On the first day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
a brand new SCV
On the second day of christmas of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
2 Terran Wraiths and a brand new scv
On the third day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
3 Marines, 2 terran wraiths, and a brand new SCV
On the fourth day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
4 Hyrdalisk, 3 Marines, 2 Terran Wraiths, and a brand new SCV
On the fifth day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
5 New born queens, 4 Hyrdalisks, 3 Marines, 2 Terran Wraiths, and brand new SC
On the sixth day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
6 Zealots fighting, 5 new born queens, 4 Hyrdalisks, 3 Marines, 2 Terran Wrait
hs, and brand new SCV
On the seventh day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
7 Zerglings Sliming, 6 Zealots fighting, 5 Newborn queens, 4 Hyrdalisks, 3 Mar
ines, 2 Terran Wraiths, and a brand new SCV.
On the eigth day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
8 Archons burning, 7 Zerglings Sliming, 6 Zealots fighting, 5 Newborn queens,
4 Hyrdalisks, 3 Marines, 2 Terran Wraiths, and a brand new SCV.
On the ninth day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
9 Battle Cruisers, Power Overwhelming, 7 Zerglings Sliming, 6 Zealots fighting
, 5 Newborn queens, 4 Hyrdalisks, 3 Marines, 2 Terran Wraiths, and a brand new
On the tenth day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
10 Ultralisks, 9 Battle Cruisers, Terror All Consuming, 7 Zerglings Sliming, 6
Zealots fighting, 5 Newborn queens, 4 Hyrdalisks, 3 Marines, 2 Terran Wraiths
, and a brand new SCV.
On the eleventh day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
11 Science Vessels, 10 Ultralisks, 9 Battle Cruisers, Plenty of This Singing,
7 Zerglings Sliming, 6 Zealots fighting, 5 Newborn queens, 4 Hyrdalisks, 3 Mar
ines, 2 Terran Wraiths, and a brand new SCV.
On the twelth day of christmas, blizzard gave to me...
12 Arbitors, 11 Science Vessels, 10 Ultralisks, 9 Battle Cruisers, 8 Archons B
urning, 7 Zerglings Sliming, 6 Zealots fighting, 5 Newborn queens, 4 Hyrdalisk
s, 3 Marines, 2 Terran Wraiths, and a brand new SCV.
All: Whoo!
Wraith Pilot: Why am I so jolly?
Marine: Hey, who spiked the egg nog?作者: 中轴线 时间: 2007-12-18 17:47