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标题: [历史] KRO 2007.12.5更新内容 - 战场实装 世界地图实装 特级网咖服务! [打印本页]

作者: bismarck    时间: 2007-12-5 22:38     标题: KRO 2007.12.5更新内容 - 战场实装 世界地图实装 特级网咖服务!

KRO 2007.12.5 更新内容



■ 2007년 12월 5일 점검내용

- 전장 시스템 "Battle Field - The War of Ragnarok" 가 업데이트 됩니다.
 1) 총 2종의 전장(티에라 협곡, 플라비우스)이 적용됩니다.
   종류당 2개의 전장이 존재합니다.
  : 티에라 협곡은 단판승이며, 플라비우스는 3판 2선승제 입니다.
 2) 전장은 19:19으로 진행됩니다.
 3) 각 마을에 있는 마롤 전장 모병관을 통해서 전장 대기장에 입장하실 수 있습니다.
 4) 플레이어는 전투에 참여하여 휘장을 얻게 되며, 승/패에 따라 얻는
   휘장의 수는 달라집니다. 이 휘장은 보상 아이템으로 교환할 수 있습니다.
   보상 아이템은 소비 아이템과 장비 아이템이 존재합니다.
 5) 이곳에서는 플레이어가 사망했을 시, 일정 시간이 지나면 다시 전투에
   참가할 수 있습니다.
 6) 각 전장마다 재입장 대기시간이 존재합니다. 한 번 입장했던 전장은 입장했던
   시간을 기준으로 30분이 지나야 다시 입장할 수 있습니다.
 7) 일부 스킬들은 사용이 제한됩니다.

  * 플라비우스 전장
  a. 플라비우스 전장은 양 진영의 크리스탈을 먼저 파괴하는 쪽이 이기는 전장입니다.
  b. 이 양 진영의 크리스탈을 지키는 가디언이 존재하며, 가디언을 쓰러뜨려야만
    크리스탈을 공격할 수 있습니다.
  c. 크리스탈을 파괴하면 1점의 포인트를 획득하며, 먼저 2점을 획득하는 진영이
    승리하게 됩니다.

  * 티에라 협곡 전장
  a. 양 진영은 협곡을 중심으로 위 아래로 배치됩니다.
  b. 각 진영에는 지켜야 할 식량창고가 존재하며, 이 식량창고가 파괴되면
    패하게 됩니다.
  c. 협곡 정 가운데에는 전진 기지가 존재합니다. 이 기지의 깃발을 차지하는
    진영은 이 전진기지에서 부활하는 것이 가능하게 되어 유리한 위치에
    서게 됩니다.
  d. 협곡 왼쪽에는 바리게이트로 막혀진 샛길도 존재합니다.
    이곳의 바리게이트를 조금 더 유리한 위치를 차지하십시오.
    부서진 바리게이트는 복구도 가능합니다.

- 전장 내에서는 "/전장" 명령어를 통해 같은 진영 플레이어들만 볼 수 있는
 전장 채팅이 가능합니다.
- 전장은 노비스 계열을 제외한 전 직업 "80레벨"이상 플레이어만
 입장할 수 있습니다

- 월드맵 시스템이 업데이트 됩니다.
 1) 단축 명령어 : Ctrl + `(숫자1 좌측 키)
 2) 창 상단의 돋보기를 클릭하면 전체 맵 네임이 보입니다.
 3) 파티원이 있는 맵이 표시되며, 표시된 맵에 마우스를 올려놓으면
   해당 파티원의 이름과 미니맵이 보입니다.
 4) 자기 자신은 월드맵 상에 별모양으로 표시됩니다.

- 크루세이더 세트 카드 옵션 이상 현상이 수정됩니다.

- 보스 몬스터 리젠 타임의 변동폭이 비정상적으로 길게 적용되던 것이 수정됩니다.
- 공성 SE 업데이트 이벤트가 종료됩니다.
- 일부 맵 및 미니맵의 오류가 수정됩니다.
- PC방 프리미엄 서비스 중 프버방시피 NPC의 보상이 변경됩니다.
 (기존 요금제 이외에 정액 결제자가 골드 PC방에서 접속시 추가 혜택이 있습니다.)

