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标题: The Mummers' Dance [艺者之舞]--致美的女声 [打印本页]

作者: 啦啦果冻飞    时间: 2005-10-24 11:13     标题: The Mummers' Dance [艺者之舞]--致美的女声

The Mummers' Dance [艺者之舞]--致美的女声

来自专辑《The Book Of Secrets》神秘的书

  这首词描写的是春季Stratford 的一个夜晚,婆娑的树叶衬托蓝色的天空,随着风而摇摆的树枝条,好像是一群人在默默的不停的舞蹈。穿着红舞鞋,这舞蹈永不能停下,在所有的白日与黑夜,从每一个春天与秋天,自过去到今天到明日。 黄色的酢浆草花在荒野上沸腾,风笛穿行,鼓声从未停息,这节奏没有止境。在游吟诗人缓长的吟唱中,长发飞扬,舞步滑移,前一步,后一步,命运从脚下延伸。啊,谁能解释这神圣与荒唐的距离,赞美与呻吟里,火光扑朔迷离,目光起伏于尘埃之间,随着天地之声飞旋,掠过了地狱的火焰,触摸到天堂的羽翼。月神同日神交替乾坤,新发的绿叶还未从眼中凋落,白雪便覆盖了眉目,生同死,足尖踩乱了所有谜面与答案。 从平原到高山,从沼泽到荒漠,穿越黑暗,穿越光明,仿佛逃离,仿佛沉溺,金丝缎带装饰着岁月,青春在裙袂上流淌,原来,还是从终点踏回原点。 瞬间与永恒,摇摆里,拾取时光之河的波浪,缀上花冠,上一支舞与这一舞间,能否听到花朵开落的声音? 永不能停止,这是唯一的武器,灵魂只为舞蹈存在。这是艺者之舞,这是命运之舞。或者兴致盎然,或者意兴阑珊。


     <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>[shadow=gray]The mummers'dance [/shadow]</span>

  when in the springtime of the year
  when the trees are crowned with leaves
  when the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
  are dressed in ribbons fair
  when owls call the breathless moon
  in the blue veil of the night
  the shadows of the trees appear
  amidst the lantern light
  we‘ve been rambling all the night
  and some time of this day
  now returning back again
  we bring a garland gay
  who will go down to those shady groves
  and summon the shadows there
  and tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms
  in the springtime of the year
  the songs of birds seem to fill the wood
  that when the fiddler plays
  all their voices can be heard
  long past their woodland days
  we‘ve been rambling all the night
  and some time of this day
  now returning back again
  we bring a garland gay
  and so they linked their hands and danced
  round in circles and in rows
  and so the journey of the night descends
  when all the shades are gone
  "a garland gay we bring you here
  and at your door we stand
  it is a sprout well budded out
  the work of our lord‘s hand"
  we‘ve been rambling all the night
  and some time of this day
  now returning back again
  we bring a garland gay
  we‘ve been rambling all the night
  and some time of this day
  now returning back again
  we bring a garland gay
作者: 非常    时间: 2005-10-24 12:31

作者: 啦啦果冻飞    时间: 2005-10-24 16:53

每次听这首歌 心情总是不一样
作者: tomohisa    时间: 2005-10-25 00:33

作者: viva ww    时间: 2005-10-25 01:35

作者: 开心布丁    时间: 2005-10-25 08:29

作者: woshis    时间: 2005-10-25 14:32

作者: 啦啦果冻飞    时间: 2005-10-26 01:35

晚上见到周杰伦有点小丑 周华健耍大牌被人用充气棍追着打...蔡依琳化妆很

浓..人太丑...小猪张的实在是太帅了....朋友还说徐怀钰跳舞很像芙蓉姐姐 偶一

作者: 1899acm    时间: 2005-10-26 12:45

啦啦果冻飞,2005-10-26, 01:35:58
晚上见到周杰伦有点小丑 周华健耍大牌被人用充气棍追着打...蔡依琳化妆很

浓..人太丑...小猪张的实在是太帅了....朋友还说徐怀钰跳舞很像芙蓉姐姐 偶一


作者: 啦啦果冻飞    时间: 2005-10-31 10:32

与其说喜欢这歌 还不如说喜欢这个天籁之音
作者: 啦啦果冻飞    时间: 2005-11-2 14:22

作者: bigsheep    时间: 2005-11-2 19:59

作者: bigsheep    时间: 2005-11-2 20:06


作者: 鸵鸟快跑    时间: 2005-11-2 20:20

作者: 鸵鸟快跑    时间: 2005-11-2 20:54

作者: zard    时间: 2005-11-5 15:00

鸵鸟快跑,2005-11-02, 20:20:37
要下载的话.右击 另存为..
作者: ☆蓓儿☆    时间: 2005-11-8 20:32

作者: 啦啦果冻飞    时间: 2005-11-9 15:43

作者: 情过语菲    时间: 2005-11-11 14:15

作者: 十一月    时间: 2005-11-14 14:37

作者: 啦啦果冻飞    时间: 2005-11-16 09:02


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