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- 2010-8-22
1. 实质上 inessence
2. 借酒消愁 drown one’s sorrows
3. 与某人有共同语言 have sth in common with sb
4. 成功地 with flying colors
5. 被某人碰到 come one’s way
6. 彻底改造自己 reinvent oneself
7. 实现梦想 fulfill one’s dream
8. 对某人产生坏影响 catch up with sb
9. 取得成功 achieve success
10. 一开始 out of the gate
11. 缩减 narrow something down
12. 急需某物 die for something
13. 为成功而奋斗 strive for success
14. 平常事 daily happenings
15. 流行音乐排行榜冠军 Number one hit on the pop chart
16. 有多种形式 come in many forms
17. Following Marie’s death,which Bernie felt brought about from worry about the store,he lost interest in everything
18. 伯尼觉得玛丽是因为太为店铺操心而过世的,此后他百无聊赖
19. She suggested to Bernie that they make a garden in the big space beside the store,which they had once thought would become a parking lot,and sell the produce really cheap in the store
20. 他向伯尼建议在商店的后面大块空地上弄一个园地。那片地他们原来是想做停车场的。这样就可以在店里卖真正很便宜的农产品。
21. I have given it much thought,and since my parents have passed and my sister married well,there is no one I want to leave it to,or who deserves it more
22. 我想了很久了。自从父母过世,我妹妹也嫁得不错,我也不想把这个店留给别人,你说谁能比你更应该得到这个店?
23. She sat down at bernie’s big desk and thought to herself,who would ever imagine a jewish man,a part Indian girl and a few seeds would have survived the worst this country could throw at them and come out on top
24. 她坐在伯尼的大桌子旁,想着。谁会料到一个犹太人,一个有一半印第安人血统的姑娘和几粒种子竟然能让他们度过这个国家砸向他们最坏的经济危机,并且还能出人头地?
25. As a result,we remove ourselves from many learning experiences except for those occurring in the most privare of circumstances
26. 结果是我们除了个人独处时敢于尝试外,在公共场合因为害怕失败而自我封闭,丧失了许多学习机会
27. Too great an adherence to the belief “to err is wrong”,however,can greatly undermine your attempts to generate new ideas
28. 但是固守“犯错不好”新年会让你畏缩不前,不会去另辟新径
29. But if you were to break a leg,you would immediately notice all of the things you could no longer do,but which you used to take for granted
30. 但假如你的一条腿断了,你会立即注意到所有以前对你来说是习以为常的事情现在都坐不了了
31. Thus,errors,at the very least,are a sign that we are diverging from the main road and trying different approaches
32. 所以错误至少表明我们不入俗套,正在尝试不同途径
36. Work,in this small mid western community,was almost as slow as his beat-up Pontiac,but he never quit looking
37. 在中西部这个小社区,工作清淡的几乎就像他那辆破旧的庞蒂亚克车慢悠悠的,可是他从没放弃过寻找
38. She had already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped
39. 她已经想象了所有一切可能发生的可怕事情,假如他要是没有停下他车的话
40. Joe never thought twice about the money,This was not a job to him
41. 乔从没仔细考虑过钱的问题,因为这对他来说并不是干活
42. She went in to grab a bit to eat,and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home
43. 她进去赶着吃口东西,暖暖身,然后再开完回家的最后一段路程
44. The handsome, well-educated man who came by the office where she worked looked like a good bet
45. 这位顺道到他工作办公室来的英俊,受过良好教育的男子看上去是个挺不错的选择
46. It wasn’t the happiest marriage,but as their 60th anniversary approached,my sister and I decided to throw a party
47. 虽然他们的婚姻算不上是最幸福的,可是在他们结婚60周年纪念日来临时,我和妹妹还是决定他给他们举行一个聚会
48. Added to the frequent house-wide hunts for glasses and car keys were the groceries left behind on the counter,notices of bills left unpaid
49. 他们除了经常满屋里找眼镜,找车钥匙,他们还把买的食品杂货忘在了柜台上,一张张账单忘了去付
50. Sharing being unthinkable,they’d devised financial arrangements so elaborate they could trigger war at any time
51. 由于钱财共享他们觉得是绝对无法想象的,他们想出的钱财管理办法非常复杂,随时都可能引发战争
52. Determined to be a stay-at-home mom,I began to make my living as a home-based publicist and freelance writer
53. 决心要做一个居家照顾孩子的妈妈,我开始在家靠从事写广告和自由撰稿谋生
54. Being on the internet allowed me this valuable flexibility that I other wise never would have had
55. 在互联网上工作使得我有了这种宝贵的灵活性,我要是从事其他工作就根本不可能有这种灵活性了
56. Instead of standing in line at OfficeMax to make copies or wait for faxes,everything I needed was neatly tucked into my home office computer
57. 我不必再站在麦克斯办公用品公司前排队复印或等待传真,我所需要的每样东西都整齐的放进我的家庭办公电脑里了
58. I simply e-mailed interview questions to people from all over the globe, and they liked the fact that this allowed them to think about their answers more carefully and saved them from being misquoted
59. 我只要用电子邮件把采访的问题发给全世界各地的人,他们很喜欢这种方式,这使得他们能仔细的考虑自己的回答,免得自己的话被误引 |