 1) 실버
 - 탐욕 스크롤 판매
 - 버프 : ALL STATUS + 3, ATK/MATK +15

 2) 골드
 - 탐욕 스크롤, 대환단, 태청단 판매
 - 버프 : ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24

 3) 스페셜(골드+정액)
 - 탐욕 스크롤, 대환단, 태청단, 마패 판매
 - 버프 : ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24
      STR + 8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK + 32, FLEE + 5
      INT + 8, DEX + 6, VIT + 4, MATK + 40
      DEX + 8, LUK + 6, AGI + 4, ATK/MATK + 24 / 중 택 1

 * 상기 수치중 ATK/MATK, FLEE 는 모두 절대치 증가량으로
  다른 소비아이템 효과와 중첩되지 않으며, 나중에 사용한 아이템의
  효과가 우선시 됩니다. (%증가가 아닌 해당 수치만큼의 증가)

- 신규 이모티콘 재생 속도가 수정됩니다.
- 아지트 보물상자에서 나오는 아이템이 변경됩니다.
- 공성전SE의 저지선 관련 오류가 일부 수정됩니다.


■ 2007년 12월 5일 점검내용

- 메모리얼 던전 오류 사항이 수정됩니다.
- 메모리얼 던전 [봉인의 신전]의 대사와 시간제한이 수정되었습니다.
- 메모리얼 던전 [엔들레스 타워]의 내부 몬스터 이름과 npc들의 이름이 수정되었습니다.
- 보스 몬스터 리젠 타임의 변동폭이 비정상적으로 길게 적용되던 것이 수정됩니다.
- 공성 SE 업데이트 이벤트가 종료됩니다.
- 일부 맵 및 미니맵의 오류가 수정됩니다.
- PC방 프리미엄 서비스 중 프버방시피 NPC의 보상이 변경됩니다.
 (기존 요금제 이외에 정액 결제자가 골드 PC방에서 접속시 추가 혜택이 있습니다.)

 1) 실버
 - 탐욕 스크롤 판매
 - 버프 : ALL STATUS + 3, ATK/MATK +15

 2) 골드
 - 탐욕 스크롤, 대환단, 태청단 판매
 - 버프 : ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24

 3) 스페셜(골드+정액)
 - 탐욕 스크롤, 대환단, 태청단, 마패 판매
 - 버프 : ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24
      STR + 8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK + 32, FLEE + 5
      INT + 8, DEX + 6, VIT + 4, MATK + 40
      DEX + 8, LUK + 6, AGI + 4, ATK/MATK + 24 / 중 택 1

 * 상기 수치중 ATK/MATK, FLEE 는 모두 절대치 증가량으로 다른 소비아이템 효과와
  중첩되지 않으며, 나중에 사용한 아이템의 효과가 우선시 됩니다.
  (%증가가 아닌 해당 수치만큼의 증가)

- 신규 이모티콘 재생 속도가 수정됩니다.
- 아지트 보물상자에서 나오는 아이템이 변경됩니다.
- 공성전SE의 저지선 관련 오류가 일부 수정됩니다.


Sakray Test Server

- Corrected various problems with the memorial dungeon.
- Corrected the time limit on "Sealed Shrine" memorial dungeon.
- Corrected some mistakes with monster names and npc names within the "Endless Tower" memorial dungeon.

Main Servers

The battlegrounds game update "Battlefield - The War of Ragnarok" has been implimented.
1) Two types of battlegrounds have been added (Tierra Valley and Flavius). Tierra Valley is a single round, and Frebeus is best out of three.
2) The matches are 19 vs 19, and enough players must be assembled before matches can begin.
3) After signing up with the specific NPC you'll be moved to a special waiting area until the match is ready.
4) Participation in battlegrounds is rewarded with various emblems, with the number gained depending on if you win or lose. These emblems can be exchanged for various rewards.
5) When a player dies, there is a delay before that player can re-enter the match.
6) There are limits in place to participation in battlegrounds. Once you sign up for a battleground, there is a 30 minute delay before you can sign up for another match.
7) Some skill limitations exist for battlegrounds.

  * Flavius Battleground
  a. Victory is obtained by destroying the opposing teams crystal.
  b. The crystal for each team is protected by a guardian that must be defeated before the crystal can be attacked.
  c. When the crystal is destroyed, you gain one point. Your team wins if you obtain two points.

  * Tierra Valley Battleground
  a. The two forts are arranged at the north and south end of the map.
  b. Each fort has a storehouse that must be defended, and by destroying the opposing teams store you win the match.
  c. There is a third base at the center of the map. If your team occupies this point, you will be able to spawn here instead of farther back.
  d. There is a series of back routes that are blocked by barricades. By destroying these barricades you can gain an advantage, so be sure to defend these points.

