$this->key['Validation-code'] = $this->decrypt (preg_replace ('/\\<\\?\'(.+)\'\\?\\>/', '\\1', $string), 'I love my father, mother, my Grace, and my self, I am working hard', '##@Crossday Studio@##');
if ((($init == 2) OR ((((($init == 1) AND $this->checkinfo ()) AND $this->checkdate ()) AND $this->checkkey ()) AND $this->checkhostpath ())))
<br><b style="font-size: 20px">Your License was Invalid</b>
<br><br>License expiring, shifting to a new server, changing server IP, hardware, OS, PHP SAPI module, or, changing both host name and absolute directory on your disk, may invalidate your license. If you have trouble in activation, please visit <a href="[url]http://www.discuz.com/license/[/url]" target="_blank">';
echo '[url]http://www.discuz.com/license/</a>[/url] for more information.
<br><br>您的密匙不存在、超过有效期、更换新的服务器空间、更改 IP 地址、硬件、操作系统、PHP 安装模&';