Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do.
任何人都可以放弃,放弃是世界上最容易的事。 But to hold it together when everyone else wouldunderstand if you fell apart, 但是当其他人都觉得你崩溃是理所当然时候你依然顽强不屈, that's true strength. 那才是真正的强者。 |
渣渣!你们信誓旦旦的表忠心,却连工会激活码都不找喧哗要。 将功补过,快一人激活5个帐号先。哪个渣渣能够立下首功,就将得到yaloo的青睐。
Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do.
任何人都可以放弃,放弃是世界上最容易的事。 But to hold it together when everyone else wouldunderstand if you fell apart, 但是当其他人都觉得你崩溃是理所当然时候你依然顽强不屈, that's true strength. 那才是真正的强者。 |