- The world map system has been added.
1) The shortcut key is Ctrl + ` (left of the 1 key on most keyboards).
2) You can view the minimap by clicking on that map.
3) Party members are indicated on the map, and you can view thier names by mousing over that map. Party members also show up on that maps minimap.
4) You can also view your own position within the game world.

- Corrected a bug with the crusader set.

All Servers

- Corrected the variance of boss monster spawn times being set too high.
- The WoE:SE event has ended.
- Corrected some mistakes with map and minimap display.
- Corrected speed of some of the new emoticons.
- Changed items available from castle treasure boxes.
- Corrected an issue with WoE:SE barricades.
- Updated the options for the premium netcafe service from the representative npc.

 1) Silver
 - Greed scrolls are available for purchase
 - Buffs: ALL STATUS + 3, ATK/MATK +15

 2) Gold
 - Greed scrolls, Red Medicine, and Blue Medicine are available.
 - Buffs: ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24

 3) Special (Gold + Extra)
 - Greed scrolls, red medicine, blue medicine, and authorative badge (special are available.
 - Buffs:
> Type 1: ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24
> Type 2: STR + 8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK + 32, FLEE + 5
> Type 3: INT + 8, DEX + 6, VIT + 4, MATK + 40
> Type 4: DEX + 8, LUK + 6, AGI + 4, ATK/MATK + 24

The ATK/MATK and FLEE bonuses are absolute values, and are not to be confused with % increases from other items or skills. In the event that the stat bonuses are used with status food, which ever is used last will take effect.




- 修正"副本地图"的各种问题
- 修正封印的神殿的副本时间限制
- 修正一些在"无限塔"里面的怪物名称\NPC名称的错误


"Battlefield - The War of Ragnarok" 战场系统实装

1)增加两个战场(Tierra Valley 提尔娜山谷? and Flavius 法拉维斯?).Tierra Valley 是一个单一的地区,而Flavius是3个中最好的?


* Tierra Valley战场

1)快捷键为Ctrl + `(在大多数键盘上,是1键左边那个键)

- 修正一个十字军套装的BUG


- 修正部分重生时间过长BOSS级怪物的重生时间
- 攻城战(2nd Edition)结束
- 修正世界地图和小地图显示的错误
- 修正一些新表情的显示速度
- 更改城的财宝箱的物品列表
- 修正攻城战(2nd Edition)阻挡防线的一些问题
- 更新从各自NPC的特级网咖服务的选择

- 可以兑换贪婪卷轴
- 属性:全素质+3, ATK/MATK +15
- 可以兑换贪婪卷轴,红药,蓝药
- 属性:全素质 + 6, ATK/MATK + 24
- 可以兑换贪婪卷轴,红药,蓝药,权威徽章(特级可用)
- 属性:
> 一型:全素质 + 6, ATK/MATK + 24
> 二型:STR + 8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK + 32, FLEE + 5
> 三型: INT + 8, DEX + 6, VIT + 4, MATK + 40
> 四型: DEX + 8, LUK + 6, AGI + 4, ATK/MATK + 24


[ 本帖最后由 bismarck 于 2007-12-6 09:21 编辑 ]
作者: bismarck    时间: 2007-12-5 22:39




精炼每+1 咏唱缩短1%
系列 : 头具 防御 : 3
位置 : 上段 重量 : 80
装备 : 全职业


当造成物理攻击 自动释放冰属性化武器1级(可以理解成水附加)
系列 : 头具 防御 : 3
位置 : 上段 重量 : 80
装备 : 全职业


对暗属怪伤害提高3% 受到暗属性伤害减少3%
mdef+2 不可精炼 防御2
系列 : 头具 防御 : 3
位置 : 上段 重量 : 80
装备 : 全职业


vit+1 允许使用 angelus(天障) 1级
系列 : 头具 防御 : 3
位置 : 上段 重量 : 80
装备 : 全职业


重量 : 1


重量 : 1




[ 本帖最后由 bismarck 于 2007-12-6 09:14 编辑 ]
作者: 君寻    时间: 2007-12-5 22:40

作者: bismarck    时间: 2007-12-5 22:41

原帖由 君寻 于 2007-12-5 22:40 发表

作者: bismarck    时间: 2007-12-5 22:45

- PC방 프리미엄 서비스 중 프버방시피 NPC의 보상이 변경됩니다.
 (기존 요금제 이외에 정액 결제자가 골드 PC방에서 접속시 추가 혜택이 있습니다.)

