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[更新MP3下载地址]Dolores Oriordan(The Cranberries前女主唱)-Ordinary

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This is just an ordinary day 这只是平凡的一天
Wipe the insecurities away 却带走所有的不安
I can see that the darkness will erode 我看见黑暗正逐渐消蚀 
Looking out the corner of my eye 惊鸿一瞥,照影而死
I can see that the sunshine will explode 我看见阳光在四周散射
Far across the desert in the sky 穿越天空中无际的荒漠 
Beautiful girl 美丽姑娘

Won't you be my inspiration? 我的灵感就是你 '
Beautiful girl 美丽姑娘

Don't you throw your love around 渴望得到你的爱恋
What in the world, what in the world 人世间,人世间
Could ever come between us? 什么都不能将我们分开
Beautiful girl, beautiful girl 美丽姑娘,美丽姑娘 
I'll never let you down 我决不让你失望  
Won't let you down 不让你失望
This is the beginning of your day 这是你一天的开始

Life is more intricate than it seems 生活道路总是看似简单
Always be yourself along the way 沿途还自己一个真实
Living through the spirit of your dreams 才能攀越梦想之巅 

Beautiful girl 美丽姑娘 
Won’t you be my inspiration? 我的灵感就是你 
Beautiful girl 美丽姑娘

Don't you throw your love around 渴望得到你的爱恋 
What in the world, what in the world 人世间,人世间
Could ever come between us? 什么都不能将我们分开 
Beautiful girl, beautiful girl 美丽姑娘,美丽姑娘
I'll never let you down 我决不让你失望 
Won't let you down 不让你失望
Down, down... 啦~~~

[Z]Artiest:Dolores O'Riordan
Album:Are You Listening
Release date:April 07.2007
Lable: Sequel Records

The Cranberries前女主唱Dolores O'Riordan单飞后的第一张专集,看到新专集封面的时候我大吃一惊,这个很正装的女性让我看了很久才找到当初那个仰头闭眼唱歌很酷的影子.也许时间和一些事情能大大改变一个人.但在Dolores O'Riordan身上,形象变了,成熟了许多,嗓音依然那么动听,演唱方式虽然改变了一点,但成熟与情感的表达更加完美.我的很多朋友都和我一样很怀念The Cranberries,但我相信听完这盘专集后,都会和我一样,对The Cranberries那份情感会转移到Dolores O'Riordan.

    可以说这盘专集大部分工作都是由Dolores O'Riordan独立完成,整盘专集并没有特别好听的曲目.但从点击PLAY那一刻,思绪就随着音符和Dolores O'Riordan的嗓音逐渐思绪联翩.细细品位专集,你会找到更多新的东西!绝对是一盘非常耐听的好专集!


01. ordinary Day      

02. When We Were Young
03. In The Garden
04. Human Spirit
05. Loser
06. Stay With Me
07. Apple Of My Eye
08. Black Widow
09. October
10. Accept Things
11. Angel Fire
12. Ecstasy


[ 本帖最后由 番茄蛋汤 于 2007-9-18 16:55 编辑 ]






