面,是在北京奥运标识和2007年7月,并分别发表了。中国体育健儿与球场图片,相信已被引入到一页。

   的确,在1903年6月角川胶鞋被释放,平装本, "良haruhi忧郁宫" (作者: ryuu谷川,插图和起UNO伊藤珠)相比,得出的尝试,并涵盖绘画,脸和头发丝带,水手西装,看到相似之处。 panfu封面这幅画最初是由翻译的董事会日本和韩国"享受韩国, "据信是1908年1月24日。最近,中国和韩国是战斗的主题网,但这个故事的,为什么这个委员会是不知道。自那时以来,博客以及其它的议题,通道2 29个定期多达几线程。


"当然, haruhi说是类似这告诉我们,就是最大的封面作品绘就,这是非常令人失望的,只是一个水手套装,在同类构成,它也画是一个距离非常这类事情。 haruhi差异相比,力量的写照外行的插图,类似当年的作者作为粗鲁" 。
   因此,只涵盖绘画侵犯版权的,是相当困难的决定。行政管理部门, "卡通追查最高发觉原来我越写,并没有发表类似的侵犯。索取的小册子,内容的性质,是用于检查是否有不相应,我想考虑"他说。


   歼轰投下消息1月29日,组委会试图扑灭直接邮寄的,但没有回应,直到昨天晚上。因此,中国大使馆询问,文化部,文化部的官员, panfu中国的浙江全省发出出版商解释。财政部组织委员会每月一次,由"北京2008年奥运会的"官方小册子发给我的" ,组委会已发出了一本小册子,这是不证实, "他说。 haruhi封面画的是类似指出, "唯一的封面照片影像,是不受版权法,是不能作出任何评论" 。

   日本奥林匹克委员会( joc ) ,歼轰演员和记者, "这本小册子,我还没有看到。标识的北京奥运会作为官方并不清楚,所以,我没有意见" (加强)和。角川shoten , "官方手册,同时进行调查,是否是国家,这是非常思えません出版商, "他说。


    joc处理版权问题,在市场营销室, "著作权有关的,目前是没有问题,具体的,但未来的,性格的商品和侵犯人权的关切, "他说。此外,角川shoten , "北京奥运与中国的关系,该公司的内容,著作权的侵权诉讼和刑事案件仍在进行中的诉讼,不过,最令人关注的是。小册子案是一个非常中国らしい,我们的杂志系列中士青蛙,这幅漫画是那么容易真似保持警惕。版权尚未足够,是不被保护,因为这一情况后,中国预防。克里姆林宫并不据了解,以作出妥协, "他说。
作者: 昏黄的神猪    时间: 2008-2-5 17:09     标题: By Google

作者: liuhlightning    时间: 2008-2-5 17:22

作者: 昏黄的神猪    时间: 2008-2-5 17:23     标题: 通了誰還看..

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