 1) 실버
 - 탐욕 스크롤 판매
 - 버프 : ALL STATUS + 3, ATK/MATK +15

 2) 골드
 - 탐욕 스크롤, 대환단, 태청단 판매
 - 버프 : ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24

 3) 스페셜(골드+정액)
 - 탐욕 스크롤, 대환단, 태청단, 마패 판매
 - 버프 : ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24
      STR + 8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK + 32, FLEE + 5
      INT + 8, DEX + 6, VIT + 4, MATK + 40
      DEX + 8, LUK + 6, AGI + 4, ATK/MATK + 24 / 중 택 1

 * 상기 수치중 ATK/MATK, FLEE 는 모두 절대치 증가량으로 다른 소비아이템 효과와
  중첩되지 않으며, 나중에 사용한 아이템의 효과가 우선시 됩니다.
  (%증가가 아닌 해당 수치만큼의 증가)

作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-5 22:47

December 5, 2007 checkout information,

-- Memorial deonjeon errors are modified.
-- Memorial dust [sealing the temple's ambassador and the time limit has been corrected.
-- Memorial dust [Rath turned Tower] npc names and the names of the internal Monster has been corrected.
-- Boss Monster Rates currently stand at the abnormally long time NL apply it had been modified.
-- Updated requirements SE event will be terminated.
-- Some maps, and the failure of the minimap modified.
-- PC rooms premium services during the NPC peubeobangsipi compensation will change.
(In addition to the existing plan, semen No biller additional benefits and access to the Gold PC room.)

1) Silver
-- Sales of greed scroll
-- Develop: ALL STATUS + 3, ATK / MATK +15

2) Gold
-- Greed scroll, daehwandan, sales taecheongdan
-- Develop: ALL STATUS + 6, ATK / MATK + 24

3) Special (Gold + Cum)
-- Greed scroll, daehwandan, taecheongdan, horse sales
-- Develop: ALL STATUS + 6, ATK / MATK + 24
STR + 8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK + 32, FLEE + 5
INT + 8, DEX + 6, VIT + 4, MATK + 40
DEX + 8, LUK + 6, AGI + 4, ATK / MATK + 24 / of the tag 1

* ABOVE suchijung ATK / MATK, FLEE increase both absolute terms and the effect of other consumer items
Nesting not be used later on the effectiveness of the priority items.
(% Increase in those numbers, not enough increase)

-- Add new emoticons rate is modified.
-- Living in the treasure box items are changed.
-- Hallmark of SE-related errors, prompting some modifications.
作者: qwe84935846    时间: 2007-12-5 22:49

作者: 君寻    时间: 2007-12-5 22:50


Sakray Test Server

- Corrected various problems with the memorial dungeon.
- Corrected the time limit on "Sealed Shrine" memorial dungeon.
- Corrected some mistakes with monster names and npc names within the "Endless Tower" memorial dungeon.

Main Servers

The battlegrounds game update "Battlefield - The War of Ragnarok" has been implimented.
1) Two types of battlegrounds have been added (Tierra Valley and Flavius). Tierra Valley is a single round, and Frebeus is best out of three.
2) The matches are 19 vs 19, and enough players must be assembled before matches can begin.
3) After signing up with the specific NPC you'll be moved to a special waiting area until the match is ready.
4) Participation in battlegrounds is rewarded with various emblems, with the number gained depending on if you win or lose. These emblems can be exchanged for various rewards.
5) When a player dies, there is a delay before that player can re-enter the match.
6) There are limits in place to participation in battlegrounds. Once you sign up for a battleground, there is a 30 minute delay before you can sign up for another match.
7) Some skill limitations exist for battlegrounds.

  * Flavius Battleground
  a. Victory is obtained by destroying the opposing teams crystal.
  b. The crystal for each team is protected by a guardian that must be defeated before the crystal can be attacked.
  c. When the crystal is destroyed, you gain one point. Your team wins if you obtain two points.

  * Tierra Valley Battleground
  a. The two forts are arranged at the north and south end of the map.
  b. Each fort has a storehouse that must be defended, and by destroying the opposing teams store you win the match.
  c. There is a third base at the center of the map. If your team occupies this point, you will be able to spawn here instead of farther back.
  d. There is a series of back routes that are blocked by barricades. By destroying these barricades you can gain an advantage, so be sure to defend these points.

