Aux grandes âmes, les grands challenges.
Aux grandes âmes, les grands challenges.
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The scent of a woman was not mine...
Welcome home darling. Did you miss me? Wish to dwell in dear love? Touch my milklike skin. Feel the ocean. Lick my deepest. Hear the starry choir. Rip off this lace. That keeps me imprisoned. But beware of the enchantment. For my eroticism is oblivion. Old love lies deep you said. Deeper shall be the wound between your legs...... |
那存在的都是幻影,那永恒的终将毁灭,世界万物缤纷色彩,都是被蒙蔽的人心 冷目旁观只眼世界,热胆衷肠全心道义,或曰此看客之谓也,吾嘉之而深以为然 |
空之境界两仪式又讲:“只要系活着嘅也,就算系神,我都可以杀比你睇!”~~~~~~~ XXXX XXXXX又发言:“一直以为系神眷顾嘅细佬,但发现自己只不过系一只复仇噶恶魔!~~~~~~~ 嗨!衣家D细佬都唔知谂乜!~~~~~~~~~ |