The Force can enhance natural physical and mental abilities, including strength and accuracy.
A number of other force powers are demonstrated in the film series including telekinesis, telepathy, hypnosis, enhanced empathy, and precognition.
ForceMaster 是 The Master of The New Magic Skills 大家都没意见吧
BladeMaster 是 The Master of The Blade Skills 大家也都没意见吧 既然这样我们还纠结个啥
BladeMaster 身为 Swordman 的高阶职业,有翻成大剑师的,有剑圣等等
ForceMaster 身为 Wizard 的高阶职业,干嘛不简单的翻译成大魔导等
原帖由 yukichan 于 2010-8-11 11:27 发表
ForceMaster 是 The Master of The New Magic Skills 大家都没意见吧
BladeMaster 是 The Master of The Blade Skills 大家也都没意见吧 既然这样我们还纠结个啥
BladeMaster 身为 Swordman 的高阶 ...