- The world map system has been added.
1) The shortcut key is Ctrl + ` (left of the 1 key on most keyboards).
2) You can view the minimap by clicking on that map.
3) Party members are indicated on the map, and you can view thier names by mousing over that map. Party members also show up on that maps minimap.
4) You can also view your own position within the game world.

- Corrected a bug with the crusader set.

All Servers

- Corrected the variance of boss monster spawn times being set too high.
- The WoE:SE event has ended.
- Corrected some mistakes with map and minimap display.
- Corrected speed of some of the new emoticons.
- Changed items available from castle treasure boxes.
- Corrected an issue with WoE:SE barricades.
- Updated the options for the premium netcafe service from the representative npc.

 1) Silver
 - Greed scrolls are available for purchase
 - Buffs: ALL STATUS + 3, ATK/MATK +15

 2) Gold
 - Greed scrolls, Red Medicine, and Blue Medicine are available.
 - Buffs: ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24

 3) Special (Gold + Extra)
 - Greed scrolls, red medicine, blue medicine, and authorative badge (special are available.
 - Buffs:
> Type 1: ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24
> Type 2: STR + 8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK + 32, FLEE + 5
> Type 3: INT + 8, DEX + 6, VIT + 4, MATK + 40
> Type 4: DEX + 8, LUK + 6, AGI + 4, ATK/MATK + 24

The ATK/MATK and FLEE bonuses are absolute values, and are not to be confused with % increases from other items or skills. In the event that the stat bonuses are used with status food, which ever is used last will take effect.
作者: 7314    时间: 2007-12-5 22:54

作者: I钱I米    时间: 2007-12-5 22:57


[ 本帖最后由 I钱I米 于 2007-12-5 22:58 编辑 ]
作者: 7314    时间: 2007-12-5 23:00

December 5, 2007 checkout information,

-- Memorial deonjeon errors are modified.
-- Memorial dust [sealing the temple's ambassador and the time limit has been corrected.
-- Memorial dust [Rath turned Tower] npc names and the names of the internal Monster has been corrected.
-- Boss Monster Rates currently stand at the abnormally long time NL apply it had been modified.
-- Updated requirements SE event will be terminated.
-- Some maps, and the failure of the minimap modified.
-- PC rooms premium services during the NPC peubeobangsipi compensation will change.
(In addition to the existing plan, semen No biller additional benefits and access to the Gold PC room.)

1) Silver
-- Sales of greed scroll
-- Develop: ALL STATUS + 3, ATK / MATK +15

2) Gold
-- Greed scroll, daehwandan, sales taecheongdan
-- Develop: ALL STATUS + 6, ATK / MATK + 24

3) Special (Gold + Cum)
-- Greed scroll, daehwandan, taecheongdan, horse sales
-- Develop: ALL STATUS + 6, ATK / MATK + 24
STR + 8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK + 32, FLEE + 5
INT + 8, DEX + 6, VIT + 4, MATK + 40
DEX + 8, LUK + 6, AGI + 4, ATK / MATK + 24 / of the tag 1

* ABOVE suchijung ATK / MATK, FLEE increase both absolute terms and the effect of other consumer items
Nesting not be used later on the effectiveness of the priority items.
(% Increase in those numbers, not enough increase)

-- Add new emoticons rate is modified.
-- Living in the treasure box items are changed.
-- Hallmark of SE-related errors, prompting some modifications.





作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-5 23:05

原帖由 君寻 于 2007-12-5 22:50 发表
- Corrected various problems with the memorial dungeon.
- Corrected the time limit on "Sealed Shrine" memorial dungeon.
- Corrected some mistakes with monster names and npc names within the "Endless Tower" memorial dungeon


- 修正副本地图各种问题
- 修正副本地图封印的神殿的时间限制
- 修正一些在副本地图"无限塔"里面的怪物名称\NPC名称的错误

[ 本帖最后由 natineprince 于 2007-12-6 09:04 编辑 ]
作者: 15Mavs    时间: 2007-12-5 23:12

作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-5 23:15

Main Servers

The battlegrounds game update "Battlefield - The War of Ragnarok" has been implimented.
1) Two types of battlegrounds have been added (Tierra Valley and Flavius). Tierra Valley is a single round, and Frebeus is best out of three.
2) The matches are 19 vs 19, and enough players must be assembled before matches can begin.
3) After signing up with the specific NPC you'll be moved to a special waiting area until the match is ready.
4) Participation in battlegrounds is rewarded with various emblems, with the number gained depending on if you win or lose. These emblems can be exchanged for various rewards.
5) When a player dies, there is a delay before that player can re-enter the match.
6) There are limits in place to participation in battlegrounds. Once you sign up for a battleground, there is a 30 minute delay before you can sign up for another match.
7) Some skill limitations exist for battlegrounds.

