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睡觉前听的歌 We Are One -Kelly Sweet

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超好听 天天听

来自英国的kelly sweet有着一副甜蜜感性的歌喉。专辑中也适当的添入了不少爵士和古典的气息。所以意味着这并不是一张传统的流行乐专辑。因此,WE ARE ONE 给人一种在当今流行乐坛那种少见的深度,亲和力和高雅。美妙的“Giorno Dopo Giorno”(意大利语:“日复一日”)中,思威特那颤抖的高音,伴随着让人陶醉的管弦乐,带给听众一种通常只能在世界上最好的歌剧院才能够感受到的快感。Sweet说,“这首歌本来是用英语创作的,歌名是‘我能相信谁?’我们认为这首歌的主旋律太过于欧化,跟歌词的搭配不是很好,后来我们请来了曾经为Josh Groban 写过意大利歌词的Marco Marinangelli,将这首歌译成意大利语,歌词出来的感觉太美了。” Sweet说,她总是能够被这种语言的美丽的发音深深的吸引,但这些都并非是英语所能及的。她还说到,“我是在11岁的时候开始接受正规的训练,而且那个时候我开始用其它语种唱歌,因此它们对我来说总是那么容易。”然而,WE ARE ONE是一次宝贵的音乐经历--是一种用它的美丽,优雅,个性和勇气所诠释出的一种情感旅程,深深地触碰着所有年龄阶段的听众。也许称Sweet勇敢是夸大了原本一件非常简单的事情。她说:“音乐并不是关于我个人的,而是我们所有人心灵的真实写照,我很荣幸能够用自己的声音将这些美好的事物传达给全世界。

We Are One
didn't need to ask
don't know the reason
everything that i believe
is right here
not thinkin' bout tomorrow
couldn't catch it if i tried
world is spinning too fast
so i'll wait 'til it comes to me
i am you
you are me
we are one
take me in your arms
and flow through me
i'll flow through you
steal my breath away
cause i'm so moved by you
deeper than i ever thought
was possible, was possible, it's everyth
ing, oh
difference between me and you
it's all in where your heart lies
and every day's another chance
so let's get it right
i am you
you are me
we are one
take me in your arms
and flow through me
i'll flow through you
did you lose yourself out there
did you lose faith and give up

个人觉得他的JE T'AIME那首也很好听

