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标题: 所以说,不要得罪女人……会悲剧的……(很黄很暴力) [打印本页]

作者: 拿黄瓜敲桌子    时间: 2010-5-4 13:28     标题: 所以说,不要得罪女人……会悲剧的……(很黄很暴力)

man suffered critical injuries to his manhood after his girlfriend sabotaged his favorite Dutch wife, stuffing it full of sharp glass wool; when he engaged in a session of onanism, he inserted himself into the lacerating confines of the trapped ona-hole with disastrous results.

The penile punishment was apparently in revenge for his infidelity.

Andrei (28) and Anna (26) had met in a Moscow night club and were soon living together. After nearly a year, Anna discovered that her boyfriend was romantically involved with another woman.

Determined to teach her straying boyfriend a lesson he would not soon forget, Anna stuffed a piece of glass wool into her boyfriend’s latex penis extender. When she removed it, thousands of small glass particles remained within the cavity of the soft toy.

According to one of the doctors, “He probably did not feel the pain at first, just some itching. But it got worse when the glass reached his urethra.”

Andrei reportedly endured the excruciating wounds for several days without seeking medical attention, but when his penis finally became inflamed, rendering him incapable of so much as sitting or standing, he finally called for an ambulance.

At the hospital, doctors removed glass particles from the lacerated member; he appears to have narrowly avoided the need for amputation, as his many micro-wounds were on the verge of becoming septic.

We do not hear what his reaction to this punishment was. Police do not appear to have become involved.

Whatever the case, he is unlikely to be involved in any more unfaithful sex for some time, or for that matter be having any sex at all, onanistic or otherwise…

Via Mosnews (article dated 30th of March).
作者: 拿黄瓜敲桌子    时间: 2010-5-4 13:29

关键字:撸管子 JJ 成天跳票的暴雪 医院
作者: 拿黄瓜敲桌子    时间: 2010-5-4 13:32     标题: 赠品:讲述一个台湾男人,在睡觉时,他的JJ被蛇先缠后咬再吞(好像有吧)的餐具

A man peacefully relieving himself was shocked to find his most intimate part the subject of an ophidian assault, when a serpent either unexpectedly took fright at his dangling member, or else spied a tasty morsel.

The man (51) went to relieve himself on the toilet of his Taiwan home. After he had sat down, he suddenly felt a sharp pain, as though he had been cut with a blade.

Shocked by the intense pain, he stood up instinctively, and looking down was shocked to see a large snake hanging off his penis, its fangs sunk firmly home. Its persistence possibly suggests it had indeed mistaken his member for a small rodent, as otherwise it might be expected to flee immediately…

He soon went to the hospital, and fortunately his injuries were light and the snake non-venomous, though doctors harbour concerns of infection: “The inside of a snake’s mouth is none too hygienic, but once we’ve confirmed there is no infection he can go home.”

What happened to the optimistic snake is not recorded.

Taiwan is a tropical place, and snakes frequently enter homes. However, the standards of hygiene are high, and toilets are typically properly plumbed, so it seems possible this interloper borrowed the toilet for use as a lair, rather than entered the domicile from it.
作者: 风间云落    时间: 2010-5-4 14:38

作者: 星猪    时间: 2010-5-4 15:12

原帖由 风间云落 于 2010-5-4 14:38 发表

作者: 々风妖々    时间: 2010-5-4 15:13

罹患对他的成年的紧要关头的伤害的男人在他的女朋友之后从事破坏活动他的喜爱竹夫人, 填塞物它充满的高调玻璃羊毛; 当他忙碌的在 onanism 的会议中, 他插入他自己进入了划破疆界那陷入困境的 ona-洞与损失惨重的结果。


Andrei(28) 和安娜 (26) 有见面在莫斯科夜晚俱乐部中而且很快生活一起。 在将近之后一年, 安娜发现她男朋友浪漫地对另外的一个女人感到有关的。

坚决的教迷路他不很快忘记的男朋友一门课的她,装填一个玻璃羊毛的安娜进入她男朋友的乳液阳物扩充。 当她离开的它, 数以千计的小的玻璃粒子保持在洞里面那软的玩具。

依照医生之一, "他起先或许没有感觉痛苦, 正直的一些渴望的。 但是当玻璃到达了他的尿道的时候,它变得更坏地了。”

Andrei 根据传说忍耐那极度的创伤好几天不寻求医生注意, 但是当他的阳物最后变成了激怒, 翻译他无能力的如此更加同样就坐或持续, 他最后呼叫为一辆救护车。

在医院, 医生离开的玻璃粒子从那划破了成员;他似乎有被狭窄避免的对切断的需要, 当做他的多数微-创伤濒临变成导致败血。

我们没听到他对这处罚的反应是什么。 JC似乎不有变成有关的。

任何的情形, 他不可能参与任何的比较不诚实的性别一些时间, 或就那件事而论有任何的性别全然, onanistic 或…

经由 Mosnews.(文章有日期的三月中的第 30)

作者: [無意義]、    时间: 2010-5-4 17:11

作者: linjinghui    时间: 2010-5-4 17:15

作者: ロ圭o乐ル?    时间: 2010-5-4 17:21

原帖由 风间云落 于 2010-5-4 14:38 发表

作者: 287386982    时间: 2010-5-4 20:49

作者: theodore    时间: 2010-5-4 21:24

作者: fath36    时间: 2010-5-4 23:33

作者: βāъуFαсe    时间: 2010-5-4 23:41


作者: 阿米巴巴    时间: 2010-5-4 23:46

原帖由 风间云落 于 2010-5-4 14:38 发表

作者: 蔚蓝De痕    时间: 2010-5-5 08:52

作者: wcw506    时间: 2010-5-5 09:10

我了个大草翻译成中文跟糊涂了 金山受死吧
作者: amoya    时间: 2010-5-5 10:56

作者: 天神    时间: 2010-5-5 12:08

作者: 水无月玛雅    时间: 2010-5-5 12:11 ... ;sl=en&tl=zh-CN

作者: cq576084    时间: 2010-5-5 14:01

作者: βāъуFαсe    时间: 2010-5-5 14:21

原帖由 cq576084 于 2010-5-5 14:01 发表


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