"Battlefield - The War of Ragnarok" 战场系统实装

1)增加两个战场(Tierra Valley 提尔娜山谷? and Flavius 法拉维斯?).Tierra Valley 是一个单一的地区,而Flavius是3个中最好的?
作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-5 23:16

原帖由 15Mavs 于 2007-12-5 23:12 发表

作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-5 23:26

* Flavius Battleground
  a. Victory is obtained by destroying the opposing teams crystal.
  b. The crystal for each team is protected by a guardian that must be defeated before the crystal can be attacked.
  c. When the crystal is destroyed, you gain one point. Your team wins if you obtain two points.

  * Tierra Valley Battleground
  a. The two forts are arranged at the north and south end of the map.
  b. Each fort has a storehouse that must be defended, and by destroying the opposing teams store you win the match.
  c. There is a third base at the center of the map. If your team occupies this point, you will be able to spawn here instead of farther back.
  d. There is a series of back routes that are blocked by barricades. By destroying these barricades you can gain an advantage, so be sure to defend these points.


* Tierra Valley战场
作者: 飞雪の轨迹    时间: 2007-12-5 23:28

作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-5 23:32

- The world map system has been added.
1) The shortcut key is Ctrl + ` (left of the 1 key on most keyboards).
2) You can view the minimap by clicking on that map.
3) Party members are indicated on the map, and you can view thier names by mousing over that map. Party members also show up on that maps minimap.
4) You can also view your own position within the game world.

- Corrected a bug with the crusader set.

1)快捷键为Ctrl + `(键盘左边第一个键?韩国人的键盘原来左边第一个不是ESC...而且还是一行过的...)
- 修正一个十字君设置的BUG
作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-5 23:39

All Servers

- Corrected the variance of boss monster spawn times being set too high.
- The WoE:SE event has ended.
- Corrected some mistakes with map and minimap display.
- Corrected speed of some of the new emoticons.
- Changed items available from castle treasure boxes.
- Corrected an issue with WoE:SE barricades.
- Updated the options for the premium netcafe service from the representative npc.


- 修正部分重生过慢BOSS级怪物的重生时间
- 某个叫WoE:SE的(活动?任务?)结束
- 修正世界地图和小地图显示的错误
- 修正一些新表情的显示速度
- 更改城的财宝箱的物品列表
- 修正WoE:SE路障的一些问题
- 更新从各自NPC的特级网咖服务的选择
作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-5 23:48

1) Silver
 - Greed scrolls are available for purchase
 - Buffs: ALL STATUS + 3, ATK/MATK +15

 2) Gold
 - Greed scrolls, Red Medicine, and Blue Medicine are available.
 - Buffs: ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24

 3) Special (Gold + Extra)
 - Greed scrolls, red medicine, blue medicine, and authorative badge (special are available.
 - Buffs:
> Type 1: ALL STATUS + 6, ATK/MATK + 24
> Type 2: STR + 8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK + 32, FLEE + 5
> Type 3: INT + 8, DEX + 6, VIT + 4, MATK + 40
> Type 4: DEX + 8, LUK + 6, AGI + 4, ATK/MATK + 24

The ATK/MATK and FLEE bonuses are absolute values, and are not to be confused with % increases from other items or skills. In the event that the stat bonuses are used with status food, which ever is used last will take effect.

- 可以兑换贪婪卷轴
- Buffs(这个没看明白):全素质+3, ATK/MATK +15
- 可以兑换贪婪卷轴,红药,蓝药
- Buffs:全素质 + 6, ATK/MATK + 24
- 可以兑换贪婪卷轴,红药,蓝药,权威徽章(特等已可用)
- Buffs:
> 一型:全素质 + 6, ATK/MATK + 24
> 二型:STR + 8, AGI +6, DEX +4, ATK + 32, FLEE + 5
> 三型: INT + 8, DEX + 6, VIT + 4, MATK + 40
> 四型: DEX + 8, LUK + 6, AGI + 4, ATK/MATK + 24
作者: 看客    时间: 2007-12-5 23:48

作者: 喵喵の狗狗    时间: 2007-12-5 23:50

作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-5 23:54

The ATK/MATK and FLEE bonuses are absolute values, and are not to be confused with % increases from other items or skills. In the event that the stat bonuses are used with status food, which ever is used last will take effect.


