And Aubrey was her name,
A not so very ordinary girl or name.
But who's to blame?
For a love that wouldn't bloom
For the hearts that never played in tune.
Like a lovely melody that everyone can sing,
Take away the words that rhyme it doesn't mean a thing.
And Aubrey was her name.
We tripped the light and danced together to the moon,
But where was June.
No it never came around.
If it did it never made a sound,
Maybe I was absent or was listening to fast,
Catching all the words, but then the meaning going past,
But God I miss the girl,
And I'd go a thousand times around the world just to be
Closer to her than to me.
And Aubrey was her name,
I never knew her, but I loved her just the same,
I loved her name.
Wish that I had found the way
And the reasons that would make her stay.
I have learned to lead a life apart from all the rest.
If I can't have the one I want, I'll do without the best.
在世界各地的吉普赛乐团中,Fanfare Ciocarlia可说是音乐最绚烂的一支了,他们令人“耳”旋神迷的旋律以及即兴、快速的演奏、纷繁多姿的节拍,一直赢得了世界各地乐迷的喜爱。
Fanfare Ciocarlia,是一支来自罗马尼亚东部Zece Prajini村的12人铜管乐团,这个小山村有平缓的山脉环绕和尘土飞扬的小径,这里在罗马尼亚一直以其崎岖、封闭的环境和当地人们书写的坚强的诗歌而著称
1998年,他们的专辑《Radio Pa_cani 》大获成功后,他们从罗马尼亚小小的吉普赛村庄Zece Praijini走向了国外更大的音乐舞台,他们在世界各地巡回演出,足迹踏遍了每一个国家
ma maren ma
Keren Ann
简 介
KerenAnn对于法国流行乐的钟情也源于她的经历以及合作的音乐人。1974年,她出生于以色列,从小学吉他时就开始扒JoniMitchell的曲子,11岁举家迁往巴黎后竟然得到了JoniMitchell的赏识而结识了著名制作人BenjaminBiolay,后者的古典音乐背景为她的作品带来更丰富的编配层次。2000年KerenAnn的首张专辑《La Biographie De LukaPhilipsen》融入了俄国文学、犹太民谣和法国诗歌,并以Trip-Hop、民谣及法国流行乐的融合形式现身,一举在欧洲赢得巨大成功。一曲《Jardind"Hiver》更是惊动了80高龄的法国Bossa Nova鼻祖HenriSalvador。