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- 注册时间
- 2010-8-22
1) He was loud and self-confident,but he had a right to be:he had a knack for directing people (擅长于指挥人 have a knack for)
2) He spared no efforts in those years befor he finally came out on top and became the boss of the company (最终出人头地,做了公司的老板 come out on top)
3) Her loving care of her sick husband is starting to take effect and is actually beginning to pay off (事实上开始有回报了 pay off)
4) While the average family pays nearly 2000a year in interest on debts, we run our household budgets in the black (我们经营家庭预算还有盈余 in the black)for the firsr time since the mid-eighties
5) In order to increase sales under the current economic situation,the company was forced to extend credit to these customers (被迫同意让这些顾客赊账 extend credit)
6) Perhaps Labour was also unable to appeal to many voters (也无法吸引很多选民 appeal to) in an increasingly better-off,more obviously middleclass Britain
7) Remember not to ask the kid to spend too much time on one particular exercise,since boredom can easily set in and have a bad effect on his interest (可以很容易开始,并且对他的兴趣有坏的影响 set in)
8) To our dismay,many of the old buildings which had survived the war (在战争中幸存下来的古老建筑物 survive)were destroyed during the cultural revolution
9) The first thing you want to do is to shut off the water to the house to keep the damage to a minimum (把损失控制在最低限度 to a minimum)
10) This new mobile phone is much less expensive,but it’s worth playing around with just to learn what you can do with it (把玩一番,了解一下它的功能 play around with)
11) As a kid made more than my share of trouble (惹了许多不该惹的麻烦 make one’s share of)for my parents and the neighborhood,and mostly got away with it
12) Generally,people took it for granted that the world was flat (想当然地认为世界是平的 take….for granted)if they lived in the Midwest
13) The repeared failures undermined his self-confidence (削弱了他的自信心 undermine)and struck true terror in his heart
14) I’m not sure what this progam does but the warning keeps popping up (不断跳出来 popo up)while I am running the software
15) During the hearing Wdnesday,jack admitted his financial setbacks,saying that no one bats a thousand (没有人会每次都能得手的 bat a thousand)
16) I have a friend that whenever there’s a good opportunity,he wiil screw it up(总会搞砸 screw up)
17) UK car production is down 60% in the past year – difficult for those who have lost jobs and have families to feed (那些丢了工作又要养家糊口的人 to feed)-but maybe it heralds a less consumerist society
18) I saw this website yesterday,and thought it might come in handy someday (心想说不定哪一天会有用 come in handy)
19) The taxi pulled up in front of the school gate (那辆出租车在校门口停下 pull up)to let a parent out who was collecting a chil from school
20) Some people are so easily led astray and they never think twice about their actions (从没仔细考虑过他们的行为think twice)
21) We cannot thank her enough for her support and encouragement (我们对她的支持和鼓励真是感激不尽 cannot thank someone enough for) and we look forward to working with her in the future
22) Fink has always loved music, but it never occurred to him (可是他从来也没想到 occur) to make a living from it
23) If you look after your reader’s interests, they have a reason to truse you (他们就有理由信任你 reason) and to keep returning to you for advice
24) He promised to pay her back the next week (他答应下星期还钱给他 pay back),but he never appeared
25) There is a well maintained garden separating the house from the factory (把那房子与工厂隔开了 separate)
26) To make matters worse,the couple were having a house built (事情更糟糕的是当时这对夫妇正在建造一栋房子 make matters worse) when their relationship fell apart
27) When I admitted that I had no idea of her plan,she immediately launched into a detailed explanation of what she wanted to do (她立即开始详尽的解释她想做些什么 launch into)
28) I was in a mess and there was no one to help me, so I just had to make the best of it (所以我只好尽力而为 make the best of)
29) This observation triggered further questions (引发了进一步的问题 trigger):why there were so many people living in poverty and what should be done to reduce global poverty
30) Looking at her grandmother’s school records,she said a story began to take shape in her mind (一个故事开始在他脑海中形成了 take shape)
31) Once they have regained their strength (一旦他们恢复自己的体力 regain)they are encouraged to start skills training,including trading and weaving
32) The first job was to clear the house of all the junk that had been stored there over the years (把屋子里存放在那儿多年的废旧杂物清除掉 clear…of)
33) After she gave birth to a healthy baby boy (她生了个健康小男孩 give birth to),who she named Ralph after his father,her husband decided to be a stay-at-home dad
34) The school had its own pub that catered to students (有以学生为服务对象的酒吧 cater to),although it was common for professors to be found there as well
35) If you desire, you can even set up multiple lanuage files for your users to choose from (你甚至能建立多种语言的文档让你的用户选择 set up) in order to accommodare a broader range of visitors
36) Thanks to the internet,and working at home (由于互联网和居家工作 thanks to), you will haveflexible hours to work when you want,how often you want and whatever hours you want
37) We provide a variety of sevices to people on the web who are unable to visit our store in person (我们在网上向那些自己不能亲自来我们商店的客户提供各种服务 a variety of,in person),and look forward to doing business with them in any event
38) Thank you so much for your help and you have my computer repaired,which has saved me from having to buy a new one (使我不必去买一台新的计算机了 save from)
39) First,you have to think about what skills you have and then try to figure out a way to use them in a career that makes you happy ( 努力想出办法在一个令你感到幸福的职业中使用这些技能 figure out)
40) I know I should not be too damning; eBay has enabled me to obtain items I would otherwise never have come across (eBay使我能得到我用其他方式从不会遇见的东西 otherwise) |