作者: 斑马.熊猫de铠甲    时间: 2007-12-6 00:44

Sakray 测试伺候器

- 改正了各种不同的纪念地牢的问题。
- 在 " 密封的圣地 " 纪念物地牢上改正了期限。
- 用 " 永无止境的塔 " 里面的怪物名字和 npc 名字改正了一些错误纪念物地牢。


战场游戏更新 ," 战场 - 万物灭绝的战争 " 已经是 implimented 。
1) 战场的二类型已经被增加 (Tierra 山谷和 Flavius) 。 Tierra 山谷是一个回合,而且 Frebeus 在第三个是最好的。
2) 比赛是 19 对 19, 和在比赛能开始之前,充足的运动员一定被装配。
3) 在以特定的 NPC 加入你之后将会被搬到一个特别的候补区域,直到比赛准备好。
4) 战场的参与与各种不同的象征一起奖赏,藉由仰赖的被得到的数字,如果你赢得或者失去。 这些象征能为各种不同的酬谢被交换。
5) 当一个运动员死的时候, 有延迟在那一个运动员能再进入比赛之前。
6) 适当地对战场的参与有极限。一经你报名一个战场,在你能报名另外的一个比赛延迟的 30 分钟之前有效。
7) 一些技术限制为战场存在。

  * Flavius 战场
  一。 胜利被藉由破坏那反对队水晶获得。
   b。 在水晶能被攻击之前,给每个队的水晶被一定被击败的一个监护人的保护。
   c。 当水晶被破坏的时候,你得到点。 如果你获得二点,你的队伍获胜。

  * Tierra 山谷战场
  一。 二个堡垒在地图北面和南面结束被安排。
   b。每个堡垒有一定被保护的一个仓库, 而且藉由破坏那反对联成一组你赢得比赛的商店。
   c。 在地图的中心有一个第三个基础点。 如果你的队占领这点, 你将会能够在这里生产而非更远的支缓。
   d。 有被路障阻塞的一系列的后面路径。 藉由破坏你能得到一个利益的这些路障, 因此确定防护这些点。

- 世界地图系统已经被增加。
1) 捷径钥匙是 Ctrl+.(1 钥匙的左边在大多数的键盘上)
2) 你能藉由按下那一张地图看 minimap 。
3) 党员在地图上被指出,而且你能藉由光标在那一张地图之上看清你的名字。 党员也在那地图 minimap 上出现。
4) 你也能在游戏世界里面看到你自己的位置。

- 用被设定的十字军战士改正了一个虫。


- 改正了太作为组的老板怪物卵时代的不一致提高的。
- 悲哀:SE 事件已经结束。
- 用地图和 minimap 展览改正了一些错误。
- 改正了一些新表情符号的速度。
- 改变了从城堡宝物盒子得到的项目。
- 用悲哀改正了一个议题:SE 路障。
- 为来自代表性的 npc 的高级的 netcafe 服务更新了选项。

  1) 银
 - 贪欲卷桥可用来购买
 - 擦光轮: 所有的状态 +3, ATK/MATK+15

  2) 黄金
 - 贪欲卷桥,红色的药和蓝色的药是可得的。
 - 擦光轮: 所有的状态 +6, ATK/MATK+24

  3) 特别的 (黄金 + 额外之物)
 - 贪欲卷动, 红色的药,蓝色的药和 authorative 徽章 (特别的是可得的。
 - 擦光轮:
> 打字 1: 所有的状态 +6, ATK/MATK+24
> 打字 2: STR+8 , AGI+6 , DEX+4, ATK+32,逃走 +5
> 打字 3: INT+8 , DEX+6 , VIT+4, MATK+40
> 打字 4: DEX+8 , LUK+6 , AGI+4, ATK/MATK+24

ATK/MATK 而且逃走奖金是绝对值, 和是不要再感到困扰 百分比来自其他的项目或技术的增加。 在事件中静奖金被状态食物用, 这曾经在最后被用将会奏效。


[ 本帖最后由 斑马.熊猫de铠甲 于 2007-12-6 02:03 编辑 ]
作者: 斑马.熊猫de铠甲    时间: 2007-12-6 01:09

十二月 5 日,2007 清单数据,

-- 纪念物 deonjeon 错误被修正。
-- 纪念物灰尘 [封闭寺庙的大使和期限已经被改正。
-- 纪念物灰尘 [Rath 转了塔] npc 名字和内在怪物的名字已经被改正。
-- 现在指挥怪物率在 NL 应用的反常长的时间站它已经被修正。
-- 更新需求 SE 事件将会被结束。
-- 一些地图 , 和 minimap 的失败修正。
-- 个人计算机在 NPC peubeobangsipi 酬劳期间住宿高级的服务将会改变。
(除了现有的计划之外, 精液没有送帐单另外的利益而且存取到金色的个人计算机房间.)

1) 镀以银
-- 贪欲卷桥的售卖
-- 发展: 所有的状态 +3, ATK/ MATK+15

2) 黄金
-- 贪欲卷桥, daehwandan, 售卖 taecheongdan
-- 发展: 所有的状态 +6, ATK/ MATK+24

3) 特别的 (黄金 + Cum)
-- 贪欲卷桥, daehwandan , taecheongdan, 马售卖
-- 发展: 所有的状态 +6, ATK/ MATK+24
STR+8 , AGI+6 , DEX+4, ATK+32, 逃走 +5
INT+8 , DEX+6 , VIT+4, MATK+40
DEX+8 , LUK+6 , AGI+4, ATK/ MATK+24/ 标签 1

* 在 suchijung ATK/MATK 上面, 逃走增加绝对的期限和其他消费者项目的效果
(% 那些数字的增加, 不充足的增加)

-- 增加新的表情符号率被修正。
-- 住在宝物盒子项目被改变。
-- SE 讲错误的纯度检验证明, 刺激一些修正。

作者: 全服我最乖    时间: 2007-12-6 01:10

2) 比赛是 19 相对 19, 和在比赛能开始之前,充足的运动员一定被装配

5) 当一个运动员死的时候, 有延迟在那一个运动员能再进入比赛之前


作者: 芥末土司    时间: 2007-12-6 01:11

作者: 斑马.熊猫de铠甲    时间: 2007-12-6 01:17

原帖由 芥末土司 于 2007-12-6 01:11 发表

作者: 7314    时间: 2007-12-6 02:21

作者: 小福    时间: 2007-12-6 07:38



-メモリアルダンジョン [封印の神殿]の台詞と時間制限が修正されました.
-メモリアルダンジョン [エンドルレスタワー]の内部モンスター名前と npcの名前が修正されました.


-戦場システム "Battle Field - The War of Ragnarok" がアップデートになります.
更新了战场系统"Battle Field - The War of Ragnarok"

-功城 SE アップデートイベントが終わります.
-ネットカフェプレミアムサービスの中でプボバングシピ NPCの補償が変更されます.

[ 本帖最后由 小福 于 2007-12-6 07:55 编辑 ]
作者: ☆.①個朲蓅蒗    时间: 2007-12-6 08:07

作者: bismarck    时间: 2007-12-6 08:27

原帖由 喵喵の狗狗 于 2007-12-5 23:50 发表

作者: 柠檬果果    时间: 2007-12-6 08:40

作者: 柠檬果果    时间: 2007-12-6 08:42

INT+8 , DEX+6 , VIT+4, MATK+40
DEX+8 , LUK+6 , AGI+4, ATK/ MATK+24

作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-6 09:02

原帖由 柠檬果果 于 2007-12-6 08:40 发表



作者: bismarck    时间: 2007-12-6 09:02

作者: bismarck    时间: 2007-12-6 09:03

作者: natineprince    时间: 2007-12-6 09:09

原帖由 <i>斑马.熊猫de铠甲</i> 于 2007-12-6 01:09 发表 <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {;}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
十二月 5 日,2007 清单数据,<br />
<br />
-- 纪念物 deonjeon 错误被修正。 <br />
-- 纪念物灰尘 [封闭寺庙的大使和期限已经被改正。 <br />
-- 纪念物灰尘 [Rath 转了塔] npc 名字和内在怪物的名字已经被改正。 <br />
-- 现在指挥怪物 ...
<br />


作者: bismarck    时间: 2007-12-6 09:15

原帖由 natineprince 于 2007-12-6 09:09 发表



2."十字军设置"应该是" ...



作者: rex0932    时间: 2007-12-6 09:53

全民大战场?= =跟WOW似的...
作者: 斑马.熊猫de铠甲    时间: 2007-12-6 11:23

原帖由 natineprince 于 2007-12-6 09:09 发表



2."十字军设置"应该是" ...

作者: zfzfzfzfz    时间: 2007-12-6 12:11


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